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Chaplain’s report

Another exciting year was had in 2018, where girls at St Catherine’s learned more about themselves and the world around them. Not only were they reminded that God made each of them in his image and infinitely precious, but that God loves them, regardless of who they are or what they have done.

A highlight in the junior school was Good News Week, where girls were reminded that the good news about Jesus is so good, it’s worth celebrating! Mrs Roslyn Ghazal and the fantastic Year 6 Cru leaders organised a wide range of fun activities including a photo hunt, where girls needed to capture a snapshot of a variety of weird and wonderful things around the school.

This year’s senior school Faith Week theme was ‘The Best Bargain Ever’, where we explored the idea that God’s love for us is an unbelievably good deal: His love, his forgiveness and the hope of eternal life are all ours for free. This isn’t because these things aren’t costly, but because the cost has been paid by Jesus. The week was full of fun and celebration – and perhaps most beloved by the girls was the free cookie they each received, baked by students from Adelphe.

Lots of students attended and enjoyed the many Christian groups (Cru groups) across the school: MiniCru, JuniorCru, SeniorCru and Adelphe. They grew in their understanding of what it means to follow Jesus in a fun and relaxed environment. This year we say farewell to the Year 12 Adelphe leaders, led by chapel prefect Georgia Ireland. We are very thankful for their hard work in serving and leading the younger girls and pray that God continues to bless them in all their future endeavours.

In an ever-changing world, it is good to remember God’s wisdom on what is important in life. While high marks, career success or enjoying the finer things are good in life, it is important to keep them in perspective and remember they are not ultimate things. Jesus reminded us of the importance of relationships, both with him and with those around us. Jesus gave up his life in the service of others, to bring them peace, forgiveness and hope. Not only can we be the beneficiaries of his great service, we look to follow him in it, realising that it is far better to give than to receive. Having a school community that has received so much, it is our hope and prayer that each one of us can look to serve others in any way we can.

Rev Alex Koch Chaplain

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