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stephanie rose stalker

What can be designed to join a diverse neighborhood- home to a multitude of cultures, races, and religions with varied economic status to generate relationships and strengthen the community?

a dog

g park?

Sandwiched between a highschool, residential communities, commercial buildings and the heavy traffic flow of the Hollywood 101 freeway, Ruff park finds itself in an area of East Hollywood full of diversity, rich history and unique cultures.


Signs and Patterns Subcultures of East Hollywood Neighborhood Graffiti Sound: Fwy, Traffic, People

The Language of East Hollywood serves as the inspiration for the park, specifically using graffiti found at the site to derive form. The language of the traffic near the site informed circulation paths and placement of the apparatuses.


Animals are a common link through even the most diverse populations. The love, and bond between an owner and a pet is irreplaceable. Relationships among pet owners, and pet lovers are quite strong. Not only do animals provide companionship and friendship they promote communication and interaction with their owner, across cultures, religions, races and genders.

dogs owners lovers


Dog park The term dog park is used where the design of the park and its amenities make it clear that dogs are invited, not just permitted. A “dog park” is commonly meant to be place dogs can play off leash. Dog Physiology Just as human brains are pre-wired to learn language, the dog’s brain is pre-wired to learn to interpret scent, and a large part of the brain is devoted to this process. Olfaction, the act of smelling, is a dog’s primary sense. A dog’s sense of smell is said to be a thousand times more sensitive than that of humans.

Dog Psychology Dogs need “on” and “off” time. Engaging them fully in structured times together such as walking or playing allows them to then shift into a relaxed state, thus avoiding destructive behaviors. Dogs often become aggressive out of frustration from a lack of exercise. Physical activity burns the dog’s excess energy and helps maintain a healthy state of mind.


Existing Language as Inspiration Graffiti found at the site, inspired many pieces of the parks design, from seating fixtures, fencing patterns, play structures & topography.


materials Innovative & Creative Applications of Materials

Materials used throughout the park also speak to the language of the community and the location. Cement that absorbs air pollutants and sound, and recycled rubber materials help to offset the pollution from the nearby freeway.

Ruff park

addresses both technological and ecology related issues. With re-use , creative applications, and technologically advanced materials, a more sustainable and forward thinking experience will help to evoke the whimsey and sense of adventure embodied by the park.


Making it easy for visitors to stay informed of upcoming park and community events is key to ruff park’s success. Integrating easy to use webbased technology, park-centric events such as pet adoptions, pet meet-ups or running clubs can submit materials to get broadcast on the park’s digital bulletin boards. As an added benefit, local businesses can use this system to advertise their services to park visitors. The income generated would be used to keep the park a self-supported entity.


Superabsorber material absorbs airborne pollutants and sound. By applying it to Ruff Park, pollution from the adjacent freeway off-ramp will be reduced to visitor of the park. ECORomp is a recycled rubber flooring systems that keeps things comfy, bouncy or quiet.

Sensory Dogs visiting the park receive a sensory experience not found at other parks, one for their noses. Areas of the park feature plant species, providing a smell adventure for dogs.

Gardenia Scented flowers in spring and summer. Honeysuckle Familiar sweet-smelling flowers. Mexican Orange Orange-scented spring flowers. Buddleia Distinctive summer fragrance. Winter Daphne Very fragrant winter flowers.



RUFF park gets it’s name not only from the friendly chatter of the neighborhood dogs, but by the location in which the unique and inspiring park is set. The neighborhood is littered with graffiti, cast-away fliers and shopping carts, and chain link fences enclose nearly every yard. Ruff park not only creates an area for gatherings of pets, owners, family and friends, but also acts as a step toward a safer, stronger and more unified community.


stephanie rose stalker

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