Creating A Better Future | Annual Report 2022/23 | One Vision Housing

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2 | Annual report - Contents

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09

Welcome - Page 4 What we do - Page 6 Our communities - Page 10 Our homes - Page 20 Our environment - Page 24 Our finances - Page 28 Our performance - Page 30 Governance - Page 36 Registration details - Page 38

If you need assistance understanding the information in this document, or require a different format, please contact us on 0300 365 1111 or email us at The information inside this report was correct at time of publication date. For the most up-to-date information, please visit

Key k = thousands | m = millions

4 | Annual report - Introduction

Creating a better future for communities across the North West

01 Introduction Welcome to our 2022/23 annual report, which details how we have strengthened our offer and services across the last financial year. This year we have remained dedicated to the communities we serve, delivering excellent services for our customers and providing good quality, affordable homes across vibrant neighbourhoods. We have created opportunities through 17 new jobs and 11 apprenticeships, providing employment prospects for local communities to expand our services. Our colleagues have also undertaken 1,178 hours of professional development, helping to improve the customer experience. As part of The Sovini Group, we have changed lives by investing in our communities, supporting hundreds of local initiatives that have helped almost 10k beneficiaries across the North West. We have remained true to our vision of a better future, having spent circa £29.3m to deliver new homes through our ambitious

development programme and invested circa £36m to improve our existing homes. Our communities are at the heart of everything we do and this year our Customer Voice Group has been instrumental in the improvement of our services, whilst our Customer Service Centre has supported over 162k enquiries. Looking to next year, we will continue to create opportunities and change lives as we strive to forge a better future for our communities.

Ian Mitchell, Managing Director of Housing Lelir Yeung, Chair of the Board

6 | Annual report - What we do


What we do On our mission to create opportunities and change lives, we are dedicated to forging a better future for communities across the North West through the provision of quality, affordable homes and commercial spaces.

Social and Affordable Rent homes We are committed to setting affordable rents that offer value for money for existing and prospective customers. Social rents are set in accordance with a formula determined by the Government, which considers location, condition, property size, and local earnings. Affordable rents are set at 80% of the gross market rent and considers location and property size.


On average, our three-bedroom properties are 41.2% lower than in the market rent sector, and 16.5% lower than the local housing allowance. Helen, an Affordable Rent customer said: “My Neighbourhood Services Officer has been really nice and helpful, they made moving in a really smooth process”

Social and Affordable Rent homes

Independent Living homes Our Independent Living service provides homes that are accompanied by bespoke services for customers who may require help to live in their homes, enabling them to maintain their independence whilst accessing support when they need it. These services include: • Independent living support • Furnished tenancies • Aids and adaptations


Independent Living homes

Market Rent homes We also offer a range of Market Rent homes to meet the housing needs of the areas in which we operate, with income generated being reinvested into our communities.


Market Rent homes

I have suffered with obsessivecompulsive disorder for most of my life. Having the support of my Independent Living Officer has been amazing, she helps me set goals and simplify tasks into small chunks that I can manage when feeling overwhelmed. – Brian, Independent Living customer

8 | Annual report - What we do

Rent to Buy and Shared Ownership homes We believe in creating opportunities for local people to get onto the property ladder and in 2022/23 helped hundreds of local people into home ownership through Rent to Buy and Shared Ownership schemes.

Rent to Buy Customers benefit from affordable rent at around 20% less than the market price, enabling them to save towards a deposit and buy the home they live in through Shared Ownership or an outright purchase after five years.


My family and I used to live in a market rent home and found it hard to save for a deposit. We moved into a Rent to Buy home earlier this year, we love it and can’t thank One Vision Housing enough. – John, Rent to Buy customer

Rent to Buy homes

Shared Ownership Customers are able to buy a share of a new home with a smaller mortgage and a reduced deposit. Over time, customers can then ‘staircase’ and buy more shares until they own 100% of their home. In 2022/23 14 customers staircased, with eight of these now being fully-fledged homeowners after staircasing to 100%.


Shared Ownership homes

I moved into my home in 2019 and staircased to 100% in 2022. One Vision Housing were so supportive, explained each step and always kept me in the loop. My experience was really positive – Emily, Home Owner

Leasehold homes Customers purchase a lease from One Vision Housing for the right to own and live in their home for a set number of years.

I have been a leaseholder for ten years and my experience with One Vision Housing has been really positive. The building looks good and repairs are always dealt with. – Margaret, Leaseholder


Leasehold homes

Commercial Units We recognise our impact on the social and economic development of the areas we work in, and through our Commercial Units create opportunities and change lives with the generation of employment prospects for local people, helping to create a better future for our communities.


Commercial Units

One Vision Housing’s commercial unit rentals have helped me grow my business in the local area, providing employment and amenities to communities in Sefton. The team are really flexible and helpful whenever I need them. – Naser, Commercial Unit customer

10 | Annual report - Our communities

03 Our communities As part of The Sovini Group, we are driven by our vision to create a better future and recognise our role as a key contributor to the social and economic development of the North West. We are central to the creation of thriving, inclusive communities across the region, but our role doesn’t stop there!

Investment in our communities Our dedicated Stakeholder Engagement Team has worked hard this year to support local volunteering and community groups to achieve their goals.


social value generated*


beneficiaries supported

Party in the park Bootle, Sefton

In June 2022 we marked Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee with a royal celebration in Derby Park. Thanks to our partners, the local community enjoyed live music and dance performances, activities for children and a spot of shopping with local vendors.


social value generated*

I absolutely loved the event; it was brilliantly organised and there was such a great atmosphere. It made me proud to be part of the Bootle community. – Event attendee


beneficiaries supported

Celebrating resilient women Liverpool

As a special thank you for the contributions they have made to create a better future, we hosted an event to celebrate resilient women in our community in October 2022. Community partners and customers from our Independent Living schemes were invited on board The Floating Grace for a cruise around the Royal Albert Dock, afternoon tea and entertainment from Steve Charles as we marked International Day of Older Persons.


social value generated*

I had a lovely afternoon, thank you very much for organising the celebration. It was wonderful to meet fellow customers. – Ann, One Vision Housing customer


beneficiaries supported

12 | Annual report - Our communities

On behalf of our whole community, we would like to say a heartfelt thank you to One Vision Housing. Parents really struggled when local SEND activities were cancelled, many who approached me in tears with nowhere else to go. Thanks to the grant we received, we were able to support children with multiple difficulties and challenges, giving families a much-needed break, and providing an opportunity to connect with others who have the same challenges as them. - Sharon, Equilibrium North West

Life changing SEND summer club Birkenhead, Wirral Livingstone Street Play & Community Centre were praised for their “life changing” summer club that provided free sessions for families with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Due to cuts in funding, local SEND programmes were forced to shut down leaving families with nowhere to go, causing distress across many local people who relied on it. Equilibrium North West applied for a grant from One Vision Housing to support its six-week summer holiday club which helped 450 residents access over 100 hours of support and provided 750 nutritious meals. A parent who accessed the free sessions said:

I would have been lost without the holiday club; it has changed our lives. My son has autism and ADHD, and the supportive environment here has been instrumental to his development. The people here are amazing, attentive to his needs and know how to look after him in challenging moments.


social value generated*


beneficiaries supported

14 | Annual report - Our communities Food pantry Netherton, Sefton Netherton Park Neighbourhood Centre received a grant from our Community Development Fund to support their Food Pantry. The project helps the local community access food and care products, to reduce health inequalities associated with poor nutrition and food insecurity.

I can’t believe how good this shop is. It’s an amazing idea and a great help towards the cost of my weekly shop. I rely on it each week. - Food pantry service user


beneficiaries supported

Vital Christmas support

Liverpool, Sefton, Wirral and St Helens Families, individuals and older people across the Liverpool City Region received vital support thanks to a food, care, and toy package initiative at Christmas. The initiative, led by One Vision Housing, helped 2,000 beneficiaries across the region, with funding from its Community Development Fund, fellow members of The Sovini Group, Sovini Trade Supplies and Sovini Property Services, and local law firm, Weightmans LLP.


social value generated* *HACT Social Value Calculator

The current cost-of-living crisis has impacted our clients massively. Rising energy costs have resulted in some being frightened to turn their heating on, with others using just one room in their home to reduce costs. We are incredibly grateful to One Vision Housing for the donation of this food pallet which will enable us to support hundreds of people locally. - Vicki, Sefton Older Persons Enabling Resource and Action


beneficiaries supported

Financial support As the cost-of-living rose to an all-time high during 2022/23, our Financial Inclusion Officer provided bespoke support to customers, including:

1. Advice on how to manage debt. 2. Help accessing benefits which they

may have otherwise missed out on.

3. Funding for the use of local food pantries.

When my partner and I became of pensionable age we had some issues with our housing benefits. We can’t thank the Financial Inclusion Team enough for their help getting our claim through and making sure we didn’t end up with rent arrears” - Alice, One Vision Housing customer

4. Support with rent payments through our Hardship Fund.

We also launched our #HereToHelp campaign with a digital guide and regular communications to help signpost customers to local and national support services.


customers supported

16 | Annual report - Our communities

Community safety We are committed to creating vibrant neighbourhoods for our communities as we strive towards building a better future.

Anti-social behaviour Our Community Safety Team worked hard this year to make our communities a better place, without anti-social behaviour. In 2022/23 the team:

1. Launched an interactive support directory to help signpost victims to services available in their area.

2. Created a digital frequently asked questions guide. 3. Hosted 21 community action days. 4. Got involved in nationwide campaigns to raise awareness of anti-social behaviour, hate crime and domestic abuse.

5. Worked with Merseyside Police, Merseyside Fire and Rescue and other partners to improve engagement across our communities.

6. Provided bespoke training to colleagues and created Community Safety Champion roles across the organisation.

7. Shared best practice with other landlords and partnered with Resolve to support the creation of an anti-social behaviour accreditation.

8. Received an 89% customer satisfaction rating*. In 2023/24 we will continue to improve our neighbourhoods and build upon this year’s achievements, with the introduction of new dropin sessions, school workshops and apprenticeship opportunities. *2022/23 service review surveys

Safeguarding We recognise the fundamental role we play in preventing the abuse and/or neglect of children and vulnerable adults across our communities. This year our Safeguarding Leads worked closely with partner agencies to keep our customers safe and protected.


cases supported

My Community Safety Officer was amazing and went above and beyond to make sure I was okay and felt safe.” – One Vision Housing customer

18 | Annual report - Our communities

Amplifying our customer voice This year we have continued to provide customers with opportunities to get involved and help shape, influence and improve the services we deliver. To further our positive relationships, we are proud to have adopted the Together with Tenants charter, strengthening our commitment to amplify the voice of customers across six key themes.

1. Relationships

4. Accountability

2. Communication

5. Quality

3. Voice and influence

6. When things go wrong

We have treated customers with respect across all interactions, building positive relationships based on openness, honesty, and transparency. We have sent customers clear, accessible, and timely information on the issues that matter to them.

We have sought out the views of our customers and used this information to inform our decisions, ensuring every customer felt listened to and valued.

We have allowed our customers to work in partnership to independently scrutinise and hold us accountable for the decisions that affect the quality of homes and services. We have committed to ensuring our homes are good quality, well maintained, safe and well managed.

We have provided customers with simple and accessible routes to provide feedback, raise issues, make complaints, and seek redress, ensuring they receive timely advice and support when things go wrong.

In 2022/23 our Customer Voice Group accumulated many achievements: Our Service Review Group helped improve services for customers Our Tenant Scrutiny Team examined our complaints, voids and new tenant processes Our Tenant Inspectors Group visited void (empty) properties and investment work projects to provide feedback Our High-rise Living and Building Safety Group helped review processes Our Brand Group helped create a range of communications, including our annual reports and customer newsletter In 2023/24 we will continue to amplify the voice of our customers, as we introduce new Tenant Satisfaction Measures in line with new consumer regulations set out by the Regulator of Social Housing.

Being part of the Customer Voice Group gives me a sense of belonging and allows me to make an impact in my community - Arthur, One Vision Housing customer and Tenant Inspector

20 | Annual report - Our homes

04 Our homes We are proud of our good quality homes that are safe, well managed and maintained to a high standard in line with the Government’s Decent Homes Standard.


invested into repairing and maintaining homes


invested into improving homes


invested into developing new homes

Existing homes Improvement works During 2022/23 we invested circa £18.3m in making improvements to 10,322 homes.


invested into 475 new kitchens


invested into 224 new bathrooms

One Vision Housing customer Elizabeth lives in an apartment block that was renovated this year. “The whole thing is wonderful; we are really happy with it. Our rooms are a lot warmer; you can definitely tell the difference.” Learn more about our energy efficiency project at Thackeray and Galsworthy on page 24.

Aids and adaptations During 2022/23 we invested over £833.9k in making aids and adaptations to 852 properties, ensuring customers are able to remain in their homes and maintain a good quality of life.


invested into 94 wet rooms

They did a great job and have made my life a lot easier.” - Tom, One Vision Housing customer


invested into 571 minor adaptations


invested into 22 ramps

£39.9k+ invested into 12 stair lifts

I’d recommend contacting the Aids and Adaptations Team to anyone who needs help in their home, I’m really happy with the service and the benefits it has had on my health. - Emma, One Vision Housing customer

22 | Annual report - Our homes

New homes Through our ambitious development programme we are helping tackle the housing crisis with the delivery of circa 1,000 good quality, affordable homes over the coming years. During 2022/23 we invested £29.3m into the development of new homes across the North West.


new Affordable/Social Rent homes


new Rent to Buy homes


new Shared Ownership homes In 2023/24 we will continue to build new homes that are fit for the future, as we maintain and enhance the quality of our existing homes.

I am endlessly grateful to have been given such an amazing place to call our home. Everybody who lives here is friendly and it’s got a real family feel to it. My Neighbourhood Services Officer is very kind and supportive too. - Kelly, One Vision Housing customer

Barton Brook Green, PR3 5DP

68 homes

Daisy Bank Meadows, PR7 6NE

51 homes

Morris Meadows, L30 1QQ

149 homes

Kings Park, L20 4TR Chapel Terrace, L20 8ND

16 homes

21 homes

Conway Point, CH41 4AQ

46 homes

Mountwood Gardens, CH42 1PW

61 homes

24 | Annual report - Environment

05 Our environment As part of The Sovini Group, we are committed to reducing our environmental impact and are striving to achieve net-zero carbon emissions. We value our customers and communities, which is why we are focussing on factors that not only affect our ecosystem, but also on a local scale tackling issues that directly impact everyone.

By transforming our working practices, we have already reduced our carbon footprint by 69% since 2010/11 and made in year efficiency savings of £7.5m that will be reinvested into our communities.

Promise for a better future Thackeray and Galsworthy Sefton

Thanks to support from Sefton Council’s Green Homes Grant via the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) five apartment blocks have undergone an exterior renovation this year. The project aimed to improve carbon efficiency and help customers reduce their energy bills by improving thermal insulation through new roofs, windows, doors and exterior thermal wall insulation.

One Vision Housing customers John and Christine have lived in their home for 24 years. “We have already seen an impact, our energy bills have gone down during the winter as our home was much warmer. It’s also been lovely and cool during the warmer weather. We love the new rendering too.” In 2023/24 we will continue to invest into improving the energy efficiency of existing homes thanks to grants from the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund.

Building homes for the future In line with The Future Buildings Standard (2021), developments commissioned by One Vision Housing and delivered by Sovini Commercial take a ‘fabric first’ approach. Through this approach we are maximising the performance of components and materials selected during construction and are aiming to reduce energy consumption, including thermal efficiency and running costs. Our new homes will feature environmentally efficient specifications where possible – from low carbon heating and sustainable drainage systems to smart meters, solar panels and charging points for electric vehicles.

£29.3m invested into building 157 new homes to an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) standard of B or above.

Environmental, social and corporate governance We are striving to drive positive change within the housing sector and our robust environmental, social and governance (ESG) propositions play a vital role in setting our strategic direction.

is reported to our board members and is also available to read on our website. This enables us to report on our performance in a transparent, consistent and comparable way.

As part of our commitment to corporate social responsibility, we complete a self-assessment annually across the ESG reporting framework which

During 2022/23, we were proud to create a real impact for those living within our homes, the wider community, businesses across the region, and the economy.

26 | Annual report - Environment

Environmental Environmental criteria considers how we use energy and manage our environmental impact, with factors including: • Energy efficiency • Climate change • Carbon emissions • Biodiversity • Air and water quality


of construction waste recycled from refurbishment and development projects.


Since 2010/11 we have worked hard to reduce our carbon footprint by 69%.

• Waste management

Streamlined energy and carbon reporting performance As part of The Sovini Group we have transformed our working practices to reduce energy usage. In 2022/23 we produced the equivalent to 3.04 CO₂ tonnes per full-time employee in relation to scope one (direct) and two (indirect) greenhouse gas emissions.

Social Social criteria examines how we foster our people and culture, and how that has a ripple effect on our broader community. Factors include: • Inclusivity

• Data protection and privacy

• Gender and diversity

• Community relations

• Employee engagement

• Human rights

• Customer satisfaction

• Labour standards

Governance Governance criteria considers our internal practices and procedures, creates transparency and ensures we adhere to industry best practice with factors including: • Leadership • Board composition • Executive compensation • Internal controls • Audit committee structure • Shareholder rights • Bribery and corruption • Lobbying • Political contributions • Whistle-blower programmes We are compliant with the National Housing Federation’s ‘Excellence in Governance 2020 Code’, ensuring transparency and confidence in our activities. Our management systems are also UKAS accredited to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 standards.

28 | Annual report - Our finances

06 Our finances Value for money Value for money is a high priority for One Vision Housing. Through the collaboration and innovation of our people, from colleagues to customers, we have developed a robust strategic plan to achieve value for money and excellence in the services we offer across the following objectives:

1. Maximising our social value 2. Best use of our assets and resources 3. Collaboration through self-delivery 4. Regulatory compliance and

5. Maximising opportunities through procurement

6. Excellent performance and customer satisfaction

customer involvement


saved through efficiencies since 2006


earned through our Investment Policy


saved in efficiencies across 2022/23 including £700k in procurement efficiencies


Our annual income from 2022/23 was £71.02m





















Our annual expenditure from 2022/23 was £95.68m*


















*circa £24.7m has been funded from loans.

30 | Annual report - Our performance

07 Our performance Our customers are at the heart of everything we do, and we continue to strive for excellence as we set industry benchmarks through our innovation and long-term commitment to continuously improve our customer experience. We are always transparent about our service performance, so that you know the ways in which we are working hard to improve the quality of your home and community.

Customer Care Charter Developed in partnership with our Customer Voice Group, our charter ensures we strive to:

1. Provide excellent customer care 2. Respond to all enquiries within 48 hours

3. Respond to emergency repairs within 24 hours

4. Respond to reports of anti-social behaviour (ASB) within 24 hours

5. Keep homes safe by following health and safety regulations

6. Resolve enquiries at the first point of contact, where possible

Customer Care Charter



1. % of customers satisfied with our overall services



2. % of enquiries responded to within 48 hours



3. % of emergency repairs completed within 24 hours



4. % of ASB cases responded to within 24 hours



5. % of compliant properties



6. % of enquiries resolved at first point of contact



We regularly report on our performance in line with the charter, which is available to view on our website.

32 | Annual report - Our performance

Annual performance In addition to our charter, we also collate data on our performance across key service areas annually. We also benchmark some performance measures against top performing organisations in the industry.

Key increase in performance since 2021/22 maintained performance since 2021/22 decrease in performance since 2021/22

benchmarked against top performing organisations we are a top performer

Repairs and maintenance



Average number of days to complete a repair



% of customers satisfied with repair service



% of customers satisfied with gas service



% of properties with valid gas safety certificate



% of emergency repairs completed within 24 hours






% of rent collected



% of current rent arrears



% of rent lost due to void (empty) properties



Homes and neighbourhoods





% of customers satisfied with their neighbourhood*



% of compliant properties



% of homes that meet the Decent Homes Standard



Community safety



Number of ASB cases



% of cases responded to within 24 hours



% of customers satisfied with case handling



Customer services



% of customers satisfied with customer services*



% of customers satisfied with overall services



% of customers satisfied that we listen and act on their views



% of enquiries responded to within 48 hours



% of enquiries resolved at first point of contact



Average number of days to re-let properties

Sources: transactional surveys, internal management systems,*STAR survey conducted in 2021/22.






Complaints Sometimes things don’t go to plan, and our services may fall below customer expectations. Feedback is invaluable and helps us to focus our efforts on things that matter most. Complaints



Average number of days to respond to a complaint



% of complaints resolved within 10 working days



% of customers satisfied with complaint handling*



% of customers satisfied with complaint outcome*




Key N/A = not applicable Upheld = maladministration or redress Partially upheld = service failure Redress = errors made and correctly redressed during the complaint





Partially upheld

Not upheld

Stage 1






Stage 2












**2 maladministration and 2 redress

In 2022/23 we made the following improvements after receiving feedback through our complaints service:

1. Communal cleaning

We have employed a new Cleaning Team from Sovini Commercial which has been welcomed with positive feedback from customers.

2. Out-of-hours services

We are reviewing the service provided by the external out-of-hours company we employ, with a view to make improvements.

3. Damp, mould and condensation

We have updated our policy and procedures in relation to the management of damp, mould and condensation where present in customer homes.

4. Void properties

We have updated our procedures for void (empty) properties to ensure they are handed over to new customers in a good condition.

34 | Annual report - Our performance

Housing Ombudsman The Housing Ombudsman is an independent complaints regulator, set up to impartially resolve complaint disputes between Registered Providers and their customers. We are compliant and work in line with the ombudsman’s complaint handling code, which helps us to resolve complaints fairly, quickly and effectively in line with best practice, whilst providing data to set industry benchmarks. To ensure we remain compliant and have a positive complaint handling and improvement culture across the organisation, we are committed to conducting an annual self-assessment which is reported to our board members and is also available to read on our website.

You can contact the Housing Ombudsman via: PO Box 152, Liverpool L33 7WQ 0300 111 3000

36 | Annual report - Governance

08 Governance Our board Our board consists of six non-executive and two executive members. Our members set the strategic direction of our business and monitor the achievements we make through our mission of creating opportunities and changing lives as we create a better future for our communities. The board scrutinises and evaluates our services to ensure we remain well governed and financially viable through effective leadership and quality services to customers.

We are governed within the National Housing Federation’s 2020 Code of Governance and the board has certified compliance for 2022/23.

Board member


Lelir Yeung

Non-Executive Director (Chair)

Mike Parkin

Non-Executive Director (Chair of Risk and Assurance Committee)

Dawn Murray

Non-Executive Director

Andrew Armstrong Non-Executive Director Tracey Gore

Non-Executive Director

Peter Crosby

Non-Executive Director

Tracey Liggett

Executive Director (Chief Finance Officer)

Roy Williams

Executive Director (Group Chief Executive Officer)

Our customers are at the heart of everything we do. We remain committed to creating opportunities and changing lives across our inclusive, thriving communities. - Roy, Group CEO

38 | Annual report - Registration Details

09 Registration details Registered Office

External Auditors

One Vision Housing Limited Unit 1, Heysham Road, Bootle, Merseyside L30 6UR

BDO LLP 5 Temple Square, Temple Street, Liverpool L2 5RH

One Vision Housing Limited is a charitable registered society under the Co-operative Community Benefit Societies Act 2014: 7072


VAT Reg No: 997330871

Royal Bank of Scotland 1 Dale Street, Liverpool L2 2PP

Internal Auditors


Beever and Struthers St George’s House, 215-219 Chester Road, Manchester M15 4JE

Weightmans Solicitors, 100 Old Hall Street, Liverpool L3 9QJ

Regulated by Regulator of Social Housing Reg No: 4804

Get in touch

? 0300 365 1111* @ovhousing @onevisionhousing One Vision Housing

One Vision Housing is part of The Sovini Group

*8am - 6pm, Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays. Emergency repairs, 24 hours, 7 days a week

RESPECT ASB charter for housing with the Social Landlords Crime and Nuisance Group

Certificate Number 2771 ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, ISO 27701


One Vision Housing

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