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HSC design and technology

For my major work, I designed a portable playground that could be set up in refugee camps to help children escape boredom and stress from their ever-changing circumstances. The playground was designed as a fold-out shipping container. Once it arrives in the refugee camp, the sides and door of the container would be opened, revealing the activities within and keeping the amount of assembling required to a minimum.

I enjoyed the process of developing the idea, which grew and changed as I investigated the refugee crisis, how kids play and playground materials. There were many obstacles that I needed to work through but the hardest part was to not over design and complicate the model. It was very rewarding after months of research and documentation to finally laser print my creation and view the animated video of the computer model. Design and technology was my favourite and most rewarding subject and I have decided to pursue a career in the design industry.

Gabrielle Polesy, Year 12

An enjoyable, informative and reliable travel app to meet the specific needs of young students, with limited knowledge, outside of high school.

An inclusive community centre that provides people facing food insecurity or homelessness with a place to access free food and shelter.

A removable motorbike storage compartment specifically designed to appeal to females in a male dominant market.

An adjustable compression vest with an integrated scent diffuser to reduce anxiety levels of pet dogs.

A fashion garment that incorporates

3D printing to show how innovative technologies can be used in fashion, a field that relies heavily on traditional construction methods.

A shipping container with a fold-out playground for children living in refugee camps, to encourage creative play and distract from the stresses that could lead to mental illness.

HSC design and technology

An online game to educate the player about cultural appropriation in the fashion industry and to make better style choices without causing cultural offence.

An online cookbook for teens with reading difficulties, allowing them to engage with recipes confidently and independently.

A sustainable mobile education centre, which also acts as a multipurpose facility designed to travel on water, providing education to remote floating villages in developing nations.

A sustainable mobile health facility to travel to rural and remote areas in Australia that suffer from a lack of access to medical services.

A contemporary design for a veterinary and rehabilitation centre for sick and injured koalas.

collection made from beach rubbish, to showcase and raise awareness of ocean pollution.


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