2009 Voice Winter

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Vo i c e

First Publication: October 1981

For Alumni, Friends, and Families of Saint Joseph Central Catholic High School

St. Joe Central everyone We do our work and then we have our fun

We have a spirit that is hard to beat! beat We never die we never see defeat We love the name of St. Joe Central High We always try to keep our colors high, And what we do we do with all our might Our mighty might We’re St. Joe Central High!

S-T-R-E-A-K-S, STREAKS! Winter 2009 Winter 2009


Voice fromAbove ul ThanksGreetings, had a wonderf u yo of l al pe I ho h family and spend time wit to le ab e er w s so much giving and tral Catholic ha en C ph se Jo . ank all of you friends. St uly want to th tr I r. fo ul ef ldn’t be to be grat ort. SJCC wou pp su d ue in nt r generous for your co weren’t for ou it if is it at th the place r prayers. You are all in ou some benefactors. ed to send out ne I e m ti is th t A had a great football team ur O s. on ti la ified for congratu amps and qual ch L A M e er w r Dudley year. We eshman, Conno s and finished 9th. Fr . fs of ay pl ’s the state ampionship ho are this year e State golf ch Tom Hoffert w d an el ab qualified for th G ob ns also go to B Congratulatio . ts placed the old en pi d reci see that we re n ca ks u yo , Heritage Awar ol A special than the scho the building. of If you drive by t on th fr bo e e th ak of m e second floor fference they en. What a di windows on th pp to wish all of ha t is an th w e I y, ak ed m portantl im t os m d to all who help an , lly ”. ficiency. Fina D NEW YEAR in looks and ef ND A BLESSE A S A M T IS R Y CH you a “MERR GO STREAKS! rincipal Mike Gabel, P

Fr e s h m en r eact to B en S tein’s “C hr istma s Con fe s s ion s” Ben Stein, author, actor, and game show host recently commented on CBS Sunday Morning about his “Christmas Confessions”. He told about his Jewish background and how the use of the word “Christmas” does not offend him. He stated that, in the U.S., “we tend to worship actors instead of God.” Mrs. Walters’ Freshmen Religion Classes at SJCC read and reacted to his commentary. Many students consistently commented that “we value and worship celebrities more than God.” Additionally, that “we tell God to stay out of our lives in public schools and within our public sector; therefore, God’s loving presence is not in these areas anymore.” E.J. Wiza adds, “People will do anything to see these famous people, but should be doing whatever they can to seek God, to seek the truth about Him.” Alex Chlosta writes, “ We believe the crazy things on television, but when it comes to the Bible, we don’t believe, and we question every word.” Kristin Sessler states, “It gave me great insight on how people treat God.” Leah Darr writes, “I have God and His word to rely on. I pity anyone who thinks that I have the short end of the stick.” After reading Ben Stein’s “Christmas Confessions” Veronica Calvillo summarizes, “In my opinion, everything [Stein] writes is only the truth!” To view Stein’s commentary visit: http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/bl_ben_stein_christmas.htm


The Development Duo

Angie Ritzman, Development Director Sue Berryman, Associate Development Director

Sometimes it takes our students to remind us what we are here for. For us, it is giving current students and future generations the opportunity of a faith based quality education. When Mrs. Walters told us about the amazing reactions her freshmen had to Ben Stein’s “Christmas Confession” and that “we should put this in the Voice” our first thought was, as always “we’re not sure if there is room”. After reading her students’ comments we had an epiphany and realized there is always room. When you read their comments in the lower left article, you will understand. Mary and Joseph found room, we need to make room for what really matters, too. We hope you have a safe, blessed Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

Fremont Cat holic Schools Uni ted The Holy Family Formation Team (HFFT), a group of 25 volunteers who have spent numerous hours to unite Fremont Catholic schools, has exciting news! Starting with the 2010-2011 school year, the three area Parishes and SJCC will join to create one unified Catholic School System: Pre-K thru 3rd grade at the existing Sacred Heart building, grades 4-8 at the existing St. Joseph Elementary School building and grades 9-12 at SJCC. We will keep you informed as this process unfolds. Please keep this endeavor in your prayers, as everyone works tirelessly to create a bigger and better unified school system. For more information check our website at www.fremonthfft.com, face book page fremonthfft, or e-mail us at fremonthfft@att.net.

Winter 2009


o i c e V

For Alumni, Friends, and Families of Saint Joseph Central Catholic High School


2010 HERITAGE AWARDS... PAGE 5 Lt. Col. Thomas Hoffert Mr. Bob Gabel

FALL SPORTS WRAP-UP... PAGES 6-7 Co-MAL Football Champs! State Ranked Golfer!

The IN Box

Winter 2009

IN BOX...PAGE 8 Alumni Updates

New windows were installed in the office and room 201 at the end of November. This completes the 2nd and 3rd floors on the Croghan Street side of the building. Thanks again to all who have donated to this on going project and to this past summer’s reunion classes who donated over $9,500! To make a donation to the window renovations contact Angie or Sue in the Development Office 419-332-5124. 2010 Calendars Now Available Contact the Office 2009 Monthly Calendar Winners

St. Joseph Central Catholic High School 702 Croghan St. Fremont, OH 43420 419-332-9947 Fax 419-332-4945 www.streaks.net Development Office 419-332-5124 The Voice is published four times a year for the alumni and friends of SJCC. Direct all comments to The Voice, 702 Croghan St., Fremont, OH 43420.


Elaine Wonderly


Angelia Atassi


Teresa Wasserman


Beatrice Alonzo


Bill Barbour


Mary Fernandez


Tim Reineck


Heather Jackson


Wendy Zilch


Dave Dixon


Margie Dicker

Mike Gabel ‘78 - Principal Deb Streacker (Dye ‘81) - Asst. Principal Angie Ritzman (O’Neal ‘93) - Development Director Sue Berryman - Assoc. Development Director Copy Editors: Mary Ellen Leite (Hughes ‘53) Sarah Pietrykowski ‘02 SJCC Faculty: Amy Ronski (Spieldenner ‘80) Liz Pietrykowski

Daily winners can be found on the SJCC website, streaks.net, under general information.



Vo i c e salutes...

Todd Drusback Liv ing t he SJCC Philos op hy By: Alex Macielewicz

Todd Drusback ‘90, head football coach and teacher at SJCC, tries to teach his players and students “to get out of their comfort zones, and go for it!” He states that, “this is easier said than done. If kids know that God is always with them no matter what, then it is my hope that they will develop the faith in themselves to take those risks and make something happen in their lives. The more they do so, the more trust they will develop in their own abilities and decisions.” Drusback’s philosophy reflects SJCC’s motto: St. Joseph Central Catholic exists to educate the mind, nourish the soul, train the body, inspire the heart, and in so doing, build the kingdom of God. Coach Drusback has been very successful in the last three months winning nine out of ten regular season games, winning a share of the MAL title, making the State playoffs and winning op er c k s on Co om e d Ja lc e Coach-of-the-Year honors. In November, during his busy football w y il m s b a c k fa 18 t h ! T h e Dru er b season, Todd and his wife Amy (Vassar ‘95) and their two daughters, Paige and m ve o on N T h om a s Ellie, welcomed a new addition to their family; son, Jackson Cooper Thomas Drusback! Following a memorable overtime win against the State-ranked Hopewell-Loudon Chieftans, SJCC faced their perennial rival, the Tiffin Calvert Senecas. Two quick turnovers put the Streaks down 14-0. At halftime the team went into the locker room down 28-0 where Coach Drusback told them, “We not only need to trust ourselves and our abilities but also trust the abilities of your teammates as well.” SJCC’s dreams of a perfect season ended with a loss of 52-14. The players did not hang their heads in despair and knew they could bounce back, using this game as a motivator to carry out their goals of winning the league title. After the game, Coach Drusback told his team, “We all know setbacks will happen. Having faith and truly believing that God is always there with us no matter what, can give us peace of mind in knowing he will never give us anything we cannot handle.” The whole team used these words to motivate themselves, ending the season with a 9-1 record and a State playoff game against the Leipsic Vikings (the Streaks lost the game 34-16). Coach Drusback was very happy that his team overcame adversities throughout the year and stayed united, motivated, and strong. Todd Drusback certainly lives the SJCC motto both on and off the field. He educates the mind of his students as a teacher and coach. He nourishes the soul and inspires the heart through his inspirational pre-game speeches and his participation in service to his community. Drusback and the football team worked at the SJCC Soup Stop throughout the summer months. Drusback also created “Parker’s Purpose,” a foundation that offers relief to families struggling with crisis. Drusback trains the body of his players and students. He is a physical education teacher, and he disciplines his football players with tough two-a-days helping players gain confidence as well as physical strength. Despite his many commitments, Drusback is a devoted father and husband. In every way Todd Drusback truly builds the kingdom of God. Coac h Drus back, a long wi t h severa l mem bers of t he foot ba ll team, vo lunteer t heir t ime to help out wi t h t he “Soup S top.”


Winter 2009

Alumni and Friends Heri tage Award Since 1998 the SJCC Alumni and Friends Association Heritage Award has been presented to 32 individuals and two couples. These award winners have touched the lives of those around them through their dedication and involvement in the communities in which they live. This year’s recipients are no different. They have gone above and beyond a level of giving with their time and talents and have enriched many different types of people and organizations. The 2010 recipients are Thomas Hoffert and Bob Gabel. These individuals serve as role models to our St. Joseph Central Catholic Community and beyond. The ceremony will be held Saturday April 24 at 6:00 p.m., in the SJCC cafeteria , tickets will be available March 1. Thomas Hoffert is a 1957 graduate of St. Joseph High School. Tom and his wife, Joanne (Schell ‘58) have two children, Laura who lives in Cincinnati and John in Fremont. Hoffert retired from the army a Lt. Colonel with over 20 year of service. His awards and decorations include the Bronze Star and three Meritorious Service Medals along with numerous Foreign Service medals. He received a Bachelor of Science Degree from The Ohio State University and a Master of Science degree from Hofstra University. He is also an honor graduate of the Army Command

Lt. Colonel T homas Hoffert (Photo courtesy of Dumminger Photography)

Winter 2009

and General Staff College of Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Tom has given much to the Fremont community. He has been a member of the Fremont Serra Club, which promotes religious vocation, for 10 years and past president for three. He was a 7th and 8th grade substitute teacher in the Fremont Catholic schools for seven years and the organist for St. Joseph Church for one year. He is a member of The Ohio State Alumni Association, American Legion, VFW, and Board of Trustees of Hayes Presidential Center. Tom received the 1997 Golden Deeds Award from the Exchange Club of Fremont. Tom has done much to promote the city and surrounding area. His voice can be heard on the Sandusky County Convention and Visitors Bureau lowpower radio telling passing motorists about things to do in the area. He narrates the Civil War reenactment, gives guided tours of the museum, and can be found in full costume coordinating the Christmas dinner at Spiegel Grove. He plays the piano during the Hayes Home Candlelight Tour and at the Dillon House playing for teas, weddings, lunches, or dinners. Tom has volunteered more hours at the Hayes Presidential Center than any other volunteer in the history of the Center. Tom narrates on the historic bus or trolley tours of Fremont and Sandusky County. He wrote the tours, which he has given to every Leadership Sandusky County class. He has written the historic tour about the Sandusky River from Fremont to the Bay. He has given talks to children about Indians, the Civil War, history of Fremont, President Hayes and his family, Hayes and his religion, and Hayes on education. Tom is most proud of the program he and his son wrote and perform together entitled “Coping with Blindness”. The program educates people about how a blind person is able to manage in their day-to-day life. Bob Gabel is a 1979 graduate of St. Joseph Central Catholic High School. Bob and his wife, Kim, have two children, Erin ‘05 and Zach ‘09. Bob is actively involved with SJCC and the Fremont community. He is the owner of Robert N. Gabel & Associates, CPAs. Bob has been the St. Joseph

Mr. Bob Gabel

(Photo courtesy of Dumminger Photography)

Parish Festival Co-chair and Treasurer, the St. Joseph Elementary School Board President, and a member of SJCC Annual Fund Board. He is a member of the SJCC Finance Committee and the Booster Club. He volunteers for the Sandusky County Catholic Schools Auction and has students shadow him for their Senior Class Projects. Bob generously donates his accounting services to the Village House and SJCC. In the Fremont community, Bob is currently the Exchange Club Secretary, Treasurer of the Fremont Area Foundation, Vice President of the Sandusky County Communities Foundation, and a member of the Birchard Public Library Audit Committee. In the past he has served as Chairman of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of the Board of Directors for Leadership of Sandusky County, and Treasurer of the Board of St. Francis Green Springs. Bob’s coaching extends from the Fremont Recreation Department, CYO, and YMCA to the JV and varsity level at SJCC. He has coached rec softball and baseball, YMCA girls and boys basketball, and tee-ball. He spent three years as a CYO girls basketball coach and two years as a CYO boys basketball coach. He has coached the Fremont Baseball Club team and St. Joseph’s 7th & 8th grade football as well as flag football. At the high school level he has coached JV and varsity baseball and is currently a varsity football assistant coach.


Having a Ball!

Fall Sports Wrap-Up Junior, Zak Bowman

Freshman, Connor Dudley


aB Senior, Amand

By: Christopher Liebold Football

This football season the Crimson Streaks had three goals: to have a winning season, to win the MAL championship, and to make the playoffs. The Streaks met these goals with strong resolve by beating both #2 ranked Hopewell-Louden and #5 ranked Carey along their way to winning their piece of the MAL championship. Although the season would end in the first round of the playoffs to a strong Leipsic team, the Streaks had stacks of honors and memories from a great season.

Golf In coach Tom Dudley’s first year as head coach for the Streaks his starting line-up included three sophomores and two freshmen. Despite their youth, the line-up proved to be successful. The team finished second in the MAL, and freshman Connor Dudley capped an extremely successful season with a ninth place finish in the state tournament!

Socce r The Streaks soccer team finally got to experience playing on their new home field at the Naderer Sports Complex. The team improved greatly from last year and actually was undefeated at their new field. Highlighting the season was a thrilling 4-3 upset versus Upper Sandusky. The team was lead by senior Captains Chris Liebold and Sophia Cullen, with junior Captain Paul Wendt. Wendt led the team with 22 goals, and was named to the MSSL first team as a forward. Chris Liebold was named to the first team as a defender. With many key players returning next year, the Streaks should continue to improve.

Lad ie s Te nnis This years Ladies Tennis Team included only three seniors, Morgan Furlong, Mandy Berryman, and Benedicte Bjerknes, but Coaches Liz Pietrykowski and Lilly Walters were thrilled with the number of new players. Enthusiasm for the sport has grown. Although the team didn’t accumulate many wins, they improved greatly as the season progressed. Awards went to Hannah Sani (Most Valuable), Morgan Furlong (Most Improved), and Benedicte Bjerknes (Spirit Award).

Volle yball The Streaks opened their season with a new head coach, two seniors, and some very talented underclassmen. They finished the season with a 12-10 record, and the future looks bright for the young team. Freshman Kristin Sessler made the MAL 1st team and was also the team’s Most Valuable Player while junior Allison Streacker was awarded Honorable Mention.

Cross C o untry The cross country teams were led by Danielle Molyet and David Wasson. Wasson had a very successful season, qualifying for the Regional competition. Molyet, the team’s MVP helped lead a young girls’ squad throughout the season. Many of the top runners on both teams will return next year creating a bright future for the cross country teams.


Winter 2009

rs Football Cheerleade

Freshman, Kristin Sessler

Seniors, Carrie Burns & Autumn Se


Junior, Mitchell Stierwalt

The IN Box

Keep SJCC updated with what is “in the news” with you. E-mail your news to sberryman@streaks.net or send it to SJCC 702 Croghan St., Fremont, OH, 43420, ATTN: Voice

In the news


The Class of ‘57 held a mini “Celebrate 70” reunion. The group celebrated Mass at St. Ann’s, home parish of class president Fr. Denis O’Shaughnessy, who officiated. They gathered at Connor Park for a picnic and birthday cake and held a croquet competition at Spiegel Grove. The day ended at SJCC with the Golabki Dinner held by the SJCC Booster Club and former St. Casimir Parishioners. Catherine and Kenneth Hoffman ‘54 celebrated their 50th anniversary October 17.

1970’s Jerry Wasserman ‘72, retired from Dow Chemical Co. after 33 years. He is now an executive

vice-president of K2 Pure Solutions, a company dedicated to the creation of pure, safe drinking water. Sandra (Lee ‘70) Wise has been appointed a trustee to Terra State Community College, Fremont, OH. Colleen (Hoffman ‘79) and Roy Sanchez celebrated their 25th anniversary November 24.

1980’s Dr. David Darr ‘82, recently completed the Ford Ironman competition in Louisville, KY. Brandi and Brian Hoffman ‘88 welcomed son, Jameson Paul Hoffman, September 12.


Gina and Louis Gabel ‘95 welcomed daughter, Alice Harper Gabel, August 27. Amy (Vassar ‘95) and Todd Drusback ‘90 welcomed son, Jackson Cooper Thomas Drusback, November 18. Angie (Halbeisen ‘93) and Steve Holbrook welcomed daughter, Reagan Sophia Holbrook, September 24. Brianne Liwaj ‘97 and Timothy Rakes were married September 19. Tiffany (Druckenmiller ‘94) and Bill McClain welcomed daughter, Amaya Claire McClain, April 29. Michelle and Doug Nieset ‘94 welcomed daughter, Avery Kathleen Nieset. Karla and Ed Eshleman ‘91 welcomed son, Jayce Dawson Eshleman, October 9. Natalie Wise ‘98 is a legislative liaison for the Tom Pappas & Assoc. firm, Columbus, OH.

, 2000’s

Mike Chapman ‘00 and Trischa Snyder ‘02 were married October 10. Jessica Heberling ‘01 and Todd Livelsberger were married August 1. Jessica recently completed her Masters Degree in Elementary Reading and Literacy. She is employed as a first grade teacher in the Olentangy School District Columbus, OH. Kylie (Foos) and Cory Lunsford ‘03 welcomed daughter, Hannah Violet Lunsford, September 20. Stephanie and David Wensinger ‘00 welcomed daughter, Arden Marie Wensinger, September 9. Nadine Wise ‘01, is a legislative liaison for Ohio Dept. of Administrative Services (DAS), Columbus OH. Ali Woodruff ‘08 has been named to The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business Undergraduate Program Committee. Woodruff was one of five chosen from nearly 5,000 students to represent business undergrad students. She will be working alongside Fisher’s Executive Director and Department Chairs to handle pressing issues at the Fisher College of Business.

In Memoriam

Joan (Winke ‘46) Beard Jerry Beier ‘69 Kenneth Gonya ‘70 Richard Haslinger ‘42 Isabel (Stein) Herr ‘41

Carl Hotz ‘37 Mike Keyes ‘61 R. William Smith ‘63 Phyllis Stierwalt Gilbert Wagner ‘42

Joe Kuzma ‘44 - the first SJCC Wrestling Coach and long time football coach and teacher.


In Thanks To Mark Boukissen for Soup Stop food donations. To Paul Hrupcho, Rick Jenkins, Jim Ronski, and Mike Wasserman for Soup Stop food donations. To Kyle Miller ‘07, who made wooden crosses for Kairos. To Flossie Swint and Carol Ronski for decorating the SJCC Christmas tree. To St. Ann School for hats and gloves for Soup Stop. To Ray Wasson for donating warm-ups for the Cross Country team next season.

Winter 2009

Memor ial s CEDF John Smola* Barb Smola Helen Zienta* M/M Vince Snyder

JIM AND BARBARA HAUBERT SCHOLARSHIP Gilbert Wagner* M/M Mike Gabel Barbara Haubert Cheryl Schwendeman* M/M Mike Gabel TOM AND ELLEN LEITE SCHOLARSHIP Tanny Kagerer* Phyllis Stierwalt* MM Tom Leite WEICKERT FAMILY FACULTY AND STAFF ENDOWMENT FUND Phyllis Stierwalt* Judy Weickert Kent Weickert TENNIS Ray Boggs* M/M Martin Eberly M/M Paul Hoelzle M/M Daniel Knisely James Lauer M/M Ramiro Sanchez M/M Dennis Setzler Joan Wagner M/M Bruce Wobser

UNDESIGNATED Phyllis Stierwalt* Jeanne Darr M/M Robert Eberly M/M James Gabel Karen Gabel M/M Mike Gabel Drs. Mike and Melanie Grillis Barbara Haubert M/M Hal Hawk M/M Bruce Helberg M/M Ron House Otis Johnston Family Mercedes Keating Donna Kirsch M/M Richard Kirsch Mary Kohler Lynn & Linda Martin Memorial Hospital M/M Robert Moyer M/M John Molyet Norma Ochs M/M Del Rauch M/M Donald Reardon Carolyn Shreffler M/M John Spieldenner Dr/M James Stierwalt Jean Wasserman M/M Roger Wise Virginia Wright

Gift s CEDF Mary Barrington M/M Jerome Freeh M/M Mike Haaser Mercedes Keating Larry Kramer Tom Ochs M/M Gerard Shondell Louise Stout George Widman

TROPHY FUND Pete Spieldenner Willie’s Sales & Service


UNDESIGNATED Class of 1944

SOUP STOP M/M Gay Bowden St. Bernadine Home M/M Burk Tischler

WINDOW CLUB Class of 1954 M/M Thomas Byers Sharon Walby

TUITION ASSISTANCE Mr. Daniel Fey SJCC Booster Club THE VOICE SJCC Alumni & Friends Assoc.

Gilbert Wagner* M/M Ron Autullo M/M Mark Manning M/M Bruce Wobser WINDOW CLUB Helen Staib * M/M Ed Hoelzle

TUITION ASSISTANCE Rose Sberna* Dr/M James Stierwalt

2010 Class Reunions 1952 August 6, Fremont Country Club 1953 July 11, Fremont Country Club 1960 October 1, Fremont Country Club, contact DeDe Wordsworth at dhw423@woh.rr.com

In Our Prayers Norm Gabel Patricia Gabel Fr. Earl Loeffler Joel Marquis Winter 2009

1961 Meets monthly on the second Tuesday at the Fremont Moose at Noon 1965 September 25, Fremont Yacht Club 1970 July 31, Fremont Yacht Club 1990 E-mail Pat Militello at heathnpat@sbcglobal.net or Anne (Mayle) White at anne.liasophia@gmail.com


F Y I Flash Unsung Champions By: John Fatica The St. Joseph community was very much caught up in the success of the football team and other fall sports this year. However, coinciding with the fall sports season, another group was having immense success. This group is the Fremont Area Ohio Interscholastic Horsemanship Association (OIHA) team. This association consists of students from SJCC, Fremont Ross, Gibsonburg, Lakota and Clyde. The two members of the team from SJCC are seniors Jessica Long and Zoey McQuistion. The team competed in three regular competition shows throughout September. The Fremont OIHA team placed first in their division in all three shows. Each show included several different riding styles, each unique from one another. The Fremont team placed first in all three shows, which allowed them to advance to State competition. In the championship show, they competed against two other teams. After the points were totaled, the team discovered they had tied with Napoleon, making them co-champions (there was no tie-breaker rule). The team was coached by Bill Wallace. Long and McQuistion are extremely grateful for all that he has done for them. Long said, “He made my senior year one to remember.” McQuistion adds, “I was proud of my horse’s performance. He kept his cool and proved he is a champion!” The team actually competed against each other during the regular show season; however, they united their equestrian talents to accomplish their State Championship goal. This united effort exemplifies the team motto: “Unique riders. Different disciplines. All united as one team.”

Jes sica Lon g & Zo ey McQ u ist io n

Did You By: Sylvia Reinhart

“Dig” History?

History teacher, Mr. Smith, has a very good way of making his lectures come alive in his students’ minds. In an unforgettable lecture about local history, Mr. Smith discussed a time capsule that he helped bury around 1970 in the lawn along Clover Street. This sparked the curiosity of a few students and they decided to try and dig up history. This past summer, these students dug several times and researched yearbooks to find clues, but have been unsuccessful. Alumni, we need your help to find the time capsule. If you helped bury the time capsule, or you remember this event, we would like you to tell us your memories. Please e-mail Sue Berryman at sberryman@streaks.net, and give her any clues to this mystery.

New Eagle Scouts Seniors Mike Darr and Tom Auxter, members of St. Ann’s Troop 339, achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in November. Their project was a joint effort that included the Sandusky County Park District and the City of Fremont. They placed mileage signs every half mile and at each road crossing along the North Coast Inland Trail between Clyde and Elmore. Darr and Auxter also designed trail etiquette signs and placed them at each major trail access point and installed stream name signs at each bridge crossing. An Eagle Court of Honor will be held January 3 at St. Ann Church, beginning with mass at 10:30 a.m. and a ceremony at 1:00 p.m. at Bishop Hoffman Hall.

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Mike Darr & Tom Auxter


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Winter 2009


Crimson Cl oset

Show your SJCC Spirit!

Scott Lamson, senior

T-Shirt...$10.00 Red or Gray Sweatshirt...$25.00 Water Bottle...$2.00 Lunch Box/Coolers...$5.00

Candice Durnwald, senior

NAME_____________________________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________________ CITY_______________________STATE _____ZIP_________ PHONE_____________________ E-MAIL_________________________ T-SHIRT $10.00 ADULT SMALL MEDIUM X-LARGE 2X-LARGE


TO ORDER SEND FORM TO: SJCC 702 CROGHAN ST. FREMONT, OH 43420 or E-Mail sberryman@streaks.net




2010 Cat holic Schools Dinner Auct ion “It’s All Greek To Me” is the theme of the 2010 Catholic Schools Dinner Auction. This year’s event will take guests from the Acropolis and Greek Tradition to the fun of “Animal House“. The theme was announced at the donor kick-off celebration held in the SJCC cafeteria on October 21. A committee of 21 volunteers from the area Catholic Schools began meeting in September to plan the event which will be held on Saturday April 10, 2010. The auction committee has started soliciting area businesses and individuals whose donations last year were valued over $125,000. If you have not attended in the past at but would like to receive an invitation to the Auction please contact Lorri Miller at streaks4@woh.rr.com. If you would like to make donation please contact Sue Berryman at sberryman@streaks.net.

Winter 2009



Vo i c e

Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Fremont, OH Permit No 40

Saint Joseph Central Catholic High School 702 Croghan St. Fremont, OH 43420 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

Red & Gray Days! JANUARY 4 14 15 31

Classes Resume Exams Exams Catholic Schools Week FEBRUARY

“It’s all Greek to Me!” The auction kick-off showcased six seniors in their authentic “Greek” attire. Everyone is looking forward to another successful Catholic Schools Auction!

3 7

Catholic Schools Mass Booster Breakfast and Open House at SJCC and St. Joseph Elementary MARCH

14 31

OGT Week Winter Sports Mass

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