SOUL RYEDERS FY2018 Annual Report

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 03 Letter from Board President and Executive Director 04 SOUL RYEDERS Snapshot 05 Client Profile - Lisa Pearson 06 Impact - Touching Lives 08 Volunteer Profile - TieTheTownPink 10 Donor Profile - Kim Veber 12 Financials 13 Donors 16 Program Highlight - Wigs Without Borders 18 Leadership Team & Volunteer Leaders


SOUL RYEDERS® is a volunteer-driven charitable organization, based in Westchester County, NY, committed to empowering those in our community who are affected by all types of cancer. From diagnosis through treatment, recovery and survivorship, we offer practical resources and nurturing support services that provide dignity, confidence, hope, and compassion. SOUL RYEDERS® is a registered 501(c)(3) public charity (TAX ID 47-3803900). As such, all donations made are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.


Westchester Women Symposium: Driving Change, Changing Lives

Philanthropy Award

LETTER TO OUR SOUL RYEDERS COMMUNITY Dear Friends, What started 12 years ago as a team of women from Rye walking in the 39 mile Avon Walk for Breast Cancer has become a public charity which has raised over $4 million. We now have 8 programs of our own which help individuals and families affected by all types of cancer. After celebrating the impressive growth of our programs at our 10 year anniversary in 2017, we moved from a fiscally sponsored non-profit organization to our own 501(c)(3). We are well-positioned for the future and are honored to share our first annual report with you. As we reflect upon the past year, we are very proud of our accomplishments and wide-ranging impact. Each year we continue to serve an increasing number of clients and families. In alignment with our strategic planning goals for 2018: • We formalized the Client Navigator role and added more volunteer Client Coordinators for The Wig Exchange in order to support the expansion of our client base. Along with compassionate emotional support, our Client Navigators provide information tailored to our clients’ specific needs and connect them with appropriate resources. • We successfully expanded our SOUL STRONG survivor program which includes monthly workshops and multiple Yoga 4 Cancer classes each week. New support groups and opportunities to improve the quality of life for our clients outside of their medical treatment have been established. • In response to a growing number of inquiries from community members of all ages seeking hands-on opportunities, we hired a Volunteer Coordinator to oversee hundreds of enthusiastic and selfless volunteers. We are diligent about finding roles and projects which complement the interests of our volunteers while ensuring their experiences are meaningful. For 2019, we are excited to launch our Caregiver Program. For many years we have witnessed the physical and emotional toll that caregivers experience. After hosting several focus groups, we have developed initiatives which are geared towards therapeutic experiences and personalized resources for our caregivers. We are deeply grateful to you for enabling us to provide such valuable programs and we look forward to your continued involvement. Do you like to exercise? Are you up for a challenge? Consider joining one of our SOUL Fit teams! Don’t forget to buy a TieTheTownPink ribbon for Breast Cancer Awareness month. Tap into your creativity and join us for Stitch & Sip or Big Batch programs. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook so you know what we’re up to! And please let us know if we can help you or a loved one. On behalf of our Board of Directors, Leadership Team, volunteers and the families we serve, thank you for your partnership. Together we are able to fulfill our mission and continually strengthen our programs. We hope you take pride in being part of the SOUL RYEDERS family. With gratitude, Billy Miller Sandy Samberg President, Board of Directors Executive Director



Wigs Without Borders®

Mondays with SOUL RYEDERS

Strand Together

Grant Program

SOUL Cares

Caregiver Program

We are a VOLUNTEER driven organization. Due to the countless hours and dedication of volunteers, we are able to provide compassionate, empowering, and sustainable services to those in our community affected by cancer. Our goal is to provide our volunteers with tangible, unique ways to show our clients they are not alone in their cancer journey. All ages can be involved from an hour in the office to participation in an event to a more regular volunteer role.

We provide personalized resources and emotional support for those with all types of cancer who live in or around Westchester County, NY. From diagnosis through treatment, recovery and survivorship, we are here to support not only our CLIENTS with cancer but their families as well. Whether you have been newly diagnosed, have had a recurrence or are in remission - we are here to support you.


Fit Kids Tri Team Adult Tri Team Making Strides Team

TieTheTownPink Cover the Court with Coins

Every dollar invested in our programs benefits not only the individual with cancer, but their caregivers and family. Our DONORS help us bring solace, resources and encouragement to those who need us the most. There are many ways in which donors can support our efforts and provide long term sustainability for the organization - kids and families participate in SOUL Fit, Giving Circle members pledge multi-year gifts, and partners sponsor our programs or events.

LISA PEARSON How SOUL RYEDERS supports my journey with a Stage 4 diagnosis.

When I first came to Rye in 2010, I was the Director at a local nursery school and learned about SOUL RYEDERS through a parent who was a client. As a school community, we donated to mothers who participated in the Avon Walk and the children would collect change for the Cover the Court with Coins event. Upon being diagnosed with cancer myself, it was a surreal experience to contact SOUL RYEDERS and inquire about the programs from the perspective of a client. The first program I attended was Mondays with SOUL RYEDERS in 2017. I showed up bald and bloated, feeling very self conscious about my “chemo face.” I was greeted very warmly and when a volunteer transformed my face with her cosmetological magic, I started to cry - undoing all of her hard work! It was the first time since the start of my cancer journey that I was able to look in the mirror and feel happy about the image looking back at me. Later, through SOUL RYEDERS, I was introduced to a woman with a similar professional background and diagnosis - we were both living with metastatic cancer. Not only did the two of us make an immediate connection, but our husbands did as well and they have become dear friends of ours. It has been wonderful having “couple friends” who are walking the same road as we come to terms with our diagnosis and

what it means to live with a chronic illness. My family and I participated in the Making Strides Walk last fall. It was both one of the most challenging physical activities that I have done since receiving my diagnosis and also one of the most exhilarating. While we were the last of the SOUL RYEDERS Team to complete the walk, we were blessed by the presence of team members cheering us on at the finish line. I have gained an increased awareness of the need to live with an attitude of gratitude. I have been overwhelmed by the support that I have received from friends, family and, most of all, people who were “acquaintances” but have since become a very special part of my life. Every SOUL RYEDERS program or event leaves me with a feeling of belonging. The common denominator of a cancer diagnosis brings a level of comfort when I am in the company of women who know the challenges involved in living a post-diagnosis life. When I share my experience with friends from afar who are survivors or currently in treatment they are amazed to learn about an organization which provides such a wide range of support. They all wish that they had access to a similar group where they live.

IMPACT - TOUCHING LIVES 184 Wigs shared with Clients through The Wig Exchange

Yoga 4 Cancer classes offered weekly serving over 100 Clients

1,200 Ribbons sold/ donated through TieTheTownPink. 90% of these ribbons were delivered and tied in one day!

Over 400 Volunteers ages 5-76 committed time to support those affected by cancer and their families

24 Volunteer committee members awarded 8 organizations grants to serve over 1,000 individuals through our Grant Program

132 Stitch & Sip Volunteers dedicated 264 hours making craft projects and meals for community members affected by cancer



TieTheTownPink Volunteers

New Clients served with personal one-to-one connections over the year



Active members in the Giving Circle

Women helped during one week mission to Cali, Colombia through Wigs Without Borders

92 Children participated in the Westchester Kids Tri and raised over $25,000 through our SOUL Fit program

What’s it like to Volunteer with SOUL RYEDERS? Joie Cooney, Susan Janart & Lisa Dominici, Co-Chairs of TieTheTownPink

I was so impressed with how many different ways there were for me to get involved. I started volunteering with SOUL RYEDERS in 2008 and was able to make an immediate impact by getting involved with Cover the Court with Coins, the Avon Walk and all of the various fundraising events that were taking place.


My first impression was one of caring, friendship and camaraderie. I became involved with the organization in 2010 by participating on morning training walks for the 39 mile Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. Every time I walked, I met new women who embraced authentic communication and valued making new connections resulting in new friendships and a happier heart!



What was your first impression of SOUL RYEDERS?

My first impression was one of warmth, dedication, & friendship. My initial exposure to SOUL RYEDERS was via the Avon Walk in 2012. I was amazed that there were so many men and women willing to volunteer their time, energy, and money to support the organization and each other to fight cancer. The more I learned about SOUL RYEDERS, the more impressed I became with this grass-roots organization that has evolved well beyond its initial focus on breast cancer to support men, women, and children battling all forms of cancer in all stages of their journey.


What do you find most challenging/inspiring about volunteering?


I am incredibly inspired by how SOUL RYEDERS is able to be there for their clients, many of whom have little to no support system. When I first became involved, I did not feel comfortable talking about my diagnosis, but came to realize how therapeutic it can be to share the experience of my journey with others dealing with cancer.


Meeting people who share my desire to give back to the community is terrific. It can be challenging because it is such a great cause and I wish I could dedicate more time to it.

Every time I volunteer with SOUL RYEDERS I am inspired by the strength of spirit and determination that is innate in each person I encounter, whether a cancer patient, survivor, friend or family supporter. The most challenging aspect for me is carving out more time to give to this organization.


I’ve met best friends whom I now consider sisters and will forever be in my life. One of my favorite aspects about volunteering for SOUL RYEDERS is meeting people of all ages, backgrounds, religions, cultures, etc. Cancer, though our common enemy, can band us all together when we all work together to help those who are battling with it.



Tell me about some of the people you’ve met while volunteering.

One of the coolest things is the opportunity to meet people from outside your usual “circles” - I’ve become friends with women who don’t live in Rye, don’t have children and/or have much older children than mine and our paths never would have crossed otherwise!

While volunteering, I found an invaluable community of support meeting others who I felt I could talk to about my own story. Dealing with a cancer diagnosis when having young children is inexplicable but in sharing that experience with other volunteers, we found ways to help others who may be going through something similar.

SOUL RYEDERS is a full circle of hope and love that I feel blessed and thankful to be a part of. It feels wonderful to be able to help others.


There is no better feeling than giving of yourself to an organization whose sole purpose is to support people and families who are suffering from cancer. Giving truly is getting.



What would you tell someone who is thinking about volunteering?

Do it! You can start small - lots of opportunities to get involved even for a few hours at a time. We have events you can do with your kids, spouse, friends or parents. You won’t regret it and the more you learn about SOUL RYEDERS, the more impressed you will be!

KIM VEBER How SOUL RYEDERS Helped Me When I Went From Donor To Client To Volunteer

I first became involved with SOUL RYEDERS in 2008, when I joined the Avon Breast Cancer Walk team. I decided to do the walk that year because both my mother and mother-in-law had battled breast cancer. Having three girls of my own, I was concerned that with breast cancer on both sides of the family my girls were at high risk. After the walk, I continued to attend some events and became a financial supporter. When the Giving Circle was formed in 2015 my husband and I joined with a three-year pledge. We knew that SOUL RYEDERS was doing important work in our community and wanted to make sure they would be able to support the growth they were experiencing and could continue to offer their programs and services without interruption. In December of 2017, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was such a relief to know that I knew exactly who I needed to call after my husband. SOUL RYEDERS helped me navigate several parts of my journey. In an instant I was transformed from being a supporter of SOUL RYEDERS to a client of SOUL RYEDERS and I attended Mondays with SOUL RYEDERS at the Beauty Bar & Salon. When I found out the unexpected

news that I needed chemotherapy after surgery, SOUL RYEDERS connected me with a former client of theirs who had been through a similar diagnosis. Having the connection to someone on the other side of their journey and who was able to answer all of my questions was invaluable. I attended some of the SOUL STRONG monthly workshops and participated in the weekly Yoga 4 Cancer classes. I received a Big Batch meal and a SOUL Lifting Kit. Because of SOUL RYEDERS I knew to cut my hair before it fell out and had a halo wig made of my own hair. While I was going through chemotherapy I exercised daily and had a relatively easy time with the treatment. My oncologist attributed this to the fact that I stayed active. Then, SOUL RYEDERS asked if I would be comfortable speaking to clients who were about to start chemotherapy about my success in mitigating the side effects of chemotherapy with exercise. Speaking to these woman proved to be therapeutic to me in addition to being helpful to them. Not long after that I was asked to be a Client Coordinator, assisting women through The Wig Exchange. I began coming to Mondays with SOUL RYEDERS as a volunteer rather than a client to speak

(Continued from previous page)

with the newly diagnosed about my story and to hear theirs, to offer suggestions about things that helped me during treatment, and to demonstrate to the newly diagnosed that they will get through this and most will arrive on the other side. Once my active treatment of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation was behind me I volunteered to be a Client Navigator. I now speak to clients when they first contact SOUL RYEDERS. I speak to them about their diagnosis and treatment, I tell them about the programs we offer and other programs that we recommend in our community. Many clients I continue to keep in touch with as they go through treatment. My most recent contribution to SOUL RYEDERS was suggesting the “Life Happens� luncheon to the Leadership Team and offering to co-chair the event. It was an inspiring event. I loved working with the Leadership Team and my co-chairs - we succeeded in providing the community with an inspiring panel on overcoming adversity, some of the myths about SOUL RYEDERS were dispelled and awareness about our mission was raised. I have gained more than I have given volunteering with SOUL RYEDERS. I have made wonderful new friends. It brings me joy and self-fulfillment to provide some relief and comfort to those who are struggling with cancer.

APRIL 1, 2018 TO MARCH 31, 2019



Fiscal Year Financials

Giving Circle $334,783***

Programs $208,572

Community Support $112,532**

Grant Making $112,577

In-Kind Support $89,650*

In-Kind Support $ 89,650*

General Donations $87,652

Administration & Fundraising $68,581

Corporate Gifts $6,650

Community Support $35,734**

Total Income: $551,899

Total Expenses: $435,115

Based on un-audited figures for Fiscal Year April 1, 2018 through March 31, 2019.*In-Kind support is not included on the filed 990. **Community Support includes awareness and participatory events including TieTheTownPink, SOUL Fit, and Cover the Court with Coins.***Includes a one-time $100,000 gift. A copy of the SOUL RYEDERS 990 is available at

Volunteer Participation


Programs Monday’s with SOUL RYEDERS • 12 Volunteers • 462 Hours • $13,943 Value Stitch & Sip • 132 Volunteers • 264 Hours • $7,968 Value The Wig Exchange • 13 Volunteers • 156 Hours • $4,708 Value Big Batch • 54 Volunteers • 126 Hours • $3,803 Value Wigs Without Borders • 2 Volunteers • 80 Hours • $2,414 Value Grant Committee • 24 Volunteers • 72 Hours • $2,173 SOUL STRONG • 9 Volunteers • 18 Hours • $543 Value

Community Support TieTheTownPink • 157 Volunteers • 160 Hours • $4,829 Value SOUL Fit • 6 Volunteers • 55 Hours • $1,660 Cover the Court with Coins • 25 Volunteers • 50 Hours • $1,509 Value

Administration Office • 4 Volunteers • 150 Hours • $4,527 Value Board of Directors • 9 Volunteers • 108 Hours • $3,259 Value The New York State value of volunteer time for 2018 is $30.18 an hour.

Donors THANK YOU Thank you to our funders who support all those we serve who are affected by cancer. You are making an impact every day.

GIVING CIRCLE MEMBERS Anonymous (1) • Kim & John Abate • Maureen & Phil Angelastro • Liza & David Bainbridge • Shari & Amos Balaish • Hunter & Alicia Baldwin • Loring Bartlett • Anita & Stuart Beeber • Josh & Julie Bieber • Allison & Joshua Block • Melissa & Justin Boisseau • Emily & Jon Borell • John & Laura Breckenridge • Monica Brenner & Tom Cosenza • Diana & Ryan Byrne • Alan & Alicia Chabot • Mary & Mario Ciampi • Erica & Craig Coblenz* • Joanne & Christopher Daly • Amy & Paul Davis • Adrian Deen* • Liz & Craig Delizia • Doug & Sue DeStaebler • Laura & Joe DeVita • Antonio & Mary Diaz-Albertini • Lisa Dominici • Mark & MaryEllen Doran • Erica & Jeff Fritsche • Arlyn & Edward L. Gardner • Stephanie & Nick Gardner • Allison & Zach Gibbs* • Nicole & Adam Gibbs* • Andrea & Andrew Giobbe • Lois & Blake Goodner • Amy & Walter Gorman • Stephanie & Douglas Gould • Michael & Maria Guarnieri • Holly Hartman • Kimberly & Brian Higgins • Pati & Michael Holmes • Jennifer & Rob Howard • Michael & Veronica Iuliano • Laura & Jeffrey Iverson* • Arielle & Jon Jachman • Kelsey & Tim Johnson • Emily & Jimmy Keenan • Sue & Jim Kelly • Kristine & Joseph Kennedy • Nora & Ned Kirk* • Laura & Steve Kovacs • Cathy Crowl Kraft • Brian & Jen Lapin • Steve Roberts & Kimberly LaPointe* • Jodi & Howard Lavitt • Amy & Shaun Lawrence • Lauren & Michael Lehmann • Aly & Michael J. Levine • Christa & John Liddy • JoAnn & Ken Linden • Leslie & Gene Lynch • Paulette & Eric Mann • Christie & Chris Manning • Susan & Stephen Marynowski • Steven & Jacqueline Mazzilli • Connie McBroom • Lisa & Pat McGowan • Billy & Sara Miller* • Elisabeth & Barry Mitchell • Annabel & Tom Monaghan • Trish & David Muccia • Janet & Scott Muller • Clark Munnell Jr. • Christy & Tom Murphy • Wendy & Paul Nagle • Amanda & Lew Nash • Sharon Pohoryles & Jim Gelb • Yvonne Pollack & Leslie Pollack Family Foundation • Esther & John Regan* • Jessica Reisman & Adam Tuckman • Art & Becky Samberg • Sandy & Joe Samberg • Robert Santangelo • Maiju & Rich Savage • Tom & Angela Schonberg* • Tracy & Evan Segal • Emily & John Sharko • Caryn & Eric Steinert • Ellen & Douglas Stern* • John & Tricia Tartaglia • Kerry & Mike Tepedino • Andrea & Jason Tighe • Beth & Neil Townsend • Tracy & Chris Turner • Jeri & Simon Turner • Margaretha van der Voort • Kim & Jeff Veber* • Maura & Matt Walther* • Cynthia & Jon Weber • Terry Ann & Sandy Weil • Michelle & Burt Weiss • Carolyn & Mark Whaling • Mark & Vicki Whatley* • Michael & Kerri Winderman • Christi & Nick Wood • Lee & Bob Woodruff • Tracy & Zac Wydra • Milan & Jeff Yokuty* • Corinne & Neil Zola* *Giving Circle Leadership Committee Members

GENERAL DONATIONS ($250 and more) • Christine Ackert • Marie Altmeyer • Kate Bluvol • Laura Brett • Scott Broder • Stephanie Broderick • Martin Borell • Danielle & Justin Carey • Linda Cassano • Rachel Chalchinsky • Puja & Venod Chandiramani • Sandy Chittenden • Judith Croughan • Julia Dailey • Suzie Delane • Connie Dempster • Erika DiSalvo • Jennifer Donnalley • Emily Dorin • Andrew Entwistle • Rosa Acocella Ferrante • Andrea Ferris • The Fitzpatrick Family • Jane Fitzpatrick • Sondra Fizzinoglia • Susan Fleming • Lisa Marie Foto • Corinne Forster • Eric Frigiano • Corina Gayk • Arlene Gibbs • Deb & Neal Goldman • Ursula Goldman • Michelle Harvey • Camilla Hofmann • Nancy Horan • Sarah Janks • Jackie Jenkins • Elisa Kelly • Pat Koechlin • Lori & Rob Kost • Angela Kretzschmar • Toni Lee • Denise & David Levine • Tammy Liansi • Maria Licursi • Jen & Phil Lindenbaum • Elissa Link • Judi Linton • Kate Madigan • Paul Mayo • Vanessa Mayo • Carolyn McCullough • Susan McDonnell • Petra Miebach • Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Moran • Ira & Marsha Moses • Carrie & Eric Nagel • Judith Nemsick • James Nicholson • Kathy O’Connor • Nora O’Donoghue • Armand Paganelli • Olivia Parton • Judith Passannante • Caitlin Pearlman • Lisa Pearson • Jen & Bob Peters • Brenda Powers • Nancy Pryor • Patricia Randall • Saima Rathor • Jessica Rosh • Kristen Ross • Erinn Salaman • Cheryl Salters • Jaime Santa • Nicolas Santucci • Julianne Schmidt • Nicole Schwartzberg • Beverly Streeter • Karen Thomas • Kendall Truman • Kim Tucci • Robin Tuch • Karen Wachtmeister • Sue Wald • Jodi Weber • Ali Weiss • Linda Cavanna Wilk • Chantel Williamson • Kathleen Young • Elizabeth Zahm • Debbie & Martin Zingg IN-KIND DONATIONS Stacy & John Sakellariou, The Beauty Bar & Salon • Tom Ewing, Ewing Graphics • Douglas Kooluris, G. Griffin Wine & Spirits • Jo Bryan Photography • Julio German & Noga Ruttenberg, High Performance Training (HPT) • Judy Siegel, Pro Bono Partnership • Sally Rogol, Rye Recreation • Red Oak Transportation • Rye Town Park • The Gibbs Families, The Shade Store • Maureen Kelly, Tarte Cosmetics • Lee Sandford, THRYVE Outdoor Fitness for Women • Larry Levin, The UPS Store in Rye • CORPORATE & FOUNDATION SUPPORT Athleta Scarsdale • Borrelli Partners Insurance Agency LLC • Caela’s Closet • General Atlantic Foundation • Goldman Sachs Matching Gifts • Mac Angels Foundation Inc. • Newman’s Own Foundation • Rye Garnets Ice Hockey Inc. • Rye High School Volleyball • Rye Police Association Inc • Rye Presbyterian Church, Women’s Association • Rye Tri Club • Sammy & Nat, LLC • Sotheby’s International Realty • Sun Capital Partners Foundation, Inc. • The Findlay Family Foundation • The Linton Foundation • The Osborn (Miriam Osborn Memorial Home) • Westchester Triathlon Inc • White Plains Fire Department, Professional Fire Fighters Association

Grant Program SOUL RYEDERS helps thousands of people each year through its Grant Program. Grants are awarded to local cancer-related organizations for specific initiatives that improve the quality of life for families affected by all types of cancer. The grantees and initiatives are chosen by our Grant Committee and Board of Directors to complement our own programs and provide important, often essential, services needed for the individuals we serve.

GRANT COMMITTEE Alicia Baldwin • Anita Beeber • Stuart Beeber • Joie Cooney • Adrian Deen • Lisa Dominici • Mark Doran • MaryEllen Doran • Lesley Findlay • Stephanie Gardner • Allison Gibbs • Amy Gorman • Holly Hartman • Connie McBroom • Amanda Nash • Wendy Nagle • Joe Samberg • Sandy Samberg • Tracy Turner • Kim Veber • Maura Walther

SOUL Fit Events SOUL FIT PARTICIPANTS Giving back while doing something to benefit your own health and fitness offers our volunteers a win-win. SOUL Fit allows you to choose a physical challenge that works best for you while raising funds and awareness for SOUL RYEDERS.

KIDS TRI TEAM The Kids Tri Team provides a fun way to combine participating in a competitive fitness event while supporting SOUL RYEDERS. Over 90 children participated as part of the SOUL RYEDERS team in the Westchester Kids Triathlon raising more than $25,000 to help those in our community affected by cancer. Martin Ayala • Mia Baelis • Taylor Bainbridge • AJ Ball • Maddie Ball • Ty Bibas • Kyle Bisceglia • Matthew Bremer • Sean Bremer • Ruby Byrne • Willa Byrne • Ella Calise • Sophie Calise • Ethan Carey • Matthew Carey • Natalie Carey • Katie Casquarelli • Elena Chesley • Kate Chesley • Ben Coblenz • Max Coblenz • Sam Coblenz • Nate Cosenza • Ryan Crozier • Natalie DeToro • Jack Dorin • Juliana Echlov • Nicolas Echlov • Sofia Echlov • Charlotte Emerson • Jack Emerson • Theodore Emerson • Michael Engerran • Grayson Findlay • Nathaniel Findlay • Maggie Gallagher • Saedi Gibbs • Samuel Gibbs • Tevah Gibbs • Niklas Hofmann • Caleb Houghton • Eliza Houghton • Lila Hudson • Alexandra Huen • Isabel Hurley • Charlie Iverson • Arnaud Joly • Campbell Kaderabek • Morgan Kaderabek • Nate Karl • Owen Karl • Sophia Karl • Aine Kennelly • Graham King • Josey King • Brendan Kirk • Charlotte Kirk • Rafael Leifert • Benedict Lloyd-Roath • Kayla Lombardo • Annabella Mazzilli • Gianna Mazzilli • Wryder McGill • Audrey Meier • Oliver Meier • Konstantin Miebach • Max Miller • Juliette Moore • Patrick Moran • Nate Nagel • Ella Nee • Jayden Olavarria • Charlie Pearman • Oscar Pearman • Kian Sadr • Leah Salkeld • Matthew Samit • Toma Sellar • Sophie Sharko • Ella Sheth • Annie Smith • Billy Smith • Clayton Stark • Emma Stark • Julia Steeves • Matthew Steeves • Sarah Steeves • Benjamin Stigliano • Reid Thigpen • Jack Truman • Ben Truman • Max Weber • William Weber • Katie Weidinger • Tommy Weidinger • Kira Woolsey • Miles Woolsey • Frank Zingg ADULT TRI TEAM The Adult Tri Team participates in the Westchester Triathlon Super Sprint and Olympic Tri / Relay. Jane Fitzpatrick • Heidi Kitlas • Christin Rorke Palladino • Matt Walther • Maura Walther MAKING STRIDES Making Strides Walk Against Breast Cancer is a 5-mile walk in Purchase, NY organized by the American Cancer Society. The group of almost 60 individuals last year ranged in age from 9 to 76 and many families walked together across the finish line while raising over $27,000. Rosa Acocella Ferrante • Cosette Ammon • Juliette Ammon • Lisa Ammon • Maureen Angelastro • Jillian Chittenden • Sandy Chittenden • Paola Corallo • Connie Dempster • Kathleen Dill • Jennifer Doto • Grayson Findlay • Lesley Findlay • Jane Fitzpatrick • Sandy Fizzinoglia • Susan Fleming • Randee Glick-Polito • Amy Gorman • Michele Kata • Caroline Kelly • Elisa Kelly • Angela Kretzschmar • Dan Kretzschmar • Laura Longo • Emily Lyons • Marci Lyons • Susan Marynowski • Vanessa Mayo • Jacqueline Mazzilli • Carolyn McCullough • Susan McDonnell • Janet Muller • Katherine O'Connor • Lisa Pearson • Matthew Pearson • Jacob Policano • Corey Anne Radtke • Saima Rathor • Stacey Rittenberg • Cheryl Salters • Lisa Simone • Anna Veber • Julia Veber • Kim Veber • Susie Visconti • Maura Walther • Terry Ann Weil • Doug Wilk • Dylan Wilk • Kailey Wilk • Linda Wilk • Ryan Wilk • Chantel Williamson

Wigs Without Borders TRIP TO CALI, COLOMBIA

For a number of years, SOUL RYEDERS’ Wigs Without Borders program has been supplying wigs, hats and scarves to the Partnership for Cancer Care and Prevention (PFCCAP) for their annual missions to Cali, Colombia, where they support women undergoing cancer treatment.

This March, we were invited by Dr. Armando Sardi, Dr. John Singer and Mavalynne Orozco-Urdaneta, PFCCAP’s intrepid and kind Executive Director, to join their mission and help support women currently undergoing cancer treatment. Founded in 2006 by Dr. Sardi, a Colombian-born and Baltimore-based oncological surgeon, and Dr. Singer, a general surgeon, PFCCAP strives to improve cancer education, detection and treatment as well as access to care and support services in Colombia, South America where cancer has become a major cause of morbidity and mortality. We were grateful for the opportunity and felt privileged to work with the amazing cadre of American and Colombian volunteers. These volunteers provide support while honoring the grace and dignity of countless women enduring cancer treatment.

At PFCCAP’s headquarters, where we spent much of our week, their Patient Navigator, Patricia Córdoba, greeted each of the women with a warm welcome, assessed their needs and discussed the services they desired. The women were guided from the welcome desk to a private area where they were respectfully and gently fitted with a new bra and breast prosthesis. Post-mastectomy reconstructive surgery is rarely performed in Cali so PFCCAP provides women with breast prostheses and special bras equipped with pouches to secure the breast forms.

Esneda, who had driven three hours to get to Cali, Colombia, arrived downtrodden, quiet and reflective. After receiving her prosthesis, bra, wig and rakish hat, she began strutting around like a model on a runway. She then danced with joy, grasping the hands of various volunteers and inviting us to celebrate her new look and improved spirits. Breast prostheses and special bras equipped with pouches to secure the breast forms were very generously donated by American Breast Care (ABC). ABC’s founder, Jolly Rechenberg, and his wife Dorothea played a key role in our mission as they provided a large supply of these high-quality items and supported both the women who needed them as well as the volunteers who staffed the

prosthesis fitting area. From the prosthesis area, women who wanted wigs were escorted to our fitting area where we, along with the gentle and encouraging Colombian volunteers, helped them try on an array of wigs. From long, dark locks to short and sassy curls, the women were offered a variety of different styles from which to choose. Some found their preferred look on the first try while others gave careful consideration to a range of options before settling on their new hairstyle. Many of the women also had fun picking out their favorite hats, headbands and scarves among those donated by SOUL RYEDERS, and a few excitedly snatched up the crocheted blankets and shawls Proudly wearing their new wigs and hats, the women then enjoyed a pampering makeover provided by a volunteer makeup artist. Each client was showered with smiles, compassion and encouragement throughout the entire process. that our volunteers made. Most of the women arrived at PFCCAP headquarters with profound fear, sadness and the weight of the world on their shoulders. Witnessing t h e transformation over the course of the visit was purely magical. Each of them left feeling happier, nurtured, and more confident - all of which was evidenced by their big smiles, the laughter and the warm hugs we received. From the moment we arrived in Cali, we immediately felt like part of the PFCCAP community, working together toward a common goal of providing cancer patients with a wide range of services. We witnessed the deep compassion and devoted service of the medical team, foundation staff and volunteers, including two inspiring patients of Dr. Sardi’s who sought to pay it forward after Imelda and her daughter Alejandra arrived straight from Imelda’s chemotherapy session. As they entered the waiting area and sat down, their eyes reflected fear and were brimming with tears, their deflated spirits evident. By the time we parted company, both mother and daughter were smiling brightly and filled with a renewed sense of hope, feeling beautiful on the outside and comforted on the inside.

recovering from the life-saving surgery he performed on them. While we embarked on this mission trip to help and support others, we received so much inspiration in return. We treasure the friendships we made and our memories of the transformative experiences in which we were privileged to take part. Together we touched the lives of those affected by cancer one smile, one prosthesis, one wig, and one makeup brush at a time.


Laura Devita

Mark Doran

Dawn Ewing

Zach Gibbs

Pati Holmes

Kimberly LaPointe

Bill Miller

Sandy Samberg

Emily Sharko

Kerri Winderman


Rachel Felenstein

Lesley Findlay

Heidi Kitlas

Christine Lombardo

Susan Marynowski

Sandy Samberg


ACCOUNTANT Al Coster Baldessari & Coster

WEBSITE Martin O’Reilly, Edelman & PRDXN

Y4C INSTRUCTORS Janet Muller & Stephanie Gould

Y4C STUDIO Beyond Yoga

GRAPHIC DESIGN Joanna Kunicki & Pierce Strudler



Rye TV & Tony Coash, Coash Video Productions

Tom Ewing, Ewing Graphics Larry Levin, The UPS Store in Rye Scott Muller, Printing Solutions

SOUL HEALING MASSAGE Linda Thomas Bon Accord Massage

Volunteer Leaders VOLUNTEER PROGRAM LEADERS Our Volunteer Program Leaders support the organization by volunteering their time to ensure our various programs and events run smoothly. Without these individuals, we would not be able to provide our services. We are so thankful for the dedication and passion they bring to their roles.

THE WIG EXCHANGE Client Coordinators • Patricia Cavalie Alacon • Nanci Briganti • Mary Ciampi • Sandy Chittenden* • Jennifer Doto • Sondra Fizzinoglia • Kim Haas* • Sally Joyce* • Jackie Mazzilli* • Sara Miller* • Janet Muller* • Deborah Nye • Devina O’Reilly • Kim Veber* Intake Volunteers • Anita Beeber • Monica Brenner • Maria Guarnieri • Ryan Marynowski WIGS WITHOUT BORDERS Sharon Pohoryles


MONDAYS WITH SOUL RYEDERS Liz Ahrens • Allison Brates • Sandy Chittenden* • Lisa Greenspan • Laura Kovacs* • Jackie Mazzilli* • Sarah Palmer • Jessica Reisman • Linda Thomas* • Tracy Turner • Kim Veber* • The Beauty Bar and Salon • Genith Mancero • Stacy Sakellariou • Tanya Torello • Christina Piliero SOUL LIFTING KITS Sandy Chittenden*


STITCH & SIP Laurie Gamble • Melinda Stein

BIG BATCH MaryEllen Doran* • Hilary Karmilowicz • Laura Kovacs* • Wendy Nagle* SOUL STRONG Amy Gorman • Stephanie Gould* • Janet Muller* • Debbie Nye • Devina O’Reilly • Kim Veber* *Program Advisory Committee VOLUNTEER EVENT LEADERS Westchester Triathlon Kids Team Nicole Gibbs Marci Lyons Jannine Moran

SOUL FIT Making Strides Team Sandy Chittenden Liz Bradley

TieTheTownPink Joie Cooney Lisa Dominici Susan Janart Rachel Felenstein

Cover the Court with Coins Rachel Felenstein Lesley McMillan Devina O'Reilly Kerri Winderman

Photos of dedication bricks located at the SOUL RYEDERS Labyrinth in Rye Town Park, Rye, NY that was dedicated to the community in 2017 in honor of our 10 year anniversary.

SOULRYEDERS.ORG 914.412.4884 • 1091 Boston Post Road • Rye, NY 10580 •

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