Sound & Image Challenge International Festival 2017

Page 81


Twin Islands 雙子島 Ilhas Gémeas

Director 導演 Realizador


DOM PEDRO V THEATRE 崗頂劇院 7 DEC. 16.30 12月7日下午4時半

CINEMA ALEGRIA/WING LOK 永樂戲院 10 DEC. 16.30 12月10日下午4時半

Manon Sailly, Charlotte Sarfati, Christine Jaudoin, Lara Cochetel, Raphaël Huot and Fanny Teisson

7’ 18’’ | France


França | 2017

Synopsis 影片大綱 Sinópese

Twin Island East and Twin Island West are two twin islands governed by two kings, where the inhabitants follow the cult of symmetry. Therefore, everything goes two by two. But one day, the queen of Twin Island West gives birth to an only child, to her husband’s utter dismay...

東雙子島和西雙子島分別由兩位國王統治,那裡的居民跟隨對稱文化生活。因此,所有的東 西都是成雙成對的。但有一天,西雙子島的皇后誕下一名皇子,這讓她的丈夫感到十分失望。

As Ilha Gémea do Este e Ilha Gémea do Oeste são governadas por dois reis, onde os habitants seguem o culto da simetria. Portanto, tudo segue em pares, mas um dia a rainha da Ilha Gémea do Oeste deu luz à uma unica criança, para o desânimo absoluto do seu marido.

Biography 導演簡介 Biografia

Manon Sailly, Charlotte Sarfati, Christine Jaudoin, Lara Cochetel, Raphaël Huot and Fanny Teisson have graduated from Supinfocom Rubika school (Valenciennes, France) with a Master in digital director. In 2017, they co-directed the short film “Twin Islands”.

Manon Sailly,Charlotte Sarfati,Christine Jaudoin,Lara Cochetel,RaphaëlHuot和 Fanny Teisson從Supinfocom Rubika School 畢業並獲得數碼特技導演碩士學位。 2017 年,他們共同執導動畫短片“雙子島” 。

Manon Sailly, Charlotte Sarfati, Christine Jaudoin, Lara Cochetel, Raphaël Huot e Fanny Teisson licenciaram-se com Mestrado de Director Digital na Escola Supinfocom Rubika, Valenciennes, França. Em 2017, juntos criaram a curta –metragem “Ilhas Gémeas”.

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