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Liber Engelska


ett basläromedel för åk 4–9

Liber Engelska 6 TEXTBOOK


varierat I Liber Engelska arbetar ni med ett roligt och ns kapitel har innehåll med olika texttyper och nivåer. Boke g pedagogisk elevnära och engagerande teman med en tydli lättarbetat. röd tråd. En genomtänkt struktur gör materialet rerande Inkluderande texter med en mångfald av inspi även autentiska förebilder och verkliga människor. Det finns t och läslust på textutdrag som är till för att väcka nyfikenhe

LibeR k a s g e n l E

engelskspråkig litteratur. gång!

Låt Liber Engelska bli vägen till språklig fram

.liber.se. För mer information om samtliga delar, se www



Best.nr 47-14816-5 Tryck.nr 47-14816-5

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Anna Windirsch

2023-12-05 09:18

Li be R E nge ls ka


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2023-12-11 10:27

ISBN 978-91-47-14816-5 © 2024 Anna Windirsch och Liber AB PROJEKTGRUPP OCH REDAKTION Tina Tärnrot, Maria Jones, Kirsi Terimaa Bengtsson, Anna Karlberg PRODUKTION Jasmine Jansson, Eva Runeberg Påhlman FORM Lisa Lanning BILDREDAKTÖR Marie Olsson OMSLAG Lisa Lanning och Eva Jerkeman (grundidé) OMSLAGSBILD Kalle Landegren och Shutterstock.com SPRÅKGRANSKNING Robbie Stevens TEXTBIDRAG Andy Coombs och Sarah Scho (10, 13, 30, 52, 70, 92, 113), Jessica Stevens (48, 80, 100), Maria Jones (16, 56, 82), Kirsi Terimaa Bengtsson (45), Tina Tärnrot (6) ILLUSTRATIONER Bettina Johansson (4, 5:1–2, 7, 10, 12, 15, 34, 45, 48, 49, 50, 59, 60, 61, 66, 78, 79, 116, 117), Maria Källström (31, 53, 57, 71, 80, 82, 92, 114), Lisa Lanning (96–97). Första upplagan 1 repro Repro 8 AB, Stockholm tryck Graphycems, Spanien 2024

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2023-12-11 14:11

COPYRIGHTNOTISER Magesmith Bo and Eg, Book 1 Bodin’s Moments Copyright Andy Coombs & Sarah Scho. First published by Kidoo publishing, USA (2022) AMONG THE HIDDEN by Margaret Peterson Haddix. Text copyright © 1998 by Margaret Peterson Haddix. Reprinted with the permission of Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division. All rights reserved. The Stolen Children. Every effort has been made to make the list of copyright holders complete as well as correct. Any amendments for an individual copyright protected contribution can be sent to: rattigheter@liber.se. BILDFÖRTECKNING 20:1 Gwendoline Christie, Wednesday (2022). Vlad Cioplea/© Netflix /Everett Collection /TT 21 Angelina Jolie, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019). CAP/FB/TT 24 Tompkins Harrison Matteson. © Peabody Essex Museum/Bridgeman Images/ TT 32:1 Nick Brundle Photography/Shutterstock.com 37:1 Claudio Soldi/Shutterstock.com 38:3 yellowsarah/iStock/Getty Images 39:3 sabrinaphototraveladdict/Shutterstock.com 41 Marti Bug Catcher/Shutterstock.com 72:2 plainpicture/Johnér 73 Maskot/Johnér 75:1 © UNICEF 76 Robin Hood (1973). Mary Evans Picture/TT 84:1 Getty Images 84:2 Fred Kaplan/Sports Illustrated/Getty Images 85:1 Scott Barbour/Getty Images 85:2 Jamie Squire/Getty Images 87:1 Ryan Gosling, Margot Robbie, Barbie (2023). CAP/TFS/TT 94:1 Ulf Huett Nilsson/Johnér 95 Kleber Pagu Vincent Bosson/Zuma Press/TT 99:1, 2 Sahed Khan/AFP/TT 100 SGP/Sipa USA/TT 101 Ting Shen/NYT/TT 102 CHOONGKY/Shutterstock.com 103 Jim franco photos/Shutterstock.com 105 Di Vincenzo/Shutterstock.com 107 Walter Bibikow/Alamy/TT 109 Sergej Borzov/Shutterstock.com Övriga foton och illustrationer: Shutterstock.com (3, 5:2, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20:2, 22, 23, 27, 29, 32:2, 33, 36, 37:2, 38:1–2, 39:1–2, 39:4, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 54, 55, 63, 64, 72:1, 74:2, 75:2, 77, 90, 94:2-3, 96, 97, 111, 116:1) Kudinova Olena/Shutterstock.com (86, 87)

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2023-12-11 14:12

W E LCO M E BACK! We hope you have had a nice summer holiday where you have slept late, had many ice creams and gone swimming.

As you read this, you will be starting your last year in Elementary School. By Christmas you will have your first grades. How do you feel about that? Are you excited or are you nervous? Next year you will start Middle School. Right now you have a lot of energy but as it gets darker in November and December, you might forget why you are at school and learning things. So let us dream about the future! What is your dream job? Would you like to work with people or animals, or do you prefer sitting in front of a computer? Maybe you would like to work with your hands, construct things or have a creative job? Or maybe you would like to protect people, or take care of them? Why not become a politician and change the world and make it a better place? Would you like to learn more about global warming, history, or places far away? Now is a good time to start researching what kind of education you need to reach your goal! Maybe you haven’t thought about your future yet and are just enjoying the here and now. We hope that you will find many inspiring texts in this book that will make you think about who you are and the world in which we live. Hopefully, you will learn new things and most importantly we want your English to improve!

Join us, and let’s get started!

you have slept late grades excited you might forget do you prefer construct

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du har tagit sovmorgon betyg förväntansfull glömmer du kanske föredrar du bygga

protect researching education yet improve join us

skydda undersöka utbildning ännu förbättras, ska förbättras häng med oss


2023-12-11 10:27


Welcome Back




1 Chills and Thrills


On my Way Home


Real Evil


Movie Nights of Horror






Witch Hunts in Salem




Sam and Ash – How We Met


2 English Speaking Worlds


Sent to Australia




Holidays Down Under


New Zealand


Waltzing Matilda


True or not True?


Sam and Ash – Our First Kiss


3 Respectful Love


The Birds and the Bees


Love is in the Air


To Whom It May Concern


A Voice from #MeeToo




Sam and Ash – No Time at all


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4 Identity and Moral Dilemmas


What Is Your Name?


Ethics and Morals


How Do Your Inner Rules Guide Your Actions?


The Fake Photo Drama


Caught in a Game


Amazing Athletes


A Doll on the Screen that Upsets


Among the Hidden


Sam and Ash – The Parting


5 Let’s Make the World a Better Place


We Have to Act Now!


Young Voices for Change


Black Lives Matter


The Stolen Generation


John's Story


A Survivor's Tale


Sam and Ash – Back to Tasmania


Treasure Trove

Text Levels The texts in this book are colour coded according to the level of difficulty. The levels are as follows:

Turquoise texts Level 1: Texts about familiar topics with basic everyday words and phrases.

Orange texts Level 2: Longer texts about familiar topics from everyday life with a little more challenging vocabulary and a little more advanced sentence structure.

Purple Texts Level 3: Texts about both familiar and abstract topics in life. There are more unfamiliar words, and the sentence structure is more advanced and complex.


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2023-12-11 10:27

T H E A R T O F L E A R NI NG A L A N G UA G E Speaking in English might seem tricky at first, but don't worry! Everyone makes mistakes. Here are some tips on how to improve your English speaking skills and feel confident.

Be patient

Learn useful phrases

Learning to speak English takes time. It's like learning any new skill, one step at a time.

Learn helpful phrases you can use in various situations. It makes talking easier. This helps boost your confidence. This way, you don't have to come up with new words all the time. You can find useful phrases in the Treasure Trove on page 118–119.

Speak slowly and simply Don't rush. Speak slowly, using simple words and sentences. Begin with easy sentences and make them more complex over time.

Be positive Don't be hard on yourself. Applaud yourself when you dare to speak, even if you make mistakes. If you say something wrong, it's okay. Focus on getting better.

Be yourself Use your own words and speak in your own way. It's okay to be unique.


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tricky confident be patient skill one step at a time various boost

svårt självsäker, trygg ha tålamod färdighet, skicklighet ett steg i taget olika stärka

confidence come up with don't rush complex applaud yourself you dare

självförtroende komma på hetsa inte komplicerade applådera dig själv du vågar

2023-12-11 10:27

Take any chance you get to practise Speak English to yourself (in front of the mirror), with friends, relatives or record yourself reading a text and ask for feedback on your pronunciation. Or even try to think in English. If you have the chance to practise English at school, go for it, don't stay silent!

Listen and watch Watch TV shows and movies with English subtitles, especially cartoons, and listen to English music to understand better.

Do you already feel confident? Don’t compare Everyone learns differently. Concentrate on your progress, not how quickly others are learning.

Challenge yourself to use the language in new ways by engaging in debates and disussions about more advanced and complex topics or engaging in a hobby using English.

Communication tricks If you don't know a word, describe it in other words or use gestures to explain instead of using Swedish words. The goal is to be understood, not to be perfect.

Remember, we are all different. For some of you, English is easy and fun, while some of you find it more challenging. Don’t worry about making mistakes. Go ahead, give it a try, and have fun!

Af ter rea din g • Do you like to speak English? Why? Why not?

• What can you do to become a more confident speaker?

mirror record pronunciation don't stay silent subtitles cartoons

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spegel spela in uttal var inte tyst undertitlar, text tecknade filmer

don't compare progress engaging gestures challenging

jämför inte framsteg, utveckling engagera dig gester utmanande


2023-12-11 10:27

Chills and Thrills



his chap

t Texts in

•• •• •• ••

ay home On my W Real Evil orror ight of H N ie v o M Outcasts ions Superstit alem unts in S H h c it W ith Magesm Met How We



Vocabulary: Words connected to magical creatures, super powers, fears and horror Language: Describe magical creatures and superpowers, discuss fears, express opinions about superstitions, argue about superpowers, read reviews Learn about: With hunts, outcasts, superstition, movie genres Compare: Historic events with present time and how folk beliefs affect society


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2023-12-11 10:27

START-UP: Packing for an Activity 1. Your teacher says where you will be going. 2. You take turns to say one item you will need to pack. 3. If you want, justify why you want to bring this item. Here are some scenarios:

• going on a school trip to a museum of sorcery • going on a camping adventure in an enchanted forest • going to an enchanted beach to study sharks and explore a shipwreck

• going on an overnight stay at a haunted mansion • your class has been accepted into a secret school for young wizards and witches

justify bring this item sorcery enchanted

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ge skäl för ta med den här saken trolldom förtrollad

shipwreck a haunted mansion wizards witches

skeppsvrak en herrgård där det spökar trollkarlar häxor


2023-12-11 10:27

On My Way Home A windy, cold, and rainy evening in February, on my way home. People walking past quickly. Hats pulled down. Hands in pockets. Something made me turn my head. I don't know what it was. Maybe a sound or just a feeling. And there, under a roadside bench, I saw a small black shape. It was a cat. Not really a kitten, but not fully grown. It was shaking. A little ball of lonely nothing.

I walked over and sat on the bench. I watched the rain tapping and splashing. Then I knelt on the ground and put my hand out towards the cat. The cat hissed at me - ears flat against its head. And then its paw flew out, sharp claws trying to scratch me. I pulled back quickly. The next evening, on my way home, the cat was still there; curled up and shivering. People walking past. Hurrying. Busy. Nobody looking at the cat. I sighed. How sad. I got to my knees and put my hand out again. Hiss, and attack with claws.

walking past a roadside bench shape of lonely nothing


tapping knelt on the ground

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som gick förbi en bänk vid vägkanten form, gestalt ung. ensam och övergiven som smattrade ställde mig på knä på marken

hissed sharp claws scratch I pulled back curled up shivering I sighed

fräste vassa klor riva jag drog mig tillbaka hoprullad skakande jag suckade

2023-12-11 10:27

The next evening, the cat purred. I got down slowly and put my hand out again. This time the cat just watched the hand get closer. And then, the cat pulled away. But then purred again and started to lick its front paw. I stood up. Smiling and happy. I wanted to point out this lovely black cat to someone walking by. But nobody would stop. Nobody would even look at my invisible cat. The next evening a miracle happened. The cat came out from under the bench and stretched its back and legs. It looked up at me, miaowed quietly and then rubbed its head against the bench leg near my foot. But let me tell you the best bit. Somebody else saw the cat! A young boy, ten or eleven years old, on his way home from school. He stopped and got down on his knees. I held my breath. The cat looked at the boy and let him stroke her! The boy shivered ever so slightly and smiled. “You’re a good girl!” he said. The cat purred, her claws going out and then in. Out and in. The boy stood, wiped dirt from his trousers and walked away. He kept looking over his shoulder, back at the cat, and grinning from ear to ear. The boy had seen the cat! Touched the cat! It was like she was becoming … real. My invisible cat was becoming a real cat! The next evening, somebody had beaten me to the bench. It was the same boy from before. And now he was with a grown-up. The grownup was carrying a box, which they gently put my beautiful real black cat in. I followed them quietly when they walked away. Back to their home. A little fence. Garden. Big apple tree. I watched as they took the cat from the box. The cat jumped into the boy’s arms. The boy pushed his face into the cat’s furry back. Love.

➼ purred pulled away invisible miracle stretched rubbed I held my breath

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spann drog sig tillbaka osynliga under, mirakel sträckte på gned jag höll andan

stroke ever so slightly wiped dirt grinning had beaten me fence furry

klappa lite lätt torkade av smuts log hade hunnit före mig staket pälsklädda


2023-12-11 10:27


Liber Engelska


ett basläromedel för åk 4–9

Liber Engelska 6 TEXTBOOK


varierat I Liber Engelska arbetar ni med ett roligt och ns kapitel har innehåll med olika texttyper och nivåer. Boke g pedagogisk elevnära och engagerande teman med en tydli lättarbetat. röd tråd. En genomtänkt struktur gör materialet rerande Inkluderande texter med en mångfald av inspi även autentiska förebilder och verkliga människor. Det finns t och läslust på textutdrag som är till för att väcka nyfikenhe

LibeR k a s g e n l E

engelskspråkig litteratur. gång!

Låt Liber Engelska bli vägen till språklig fram

.liber.se. För mer information om samtliga delar, se www



Best.nr 47-14816-5 Tryck.nr 47-14816-5

4714816_cover.indd 1-3

Anna Windirsch

2023-12-05 09:18

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