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Polar Fish

– a story of friendship “You look at me. You look at my hair. You look at my clothes. And you think you know me. But how can anyone know who I am inside? No one knows the real me. The Fantastic Me.”

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

ISBN 978-91-27-42003-8

9 789127 420038

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Andy Coombs 10-06-09 10.26.13

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10-06-15 14.14.37

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Thirty-one people staring at me. Sixty-two eyes. I don’t know why actors like it. I hate it. People looking at me. Judging me by what I look like and what I say. How shallow is that? How can people know if I’m fantastic or crap? Clearly I’m fantastic – but they don’t know that. And what makes teachers think it’s a good idea to force the new kid to stand up and talk in front of everyone? ‘Just say something about yourself,’ Mr Jarvis said – like it’s not stressful enough being the only new kid in class in a new school full of kids who sound like they are all related to the queen. So I did. ‘My name is Jake and I talk like this because I’m from the North.’ I didn’t know what else to say so I just sort of stood there and looked at my feet. 3

10-06-15 14.14.37

Polar Fish

– a story of friendship “You look at me. You look at my hair. You look at my clothes. And you think you know me. But how can anyone know who I am inside? No one knows the real me. The Fantastic Me.”

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

ISBN 978-91-27-42003-8

9 789127 420038

fantastic_me.indd 1

Andy Coombs 10-06-09 10.26.13

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