SquashBusters 2017-18 Impact Report

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To the SquashBusters family, We are the Student Ambassadors of SquashBusters — a group of student leaders who represent the voices of the SQB student community and who contribute ideas on how to improve our program. We have been a part of the program for long enough to call SquashBusters our second home and family; it really is our “home away from home.” The SquashBusters culture is very diverse, bringing together students of different backgrounds from all over Boston, Lawrence, and Providence. The diversity at SquashBusters makes us comfortable and allows us to ask questions, grow, and be ourselves. Whether we are playing together on the squash court or pushing each other in the classroom, we come together as one and break down barriers. We become both a team and a family on and off the court, holding ourselves accountable and pushing each other to reach our full potential. Staff at SquashBusters encourage us to be who we are and support us as we chase our goals. It’s hard to describe how much SQB has positively impacted our lives, opened doors we didn’t even know existed, and connected us to incredible opportunities that prepare us to take on anything. This past program year has been one of growth, achievement and opportunity. A few highlights stand out to us: For the first time in SQB history, we had our very own varsity team! Marking the first time a squash team hailed from the City of Boston, the varsity team represented Boston Public Schools in competition with other high schools from around the nation. Our favorite memory was traveling to Philadelphia for the U.S. High School Team Championships! In other exciting news, SquashBusters Lawrence, now in its seventh year, graduated its first class of seniors in 2018, all of whom are enrolled in college this fall! We’re so excited for Jeremy, Benito, Ashley, Antar, Katherine, and Jiberly to continue on their paths to success. Lastly, but certainly not least, the 2017-2018 program year marked the launch of SQB Providence, SquashBusters’ third program site, which was built in partnership with Moses Brown School and served 28 6th graders in its inaugural year. We are excited that

SquashBusters continues to expand its impact. Bringing more students from different backgrounds together allows us to continue to break down barriers and keeps us growing stronger as an organization. All of us at SquashBusters are so excited to hit the ground running in 2018-2019. We are looking forward to more opportunities to play squash — whether it’s at practice with our coaches, playing with our squash mentors at the University Club, or road-tripping with our teammates to compete in US Squash or urban tournaments. You know we’ll also be cheering on the SQB varsity team for its second season (go SQB!). The seniors have already been hard at work all summer on their college applications, and we’re excited to hear them read their essays aloud come Thanksgiving. We’re also looking forward to two new student leadership initiatives designed to unite the program and bring students together — the SQB student-led newsletter and the Big Squash Little Squash mentoring program between SQB high schoolers and middle schoolers. It’s going to be a great year. It is the people that make an organization come alive, and that is certainly true at SquashBusters. The reason SquashBusters is able to be so successful in its mission is because of the amazing groups of people who come together to make this program possible. Regardless of your role within the SquashBusters community — as board members, donors, volunteers, or staff — it is the coming together for a common mission that connects us and allows us to drive change together. We all make up the SquashBusters family. Each of us joined SQB in middle school on a leap of faith, having never played the sport before and not knowing each other, but SQB brought us together. Now, we’re looking forward to our next steps and looking at our alumni as examples and inspiration. Thank you to our supporters for making this possible for so many generations. To our staff — thank you for never giving up on us and for always having our backs. You have taught us to step out of our comfort zones to discover who we are and who we want to become. SQB will always have a special place in our hearts; it is our home away from home. We hope you enjoy this year’s annual report! Coming to you from the Student Ambassadors.

OUR WORK at a glance One Week

The SQB Middle School Experience 90 minutes of homework support 2x/week

One Year College

• Academic tutoring across all subjects • Minimum of 2 college visits per year per student to schools like Wesleyan University, Amherst College, and Boston College • High school placement support and advising plus ISEE prep for all 8th graders

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• SAT prep course and on-going practice exams for all 11th graders • Extensive support with college applications and financial aid for high school seniors and their families • 1:1 college mentoring for all high school seniors • Connection to external summer programs on college and prep school campuses like Harvard University and Phillips Exeter Academy

The SQB High School Experience 90 minutes of squash practice 3x/week

60 minutes of college readiness workshops 2x/week 60 minutes of homework support 2x/week

Character • Student leadership development opportunities, including the student-led newsletter team and student ambassadors • Participation in at least 2 community service projects per year. Projects include serving at Pine Street Inn, the Greater Boston Food Bank, and Cor Unum Meal Center • Peer mentoring between middle and high school students • Summer engagement through squash, academic, and recreational programs offered both internally and through external partners like Grand Circle Foundation Next Generation Leaders and Summer Search • Field trips each year for each grade level to places like Edesia for a career exploration trip and Mount Monadnock for hiking and team-building activities • Opportunity to participate in The Urban Squash Citizenship Tour, hosted by the Squash and Education Alliance. Students spend time with leaders in government, journalism and the non-profit community, such as Senator Cory Booker, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and NBC Today Show anchors Al Roker and Hoda Kotb

I stayed in the program because SquashBusters became more than just an after-school program. Everyone became family. I met my best friend at SquashBusters, and I gained a sense of freedom and confidence that I didn’t know I had. Also, as a bonus, I got really good at squash.

An SQB Career Meet Jennifer SQB Class of 2017 Mount Holyoke College Class of 2021

All Ages 60 minutes of squash practice 3x/week

2 hours of open courts 5 days/week


• Interned at Massachusetts General Hospital for three consecutive summers • Attended 15 college visits • Timilty Middle School Valedictorian


• Squash matches against local preparatory schools and other urban squash teams, such as Noble & Greenough School and CitySquash • Tournaments led by US Squash and the Squash and Education Alliance (SEA) • Opportunity for students to practice 1:1 with squash mentors at external facilities, such as The University Club of Boston • The Elite Training Squad where a select group of students attend additional training, practice, and competitions • The varsity team made up of the top 7 players on the boys and girls high school teams. SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL

• Enrichment sessions where students learn about and strengthen basic life skills, such as nutrition and stress management • Gender- and age-specific discussions on topics like healthy relationships and identity • Access to a licensed social worker

P O S T- S Q U A S H B U S T E R S

• Competes on Mount Holyoke’s varsity squash team • Rookie of the Year for 2017-2018 squash season

Character • 2017 Urban Squasher of the Year — recognized by SEA for embodying the overarching values of urban squash and received a $2000 financial grant to cover college related expenses • Red Sox Scholar • SQB Student Ambassador • Completed over 190 community service hours • Visited over 25 new towns and cities through SQB programming

Health • Held the #1 spot on squash ladder for 3 years straight • Participated in over 600 squash practices • Competed in over 30 squash competitions • Participated in SEA’s Deerfield Academy Summer Squad for three consecutive summers








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professional squash players have participated in SQB events or programming.



SquashBusters alumni have come back to work as SQB staff.


of SQB graduates have enrolled in college since 2003, when the program began serving students through the end of high school.


colleges and universities have awarded degrees to SquashBusters graduates.

2017-2018 Results



100% of seniors accepted to college

93% college persistence rate for

109 college acceptance letters

630 hours of 1:1 college mentoring

86% tuition covered by financial aid

for the fourth year in a row

SQB alum (as compared to MA average of 81% and national average of 69%) received by SQB seniors for SQB seniors

for class of 2018

$776,472 grant and scholarship money

received by the Class of 2018

131 pts. average jump in SAT scores for SQB 11th graders

92% average program attendance rate for SQB students

179 summer placements at

programs like Dartmouth Squash Camps, Summer Search, Boston University FIRST Robotics, and Brigham & Women’s Hospital

1700+ community service hours

completed at places such Pine Street Inn, Greater Boston Food Bank, and the Cor Unum Meal Center


639 required squash training

350+ hours of available optional

squash at SQB facilities during the school year including opportunities like the Elite Training Squad, 1:1 squash mentors, and open courts

98 competitive squash

325+ additional summer hours

53 team building and student

leadership opportunities including honor roll dinners, field trips to Boston Celtics games and Harvard Squash matches, and SQB Student Ambassador meetings

sessions at SQB facilities

opportunities, including matches against prep schools like Pomfret School and Moses Brown, and US Squash and Urban Squash tournaments nationwide spent on court or in fitness sessions by middle and high school students through the On Or Off Court With Kids (OOOCWK) Challenge

SQB Boston Class of 2002 Mount Ida College Class of 2013


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Chanelle Bray’s SquashBusters journey began nearly a quarter century ago. One of the program’s original 24 pioneers, Chanelle took a major leap of faith joining the program as a Timilty Middle School 7th grader. “I had never heard of squash, and it was the first time I took a chance in my life. I grew up going to school, minding my business, spending time only with my family.” SquashBusters taught her how to set goals, stay focused, and work very hard. Chanelle credits SquashBusters for helping her excel educationally and professionally. Chanelle always wanted to be a forensic scientist, and still does, following an educational and career path true to this goal. She obtained an associate’s degree from Quincy College with a concentration in natural science in 2006 and a bachelor’s degree in forensic science from Mount Ida in 2013. This fall, she will enroll at UMass Boston to pursue a master’s in biology. She currently works at Tufts Medical Center as a Unit Coordinator in the Cardiac Care Unit and, before that, spent 10 years at Massachusetts General Hospital. “SquashBusters came into my life when I truly needed it, even though I didn’t realize this at the time,” she says. “On the surface, the program immerses young people in squash, academics and community service - but for me, SquashBusters was about learning to never give up, to think bigger for myself, and, most importantly, to open myself up to other people. My life would not be what it is today had it not been for SquashBusters.”

pulled me out of “ SquashBusters my shell. The program helped me learn to trust and take risks. �

HANS SQB Boston Class of 2002 Hans Jean-Louis smiles when reminded that he — along with his 23 Roxbury and Cambridge teammates — started SquashBusters in 1996.

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A first-generation immigrant from Haiti, Hans and his brothers, Cedric and Jonathan, were tasked with finding their own path forward in America. His parents, Myrto and Robert, worked around the clock to put food on the table. “There was a possibility that I could have gone in the wrong direction, but SquashBusters removed that possibility. The program was there for me every day. Greg was like a second dad. We saw a bigger world and learned to take responsibility.” Hans dabbled in higher education after high school, enrolling at Bunker Hill, Wentworth and Benjamin Franklin Institute for semesters at a time. “It dawned on me that the things I was studying in school — architecture and automotive technology — were not intellectually stimulating within the context of a classroom. I loved mastering an understanding of how things worked, but I wanted to combine that with my enjoyment of being with people — an interest fostered by SquashBusters.” This past decade, Hans has hit his stride. He started a successful automobile accessory business — SoReal Sounds in Stoneham — and today earns an excellent living as a Wholesale Parts Rep for Ira Toyota. “I’m happy. I’m helping people and following my heart. I’m a dad, a husband and a homeowner. Life is good. I thank my parents, my family, and SquashBusters for helping me get here.”

I look back now, “ When SquashBusters was a godsend. The program came into my life just when I needed it.


SQB Boston Class of 2007 Temple University Class of 2011

MIKHAIL It’s never too late. That’s what Mikhail Darlington tells seniors each year as they ready to graduate high school and leave the SquashBusters nest: that no matter how much time passes or distance there is between them and the program, they are always welcome back with open arms.

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Mikhail has felt this sense of welcoming and community from his first days in the program as a 7th grader, and it is the reason he ultimately chose to focus on squash and SquashBusters over other sports and programs he was involved in. His was the first class to complete the program continuously from middle through high school, and while the college acceptance and graduation goals and supports were in place as he made his way through the program, the curriculum was a “mini version” of what it is today. With a degree in international business and marketing from Temple, Mikhail joined the corporate world, but he never lost touch with SquashBusters. He continued to volunteer, driving students to weekend tournaments, coaching, and serving on a board subcommittee dedicated to expanding programming and determining additional resources to offer to the program’s alumni. The tight-knit community and open invitation to connect drew him to return as a staff member, working to provide students with the tools they need to succeed after high school and the resources to be successful in college and beyond. Mikhail focuses on reconnecting with older alumni, staying connected with college-enrolled and other SQB grads and administering SQB’s scholarship program. And of course, letting students and alumni know that SquashBusters’ doors are always open.

“ perseverance at SquashBusters. I learned about effort and

You have to keep pushing through no matter what.


SQB Boston Class of 2010 Bryn Mawr College Class of 2014

KADINEYSE Kadineyse Paz graduated from SquashBusters in 2010 and Bryn Mawr College in 2014 as a Posse Scholar. She is also the current President of SQB’s Alumni Committee and a proud member of SquashBusters’ Board of Directors. Kadineyse works as an Environmental Health and Justice Organizer for Clean Water Action and Program Associate for the Boston Tenant Coalition.

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Kadineyse had never heard of squash when she first joined SquashBusters as a Timilty Middle School 7th grader. “In retrospect, certainly one of the best decisions I’ve ever made,” reflects Kadineyse. “I knew nothing about squash or SquashBusters, but I liked sports and enjoyed being active. Plus, the SquashBusters coaches were tremendously caring and that left an impression”. Kadineyse had an atypical SQB career. She participated consistently throughout middle school, then moved for a few years to the Dominican Republic with her mom, and then returned to finish her junior and senior year in Boston and graduate from SquashBusters. “I knew I needed to return to Boston if I was going to realize my fullest educational and life potential. From my Posse Scholarship to continuing to play squash as a member of the Boston Racquet Club and building my professional network with people like Mike Downey, Leo Boyle, and so many others — all of these things were lasting gifts to me from SquashBusters.”

I do in this life, it has to focus in some “ Whatever way on improving the lives of others. That’s very important to me because of my upbringing and the opportunities afforded me as a child.

FRANCISCO SQB Boston Class of 2010 Northeastern University Class of 2017 Francisco Calderon joined SquashBusters as a 6th grader at McCormack Middle School. For two years, he was immersed in a program that focused on academics, athletics, and community service. However, living in a rough neighborhood in Charlestown, his mother was worried that Francisco would get into trouble. She decided to send him back to the Dominican Republic to live with his father.

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In the Dominican Republic, Francisco lost contact with SquashBusters, but found his passion — computer science. He returned to Boston to enroll at Bunker Hill Community College. After completing his associate’s degree, Francisco earned a full scholarship to Northeastern University — where he decided to get back in touch with SquashBusters. Over the next few years, he volunteered regularly with SQB. After graduating in 2017, Francisco helped found ScholarJet, a web platform that helps businesses create action-based scholarships for college students. He was driven by a passion to help kids like himself access affordable education. “In college, not many of my classmates looked like me — and that bothered me,” he says. Now ScholarJet’s Chief Technical Officer, Francisco sees clearly the parallel between his lifework and SQB’s mission. “Kids of color from underserved communities — many don’t see college as an option. SquashBusters helps guide students toward the idea that college is a possibility for the future.” He credits SquashBusters with inspiring him to pursue a career that gives back. “Without SQB, I don’t think I would have ever thought of doing anything like ScholarJet,” he says. “Now I can’t imagine doing anything else.”

“ to places they wouldn’t have imagined going. ” SquashBusters takes kids

SQB Boston Class of 2013 Providence College Class of 2017

VANIA Vania Pereira immigrated to Boston from Cape Verde when she was 8 years old, knowing no English. Her family had no money and barely a roof over their heads, but her mom insisted that America was the place where Vania would grow to live a full and good life. Success in school followed, culminating with Vania graduating as valedictorian from Fenway High School in Boston.

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Vania joined SquashBusters relatively late in the game, as a 9th grader — and only because her Fenway classmate, Amy Sanchez, would not stop talking about the program. “The first day I walked into SquashBusters, I felt welcome and appreciated,” reflects Vania. “SQB became my community. It’s where I met Liz Bride, who has become my mentor and guiding light.” Vania enrolled in Providence College in 2013, graduating four years later with a BA in global and business studies. Being a first-generation student of color in a predominately white school was difficult, but an influential dean prodded her to persevere and be the change that she wanted to see — leading Vania to found the school’s Students of Color Peer Mentoring Program. Today, Vania is pursuing a master’s in American studies at Brown University. She also works for Nicol Squash Club at SquashBusters Providence and volunteers consistently with the program’s 6th graders. “My ambition is to be a leader — maybe in higher education or for a nonprofit — with the goal of helping young people like me flourish in life. SquashBusters did that for me, and it’s my turn to pay this forward.”

“ kid feels important and appreciated. It’s where I found my voice. ”

SquashBusters is a place where every

SQB Boston Class of 2017 Northeastern University Class of 2021


Looking around the Northeastern University campus, Donald Pepple still can’t believe he’s a student here. “It’s amazing, the difference a year can make in a person’s life,” he says. High school had been a difficult journey for Donald, due to issues in his family and personal life. “Coming to SquashBusters let me forget about that and focus on something positive,” he says. “That’s what kept me coming back.” When senior year came around, Donald wasn’t sure where he was going to end up. His academic record wasn’t strong, and college seemed out of reach.

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Then he was accepted to Foundation Year at Northeastern University, a one-year program that offers Boston Public Schools graduates the opportunity to take courses and earn credit at Northeastern. “It was a wake-up call,” he says. “By not taking school seriously, I’d put myself in this position where I’d limited my options and I was terrified of the future.” It turned out to be a turning point for Donald. “All of a sudden, it was like all of those skills and habits that I’d learned at SquashBusters, that I didn’t really apply to school at the time — I started applying them now. And it paid off in a huge way.” Donald earned excellent grades as a Foundation Year student, and he was offered a full scholarship to finish his education at Northeastern. He’s now a sophomore, majoring in communication with a minor in business. “I still don’t know where my life is heading, but now, I know it’s somewhere good,” he says.

built a “ SquashBusters bridge for me to incredible educational opportunity. �

SQB Lawrence Class of 2018 St. Lawrence University Class of 2022


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Growing up, Kat Leiva was discouraged from doing “boy things” like playing sports. Instead, she was encouraged to stay home, but she didn’t listen. Since she can remember, Kat has always done her own thing, joining leadership programs and playing sports like basketball and volleyball. She was never afraid to try something that no one else was doing, and this fearlessness led her to SquashBusters. Kat is a member of SQB Lawrence’s Class of 2018, the very first cohort of students to graduate the program, and credits SquashBusters with helping her achieve her goal of playing Division 1 squash at her dream college, St. Lawrence University. The program helped her keep her focus on school, when she really wanted to focus on sports. Kat was also selected to join the Squash and Education Alliance’s Citizenship Tour in the summer of 2017, spending eight days traveling from New York City to Washington, DC, meeting key public figures like news anchor Lester Holt and US Senators Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand along the way. That opportunity and the experiences she had on the trip helped her figure out that she wanted to study political science, and in the future, give back by starting a nonprofit that helps kids in the ways that SquashBusters benefited her. Reflecting on her time at SquashBusters and her future at St. Lawrence, Kat relishes being a role model to her nieces and cousins. She’s proud and thankful she chose her own path, rather than listening to those who discouraged her from playing sports.

taught me about “ SquashBusters the importance of relationships, and showed me that the people around me care about me and want me to succeed.


SQB Lawrence Class of 2020


For Anthony Guzman, joining SquashBusters in the 6th grade was at first an opportunity to try a new sport. Already a talented athlete, Anthony played basketball and volleyball. He had never heard of squash, but he was up for the new challenge. It wasn’t long before he was hooked. By the time he reached 9th grade, he had given up his other sports and committed himself fully to squash, knowing the sport would help him improve his life and go to college.

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SquashBusters became a haven for Anthony, supporting him as he navigated the challenges of having recently come to the US from the Dominican Republic, speaking no English, and leaving his dad behind for several years before he was able to join the rest of the family here. Anthony came to SquashBusters to get help with homework, make new friends, and receive the support he needed to stay motivated in school and propel him toward the future he wants. With the help and support he has received through the program, Anthony has transformed from a young kid struggling to master a new language to an 11th grader taking one of the hardest course loads at his school — all honors and not one, but two math classes. He will be the first in his family to go to college, and hopes to set an example for his 11-year-old sister that you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it. “You might not be good at something at first,” he says, “but you’ll get there. Never give up.”

“ me to never give up.

SquashBusters has taught

SQB Boston Class of 2021


Habiba Haji had never played a sport before she tried out for SquashBusters — in fact, she really didn’t exercise at all before joining the program.

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It wasn’t the sport that attracted her to SquashBusters so much as the social aspect. She joined as an 8th grader at the John D. O ’Bryant School of Mathematics and Science, following in the footsteps of a few friends who were already on the team. She was happy to have a place to go after school — a safe place, where she could be herself, surrounded by friends. But over the past two years, she’s become serious about squash. On top of practicing three times per week with SQB, she often stays after practice for optional extra court time. Though she’s always been a good student, squash has provided extra motivation for her academic career as well. “I know if I want to further my squash career, I need to do really well in school,” she says. “I want to go to college and make my parents proud.” Overall, her favorite thing about SQB is the people. “The staff are all just big kids at heart,” she laughs. “It’s nice to get to know them on a personal level, and I know that they all just want to see us succeed. Even though there are a lot of students at squash, the staff takes the time to get to know each individual person and learn their strengths and weaknesses so they can accommodate them.”

“ you feel like you’re

SquashBusters makes a part of something bigger than yourself.

SQB Boston Class of 2023


Sweety Ciriaco wants to be the first person in her family to follow her dreams. After moving to Boston from the Dominican Republic in 2014, Sweety has found a home at SquashBusters. She joined the team as a 7th grader at Timilty Middle School and felt immediately welcomed by her coaches and teammates. In just her first year in the program, she’s already grown more patient and more focused — and learned to love the game of squash.

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“It’s like when you take a photo of something, and everything in the background is blurry — that’s what playing squash feels like,” she says. “Everything else goes quiet. Even when I’m feeling bad — squash makes me feel good again.” Most importantly, SquashBusters has taught Sweety to believe in herself — and in the goals she’s set for herself. Number one is going to college — she has her sights set on Harvard, where she’d like to live on campus. After graduating, she wants to become an actress, and buy a big mansion, so she can bring her mom over from the Dominican Republic to live with her and her siblings. “SquashBusters has been an inspiration to me,” she says. “There’s so much negativity around me, but I’m doing everything I can to do well in school and get all As, so I can have that opportunity to go to college — to the best college in the world. Coming from where I come from, it would be so amazing, and it would make me so proud of myself.”

“ I feel like I’m home.

When I’m at SquashBusters,

JAIDENCE SQB Providence Class of 2024

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Jaidence Acevedo is a pioneer. Unafraid and eager to try new things, he was the perfect candidate for SquashBusters Providence’s first-ever team of 6th graders. Until SquashBusters came into his life, there weren’t many after-school opportunities for Jaidence. “I was nervous at first because I thought it was tennis,” he says. “I don’t really like tennis.” It took a little convincing to get his mom to let him sign up, but they both knew that joining SQB would open doors for Jaidence. Since joining the program, Jaidence has fallen in love with squash and hasn’t missed a tournament, allowing him to travel to new places, like Connecticut, and meet new people. Off the court, the program has helped him stay on top of his schoolwork and handle difficult situations. With SQB Academic Manager Ali’s help, Jaidence and his mom were able to better communicate with his teachers, and they set up a plan to ensure that his academic time at SQB would focus on his goals at school — ultimately improving one grade from a D+ to a B+. He values the time he spends with Ali and Program Director Rodney and knows they are in his corner no matter what. Jaidence is excited and honored to be a part of the Providence program’s first class and hopes to lead the way for the kids who come after him. He wants to set an example by excelling in squash and fully committing to the program. “When I graduate, I’m not going to want to leave,” he predicts. “I could stay here forever.”

“ for the rest of my life.

This is a sport I could play

BOARD of Directors

David Drubner Derby Committee Co-Chair The Baupost Group Jamie Fagan JP Morgan Habib Gorgi Nautic Partners Ashley Gordon Jacobs Jon Karlen Acadian Software Diana Lam Margarita MuĂąiz Academy

William Paine WilmerHale

Henry Manice Mighty Squirrel

Kadineyse Paz Boston Tenant Coalition Clean Water Action

Philomena Mantella Northeastern University John Blasberg Chairman Bain & Company

Will Muggia Westfield Capital Management

Jonathan Hyett Secretary Morgan Stanley

Don Mykrantz The Jeffrey Company

Nancy Loucks Treasurer and Finance Committee Chair Yale University

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David Antonelli MFS Investment Management George Bell Nominating Committee Chair PlaceIQ Meg Campbell Codman Academy Charter Public School Juma Crawford Lewis Family Foundation

Peter Soorenko New Balance Simone Winston Winston Flowers Greg Zaff SquashBusters

LEADERSHIP Councils Providence Leadership Council Julie Andrews Perry Buroker Peter Gemma Habib Gorgi Robert Hall William Hatfield Tom Kellogg

Advisory Council Dean Conway David Crane Chessin Gertler Charlie Humber Greg Jannetta Tucker Jones Mark Kritzman Pat Malloy Jane Mancini Rosemary McElroy Kate Nimick Hope Prockop Chip Robie Glen Sutton

Lawrence Leadership Council Todd Beati Doug Burbank Ross Elkin Jenny Elliott Joe Floyd Tom Hodgson Bruce Landay Rich Leavitt John Manning Bill Paine Belisario Rosas Scott Staniar Bill Wall Adam Ware Henry White

Young Leadership Committee Gwen Moore, Chair Katherine Bell Adam Buchbinder Guy Davidson Phillip Field Robert Fischer Tucker Hamlin Daniel Hsu Hasan Jafri Elliot Kardon Max Kardon Nicholas Keches Sam Livingston Matt Marchisotto Stephen Merwin Sam Millham Ashley Mitchell JP Morais Ryan Mullaney Mimi Neal John Nimmo Cameron Rahbar Alli Rubin Krissy Rubin Strother Scott Alex Spiliotes Will Trepagnier George Ughetta

Alumni Committee Kadineyse Paz President Thuong Thanh Tran (Ti) Treasurer Mikhail Darlington Ina Dodoveci Jennifer Flores Ilma Golemi Querby Janvier Katherine Leiva Alejandra Madrid Belkis Montas Deanna C. Pettway Ravi Rao Jiberly Sandoval Amy Sanchez Karyme Veliz-Gomez Steven Vo

FY18 Partners Squash and Education Alliance (SEA) SEA is the umbrella organization for the world’s 23 urban squash programs, providing incredible opportunities for our students including squash competitions at places like Kenyon College in Ohio and Williams and Amherst Colleges in Massachusetts. Academic opportunities abound through SEA, including summer programs at places like Phillips Exeter Academy and Choate Rosemary Hall.

Facility Partners BOSTON Northeastern University LAWRENCE Brooks School Phillips Academy Andover PROVIDENCE Moses Brown School

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Programming Partners

ACE Mentor Program Andover Squash Club Boston University CityLab Brigham and Women’s Hospital Sherwood Lab Family Services of the Merrimack Valley Grand Circle Foundation Next Generation Leaders Infinitum Squash Merrimack College Merrimack Valley YMCA Nicol Squash Club The Posse Foundation Summer Search Tickets for Kids uAspire

Partner Schools BOSTON Rafael Hernandez School Joseph Lee Elementary School John D. O’Bryant School of Mathematics and Science James P. Timilty Middle School Public, charter, parochial and exam high schools across the city LAWRENCE Abbott Lawrence Academy Arlington Middle School Emily G. Wetherbee School Greater Lawrence Technical School Lawrence High School Notre Dame Cristo Rey High School PROVIDENCE DelSesto Middle School

Equipment and Clothing Partners Black Knight Hemlock Ink New Balance ParsonsKellogg


More than 100 volunteers help out on the court, in the classroom and in various ways throughout to make all that we do possible. Thank you to our volunteer squash coaches and mentors, academic tutors, college mentors, Derby, MashUp and Rumble players, and guest speakers — we couldn’t do it without you.

Photography Partners Chessin Gertler Marilyn Humphries Rob White

Design Partner

Levine Design & Illustration

2018 Financials

• All numbers come from SquashBusters’ audited financial statements which were approved by the board in September, 2018. • Per accounting rules for non-profits, top-line revenue includes donations, endowment gifts and the full value of any multi-year pledges made in 2018. • Due to our change in fiscal year end, the 2017 numbers cover a 10-month “stub” year

SquashBusters’ 2018 financial performance reflects the ambitious year we have had. Thanks to our generous donors, we maintained revenue which helped support our increased expenses due to the opening of the Providence facility. Here are a few notes to keep in mind as you review our progress this year:

• Program Services, Fundraising and Management & General ratios all continue to be in the very healthy range

Year End June 2018

Ten Months Ended June 2017

Year Ended August 2016

Change in Net Assets per Financial Statements




Contributions -- Providence Capital Campaign




Contributions -- One-Time Donation To Endowment Realized/Unrealized Investment (Gains) Losses




Net Investment Income




Depreciation Expense




Change in Net Assets from Operations (excluding Endowment Gift)




Financial Highlights REVENUE l Individual, Corporate & Foundation Contributions l Capital Pledges for Providence Facility l Net Special Event Income & Program Reimbursements l Investment Income






1,508,232 708,062







l Fundraising


l Management & General




* Reflects change in fiscal year end to June 30th from August 31st.


15% 74%

FY18 Donors $100,000+

MFS Investment Management New Balance Foundation Westfield Capital Management / The Muggia Family

$50,000 - $99,999

Anonymous Amelia Peabody Foundation The Baupost Group John & Jeannie Blasberg Digger & Susan Donahue The Gorgi Family The Lubin Family Foundation Steve & Sue Mandel Ed Mank

$25,000 - $49,999

Anbaric David & Lisa Antonelli L.G. Balfour Foundation George & Carrie Bell Cummings Foundation Jerry & Sandra Fineberg The Haldeman Family Charles Hayden Foundation Ralph & Janice James Liberty Mutual Foundation Robert & Donna Manning State Street Foundation William O’Neil + Co. Yawkey Foundations

34 | SquashBusters Impact Report 2017/18

$10,000 - $24,999

Abbot and Dorothy Stevens Foundation The Aileen K. and Brian L. Roberts Foundation Mark & Carolyn Ain Ainslie Foundation Berkshire Partners Tom & Lisa Blumenthal The Boston Foundation Mary Coolidge David Drubner Paul & Sandra Edgerley Jamie & Katie Fagan Steven & Nancy Fischman General Catalyst Partners Gertler Clark Family Josh & Sarah Greenhill Robert & Robin Hall The Haslam Family Foundation David McGrath/ Highland Street Foundation Hunt Street Fund Inc. Bruce & Ashley Jacobs Douglas Jacobs The Janey Fund Charitable Trust John Wiley & Sons Inc.

SquashBusters is grateful for the following donors who generously contributed operating support to the program between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018:

Amrit & Sarah Kanwal Jon & Francie Karlen Jonathan & Meg Kelly Lewis Family Foundation Michael & Nancy Loucks Lovett-Woodsum Family Charitable Foundation Henry & Anna Manice Beverly Marram McCall & Almy LLC Bill & Janice McCall The McElroy Family Don & Susan Mykrantz The Nyce Family Foundation William and Margaret Paine Peter Palandjian/ Intercontinental Real Estate Mike & Kathie Pierce Chip & Susan Robie The Rogers Family Foundation Rosetta W. Harris Charitable Lead Trust Sapient Global Markets Paul Segal State Street Corporation Sun Life Financial Thermo Fisher Scientific Sandy & Cathy Tierney Clare Villari Winston Flowers Charity in Bloom Marc & Robin Wolpow

$5,000 - $9,999

Bill & Ali Achtmeyer Herbert Allen Anchor Line Partners LLC Mickey & Bob Atchinson Leo Boyle David Boyum Mark & Maribeth Brostowski Mark Burns Carousel Industries George Colony David Crane Guy & Sally Davidson Deloitte Services LP Mark Ehrman & Chee Kwong Floyd Advisory LLC Foxfield Industrial LLC Peter & Diana Gemma Andy Goldfarb Harrow Sports Tony Hatoun Charlie Humber Jonathan & Monica Hyett John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Tucker & Kristen Jones JP Morgan Securities The Kaplan Family Sven & Laurie Karlen

Steven Kaye Peter & Meredith Kellner Tom Kellogg Seth & Beth Klarman Errin Siagel & Teresa Koster Mark Kritzman Shay Lynch Richard Leavitt Pat & Ellie Malloy Robert & Heidi Manice Alex & Melissa Marx John McDowell JoAnn McGrath/ Highland Street Foundation Bill & Alison Monaghan National Development / Charles River Realty Investors Ned and Emily Sherwood Family Foundation Andrew & Dawn Neher Tim & Molly Neher John & Kate Nimick Steve & Anne Peacher Tom Poor & Jessie Chai Prudential Financial, Inc. Steven Quigley & Alicia Cooney Bry Roskoz Wayne & Linda Saker The Santoro Family Strother Scott, Jr. Bill & Cindy Simon Rob & Dana Smith Suffolk Construction Ming & Polly Tsai Rose-Marie & Eijk van Otterloo Robert Wheeler Chandler & Denele Willett

$2,500 - $4,999

Anne Addington Fund Crystal Barbato George & Camilla Bennett Leonard & Lyn Bernheimer Todd Bourell & Brooke Bailey Topher & Susan Callahan Scott DeSantis Jeffrey Drubner Ernst & Young LLP Essex County Community Foundation Michael S. Field Chris Fox & Ellen Remmer Steven & Andrea Gardos Rob & Geralyn Gray Lawrence Greenberg David & Rebecca Hamlin William Hatfield Bill Helman Gregory & Leslie Jannetta Bruce & Nancy Landay

David Levanson Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P. Martin & Tristin Mannion Josh & Sarah Marston Thomas & Polly Martinson Peter McIntire Stephen Mead Paul Moses & Barbara Lubash James & Beverly Nyce Charles & Hilary Parkhurst Leo & Eve Pierce William Poorvu Belisario & Leslie Rosas Ton Ton Russell & Louis Bailey The Schuster Family TM and MW Chilton Family Foundation Bill & Tracy Ullman Bill & Denise Wall Wellington Management Adam Winstanley Jonathan Zorn

$1,000 - $2,499

American International Group Athenahealth Russell Ball Daniel Baril Sue & Carl Bell Block Island Brands Inc. David Booth & Jane Garnett Timothy & Barbara Boroughs Boston Private Bank & Trust Company Megan Bourke Greg C. Brander John Brazilian Bruce & Maura Brickman Adam & Cate Brinch Frank Brosens Christina & Robert Brownell Citizens Charitable Foundation Timothy & Kathryn Conway Miles Coon Michael Costello Gregory Crane George Delaney Rob & Deborah Dickey Azadeh Djazani Walter Donovan Sean Duffy Eastern Bank Jennifer Eielson Ross & Jenn Elkin Arthur Epker John Fallon Hal Field Daniel Fireman John Fisher Jeanne Fitzgibbon David Florence

Beth Anne Flynn Stephen Fortunato David Frankel Valerie & Mark Friedman Aram Garabedian Bijoo & Shailini George Thomas Gilbane David Giunta Martin Goldstein Emily Goodfellow Albert L. & Jessica Grosman Benedicte Hallowell Will Hartigan Zachary Harvey Chris Hesterberg Douglas K. Hodges Albert Holman Ipswich Bay Glass Thomas Israel Syed & Brynn Jafry David & Hope Jeffrey Edward & Holly Jenkins Kenton & Paige Jernigan Dave & Suzi Johnson Steven Kane William & Annette Kaplan Elizabeth & Rob Katz Kenneth Kaufman George Kellner Peter Keogh Kirsten Kincade Stacy & Seth Koeppel Barry & Laura Korobkin Brian Kwait Addison Lanier, III Sang-Gil Lee Jonathan Lonske Gregory Woods & Emily Lubin Woods Donald & Vivian Lubin Elizabeth Madison John & Cindy Manning Philomena Mantella Margolis Foundation Kevin Maroni David McGuire Mary & Mike McKee Christopher & Hillary McNeill Bob & Carolyn Moore Morgan Stanley Matthew & Hiromi Morris Jeff Nelsen Ofer Nemirovsky O’Hanian-Szostak Family Foundation John & Carol O’Neil OpenView Advisors, LLC Michael Pagniucci John Palfrey Mark & Alexandra Panarese Paul and Harriet Weissman Foundation

Michael & Allison Pierce Richard Scott Poirier Hope & Dave Prockop Cameron Rahbar Barbara Raho Dan Reagan Audrey & Steven Reny Charles & Patty Ribakoff Polly & Greg Ribatt Thomas & Kristen Roberts Richard S. Robie Richard & Terri Schafer Neil Schneider Steven Segal Justin Segalini Toby & Anne Seggerman Mary Louise Seidner Edward Shapiro Richard Shapiro Kirk Sigel Nicholas & Lauren Spiliotes Burton Staniar Sam Stevens Jeff Struzenski Russell Swapp Morgan Chia-Wen Sze Robert Tepper West Wind Foundation Henry & Cary White Stephen Wolfe Peter Wright Yablon Family Foundation Xiang Dong Yang

$500 - $999

Krishna Agnihotri Katherine & Scott Anderson Jeffrey Anschlowar Laura Bachrach C. Redington Barrett David Barrett Joanne Bauer James Beakey Dale Bearden Kevin & Kathleen Beatty Scott & Laura Beebe Patricia Belden Bell Tower Management Richard Bendetson William Benjes Amory Bennett Jeffrey Bliss Jeffrey Boal Joseph Bonasera Jay Bothwick John Botts Robert Bown Liz & Jay Bride Jesse Brown Matthew Bryson Adam Buchbinder Andrea & Brad Buchbinder Lyman & Julie Bullard Perry & Darby Buroker Rob & Dawn Butler James & Karen Canfield Michael Cantalupa

David Cappillo John Catto Susan Chapro John & Pat Chory Eric Christofferson Janson Chu Eugene Clapp Mark Cohen Coleman B. Levy LLC Crescent Capital Group Linda Criniti Jeffrey Crowe Jeffrey Cummings Meredith Curren Jon & Kim Davis Wayne Clifford Davis Kathryn Dell’Erario Gilles Demeulenaere Rob & Wendy Dewey Michael Douvadjian Scott Dulmage Stephen Dulmage Katherine Dunne Janet Dwight Michael Edwards Michael & Barbara Eisenson David & Ingrid Ellen Jeffrey Farrar Edward Farrington Michael & Betsy Feldmann Margaret Filippelli Victoria Foley Charlie Forbes Christopher Fraker Chris & Hilary Gabrieli Jake Garmey Craig Gilmartin Alan Goldberg Randy Goodleaf Mark Goodman Jamie Gordon James Gorman David Hall Mike Halpert Daniel Halston Richard Harris Paul Hasser Jordan Hitch Pamela Holding Deming Holleran Robert Jahrling Pete & Joan Johnson Rashed Kanaan Kara Kardon Brian Kavoogian Michael Keating Jennifer Kenney Kensho Technologies Ryan Kim Frank Knapp Brian Kopperl & Leslie Talmadge Deborah Kuenstner Holly Laurent Marissa Lazor Caren Leedom Mary & Rob Lentz Beth Lis

Christine Lo Ian Loring Isabelle Loring David Manfredi Richard A. Manley, Jr. Todd Manley Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. Paul Martini Elizabeth Mayhew Kevin & Elizabeth McClintock Brian McCormick Alex McLane Christopher Metcalfe Katherine Michele Amara Mulder Sue & Jim Mullaney Paula Muto-Gordon & Jonathan Gordon John Nelson Jacob Nielsen Reade Nimick Lee Okurowski Chandrakant Patel Bill Power Laura Prager Steven Quagrello Reza Rahbar John Reed Jack Regan Katherine Regan David Riccio A. Heaton Robertson Douglas Robie David Christopher Ryan Dan Santaniello Ernest Santin Suzanne Sennatt Donald Shackelford Thekla Shackelford Thomas Shepherd Sam Shleifer Doug Shumate Greg Shumate Paul Skinner Andrew Slater & An-Louise Johnson David Smoyer Martha Soper Alex Spiliotes Jeff & Jill Stanley Steven Starker Nancy Stuart Andrea Sullivan William Sullivan Lori Syllivan James Tanton Christopher Tatum Charlie & Sheri Thompson Nabil Uddin Nancy Ullman University Risk Management and Insurance Association Union Boat Club Melissa Villalobos William Villari William Vrattos Frederick Wateman Linda C. Watts Johnson Wayne

Anita Weeks Oliver Weisberg Bach Weissman Stephanie Weissman Stephen Wilchins Ned Williams Theodore & Simone Winston Jeremy Wintersteen Ann Woodward Heather Woodworth Nathaniel Zilka

$250 - $499

John Alekna Amadeus Hospitality Americas, Inc. Sunaina Anand Stephanie Andrews Jennifer Baldock Andrew & Melora Balson David Balthazar Kemp Battle Angela Bechard Rick Van Benschoten Patrick & Sophie Benzie Bindu Besser Doug & Zoe Billman Chester Black Robert Bolling Gregory Bondick Steven Borgeson Michael Boudett Robby Brandano Michael Bresnahan Mark Bress Brooks School Douglas Burbank Twig Burke Moira Burnham Matthew Buscone Thomas Butters Andrew Cannon Robert Capps Elizabeth Carroll Philip Casciano James V. Cassella Michael Cembalest Eleanor Chu Guy Cipriano Betsy Cohen J. Ralph Cole Doug & Carla Conigliaro Mark Cordes Juma & Emily Crawford David Cromwell Joseph Cronin Collin Crotty Justin Cutlip Michael D’Agostino Chris Davey Frances Davidson Kenneth Davidson Brian Dell’Erario Alex Demeulenaere Peter Denious Robin Deutsch Robert Di Geronimo George Doran

James Down Stephen DuBois Joseph Duffey Stephane Dumas & Dominique Farinaux Dumas Robert Eather George Edmonds Ned Edwards Kathleen Edwards Jean Egan Jennifer Elliott Matt Essary John Fairbanks Ann Field Peter W. Field Phillip Field Jennifer Figge Michael Figge Patricia Figge Matthew Fink David Firestone Benjamin Flaim William Flannery David Fleishman Maureen & Rick Floyd Charles Foley Kristin Forbes Steven Forte Garrett Frank Allison Frantz Martin Freed Heather French Jill French Jeffrey Friedman Robert Frieling Anthony Friscia Jennifer Gaffney Anthony Galluccio Diana Garmey Francis Gens Kirk Gentle Dimitris Georgakopoulos Robert Gilbert Goldman Sachs & Co. Alexander Gorup Mark Gottesman Christopher Grant Julie Gray Karen Grip Andrew Gundlach Robert Gunther Joseph Guyton Lawrence Hamelsky Edwin Hamlin Marguerite Hamilin Richard Harra Justin Harrison Cecile Hartigan Francis Hatch George Hatch Joseph Hegenbart Bonnie Henderson Bradley M. Henry Brian Hicks Cameron Hicks Braden Hill Rob & Julie Hill

36 | SquashBusters Impact Report 2017/18

Oswald Hodges Thomas Hodgson Greg Hoogkamp Allison Horne William Hubbard Illinois Tool Works Nicholas Iselin Hasan Jafri Scott Jamieson Preble Jacques George Jarrard Alice Jenkins Stephen Jennings Ruth Jernigan Gregory Johnson Noel Johnson Hooks Johnston Michael Kalis Janet Kaminstein Judy Kanwal Elliot Kardon Maxwell Kardon Kevin Kearns Ann Maguire Keches Geoff Kelley Peter Kelly Robert Kempton Murray Kenney Nicholas Koeniger Eric & Melissa Kogan Diana Lam Warren Lammert Jonathan Lanza Garrett Larivee Jonathan Larson Susan Baker Leavitt Curt LeFebvre Tony Leness Daniel Lieman Steve Luby Antonia Macon Tamatha MacWilliams Matthew Marchisotto Anne & Paul Marcus Christine Marholin Benjamin Marino Jackson Marvel Elizabeth Massie Alfredo Mattera Tred McIntire William McIntire Suzanne McQuaid Cecelia Mead Sara D. Mead Scott Meade Rachel Meyers James P. Millard Sam Millham Kent Mitchell Geoffrey Molson Nancy Moran Paul Morris Brian Murphy John Myers Maura Neal Richard Nicolazzo

Gregory Noonan Charles Norton Ryan O’Connell Christopher O’Connor Daniel O’Connor Hans Oettgen Maria Pantazis Anne Pardo Geoff Pardo Samir & Arti Patel Robert Patterson Timothy Perla Craig Peskin Jennifer Peterson Hendon Pingeon Jon Piper Ethan Podell Pohlad Family Foundation David Poole Mark Proctor Ryan Quinn R&H Rentals George Raine Ramsey McCluskey Family Foundation David Randall Ram Das Rao & Maria Rodrigues Charlton Reynders John Rives Nancy Robb Robert Robben Donald Roberts, Jr. Nicholas Roberts Richard & Ann Robie Linda Robinson Andrew Rolfe Charles Rose Max Rosen Jared Ross Robert Rottenberg Benjamin Rubenstein Kristen Rubin Brad Ruppel Robin Ruttle Richard Sabec Bijan Sabet Jacob Sack Van Langley Sandwick Caroline Schafer John Scheve Michael Schnitman

Sara Schwarts Jonathan Schwartz Lawrence Sconzo Edward Serues Brent Shay Raleigh Shoemaker David Siegle Katie Smith Amanda Sobhy Daniel Solomon Gifford Sommerkamp Claire Spofford Starland Partners LLC William Starr John Stonestreet Scott Sudduth Geraldine Sunshine Jeanne Swope Kerry Swords Barrett Takesian Dave Taliaferro Donald Thorn Benjamin Thorndike Roger Tung Nilesh Undavia Srikanth Venmuri Dave Villari Lisa Wagenheim Thomas Walkey Audrey Wallace Michael Wang Paul Wang Adam Ware Charles Warshaver Yvonne Wassenaar Bruce Watts Robert Wax Ken Weber Wendell P. Weeks Michael Weissman WF Hamm Julia S. White Pendleton Whtie, Jr. Alexander Whittemore Charles Whittingham Peter Wieland Bradford Willett Suzanne Willett Susn Winstanley Heidi Young

SQB Providence Capital Donors George & Carrie Bell Bill & Jacalyn Egan/Duniry Foundation The Esselen Family The Gertler Clark Family George Kellner

The Lavine Family The Manice Family Don & Susan Mykrantz Andy & Dawn Neher Steve Woodsum & Anne Lovett

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795 Columbus Avenue Roxbury Crossing, MA 02120

SquashBusters SquashBustersLawrence SquashBustersProvidence

60 Island Street Lawrence, MA 01840 250 Lloyd Avenue Providence, RI 02906

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