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Books On Demand, Stockholm, Sweden

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ISBN: 9789176997383

CONTENTS Foreword by Tina .................................................................. 8 Foreword by Jacob .............................................................. 12 For You ................................................................................ 15 Love ..................................................................................... 18 Jacob's astro history............................................................ 39 Part 1 ASTROLOGY .................................................................. 43 ABC of Astrology ................................................................. 43 Signs .................................................................................... 43 The Planets and the Sun and Moon.................................... 48 The Planets.......................................................................... 48 Houses................................................................................. 54 The Moon in the different houses ...................................... 63 What does a horoscope consist of?.................................... 68 Children´s charts ................................................................. 81 Health and Illness................................................................ 90 Physical health .................................................................... 90 Birth signs with ruling Planet .............................................. 92 Mental and Spiritual Health................................................ 95 Wrong Astrology............................................................ 106 Moon in different Signs .................................................... 111 Aim in Life MC ................................................................ 139

Part 2 THE ASTROLOGER....................................................... 144 Jacob ................................................................................. 145 La Familia .......................................................................... 154 U.T.O.P.I.A. ........................................................................ 161 Mediums ........................................................................... 167 Britta ................................................................................. 167 Terry Evans........................................................................ 168 William Shaffer.................................................................. 168 Tarot or Astrology ............................................................. 171 Dr Michael Newton ........................................................... 174 The Astrologer´s Karma .................................................... 179 Secret Dreams of the Astrologer ...................................... 188 Part 3 THE WORLD ................................................................ 200 Social media ...................................................................... 200 Music................................................................................. 210 Film music ......................................................................... 214 Film Neptune´s Reality ................................................... 220 Easter Egg 1....................................................................... 230 Money ............................................................................... 237 Easter Egg 2....................................................................... 246 Astrology and humor ........................................................ 252 Worst qualities of the signs .............................................. 256 Part 4 Rated R (Adult)........................................................ 266 Drugs Illusions of Neptune............................................. 267 Anxiety in the Chart .......................................................... 279 Hell .................................................................................... 308 Life can still be both beautiful and wonderful.................. 319

From Darkness to Light ..................................................... 324 Death................................................................................. 328 Suicide ............................................................................... 337 God.................................................................................... 344 Jesus .................................................................................. 348 The Future - Globally......................................................... 357 The Future - Astrologically ................................................ 365 Q A ................................................................................. 376 Some reviews about Jacob ............................................... 381 Thank You.......................................................................... 386 Part 5 APPENDIX ................................................................... 391 Wordlist Astrology ......................................................... 391 Books Astrology ............................................................. 396 Miscellaneous Litterature ................................................. 399 Films .................................................................................. 407

Fore ord by Tina

Gothenburg 9th of january 2017 I remember it well, the first day, sitting in the livingroom, after I had finished listening to the tape. I was shaken. It was a beautiful day. Beams of light shimmering against the sky and not a cloud in sight. I went outside on the balcony and breathed the fresh air whilst gazing at the sea. The feeling that filled me was a deep sense of confidence. That finely tuned sensitive feeling that I could feel when I was deeply moved came back. I just stood there, I can´t remember for how long, until questions surfaced in my consciousness. I went back inside and replayed the cassette. As I finished listening a second time I noticed the tears. A gentle gratitude of tears came over me. I felt seen deep inside. Then my intellect began to understand. Intellectually, my prejudices and my questioning were aroused. How could this be possible? How come? How could this astrologer pinpoint me as a person just by some calculations of stars, houses and planets ?


Later that night I listened to the cassette for a third time. As I sat there listening, I looked into the flames that burned so beautifully from the candelabra. I realized that my prejudices came from fear of what was unknown and beyond my own knowledge and needs of inner discipline. With this insight, I landed safely in a space of acceptance. I had no idea how astrology worked with Jacob's calculation of "all stars, houses and planets". On the other hand, I found it to work. Jacob had succeeded in the art of capturing me and my person exactly. He also gave me wise advice that was up to me to take if I wanted to. That night, I realized that there were many ways to consider and explain who we are and the reality of the world in which we live and work. Jacob's astrology was one way. He had in a very humble and extremely respectful way revealed the nuances and differences about me that no one had previously succeeded in. I was moved, touched and even impressed. It has now been 20 years since then. To Jacob, I have returned when I have had questions in the hope of further clarity. His reflections and interpretations have offered me concrete tools that I have been well served by during the journey of life. He has seen and understood. And still today he continues to do so. The book you hold in your hands is so much Jacob. A well-researched document that he gives off all of himself, his thoughts and experiences. Jacob describes the keys of astrology in a colorful fabric of humor, seriousness, wisdom and so much care and love.


Jacob, you give wisdom as an astrologer. The words you said on your first tape became a guiding star: a metaphor I have followed to make something really important to me. Thank you.

True Women's Power As beautiful as the butterfly Like sore and shine It endures all It forgives all Does not create barriers No walls build around their essence Always choose the highest purpose The noblest motive Does not udge Never seeks revenge True women's power spreads caution As well as limits re uired for their own sake as well as allowing other spirits finding their utterfly Thinking, it´s not strange that the King´s mathematicians, scientists, astronomers and astrologers since ancient times around the world have placed horoscopes for their masters when they have faced any crucial or decisive decision. We can follow the astrology back to Jesus' birth and further, beginning in Babylon as well as finding it in ancient Greece to name an example. To me it is no wonder that our dear C.G Jung, 1875-1961, Swiss psychiatrist, psychologist and writer took the astrological knowledge very serious just like me. 10

Obviously, today's interdisciplinary science has so far missed something significant; To put astrology on the map as a very important piece of the puzzle in understanding our inner being. A warm good luck to you Jacob. Your knowledge as an astrologer is a gift to humans.

Your friend Tina Lundberg


Fore ord by Jacob The end comes closer. Not my own, but the insight that the power and the energy of writing begin to decline. Today, 60 years young, I can look back on a long walk on my own country road. Today, I want to clarify the concept of astrology and try to explain in a simple and understandable way, for anyone to share. As a good friend said, I think it was Johnny in Gamlestaden, Gothenburg, in the 80's: "But then the purpose of astrology is not to need astrology?" Astrology's basic rules are simple and can be understood by the youngest children. For example, use a palette of colors. If you mix them they create new colors. The variants are endless. My simple ambition is to demystify the subject and provide a range of examples from life and the world today. Celebrities, politicians and historical people. The need is not for my own sake. Possibly there may be some satisfaction in the background or a feeling of leaving something behind. I often ask others an ironic question: What have you achieved for humanity or your fellow human beings? - What have you built or produced that benefit other people? Not just your own children and relatives. Poor are those who only think of themselves. I have saved a quote upon my wall for more than thirty years: "You can never be happy if you do not engage in something that is good for other people. I have tried to "save the world" in my own way, one person at a time, so to speak. Early I felt that helpfulness gave more joy. As far as ethical standards are concerned, my religious or philosophical curiosity came to be my carrot. I already studied in my teens many dogmas, religious communities, sects, spiritual teachers and approaches to life. 12

Nevertheless, I never felt really satisfied. Everyone seemed isolated and self-absorbed in their own little selfish perfection. "My truth is the only truth" went as a red thread. The only "teacher" who illuminated an overall view of life and the world was the Danish mystic Rolf Martinus. He is one of the few writers I can actually recommend. His books were called "The Third Testament". I want to try to describe the big contrasts in life. Good against evil. Darkness and light. Negative and positive. Fear and joy. Love and hatred. Do not think you can understand one without understanding the other. Therefore, this book will not only be a relaxing and interesting read. I want to awaken, provoke, challenge, question and ask difficult questions. I think it is important with both political awareness as well as an empathetic understanding of all people's different living conditions and individual karma. I'm spontaneously referring to books, music, movies and day-to-day people in the world and you will find a source list at the back of the book. For example, I'm currently listening to the Wishbone Ash group from the 1970s and the song So Many Things to Say. It was really the song Everybody Needs to Have a Friend I wanted to hear. This song gives sweet memories of a romantic decade with love and an idealistic vision of Love. I will also spontaneously mention many people I met, but only use the first name for reasons of their integrity. I have already written some articles online, which are on my website today, but they are mostly about astrology and you can share them in order to immerse yourself. Most of them I am relatively satisfied with. This "first" book will not be published online for free, but will be published for anyone to share and buy. I have no prerequisites to 13

"work for free" and therefore have to charge for it. Today, we live in a world where much is "free" (illegal downloads) which affects poor poets, musicians and film workers. I have also received a request for an English edition and have already contacted a translator for this purpose. It will be exciting to see what effects this process will have. Maybe even you get something to bring along as you can spread on. As my youngest daughter, when I mentioned that I was going to write a book, said: "But then it will not be just about astrology?" I was at first surprised, but then realized that she actually thought I could write about something else in my life? This gave me a grateful mindset and inspired me to deepen this need to carry on my own life experience. I hope you enjoy this book and feel it makes you stronger and more convinced that we humans must change our way of thinking and acting before it's too late. I want to try to pull my straw to the stack. This time around I became an astrologer. Apparently, according to various mediums, I have worked many times as teachers and tried to help others through my own insights. Now I hope to give something back to all those I have met and worked with in this incarnation. You are welcome to join me in an exciting, a little worrying, but hopefully inspiring journey on my own "road of life", a quote many of you are told at the end of my analysis.

"Love and Light I send today from Anebo".


For ou The idea of writing this book has been around for many years. In the beginning maybe out of pure vanity. You might want to become more famous or just be published. Other astrologers wrote books. But time was never enough. Later came the self-criticism and the doubts. Why write another book about astrology? There are already so many. Astrology's language with all its grammar is already available and the interpretations are universal, regardless of language, so you can not really write anything new about astrology. During my more than 35 years as a professional astrologer, I've met over 2 300 clients and always endeavored to do my best. However, it happened several times that afterwards I discovered a sense of lack or incompleteness after completion of the process, or after a meeting with a client. I soon realized that some things were forgotten or that I should have stressed. I felt I would like to complete or continue the process and it was never quite enough even with the follow-up feedback call. In addition, I did not meet all the clients either. Perhaps a maximum of 25 . The majority of clients have been over the years by telephone or by letter, although in the 80's and 90's it was common for personal visits both in my own home and sometimes in the clients´ homes. I did a home-time visit, which was exciting, but at the same time it held a lot of unknown factors. I also remember that a couple of people who, due to their various disabilities, were grateful for my visit anyway. During the 2000s, personal visits have decreased and it was a conscious strategy from my side. It takes a lot of energy to prepare and 15

be with a client for two to three hours and some of these visits were not so successful. Sometimes I had to shower before, maybe dust the house, and be sure I was both relaxed and happy when the visitor arrived. Often the client talked more than I did, and it became funny. With the Internet, things were both happier and harder at the same time. In addition, it was difficult and stressful with the technology if the client wanted to record the sessions. Now people communicate via email and gladly have a website that attract new customers. This can not only be complicated, but it can take a lot of time and effort. Nor is it free. The driving force and motivation to write this book is simply to give you a little more. You as at some time have received an analysis, or maybe attended my courses, heard some of my presentations or just have been talking to me on the phone. My ambition is to give you a bigger picture of the astrologer himself while giving you more tools to use if you want to move on. My homepage today may meet several of these criteria, but it can both end or change form, so a book is more carved in stone, so to speak. You do not even need to have a good signal on your mobile or wifi to bring the book wherever you want. The decisive decision grew in 2013 when I was unexpectedly asked to help with the editing of a book about my father's life. Jan-Erik and Gunvor in Alsjรถholm had helped dad compile his diaries and old photographs from his long career as a cook steward on all the world's seas. I slipped in and suddenly got a chance to relive much of my own childhood and upbringing and this was obviously the start of my own process.


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