HB Magazine January 2021 Issue

Page 28

Why Repipe when you can


Lead-Free, Leak-Free Pipe Protection By Jody Robinson

It is safe to say that I know nothing about pipes. I know a little about drywall, and some about framing; my husband has his general contractor’s license so I’ve picked up a few nuggets of knowledge over the years - albeit in conversation, not in practice.


ipes, however, are a complete mystery. I have family who live on the East Coast, where pipes seem to burst with some degree of frequency in the winter, but that is the extent of my experience via six degrees of separation. Since our family moved into our “new” home in San Juan Capistrano a few years ago, we have since become something of an expert on experts: those who do and don’t know anything about pipes. There are a bunch of things I can now catch you up on: leaks, sprinkler lines, lead testing. But truly, all you need to know is this: In many cases, ePIPE can have your pipes restored the same day without displacing you from your home. Topping my list of folks I’d call expert, ePIPE has been in business since 1999. With over 40 international and US-based patents, the company has contracts with the US Department of Defense, several counties across the States, schools, HOA’s, and thousands of individual homeowners nationwide. Jason Houck, National Sales Director notes “twenty years ago this process was developed to be more convenient, less destructive, longer lasting, and healthier. Now it’s a patented, proven process used around the globe.” Traditional systems wreak havoc on a home, tearing up floors, walls, and ceilings. To get to the pipe, you have to get everything else out of the way: and then to replace the pipe, you have to remove what is there. “Instead of re-piping, we restore pipes in place. Many homes can be completed in a day, with the water going back on in a number of hours.”

Pool piping, fire sprinkler systems, water lines - ePIPE deals with it all. They’ll even test for lead and remediate as a LeadSmart® Service provider. Any number of factors can lead to corrosion in a system, often in as little as two years after installation. Any number of factors can lead to pinhole or slab leaks. So what happens next? If your pipes were simply failing due to changing water chemistry, perhaps you’re wondering if there is a better pipe? Turns out the restoration of your pressurized system can be as simple as drying, cleaning and applying ePIPE's patented epoxy coating. “The cleaning process prepares the internal pipe surface for proper bonding,” says Jason. “A bit like sanding before you paint.” In researching what ePIPE has to offer in terms of the process, I don’t see the word drilling, or destruction, or demolition anywhere. Taking care of

a problem once it begins is one thing, but ensuring that you won’t have that problem for years down the road is entirely different. Restored piping protects against corroding and pitting, in turn reducing copper and lead leaching. “Because there is no need to destroy walls, ceilings, or floors, you save a significant amount of money in reconstruction costs,” says Jason. “I’ll keep saying it: we do the work without the mess and expense.” Ranked in the top 1% of over 300,000 California contractors, ePIPE is here to ensure your pipes deliver the way they were made to. That’s really all I need to know.

To connect with Jason and his team, call (866) 567-5106 or visit www.restoremypipes.com


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