2008 Voice Summer

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The Summer 2008

Voice First Publication: October

For Alumni, Friends and Families of Saint Joseph Central Catholic High School

Class of 2008 Celebrates

SJCC said good-bye to 54 graduating seniors on Sunday, May 25. Valedictorian Allison Woodruff said that she was proud of her classmates and that they should not lose the drive to achieve their goals. Eric Barbour, salutatorian, told his classmates, “We spend too much time looking ahead to the future instead of where we are now, in this moment” and “ life just comes at you and it’s up to you what you do with it”. The next five highest ranking seniors were Hannah Nagy, Kyle Horvath, Alex Reineck, Kristen Chestnutt and Jacob Floriana. Students earning the highest subject averages were Kaitlin Williams (Art), Reineck (Band), Woodruff (English), Brenna Humburg (Spanish), Barbour (Math and Science) and Nagy (Social Studies). The Bishop’s Cross Awards went to Reineck and Elizabeth Engeman. Other awards handed out included the Ethel Smith Outstanding Female Athlete Award

to Nagy, the Robert Smith Outstanding Male Athlete Award to Derek Meyer, the Alumni and Friends Award to Derek Egbert, the Thomas H. Rimelspach Memorial Award to Alexis Heimert, the Honor Award for Outstanding Loyalty and Service and the Sara Barbour Memorial Award for Courage to Barbour, the Excellence in Religion Awards to Christopher Ronski and Barbara Miller, the Don W. and Marguerite Jane Paul Scholarship to Abbigail Smith and Andrew Wolf, the Michael D. Root Scholarship to Jeff Wasserman and the Sara

The Christi Thomas Memorial Fund Scholarships

The Christi Thomas Memorial Fund made available $1,000 scholarships to a graduating SJCC senior, a graduate of SJCC, or a son/daughter of an SJCC graduate. Over the years the students and staff from SJCC supported Christi in many loving ways. The Christi Thomas Scholarship allows others from SJCC to continue their love of education. Scholarships were awarded to: Eric Barbour, SJCC Senior $1,000 Ashley Laterza, daughter of Tina and Gilbert Laterza ‘76 $1,000 Kaitlin Williams, SJCC Senior $100 Libby Engeman, SJCC Senior $100

Streak Fest ‘08

Saturday, August 16, in the SJCC/Grade School Parking Lot 3:00 p.m to Midnight Join the SJCC family for chicken BBQ dinners, pork sandwiches, beverages and entertainment as we celebrate summer with the first Streak Fest. Proceeds will go to maintaining the building. Chicken dinner includes half chicken and sides for $8.00. Raffle tickets are now on sale, $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. Contact the SJCC Development Office at 419-3325124 or Jeff Streacker at 419-334-4037 for tickets. You need not be present to win.

Grand Prize $2,000 cash donated by the Steinle Family DealershipsClyde & Fremont 2nd Prize $1,000 gas grill and meat package sponsored by Fremont Federal Credit Union, Roots Poultry, Prairie Market & Erie Shore Propane 3rd Prize $500 gas card from Beck Suppliers 4th Prize $250 cash donated by Paul Nagy, DDS 5th Prize $100 cash donated by the SJCC Building Committee Ticket printing compliments of Streacker Tractor Sales and SJCC.

Congratulations SJCC Sophomores on the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) Best in the Area Three Years in a Row! Reading Writing Math Science Social Studies

98% Passed 100% Passed 98% Passed 96% Passed 96% Passed

93% OF SJCC SOPHOMORES PASSED ALL FIVE TESTS 86% of Toledo Diocese Sophomores passed all five tests 67% of Ohio Sophomores passed all five tests



From the Principal Greetings, First of all, I would like to congratulate the class of 2008! Fifty-four outstanding young people became alumni of St. Joseph Central Catholic. I am so proud of each and every one of them and wish them nothing but the best. May God bless them always. As you read through this issue of The Voice, you can see that we have so much to be proud of. Besides our graduating seniors, we are also so very proud of the success our sophomores had on the Ohio Graduation Tests. The credit goes to the parents and families of these awesome students, as well as the dedicated staffs at their grade schools and SJCC. Senior English teacher, Courtney Warner, tells about the process of the senior projects

and Science teacher, Jamie Gilbert, explains why her physiology class held a baby shower. These are just a couple of the ways SJCC is unique and can bring a Christian and moral aspect to everyday learning. Congratulations also goes to our spring sports athletes and teams. The baseball team brought home a MAL championship and district runner-up trophy. A special congratulations goes to sophomore, Jessica Molyet, who placed fifth in the discus at the State Tournament. May all of you have a great and safe summer. I want to thank you for all that you have done for SJCC over the past year. We are so blessed to have such great support. May God Bless each of you and your families. You are in our prayers. GO STREAKS!

Please Keep In Your Prayers

Elaine (Foos ‘79) Dickman as she recovers from severe pneumonia and MRSA. If you would like to help the family with a donation make checks payable to Elaine Dickman and send to Sue Sorg at 2302 Tiffin Rd., Fremont, OH 43420 or contact Sue at: 419-332-3484 or SS442@woh.rr.com. Patti (Hossler ‘93) Inks as she recovers from cancer. Abby Johnson, niece of Lilly Walters is recovering from brain cancer, medulloblastoma. She had brain surgery in May of 2007 and has a long road to recovery to resume a normal childhood. Pam Wolf who is fighting the return of cancer. St. Joseph Central Catholic High School 702 Croghan St. Fremont, Ohio 43420 (419) 332-9947 (419) 332-4945 fax www.fremontstjoe.org Development Office (419) 332-5124 Mike Gabel, Principal Angie Ritzman, Director of Development Sue Berryman, Editor Copy Editors: Ellen Leite, Sally Daubel, Ryan Good Contributors: SJCC students SJCC faculty: Liz Pietrykowski, Greg Kohler, and Amy Ronski The Voice is published four times a year for the alumni, families and friends of SJCC. Direct all comments to The Voice, 702 Croghan St., Fremont, Ohio 43420. If you would prefer not to get the hard copy of The Voice in the mail, but would like to be notified by email (it is posted on the website on pdf format), please email Sue at sberryman@streaks.net


August 1 CEDF/Alumni & Friends Golf Outing 16 Streak Fest ‘08 21 Freshman Orientation 26 First Day of School September 5 Benediction 12 Patron Drive Begins 17 07-08 Second Semester Honors Mass 18 Golobki Dinner 19 No School-Catholic Education Conference 20 Senior Chicken Dinner 29 Tentative Open House October 3 First Hour-Homecoming Mass/Assembly 4 Homecoming Game/ Alumni & Friends Party 5 Homecoming Dance 17 Grandparents Day 25 Parent/Senior Night Mass November 2-5 Senior Kairos Retreat 6-7 Parent/Teacher Conferences 7 CEDF Reverse Raffle 15 Alumni Basketball Game 16 Cooking on a High Note 21 Calendar Drive Begins 24 NHS Induction 26 Reach Out Begins/Fall Sports Mass 27-28 Thanksgiving Vacation

Senior Projects

By: Courtney Warner

This project has been instituted to give our seniors a taste of the real, working world. For this project, the seniors are removed from a strictly academic environment during the last week of the school year to the environment of a chosen sponsor in the business/professional community. In this business community, our goal is for the seniors to realize how well they have mastered the method of how to learn. Furthermore, this project is a means for them to learn to handle freedom and responsibility. Because we feel that reflection on a future career/vocation is critical to each senior’s growth and development, the senior career project is an educational experience designed and planned to help them grow into a responsible adult. Through this project they also learn aspects of business writing, public speaking and presenting, and finally interpersonal communication skills. I would like to send a heart-felt “Thanks” to all of the 2008 Senior Project judges. A special thanks goes to Susan Wurzel for speaking to the seniors, as well as helping to plan judges. I think the judges did an incredible job with the senior projects and were able to share some of their expertise with our seniors. I know that our seniors have benefited from this experience. If you are interested in returning next year, please send me a quick email cwarner@streaks.net. Thank You to the following people for helping with this year’s senior projects: Sue Borkovich Bob Cochey Kim Cope Karen Darr Meredith Dray Marlene Fisher Patricia Gabel Kevin Good Ryan Good Bob Hart Red Haslinger Lisa Hoffman Jason Holland Bill House Monte Huss Gary and Bette Kaltenbach Barb Krzewinski

John Lauer Ellen Leite Vince Militello Al O’Neal Anne Overmyer Terry Overmyer Doug Pearson Liz Pietrykowski Shannon Reardon Denny Rectenwald Angie Ritzman Jim Ronski Tom Stierwalt Connie Warner Scott Warner William Weinheimer T.J. Wurzel

Public Service Announcement Asbestos Notification

St. Joseph Central Catholic High School, in compliance with the requirements of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986, is making its yearly notification to anyone entering the building that asbestos-containing building materials are present. All areas of SJCC are inspected internally on a semi-annual basis by the Asbestos Designated Person, Mr. Jeff Blohm, and by state-certified inspectors at three-year intervals to ensure public safety. Any notice of damage to asbestos-containing building materials should be reported immediately to Mr. Blohm. A complete set of the AHERA Inspection Report and Management Plan are available in the office of Mr. Blohm, the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds. The section of the AHERA Management Plan, which includes sketches indicating location of asbestos-containing building materials, is on file in the main office.

PAGE 3 By: Amanda Tucker

SJCC SCHOOL NEWS The Life of Alex Reineck

Alex Reineck, a 2008 SJCC graduate, expresses his remarkable talent and creativity in many ways. In a recent interview, Alex reflects on his projects and accomplishments. You have a truck that runs on vegetable oil. What inspired you do this? About two years ago I saw an article online about waste vegetable oil powered vehicles. After reading the article I decided I would try it for myself. I researched this type of fuel for approximately a year, then started to acquire the parts I needed. I also purchased an ‘86 F-350 diesel truck. It took me about six months to get the system working really well. The system works almost flawlessly now that the kinks are worked out. The only drawback is I have to get and filter my own fuel to run the system. I get the oil from Great Scot grocery store in Port Clinton and then filter it and put it in my truck. I am also currently working on making biodiesel from used oils and chicken fat. The cost of the vegetable oil I use for my truck is free. I use thirty gallons of vegetable oil per month. The truck gets ten miles per gallon.The only thing that I have to pay for is a filter bag which costs twenty dollars. The

bag lasts for three months. Explain your Boy Scout experience. I am currently a member of Troop 339 of the Boy Scouts of America. I was also a Cub Scout. In Boy Scouts we work on many different skills. Most of the skills are outdoor and survival skills, but we also work on other skills like communication and government. The troop goes on campouts during different times of the year. There is a week long summer camp, weekend camp-outs, and other unique camp-outs like Camp Alaska. At Camp Alaska we spend twenty-four hours outside in the winter with only a sheet of plastic as our tent. I chose to create a prayer garden as my Eagle Scout leadership service project. In order to receive my rank as an Eagle, I had to complete this project. At Sacred Heart Parish I designed and constructed the garden with help from workers and local companies. The garden is a circular pathway with donor bricks around the outside. In the center is a raised planting bed and a Sacred Heart of Jesus statue. In the spring benches and plants will be put in. The project was a lot of work and a lot of fun. It was finished in the spring and I think it will be a part of Sacred Heart for a really long time. Throughout the years I worked toward scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout and was presented with it March 30 of this year.

Juniors Create Social Awareness By: Amanda Tucker

Junior Religion students created public service announcements (PSA) in Mrs. Foster’s Social Justice class. Mrs. Foster states, “The purpose of the assignment was to publicize various social justice issues in a fun way.” Juniors chose social justice issues such as racism, stereotyping, child labor, abortion and drunk driving. Current SJCC technology aided the students in their creations. Mrs. Foster provided project guidelines and students used imovie, Internet sources and videotape. The Juniors created a thirty second PSA and presented their social issues to the class. Junior, Claire Pietrykowski states, “The PSA’s were a fun and creative way to convey specific messages. I chose racism and I used the many varieties of M&M’s in a movie format. The message of my PSA is, ‘Be The One To Mix It Up.’ I used M&M’s because they come in all different shapes, sizes and colors just like us.”

You have been an SJCC swimmer since the program began. How long has swim been a part of your life? I began my swim career when I was eight years old. I swam for a few years and won a few races. Eventually swimming became too much of a time commitment so I set it aside. Then, my freshman year I heard there was a swim team, so I decided to try again and have been swimming ever since. Freshman year I swam a 31:65 in the 50 free style, and as a senior my time was a 25:77. I swam every event except the 500 free. I really worked hard on my 100 yard backstroke and 100 yard fly events. I ended up dropping three seconds in my backstroke and twelve seconds in my fly. Being on the first SJCC swim team is really cool; I was actually one of the first people to get the program going. Over the past four years the program has grown immensely. We have gone from a four lane pool to a state of the art fourteen lane facility. We started with about ten swimmers and now there are over twenty. It is neat to see all of the development in the past four years. You are involved in many different extra curricular activities. Is there anything else you do? Yes, I am also involved in 4-H. I have been in this Club for nine years. Also, in my free time I enjoy riding ATV’s, playing paintball, hunting, driving radio control nitro cars and fixing just about anything.

Physiology Class Hosts Baby Shower

At the end of the school year, Jamie (Chapman ‘93) Gilbert’s Physiology class finished their school year with a unit about pregnancy and childbirth. The topics covered included physical and mental complications of having a baby as a teenager, Ohio abortion laws, and the normal physical and mental issues as part of a normal pregnancy in an adult relationship. The class held a baby shower and each student brought baby items to donate to Heartbeat of Fremont.



Answer to his Prayers

On Saturday, May 17, 2008, parishioners, family members and former classmates had the chance to celebrate the 4:30 p.m. Mass at Fremont St. Joseph Church with alumnus Father Denis O’Shaughnessy. O’Shaughnessy, 68, and a 1957 graduate of St. Joseph High School, was ordained earlier in May at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Jacksonville, FL. In a recent telephone interview, O’Shaughnessy said he thought of dedicating

his life to God after his wife, Kathleen, died of cancer in 1991. “We spent alot of time praying,” he said noting that he often thought to himself, “What if it were me, what have I done with my life?” Following her death he made a commitment to stay close to God and work with people who were sick. “I get more fulfillment when I am doing things for others,” he continued. At first O’Shaughnessy thought about joining a monastery and becoming a monk. He said his four children were surprised at this idea because they would only get to see him once a year. Even though he did not feel qualified others encouraged him to become a priest. He continued to pray about his decision and ended up studying theology and philosophy in three years, doing some of his studying at a Jesuit Seminary in Ireland. “I feel I owe a bit of debt to St. Joe’s because they had alot to do with my formation and building my faith to stay connected with the church. Coming back home is a nostalgic

feeling, there are alot of good memories,” he added. After graduating from the University of Notre Dame, O’Shaughnessy worked for General Motors for forty years. Now he will be returning to Jacksonville to be parish administrator of Our Lady Queen of Heaven. Classmate and Fremonter Judy Sevitts said, “He’s just such a nice guy. This is the perfect thing for him to do.”

Reprinted with permission of Leslie Bixler and The News-Messenger

Alum Helps Chalatenango Region In El Salvador There are numerous people in Ohio that have been involved with the people of the Chalatenango region in El Salvador. For John Linehan ‘63 it started in January of 1997 when he read an article about Fr. John Dailey. Dailey was from the Diocese of Youngstown, OH and serving in Chalatenango. The Linehans wanted to help and found that one of the greatest needs was vehicles for the workers to reach the people in the remote mountain villages. The civil war in El Salvador had been over for five years and roads and bridges were destroyed. Often the “road” was a riverbed. They desperately needed four wheel drive vehicles. A fund raising drive was begun, and by June 1997 $27,000 was donated to buy seven used 4x4’s. Hundreds of people contributed their time, talent and treasure.

From The DirecWe would like to thank everyone for making our first year running the Development Office a success! We truly

Twelve people, six teens and six adults, drove seven vehicles from Ohio, through Mexico and Guatemala, to El Salvador and Honduras. They were accompanied by Fr. Rafael Fuentes of El Salvador. After spending time getting to know the people of Central America, they flew home. The group continues to visit and is working to establish sister parishes in the Chalatenango region. Rich Eshleman of Clyde, a boyhood friend and neighbor of Linehan, made his first trip to El Salvador early in 2007 with the Linehan’s group, visited again in January and hopes to return next year. He is one of more than 120 people who have traveled on pilgrimage to visit Chatalenango and developed lasting relationships. On his first trip, Eshleman provided funds to complete a building being constructed for

Catholic sisters working there. He met Iris, who he sponsored through high school and is now in college at a tuition of $45 per month plus food and housing. Eshleman and his wife Betty (Elizabeth Dumminger ‘66) have sponsored 20 children in five countries: the Philipppines, Africa, India, Guatemala and Mexico, helping to provide for their education. Eshleman sponsored his first student when he was 21 while serving in the US Army. Since then the Eshleman’s have sponsored children continuously for 41 years from three different agencies, Children International, Christian Foundation for Children and the Aging and Compassion International. Friends and classmates of the Linehan family can learn more about the Linehan’s

enjoyed working with all our wonderful volunteers and meeting many new friends! As we start our next year, we are looking forward to the CEDF/Alumni and Friends Golf Outing. If you like to golf, please put together a team and join us on August 1! We always have a great time. On August 16, we will be working our newest event Streak Fest ! The Building Committee has been working hard to ensure a good time for all.

We are also combining our Alumni and Friends Heritage Award and the Hall of Fame Award into one special weekend, April 25 and 26! The Heritage Award will be held on Saturday night and the Hall of Fame will be Sunday afternoon. If you are interested in nominating someone for either of these honors, please contact our office. Enjoy your summer!

PAGE 5 Hall of Fame and Alumni & Friends Heritage Award Information New for 2009 The Heritage Award and Hall of Fame Banquets will be held the same weekend in the SJCC Cafeteria April 25 and 26, 2009 Saturday, April 25, will be the Heritage Award Banquet and Sunday, April 26, will be the Hall of Fame Banquet Nominations for Hall of Fame or the Alumni & Friends Heritage Award

To be inducted into either the Sports Hall of Fame or the Alumni and Friends Heritage Award a person must be nominated. Call the school for a nomination form or send in the name of the person you would like to nominate with the following information: Hall of Fame: -Sports involved in and years -Any awards and/or school records either previously or currently held -Current involvement in sports/community Heritage Award: -Involvement in the community in which they live -Any awards received -Volunteering Please help SJCC honor those who deserve recognition. For more information contact Gary Geller, ggeller@streaks.net or Sue Berryman, sberryman@streaks.net,

SJCC SPECIAL EVENTS Booster Club News During the 2007-2008 school year the SJCC Booster Club raised $82,500, all of which went to the school’s sports programs. The large contributors are the aluminum can recycling, the annual stag, the golabki dinner, the transportation reverse raffle, the 200 Club, and the Super Bowl Breakfast. Thanks to all of the workers and to the many people who supported them. At the year end final Booster meeting each coach thanked the Club for its year after year support for the various athletic programs, and stated that without the Club’s financial backing their boys and girls programs would either not exist or would lack quality that they now experience. The new Booster Club year begins with the August 4 meeting and we urge that especially the parents of the athletes who participate in sports become active members of the organization. We need young members badly! If this does not happen the future of SJCC sports is in jeopardy. This is a men’s and women’s organization, so you dads and moms plan to meet with us on the first and third Monday of the month at 8:00 in the Booster Club room in the upstairs of the Sheets Supply Company on the corner of Napoleon and Jackson Streets. See you there!

2008 Alumni and Friends Membership Dues

Just a reminder, if have not sent in your 2008 dues membership you can use this this form to do so. Membership dues help off-set the cost of printing and mailing The Voice. The dues also fund other alumni activities such as the Easter Egg Hunt, Alumni and Friends Homecoming Party and The Heritage Award. Your continued support is very much appreciated.

Name___________________________Year Graduated, if SJCC Alum____ __ Maiden Name_______________________ Spouse__________________________Year Graduated, if SJCC Alum____ __ Maiden Name________________________ Mail to: SJCC Address______________________________________________________ 702 Croghan St.

Phone_______________ E-Mail___________

Fremont, OH 43420

Class Reunions Class of 1949 - Annual reunion July 8, 2008, 12:30, at Moose Lodge, Hayes Ave. Call Marylou at 419-332-0724 or “Birdie” at 419-332-3134 Class of 1953 - August 16, 2008, at Crystal Arbors, 4:30 Mass at St. Joseph Church. Contact is Janet Overmyer 419334-9946 Class of 1958 - August 9, 2008, at the Fremont Country Club. Contact is Joan (Busold) Godfred 419-332-6671 or ggodfred@woh.rr.com. or Mary (Darr)Pfefferle at 419-332-0325 or marypk@sbcglobal.net Class of 1963 - August 9, 2008, at the Federation Home. Contact Flossie Swint 419-334-2746 or swintjc@ezworks.net Class of 1968 - August 9, 2008, at Rivercliff Golf Course. Contact Vic Frederick at 419-680-0416 or vcfrederick@yahoo.com Class of 1973 - August 23, 2008, at the Fremont Yacht Club. Contact is Elaine (Stover)Fisher at 419-307-6290 or lfisherjr@woh.rr.com. Class of 1978 - August 16, 2008 at The Fremont Yacht Club. For more info contact Kris Stotz at ztots1@adelphia.net, Mike Binsack at mbinsack78@yahoo.com, Joe Swint at jhswint@buckeye-express.com, Doug Vassar at bigd1023@yahoo.com, Patty Swint at patty. swint@St.Lukeshospital.com Class of 1983 - Mr. Ed’s Port Clinton contact Lynne Wetoskey at nwetoskey1@who.rr.com Class of 1988 - August 9, 2008, at Kelly’s Island Wine Company on Kelly’s Island. Golf in the morning, Mass and family picnic the following day. Contact Veronica (Luc) Stemen at vstemen@columbus.rr.com or Kristi Kasher Urig at kurig1772@wowway. com Class of 1992 - July 12, 2008 at Mr. Ed’s on Put-in-Bay 6:00-9:00 dinner. Contact Susan (Brandt) Harvey 567-855-8008, Sharvey2@woh.rr.com. Class of 1998 -Luau Reunion August 2, 2008, at Misty Meadows, Fremont 4:00pm12:00. RSVP to sjccreunion@gmail.com by June 30 with current mailing address. Class of 2003-July -July 12 at 6:00pm at 306 E CR 201 Fremont. Cost is $10.00 per person attending.

2008 Calendar Winners $250 Monthly Winners

January February March April May

Leona Laurer Elaine Malinowski Tom & Denise Babione James Quaintance John T. Yeager

Checkout the daily winners on the SJCC website, fremontstjoe.org, under general information. The 2009 Calendar drive begins in November.

Recognizing Gifts

PAGE 6 Building Facilities Crown Battery Mfg Co. Fr Earl Loeffler Naderer Sports Complex Soccer/Football Fields M/M John Barrington M/M Roger Dick M/M Joe Gottron M/M Ed Guyer Janice Lehman M/M Vince Militello Barbara Schmidt M/M Tony Szymanowski M/M Jim Yeager In Honor of Janet Borer-Winton’s Heritage Award Induction June Baughman In Honor of Mother’s Day for Jean Wasserman M/M Jerry Wasserman

Class of 1942 Thomas J. Halm Tuition Scholarship M/M JimWinton In Honor of Father C. Denis O’Shaughnessy’s Ordination M/M John Barrington M/M Jack Mayle Jim Mayle M/M Lou Mayle M/M Ron Miller Janet Overmyer Dick Ross M/M Ken Smith

MEMORIALS Band, Light of Christ Faculty Endowment Fund, Science Olympiad, Tuition Assistance, Tuition Scholarship Endowment, Norma Ochs* M/M Denny Burmeister Margaret Lehmann

Building Facilities Janice Collins* Class of 1949 Leona Laurer Harold “Hap”Hoffman M/M Jerry Freeh Pat Irish* M/M John Rettig Martha Haubert Kirsch* Ethel Kirsch Family Anna Knisely* Dr/M Jim Bingle Dorothy Macielewicz* M/M Ron Autullo Lowell Henry Family Madonna Mathews* Barb Schmidt Amy Ochs* M/M Bill Barbour Anna Knisely Tom Knisely Clem Szymanowski* Pat Spieldenner M/M Robert Wilhelm

M/M Steve Goetz M/M Glenn Sallar Tuition Assistance Larry Coffey* Pat Schneider* M/M Mark Pumphrey Eileen Collier* Pat Spieldenner

Martha(Haubert)Kirsch* Kate(Baumann)Logsdon* M/M Corky Logsdon Named Endowed Scholarships Louis and Ethel Burkett Scholarship Louis & Ethel Burkett* M/M Martin Brown Bill Burkett M/M Fred Burkett M/M Michael Burkett M/M Rick Burkett Dr/M Kim Knight M/M Chuck Lenhart Dr/M Scott Mead M/M Rick Merrill M/M John Place M/M Michael Rothblatt Ron and Jeanne Kerr Scholarship Anna Knisely* M/M Don Belle

“Light of Christ” Faculty and Staff Endowment Juanita Goetz-Miller*

2008 Sandusky County Catholic Schools Roaring 20’s Auction Donors

M/M Herbert Adams Alternatives for Health Ms. Doris Amidon M/M Bill Anstead Avenues for the Home M/M Tom Babione Baker-Bonnigson Auctioneers Baker’s Diversified Ballreich Bros., Inc. Ballville E-Z Shop Esther Barbour M/M Rick Barbour M/M Bill Barbour Bay Trophy M/M Dan Beaston Beck Supplier/Friendship Food Stores Bella Cosa Floral Studio Bella Cosa Hair Salon Nick Berryman M/M Steven Billow M/M Mark Binsack M/M Jim Blymyer Bob Evans Restaurant Borer Mirror & Glass M/M Lee Bowden M/M Jeff Bowling Fr. Ronald Brickner Mrs. Pat Stierwalt Brown M/M Art Bucci

Burger King M/M Michael Burkett Dr. & Mrs. Mike Carroll CEDF M/M Jim Celek M/M Dick Celek Sylvia Celek Centec Cast Metal Products Chud’s Grille M/M Anthony Chudzinski M/M Gary Chudzinski Class of 1976 Clyde Drive Thru & Carryout Clyde-Findlay Credit Union Color Haven Paint & Supply Comfort Inn & Suites Complete Masonry Service Computer Loft, Inc. M/M Albert Cook Croghan Colonial Bank Crown Battery Mfg. Co., M/M Brad Culbert M/M Timothy Cullen Dairy Queen East Kim Daniel

Daniel L. Brudzinski, Attorney M/M Gregory L. Darr M/M Ray Darr M/M Dennis Dirlam Doebel’s Flowers Dr. Sharon Dorman Dumminger Photo Mr. Dave Durbin Eagle Isle M/M Martin Eberly Engler Printing Erie Shore Propane M/M Charlie Estrada Executive Turn Key Realty Fifth Third Bank Fisher & Paykel M/M Jerry Freeh Fremont Athletic Supply Fremont Federal Credit Union Fremont Monumental Fremont Yacht Club M/M Pat Furlong Eileen Gabel M/M Norman Gabel Garden Restaurant Jean Garvin Gift Baskets & Bouquets Gifts ‘n Graphix

M/M Michael Gonya M/M Jeff Gottron M/M Jim Gray Green Bay Packaging, Green Hills Golf Course Grund Drug Co. Hair Artistry Hall Law Firm M/M Ken Hammer Happy Days Boating Happy Jack’s Fill & Wash Harvey Oaks Jeweler M/M Dan Haubert Dr.and Mrs. Stephen Haven Hayes Presidential Center Mike Herbert Hershey Flowers, Inc. M/M Michael Hetrick M/MChris Hirt M/M Thomas Hite Hoch’s 818 Club Holiday Inn Home Interiors & Gifts House Commodities M/M Paul Hrupcho Jake’s Auto Services Jazzercise

M/M Rick Jenkins Johnszee’s Custom Rods Joseph Wise Fine Clocks Jostens M/M Thomas Keating Mrs. Inez Kerlin Richard Keyes Christopher Knight, Attorney M/M Chris Knight Mr. Tom Knisely Ms. Melissa Koebel Drs. Frank & Mary Jean Komorowski Kroger Co. Ms. Kathy Kupka M/M Doyle Kusmer M/M Jeff Lamson M/M John Lauer Leona Laurer Lee’s Shoes Legendz Sports Bar and Grill M/M Joe Leiby M/M Tom Leite M/M Gary Logsdon Looking Good M/M Robert Lorenz Lotycz & Sons Floor



Baby Streaks


Barbara Krzewinski ‘60 was awarded Evelyn Marie Cahill, daughter of Tracy with the Golden Deeds Award by the Fremont (Snyder ‘00) and Kevin Cahill Exchange Club. Sarah Marjorie Cramer, daughter of Robbie LeJeune ‘03 has taken a position Jennifer (Moyer ‘90) and Mark Cramer as an accountant for Marathon in Garyville, Lauren Pauline Eberly, daughter of LA. Robbie graduated cum laude from The Riann Mohar and Jason Eberly ‘99. Ohio State University in December 2007 and Dane Christopher Hirt, son of Rachel served a four month internship with Plante & and Eric Hirt ‘93 Moran in Toledo before starting in May with Brody William Kidd, son of Aimee Marathon. (Fultz ‘97) and William Kidd Kylie (Foos ‘03) Lunsford graduated Caleb Michael Moore, son of Breanna magna cum laude with a BS in biology from (Busold ‘00) and Charlie Moore the University of Toledo May 3. She was one Grant Henry Reineck, son of Jill and of four chosen to participate in the Medical Rob Reineck ‘95 Technology program at St. Vincent Mercy Trinity Kay Sander, daughter of KimMedical Center. berly (Roberts ‘00) and John Sander Paul Ohm ‘82 was appointed General Griffin Thomas Smith, son of Cathy Manager of the Fairmount Hotel, Newport (Mayle ‘94) and Aaron Smith Beach CA. Thomas Smith Keri Peiffer ‘02 was awarded with a graduate student service award by Kent State 60th Jeanne (Rich) ‘43 and William Snyder ‘43 University’s College of Education, Health and Human Services. She is currently finishing her second year of graduate school in school Complete Masonry Service for masonry psychology and will intern with Fostoria Comwork to the building. munity Schools in August. Music Boosters and Officers for another sucTom Rohr ‘60 reached the summit of Mt. cessful year, all of your support and prayers are Kilimanjaro on March 1, 2008 after a nine day truly appreciated. trek in Tanzania.


Thank You...

Eric Smola ‘90 has been named principal of Toledo St. Francis de Sales High School. He leaves Rosary Cathedral School in Toledo where he has been the principal since 2004. Lilly, Sonya ‘03, Jillian’08 Walters all celebrated graduations this year. Lilly, SJCC Spanish Teacher, received her master’s degree in secondary education and Sonya received her bachelor’s degree in exercise science both from the University of Toledo. Jillian is the newest SJCC alum in the family. She plans to follow her mother and sister and attend UT.


**Janice (Hughes) Collins ‘49 **Harold “Hap” Hoffman ‘33 **Anna (Hotz) Knisely ‘32 **William Molyet ‘47 **Wilfred “Willie” Mosser ‘48 **Ambrose “Buzz” Ochs IV ‘75 **Susanne (Smith’40) Overmyer **Quinn Kathryn Shirey **Carl Steinbauer **Jim VanDerLaar **William Wanzeck

2008 Sandusky County Catholic Schools Roaring 20’s Auction Donors (Cont.) Covering M & M Electric, Inc. Dr. Frank Magro & Dr. Sue Amidon Maui Sands Resort Mayle Law Firm M/M Steve Mayle M/M Bill Mayle M/M Paul McCutcheon McDonald’s M/M Al Mehlow M/M Tom Mercer M/M Tony Michael M/M Thomas Michael M/M Wayne Michael M/M Vince Militello M/M Peter Miller M/M Ralph Mills Peggy Mitchell M/M Jerry Molyet M/M John Molyet Mosser Construction M/M Charles Moyer M/M Pete Naderer Naturally Yours M/M Kevin Nevius Northcoast Security Center Northwest Pressure

Wash O.E. Meyer Co. Mary Kay Oakleaf M/M Peter Ochs Old Fort Banking Co. Old Orchard Millworks M/M Al O’Neal Otto & Urban Flower Shop Janet Overmyer M/M Tom Overmyer Papa Jimmies Bar-B-Q and Pizza Papa Murphy’s Pizza Paramount Cinema M/M Mark Payne Personal D’signs Liz Pietrykowski Pinnacle Capital Management Pioneer Quick Lube Pizza Rama Prairie Market M/M Mark Pumphrey M/M Michael Reardon Reardon, Kolbe & Szakovits, Inc. M/M Dennis Rectenwald Dr. and Mrs. J. Thomas

Reineck M/M Rich Reineck Angela Ritzman River Cliff Golf Course Robert N. Gabel & Assoc Roger W. Hafford, Attorney Root’s Poultry, Inc. M/M Anthony Ruggiero Sacred Heart Elementary Sacred Heart Faculty & Staff Sacred Heart P.A.T.H.S Sacred Heart Student Council Sacred Heart Summerfest Safe Harbor Driving School Sandusky County Chamber of Commerce Sarah’s Sew Shop M/M Edward Schade M/M John Schell Scrapbook Attic Shaklee/Amy Hoffman M/M Bob Shaw SJCC Alumni & Friends SJCC Art Department SJCC Athletic Dept.

SJCC Booster Club SJCC Boys Basketball SJCC Cafeteria SJCC Cheerleaders SJCC Football Team SJCC Girls Basketball SJCC Marching Band SJCC Student Council M/M Steve Sloma M/M Brad Smith M/M Dick Smith M/M Vince Snyder Susan Sorg Sound Installments Spieldenner Carpet One Spiffy Car Wash St. Ann Grade School St. Francis Health Care Center St. Joseph Church St. Joseph Elementary St. Joseph Elementary PTO St. Mary Grade School Steinberger Christmas Tree Farm Steinle OPC AMC, Inc. M/M Fred Stetzel Dr. and Mrs. Howard

Stierwalt Dr. and Mrs. James Stierwalt Streacker Tractor Sales Summer Kitchen Interiors Sunrise Cooperative M/M John Swint M/M Tom Swint The Gift Horse The Golf Shoppe The Master’s Craft The News-Messenger The Perfect Ten The Ritz Theatre The Toledo Symphony Orchestra Tony Ross Plumbing & Heating Town & Country RV’s Unlimited Success M/M Frank Vanyo Veh & Son Furniture Stephen Verock Village Toggery Walters’ Boiler Works, Inc. M/M Randall Wammes M/M Jerry Wasserman M/M Mike Wasserman



The Catholic Education Development Fund Making Catholic Education Accessible to All The Catholic Education Development Fund (CEDF) is a nonprofit endowment supporting quality Catholic education in Sandusky County. It is designed to subsidize tuition and parish costs, and allow our member schools Clyde St. Mary’s, Fremont St. Joseph, St. Ann and Sacred Heart to maintain their long-standing commitment to religious education in the face of rising costs both within the educational system and the community. The CEDF’s independent board of trustees carefully invests the funds it raises. These funds are managed in accordance with the Fund’s Articles of Association. Thank you to Robert McCartney and Tony Michael for their six years of service on the Board of Directors.

2007 Donors M/M Mike Haaser M/M Tom Hite Tom Hopp Mercedes Keating Larry Kramer Stephen Kupka Lilian Mekus M/M Vince Militello M/M Chuck Moyer Roberta Moyer M/M Ken Myers Al Nichols Mildred Nieset Tom Ochs

Class of 1954 M/M Bill Barbour Mary Barrington M/M Ted Bintz M/M Rob Boukissen Fred Brutsche M/M Dick Celek David P. Darr Harold Darr Paul Eisenman John Fey Marie Fisher Louise Freeh M/M Kregg Gegoski M/M Gary Godfred

M/M Jim Pfeiffer Dr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Reineck M/M Glenn Saller M/M Gerard Shondell Louise Stout Mary Valentine Virginia Valle Don Wagner George Widman Charleen Woessner Margaret Woessner Bonnie Woodruff

CEDF Balance Sheet

12/31/2007 12/31/2005 ASSETS Funds-Operating $ 23,188 Funds-Perpetual $781,999 Receivable Gift Anunity $ 50,000 Total Assets Market Value $855,187


$ 62,779 $694,763

$ 31,413 $642,782

$ 50,000

$ 50,000



$ 10,000 $ 42,000

$ 10,000 $ 38,900

$ 10,000

EQUITY Undistributed Value $803,187








$ 12,460 $140,460

$12,460 $140,460

$758,642 $140,460

$724,195 $140,460


Note-Insurance Policies Face AmountCEDF Owner $128,000 InsuranceCEDF Beneficiary $ 12,460 $140,460 MEMO Total Equity $803,187 Total Insurance $140,460

Golf Outing and Reverse Raffle Donors/Sponsors A Variety of Shades Baumann Auto Group BDS Agency/Tim Paradiso Beck Suppliers/ Friendship Food Stores Billy’s Restaurant Bob Evans Restraurant Chud’s Grille Comfort Inn & Suites Consolite Corp Croghan Colonial Bank Crown Battery Mfg. Dairy Queen East Dumminger Photo Erie Shore Propane

Fremont Country Club Fremont Federal Credit Union Green Hills Golf Course Hoch’s 818 Club Ideal Bakery Keller-Ochs-Koch Funeral Home KeyBank Debbie Koebel/ Bill Keating M/M John Lauer Memory Marina M/M Al O’Neal Diversified Insurance

Progressive Iron & Metal Root’s Poultry M/M Al Schabel Spader Freight Services Sycamore Hills Golf Club The Depot The Fanatic M/M Henry Valle Hair Shack/ Chris Vassar Whitey’s Diner M/M Jim Yeager

To date CEDF has given a total of $466,800 to St. Joseph Central Catholic High School

2007 Financial Activity and Gift

Annual Fund Total Revenue & Investment Gain Total Expenditures NET GAIN Net Gain to be Allocated 60% to Perpetual Fund 40% to SJCC Annual Fund Total Due to SJCC for 2007 Perpetual Fund Inv. Income 89% Annual Gift for 2007 Bequests Total Due to SJCC for 2007

$55,155 $29,989 $25,166 $15,100 $10,066 $25,166 $10,066 $21,496 $31,562 $10,438 $42,000

CEDF Reverse Raffle Friday, November 7

Gift History 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

$16,613 $10,708 $20,000 $15,000 $23,100 $24,000 $24,000 $28,000 $32,100 $35,000 $31,300 $26,300 $33,100 $32,679 $34,000 $38,900 $42,000

2008 marks the 16th year for the Catholic Education Development Fund reverse raffle. Again this year’s raffle will be held at Ole Zim’s Wagon Shed. There will only be 250 tickets sold. The grand prize is $6,000. The dinner party begins with a cash bar at 6:00 p.m., followed by Ole Zim’s famous family style dinner at 7:00 p.m., the raffle follows dinner. For more information contact Sue Berryman at 419-332-5124 or sberryma@fremontstjoe.org.

Please send in this form with your check Please make checks _____ Yes, I would like to attend the dinner and raffle $150.00 $__________ payable to CEDF _____ No, I cannot attend but I would like a raffle ticket - $130.00 $__________ and send to: CEDF, _____ I cannot attend but I would like to make a donation to CEDF $__________ PO Box 1302, FreName_____________________________________________________________________ mont OH 43420 Address__________________________________Phone____________________________


SJCC SPORTS Streaks and Little Giants Unite

The Fremont community is known for its energy and progressive attitudes. These attitudes are also reflected in the strong partnership between SJCC and Fremont Ross High School. In the athletic “arena” the two schools have combined their resources for the benefit of all student athletes in Fremont. Charlie Gonya (’61) and Dr. Charles Hull began the fund raising momentum in 1976 with their annual game feed which now attracts over 500 people. This event raised approximately $18,500 this winter which finances the cost of awards and trophies presented to the SJCC and Ross student athletes throughout the year. These men feel a commitment to the athletes and they feel the students deserve high quality awards for their efforts. The game feed is a unique event that continues to grow each year. The number of donations continues to increase as well. Gonya and Hull demonstrate the value and benefit of sharing resources between schools. The Fremont Area Athletic Foundation also reflects this collaborative philosophy. The Foundation has raised millions of dollars exclusively from private donations for major athletic projects. Football field renovations and the construction of Fremont’s first natatorium have allowed SJCC and Little Giant athletes and fans to enjoy their sports in premiere facilities. The new facilities allow Fremont to host major sporting events that also benefit the local economy. The dedication of people like Gonya, Hull and those involved in The Fremont Area Athletic Foundation have created a positive force in the community while causing unity between schools. Their devotion and efforts will be felt for future generations. Thank you to the following business and individuals for their support of this year’s game feed: ABC Detail Jim Ackerman Al Baumann Auto Group American Auto Sales Anderson Farm Center Ash Automotive A.W. Automotive Baker-Bonnigson Realty & Auctioneers Dave Bauer Bay Tractor and Turf Bay Trophy Beck Suppliers Don Beck Mark Binsack Al Bodecker Jeff Bowling Bowlus Trucking Art Bucci Bud’s Tavern-Jon Weiker Carbo Forge Inc. Cloverleaf Stables-Bill McCann

Tom Commes Consolite Corp. Country Spring Elevator Crown Battery Crystal Arbors C&W Auto Parts Charlie Darr-The Kielbasa Man Gary Deshetler David Eckhardt E-Z Shop Fremont Company Fremont Precast De Genzman Gibbs Equipment-Dave Burmeister Luther Gibbs, Jr. Curt Gonya Mike Gonya Gordon Lumber Joe Hagerty Happy Days Boating Harris Seed Hartlen Insurance Agency

Hasselbach Meats Jason Hull Dr. Charles Hull Dr. Keith Hull King Industrial SupplyKing’s Glassware Chris Kiser Dave Kupka Lamalie Farms Legendz Sports Bar Luc Ice Mt. Olive Pickle Co. North Bay Nursery-Paul Rofkar Nu Tire Mike Oprie Pioneer Seed Dan Polter Root’s Poultry Inc. Ross Lawn Care Schmittuz GardensGeorge Dabrunz Schneider Carpet Cleaners

Sheets Supplies-Bill Sheets Snyder Floor Covering Jason Sparks Pete Spieldenner Streacker Tractor Sales Keith Stutzman Tackle Box II Time Out Tom Tight Tom Smith Crane Pat Waggoner Weickert Insurance AgencyKen, Kent, Mike Weickert Whitey’s Diner Veh and Son Furniture-Matt Kohler Willie’s Sales & Service Willis & Sons WR Hunt Club Woleslagel Moving Co. Mike Zelms

Spring Sports Wrap-Up By: Greg Kohler

Track Sophomore Jessica Molyet threw the discus 121’10” at Regionals to qualify third and earn a trip to the State Championships. In Columbus, Molyet finished 5th after throwing a personal record of 128’ 03”. Molyet was the lone SJCC representative at the State track meet, but the Streaks were wellrepresented at the regional level. Also qualifying for Regionals for the girls were

field event at Regionals. For the boys, the 4x200m relay team of Derek Meyer, Darek Hilty, Kyle Horvath and Brook Kerr finshed 3rd at Districts and the 4x400m team of Meyer, Hilty, Max Celek and Cory Wilhelm was 2nd. Mike Komorowski was 2nd in both the shot put and discus at Districts.

Track (cont.) Lindsay Weickert, who won the 300m hurdles at Districts and was 4th in the long jump. Molyet placed 2nd in the discus and 4th in shot put at Districts. Emily Light (2nd , high jump) and Kathy Gutschalk (3rd , pole vault) also qualified, marking the first time SJCC had a female athlete qualify in every

At the MAL meet, the boys finished 4th and the girls were 5 t h . To p



Spring Sports Wrap-Up Cont. placers for the boys were Horvath (3rd , long jump), the 4x200 relay (2 nd), the 4x400 relay (1st), Komorowski (2nd , discus) and Wilhelm and Hilty, who finished 2nd and 3rd respectively, in the 400m dash. For the girls, Molyet and Light won the MAL in the discus and high jump. Weickert was 2nd in the 300m hurdles and Gutschalk was 2nd in the pole vault.

Boys Tennis The boys tennis team finished the season with a record. The team had several big wins including beating both Fremont Ross and Tiffin Calvert twice. At the sectional tournament, Eric Barbour and Tyler Hrupcho won one match before losing at No. 1 doubles. Derek Dickman won his first two matches before losing in the third round. No one on the team advanced to the district tournament.

Baseball Kevin Yeckley knew that as first-year baseball coach he had big shoes to fill and high expectations following last year’s trip to the state semifinals. Under Yeckley’s guidance, the Streaks finished 17-7 (7-1 MAL), won a co-championship in the league and finished the season as district runners-up. The Streaks finished in a three-way tie atop the MAL with Mohawk and Hopewell Loudon. SJCC beat Mohawk 10-0 in their regular season meeting, but lost 7-1 to Hopewell. Later, though, Mohawk beat Hopewell, forcing the tie for first. In the tournaments, SJCC beat Calvert 6-0 in the sectional final. Eric Gray pitched a complete game one-hitter with 12 strikeouts to lead the Streaks. In the district semifinal, Gray again pitched a complete game, giving up seven hits and two earned runs while striking out 11 as SJCC beat Mohawk again, 5-2. In the district

final, Van Buren beat SJCC 3-1. Jason Swint was the hard-luck loser allowing all three runs in the first inning. Only one run was earned because of two early Streak errors. Swint didn’t allow a run the rest of the way. Gray was second in the MAL with a 1.48 ERA and Swint was third at 2.09. Gray led the league with eight wins and 98 strikeouts in only 62 innings. At the plate, Garrett Walker led the team with a .407 batting average, followed by brother Travis Walker at .390. Garrett led the team with 31 runs and 35 hits. Travis had 30 hits and was 2nd in the MAL with 30 RBIs. Gray and Nick Baker also tied for the league-lead with two triples each. Gray and Swint both earned 1st Team All MAL honors. Shortstop Garrett Walker, 2B Travis Walker and catcher Zach Gabel were named 2nd Team, and CF Nick Baker and 1B Chris Baker earned Honorable Mention. Coach Kevin Yeckley is very excited about the prospects for next year, as Swint and Chris Baker are the only senior starters he will lose to graduation.

Softball The Lady Streaks softball team finished 13-13 this season, 5-5 in the MAL. The girls beat Old Fort 13-5 to win the sectional championship, but fell 7-0 to Hopewell Loudon in the district semifinal. The highlight of the season was a 1-0 win over Mohawk behind freshman pitcher Sonya Kwiatkowski. The win broke Mohawk’s 72game MAL win streak. Jill Walters was named 1st Team All MAL, Kwiatkowski earned 2nd Team honors and Lindsay Crockett and Abby Crockett earned Honorable Mention in the league. Walters was 4th in the MAL with a .452 average. Lindsay Crockett was second on the team with a .342 average. Walters and Anne Beaschler each hit two home runs for the Streaks and Heather Blake led the team with 18 RBIs. Kwiatkowski finished the season at 9-9 with a 1.90 ERA and 108 strikeouts. Libby Engeman went 4-3 on the mound with a 3.91 ERA.



4th Annual SJCC Alumni & Friends/CEDF Golf Scramble & Party Friday, August 1, 2008 11:00 Shotgun start at Green Hills Golf Please fill out completely and send with your check by July 25, 2008 to: CEDF, 702 Croghan St., Fremont, Ohio 43420 Fax 419-332-4945 Checks payable to: CEDF

4-person team (men, ladies, or mix) Limited to the first 36 teams Proceeds go to CEDF (Catholic Education Development Fund) $220 per team includes:18 holes 2 golf carts with field prizes on every hole *Two-Closest to the pin $100 prizes-Sponsored by: Jake’s Auto Service *Lunch - Sponsored by: The Fremont Federal Credit Union and Grund Drug Co. *Drink Tickets Sponsored by: Progressive Iron & Metal *Keg of Beer Sponsored by: Erie Shore Propane *Door prizes *SJCC athletes assisting with golf bags from cars Player#1_________________________Phone:_________________Email_________________ Player#2_________________________Phone:_________________Email_________________ Player#3_________________________Phone:_________________Email_________________ Player#4_________________________Phone:_________________Email_________________

Contact: John Lauer 332-0178 or Al O’Neal 334-8137 SJCC Alumni & Friends After Golf Party Sponsored by Pinnacle Capital Management In the SJCC Cafeteria 4:30-8:00 p.m. Food served at 5:00 Sandwiches, appetizers & refreshments Spouses/guests invited All scramble results and prizes given out at party * 50/50 Raffle

Curling Up With New Friends By Gary R. Geller When Nikolaus Geller ’02 began his career on the ice by playing fifth grade hockey, little did he know that he would still be on the ice eight years later. The ice at Bowling Green State University, however, was a little different. It was curling ice. Geller became involved in curling during his sophomore year at BGSU when he went to a meeting of the BG Curling Club which sponsors an adult curling league. At the meeting, the older curlers gave free lessons to anyone who wanted to learn to curl. Later that year, Geller curled on a team that won the intramural championship and curling was now a part of his life. As a junior Geller went to work for the BGSU intramural department. Being the only staff member with curling experience he chose to take charge of the curling intramurals. He was also on a team that participated in the league. To top off the year, he was asked to be a member of BG’s second team at the National Collegiate Curling Tournament in Chicago. “Although we didn’t win any games it was quite an experience,” he said. In October of ’06, through Geller’s efforts, curling once again became an official club sport of BGSU. This meant University funding, a faculty advisor, and, more importantly, more opportunities to compete against other colleges. Fall found

him curling at least three times a week. Jeff Young, another ’02 SJCC alumnus, had also joined the team. In January, at the BG Regional finals, Geller’s team took the gold and, continuing their winning ways, won the bronze at the Nationals in Chicago. In his last year of curling for BGSU, the Regionals were again on their home ice. His team finished second and then went on to finish sixth at the Nationals in Chicago. One of the most unique opportunities Geller had in his short career happened in 2007 on his home ice. Every five years there is a

Scottish-American Tour. It was Scotland’s turn to tour the US and, for the first time ever, they were going to stop in Bowling Green. Anyone in the BG Curling Club could apply to compete against the Scots. Geller applied and was accepted. Before the match, “We sat with the team we were going to play and shared a great meal. We also shared curling stories. We found them to be everyday people who enjoyed curling.” The Scots ended up as the 2007 winners. Now that his collegiate career is over, curling will still be a part of Geller’s future. He already has a team for 2008-09 and they are planning to compete in eight to ten different “Bonspiels” (curling tournaments) all over the mid-west. “Curling is a sport that you can compete in at any age. There are people in their eighties still curling. The best part of the sport is the friendships you make and the many people you meet,” concluded Geller. His mother, Adele (Rellinger ‘74) Geller says, ”When Nik was younger, his father (Gary Geller-’69) and I would get up at 5:00 AM to drive him to Bowling Green or Findlay for his hockey games. Sometimes we thought we were crazy to do that but we have enjoyed our trips

ÒCurling is a sport that you can compete in at any age. There are people in their eighties still curling. The best part of the sport is the friendships you make and the many people you meet while visiting other clubs. I plan on curling for a long, long

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KEEP US POSTED! Receiving more than one Voice? One household may receive several of the same mailing, one for each alumnus, parent or friend of the school to keep them informed and ensure that we receive address updates from the post office. If you believe this is happening in error, please contact Sue at information below. Parents of Alumni... Please notify us with new information if The Voice is addressed to a son or daughter who is no longer living at home. We’re always looking for e-mail addresses and phone numbers. It is very helpful for class reunions. Anything new....achievements, anniversaries, births, weddings, etc.? Remember to submit your information! Return to The Voice c/o Sue Berryman 702 Croghan St. Fremont, OH 43420 If you know of anyone who would like to receive The Voice, but currently is not, send their name and address to Sue at SJCC or sberryman@fremontstjoe.org

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