Cavitation Water Jet Peening Technology
A shotless, high-pressure water jet technology that improves compressive stress and fatigue life of metal

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What is CWJP?
How CWJP Works

Cavitation is generated by high-pressure water jets underwater with a special cavitation-accelerating nozzle. When the bubbles collapse near the workpiece, peening effects are achieved with GPa-class impact.
Processing Examples
Prevention of stress corrosion cracking of welds in structures.
Improve compressive stress of aerospace parts, molding parts, additive manufacturing parts, automotive parts, etc.
� Treatment Depth Surpasses Shot Peening
Possible to apply compressive stress nearly 1 mm deep from the surface.
Possible to apply nearly �mm deep
Improve fatigue strength and long service life
Possible to improve fatigue strength and fatigue life.
Repeated �� times, Stress Amplitudes UP ��%
� Clean Manufacturing Process
Only requires water. Shotless and no need of washing process. Clean and time effective.
Water Jet Peening
Water Jet Peening
Shot Peening
Processing Change Program
� Does not alter toughness
CWJP processing technology can remove poorly melted powder left behind in additive manufacturing.

The structure is refined and densified by CWJP and hardness is improved while maintaining the original toughness (tenacity) of the material. It is also possible to crush micro cracks in the surface layer.
Before Processing Shot Peening

� Micro Dimples Formed on the Surface
Micro dimples become oil pockets and improve sliding.