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PrimeTime 2 Main är andra delen i en engelska för årskurserna 7–9.

PrimeTime Main 2 (för årsku rs 8) bes tår av ● Textboken ● Övningsboken ● Elevfacit ● Pärmen (kopieringsunderlag inkl. test)

● Lärarhandledningen (inkl. hörövningsmanus) ● Lärar-cd med texter, hörövningar och hörförståelsetest

PrimeTime Main

● Elev-cd (5-pack, ljudspåren i mp3-format) med textbokens texter ● Hemsidan (www.bonnierutbildning.se/primetime) ● Ordträning (www.glosmastaren.se)




Christer Bermheden Matts Winblad TEXTBOKEN BONNIERS

Bonnier Utbildning


Postadress: Box 3159, 103 63 Stockholm Besöksadress: Sveavägen 56, Stockholm Hemsida: www.bonnierutbildning.se E-post: info@bonnierutbildning.se

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Order/Läromedelsinformation Telefon: 08-696 86 00 Telefax: 08-696 86 10

s. 8: “Candle in the wind”, text: Bernie Taupin, musik: Elton John, © Dick James Music Ltd. För Norden & Baltikum: Universal Music Publishing AB. Tryckt med tillstånd av Gehrmans Musikförlag AB. s. 22: “Death of a president” (shortened and adapted), from Abraham Lincoln, The Freedom President by Susan Sloate, Jeffrey Weiss Group Inc., 1989. s. 36: “Behind bars” (shortened and adapted), from The Lion by Walter Macken, taken from Winter’s tale, MacMillan. s. 62: “Buried alive” (shortened and adapted), from Dead Simple by Peter James, MacMillan Publishers, 2005, published in Sweden by Damm & Co, 2007. Reprinted by permission of the author. s. 68: ”Swimming to Antarctica” (shortened and adapted), from Swimming to Antarctica, Tales of a Long-Distance Swimmer © Lynne Cox, 2004, A Harvest book, Harcourt. s. 76: “Never at home again” (slightly adapted), from Unto a Good Land/Invandrarna by Vilhelm Moberg, first published by Bonniers, 1952, Stockholm, translation Gustaf Lannestock, 1954.

Författare: Christer Bermheden och Matts Winblad Webbaserat material: Daniel Hermansson Redaktör: Hans L Beeck Bildredaktör: Putte Salminen Omslag: Radius Images Teckningar: Buváry, Gyula (ss. 37, 47, 55), Lindegren, Clara (ss. 93–99 och vinjetten till Word Cup), Ling, Lisa (ss. 26–27, 87, 89), Morisse, Tor (ss. 42, 63, 67, 70), Thorsell, Anne (ss. 12–13)

PrimeTime 2, Main – Textboken ISBN 978-91-622-9333-8 © 2009 Christer Bermheden, Matts Winblad, Daniel Hermansson och Bonnier Utbildning AB, Stockholm. Första upplagan Andra tryckningen

s. 78: “A high price” (shortened and adapted), from The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2003. Published by permission of the author. s. 86: “Never cry wolf” (shortened and adapted), from Never Cry Wolf by Farley Mowat, 1965. Reprinted by permission of the author. s. 88: “They’ll will never find you now” (shortened and adapted), by Doreen Dugdale, from Eleven Eerie Stories About Magic, Witchcraft, and the Supernatural, Random House, New York 1977. s. 90: “A Tear Fell” by Marge Tindal taken from www.netpoets.com. “Win or Lose” by Deanna C. Dilley, taken from www.netpoets.com. “Teen Years” by Tammy Walton, taken from www.netpoets.com. s. 91: “The Visitor” by Ian Serraillier. “Go Gently” by Gail P. Kay taken from www.netpoets. com.

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10/11/24 1:11 PM

Innehåll 1 The magic world of dreams . . . . . .   5 1A The Movie Club  6 1B Norma Jeane  8 MORE 1: Movie mistakes  11 PrimeMag  14

2 The U.S. of A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   15 2A The Boston Massacre  16 2B City of monuments   18 MORE 2: Death of a president  22 PrimeMag  24

3 Music makes the world go round .  25 3A A song for Jodie  26 3B Solo  28 MORE 3: Silent night  30 PrimeMag  32

4 Tame or wild? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   33 4A Alex  34 4B Behind bars  36 MORE 4: Moko, the saviour  38 PrimeMag  40

5 Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   41 5A What a surprise!  42 5B Hiking in Alberta  44 MORE 5: Arrowhead Finger   46 PrimeMag  48

6 Courage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   49

7 It’s my life! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   57 7A Young Forum  58 7B I’m bulimic  60 MORE 7: Buried alive  62 PrimeMag  64

8 Go for it! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   65 8A It’s important not to win  66 8B Swimming to Antarctica  68 MORE 8: Sports jokes  70 PrimeMag  72

9 Onto the Promised Land . . . . . . .   73 9A Pedro  74 9B Never at home again  76 MORE 9: A high price  78 PrimeMag  80

Extra reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   81 The rebel  82 Christian, the lion  84 Never cry wolf  86 They’ll never find you now  88 Poets’ corner  90 Bildordlistor  92 Minigrammatik  100 Styckeordlista  137 Bildförteckning  146 Alfabetisk ordlista  147

6A Subway hero  50 6B Enough is enough!  52 MORE 6: Keep still!  54 PrimeMag  56

4  ●  primetime 2

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1 The magic world of dreams What kind of movies do you like? War films? Love films? Science fiction? Cartoons? …? What is your favourite film? Who is the best movie star?


Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

Another Cinderella Story The Aristocats ●  5

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Start with Pre-listening in your workbook.

1A The Movie Club 1




Finding Nemo



Diego Crawford lives in Santa Maria, California. He is in eighth grade at Junior High and has a crush on Helen Kingsley. Diego didn’t think she even noticed him – nobody else did. In the middle of January it was time to pick the After School Club as usual. At first I thought I’d take Boys’ Soccer but when I saw that Helen had picked the Classic Movie Club, I did too. I didn’t know much about movies, and soccer was my only passion – besides my secret passion for Helen, that is. The first Movie Club was on a Thursday afternoon. Our teacher, Ms Price, talked about the films we were going to watch and discuss – Casablanca, Alien and others I had never heard of before. When Ms Price asked us about our favorite movies, I got nervous. What was I going to answer? I loved animated films but I realized I couldn’t say that. Finding Nemo surely wasn’t the kind of film we were going to discuss in this club. One of the girls raised her hand. “Yes, Vanessa?” said Ms Price. “The best film I’ve ever seen is Titanic. It’s so romantic … And the actors are great, especially Leonardo DiCaprio who plays Jack, the boy who falls in love with Rose … “Yes, he’s a good actor. And who plays Rose?” asked Ms Price. “Kate Winslet, the English actress …” “What about you, Helen?” asked Ms Price. “What’s your favorite movie?” “Oh, there are so many,” Helen replied. “I love the old classics, films directed by Alfred Hitchcock, for example.” “Any Hitchcock film in particular you like?” asked Ms Price. “Psycho, of course.” “Yes,” said Ms Price. “It’s a fantastic horror film. Have you all seen it?”

6  ●  the magic world of dreams

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I hadn’t even heard of it! But several of the other students raised their hands. “Yes, Charlotte, what did you think?” “I liked it too. It’s an old film in black and white, but the plot is fantastic and the villain, what’s his name…?” “The character’s name is Norman Bates.” “I mean the actor.” “Anthony Perkins.” “He’s really creepy, he acts so well. And the murder scene is famous …” “What’s your favorite movie, Diego?” asked Ms Price. “Well,” I said, feeling the sweat on my back. “I like suspense films very much like …” – it just slipped out of me – “Batman …” Some of the students giggled. I had made a fool of myself! At that moment I wished I had taken Boys’ Soccer instead. “Me too,” Helen said. “I just LOVE all the Batman films!” At the end of the lesson, Ms Price told us to watch a Hitchcock movie before the next lesson. Helen chose The Birds and then turned to me: “We could watch it together, if you like, Diego. My parents just bought this terrific home movie equipment.”




The Birds The movie club  ●  7

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Start with Pre-reading in your workbook.

1B Norma Jeane 1


“And it seems to me you lived your life Like a candle in the wind Never knowing who to cling to When the rain set in And I would have liked to have known you But I was just a kid …” Elton John, Candle in the wind

Marilyn Monroe’s life was really like a candle in the wind – sometimes shining brightly, sometimes flickering and fading. 10

The Seven Year Itch 15



Right from the beginning her life was tough. Born in Los Angeles as Norma Jeane Mortenson, she spent most of her childhood in orphanages and foster homes. Her mother was mentally ill and couldn’t take care of her. For five years Norma Jeane lived with a family friend, Grace McKee, but when Grace and her husband moved to the east coast, Norma Jeane was on her own again. She was just sixteen. She didn’t want to go back to the orphanage, so she married her 21-year-old neighbor. The marriage lasted five years. One day a photographer was charmed by her beauty, and she became a successful model. She signed her first contract with a big film company. It was now that she dyed her hair blonde and began calling herself Marilyn Monroe. She quickly became very popular, and soon it was time for starring roles. At the age of 27 she made the headlines all over the world, not due to a film success, though, but because she had married American baseball legend Joe DiMaggio. Joe was twelve years older than Marilyn and extremely jealous. Actually, he wanted her to give up her career, and less than nine months after the wedding they split up.

8  ●  the magic world of dreams

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The divorce made Marilyn deeply unhappy. She was often sick and her life turned into a series of conflicts with directors and other actors. However, she soon married again. Her husband this time was the famous American writer Arthur Miller. Marilyn was now at the top of her career and she was certainly not the “dumb blonde” she played in so many movies. Instead she was a serious and hard working actress. Marilyn’s greatest success was Some Like It Hot where she played the part of Sugar Kane, the lead singer in an all-girl band. Sugar makes friends with two musicians, played by Tony Curtis and Jack Lemon, who both have a crush on her. They dress up in women’s clothes to get away from the Mob and get as close to Sugar as possible. The film was directed by Billy Wilder and is considered the greatest American comedy film of all time. Marilyn’s successes didn’t help her cope with her problems, though. She became more and more dependent on sleeping pills and other drugs. She was late for shootings and she had difficulties remembering her lines.

norma jeane  ●  9

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Marilyn and Arthur Miller divorced after less than five years. Another unhappy marriage was over. Her love for Joe DiMaggio rekindled. They started seeing each other again and even decided to remarry. “Your candle burned out long before Your legend ever did.”

In fact, the candle burned out only four days before the wedding date. On August 5, 1962, Marilyn Monroe died when she took an overdose of sleeping pills. One of Hollywood’s greatest stars ever was gone. There has been much speculation about her death. But whatever the cause, it is unlikely it was suicide. Possibly it was the result of a tragic drug overdose, accidental or not … . Joe arranged the funeral and for twenty years after Marilyn’s death, just as he had once promised her, he kept sending flowers to her grave every week. Although Marilyn Monroe only lived for 36 years, she is nowadays a legend still living both on and off the screen.

Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol 10  ●  the magic world of dreams

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1 Movie mistakes

To shoot a film is a complicated business. Scenes are filmed on different days and it is the script supervisor’s job to keep all the details under control. However, in almost all films mistakes are made. Have you ever noticed any? Rose is running very fast across the ship, and she is crying. When she is at the back railing, she pauses and looks over at the stern of the ship, where its name is displayed: TITANIC. She pulls herself over the railing and leans forward. She is going to kill herself by jumping into the dark, cold water. As she prepares to jump, a man who has seen the whole thing comes up to her. It’s Jack.

Jack You ever, uh, you ever been to Wisconsin? Rose What? Jack Well, they have some of the coldest winters around. I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls. I remember when I was a kid, me and my father, we went ice fishing out on Lake Wissota. Ice fishing is, you know, where you …


Rose I know what ice fishing is! Jack Sorry. You just seem like, you know, kind of an indoor girl. Anyway, I, uh, I fell through some thin ice; and I’m telling you, water that cold, like right down there … … it hits you like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body.



After a little while he tells her to give him her hand, and she does. Jack I’m Jack Dawson. Rose Rose De Witt Bukater This dramatic scene is the beginning of the ro­ mantic and tragic love story between Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Rose (Kate Winslet) on board the Titanic, the ship that sank in 1912. The film Titanic is one of the biggest box office hits of all time. The mistake? Well, Lake Wissota, which Jack is talking about, is a man-made lake, put there in 1918, six years after the Titanic sank. complicated script supervisor display box office hit



komplicerad scripta visa kassasuccé

Titanic movie MIstakes  ●  11

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Of course it is not easy to recreate the past. Have you seen Gladiator, starring Russel Crowe? The story takes place around the year 200. In the Colosseum in Rome, one of the chariots is turned over in the great race scene. You can easily see the gas bottle under the chariot.

Many mistakes in the movies are mistakes in the continuity. In The Two Towers, the second film in the Lord-ofthe-Ring series, Merry and Pippin are tied with a rope when they are captured by the Uruk-hai. Suddenly the horse crashes down on Pippin, and he lifts his arms up near his face. Obviously, he has managed to untie himself. Really? No, he hasn’t, because in the next shot, his hands are tied again. Another box-office success was Pirates of the Caribbean. In The curse of the Black Pearl, a man from the film team appears in the picture. In the scene where Jack says, “On deck, you scabrous dogs,” there is a man in a cowboy hat standing on the left, just behind Jack. The man is looking out to sea, wearing sunglasses and a T-shirt. He certainly doesn’t seem very pirate-like. Movie-making is a million-dollar business. More and more of the films we watch are made in studios and with the help of advanced computer techniques. Maybe in the very near future, actors will only be in a few scenes and the rest of the film will be made on a computer. Nevertheless, mistakes will always happen. But is it important? Most of us never notice them because we are deep inside the magic world of dreams displayed on the big screen.


Another mistake from the same movie, though not historic: During the fight with the tigers, one of the tigers leaps onto Maximus’ back. As he falls to the ground under the animal, you can see that Maximus has been switched with a stunt-man dressed as a gladiator, and he is holding up a big piece of meat for the tiger to eat.

recreate the past continuity angle capture shot scabrous






återskapa det förflutna scenario, kontinuitet vinkel fånga tagning ung. usel

12  ●  the magic world of dreams

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movie mistakes  ●  13

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It’s on the web!

Word Cup Do you know all the new words in this chapter? Why not compete with a friend? Good luck!

Learn the lingo.

Testing, testing! Let’s see if you’re an expert on Marilyn Monroe now. The true-or-false quiz is waiting for you!

The magic man Get to know an amazing director, a legend in movie making. You may have seen some of his films – even the man himself.

What about a few rounds of memory testing to learn some cool new movie words? Check it out! 14  ●  the magic world of dreams

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Extra reading

The rebel 1







Jim Stark, a rebellious teenager, and his parents move to Los Angeles. Jim begins at Dawson High School where he meets and falls in love with a girl called Judy. Judy belongs to a high school gang. The gang’s leader, Buzz, is also Judy’s boyfriend …. One day Buzz challenges Jim to a ‘Chickie Race’. In the race, the two boys will each race a stolen car toward the edge of a cliff. The driver who first jumps out of the car before it tumbles down from the cliff, loses and is deemed a ‘chicken.’ This time the game ends in tragedy for Buzz. He is the first to ‘chicken’, but a strap on the sleeve of his leather jacket gets caught in the car’s door and he can’t jump out before the car goes over the cliff. Did this actually happen? Well, not in this specific case. But it could have. The scene is from Rebel Without a Cause, a film from 1955, starring James Dean as Jim Stark. In the 1950s many American teenagers, and indeed teenagers all around the world, identified with James Dean and the roles he played, especially in Rebel Without a Cause: the typical teenager, who no one, not even his peers, understands. The film is by many critics considered the best film of the 1950s. Basically James’s whole career is made up of only three movies. Yet, people still know his name and face. He is an icon like Marilyn Monroe or Elvis Presley.

James Dean was born in 1931 in Marion, Indiana, but when he was a child the family moved to Los Angeles. When he was only nine years old his mother died of cancer. James was very close to his mother and her death was a hard blow to him. According to a friend of the family, James’s mother was the only person capable of understanding him. His father couldn’t take care of his young son, so he sent James to live with his aunt and uncle on a farm in Indiana. James went to high school but his grades were not very good. Instead he focused on sports – he played in the baseball and basketball teams with success – and he also studied drama. After graduation, James moved to California to live with his father and stepmother. He went to college and began to study law but a year later,




82  ●  extra reading

35 PT2_Extra_reading.indd 82

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he dropped out and started acting. He appeared in TV commercials and got small parts in films and on stage. He also worked as an extra in a film with the famous actor John Wayne. In April 1954 James Dean signed a contract with Warner Brothers for a leading role in a film called East of Eden. He received $700 in advance for his role. Ever since he was very young, James had been a great car-racing fan, and with the money he bought his first sports car. In East of Eden, a movie loosely based on a novel by Nobel Prize winner John Steinbeck, James Dean plays the part of Cal, a very unhappy young man. Cal is the black sheep of the family and he is always in competition with his brother Aron, who is their father’s favorite. Cal desperately wants his father to love him. The story is set in California in the early years of the twentieth century and times are hard. The film was James Dean’s first major role and perhaps his best performance. In Giant, his third film, Dean plays a rich Texan called Rett. The film also stars another of Hollywood’s greatest movie legends, Elizabeth Taylor. Giant, by many experts considered a masterpiece, was the most expensive movie ever made at that time. It was to be James Dean’s last film.

On September 30, 1955, he was driving his new sports car on Highway 46 to Salinas, California. At an intersection near a city called Cholame, James’s Porsche collided with a Ford Sedan. The two cars hit almost head on. Dean was taken to the hospital, but he was dead on arrival. He was 24 years old. James Dean is still, so many years after his death, a famous and popular movie icon although he only starred in three films. The fact that he died so young certainly helped give him a legendary status. He was also the first actor to receive a posthumous Oscar for Best Actor and he remains the only actor to have two posthumous acting nominations.



Follow up Find the sentences that express the same thing as the ones below. 1 All his life James had been fascinated with fast cars. 2 He had occasional TV-jobs and got some minor roles in films and plays. 3 James’s mother was very dear to him, and when she died he was devastated. 4 Many young people living in the US in the middle of the last century felt they had the same problems as James Dean and his characters. 5 The mystery still surrounding James Dean can partly be explained by his early death.



The rebel  ●  83

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Bildordlistor Music






The weather


The sea / The lake




92  ●  primetime 2

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98  ●  primetime 2

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1 actor ['{kt@] 2 actress ['{ktr@s] 3 animated film / cartoon ['{nImeItId 'fIlm] / [kɑ'tun] 4 audience ['O:di@ns] 5 cast [kA:st] 6 character ['k{r@kt@] 7 cinema / movie theatre ['sIn@m@] / ['mu:vI TI@t@] 8 clapper (clapperboard) ['kl{p@] ['kl{p@bO:d] 9 close-up ['kl@Usp] 10 comedy ['kɒm@di] 11 crew [kru:] 12 curtain ['k:tn] 13 dialogue ['daI@lɒg] 14 director [d@'rekt@] 15 dubbing ['dbIŋ] 16 extras ['ekstr@z] 17 horror film ['hɒrə fIlm] 18 leading part /lead role ['li:dIŋ 'pA:t] / ['li:d r@Ul] 19 (on) location [ɒn l@U'keISn] 20 make-up artist ['meIkp A:tIst] 21 release / premiere [rI'li:s] / ['premie@] 22 row [r@U] 23 seat [si:t] 24 screen [skri:n] 25 screenplay ['skri:npleI] 26 script [skrIpt] 27 shooting / filming ['SU:tIŋ] / ['fIlmIŋ] 28 stunt performer ['stnt p@fO:m@]  29 subtitles ['sbtaItlz] 30 supporting actor [s@'pO:tIŋ '{kt@]  31 supporting actress [s@'pO:tIŋ '{ktr@s] 32 ticket office ['tIkIt ɒfIs] 33 title song ['taItl sɒŋ] 34 tragedy ['tr{dZ@di] 35 war film ['wO: fIlm] 36 western ['west@n]


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1 Substantiv 1.1 Vad är ett substantiv? 1.2 Regelbunden plural 1.3 Stavningsförändringar i plural 1.4 Oregelbunden plural 1.5 Plural i svenskan, singular i engelskan 1.6 Singular form, plural betydelse 1.7 Genitiv 1.8 Genitiv med ’s 1.9 Of-konstruktion

2 Obestämd artikel 2.1 Obestämda artikelns former 2.2 Användning av obestämd artikel

3 Bestämd artikel 3.1 Uttal 3.2 Med bestämd artikel i engelskan 3.3 Utan bestämd artikel i engelskan

4 Adjektiv 4.1 Vad är ett adjektiv? 4.2 Komparation 4.3 Stavningsförändringar 4.4 Oregelbunden komparation

5 Räkneord

5.1 Grundtal och ordningstal 5.2 Noll 5.3 Tidsangivelser

6 Personliga pronomen

6.1 Vad är ett personligt pronomen? 6.2 Svenskans 'det'

7 Possessiva pronomen 7.1 Vad är ett possessivt pronomen? 7.2 Vid kroppsdelar och kläder

8 Relativa pronomen 8.1 Vad är ett relativt pronomen? 8.2 Who eller which? 8.3 Whose

9 Reflexiva pronomen

9.1 Vad är ett reflexivt pronomen? 9.2 Användning av reflexiva pronomen 9.3 Själv/själva 9.4 Reflexiva pronomen i svenskan men inte i engelskan 9.5 Betonad preposition

10 Obestämda pronomen

10.1 Vad är ett obestämt pronomen? 10.2 Some – any 10.3 Something/somebody – anything/anybody 10.4 Some/something i frågor 10.5 Any-ord i jakande satser

11 Verb

11.1 Vad är ett verb? 11.2 Huvudverb och hjälpverb 11.3 Tema 11.4 Infinitiv 11.5 Presens 11.6 Preteritum 11.7 Perfekt 11.8 Pluskvamperfekt 11.9 Futurum 11.10 Pågående form (ing-form) 11.11 Ing-form efter preposition 11.12 Ing-form efter vissa verb och uttryck 11.13 Be och have som huvudverb 11.14 Hjälpverbet do 11.15 Andra hjälpverb 11.16 Påhängsfrågor (question tags) 11.17 Oregelbundna verb

12 Adverb 12.1 Vad är ett adverb? 12.2 Adjektiv eller adverb? 12.3 Från adjektiv till adverb 12.4 Oregelbunden adverbbildning

13 Ordföljd

13.1 Rak ordföljd 13.2 Rak ordföljd i engelskan, omvänd i svenskan 13.3 Placering av tidsadverb

14 Uttal

100  ●  primetime 2

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2010-11-26 15.10


PrimeTime 2 Main

är andra delen i en engelska för grundskolan skolår 7–9.

PrimeTime Main 2 (för skolår 8) består av ● Textboken ● Övningsboken ● Elevfacit

● Pärmen (kopieringsunderlag inkl. test) ● Lärarhandledningen (inkl. hörövningsmanus) ● Lärar-cd med texter, hörövningar och hörförståelsetest

PrimeTime Main

● Elev-cd (5-pack) med textbokens texter




Christer Bermheden Matts Winblad TEXTBOKEN BONNIERS

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