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Making the Decision

We understand that you are in the midst of making important choices in your life. The school you choose, the path you walk, the focus that you place on this moment will change your life and shape your future.

We know that we are one of dozens of opportunities and options before you for a promising future. We care as much about you as you do about this moment in your life.

At Northern we take pride in providing the highest quality education in a tight knit environment that promotes success through support. This mantra and focus on student centric, experiential learning has lead our graduates to an impressive 90 per cent employment rate after graduation. So as you work your way through this beautiful moment in your life, remember that we’re here for you every step of the way. Our path combined with your focus will lead to a successful career and life after graduation.


Police Foundations, Class of 2018

“At Northern, since it is small, you kind of get that family connection with the professors, and then with your classmates, you get to know them on a personal level and yet professionally. “


We know your studies come first – they are the reason you’re considering Northern College and we’re here to put you first. We offer the latest in educational technology and learning practices for both distance and in classroom learners, placing heavy focus on hands-on teaching techniques that best prepare you for your chosen field. Our tight knit campuses offer a warm and inclusive learning experience that provides close relationships with our faculty, your peers and our college support staff, greatly increasing the likelihood of your success.