SquashBusters 2016-2017 Impact Report

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SquashBusters’ mission is to challenge and nurture urban youth — as students, athletes and citizens — so that they recognize and fulfill their fullest potential in life.

To our SQB family, I started SquashBusters in 1996 — nearly half my life ago. My simple goal was to do some good in the world using a sport I loved. I had no idea if it would work, but I believed it was worth trying.

facility at its expense in return for a one-time capital investment from SquashBusters. The facility is scheduled to open this November and programming will begin soon after.

Twenty-one years later, I am amazed and proud of what SquashBusters has become. SquashBusters has touched the lives of thousands of people, and this past year, the program served 300 Boston and Lawrence students. Our middle and high school teams played squash and exercised, tackled homework, and served their communities 6-7 days every week from September through June, boasting a 93.5% average attendance rate over the course of the year. Each one of our program graduates from the class of 2017 enrolled in college, and 85% percent of our 75 college-enrolled alumni persisted toward their degrees — with 13 students graduating in 2017.

SquashBusters is driven by the belief that all people deserve a fair chance to live a good and successful life. These principles have been our guiding light since the program began 21 years ago and they shall remain so as SQB continues to grow and innovate. Thank you for everything you have done to make this possible.

SquashBusters’ reach extends far beyond the squash court and classroom. There are leadership opportunities, such as the Ambassadors Program and F.A.S.T. (Female Athletes Stick Together), individual college mentors for every 12th grader, scholarships that alleviate financial stressors faced by our alumni in college, and counseling services for students and families, thanks to partnerships with South End Community Health Center in Boston and Family Services of Merrimack Valley in Lawrence. Over the summer, more than 100 team members were connected to external opportunities, such as traveling abroad with Summer Search; working at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Grand Circle Corporation and the New England Aquarium; attending incredible educational programs at Andover and Exeter; and participating in summer squash tournaments and camps at Kenyon College and Stanford University.

Our biggest news concerns our imminent expansion to Providence. In partnership with the Moses Brown School, SquashBusters is constructing a 12-court, 2-classroom center which will serve as the program’s permanent home. Like our partnership with Northeastern, Moses Brown has donated the land and committed to operate the

With sincere gratitude,

Greg Zaff SquashBusters Founder and CEO

Greg and his wife, Sonja, with SQB alum and Lawrence Academic Program Manager Vicky Flamenco at the 2017 MFS SquashBusters Derby.

Letter from Greg / SQB FY17

Shine a lens on SquashBusters as an organization, and you will find many people who make this program possible. Our 20-member Board of Directors, led by Chair John Blasberg, ensures we are growing in a thoughtful and sustainable way. The staff line-up has never been stronger — they invest in our students with all their talent, energy and love, and believe in every young person’s potential. I’m especially pleased that eight staff members are alumni of the program, passing on the lessons they learned as students to the next generation. SquashBusters is strengthened by our facility partnerships with Northeastern University, Brooks School and Phillips Academy Andover. Our success relies upon partnerships with several Boston and Lawrence public schools, and the daily program is buoyed by many caring academic and squash volunteers.

In this report, you’ll meet some of the people who make up the SquashBusters community, and learn how the program impacts their lives. I hope you enjoy reading their stories.



s s e c c u S r o f e Recip

the following: grade benefits from y er ev in t en ud st s Every SquashBuster ks of every per week, for 33 wee t en hm ric en & t or pp emic su tion • 3 hours of acad ep and career explora pr T SA g, rin to tu ing school year, includ of every ch week for 33 weeks ea ng ini tra ss ne fit & tice 4 hours of squash prac • school year r Humanity, ces such as Habitat fo pla to ts ec oj pr ice rv ogram Community se • n and Prison Books Pr In et re St ne Pi , rs nio r Se Mt. Pleasant Home fo Amherst, nyon College, UMass Ke , ity rs ive Un n er st ge, Northea universities Visits to Amherst Colle • and other colleges and ity rs ive Un d ar rv Ha , Tufts University School, Noble and Greenough st ain ag es ch at m d an y Squash uash Haven and Rhod Squash tournaments Sq , sh • ua Sq et re St ol, enden Scho Milton Academy, Fess

SQB FY17 / Program Recipe



d brokered er activities at SQB, an m m su l na tio ea cr e re d tic, an holars, West End Hous Sc an • Academic, athle on No e lik s m ra ps and prog opportunities with cam eter Academy Camps and Phillips Ex programs petitions and external m co h ug ro th ld or w e see th and Squash and • Opportunities to tion, Summer Search da un Fo le rc Ci d an Gr with partners like ) Education Alliance (SEA college placement • High school and • College mentors • Scholarships

2016-2017 Results

300+ 100% 80% students served

of seniors accepted to college

(compared with ~70% from BPS/LPS)

of student financial need covered through grants and scholarships


of college-enrolled alumni graduated or persisted toward their degrees


of students agree that SQB connects them with caring adults

(compared with 39% for BPS)


of students credit SQB with keeping them physically active


of 9th graders enrolled in special-admissions high schools

100pts $40,500 average jump in SAT score for SQB 11th graders

in SQB scholarships awarded to 50 alumni in college

2016-2017 Results / SQB FY17 3

Marangela James SquashBusters Boston ‘20 Edward M. Kennedy Institute for Health Careers

Marangela James was stubborn, closed off and non-committal before SquashBusters. She didn’t play organized sports, and she wasn’t connected to mentors. When SQB first came to the Timility Middle School in the fall of her 7th grade year, she initially paid little attention. But then an older student whispered in her ear about how SQB helps students get into college and Marangela decided to give it a go. Much to her surprise, she made the team. SquashBusters, at first, was a big challenge. The program was demanding and difficult. But Marangela stuck with it. Two hundred practices and study sessions later, as she was approaching the end of the SQB middle school program, her abilities on court began to surface and she was making friends.

SQB FY17 / Profile: Marangela James

“The big turning point for me came at the end of my 8th grade year when my team went to Camp Calumet in New Hampshire for the weekend,” she says. “I realized that SQB had become my community.”


“ Everyone at SquashBusters

is open-minded. They don’t care about what you look like or what you’re good at. The only thing they care about is you.”

That connection has only strengthened as Marangela returned for the SQB high school program. She has found something that had been missing from her life — a community of mentors and teammates from all over the city who love, support, and accept her for who she is — even as they challenge her to work harder in school and on the squash court. Marangela has risen to one of the top spots on the girls squash ladder and is a consistent honor roll student at Edward M. Kennedy Academy for Health Careers. Her future looks very bright, and she currently has her sights set on Bates College, where she recently visited with the team. “Bates has a very close-knit community. It reminds me of SquashBusters.”

Jean Paul (JP) Morais SquashBusters Boston ‘06 Northeastern University

JP Morais had never heard of squash until he was a sixth grader at the Timilty Middle School. When the SquashBusters program dropped in on his gym class one day, he rushed home after school to tell his parents about the new game he’d learned. Little did any of them know, squash and the SquashBusters program would shape JP’s future.

JP’s grit and determination landed him at Northeastern University, where he studied engineering and played on the squash team. When he had to take a break due to financial reasons, he took on squash coaching jobs in various capacities across the city: at Harvard, the University Club of Boston, and at SquashBusters. Thanks to the connections he’s built through the squash network, he recently got the help he needed to re-enroll. These days, he is working 6-7 days per week as a squash coach, under the watchful eye of Chris Spahr at The University Club, to put money toward his tuition. He is chipping away at his credits one course at a time — with straight A’s to boot.

“ Squash has changed my

life. The game has taught me to be mentally tough, disciplined, patient, and persistent.”

Profile: Jean Paul (JP) Morais / SQB FY17

JP remembers the program’s early days, when SquashBusters borrowed space at the Harvard Club. On court, he always strived to get better and work harder. Off court, he felt cared for by SQB staff, who would drive him home after practice so he wouldn’t have to walk alone through Mission Hill. With support from SquashBusters, JP enrolled at Westminster School, a selective preparatory school in Connecticut, where he excelled both in school and on the squash team.


Joshua Agesta SquashBusters Lawrence ‘21 Greater Lawrence Technical School

At SquashBusters’ academic sessions, Joshua Agesta is almost always the first to find a table, sit down, and get started on his homework — often setting the tone for a productive session for the rest of his group. Joshua has earned himself a reputation amongst SQB peers and staff for having laser focus and steadfast determination and inspiring others to succeed alongside him.

SQB FY17 / Profile: Joshua Agesta

Joshua, a freshman at Greater Lawrence Technical School, says that without SquashBusters, he would probably just be at home after school with nothing to do. Instead, he spends three days per week at SQB — rarely missing a practice since he joined the team in sixth grade.


“ I like squash because

it’s just you against another person, and you can push each other to get better.”

Despite struggling with a learning difference, Joshua has improved his GPA significantly since joining the program, thanks to his dedication and perseverance. He’s paralleled that progress on the squash court, steadily making his way to the top of the boys ladder due to working hard at practice, and taking advantage of numerous additional opportunities to improve — including TOG Squash Camp at Deerfield Academy and SQB Lawrence’s own summer squads at Phillips Academy. “What is most admirable about Joshua is that he leads by example in all parts of SquashBusters — college, character and health,” says Andrés Burbank-Crump, SQB Lawrence Program Operations Manager. “He is a tremendously hard worker, and he shows genuine commitment and passion for the SquashBusters program and his teammates in it. We are proud to have him in the SQB family.”

New Balance Foundation Noreen Bigelow, Molly Santry, Megan Bloch

“SquashBusters and the New Balance Foundation are both committed to getting children active and engaged in their communities,” adds Noreen. “We both understand the importance of investing in young people with the ultimate goal of changing their life trajectory. What draws us to SquashBusters is the program’s multi-dimensional approach with an intensive and long-term focus on students’ health, character development and educational success.”

Molly and Megan echo that sentiment, “The New Balance Foundation is dedicated to strengthening local communities and improving the lives of children. That’s what drives us and why we invest in SquashBusters. Our hopes for the program’s future are straightforward: continue to pave the way for hundreds of students to get to and through college, and to inspire students to be healthy, realize their dreams, be active in their community, and share their future success with others.”

“ The New Balance Foundation is committed

to helping bring health and opportunity into the lives of all people. This is why we stand behind SquashBusters.”

Profile: New Balance Foundation / SQB FY17

The New Balance Foundation and SquashBusters have been teaming up since 2006. Look at any aspect of SquashBusters’ growth and success and you will see the New Balance Foundation playing a major role. “Molly, Megan and Noreen, the Foundation’s leaders, are there for SQB at every turn,” says Greg. “Expanding to Lawrence, tripling our student enrollment and improving our fitness programming — all these things and more have been made possible by the New Balance Foundation.” Collaborations with the Foundation’s Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children’s Hospital, the outfitting of our 300 students with beautiful team uniforms, and the Foundation’s generous backing of our annual Derby are just a few more ways the Foundation has helped make SquashBusters the program it is today.


Belkis Montas SquashBusters Boston ‘18 John D. O’Bryant School of Mathematics and Science

Belkis Montas is a fixture at SQB Boston, spending 6-7 days a week in the building every school year. “It’s easy because I want to be here all of the time, and so do the other students and staff. Everywhere I turn, there are people who care,” she says. Visit any day and you will see Belkis practicing on court with her coach, Nessrine; getting help on math homework from her teacher, Charlie; or sitting side by side with Eileen, her college advisor, to perfect her application essay. Belkis’ hard work has paid off in a big way. Her squash ranking has soared, and she’s been able to take advantage of various opportunities. This summer, she traveled to Kenyon College in Ohio to play in Urban Squash’s Midwest Championships, and participated in a service learning trip to Florida with SQB partner Summer Search. “SquashBusters has helped me learn how to deal with setbacks and challenges in my life, and given me motivation to work hard and set goals in every area of my life,” she said.

“ SquashBusters SQB FY17 / Profile: Belkis Montas


gives me an outlet for anything I’m feeling — good or bad. I know I can always look to squash.”

Belkis hasn’t missed a chance to give back to the community she values so much. She regularly volunteers with the middle school students, and she recently joined the SQB Ambassadors Program and F.A.S.T. (Female Athletes Stick Together), two leadership opportunities for motivated SQB students. Currently a high school senior, Belkis has her sights set on getting accepted to a great college. She is working closely with her SQB college mentors, Terri and Richard Schafer, on her college applications, and knows that with her own perseverance and SQB by her side, the sky is the limit.

John Manning & Roger Pennington SQB Lawrence Volunteers

If there were a record for most hours spent volunteering at SquashBusters Lawrence, it would almost certainly be a tie between Roger Pennington and John Manning. These two dedicated volunteers spend two to three days on court with SQB each week throughout the academic year. Roger has been with the program for the past five years, signing on as the first-ever SQB Lawrence volunteer just days after the site’s launch; John followed in his footsteps one year later.

Over the course of their time with SquashBusters, Roger and John have seen the students they work with grow tremendously, both on and off the court. They note the students’ increased self-confidence, maturity, and, of course, squash skills. According to John, “What’s unique and great about SQB is that it really focuses on supporting all participants in many aspects of their lives. By working with a targeted group of kids over a long period of time, SQB develops well-rounded, college-bound students.”

“ We’re getting the

benefit of exercising with the kids, while making a difference in their lives.”

Profile: John Manning and Roger Pennington / SQB FY17

Their commitment should come as no surprise; Roger and John had long careers at Raytheon and Cantor Fitzgerald, respectively. Now that both of them have some free time on their hands, Roger and John were thrilled to be able to play squash while helping others at SQB. As Roger explains, “To me, it’s a dream come true to be able to use a sport I love to work with children and give back to the community.”


Lilian Interiano SquashBusters Lawrence ‘21 Abbott Lawrence Academy

Lilian Interiano has never shied away from trying new things — in fact, when she joined the SquashBusters team in sixth grade, she actually enjoyed the challenge of learning a new sport. After several years in the program, she’s become even more willing to step out of her comfort zone — taking advantage of each and every opportunity that comes her way.

“ Because of SQB FY17 / Profile: Lilian Interiano


SquashBusters, I’m not afraid to put myself out there and take risks.”

For the past two summers, Lilian has attended prestigious academic programs with help from SquashBusters and the Squash and Education Alliance (SEA). In summer 2016, she spent five weeks at Choate Rosemary Hall in Connecticut, and this past summer, she attended another 5-week program at Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire. “Before I joined SQB, I would have never wanted to wake up early on my vacation and go to class six days a week,” she says. “But I loved it. I learned so much — including how to be more responsible and how to advocate for myself.” As a high school freshman, Lilian already feels more prepared for college because of her experiences at summer school. At Exeter, she gained hands-on exposure for her future career choice — criminology — through several courses in Crime Scene Investigation (CSI). No matter where her path leads, Lilian knows she can always rely on the relationships she’s built through SquashBusters. “SquashBusters is family. Even if it’s not about squash or school, if I need to talk to them about anything, I know they’ll be there for me.”

The Gertler Family SquashBusters supporters and volunteers From left: Charles, William, Jonathan, Chessin and Henny (not pictured: Jane Clark)

For the Gertlers, family and squash have always gone together. Dad Jonathan fell in love with squash in college, and his sons followed suit as junior and collegiate competitors. The game taught values they held dear — working hard, setting goals, staying fit, and remaining graceful under pressure. The Gertlers have been there since SQB’s inception. “Immediately, we saw what SQB was all about,” said Jonathan. “Using a sport that was so important to our family to break the cycle of poverty and expose young people to a world of opportunity they might not otherwise know about. At last, squash was starting to break out of its elitist mold and connect to a larger community.” That resonated for the Gertlers, and they signed on to help – generously contributing both their time and financial support to the program, and playing a huge role in the organization’s growth. Fast forward 20+ years and the Gertlers are more involved than ever. A few years back, Charles served as a College Mentor and Academic Tutor. Today, Chessin is a Squash Mentor to SQB Boston standout Beverly. He also serves on our Advisory Council and captains Eijk’s Knights, a Derby team favorite. The Gertlers have invested significantly in SQB’s southern expansion to Providence.

“ SquashBusters improves all

of our lives — by expanding opportunity and uniting people of different circumstances.”

Profile: The Gertler Family / SQB FY17

“It’s the greatest privilege for us to be able to help the program serve more kids. There are so many young people out there who are now able to reach their full potential through the education and exposure that SQB provides,” said Chessin. “Investing in SquashBusters is our way of making the world a fairer place.”


Dilon Dawkins SquashBusters Boston ‘19 Fenway High School

“ My teammates

are like my brothers and sisters.”

No SquashBusters student spends more time on court than Dilon Dawkins — quite a feat for someone who never played organized sports until joining the program. Now an 11th grader at Fenway High School, Dilon embarked on his SQB adventure as a 7th grader, taking a major step outside his comfort zone. Since then, he’s taken advantage of just about every opportunity SquashBusters has offered. Every day, on hundreds of occasions, Dilon shows that he is voraciously dedicated. He plays squash 6-7 days week, competes in every tournament he can, dives head-first into his school work, coaches and mentors SQB middle schoolers, and never misses a community service project. Dilon’s hard work at SQB earned him an acceptance to Fenway High School, one of Boston’s best, where he is scoring mostly A’s and B’s.

SQB FY17 / Profile: Dilon Dawkins

For Dilon, SQB has shined a light on what he can achieve if he works hard, sets goals, and treats others with respect and kindness. Dilon is currently focused on getting into college, where he hopes to play squash, and his career goal is to become a physician — an interest sparked by an SQB-facilitated summer science camp taught by Boston University CityLab.


Dilon credits his success to the older kids in the program who have taken him under their wings. Now he is proud to do the same for the next generation. His advice for them? “Everything isn’t always a game — you have to really work hard to get where you want to go.”

George Bell SquashBusters Board Member

George Bell joined the SquashBusters Board in 2011 after serving on the Board of the Squash and Education Alliance (SEA). “I followed Greg back to SquashBusters because he is entrepreneurial, passionate and results-oriented. I wanted to support him in expanding the first-ever urban squash program and serving more kids.” George has always taken smart risks. From a long lineage of Philadelphia Main Line lawyers and bankers, George pursued journalism after graduating from Harvard. He became a four-time Emmy-winning producer and writer of adventure documentaries seen on ABC, National Geographic and Discovery. At the birth of the consumer internet, he was recruited to Silicon Valley where, at 34, he served in his first CEO role at Excite. He took the company public, and, four years later, sold it to @Home in a $7B merger. Later, he moved back to Boston to take on the CEO role at Upromise, a service helping families save for college; then became CEO of Jumptap, a mobile data platform. Most recently, George has had a long relationship with General Catalyst Partners, a venture capital firm.

“ The primary gift in life is the

experience of living, enhanced by the luck of good health. But it is education that allows people to flourish.”

Profile: George Bell / SQB FY17

George wears many important SQB hats — Chair of the Board’s Nominating Committee, Derby player and captain, SQB Providence investor, advisor to Greg, and key influencer to SQB’s strategic decision to grow regionally. George sees SQB as a pathway for kids less privileged than he was to develop courage in their lives. “SquashBusters teaches students to work hard, dream big, get along with all kinds of people and find solutions to problems — key lessons that have served me well and that I’d like to play some role in teaching to others.”


Amainaris (Amy) Sanchez SquashBusters Boston Middle School Academic Coordinator SquashBusters Boston ‘13 Mount Holyoke College ‘17

When Amy Sanchez graduated from Mount Holyoke College this past spring, it was only natural for her to return to SquashBusters to launch her career. After all, the organization has been a second home since she was young — both for her and her family. Her mom, Juana, makes it to every SQB family event, and her younger brother, George Montero, followed in her footsteps and graduated from the program in 2017. Today, he is a freshman at Drexel University.

SQB FY17 / Profile: Amainaris (Amy) Sanchez

“When I tried out in sixth grade, I had no idea that I was making the best decision of my life,” Amy says. “If I hadn’t joined SQB, I would not have the support system that I have today. I wouldn’t have met the people who changed my life.”


In summer 2016, Amy worked as an intern with the middle school students. Right off the bat, she felt comfortable working with the staff and knew that if she was given the opportunity, SQB was the place she wanted to work.

“ I can’t imagine working in any other environment than the one that fostered my growth and made me the person I am today.”

“One of SQB’s biggest strengths is the fact that leadership and staff are always trying to learn and improve so they can better serve young people,” she says. “Whether it’s learning how students’ identities should be reflected and embraced, to fostering a safer and more inclusive environment, they are always pushing their staff to do better by the kids.” In the classroom, Amy strives to create a learning environment where nothing is off limits, and curiosity is embraced and encouraged. “I want to support students as they take charge of their own futures and become their best selves,” she said. “That’s what SquashBusters does, and I’m thankful for the chance to pass that on to other students.”

José Victorino SquashBusters Lawrence ‘20 Brooks School

José Victorino believes he would be a completely different person today if he hadn’t joined SquashBusters five years ago. “When I first started, I was cocky, and I had a hard time controlling my anger,” he says. “I would get so mad when I lost a match. But the SQB staff would pull me aside and talk to me. I started to realize that not only was I making myself look bad, I was making the program look bad, too.”

“ I’ve learned that

there are endless possibilities for the future — you just need resources to access them. For me, SquashBusters is that resource.”

Nowadays, José is much more humble — even though he’s achieved a great deal since joining the program. Last year, with SquashBusters’ help, José earned a full scholarship to Brooks School, a private preparatory school in North Andover and close partner of SQB that provides courts and classrooms for the program’s use and volunteers on and off the court. The workload is challenging, but the experience has been great so far — both for José and the Brooks community. “José had a terrific first year at Brooks as an honors student and member of the varsity squash team,” said Doug Burbank, Brooks School Squash Coach and Head of the Mathematics Department. “SQB prepared him extremely well for the transition to Brooks, and was actively engaged in his progress throughout the year.”

Profile: José Victorino / SQB FY17

Though he’s now a full time Brooks student, José will always remain a member the SquashBusters family “I don’t know where I would be without this program. It opens so many doors and changes people’s lives. I know, because it changed mine.”


“ SquashBusters is a place where we are constantly pushing

each other to be better. This goes for both staff and students.”

Dora Lubin and Myra Sack are at the epicenter of all that happens at SquashBusters. They are the leaders of the Lawrence and Boston sites, respectively, and are vital to each program’s success. Dora is an artist, Myra is an athlete. Dora majored in Fine Art and performed in many musicals at Penn. Myra excelled as an all-American soccer player at Dartmouth. Their differences end there.

SQB FY17 / Profile: Dora Lubin and Myra Sack

Hard work, dedication to young people, and a relentless commitment towards leveling the playing field and expanding opportunity define both Dora and Myra. Spend 5 minutes with either of them, and you will be blown away by their energy, empathy and smarts. They juggle logistics and deliverables on par with a 5-star general, but make time stand still when any SQB student or family member needs them.


Dora and Myra came to SQB for the same reason — to make a difference in the lives of young people. When asked what drives them to stay at it and to push so hard, Myra was clear, “I believe that all kids and families want to live a fulfilling life and experience success. Students at SQB all know that they matter as human beings. They feel like they belong somewhere, that their lives have purpose and that they are a part of something bigger than themselves.” Dora shared a similar sentiment, “When I look around at the disparities in opportunity, it’s really one of the most unfair things and it bothers me. SQB is one small but sure step toward making the world a fairer place. Every kid needs someone who cares about them.”

Dora Lubin

Myra Sack

Executive Director, SquashBusters Lawrence

Program Director, SquashBusters Boston

Matt Glendinning Head of School, Moses Brown School

A partnership between SquashBusters and Moses Brown makes sense for many reasons to Matt Glendinning, Head of School at Moses Brown School. “After years of teaching and coaching, I know that education coupled with athletics can change lives. That’s been a part of our approach here at MB for more than 200 years. We are committed to the city of Providence, and hope that our experience can help to improve the lives of children no matter where they go to school. A partnership with SQB is the perfect way to achieve this.” Education, athletics, and social justice have been important to Matt for a long time. “I learned about the transformative impact of education by observing my two older sisters, who were excellent students.” Matt followed them to Dartmouth, graduating in 1987 with a degree in Classical Archaeology. His first teaching job was at Phillips Academy Andover, where he coached soccer, skiing, and cycling and assisted with community service projects.

Said Matt, “I’m thrilled about the partnership with SQB because I know it’s going to unite Moses Brown and the city of Providence and help all of us become more caring and connected members of our larger community.”

“ Together, SquashBusters

and Moses Brown will stand by the city of Providence and its students for many years to come.”

Profile: Matt Glendinning / SQB FY17

After completing a Ph.D. at UNC-Chapel Hill, Matt returned to the classroom and playing field as a coach and history teacher at Germantown Friends School in Philadelphia and then as the Head of Upper School at Moorestown Friends School in New Jersey. He began his tenure at a third Quaker school, Moses Brown, in 2009. “MB is a wonderful and historic school. A strong foundation of Quaker values such as peace, integrity, and equality — together with an explicit focus on 21st century skills like creative problem solving, global awareness, and ethical leadership — create a very powerful and relevant educational model.”


SQB FY17 / Leadership

Board of Directors


John Blasberg Chairman Bain & Company

David Drubner Derby Committee Co-Chair The Baupost Group

Jonathan Hyett Secretary Morgan Stanley

Teresa Koster Scholarship and Alumni Committee Chair Gallagher Koster

Nancy Loucks Treasurer and Finance Committee Chair Yale University

Don Mykrantz Investment Committee Chair The Jeffrey Company

George Bell Nominating Committee Chair PlaceIQ

David Antonelli MFS

Diana Lam Margarita MuĂąiz Academy

Meg Campbell Codman Academy

Henry Manice Mighty Squirrel

Juma Crawford Lewis Family Foundation

Philomena Mantella Northeastern University

Habib Gorgi Nautic Partners

Will Muggia Westfield Capital Management

Matt Haldeman McGraw Hill Education

William Paine Wilmer Hale

Jon Karlen Astral Capital

Kadineyse Paz Boston Tenant Coalition Clean Water Action Greg Zaff SquashBusters

Advisory Council Dean Conway David Crane Chessin Gertler Charlie Humber Greg Jannetta Patrick Malloy Jane Mancini

Lawrence Leadership Council Rosemary McElroy Kate Nimick Hope Prockop Chip Robie Glen Sutton Simone Winston

Todd Beati Doug Burbank Ross Elkin Jenny Elliott Tom Hodgson Bruce Landay John Manning

William Paine Belisario Rosas Scott Staniar Bill Wall Adam Ware Henry White

Providence Leadership Council Julie Andrews Perry Buroker Peter Gemma

Habib Gorgi Doug Jacobs Marshall Votta

Young Leadership Committee Nick Keches, Co-Chair Krissy Rubin, Co-Chair Adam Buchbinder Guy Davidson David Funk Michael Goodwin Daniel Hsu Sam Livingston Alejandra Madrid Matt Marchisotto Sam Millham

Ashley Mitchell Gwen Moore Mimi Neal John Nimmo Benjamin Ross Alli Rubin Strother Scott Alex Spiliotes Will Trepagnier

Alumni Committee

Leadership / SQB FY17

Kadineyse Paz, President Mikhail Darlington Ina Dodoveci Jennifer Flores Ronald German Ilma Golemi Querby Janvier Deanna Pettway Ravi Rao Carlos Richardson Thanh Tran


FY17 Partners Squash and Education Alliance (SEA)

Facility Partners

Formerly NUSEA, SEA is the umbrella organization for the world’s 23 urban squash programs. SEA provides incredible opportunities for our students, including summer programs at places like Phillips Exeter Academy and Hotchkiss School, and national competitions at places like University of Pennsylvania and Kenyon College.


This year, four SQB students attended SEA’s Citizenship Tour, which gives select students the opportunity to embark on an 8-day trip from New York City to Washington D.C. and meet key figures in civil service, including NBC Nightly News Anchor Lester Holt and U.S. Senators Cory Booker and Kamala Harris.

Northeastern University


Brooks School Phillips Academy


Moses Brown School

Boston Partner Schools Codman Academy Charter Public School Rafael Hernandez School Joseph Lee Elementary School John D. O’Bryant School of Mathematics and Science James P. Timilty Middle School Public, charter, parochial, and exam high schools across the city

Lawrence Partner Schools

SQB FY17 / Partners


Arlington Middle School Emily G. Wetherbee School Lawrence High School

Programming Partners

Equipment and Clothing Partners


ACE Mentor Program Big City Mountaineers Boston University CityLab Bottom Line Family Services of Merrimack Valley Grand Circle Foundation Next Generation Leaders Higginson-Lewis School Merrimack College The Posse Foundation South End Community Health Center Summer Search Tickets for Kids TripAdvisor Tutors for All uAspire

Black Knight

More than 100 volunteers help out on the court, in the classroom and in various ways throughout, to make all that we do possible. Thank you to our volunteer squash coaches and mentors, academic tutors, college mentors, Derby and MashUp players, and guest speakers — we couldn’t do it without you.

Hemlock Ink

New Balance

Partners / SQB FY17 21

SquashBusters Providence will open in November 2017 in partnership with Moses Brown School. The program will impact the lives of hundreds of Providence students, contributing to their health and well-being and building a bridge to college success.

“ As we approach the official launch of the program,

we are committed to building something special that reflects all that makes Providence unique and that brings new resources and opportunities to hundreds of kids and their families, along with the community as a whole.� – Caitlin Barrett, SQB Providence Executive Director

SQB FY17 / Providence

Caitlin with SQB Board Member & Providence Leadership Council Chair Habib Gorgi.


2017 Stub Fiscal Year Financials 2017 was a solid year at SquashBusters thanks to the generosity of our donors and careful management of our expenses. Here are some things to note as you review our financial progress this year. • These audited numbers were approved by the SQB board in September 2017.

Ten Months June 2017*

Year Ended August 2016

Year Ended August 2015

Change in Net Assets per Financial Statements




Contributions — Providence Capital Campaign



Contributions — One-Time Donation To Endowment


Realized/Unrealized Investment (Gains) Losses




Net Investment Income




Depreciation Expense




Change in Net Assets from Operations (excluding Endowment Gift)




• So that we could present current audited financials in this and future annual reports, our Board approved a change in fiscal year-end from August 31st to June 30th. As a result, 2017 is a 10-month “stub” fiscal year. • The portion of total expenses dedicated to our primary program mission is very healthy. • The Management & General expense ratio remained fairly flat over prior year level (12%).

* Reflects change in fiscal year end to June 30th from August 31st.

14% 25%

Revenue l Individual, Corporate & Foundation Contributions


l One-time Donation to Endowment


l Capital Pledges for Providence Facility l Net Special Event Income and Program Reimbursements l Investment Income




1,188,553 562,540 4,077,257


Functional Expenses l Program Services


l Fundraising


l Management & General






14% 73%

Financials / SQB FY17

• Per accounting rules for non-profits, top-line revenue includes operating donations, endowment gifts and the full value of multi-year pledges received in 2017.

Financial Highlights


FY17 Donors

SquashBusters is grateful for the following donors who generously contributed operating support to the program between September 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017:


Cynthia and Peter Kellogg New Balance Foundation MFS Investment Management

$50,000 - $99,000

Anonymous Jeannie & John Blasberg Richard K. Lubin Family Foundation Steve & Sue Mandel The Van Otterloo Family Foundation Westfield Capital Management/ The Muggia Family

$25,000 - $49,999

Anonymous Anbaric Amelia Peabody Foundation David & Lisa Antonelli George & Carrie Bell Charles Hayden Foundation Cummings Foundation Gerald & Sandra Fineberg The Haldeman Family Ralph & Janice James Nancy & Michael Loucks Robert & Donna Manning Peter Palandjian/Intercontinental Real Estate Richard and Susan Smith Family Foundation State Street Foundation

SQB FY17 / FY17 Donors

$10,000 - $24,999


Abbot and Dorothy Stevens Foundation Mark & Carolyn Ain Mickey & Bob Atchinson Audax Group/Marc & Robin Wolpow Bain Capital Children’s Charity Berkshire Partners Leo Boyle Mary Coolidge Tench & Simone Coxe Digger & Susan Donahue David Drubner Paul & Sandra Edgerley Bill & Jacalyn Egan/Duniry Foundation Gertler Clark Family General Catalyst Partners/ David & Nina Fialkow

The Gorgi Family The Haslam Family Foundation Douglas Jacobs Amrit & Sarah Kanwal Jon & Francie Karlen JP Morgan Securities/ Jamie & Katie Fagan Peter & Meredith Kellner Jonathan & Meg Kelly Lewis Family Foundation Liberty Mutual Foundation Lovett-Woodsum Foundation Henry & Anna Manice Beverly Marram McCall & Almy, LLC Bill McCall The McElroy Family Don & Susan Mykrantz New England Development/ Steve & Nancy Fischman The Nyce Family Foundation William & Margaret Paine Mike & Kathie Pierce The Aileen K. and Brian L. Roberts Foundation The Rogers Family Foundation Sapient Global Markets Errin Siagel & Teresa Koster The Estate of Elinor Silverman State Street Corporation Sandy & Cathy Tierney Sun Life Financial/ Steve & Anne Peacher Thermo Fisher Scientific Whale Rock Capital Management William O’Neil & Co. Winston Flowers Charity in Bloom

$5,000 - $9,999

Anonymous Herbert Allen/Allen & Company George & Camilla Bennett Thomas & Lisa Blumenthal David Boyum Mark & Maribeth Brostowski Carousel Industries George Colony David Crane Guy & Sally Davidson Deloitte Services LP Dental Dreams, LLC Jeffrey Drubner Mark Ehrman & Chee Kwong Essex County Community Foundation - Greater Lawrence Summer Fund Friends of Tom Poor

Andy Goldfarb Peter & Wendy Gordon John Hailer Tony Hatoun Highland Street Foundation Jonathan & Monica Hyett John S. and James L. Knight Foundation The Kaplan Family Sven & Laurie Karlen William Keravuori & Jennifer Epstein Beth & Seth Klarman Mark Kritzman Kushner Companies Charitable Foundation Shay Lynch Robert & Heidi Manice Alex & Melissa Marx John McDowell Peter McIntire National Development / Charles River Realty Investors Ned and Emily Sherwood Family Foundation Andrew & Dawn Neher John & Kate Nimick Charles & Hilary Parkhurst Tom Poor & Jessie Chai Hope & Dave Prockop Prudential Financial, Inc. Stephen Quigley & Alicia Cooney Chip & Susan Robie Bry Roskoz Wayne & Linda Saker David Smoyer Mauro Stuparich Glen Sutton & Kate Lubin Ming, Polly & David Tsai Rose-Marie & Eijk Van Otterloo

$2,500 - $4,999

Leonard & Lyn Bernheimer Block Island Brands Megan Bourke BSC 3.0 Team Mark Burns George Delaney Adrienne Ellman Michael S. Field Ellen Remmer & Chris Fox Steven & Andrea Gardos Peter & Diana Gemma Lawrence Greenberg Chris Hesterbreg Charlie Humber Bruce & Ashley Jacobs Tucker & Kristen Jones Bruce & Nancy Landay Pat & Ellie Malloy Martin & Tristin Mannion Josh & Sarah Marston JoAnn McGrath/ Highland Street Foundation David McGrath/ Highland Street Foundation Chris & Nancy McNeill Bill Monaghan Paul Moses & Barbara Lubash

Tim & Molly Neher Leo Jr. & Eve Pierce Nicholas & Christina Raho Foundation Belisario & Leslie Rosas Antoinette Russell & Louis Bailey The Schuster Family Jeffrey Szafran Andrew Tappe Novaya Real Estate Ventures Billy & Tracy Ullman Alicia & Gordon Walker Bill & Denise Wall Kresge Foundation The University Club of Boston Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC Eaton Vance Management Charity UBS

$1,000 - $2,499

Anne Addington Charitable Fund Brishma Agnihotri Nichole & Richard Aldrich Scott & Kate Anderson B.R. Alexander & Co., Inc. Russell C. Ball, III Kevin Beatty Margaret & Jim Bell David Booth Boston Park Plaza Hotel The Bourell Family Greg Brandner John Brazilian Rebecca Bucci Maria Buttolph Clive Caldwell Topher Callahan The Champa Family Community Foundation of New Jersey - Jeffrey Family Fund Miles Coon Gordon Cromwell Hope & Louis Crosier Gregory Cuneo Jon & Kim Davis John DeSantis Scott DeSantis Robert & Deborah Dickey Eastern Bank Chris and Jean Egan Ross & Jenn Elkin Emerson Hospital Everyone’s A Player Foundation Catherine Fair Dana Falk John Fallon David Florence John Fowler Valerie Friedman Christopher & Hilary Gabrieli Malcolm Gefter Bijoo & Shailini George Stephen & Carol Geremia David Giunta Martin Goldstein & Marilyn Frank Emily Goodfellow

Albert L. & Jessica Grosman Eric & Jill Grossman Jeff Harper Thomas & Linda Heagy Doug & Kathy Hodges Thomas Israel Gregory & Leslie Jannetta Jeffrey Beers International Edward & Holly Jenkins The Jenkins Family Joe and Maria Joseph John Kane Steven Kane Bill & Annette Kaplan Steve Kaye Mike Keating Lawrence Kidd Nancy King Barry & Laura Korobkin Richard Lazar Richard Leavitt Sang-Gil Lee Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P. Don & Vivian Lubin Emily Lubin Woods Elizabeth & Christopher Madison Dean Makino Robert & Rita Malloy John & Cindy Manning Philomena Mantella Massachusetts Squash B.R. Alexander & Co., Inc. The Mayhew Family David S. McGuire Susan McLeish Stephen Mead Mosaic Research Management Paula Muto-Gordon & Jonathan Gordon Jeff Nelsen Caren & Joe Pasquale Chris & M.E. Patton Carroll & Bob Pierce Christopher Pike William Poorvu Barbara Raho Steven & Audrey Reny Polly Ross Ribatt David & Sybil Richardson Dick & Ann Robie Jeffrey Rodman David Rosenberg Robert Rosenberg The Santoro Family Richard & Terri Schafer Toby Seggerman Mary Louise Seidner Donald Shackelford Edward Shapiro Kirk Sigel The Simboli Family Single Step Foundation Judith & Lee Spelke Martin & Davida Stocklan Russell Swapp Taj Boston Hotel Kurt Therrien Trust Family Foundation Clare Villari

Vijay Vishwanath Neal Vohr Richard Voke Robert Walters Wellington Management West Wind Foundation Henry & Cary White Chandler Willett Adam Winstanley Simone, Theodore & Jack Winston Stephen Wolfe Jonathan Zorn

$500 - $999

Brooks School Boys & Girls Squash Program Jesse Brown Moira Burnham Thomas Butters John Butts James Calmas David Cappillo Benjamin Carenter Randall Carpenter Ben Carter John Catto Susan Chapro John & Pat Chory Eric Christofferson Caroline Collins Crescent Capital Jeff & Amy Crowe James Daughtry Jon and Kim Davis Pat Delaney Lou deLisser Kathryn Dell’Erario Gilles Demeulenaere Denison University Barbara Digan-Zweig Michael Douvadjian James Down William & Mittie Doyle EBSCO Industries, Inc. Brian Edgerley Michael Edwards Betsy & Mike Feldmann Carlos & Rosemary Ferrer Andrew Fink Maura Flaherty Joseph Floyd Victoria Foley Charlie & Sarah Forbes Churchill Franklin The Freed Family William & Jennifer Fulton Robert Gilbert Chris & Martha Grant Will & Ali Gray Barbara Gulino Daniel Halston Frederic Hamilton Jr. David & Becky Hamlin Mark Harmeling Francis Hatch George Hatch The Herzfelder Family Hesler Family Fund

Bruce Watts Anita Weeks Peter Weissman Susan & Stephen Wetherill Pendleton White, Jr. Charles Whittingham The Willwerth Family Lissa Winstanley Nancy Worthen Nancy Zimmerman


Anonymous The Agnihotri Family Sunaina Anand Jay Anderson Paul & Wendy Ansdell The Applebys John Avitabile Melora & Andrew Balson Bank of America Charitable Foundation Kristin Barbato Jared Ross/Day Pitney LLP Sarah Bell Thompson Bellingrath Amory Bennett Walter & Rosalind Bernheimer Peter Blecher BNY Mellon Corporation Steven Borgeson Stephen Boyle Everett Bramhall David Bresnahan Mark Bress Eric Brown David Brown Adam Buchbinder Matthew Buscone Rob Butler Michael Cantalupa Elizabeth Carroll James Cassella Tisha & Bill Charman Paul Cieslik Eugene Clapp James Clark Bruce Clarke Claudia Colombo Doug & Carla Conigliaro Brian Connolly James Conz John Cooper Mark Cordes Laura Coyne James Cregan, Jr. & Kathryn Kempton Collin Crotty Jose Cruz Jeffrey Cummings Nicole Daniele Margaret Davenport Malcolm & Renata Davidson Fran Davidson Wayne Davis Day Pitney LLP Lynn Dayton D. Festitucci Scott Denbow

Tom & Mary DeSimone Robert DiGeronimo/ Permal Capital Management Andrew D’Ignazio Richard Drury Stephen DuBois Joe Duffey Stéphane Dumas & Dominique Farinaux-Dumas John Dunn Robert Eather Thomas & Gayane Ebling Kathleen Edwards Jennifer Eielson Pauline Elkin David Ellen Jeff Estella John Fairbanks Patricia Farman-Farmaian Bridget Fawcett Timothy Fegan Alexandra Fern Patricia J. Figge The Figge Family Firestone and Parson Inc. Marcia & Fred Floyd Maureen Floyd Charles Mallory Charles Foley Jeremy Fraiberg Martha Fritz Jay Fritz Julie Futch Anthony Galluccio James Garmey Diana Garmey Dimitris Georgakopoulos Ronald German Brad Gerstner Daniel Getler Craig Gilmartin Matthew Goldstein & Myra Sack Mark Goodman Alexandra Gordon Dee Gordon Mark Gottesman Steven Grossman Robert & Laurene Gunther The Hallowell Family Luke Hammond Daniel Harris Will Hartigan Cecile Hartigan Zach Harvey John Hauck David Henderson The Hicks Family Michael Higgins Julie & Rob Hill Mark Hodges Thomas Hodgson Gail & Matthew Hoffman Grace Hoffmann The Holding Family Ty Howe Daniel Hsu Alice Jenkins Kenton Jernigan Pete & Joan Johnson

Kelley Johnston Hooks Johnston Richard Joyal Mary Raho Julian Rashed Kanaan Maxwell Kardon Kevin Kearns Nicholas Keches The Keene Family Chris & Shirley Kelly Matthew Kilmartin Joseph King Julian Kirby Michael Klein Robert Koven Ralph Kusinitz Diana Lam Janice Lane Stephen Langlois & Sally Marrer Jon Larson James & Patricia Lazor Lee Ann Leary Russell & Deahn Leblang Sarah Lederman Richard Lee Mary Beth Leetch Sarah & Thomas Lemaire Anthony Leness Daniel Lieman Douglas Lifford Juliette Love Gregory Lucas Kenneth Ludwig Chris Lutes Kevin & Sharon MacKenzie Tamatha MacWilliams Joseph Maguire Rick Manley Claire Mann Marcia & Francis Gens Charitable Fund Benjamin Marino Jackson Marvel Mohamed Masoud Kevin & Elizabeth McClintock Sean McDonough William McIntire Joyce McKenna Colin McNay Robert McNeill Michael McQuaid Suzanne McQuaid William McQuillan Sara Mead Bruce Merrifield Mary Miller Sam Millham Richard Modliszewski Michael Monteiro Mary Mooradian William Moore Nancy Moran Paul Morris Michael Muldowney Maura Neal Thomas Newberry C.W. Nichols Richard Nicolazzo Chip Norton

David & Susie Novick Chris & Paola O’Brien Morgan Dene Oliver Eric Olson Over the Rainbow Foundation Victor Paci Christopher Painter Anne Pardo Troup Parkinson Chandrakant Patel Raj Pathak Bruce Pendleton Justin Perreault Jennifer Peterson Phase 2 Medical Manufacturing, Inc. Joshua Pierce Elizabeth Pitts Susanna Place Gerald & Lynne Polcari Jared Pomerance Bill Power David Powers Laura Prager Spencer Purinton Kelsey Quick Ryan Quinn Cameron Rahbar Joe Raho, Jr. George Raine The Ramsey McCluskey Family Foundation Grant Rhode M.J. Ricciardelli Louise Rice José Rivera Nancy Robb Nicholas Roberts Richard Rockett Hartley Rogers William Roohan Albin Rosengren Justin Ruane Ron Rubin Kristen Rubin Robin Ruttle David Ryan Michael Kalis & Leah Sack Jacob & Erin Sack Gary Savage Drew Sawyer Francis Scanlan Corey Schafer Anthony Schena David Schenkein Michael Schnitman Michael Schutzer Suzanne Schwartz Adam Schwartz Edward Serues Richard Shapiro & Marsha Janger Brent Shay Kate and Raleigh Shoemaker Jr. Charitable Fund Michael Shore Alex Shulman Liz Silverman Thomas Sleeper

Stephen Sloan Robin Smith Sarah L. Smith Brian Smith Jean D. Smith Amanda Sobhy Gifford Sommerkamp Alex Spiliotes Jeff & Jill Stanley Billy Starr Christine & Matt Stellar Loring L. Stevens The Stonestreet Family Kevin Sullivan Richard Sutphin John Svoboda Brendan Swords Susan Taft Barrett Takesian Philip Tierney Roger Tung Gene Tyrrell Scott Ursin-Smith Lisa Wagenheim Anders Wahlstedt William Walser The Wambach Family Ken Weber Michael Weissman Stephanie Weissman Julia White Alexander Whittemore David Winston Jeremy Wintersteen Heather & Charles Woodworth Susan Worthen

SQB Providence Capital Donors

George & Carrie Bell Tench & Simone Coxe Digger & Susan Donahue Bill & Jacalyn Egan/ Duniry Foundation The Esselen Family The Gertler Clark Family The Haldeman Family Barbara & Amos Hostetter Douglas Jacobs George Kellner Lewis Family Foundation The Lavine Family The Manice Family Ed Mank The Muggia Family Don & Susan Mykrantz Andy Neher Paul Salem Sandy & Jill Spaulding Steve Woodsum & Anne Lovett

FY17 Donors / SQB FY17

Kristine Hoag The Holding Family Deming P. Holleran Joel Jacob George Jarrard Eric Kamisher Kara Kardon Bob Keefe George Kellner Robin & Erik Kirby Gerry Kirschner The Koeppel Family Lee Kozol Mike Lapham Holly Laurent The Lazor Family Bob & Mary Lentz Beth & Joe Lis Ian Loring Tammy & John MacWilliams Brian McCormick Mary McKee Robert McNeill Stephen Mead, Jr. Christopher Metcalfe Frederick Millham Kent & Natalie Mitchell Richard Mohlere Richard Molari Mary Ann Moore Mrs. P A Moriarty David Newton Tim & Debbie Nicholson Timothy Niemann Chip Nimick Dominic Origlio Elizabeth Pattullo Jon Piper Scott & Alena Poirier Charles & Laura Prober Ram Das Rao & Maria Rodrigues Paul & Wendy Rapisarda Betsy & Tim Rath John Regan Charles & Patty Ribakoff The Sacerdote Family Neil & Anne Schneider Maura Shaughnessy Jack & Sue Silliman Paul Skinner Andrew Slater & An-Louise Johnson Sam & Margaret Stevens Jeff Struzenski Gabriel Sunshine The Sutton Family T.M and M.W. Chilton Family Foundation Charlie & Sheri Thompson Donald Thorn Stephen Traynor Nabil Uddin Nancy & Tony Ullman Union Boat Club University Risk Management and Insurance Association Jordan & Bill Villari Heather & William Vrattos Liza & Muddy Waters Linda Watts


Connect with us: info@squashbusters.org squashbusters & squashbusterslawrence @squashbusters @squashbusters

www.squashbusters.org SquashBusters / 795 Columbus Avenue, Roxbury Crossing, MA 02120 / 60 Island Street, Lawrence, MA 01840 / 250 Lloyd Avenue, Providence, RI 02906

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