Maroon & Blue Community News Summer 2024

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& community news
Summer 2024 | Vol 11 No 1
Maroon Blue


At the Class of 2023 Academic Assembly, David Bourne (Class of 1998), son of the esteemed late Dr Jennifer Anne Bourne (aka Jennie), delivered an inspiring address on the legacy of St Michael’s College. His words moved the community, demonstrating the unique qualities that make St Michael’s College a special place.

I realised something significant in this week, and I’m going to indulge myself a little, because its 25 years ago this year that my journey as a student at St Michael’s College came to an end. My St Michael’s journey however, never stopped marching on.

Now my son attends St Michael’s and completes his Year 3 studies in the same classroom where Mr Schwidder taught me English in Year 8, but it’s not just the next generation that ties me to St Michael’s. Its everything about this place.

So, I want to talk a bit about Legacy. It was with two responsorial phrases spoken at the conclusion of the opening prayer during the parent welcoming evening when my son started reception that instantly identified every St Michael’s Old Scholar in the room:

“St John Baptist de La Salle.” “Pray for us.”

“Live Jesus in our Hearts.” “Forever.”

Some of the responses, much like today, were mumbled, some spoken clear, but they came, flowing automatically from our mouths, just like we never left.

It is the values instilled in me by this school that led me and many other Old Scholars to our careers as Police Officers. It’s my best friend, a kid called Chris I first met in 1994 outside the chapel at the Primary school, that stood next to me the day I married my wife. It’s knowing when my son was born that there was only one school good enough for him.

It was that legacy imprinted on my family from when my brother attended St Michael’s finishing in 1987 that we knew, this, is a special place.

So, when then headmaster Brother Paul Rogers approached my mother in the early ‘90s and asked her to become the ‘Chairman’ of the Board (as then known), in part it’s the legacy of the school, and the opportunity to mould that legacy for the future, that led her to accept.

Through hard work and dedication, she guided decision making at the school, working closely with Brother

Dr Jennifer Bourne

Paul and later Brother John Pill as Principals of the school to shape its ongoing legacy.

Outside of this school my mother’s legacy is equally if not more profound, a published scientist with 98 works of scientific literature in her field of Geomorphology, gaining her Doctor of Philosophy in 1996. In a time when colour printing was expensive, it was my skills learnt in Miss Le Ray’s Year 9 Design class and a fresh pack of Derwent Pencils that coloured in all the diagrams.

This place, it’s special, it’s a part of me, a part of you and it was a part of my mum.

It’s that legacy that led my father Tony, my brother Andrew and I to sit down after my mum passed away in 2015 to discuss how we could continue to contribute to the legacy of the school in her name. Thus, the Dr Jennifer Anne Bourne Science Scholarship was conceived.

The Dr Jennifer Anne Bourne Science Scholarship is awarded to a Year 11 student and provides the opportunity for the recipient to attend the National Youth Science Forum held in Canberra each year.


2016 Benjamin Fitzgerald

2016 Michael Laden

2017 Susan Roberts

2018 Declan O’Callaghan

2019 Lucas Weston

2020 Christian Dianos

2021 No nominations received due to COVID.

2022 Islan Allen and Hanno Haarhoff

2023 Asha Gallagher and Alec Reaiche




22 June 1946 –

20 November 2015

Jennie Bourne, a distinguished scholar and educator who excelled in geology and geography, earning top honours and multiple degrees, including a PhD. She contributed significantly to the College, serving as the inaugural Chairperson of the Board and influencing its future direction.

Jennie was also a dedicated researcher, working as an Honorary Visiting Fellow in the Department of Geophysics. She published approximately 60 articles, all without remuneration.

Her legacy continues through a fund established in her honour, founded by her husband Tony and sons Andrew (Class of 1987) and David (Class of 1998), reflecting her impact on science and education.

2 & communitynews MAROON Blue St Michael’s College 15 Mitton Avenue Henley Beach South Australia 5022 T (08) 8356 5966 Get in touch: @stmichaelscollege /SMCAdelaide/
Jennie’s academic achievements: • First place in the State in Leaving Honours Geology (1963) • Trained as a Primary School Teacher at Wattle Park Teachers College and gained a Bachelor of Arts and then Honours, majoring in English and Geography (1964 – 1968) • Master of Arts degree for her thesis “Denudation Chronology, Northern Eyre Peninsula (1974) • Awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy for her thesis “Landform Development and Stream Behaviour in the Western Piedmont Zone of the Flinders Ranges of South Australia” (1996)
Legacy 1 Quis ut Deus 3 Class of 2023 4-6 College Enhancements 7 St Michael’s Making a Difference 9 Indigenous Connections 11 Wellbeing Initiatives 13 Music 15 The Arts 17 Sport 19 Community Activities 21 Caring for our environment 23 Student Spotlight 25 Staff 27 Reunions 28-32 Class of 1973 28 Class of 1983 29 Class of 1993 30 Class of 2003 31 Class of 2013 32 Cuz’s Corner 33 Lasallians out and about in the sporting world 35 Where are they Now? 36 Love is in the Air 42

Quis ut Deus

The St Michael’s community would like to congratulate Brother Aloysius on celebrating his 80th birthday.


Brother Al has been working in Faisalabad in Pakistan for several years teaching proficiency in various curriculum areas to would-be Brothers.

Brother touched the hearts of many of the boys he taught at the Primary Campus, and it is no surprise that he is still focusing his ministry on assisting ‘the poor’ especially some of the students in his High School who are struggling to complete their secondary education.

Brother Aloysius joined the Order in 1958 and has lived out the teachings of De La Salle in a number of schools. At Beverley his areas of expertise included Inclusive Education teaching numerous

students the gift of reading and he was also instrumental in successfully implementing the Art curriculum which still flourishes today. Current staff members Angelo Spadavecchia, Tom Dittmar and Dominic Ascoli have fond memories of their mentor and like so many others wore the badge of “Brother’s Boys” with honour. Dominic also remembered the honour associated with having your art work recognised in the Art Exhibition and being displayed around the school.

There is little doubt that Brother Aloysius will always be an integral part of our SMC heritage and remembered as: a legend, a man with a great laugh, very generous and above all someone who was a true Lasallian with an incredible sense of service and community.

Old Scholars - RIP

In November 2023, the College held its annual Memorial Mass, an opportunity for the community to remember Old Scholars who have passed away.

Steven Crichton 1982

Peter Ruys 1968

Michael Schemeczko 1962

Br Eric Pigott (left), Br Paul Kent (car) and Br Al. Image taken in 2007

College Leaders 2024 Class of 2023

As we farewelled our Class of 2023, a fresh chapter awaits penned by the incoming Class of 2024. They have stepped into the role of senior leaders, carrying the mantle of responsibility at the College.

St Michael’s College is pleased to announce the following College Captain appointments:

College Captains: Skye Nagel and Lachlan Slattery

Vice Captains: Amelie Kempster and Peter Martin


Isabella Agnos

The De La Salle Award is the highest student recognition at St Michael’s College and is presented to the graduating student who best embodies the spirit of the College.

Isabella supported liturgical services and social justice initiatives, reflecting the Lasallian ethos of the College, and contributed to the wider life of the College in a way that brought distinction upon herself and the school. Isabella excelled academically, commensurate with her ability, and was a source of inspiration to her peers.

Beyond the classroom, Isabella demonstrated a profound commitment to service and community, dedicating herself to various charitable endeavours. She embodied the Lasallian spirit of service to others and the College was proud to honour her selflessness and dedication. Her exceptional leadership skills enriched the community and will undoubtedly continue to make a difference in the lives of her fellow students.

Isabella was a beacon of honesty and fairness, a voice of reason and compassion who demonstrated that success is not just about personal achievements but also upholding the highest standards of ethics and morality.

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Agnos pictured with Damien
(BoardChair)andTonyDal e y(Pri nc pial ) LR: Sky e Nagel,PeterMartin,Lachlan Slattery, Amelie Kempster

Class of 2023

The College is proud to celebrate the exceptional achievements and invaluable contributions of the Class of 2023.

Service to the College

Lily-Mae Balkwill

Mary MacKillop Award

Paul Choimes

ADF Award Year 12

Giovanni Troia

Ampol Best All Rounder

Marlie Fiegert


Mary Colton Award

Claire Nolan

Student Citizenship Award (Order of Australia)

Isabella Agnos

Female Athlete of the Year

Georgia Blades

Males Athlete of the Year

Jaxon Bowshire

Co-curricular Artist Award

Olivia Perry


College Community Leadership Award (Mark Butler School Award)

Luis Consalvo

Brian Gilbertson Co-curricular Artist Music Award

Carla Fontanelli For Outstanding Contribution to the College and Community

Piper Thomas, Hannah Moore, Emma Brown


13 students achieved an ATAR in excess of 80


SACE Completion students achieved an ATAR in excess of 90 students achieved an ATAR in excess of 95



‘A+’ grades were achieved by 49 students merits achieved by 20 students across 8 subjects


St Michael’s College community takes great delight in celebrating the SACE achievements of the graduating Class of 2023.

It is important to remember that an ATAR score does not define a person or their future successes. Many tertiary institutions will consider additional factors such as portfolios, auditions and entrance exams.

The College congratulates all students for their achievements and personal successes, highlighting the value of hard work and determination. We also acknowledge the significant impact that their teachers have had over the (for some) 13 years of education, emphasising their role in shaping students’ resilience and commitment. We also recognise the integral roles of parents and caregivers as their children’s first educators.


ATAR of 99.00

Two A+ results and two High Distinctions in Higher Education at the University of Adelaide

Proxime Accessit

Jovana Obrenovic

ATAR of 98.25

Two Merits achieved in Activating Identities & Futures and English

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Certificate Level Total number of Students with Completed Units of Competency Total Number of Units of Competency % School % State Certificate I 0 0 0.00% 1.94% Certificate II 101 595 34.39% 39.65% Certificate III 103 1,129 65.26% 57.97% Certificate IV or greater 2 6 0.35% 0.43% Total 206 1,730 100% 100%
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Hudson Utry
College Dux

College Enhancements


Due to a surge in enrolment demand, the Stage 3 building works have been pushed forward to an earlier timeframe to accommodate the future growth and development of the Primary Campus. The Stage 3 works will enable the Campus to grow to include four classes in each year level, beginning with Reception in 2025. This will increase enrolment capacity to 750 students by 2031, making it one of the largest primary schools in South Australia.

The planned Stage 3 works will create:

• Four additional general learning areas (GLA’s) with break out spaces.

• Refurbishment of existing middle Primary GLA’s.

• New Administration and Staff Centre.

“The Primary Masterplan will create the opportunity for more students to be able to thrive in our Catholic community in the Lasallian tradition. St Michael’s College is committed to providing outstanding learning outcomes for our students and continues to develop contemporary facilities for the future”, Mr Tony Daley, Principal.

Sarah Constructions have been appointed as the builder for this project, and following completion of the Stage 2 project, due to finish Term 2 2024, the Stage 3 works will commence.

Glimpse inside the Primary Campus Stage 2B Building works



An exciting and aspiring 10-year masterplan brief has been endorsed by the St Michael’s College Board, which outlines plans for long-term improvements for the College. The purpose of the master planning process is to enable St Michael’s College to develop a comprehensive future plan for the expansion and sustainability of infrastructure needs, which aims to strengthen

and support the teaching, learning and wellbeing of our students, staff and the St Michael’s Community.

The priorities have been identified in terms of areas in need of attention based on numbers of students, room availability and condition of classrooms:

• STEAM Centre (including Hospitality specialist learning spaces); STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Art (visual) and Mathematics

• Expansion of Design Technology and Drama areas

• Purpose built Middle School Centre (including General Learning Areas)

• New Canteen

• Wellbeing Centre

• Outdoor learning space improvements, such as the De La Salle and the ANZAC Courtyards.

Detailed design planning and staff consultation at the Secondary Campus will commence in 2024, with the aim of the STEAM Centre building works to commence in late 2025. It is proposed that this development will be followed by the new Middle School Centre.

Principal Daley says,

“The Masterplan Brief is aligned with the new strategic vision for St Michael’s and ensures a purposeful development of our facilities to complement our future needs. A key focus of the 10-year masterplan is a significant development of student facilities and amenities to accommodate contemporary and future teaching and learning pedagogy. We are planning for St Michael’s future to support our growing enrolments and future student needs”.

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St Michael’s Making a Difference


St Michael’s College has been a strong and consistent supporter of the Lasallian Foundation for nearly twenty years. During that period, nearly $750,000 has been donated by students, parents, staff workplace giving program and the local community towards Lasallian educational projects in the AsiaPacific region, particularly in Pakistan and Papua New Guinea.

In recent years, donations have been used to purchase new textbooks for La Salle Technical Secondary School in Hohola (PNG), construct new security walls at Alban’s Boys and Girls High School in Multan (Pakistan) and La Salle Girls’ High School in Gokuwal (Pakistan) and new water and sanitation facilities at St Solomon’s School, Ahmedabad (Pakistan).

From our 2023 Mission Action Day activities, St Michael’s College raised another $50,000 for the Lasallian Foundation. From this donation, $18,000 will be used to construct 10 new washrooms at La Salle Girls’ High School, Gokuwal, Pakistan, to accommodate the growing number of enrolments. The remaining funds from the donation will be allocated to the construction of a new block of seven classrooms and a computer lab, supplementing a significant grant for the project that was received from the O’Brien Foundation.

Article adapted from Lasallian News - makingadifference

We welcome you to view the heartwarming video from La Salle High School, Pakistan which shows how our donation has made a longlasting impact on Lasallian students.

Thank you from La Salle High School, Pakistan - Mission Action Day at St Michael’s CollegeYouTube


At St Michael’s College, we foster social responsibility among our students by inspiring them to act on local and global issues. We admire the many enthusiastic students this year who have led and participated in various fundraisers, drives and awareness campaigns to address the challenges.

Here’s a snapshot of some of the causes and initiatives supported during 2023:

Winter Dignity Drive

Providing much needed winter items to support Catherine House and Hutt St Centre during the cooler seasons.

Winter Dignity Drive

National Homeless Week

‘Bags of Love’ were generously prepared by our Primary students and provided to St Vincent de Paul Society, Catherine House and Hutt St Centre to distribute to those in need.

Soup Making

10 litres of chicken noodle soup and 72 cookies were prepared for Fred’s Van. There was enough soup made for 40 meals to be distributed.

Food Bank

72 kg of non-perishable items were donated to Food Bank. The items donated equated to a total of 143 meals.

Domestic Violence Awareness

Year 11 students led the way in our mission to raise awareness and take a stand against domestic violence. Students and staff had the opportunity to purchase a white ribbon or ice-cream, with all funds raised donated to Catherine House.

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day 2023 centered around the theme “Cracking the Code: Innovation for a Gender-Equal Future.” The emphasis was on prompting us to envision a fair and just world while acknowledging the significant contributions women make in the fields of technology and online education. The goal is to create a positive impact in the lives of girls and women and facilitate opportunities for our students to discover their roles in the 21st century.

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Food Bank International Women’s Day DomesticViolenceAwareness Soup Making Bags of Love

Indigenous Connections

St Michael’s College is committed to recognising, acknowledging, understanding, and celebrating Indigenous cultures and promoting cultural awareness amongst our community.

Learning about Indigenous culture is an essential part of education and helps to promote a more inclusive and diverse community. Throughout the year, our dedicated team of educators led the College with various activities to support our vision and to encourage students and staff to engage with and respect different cultures.


Luke O’Shea, an Indigenous Activist, celebrated Musician, and Lasallian Teacher from Caringbah, collaborated with our Year 7, 9, and 12 Music students. Together, they created songlines inspired by Indigenous issues and themes. Luke also played a significant role in our College film clip, which was based on Scott Darlow’s “Solid Rock” song. The clip featured participation from staff, students, community members, and Indigenous students, emphasising support for our community, highlighting Indigenous concerns, and celebrating Country.


The Thriving People event at Carclew House proved to be a momentous occasion, where four of our Indigenous students immersed themselves in cultural processes alongside peers from Catholic schools. This cross-cultural exchange not only enriched their perspectives but also forged lasting connections.


Our Year 2 and Year 6 students enjoyed working with famous artist Scott Rathman, who taught them how to create beautiful Indigenous inspired art. They painted wetlands fence murals and cubby houses that show their connection to the land and each other.

Luke O’Shea


During NAIDOC Week, both campuses engaged in a variety of activities. At the Secondary Campus, students collaborated to create Indigenous posters while discussing the significance of NAIDOC Week. Boori Monty Pryor, once again, shared valuable cultural insights with our senior students, emphasising the importance of the world’s oldest living culture. Additionally, Tjimari SandersonMilera delivered an impactful presentation to Year 9 students, shedding light on the experiences of Indigenous families across different regions of South Australia. Tjimari showcased a Tjibulke and other Indigenous artifacts used by communities. At the Primary Campus, Year 1 students expressed their creativity through crepe-paper collage interpretations of ‘Gurlibil,’ which translates to “turtle” in the Yawuru language.


During National Reconciliation Week, our College engaged in meaningful activities centered around the theme of “Be a Voice for Generations.” These initiatives aimed to contribute to a more equitable and improved Australia for the future. Students from the Primary and Secondary Campuses actively participated in various events, including a donut fundraiser benefiting the Tjindu Foundation, The Great Book Swap, an Indigenous culture morning tea prepared by Year 9 Food Technology students, and the utilisation of Wingaru Kids resources by Year 2-4 students.

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The Great Book Swap

Wellbeing Initiatives

The landscape of education is continually evolving, and we need to care for students in more ways than just teaching them.

As we go through the challenges of learning today, there has been a notable shift towards recognising and prioritising student wellbeing. Beyond the textbooks and exams, the mental, emotional, and social aspects to students’ lives play a pivotal role in shaping overall success and happiness.

The College’s Pastoral Care program is informed by the Lasallian Vision of schooling and takes a holistic approach to allow students to develop skills and knowledge to understand how they learn, build positive relationships, and safely connect with the world around them. Each year level focuses on different themes to assist in their development.

Some key activities from the year include:


Taryn Brumfitt

Australian of the Year, Taryn Brumfitt presented to students and families on the importance of body image, positivity, inclusivity, fostering respectful relationships, and urged us all to ‘EMBRACE’ our bodies. As young people continue to express concerns about body image. Taryn’s insights and expertise undoubtedly resonated with our community.

Holly Scott

Bouncing Back

Through compelling storytelling, Holly, a passionate advocate against reckless driving, draws from her own life-altering car accident to save lives on the road and instil resilience in young people Despite much adversity, Holly turned her experience into a powerful force for change. Holly’s core message urges students to reflect on their actions, commit to developing ‘grit’ and demonstrate that setbacks can be overcome with various strategies and support.

Holly Scott Taryn Brumfitt


The College’s annual Wellbeing Week is always a huge success, with students and staff enjoying a range of fun and relaxing activities to boost mood and energy. Each day focused on a different aspect of wellbeing and how to improve it, remembering that it’s a daily practice and not a one-time thing. Some of the activities during the week included:

• Cuddling with some cute and fluffy animals

• Stretching the vocal cords with lunchtime karaoke festivities

• Enjoying some hot donuts – what’s not to like about a sweet treat?

• Joining in some outdoor sport games to feel energised and refreshed


Our Cross-Campus Mentoring Program remains a foundation of support for our students. Designed with intention, the program assists with:

• Guiding Reception students as they embark on their educational journey. The program assists students during their transition into school life.

• Primary students are provided opportunities to engage with student leaders, building meaningful connections that extend beyond the classroom. These relationships help students to live out the Primary Values and provide genuine examples of what leadership can look like as they progress into leadership roles themselves.

• Our senior students benefit from authentic leadership opportunities and positive role modelling.


The Life Education Van visited our Primary Campus with the aim to equip students with knowledge, skills, and strategies for making safe and healthy choices. During their visit, educators covered a range of health and wellbeing topics tailored to each year level.

Please visit the College website for detailed information on our Pastoral Care program.

Primary Pastoral Care Program

Secondary Pastoral Care Program

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We celebrated the 80s with the 2023 Pulse Concert, featuring 24 amazing music ensembles and 700 enthusiastic fans. It was great to see the audience in their 80s gear too! Thank you to everyone who made Pulse 15 a great night.



50 music students and 7 staff travelled to Mt. Gambier in May for the Generations in Jazz music festival. It was the first time the festival has happened since 2019. Our music students had an amazing weekend. They enjoyed three big concerts, workshops, and the band and vocal jazz contest. Well done to all our students, who did a great job for the College. Extra well done to Senior Vocal jazz, who came 4th in the open Vocal Ensemble group –a wonderful result!


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Primary Brass Band performing at the Make Music Day! celebration Primary students performing in the Christmas Concert
T h e Gen Connection,unitingthree other CatholicCollegesin an annual m u s i c co l
Celebrating Make Music Day! Students dressed up as their favourite musicians to support Kickstart for Kids
noitarobal SALA

The Arts


‘We Will Rock You’

We Will Rock You by Ben Elton and Queen was performed at the Woodville Town Hall in May 2023. A Musical about freedom of expression, celebrating uniqueness, and standing up for your rights and beliefs. It also encourages a healthy questioning of technology and the role it plays in our lives. It expresses the important role live music, and the performing arts have in bringing community together, but most of all it celebrates the genius and music of the band Queen. In the show students performed crowd favourite songs such as Under Pressure, Radio GAGA, We Are the Champions and of course Bohemian Rhapsody.

One of the wonderful things about our College Musical is watching students at different ages, experience and ability levels work together to become cohesive and confident performers, as well as to watch as friendships are built and strengthened. We are incredibly proud of every student who participated, whether they were part of the onstage ensemble, in a lead role, in the band, the tech team or the backstage crew. These students impressed audiences with their energy and passion and should be commended for the commitment they have shown and their choice to take a risk and be part of something truly incredible.



St Michael’s College held its first SALA Exhibition, ‘Divergent’, on Friday 11 August 2023, featuring the works of students from Year 7 to 12. The exhibition was a celebration of the students’ creativity and diversity, as well as their learning from Indigenous artist David Booth, who opened the event.

The exhibition was a lively and exciting event, with musical performances from the students adding to the atmosphere. The students had the chance to display their work, share their ideas, and inspire other artists in the community. Divergent also showed the importance of art in creating connections and experiences at St Michael’s College.

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• The Girls Basketball team were successful in the Statewide Basketball Knockout Grand Final against Henley High. The comfortable win secured a position at the Australian Schools National Basketball Championships in the Gold Coast.

“The Senior A Girls Basketball team had an unforgettable journey at the Australian Schools Nationals on the Gold Coast, topping our pool and coming close to the finals. It was a week filled with not only competitive spirit but also personal growth, as

the team bonded over their shared love for basketball. The week taught us all to stick together even in the hard moments and the importance of always trying our best to achieve our goals. This trip was such a great way to finish our time at SMC, leaving us with stories to cherish for many years to come”.

Lilli Hejikoop and Chloe Martin, Year 12

• The swimming team emerged victorious at the Swimming Championships, securing the female overall division plaque.

• The Netball program soared to new heights, with a recordbreaking 23 teams this year. Our Open A1/A2 squad clinched

1st place at the Waverley Netball competition in Melbourne. They continued their success by triumphing over the undefeated Sacred Heart College in the SACSSGSA competition, and Henley High in their Statewide Knockout Grand Final. The rising talent of our netballers shone at the Catholic Girls Schools Netball Carnival, where the 7A1, 8A1, and 9A1 teams remained undefeated.

• The 1st XVIII Girls’ Football were undefeated in the 2023 SACSSGSA Wednesday weekly competition and the Senior Girls showcased unwavering pride and passion in the Knockout competition, unfortunately losing in both Grand Finals.



• The 1st XI Cricket team advancing through to the SAAS 1st XI Grand Final in Term 1, despite a narrow defeat to Westminster in the Grand Final.

• The Open A Basketball team winning the Grand Final of the SAAS Open A2 Basketball competition in Term 3.

• The 2nd XVIII Football team securing the top spot in their division for the second consecutive year.

• The Middle C Table Tennis team went through the season undefeated, for the second year in a row.

• The 7A1 soccer team were also undefeated for the season.

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The Primary Campus had 55 sporting teams participating in various sporting events and weekly competitions.

Notable highlights across the year included:

• Hosting the first-ever Primary Internal Swimming Carnival.

• Introducing the first-ever Netball team at the Primary Campus.

• Winning 3 out of 6 pennants at the Catholic Schools Cross Country Carnival.

• Achieving 4th place at the Catholic Schools Section 1 Athletics Carnival.

• Securing 3rd place overall at the Division 1 Catholic Schools Swimming Carnival.

• Emerging victorious in the Statewide Year 5/6 Basketball Knockout Championships.

• Soccer being the most popular sport with 22 teams participating in Saturday morning games.


The Primary Campus made their way to the Marion Outdoor Pool for the inaugural St Michael’s College Swimming Carnival.

The day was full of action as students across all year levels participated in relays, water challenges and the ‘biggest splash’ competition. Tremendous efforts were made by the older students in both the 25m and 50m events. St Pauls took home the first ever Swimming Carnival Shield.


Community Activities


Our inaugural Paint, Plates and Sip event brought together parents from both our Primary and Secondary Campuses. This unique experience allowed parents to socialise while engaging with the Visual Arts curriculum. Guided by our Visual Arts Team, parents created unique ceramic plates inspired by Australian natives

and contemporary artists. These ceramic works were later showcased alongside student work in our SALA exhibition, making it a truly community-driven event. The success of this event exceeded expectations, highlighting the collaborative and creative spirit of our school community.


Our Youth Environmental Leaders and Parent Committee held a Mother’s Day Market Stall selling a wonderful range of handmade gifts, fresh produce from the garden and eco-friendly items including De La Sauce, natural lip balm, bath salts, terrariums, seedlings and mugs to name a few.

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Caring for our environment

The College takes pride in our commitment to sustainability and our journey toward a greener, more eco-conscious future.

As a community made up of students, families and staff, we have developed eco-friendly initiatives and innovative projects to embed the importance of reducing our carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices across campus.


More Trees Project

Youth Environmental Leaders planted six new trees as part of National Tree Day and 250 plants along Hubbard Street. New native plants were planted in both nature play areas and in the wetlands.

Kitchen Garden Program

De La Sauce Day kicked off the cooking program for our Year 3s weekly lessons, with the support of Year 11 Food Technology students and under the guidance of our adopted Nonno and Italian sauce maker Mr Nick Mercurio.

Environmental events and Eco Fundraising

We were proud to be part of the following events in 2023: Clean Up Australia Day, National Tree Planting Day, Earth Hour, Ride2School Day, National Recycling Week, Outdoor Classroom Day and World Environment Day.



National Tree Day and Rise

Up Tree Planting

On National Tree Day our Eco Squad rolled up their sleeves and transformed the staff car park by planting native trees and shrubs. Our students also teamed up with fellow Catholic schools, and together, planted 1500 trees at Victoria Park as part of the Rise Up Tree Planting Day.

Less to Landfill

The Secondary Campus no longer has red landfill bins. This change is part of our ongoing commitment to reduce waste going to landfill. Waste in yellow bins is converted into an alternative fuel, reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. Green bin waste is turned into compost, a massive win for gardeners.


Our annual Sustainability Day is an initiative developed by our Youth Environmental Leaders and supported by the Sustainability Team and our Senior Eco Squad. The day focuses on outdoor nature play learning and includes workshops led by students. Our Senior Eco Squad worked with our younger students covering activities such as reusable crafts, wetlands monitoring, and revegetating nature play areas. Of course, the smoothie bikes were a big hit of the day. Pedal power in action, whipping up delicious, healthy smoothies.

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Student Spotlight


Australian Airforce Cadets Experience

My journey with the Australian Airforce Cadets started in 2021. I joined to fulfil my dream of becoming a pilot and to follow in the footsteps of my grandfather. My grandpa joined the Airforce in 1976 at the age of 20 to serve his country. He then retired in 1997.

My mum lived on many different bases around the world which gave her incredible insights. I grew up hearing stories of their travels, of my grandpa’s friends and many other things and because of this, I consider him one of my biggest role models and supporters.

Some days being part of the Australian Airforce Cadets can be challenging, as it is all about discipline. They push you to your furthest point to ensure you give your best even under extreme pressure. Other days, Cadets is a blast. The pride you feel wearing a uniform that people show so much respect to is a different feeling and connections you make with people become unbreakable.

I have been given the opportunity to attend many different activities including:

• Air Force’s 102nd Birthday: I was chosen to read at both the services in front of important guests including the Governor of SA. I will be reading again on 28 March 2024 for this joyous occasion.

• Tri-Service Ball: This special event was held to commemorate all three services and come in unity.

• All-rounder Cadet of the Year award: Among more than 80 other Cadets, I proudly received the All-Rounder Cadet of the Year Award.

• Corporal Promotion: I was endorsed to attend a Corporal promotion course, where I was given my second Chevron.

• 2022 Anzac Day March: I participated in the Anzac Day March, commemorating veterans and other soldiers who served their country. I marched alongside a veteran who served in the Vietnam War, sadly marking his last march as he was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer.

First flight
ck Army Museum30thBirthday
Remembrance Day Ceremony

When I tell people about the Airforce Cadets their main questions are, do you know how to fly planes? Or have you ever shot a gun before? I have been given the opportunity to do many simulators at Aldinga Airport and Parafield Airport which has encouraged me into taking flying lessons at Adelaide Soaring Club where I am currently working towards my first Solo Flight. I have also been qualified to shoot .22 rifles, after two long days filled with theory and 150 rounds of live bullets. At the end of the training, we were rewarded with gold rifle badges that are worn on our ceremonial uniforms signifying our qualification. Being a part of the Airforce Cadets is a feeling like no other. You meet so many new people, you gain new knowledge and experiences. Getting to wear the uniform, representing the Royal Australian Airforce, volunteering to help other organisations, makes the hard work worth it. Now that I’m 16 I have submitted my application into the Australian Defence Force Academy and can now realise my dream. If someone asked me to do this whole experience all over again, I would. I would do it in a heartbeat!


Coco Hodges, representing Australia in the Sapphires Basketball team, participated in the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) U/16 Women’s Asian Championship. After securing a gold medal victory at the U/16 Oceania Championships in November, the Sapphires returned to Jordan with their sights set on consecutive gold. Coco played a pivotal role, leading the team’s overall efficiency statistic and averaging 8.2 rebounds per game. Australia dominated the championship, remaining undefeated with 6 wins. Notably, Coco was recognised as the top performer within the Australian team during 3 of the 6 games played.


Business Directory

St Michael’s College

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Please use the QR code to view the current Business Directory and to submit details of your own business for inclusion.
Coco Hodges All-rounder cadet of the year



Madeline Cole

We congratulate experienced St Michael’s College Primary teacher, Madeline Cole on being the successful recipient of the 2023 Catholic Education Awards South Australia in the category of Experienced Teacher – Primary. An outstanding achievement for Madeline and a most deserved recognition of her contribution to Catholic Education and St Michael’s College.

Madeline’s colleagues describe the Early Years Primary Coordinator as an exemplary educator who has unrivalled enthusiasm and a genuine willingness to support students, staff, and the wider community at all times.

Informed through her trauma training, Madeline was instrumental in the implementation of the Positive Behaviour Management process at the College, making a positive difference in the lives of young learners.

Madeline worked tirelessly to support students through the successful transition of girls into the College. Her GEM Mentoring Program for the first cohort of girls at the Primary Campus, developed in conjunction with a colleague, enabled Year 8 girls to act as ‘Big Sisters’ helping the girls feel a sense of belonging in the St Michael’s community.

Above all, it is Madeline’s energy, enthusiasm and genuine drive for children and education that makes her presence at St Michael’s College so impactful. She truly embodies the mission and values of Catholic education and constantly strives to make a difference in the lives of the students she teaches through challenge, compassion, and care.


We extend our deepest gratitude to the following staff for their invaluable contributions to St Michael’s College. Whether seasoned veterans or those with a more fleeting presence, each has left an enduring mark to the College community.

•Julia Azzollini

•Leanne Burton

•Tonia Carfora

•Angela Corena

•Melissa Fiacchi

•Joanne Gilmore

•Stuart Glasson

•Brigette Jaeschke

•Cathy James

•Sam Martin

•Grace Pagliaro

•Brendan Parker

•Pat Pietsch

•Patrizia Puglia

• Niki Tidd

•Jordan Young



Arriving at the impressive foyer of the school to be met with large groups of other 10 year reunions, the sense of congeniality and friendship in the room was palpable.

Following an inspiring welcome from the Principal, Tony Daley, we were given a tour of the school and its superb facilities. Our group was constantly reminiscing where we might have spent our school hours all those years ago.

Class of 1973

The buildings layout of the school may have changed, but it was apparent during our tour that the spirit of the school had not.

Following the tour, we adjourned to a local hotel to continue our fellowship reuniting with our former classmates.

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Thank you to the Class of 1983 alumni for making the 40 year reunion such a great night. 1983 Siena College and St Michael’s Classmates gathered from around Australia at The Strathmore Hotel on Saturday 14 October to celebrate their 40 year reunion. It was a wonderful night to renew lifelong connections, with some not seeing each other for 40 years – thank goodness for photo name tags! We reminisced about the good old days with many conversations starting with “Hey, remember when…“ The stories, the successes,

Class of 1983

the failures, the memories all came flooding back. We have all grown up and our stories are slightly more mature but the impact and influence our classmates make last a lifetime.



In November 2023 a small, but rowdy, group of 1993 graduates met to reminisce about school days.

With a male to female ratio on the night which was representative of our cohort back in the day, we shared stories of where we are all at now, who we still keep in contact with, who we’d lost contact with, and in some cases who we had not seen since that last day in November ‘93.

While most old scholars in attendance had remained local, some had flown great distances to come.

Many retain connections with the school either through SMOSH, or as parents of students at the College.

A fun night, thanks to Peter Curran and Cathy Carey for representing the staff, and like nothing has changed, I’m told the party kicked on at the Ramsgate Hotel afterwards.

Class of 1993

What was evident, was that for everyone in attendance, the early connections and friendships formed in those formative years have continued to grow, develop, and mature well into midlife.

See you all again in 2033 for the 40 year reunion!

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The reunion was an incredible evening, and in the days that followed, I shared with numerous family members and friends how surreal the experience was. Witnessing the remarkable transformation of the school was amazing yet there were also rooms that remained unchanged – the very same ones where I sat two decades ago.

Laughter filled the air as I connected with fellow classmates. It’s astounding how classmates held onto memories that had slipped my mind. It truly was a great night.

Class of 2003

Cassandra Mamone


It seems as if just yesterday we were starting Year 8; transportable classrooms on the oval, 45 degree summers cancelling school. Now we’re 10 years on from Year 12!

Walking into our 10 year St Michael’s College reunion had everyone overcome with nostalgia. It was so wonderful seeing old friends, classmates and teachers after so long. Shout out to Mr Curran, Mr Viz and Ms Carey for warmly welcoming us back. It was disappointing the cheese hat didn’t make an appearancemaybe at our 20 year reunion.

Class of 2013

Starting the night with a tour of what the school looks like now and hearing about future plans, made us all feel so proud to be a part of the St Michael’s College legacy. Some parts of the school hadn’t changed at all and brought a lot of us straight back to the very memories of long days learning, studying, socialising and connecting together. For me, it was the Art and Design roomsI spent many Year 12 hours there!

Our celebrations of the past 10 years continued at The Lighthouse Warf Hotel, where over food and

drinks we laughed, reminisced, shared old stories and caught up on each other’s lives since our high school days. I consider myself so incredibly lucky to have travelled my high school years with such an amazing bunch of people.

I am so thankful that I was able to attend this reunion and cannot wait for the next one in another 10 years. Thank you to St Michael’s for the opportunity to come together with an event like this.

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Cuz’s Corner

A snapshot of what has been happening in and around our sporting Lasallian world…

Just who is that new kid? Even Josh Hazelwood couldn’t believe the meteoric rise of Spencer Johnson (2013) in 2023. Following a successful debut in the BBL at 27 Spence has set tongues wagging with his lethal left arm bowling at 150 clicks! The Australian selectors have recognised something special here and he was included in the T20 squad for the series in South Africa following sterling performances for the Brisbane Heat and Oval Invincibles (3/1 off 20 balls). He was also part of the squad preparing for the ODI World Cup in India and let’s hope he gets amongst the wickets

for the Redbacks this season. To top off what’s been a whirlwind eighteen months he earned a whopping 1.78 million dollar contract in next year’s IPL-congrats Spence and good luck! One of the best innings played in a long while was Daniel Drew’s (2014) double century against Western Australia and with a bit of luck Harry Nielsen (2012) and Drewy can be a part of successful campaigns for the Redbacks and Strikers this year.

Congratulations to Lachlan Hosie (2014) on winning both the Ken Farmer (52 goals) and Jack Oatey medals for his best on ground performance in this year’s Grand Final - just the lazy six! Well done to Luke Reynolds (2012) (3 goals) on being a part of the Tigers’ triumph and our very own “whistle-blower” Sam Morgan (2015) for a faultless umpiring display in his first SANFL Grand Final. It’s also good news for Chris Burgess (2013) as he’s returning to Adelaide to play for the Crows after winning the premiership in the VFL and was also the leading goalkicker for the past two years.

LukeReynold s Spencer Johnson Chris Burgess

Others shining in the SANFL competition are Joey Sinor (2011) who was rewarded with the Captaincy of the State side and led them to victory against Western Australia while Isaac Johnson (2015) led the Bloods from the front this year as they attempted to turn their fortunes around.

A trailblazer in the NFL is Matt Leo (2008) who is currently a defensive and football operations assistant for the Philadelphia Eagles after three seasons as a member of their practice squads.

Is there anything Olivia Parker (2014) can’t do in the world of Lacrosse? This year she was runner up for Shelley Maher Trophy, MVP at both the National and State tournaments, Sportswoman of the Year and is preparing for another tilt at success on the world stage hopefully in Los Angeles. Another Woodville Warrior who is starring

is Holly Dini (2022) who has been selected in the U20 Australian squad for next year’s event in Hong Kong. Good luck Holly!

Unfortunately, Maddy Turner (2013) had to wear the bridesmaid’s tag this year as her Sydney Swifts lost to the Thunderbirds in a nailbiting final in Melbourne.

An outstanding result in this year’s Bay Sheffield Final saw Michael Moschou (2022) blitz the field in 12.2 seconds and continue his rich vein of early season form and join Keith Sheehy (2001) a previous winner of this prestigious event.

& communitynews MAROON BLUE
MaddyTurner IsaacJohnson

Cuz’s Corner...


Let the following cater for a variety of your needs…

If you are in the real estate market and looking for sound advice contact Matt Plumridge (2018) at Ray White Real Estate Grange or on the other side of town Julian Rullo (2013) at L J Hooker St. Peters will turn your dreams into reality.

Fancy a meal then look no further than the seafood delights at our local waterfront restaurant Secrets by the Sea at Henley where Rob Leopardi (1982) and family will provide mouth-watering cuisine. Just down the road opposite the Square another taste extravaganza

can be experienced at Carnivore where Teresa Ferraro (2000) and husband Robbie will be only too happy to prepare a range of delectable, char-grilled meats that will guarantee a return visit or two.

In need of a knock off drink on Friday then you can’t go past the newly renovated Lighthouse Wharf Hotel where Heidi Barreau (1997) and staff will ensure the frothies are cold or if you are in the neighbourhood say g’day to Chris Eitzen (1990) at the Kensington Arms Hotel and enjoy the ambience and old world charm of The Kensi.

Craigo and Kevmak (1971) will keep your Friday night ticking over at the Henley RSL and let your dulcet tones loose with a fun night of Karaoke between 7.00 and 11.00 pm (last Friday of the month).

In need of healing hands, you can’t go past Nicholas Kluzek’s (1993) expertise at the Prescriptive Therapy Physio Clinic at Lambert Ave West Lakes (he’s even happy to work around your busy schedule even on weekends). Another with the magic touch is Brad Trenwith (1998) at Lakeview Chiropractic who will have you back on your feet in no time!

Don’t forget to visit Hayley and her experienced staff at the Podiatry Place as they will ensure any foot issues are dealt with in a friendly, professional manner or visit qualified eye lash Technician Emma Pellizzari (2021) to enhance your look and even save money on mascara!

Heidi Barreau Teresa Ferraro KensiHotel NicholasKluzek Rob Leopardi Secrets bytheSea BradTrenwith MattPlumridge

Where are they Now?




Class of 2009

Lights! Camera! Action!

Stephanie’s decision to transfer to SMC in Year 11 was one of those sliding door moments in life. Ms Ramsey’s Year 12 Drama protege found herself immersed in the world of academia and her love of learning was rekindled. She has very fond memories of lunch times, discerning advice from Mr Foley, De La Salle Day dress up (even hiding the footy in the in the traditional boys versus girls’ game) and the friendships that continue some fifteen years later.

Stephanie began an Arts degree at Flinders University focusing on media and journalism but succumbed to the lure of travel through Europe, USA and Central America. It didn’t take her long to realise the world was a big place and her adventures established a true sense of self and confidence to take on anything that came her way.

In 2016 she moved to Brisbane and began working for Juiced TV which was associated with the Queensland Children’s Hospital. Inspired by a sense of community and service she worked on Channel 9 Telethons, was a family and liaison support facilitator and set about making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Stephanie’s developing skill set was snapped up by the crew of Totally Wild where she honed her talents as a Production Assistant, Producer and general factotum.

Our ‘shrinking violet’ soon realised that she loved being in front of the camera and presenting various environmental and wildlife stories became her forte. A decision to travel around Australia opened another door for her and with her partner Harley they have been regularly producing a YouTube DocumentaryOff Grid FWD 24/7. They spent six months travelling our vast continent and still produce episodes every two months for their loyal fans.

Back in Adelaide she is currently employed in the Community Relations Department at SA Water and travels far and wide informing various groups of the need for water security for the future and the importance of the Desalination facilities and processes. She is often called upon to MC numerous conferences and charity events and is also available to host wedding receptions.

Life has taught her a plethora of invaluable lessons and her advice to current students is to use social media to your advantage and connect with as many businesses and entrepreneurs as you can. Be proactive and passionate in everything you do, enjoy the ride and never be afraid to take on life’s challenges and opportunities.

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Where are they Now?



AKA Mr. Freeze!

Class of 1995

Growing up surrounded by the “boys in blue” it was always assumed that Adam would follow in the family tradition and join the ranks of the long arm of the law. However, life was going to drive him down a different fairway and provide opportunities that the young boy from Seaton Primary could never have imagined.

Walking through the SMC gates at Henley in 1991 Adam quickly formed lifelong friendships with “mates” he still catches up with today especially the Turon boys. He tried his hand at a variety of sports and is proud of his time in the 1st XVIII. It didn’t take long before he realised that golf was his forte and so began countless hours of practising and honing his skills at the Riverside Golf Club. In Year 11 he was an integral part of the SMC team that was victorious in the State Championship.

As a South Australian protégé Adam took on the big boys in the Australian Masters and quickly realised the gulf between himself and others including Adam Scott. To make ends meet he kept himself busy with a variety of enterprises including a Mr Victa lawnmowing round, Galaxy van driver and working at a local roofing company. Finally the penny dropped and Adam credits one of his mentors John Dodd for being the person he is today. Doddy was a tough, no frills boss who passed on the core values of honesty, reliability, integrity and above all, “toughen up and face all of life’s challenges head on!”

Right place -right time! Adam began working for Australian Express at the Airport site and for thirteen years was a part of the cold store franchise. His partner in crime Nathan Bevan (1995) joined the company and together they saw a vacant niche in the market and created their own firm-Pakfresh. The sky was the limit for our intrepid entrepreneurs and before long they had a workforce of a hundred and forty and were transporting nationally.

Another coup meant the business was sold and now trades under the Airway logo. The fully accredited and registered company still deals in perishables and after working non-stop for the past six years in a reflective, watershed moment Adam is looking forward to slowing down next year and returning to his first love and reducing his handicap once again.

Adam and Amber’s three children Sienna, Brayden and Hamish all attend SMC and history appears to be repeated as the names Priebe and Wright are linked again, and one can only imagine what their future pathways will be and no doubt they will make their respective fathers very proud. Adam’s advice to future generations of Lasallians is to surround yourself with good people, work hard at everything you do and make a selective “club” choice for your life shot and don’t let any bad lies prevent you from following your dreams.



Mumma Shark

Class of 1994

Seven brave Siena souls entered the Secondary Campus in 1993 and our intrepid adventurers were about to undertake an educational experience that would stand the test of time. Kate’s decision was family based and the recommendations from John and Anne’s friends plus its proximity saw her become a part of the predominantly boys’ world of SMC. It didn’t take her long to find her niche and she thoroughly enjoyed the academic challenges and completed her SACE in style. She was earmarked early on for leadership positions and attended the annual Lasallian leadership conference in January at Bega and was appointed House Captain of Jaime in due course. She received the Caltex Allrounder Award acknowledging her contributions to the spiritual, sporting and academic spheres of the College capping off a remarkable two years at the senior school.

Kate spent the next two years acquiring office skills at Adelaide Watch Repairs before completing a four-year Hairdressing apprenticeship. Next on the agenda was travel and she set up base camp in London and spent two years doing odd hospitality jobs throughout England and Scotland and revelling in everything a European sojourn has to offer. Eventually homesickness took its toll and upon her return to Adelaide she utilised her new skill set to enter the world of business and open hair salon City to Sea at Flinders Park. She’s the first to admit as an

entrepreneur she learned on the run but having mum and a wonderful staff by her side certainly assisted in the initial stages. It didn’t take long to establish a regular clientele base mainly because of Kate’s innate ability to read people’s body language and cues which is essential in this type of people industry.

In 2003 she took on another herculean task and married Micah and with the arrival of Kayla (2022) and Max (Year 10) it was time to adapt a more work life balance. After 12 years the salon was sold, and her new venture Jerry St Hair Salon is still going gangbusters today. She officially retired after three years at Military Rd Grange and learned that as the boss one needs to foster a strong culture, positive work ethic and address any of the queries that may arise in a prompt, efficient manner.

In her supposed retirement years Kate has volunteered as an age group supervisor for the Grange Surf Life Saving Club, been the registrar at the Grange Netball club (with 93 girls on the waiting list) and six years ago became ‘Mumma Shark’ and

responded to the need for a netball programme for the local community club. As the Director of 27 teams, she knows there aren’t any handballs and takes her stewardship very seriously. Somehow or other she even finds time to work part time at West Lakes Physio for those few spare hours each week.

Similar to so many others who have gone before her Kate lives out our Lasallian values in every aspect of life. Her sense of community and service to others is second to none and her advice to current students is to make the most of every day and opportunity that comes your way. Above all live this lifetime and never sit in the ‘chair of no regrets’ and ensure whether it’s a bob, layers, wolf or foils wear it with style and distinction.

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Where are they Now?


Head Trainer Adelaide Football Club

Class of 1992

Thirty years in the making! When you find an occupation that you love why change. Vinnie Del Bono has been ‘Flying as One’ ever since he left the hallowed halls of SMC in 1993. As a former student Vinnie credits Dr Hine and Steve Clohessy for influencing his decision to follow in their footsteps and choose a teaching pathway. He completed a Sports Science degree focusing on Human Movement and Physical Education and in 1996 found himself back at his alma mater.

Initially he was the “putty filler” in various curriculum areas including Religion, Science and P.E. He quickly established a Lasallian rapport with both staff and students and focused on providing a learning environment where all student needs were catered for especially the marginalised. Vinnie’s second love sport saw him immerse himself in the Co-curricular programme and his medical expertise was appreciated by the 1st XVIII and X1 teams.

To stay or go? Vinnie’s conundrum followed an offer too good to refuse from the Adelaide coach Neil Craig. His other passion had always been working closely with elite athletes and the prospect of a full time position at the Crows was too good to ignore. In the blink of an eye thirty years have come and gone and it’s obvious that he’s still as enthusiastic about his role as he was day one.

As the “Godfather” Vinnie’s day begins with an early morning heart starter and debrief with Matthew

Nicks followed by preparing for the day’s training regime. Equipment checks, strapping, medical updates, coaches’ meetings, liaising with club doctors and finally keeping a watchful eye on the players as they are put through their paces on the track are all a part of every day’s routine. First to arrive and last to leave - it’s not all glitz and glamour but Vinnie wouldn’t have it any other way.

Vinnie currently manages a staff of fifteen and oversees the SANFL and AFLW programmes and the likes of John Reid, Malcolm Blight, Phil Walsh et al taught him that the most important skill required

for the various roles at the club is communication! Recently he was awarded his Life Membership for his incredible service and loyalty to the Adelaide Football Club.

Vinnie and Natasha appreciate the values of a Lasallian education and James (Year 7) and Luca (Year 1) are following in their father’s footsteps and who knows where their journeys will end. His advice to future old scholars is to treat people the way you would like to be treated and his life’s mantra has always been Carpe Diem (seize the day) as this is your time to shine.



Class of 1994

Shelley joined her brother Luke at SMC in Year 11 leaving the cloistered, stereotypical world of Siena in her wake and flourished under the encouragement of legends such as Dr Hine, Mr Sturt and Mr Butler. The world became her oyster and with the shackles removed she dared to dream of endless possibilities for the future. The infamous yellow ‘69 Ford Capri could reveal numerous tall stories of wonderful school memories and she keeps in contact with her close circle of worldwide friends.

Shelley commenced an Arts degree at Adelaide University uncertain of where her true talents lay and after completing her Diploma of Education she began teaching in the mid-north. The travel bug took precedence and in a watershed moment the purchase of a oneway ticket to London would create the foundations for the next two decades. Within 72 hours she was employed by Red House Lane a local tabloid, experienced firsthand life in the London Underground for a social documentary and juggled travel throughout Europe, teaching in disadvantaged areas of South London and then turned her attention to another of her great passions-media!

Shelley worked for the BBC and ITV stations in a variety of roles including researcher, Associate Producer and at times found herself in front of the camera presenting alongside personalities such as Gordon Ramsay, James May and was Head of Department for Connected Pictures which focused on the

Queen’s Park Rangers Football Club in preparation for the programme titled the Four Year Plan.

With new baby Ethan in tow the family moved to Singapore where Shelley branched out into the world of fashion and beauty for magazines such as Harper’s Bazaar and Women’s Weekly. An interview she will never forget was with Annie Leibovitz renowned American photographer and her inspirational life story gave her insights into the importance of resilience and courage in the face of adversity as she climbed her own Mount Everest.

Returning to Adelaide in 2014

Shelley immersed herself in the world of communications and began creating websites for various organisations, continued speaking engagements at various conferences addressing better ways that businesses can communicate

with their staff and clientele and undertook freelance writing for Expedia. In her latest venture she has collaborated on a book that celebrates Adelaide University’s 150th anniversary highlighting some of the amazing women who have walked its hallways include including Helen Mayo and Dr Ruby Davy. You’ve never really lived till you have been chased by Mr Sturt in a local shopping centre and through his tutelage a flower blossomed, and the various corners of the globe are in a better place following her Lasallian input. Shelley’s advice is to control and shape your destiny, learn from your mistakes and create your own pallet called life!

40 & communitynews MAROON BLUE

Where are they Now?


Research Fellow in Biological Sciences

Class of 2008

Another old scholar who has responded to Mother Earth’s call is Calum Cunningham who joined the Lasallian family from Saint Francis. Five years passed by in the blink of an eye and he still has fond memories of spending time with his close circle of friends, sporting achievements including (a century not out on the Melbourne trip) and the boys thoroughly enjoyed their regular phone tennis moments with Doogs.

Initially Calum pursued an Accounting pathway and spent two years on a cadetship with KPMG. As an avid surfer and someone who loves the outdoors, he had a watershed moment inspired by David Attenborough and regular family holidays at Marion Bay. He returned to study and completed a Bachelor of Environmental Science, Honours degree and a PhD in 2020 in Biology. Calum‘s attention turned to a focus on the ways predators shape our ecosystems and he relocated to the University of Hobart to investigate the role that the Tassie Devil plays in controlling feral cat populations as well as the effects of its declining numbers. His postdoctoral research focused on natural balance and the ways humans can harness it and maintain some semblance of order in our environment.

Calum transferred to the University of Washington completing a Fulbright Fellowship for two years and loved his time in the pristine mountains in Seattle where he studied the

ecosystems of wolves. Unfortunately, their numbers have been significantly reduced which has disrupted the previous biodiversity and allowed predators such as coyotes to counteract nature’s equilibrium. In addition, he took part in a NASA funded project studying the effects of climate change on snow and wildlife movements. He has often presented at conferences for the Society of Conservation and had a paper published examining the effect of daylight saving time on various animal groups which created quite a response within academic circles. Calum even found time to play AFL for the Seattle Grizzlies and in his words made, “Speedy look good” in between numerous snowboarding and trekking adventures.

Upon returning to the University of Tasmania he is now focusing his attention on bushfires in the wake of the horrors of 2019 and 2020 on the Eastern seaboard. His brief is to examine the change taking

place to fire regimes especially with the prediction of the El Nino weather system for this year’s Australian summer. The entire globe is becoming hotter and more flammable and the bushfires in Greece and California have alerted authorities here who have brought the fire warning season forward by several weeks.

After responding to the obvious need for urgent action to protect the planet, Calum ‘s experiences in various wilderness habitats have taught him to truly appreciate the wonderful gift of our planet. He wants us all to take a deep breath, then exhale and reflect upon nature’s remarkable wonder.


Love is in the Air

Brittany Kennedy (2012) married

Brad Crouch on 23 December 2022 at Golding Winery

Melissa Fiacchi (2012) married

Callan Hammond on 17 December 2022 at Longview Vineyard

Tom Dittmar (2008) married

Chloe Harby on 14 January 2023 at Coriole Vineyard

Tom Kennewell (2016) married

Kayla Pena (2016) in June 2023 at the Adelaide Pavilion

Jo Bottin (2012) married Kellie Muirhead (2012) on 11 February 2023 at Maximillians

Jack Alberton (2012) married Monique Bertelsmeier on 8 July 2023 at St Laurence’s Catholic Church (North Adelaide), reception at Plant 4 Bowden

Alex Cardone (2012) married Lauren Gallina (2012) on 28 October 2023 at the National Wine Centre of Australia

Alexander Taverna (2011) married Domna Margaras on 9 December 2023 at the Greek Orthodox Community of the Nativity of Christ, reception at Lot 100

42 & communitynews MAROON BLUE
Alex Cardone and Lauren Gallina Jo Bottin and Kellie Muirhead Kayla Pena and Tom Kennewell Monique Bertelsmeier and Jack Alberton Melissa Fiacchi and Callan Hammond Chloe Harby and Tom Dittmar Alexander Taverna and Domna Margaras
handBrittanyKenned y
Brad Crouc

If nostalgia is beckoning and you wish to revisit your schooling memories, simply reach out to the College as we will gladly provide you with a back copy of your Yearbook. Please email or call the College on 8356 5966

Our community loves to hear where classmates and fellow old scholars are and what they’re up to. If you have something interesting to share, whether it be your business, elite level sporting achievements, Lasallian service to community, or you have recently celebrated a wedding, please send through your photos and some brief information to be included in the next edition of Cuz’s Corner. Submission to

Maroon Blue
Primary Campus 78 East Avenue Beverley SA 5009 8346 6548 Secondary Campus 15 Mitton Avenue Henley Beach SA 5022 8356 5966 Let us know what is happening
Old Scholars!

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