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Year 8 mentor group

Academic care, peer support, and house events

‘Hope’ was the theme for Clubs and Choirs and the night combined choral splendour, public speaking and instrumental accompaniment. From Year 8, Eleni Cole accompanied Bronte and Amelia Jacobson, Annabelle Strachan and Rhianna Jones represented their houses in the public speaking junior category. We also participated in the athletics and swimming carnivals, and each event was filled with lots of house spirit.

Academic Care promoted a positive learning space to brainstorm study skills and learn about the impact of a growth mindset. We focussed on kindness and drafted up a list of ‘12 Random Acts of Kindness’ to carry out each day; and learned about digital citizenship and how to be safe online. Peer Support connected us with girls in Year 11 as part of Academic Care, so we could ask advice on school, friendships, study and future opportunities.


Year 8 camp at Galston Gorge was a fun, challenging journey, filled with laughter, sweat and many activities. These included high ropes, rock climbing, abseiling, BMX riding, orienteering, archery and bushwalking.

We arrived on Monday and split into two groups. One group went on a bushwalk and set up tents at a campsite. The other group stayed in cabins at the main site and participated in team building activities. These were fun and included football, a dinosaur game, competitive chess and ping-pong. We had a dance party and singing battle, then went to our cabins after supper.

Tuesday held a big challenge for the cabin group because it was time to prepare mentally and physically for our eight kilometre, five hour bushwalk. We persevered, brushed off leeches, steered clear of snakes and tested each other for our upcoming history exam. At the campsite, we chose our tents and got ready for dinner. We made spaghetti bolognese with our mess kits and used all of our effort to keep the bush turkeys away.

On Wednesday, we caught a bus back to the main site to meet the other group, before having lunch and returning to school. It was exciting to see our parents again. Year 8 camp was an amazing adventure. It helped me make new friends and opened my eyes to new experiences.

Neve D’Arcy

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