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STEM science, technology, engineering and mathematics

The momentum of STEM continued in the junior school, with teachers and students embracing real-world applications and promoting interest in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Science and Mathematics Week provided opportunities to celebrate our love of learning. Professor Maths joined us in the junior school and each grade worked in teams to solve mathematics problems and learn about the beauty of mathematics in our world. Years 3–4 were lucky enough to schedule a Skype chat with Dr Karl Kruszelnicki AM and ask him their burning scientific questions. During Tech Girls and Create and Innovate lessons, students learned about the density of oil and sugar, through dazzling rainbows and mesmerising lava lamps. Year 5 had a fun chemistry lesson learning how rockets take off, 6R learned how to code their own computer game and Year 2 dedicated a day to push and pull problem solving, rescuing Rapunzel from her tower.

Create and Innovate continued to be a popular new subject for students in Years 4–6. Activities included creating light trails with Sphero balls, web and app design through various platforms, 3D printing, EV3 robotics, Pro-Bot programming and engineering challenges. These ensured that opportunities to problem solve, communicate and engage with technology creatively are experienced.

STEM Club students learned about solar and wind energy, and completed engineering challenges using K’NEX tools and a variety of coding challenges using Scratch programming.

Two teams in the junior school participated in FIRST LEGO League, a team based robotics competition that utilises a broad range of skills to challenge students in different ways. As well as robot engineering and programming, the girls develop 21st century skills needed for the future. Teamwork, time management, creative thinking, research and presentation skills are all vital parts of the program as students work together to solve complex problems in innovative ways. Our Year 6 Curiosities team won the Innovative Solution award for their prototype of a machine to convert human waste into a nutritional paste.

Stage 3 tackled real-world problems with STEM in Semester 2. Year 5 participated in an inter-school STEM collaboration with International Grammar School and Newington College, Lindfield. The collaboration was to engage with people respectfully, and students explored social justice issues and participated in team building exercises online and face-to-face. As part of the Year 6 science topic exploring energy, students raised money to purchase solar powered lights through the Australian charity, SolarBuddy. Year 6 girls assembled the lights and wrote a letter to the recipient of the light, which were sent to the School for Life Foundation for distribution to students in Uganda.

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