SAMAIR: Peru and Bolivia

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Our Team Changing Lives

Aviation Ministry serves as the catalyst for spreading the transformative power of the gospel to the far corners of Peru and Bolivia. In certain regions of South America, where travel is limited, planes carry missionaries, workers, and essential supplies faster and farther than other transportation.

We use aviation as a tool to demonstrate Christ's love through service to remote communities by meeting spiritual, social, medical, and physical needs.

Scan these QR codes to watch SAMAIR videos about ministry in Peru and Bolivia.

Our SAMAIR teams in Bolivia and Peru include pilots, mechanics, and other support personnel. They all possess an Airframe & Powerplant license and, in certain instances, an Inspection Authorization. Our pilots are Commercial Instrument rated with Class I or II medical certificates, and depending on the task, a multi-engine or Seaplane rating is required. New personnel are required to have a minimum two years of maintenance experience and a total flight time of at least 500 hours.

Currently, we are operating STOL-equipped Cessna 206 aircraft, one on floats, and one twin-engine Angel.

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SAMAIR is a ministry of South America Mission (SAM).
Our Fleet

Reaching the far corners...

At our SAMAIR Hangar in Pucallpa, a native from a different part of Peru showed up, asking about the possibility of us flying him back to his village As he shared his story, we realized that no other flights operated in his area, leaving us wondering how he managed to reach our jungle city. Eager to know more, I asked him how he traveled here. His response painted a picture of a rigorous eight-day journey by foot through the jungle, going from one river system to another. Eventually, he found passage on a river boat that carried him to Pucallpa. Accompanied by his brother and family, their journey took eleven days

We fly frequently into his area of Peru and offered him a flight back to his village. The flight lasted approximately one hour and ten minutes. The plight of this young husband, along with his brother and family, is repeated over and over throughout underdeveloped parts of the world. Our airplanes are remarkable tools for transporting people and the Gospel to these remote and isolated communities.

Missionaries stationed in isolated locations encounter similar challenges when traveling to and from their ministry sites. Issues such as illness, scarcity of food and shelter, and security concerns along rivers and rural roads often obstruct their paths. SAMAIR offers a faster, safer alternative to missions and missionaries.

Every disaster relief project, every medical emergency flight, every teacher and missionary delivered, and all humanitarian aid is for one purpose: to bring life through the Gospel of Christ. We partner with missionaries, local churches, national groups, and international organizations through aviation and enable ministries to actively spread the Word of God

Join us as a pilot, mechanic, aviation support, prayer partner, or financial supporter. Together, we are reaching the far corners of Peru and Bolivia with hope, help, and healing.

SAMAIR aircraft provide air transportation for missionaries into remote, difficult-access areas of Peru and Bolivia in support of:

Evangelism and Church Planting

Leadership Development

Local Mission Initiatives

Emergency Medical Fights

Disaster Relief

Bible Translation

Community Development Projects

Well Drilling




Our Mission
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