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ett basläromedel för åk 7–9

LIBER ENGELSKA 8 TEXTBOOK och I Liber Engelska arbetar du med spännande fraser och engagerande texter samt lär dig använda ord,



ndbart fakta så att dina kunskaper blir ett riktigt anvä t lättarbetat. verktyg. En genomtänkt struktur gör materiale variation. Texterna har en tydlig nivåindelning och stor lerna möter Bokens kapitel är tematiskt indelade. I ljudfi med lite du mängder med olika dialekter och till och radioteater.



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TEXTBOOK Best.nr 47-14649-9 Tryck.nr 47-14649-9

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2022-03-24 10:50




Johan Wain Jartelius Jordi Almeida Maria Jones Christine Venn Anders Odeldahl Jörgen Gustafsson LIBER

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2022-03-31 09:58


Text Type


How Well Do You Remember?

Descriptive and instructive

Test a couple of study techniques before you start working with the texts.


The Forgotten Kingdom – Part 1 The Lost City

Dialogue, asking the way

Learn phrases that are useful when asking for or giving directions.




The Derby Is Out of Control!


Reading about a problem and taking a stand, expressing opinions.


Future Changes


Reading poetry about change.


Changing the View of the World – Amelia Earhart


Learning facts about a pioneer who has meant a lot for women’s rights.



Narrative, Fiction

Reading literature, reading between the lines and discussing the content.


Felix Ever After

Narrative, Fiction

Reading literature, reading between the lines and discussing the content.


In Class – Changing Letters Charade & Evaluation

Class Activity and evaluation questions

A fun activity to round off the theme of the chapter. Questions for evaluating your progress.


The Forgotten Kingdom – Part 2 At the Merchant’s

Dialogue, buying things

Learn phrases that are useful when asking about sizes and buying clothes.




A Spooktacular History of Horror


Learn about the history of movie making and special effects in the horror movie genre.


The Ghost of Garibald Manor

Fictitious report, narrative

Read about a journalist who joins a medium on a job.


Among Us


Read about a very strange meeting where some important people learn about a possible threat.


The Memory Thief

Narrative, fiction

Reading literature, reading between the lines and discussing the content.


In Class – A Game of Ghostly Fun & Evaluation

Class activity

A fun activity to round off the theme of the chapter. Questions for evaluating your progress.


The Forgotten Kingdom – Part 3 At the Old Inn

Dialogue, booking a room

Learn phrases that are useful when booking a room at a hotel.



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2022-03-24 14:29




Our Fantastic Human Body


Learn about the human body and how everything functions. Learn topicspecific vocabulary.


A Day to Remember

Autobiographical narrative

Read about an extraordinary experience in the life of a Paralympic swimmer.


Who Are We to Decide Gender in Elite Sports?

Op-Ed article

Read an article about a journalist’s opinions about the Castor Semenya Case. Form your own opinions.



Narrative, fiction

Read about a few days in the life of a conjoined twin. Think about how a text can mirror the storyteller behind it.


In Class – Can You Trust Your Senses & Evaluation

Class activity

A fun activity to round off the theme of the chapter. Questions for evaluating your progress.


The Forgotten Kingdom – Part 4 A Strange Menu

Dialogue, placing orders

Learn phrases that are useful for ordering food at a restaurant and for paying the bill.




Fact or Fiction?


Assess the credibility of historical facts. Listen and find out if you could tell facts from fiction.


Promise You Won’t Tell, But …


Read about what rumors can do to a friendship and think about what you would have done in such a situation.


Breaking News!


Learn facts about what fake news is, why it easily spreads and why it is often told.


The Lying Competition


Read about a very strange competition where being a good liar is the key to success. Practise critically assessing a text.


In Class – Expert Knowledge or Expert Drivel? & Evaluation

Class activity

A fun activity to round off the theme of the chapter. Questions for evaluating your progress.


The Forgotten Kingdom – Part 5 Going Down

Dialogue, describing locations

Learn phrases that are useful when describing the location of things (prepositions).


In Class – What’s on the Menu? & Evaluation

Class activity

A fun activity to round off the serial story. Questions for evaluating your progress.


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2022-03-31 09:38




Welcome to Oz


Learn about the land down under, Australia.


The Mystery of Hanging Rock


Read a story based on a famous Australian novel which was surrounded by lots of mystery when it was published.


Welcome to the Land of Kiwis


Learn some facts about New Zealand.


A Kaikoura Experience

First person narrative

A student from New Zealand tells you about a class trip that turned out very differently from what he had first expected.




Learn some facts about Jamaica.




Read a dialogue between some Jamaican neighbours and listen to what it sounds like in Patois.


In Class – What is Your Destination? & Evaluation

Class activity

A fun activity to round off the theme of the chapter. Questions for evaluating your progress.


Word List Eng/Eng with Phonetics

Definition word list with phonetic writing

Learning pronunciation, synonyms and definitions.

* The dialogue is a level 1 text, but the part that is in Patois is purple (Level 3). However, the aim is for the students to have fun listening to the difference, not to understand the Patois. It is the exact same dialogue as the written one in the book.

Text Levels The texts in this book are colour coded according to the level of difficulty.

The levels are as follows:

Turqoise texts Level 1: The vocabulary and the sentence structures are a bit more basic. These texts are seen as more easily accessible since they are about topics that the students are expected to be familiar with. The students are consequently expected to have a frame of reference.

Orange texts Level 2: These texts contain a somewhat more challenging vocabulary and somewhat more advanced sentence structures. The students are still expected to have previous knowledge that gives them a frame of reference.

Purple Texts Level 3: The vocabulary can be more challenging as words that the students may not be familiar with occur more frequently. The sentence structures are also a bit more advanced and/or complex. The students are not expected to have the same frame of reference as to the other text levels. However, the topics are still considered to be somewhat familiar to the students. In these texts there may be regional variation that can challenge the students further.


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2022-03-24 14:29

The Art of Learning

HOW WELL DO YOU REMEMBER? Last year you read about different learning styles. This year it’s time to test your memory! There are different ways of learning and remembering things. Follow the instructions carefully and find out if one of the following techniques suits you.


Take a moment and think about what your room looks like. Start with your door. Is something hanging on the handle? Open the door. What is to the right of the door? Is there perhaps a desk or your bed? ‘Walk around your room following the walls until you have a clear picture in your mind of what your room looks like.’ The idea is that you will use your memory of your room to help you remember random words. You should place these words in your room, step by step, like this: • The first word is ice skates. Imagine placing them on your door handle. • The next word is Ferrari. Place the Ferrari on your desk (or on whatever piece of furniture you have to the right of your door in your room). • The third word is strawberry ice cream. Place it on the next piece of furniture in your room.


memory carefully suits you moment perhaps desk

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minne noggrant passar dig tillfälle kanske skrivbord

längs med hur som helst, utan att följa ett givet mönster place placera piece of furniture en möbel along random

2022-03-24 14:29


Let’s try another technique to help you remember facts. First read the short text about The Norman Invasion, a very important historical event in England.

In the 2nd century William was a duke in a part of France that was then called Normandy. After the English king Edward died William thought he had the most right to the English throne. However, Harold, who was King Edward’s brother-in-law, had already named himself the new king of England. In 1066 William of Normandy invaded England and his Norman army fought against King Harold’s Saxon army. William won. The Norman conquest meant that England became linked to Europe more closely and the Scandinavian influence became less important. The English language and culture started to change and one of the most powerful monarchies in history was created. England has never been successfully invaded since the Norman invasion nearly 1,000 years ago.


duke brother-in-law named himself conquest linked to

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hertig din frus bror, svåger utsåg sig själv till erövring kopplat till

influence less important was created invaded since

påverka, influera mindre viktigt skapades invaderade sedan, allt sedan

2022-03-24 14:29


You will: • learn phrases that are useful when asking for or giving directions.

The Lost City Adrian, Maddie and Silas are just about to start up a new VR game, Forgotten Kingdom. They are all wearing their HMDs and are ready to go.




O Okay, k so this is awesome! You can see the city spread out down there, see! Calm down, will’ya! And stop waving your hands like that. You almost knocked me over the head! So let’s start by climbing down this hill. We need to get to the city, guys. I’m right behind you. There’s a path over there. Let’s walk down that one. Ouch! I just scratched my leg on that bush. How’s that even possible?

10 0

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2022-03-24 14:29








I think your brain is imagining things, that’s all. Well, we’re here. Wait! Did you see that?! There’s something down by the wall. There! It’s climbing up it. Spooky! I don’t think this city will be very welcoming. Let’s go through this gate, it’s open. Guys, there’s a man over there. Let’s ask him where I can get new pants, ’cause these are ripped. My knee’s even bleeding! Ripped, huh? That’s strange. Excuse me, sir? Can you tell me the way to … ehr … a merchant’s? Whoa! Mads, he ain’t got no face! Jeez! It’s just a game. He’s pointing that way. Walk straight down this street. Take the first left. Walk down that lane, then turn right at the end of it. You will find your merchant’s there. Remember, once you’re inside, there’s no going back. Thank you … zombie-sir? Ouch! He touched me! That really burns, guys! Come on, straight down, then take a left, then right and we’ll find it. Let’s go.

They walk down the street until they reach a run down store with the door hanging loosely on its hinges. Inside they see an old-looking woman with dark eyes looking at them. She is standing at a desk with some ragged-looking clothes lying on top. The woman gives them a toothless smile and the door slams shut behind them.

To be continued … AFTER READ ING 1. What words and expressions can you

find in the text that are useful when you ask someone for or give directions? 2. Why is it strange that Silas’s pants get

ripped and that he bleeds? 3. What do you think will happen next?

4714649_LE_8T_Inlaga.indd 11

VR climbing path possible imagining welcoming ripped merchant lane worn down hinges ragged

Virtual Rea eali ea lity, lity ty, vä väld ldigt verklighetstroget som klättrar stig möjligt inbillar sig välkomnande reva köpman, butiksinnehavare gränd, smal bakgata sliten gångjärn trasig, sliten


2022-03-24 14:29


• • • • •

The Derby is Out of Control Future Changes Changing the View of the World – Amelia Earhart Moxie Felix Ever After


read different text types. ments made learn about a woman whose achieve ntic Ocean. Atla the s her the first woman to cros

read poetry about changes. ds to change to stop a • read and reflect upon what nee ething frightening. football game from becoming som to change the way boys and • read about a girl who decides American high school. girls are treated differently in an ager who has to deal with • read about a trangender teen r body changing. both their father’s worries and thei • broaden your vocabulary. lines and understanding • practise reading between the details in texts.

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2022-03-24 14:29

STA RT- UP kinds of different things. Making a change can be about all to a classmate. Look at the following choices. Talk What would you rather do? ur 1. Dye my hair in a strong colo

or do highlights?

k out at a gym?

2. Go jogging every week or wor

g my computer?

usin 3. Stop using my phone or stop t 4. Stop eating meat or eat mea

only twice every week?

Som tidigare fyll ut sidan. Kanske första frågan kan stå i ett hjärta? Vänskapsfrågan i en annan form och denstop tredje en water? driniking 5. Stop drinking soft drinks or tredje form etc.? Andra förslag? ng cake?

eati 6. Stop eating sweets or stop ask 7. Offer to help a stranger or

a stranger for help?

ent council or take an

8. Take an active part in the stud

active part in a sports club? 9. Start climbing indoor climbing

walls or start climbing

mountains? e once a week or ry week. for someone who needs help eve

s hom 10. Start visiting an old people’ babysit


ices make? For you What differences would your cho For other people?


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2022-03-24 14:29


Sports are fun and I love going to watch basketball games. It’s part of high school, you know? But lately … it’s just not fun anymore. People are angry. They fight or at least they act threateningly. Sometimes they are even drunk and things get thrown around – at high school basketball! So, basically, I don’t like going to games anymore. And I think that sucks! Now, you could say that anger and such emotions are all part of the experience, but I don’t agree. I don’t wanna have drunk people shout at each other and feel scared because there might be a fight breaking out at any time. I shouldn’t have to accept this – things have to change!

lately part of the experience

på sistone en del av upplevelsen


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2022-03-24 14:29

MOXIE Vivian Carter is a teenage girl who wants to fight back. She’s tired of her small-town school that thinks football is the most important thing ever. She’s tired of boys telling girls to ‘go make me a sandwich’ – treating them like housemaids. She’s tired of how fashion dress-codes target girls and how looks have to be shared via stupid selfies on social media. And, she’s really tired of hallway harassment not being taken seriously by the school board. One night Viv learns that her mother used to be active in the Riot Grrrls, a feminist movement, in the 90s. Inspired by this, she decides to do something about it all. She writes Moxie, a feminist zine and leaves it in the school bathrooms. In Moxie, she encourages students who feel the same way to show each other support by wearing fake tattoo hearts and stars.


push open the heavy door just as a flush echoes from one of the bathroom stalls. I squirt some soap into my palms and start scrubbing my hands in warm water, rubbing at the Sharpie hearts and stars with my thumbs. A stall door opens. I look over my shoulder and see Kiera Daniels make her way to one of the sinks. Kiera and I were friends in fourth and fifth grade, back before that weird time in middle school when the black kids and the white kids and the kids who mostly speak Spanish to each other started sitting at separate tables in the cafeteria. She and I used to trade Diary of a Wimpy Kid books, and once we even tried to make our own, with me writing the story and Kiera drawing the pictures. Now she sits at a table with other black girls and I sit at a table with my friends, and sometimes we nod at each other in the hallway. ‘Hey,’ she says as she makes her way over to one of the sinks. ‘Hey,’ I say back.

target hallway harassment the school board

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siktar in sig på trakasseri som pågår i skolans korridorer skolledningen

a feminist zine encourages stall door

en feministisk tidning skriven av någon som inte är en journalist uppmuntrar till dörr till ett toalettbås


2022-03-24 14:29


• • • •

A Spooktacular History of Horror The Ghost of Garibald Manor Among Us The Memory Thief


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read different text types. an unexpected read about a strange meeting with outcome. the years. learn about movie magic through horror movie genre. learn about some pioneers in the rs a story about a follow a journalist when she cove medium and his work. ns some unknown read about Rosie and how she lear mother. facts about both witches and her broaden your vocabulary. s and understanding practise reading between the line details in texts.


2022-03-24 14:30

A SPOOKTACULAR HISTORY OF HORROR One of the most wonderful things about movies is this: they can break the laws of nature. A thing can appear out of nowhere. People can turn into giants or into tiny versions of themselves. We can travel to alien worlds in spaceships or fly among the clouds with Superman, and movies can make us scream in fear!

The supernatural has been a part of movies from the very beginning of moving pictures. In 1897 the first moving pictures were shown in Paris and not five years later special effects were already popular! So, even if modern computers generate fantastic special effects, movie magic was first created a long time ago. Let’s have a look at a few of the pioneers in the history of horror movie making.

George Méliès As early as 1902 Méliès made a short movie called A Trip to the Moon, based on a novel by Jules Verne. By stopping and starting the camera while moving, Méliès was able to make people and things appear out of nothing. He also used miniatures to make a huge cannonball fly to the moon.

appear tiny generate

dyka upp pytteliten generera, skapa

the pioneers miniatures

en av de första som skapar och utvecklar något väldigt små modeller, miniatyrer


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2022-03-24 14:30

AMONG US The room was a very secret one. Only the very ‘secretest’ of secret agents knew of it at all and even fewer had ever been in it. The room was in a secret place, deep underneath a secret house. Run by a secret department of a secret government. (Well, the government wasn’t secret. Governments really can’t be very effective if they’re secret. It was the British government, really. But the department was so secret that most of the government didn’t even know of it.)


even fewer underneath department a generous spread

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ännu färre under avdelning mängder av

jowls wobbled munched grumbled

dubbehaka dallrade mumsade på muttrade

2022-03-24 14:30

THE MEMORY THIEF Rosie Oakes lives with her mom. They don’t have the best relationship and Rosie has always turned to stories to find comfort. Her mom can’t seem to remember anything – not even things that should be important for a mother to remember. One night, Rosie wakes up to find two ghosts in her house. One of the ghosts is called Ebb. He and the other ghost show her a book that starts to explain why Rosie’s mom is not like any other mom. The book tells her that her mom believes that all of the evil in the world stems from thirteen witches who are unseen ... but also unstoppable. One of these witches—the Memory Thief—has the power to steal what is most important to us: our memories.


sit on the floor. My hands shake as I grasp The Witch Hunter’s Guide to the Universe, and open it. And then flip through its pages. It’s not a very thick book, but the pages are dense – full of drawings and tight, cramped notes. And witches. It is a book full of them. Over the next twenty-six pages are profiles of thirteen witches – some harmless-looking, some clearly malicious. For each witch there are descriptions on the right-hand page, written in all sorts of different handwriting, some very faded, as if different people have undertaken to write the notes over the years. But for each witch there’s a drawing on the left-hand page created by my mother. The witches are beautifully drawn, shaded with charcoal. Some wear wild clothes, grimacing or sticking out their tongues; others have quiet faces with murderers’ eyes. There’s a picture of a greenish-tinted witch clutching a bag of gold tightly to his chest. There’s a tall man in a suit with his hand on the back of a wolf, a woman with a necklace of watches, and a bearded man holding a handful of spiders (though his picture has a big X through it). They have names like the

flip through dense harmless-looking malicious

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bläddrar igenom tjocka som ser ofarliga (harmlösa) ut ondskefulla

faded undertaken to write charcoal a greenish-tinted witch

urblekt tagit på sig att skriva kol(penna) en grönaktig häxa


2022-03-24 14:30


• • • •

Our Fantastic Human Body A Day to Remember Who Are We to Decide Gender in Elite Sports? One


read different text types.

learn about the human body.

learn terminology specific for whe body.

• •

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n talking about the

mmer and an read about a young Paralympic swi er. experience she will always rememb and an athlete that has read about gender in elite sports to deal with gender prejudice.

broaden your vocabulary.

practise reading between the line details in texts.

s and understanding


2022-03-24 14:31

A DAY TO REMEMBER Many para-swimmers will express their love for swimming as something like “freedom”. In the water, your disability doesn’t hold you back, and instead you use the function that you have to propel you to the medal podium. From an outsider’s perspective, a para-swimming competition probably looks a bit odd. Prosthetic limbs and wheelchairs line the sides of the pool, and every athlete uses a different method to get to the other end, depending on what works for them. For me, this was the biggest reason why I fell in love with the sport.


t 15, I stepped into the arena of my first ever European championship in Dublin. I’d competed internationally before, but this was different. The arena was massive and filled with 500 athletes from 40 different nations and each of their flags hung from the ceiling. To say I was nervous would be a big understatement, and the only thing I found to calm my nerves was the familiar smell of chlorine. I’d spent enough hours in a swimming pool preparing for this. I was ready.


disability to propel you from an outsider’s perspective odd

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funktionsnedsättning som driver dig här: ur en person som inte deltar i tävlingens perspektiv udda, konstig

prosthetic limbs proteser, konstgjorda kroppsdelar som ersätter de naturliga the ceiling taket (på insidan av en byggnad) understatement underdrift, som inte riktigt motsvarar storleksordningen familiar bekant

2022-03-24 14:31


Sowetan News September 3 2021

We all want things to be fair, right? Otherwise it’s unfair and, as every child knows, unfair is wrong. This is why we hate doping in sport. Doping gives athletes an unfair advantage. Athletes are tested regularly to stop this.

Athletes have been forced to do other things in the name of fairness. Like, having to line up in their underpants and have doctors walk down the line and peeping inside to check if they have the right parts. Now, why would you do this? And how is this in any way fair? I will argue it was done for stupid reasons. What’s worse: similar things are being done still. Let’s start with a basic unfairness: • In elite sports there is a difference

fair advantage peeping similar

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rättvist fördel kika, tjuvkika liknande


between how fast men run and how fast women run. Men and women compete separately, simply because it would be unfair for them to do otherwise. • In elite sports, the higher muscle development that boys have makes a difference. It gives men an unfair advantage over women so they should not compete against each other. Then people started to worry about cheating. Since girls are slower than boys in races, it would be clever if a man could disguise himself as a girl, wouldn’t it? Then he could beat all the girls and the nation for which he or she competes would be happy and win medals. This worried people so much during the middle of the 20th century that gender checks were done – the lining

separately var för sig the muscle development muskelbyggnaden, hur musklerna utvecklas disguise himself as klä ut sig till


2022-03-31 09:44

ONE Grace and Tippi are conjoined twins. This is Grace’s story. Before you read think about why the lines of the text are divided the way they are?

Ischiopagus Tripus Although scientists have come up with ways to categorize conjoined twins, each and every pair that ever existed is unique – the details of all our bodies remain a secret unless we want to tell. And people always want to know. They want to know exactly what we share down there, so sometimes we tell them. Not because it’s their business but to stop them wondering – it’s all the wondering about our bodies that bothers us.

although conjoined twins remain

även om siamesiska tvillingar förblir

unless share that bothers us

om inte delar som stör oss


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2022-03-24 14:31


• • • •

Fact or Fiction? Promise You Won’t Tell, But … Breaking News! The Lying Competition


read different text types.

learn about some strange events if they are true or false.

and decide

s can do to a read and think about what rumour friendship. a growing problem in • read about why fake news is society. een objective and • learn about the difference betw subjective truths. petition where you need • read about a very strange com chance. to be a pretty good liar to stand a

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broaden your vocabulary.

practise reading between the line details in texts.

s and understanding


2022-03-24 14:31

BREAKING NEWS! In a world where your vote counts, the fight for your opinion is getting tougher by the day. How can you tell the difference between breaking news and broken news?

Knowledge is power. In a democracy it is at the heart of society. You are expected to take informed decisions on many important issues. To do that, you need the truth. Since your decisions are important – it is your vote that gives the leaders of a country power – people who want to run society will be interested in getting you to see the world their way. If someone is certain that they are right, then perhaps they would be tempted to change facts just a little to convince you? They would say it is for the greater good. And what better way to get it to reach you than through the press and social media? This is sometimes called fake news.

your vote counts din röst räknas informed decisions beslut baserade på fakta issues viktiga frågor

be tempted to convince

bli lockad att övertyga


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2022-03-24 14:31


• • • • • •

Welcome to Oz The Mystery of Hanging Rock Welcome to the Land of Kiwis A Kaikōura Experience Jamaica Dialogic


read about the English language.

learn facts about the land down und

read a mysterious story inspired novel.

er, Australia.

by a popular Austtralian

. learn some facts about New Zealand a field trip to Kaikōura. follow a New Zealand student on tralia and New Zealand. listen to a couple of myths from Aus

learn some facts about Jamaica.

listen and learn about Patois, Jam

listen to a myth from Jamaica.

• •

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aican English.


2022-03-24 14:32

WELCOME TO OZ Welcome to the land Down Under! Australia is the sixth largest country and the largest island in the world. It is the only island that is a continent, and the only continent that is a country. The ecosystem here is quite unusual with rainforests, snow-covered mountains and desert landscape. Because it is an island quite far from other countries there are also many fascinating animals here, such as the platypus, the kangaroo and the koala, that can’t be found anywhere else in the world. CORAL SEA




A Short History The first people in Australia were the Aboriginal people. They came here at least 65,000 years ago. The first human beings came to Europe about 40,000 years ago. The first European explorers came to the island in the 1600s from Holland. Then, about 200 years ago other people started to come. Most of them were British. The British settlers took the land and Australia soon became an English colony – and a prison. The English jails were full, so many of the first settlers were people that England simply wanted to get rid of.

platypus explorers

näbbdjur upptäckare

settlers get rid of

nybyggare, kolonist göra sig av med


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2022-03-28 08:14

JAMAICA South of Cuba you find the Caribbean island Jamaica. The explorer Christopher Columbus first came here in 1494 and the island was a Spanish colony for almost 200 years. In 1655, however, the British came. They took over the island and turned it into a British colony. The British had many plantations for sugar, cocoa and coffee, which made Jamaica valuable. Even if slavery was forbidden in 1830, Jamaica didn’t become independent from the UK until 1962. Today, the island is a part of North America. CARIBBEAN SEA

The B lu Moun e tains


island plantations valuable

ö plantage värdefull

independent is a part of

oberoende, självständigt tillhör, är en del av


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2022-03-24 14:32

WORDLIST In this wordlist you find English definitions, explanations and synonyms for the words in the wordlists.The phonetic writing is there to help you with the pronunciation. The phonetic writing is in British English when the speaker voice is British. When the speaker voice is American, the phonetics are in American English. In AmE the /r/ is pronounced, the /a/ is more like /æ/, vowels are often pronounced more clearly and sometimes the intonation can be a bit different.


[ði ɑːt ɒv ˈlɜːnɪŋ] (BrE)

How Well Can You Remember? [haʊ wɛl kən jʊː rɪˈmɛmbə?] (BrE) memory [ˈmɛməri]

your ability to remember

carefully [ˈkeəfli]

to be very focused

suits you [sjuːts juː]

the best thing for you

moment [ˈməʊmənt]

a short period of time

perhaps [pəˈhæps]


desk [dɛsk]

a table where you sit and work, often has drawers

along [əˈlɒŋ]

moving in one direction

random [ˈrændəm]

doesn’t follow a pattern, any words or thing can be chosen

place [pleɪs]


piece of furniture [piːs ɒv ˈfɜːnɪʧə] a chair, a sofa, a table challenge [ˈʧælɪnʤ]

something difficult that takes a lot of work

surprised [səˈpraɪzd]

the feeling you get when something is unexpected

duke [djuːk]

a man with a high social rank

brother-in-law [ˈbrʌðərɪnlɔː]

your wife’s brother

named himself [neɪmd hɪmˈsɛlf]

gave himself the job

conquest [ˈkɒŋkwɛst]

invading another country and taking it over by force

linked to [lɪŋkt tuː]

connected with

influence [ˈɪnflʊəns]

to affect what people do or what happens

less important [ lɛs ɪmˈpɔːtənt]

not as significant or necessary

was created [wɒz kri(ː)ˈeɪtɪd]

was made

invaded [ɪnˈveɪdɪd]

entered a country using force or violence

since [sɪns]

from that time until now

simplify [ˈsɪmplɪfaɪ]

make it easier to understand

highlighted [ˈhaɪˌlaɪtɪd]

marked with colourful pens

instead [ɪnˈstɛd]

when you do one thing and not the other

finish [ˈfɪnɪʃ]

reach the end

retell [ˌriːˈtɛl]

tell something again


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2022-03-24 14:32

ISBN 978-91-47-14649-9 © 2022 Wain Jartelius, Almeida, Jones, Venn, Odeldahl, Gustafsson och Liber AB PROJEKTGRUPP OCH REDAKTION Maria Jones, Kirsi Terimaa Bengtsson, Anna Karlberg, Jeanette Mårtensson FORM Eva Jerkeman BILDREDAKTÖR Marie Olsson ILLUSTRATION Bettina Johansson, Mattias Käll och Kalle Landegren PROJEKTLEDARE Eva Runeberg Påhlman, Magnus Winkler SPRÅKGRANSKNING Robbie Stevens

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Textkällor Copyright © 2017 Jennifer Mathieu Excerpt from MOXIE: A NOVEL by Jennifer Mathieu Reprinted by permission of Roaring Brook Press, a division of Holtzbrinck Publishing Holdings Limited Partnership. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2020 Kacen Callender Used by permission of Balzer + Bray at HarperCollins Publishers. Copyright © 2021 Jodi Lynn Anderson From THE MEMORY THIEF by Jodi Lynn Anderson Reprinted by permission of Aladdin Books at Simon and Schuster, New York. Copyright © 2015 Sarah Crossan From ONE by Sarah Crossan (excerpt from pages 8-27) Used by permission of HarperCollins Publishers.

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