2010 Voice Fall

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o i c e V

First Publication: October 1981

For Alumni, Friends, and Families of Saint Joseph Central Catholic High School

Pro u d g e H e r i ta

Dynamic Future... Fall 2010


A Message From The Superintendent With the consolidation of the Fremont Catholic schools into the Bishop Hoffman Catholic School, a new and exciting era has dawned for the families of St. Ann, St. Joseph, and Sacred Heart Parishes and St. Joseph Central Catholic High School. It is through consolidation that my vision of unity and uniformity will only strengthen our Catholic schools. I believe that one Pre K - 12 system will allow us to methodically plan for the future and follow our dreams of outstanding Catholic education. It is our intent that this year’s annual appeal to our Alumni and Friends will directly build upon a solid foundation and heritage that those of you who went before us may be proud of the traditions that we carry forward. The annual campaign revenue will directly benefit each student in our classrooms. It is our belief that if we enhance our academic programs, retain and recruit outstanding faculty members, provide for a great number of scholarships for financial assistance, we will position SJCC to successfully meet the challenges the future will present. As you may or may not be aware SJCC tuition for the 2010 school year is $4,250 and the cost to educate a student is in excess of $6,500. Even with the difference between tuition revenue and the cost to educate, our young minds are still very well prepared to succeed in their lives ahead. When you receive the annual fund appeal in the mail this month please take a moment and consider a generous donation. As all of you have experienced, the great culture and atmosphere at SJCC is alive and vibrant. Each and every day I have the honor of interacting with the great young minds that roam our halls and who will soon join the prestigious ranks of alums. The enthusiasm and dedication of the teachers is second to none and this will carry over into the very fiber of our being. In only a few short months, I have been blessed to be part of the SJCC community and am convinced that the future is filled with optimism and success for SJCC. Sincerely, Dr. Richard Facciolo Superintendent

A Message From BHCS Board Chair Greetings Fellow Alumni and Friends of SJCC, Over the past three decades, various Pastors, administrators, staff, and parents of Catholic school children in the Fremont area recognized the benefits of a unified school system. These individuals donated their time and talents to study and discuss a unified school system that could offer benefits that individual parish schools could not afford. Through the hard work and dedication of the Holy Family Formation Team and all of the members of the various sub-committees, the Bishop Hoffman Catholic School (BHCS) system began its first year on August 31, 2010. We are very fortunate to employ Dr. Richard A. Facciolo as our superintendent. His education, experience, and guidance as we begin are critical in our transformation from four individual schools into a unified school system. As you can imagine, every stakeholder in BHCS is experiencing significant change. While some changes are more difficult than others, it is of utmost importance that our focus continues to be for the benefit of the children in our schools. Recently, Pope Benedict XVI stated “a good school provides a rounded education for the whole person. And a good Catholic school, over and above this, should help all its students to become saints.” He added that “in your Catholic schools, there is always a bigger picture over and above the individual subjects you study, the different skills you learn. All the work you do is placed in the context of growing in friendship with God, and all that flows from that friendship.” These powerful words should guide us down our path of unification. Thank you very much for your support. Patrick Militello, BHCS Board Chair

On the Cover

The first day of school is always exciting, this year especially as Catholic schools in Fremont joined together as one system. Students from Sacred Heart, St. Joseph, and SJCC campuses are featured as they begin the new school year. The three campuses have had various opportunities to come together. During Homecoming week the St. Joseph campus came to SJCC for the class dodge ball competition and assembly. Each campus also celebrated Homecoming with contests and creative dress-up days. Future streaks marched in the parade and then raced across the field before the game. The picture to the right shows the inaugural Mass celebrated with Bishop Blair in the SJCC gym.


o i c e V

For Alumni, Friends, and Families of Saint Joseph Central Catholic High School


He Called Fremont his Home... Re verend Earl Loeffler 10/3/1926-8/9/2010

Thank You for Your Support!


ALUMNI IN ACTION... PAGE 8 Billy Pietrykowski & Dan Chudzinski share their experiences

Remembered as one who cared about Catholic education and Fremont, Fr. Loeffler was mourned by former students, parishioners, and his family. His sister, Bernadine Eckles said, “he spent 23 years in Fremont and considered it his main home.” She also wrote that he loved the high school and it was very special to him. Fr. Loeffler touched many generations of St. Joseph and SJCC alumni. He served St. Joseph Parish and high school from the time of his ordination in 1951 until 1967. He then returned as Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish from 1980 until his retirement in 1991; in 2003, Loeffler became the Honorary Chair of the SJCC Capital Campaign that exceeded its goal of $1.75 million. At that time he said “I am pleased to serve as the Honorary Chair of such an important project. This school (SJCC) is a wonderful institution and continues to be a blessing to the people of Fremont.”

2011 Calendar Drive begins November 24 Contact any SJCC student or the office to purchase yours.

The IN Box

IN BOX...PAGE 9 Alumni Updates

CEDF REVERSE RAFFLE... PAGE 11 Get your ticket today!

St. Joseph Central Catholic High School A Bishop Hoffman Catholic School 702 Croghan St. Fremont, OH 43420 419-332-9947 Fax 419-332-4945 www.streaks.net Advancement Office 419-332-5124 The Voice is published four times a year for the alumni and friends of SJCC. Direct all comments to The Voice, 702 Croghan St., Fremont, OH 43420 Superintendent - Dr. Richard Facciolo Asst. Principal - Deb Streacker (Dye ‘81) Director of Advancement - Angie Ritzman (O’Neal ‘93) Assoc. Director of Advancement - Sue Berryman Copy Editors: Mary Ellen Leite (Hughes ‘53) Sarah Pietrykowski ‘02 SJCC Faculty: Amy Ronski (Spieldenner ‘80) Liz Pietrykowski Student Photographer - Emily Ronski ‘11

2010 Monthly Calendar Winners January

Denny Jenkins


Lou Kuhlman


Bev Roberts


Paul Hrupcho


Kathy Chudzinski


Dennis Szymanowski


Richard Chamberlain


John Beier


Connie Coleman

Daily winners can be found on the SJCC website, streaks.net.

Annu al F und Dono r R e c og nit ion

SJCC is grateful to the donors for their generosity to the 2009-2010 Annual Fund. More than 670 donors gave in excess of $122,00.00. The annual Fund is the primary annual giving program for the school’s alumni, parents, and friends. Annual Fund donors provide current and immediate expendable support for SJCC’s core needs. Gifts of any size enhance the school’s ability to provide for its students. Gift Giving Divisions ****St. Joseph Society ***Crimson Charter **Gray Guild *Streak Supporter Cl a ss of 1932

Cl a ss of 1946

Mrs. Mary Smith (Welker)

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Freeh (Rosalyn Mosser)** Mr. and Mrs. Norman Horn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moyer****

Cla ss of 1934

Cl a ss of 1947

Mrs. Henrietta Gabel (Partee)*

Cl a ss of 1933

Mrs. Betty Mead (Horn)* Mrs. Marguerite Morley (Molyet)

Cl a ss of 1935

Mr. James Diedrich** Mrs. Betty Lehman (Snyder)

Cl a ss of 1936

Mr. Paul Krofft

Cl a ss of 1938

Mrs. Margaret Geller (Faist) Ms. Bernadine Meyer Mr. and Mrs. John Naderer

Cla ss of 1939

Mrs. Evelyn Eakin (Mulkmus) Mr. and Mrs. John Notheis

Cl a ss of 1940

Ms. Margaret Behrens (Perin)* Mrs. Ann Frankart (Naderer) Mrs. Eileen Gabel (Kusmer) Mr. and Mrs. John Notheis (Mary Margaret Koleman) Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wagner

Cl a ss of 1941

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gonya Mrs. Audrey McCue (Heschel)* Mrs. Marcella Post (Widman)*

Cl a ss of 1942

Ms. Nancy Fey* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Girz (Jean Yeager)** Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Halm* Mr. Lawrence Kramer*** Mrs. Ann Vaughan (Hornstock)

Cl a ss of 1943

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bundschuh* Mr. Edward Celek* Mrs. Lou Freeh (Hoffman) Mrs. Norma Hoffman (Gabel) Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lee (Imelda Swint) Mrs. Ruth Sas (Merrill)* Mr. and Mrs. William Snyder (Jeanne Rich) Mrs. Lois Spino (Horn)

Cl a ss of 1944

Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Kusmer* Mr. Harold Laurer* Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Mehling* Mr. and Mrs. Herb Redding Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rich Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wagner (Rita Rodenhauser) Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yeager***

Cl a ss of 1945

Mrs. Evelyn Sutter Bullock** Mr. and Mrs. Glen Decker (Claribel Wasserman) Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Halm* Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoffman (Loretta O’Neill)


Mrs. Kathryn Ash (Kramer) Mrs. Alice Frederick (Gabel)* Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Freeh** Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hershey Mrs. Virginia Jennings (Halbisen) Mrs. Margaret Lehmann (Reardon) Mr. and Mrs. William Rimelspach (Irene Halm) Mrs. Joyce Smith* Mrs. Mary Welsh (Hoffman)

Cl a ss of 1948

Mr. Jack Cronin* Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eberly Mr. and Mrs. David Haynes* Mrs. Audrey Kupka (Zienta)* Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Kusmer (Marian Mayle)* Mr. Edward Leite* Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lochotzki Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miesle Mrs. Peggy Sloma (Stadler)

Cl a ss of 1949

Mrs. Patricia Golamb (Setzler)* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Guyer (Marylou Gabel)* Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Halm (Mary Ann Recktenwald)* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hershey (Madelene Mosser) Mrs. Leona Laurer (Bertsch) Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lehman (Janice Shondell) Mrs. Joanne Young (Hawk) Mr. Werner “Bud” Young**

Cl a ss of 1950

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bergers (Marilyn Bintz) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Durnwald* Mr. Neil Hamilton* Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haynes** Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller (Coletta Steinbauer)** Msgr. Richard Moyer***

Cl a ss of 1951

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bartson Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bintz*** Mr. and Mrs. William Darr** Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Frampton (Phyllis Diedrich)* Mr. and Mrs. John Harman (Sybil Rothgery)* Mrs. Janice Heffernan (Hipp) Mr. and Mrs. William Lochotzki Reverend Richard Wurzel**

Cl a ss of 1952

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bintz (Marilyn Smith)*** Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Bowden (Rose Mehling) Mrs. Kathleen Freeh (Walby) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harlan (Sally Montague) Mr. John Kimmet* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leite Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell

Mrs. Nathalie Walter (House)* Mrs. Jean Wasserman (Mayle)

Cl a ss of 1953

Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Bowden Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Darr** Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hamilton* Mrs. Kathleen Haubert (Rohr) Mrs. Margie Hofelich (Steinle) Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Klisz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leite (Mary Ellen Hughes) Lt. Col. and Mrs. Richard Marshall (Phyllis Vanscoy) Mrs. Janet Overmyer (Mayle)* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schmidt (Shirley Gabel) Mrs. Jean Schwartz (Kirwen) Mrs. Kay Szymanowski (Durnwald)

Cl a ss of 1954

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bennison (Marianne Ehrman)* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boucher (Phyllis Young) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Byers (Joan Bender) Mrs. Peggy Celek (Bucher)* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chamberlain* Mrs. Rose Mary Cotton (Miller) Mr. John Daniel* Mrs. Patricia Demars (Futch) Mrs. Pat Durnwald (Haas) Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Foos (Carol Camp) Mr. Donald Fox Mr. and Mrs. Gary Godfred* Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoffman* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller** Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spriggs Mrs. Marcella Wilhelm (Darr)**

Cl a ss of 1955

Mrs. Colleen Abramowski (Reardon) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Collier Mr. and Mrs. Albert Darr* Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Foos (Rosemary Setzler)* Mr. and Mrs. Ron House (Jeannine Bintz)* Ms. Mary Ellen Kettner* Mrs. Marian Kindred (Haas) Mrs. Marilyn Knopp-Siler (Fiegelist) Mr. and Mrs. James Morley* Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reardon* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell (Sandra Carte) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Tom Spieldenner Mrs. Mary Kay Walter (Eder)*

Cl a ss of 1956

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bartson Ms. Marlene Bartson Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Borer** Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Foos* Mr. and Mrs. William McKinney Mrs. Carol Park (Koch) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Recktenwald* Mr. Donald Reinbolt* Mr. and Mrs. Tony Ruggiero (Ruthann Collier)*

Mr. and Mrs. Burk Tischler (Karol Thomsen) Mr. and Mrs. Carl Unger (Martha Hawk) Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vacca (Carolyn Mayle) Ms. Judith Weickert (Tight)* Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Wurzel (Sharon Raubenolt)** Mr. Jack Yeager***

Cl a ss of 1957

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Chudzinski** Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cronin (Karen Cole) Mr. Paul Foos Mrs. Elaine Garvin (Smith) Mrs. Joyce Hammer (Collier) Dr. Thomas Kunkle Mr. and Mrs. James Lehmann* Maj. and Mrs. James McCormack (MaryAnn Haslinger) Reverend C. Denis O’Shaughnessy*** Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ruble (Carolyn Spieldenner) Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schmersal (Sue Widman) Mr. George Widman Mr. and Mrs. Dave Winters

Cl a ss of 1958

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Borys (Dorothy Reiter) Mrs. Joanne Colgate (Lauer) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Godfred* (Joan Busold) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gottron* Mr. and Mrs. Ken Haslinger** Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Michael (Dolores Mayle)* Mr. Charles Missey* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morley** Mrs. Jean Overmyer (Drusback) Mr. Dick Ross**

Cl a ss of 1959

Mr. and Mrs. James Weller (Mary Spieldenner)*

Cl a ss of 1961

Mrs. Carol Belle (Smith)* Ms. Diana Binder Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowden (Sharon Tight)* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clary (Dianne Wasserman)* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Collins Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ehrman* Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gonya* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gonya Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grogg (Kathleen Knisely)* Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Halbisen (Mary Benlein) Mr. Jude Haslinger* Mr. and Mrs. Carl Koebel* Mr. William Missey* Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rendon* Mr. Kenneth Sale* Mr. and Mrs. David Smola* Mrs. Marianne Stillner (Koch)*

Cl a ss of 1962

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Babione Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baker Ms. Norma Jean Darr (Kaminskas)* Mr. and Mrs. Roland Engler (Ann Horvath)* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Esker (Nancy Reardon) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Faist (Kathleen Widman)** Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gonya (Margaret Dickman) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kashmer* Mrs. Amelia Kayes (Kanan)* Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kos (Bonnie MacDowell) Capt. Stephen Kupka*** Mrs. Sherrill Redovian (VanNatta)

Dr. and Mrs. John Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Bender Mr. and Mrs. Richard Collier (Gail Godfred) Mr. and Mrs. James Daubel*** Mr. and Mrs. John Gonya* Ms. Susanne Homler (Keller) Ms. Carol Jespersen (House)* Mr. and Mrs. James Lehmann (Pat Foster)* Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schwartz* Mr. and Mrs. John Smith (Anne Bovard) Mr. and Mrs. William Smith Mr. and Mrs. Paul Szakovits* Mr. and Mrs. James Weller* Mr. and Mrs. Donald Widman*

Cl a ss of 1963

Cl a ss of 1960

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Bender (Carol Wagner) Mr. and Mrs. David Daoust Ms. Darlene Forsyth (Schneider) Mr. and Mrs. Greg Gerber** Mr. James Haff* Mr. and Mrs. Ken Haslinger (Cindy Bigaila)** Mr. and Mrs. David Kupka (Linda Binsack) Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Lenhart* Mr. and Mrs. William McClure (Lena Gonya)

Mr. and Mrs. James Beier* Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowden* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Faist** Mrs. Barb Fisk (Horn) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mangiola (Judith Hotz) Mrs. Anne Moore (Kelly) Mr. and Mrs. David Reinbolt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rohr Mr. and Mrs. William Swartz Mr. Terrence Toeppe* Mr. and Mrs. George Ward (Margaret Barbour)

Mr. and Mrs. James Beier (Marcia Marinis)* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beier** Mr. and Mrs. James Blymyer (Susan Borkovich) Reverend Philip Haslinger** Mr. and Mrs. Gary Logsdon Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller Mr. Richard Molyet Mr. Eugene Nieset*** Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Recktenwald (Elaine Denman)* Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith (Jane Mayle) Mrs. Margy Smith (Arend)

Cl a ss of 1964

Fall 2010

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norton Dr. and Mrs. Walter Oxley* Mr. and Mrs. Fred Recktenwald* Ms. Barb Smola* Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilhelm (Martha Daubel)** Mr. and Mrs. David Winters (Marsha Waggoner) Mrs. Elizabeth Wohlgamuth (Koebel) Mrs. Margaret Zeller (Hotz)

Cl a ss of 1965

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beier* Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burkett Mr. Dale Haslinger* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haslinger Mr. and Mrs. Kennard Hirt (Margaret Dolweck)* Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kashmer (Sandra Myslinski)* Mr. and Mrs. John Lauer** Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Malinowski (Elaine Geller)* Mr. and Mrs. James Miller (Judith Biehler) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Otte Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rectenwald* Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reineck* Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tischler Dr. and Mrs. Robert Valenzuela Mr. and Mrs. Michael Whittaker* Mr. and Mrs. David Young (MaryAnn Foos)*

Cl a ss of 1966

Dr. and Mrs. David Boyle** Ms. Alicia Brehm Mrs. Linda Burkett (Widman) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Engler (Joan Hotz) Mr. and Mrs. James Eurenius (Elizabeth Gabel) Mr. and Mrs. Greg Gerber (Joanne Toeppe)*** Mr. Tom Haslinger and Ms. Janet Celek* Mr. and Mrs. Kris Perry (Catherine McCue) Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Miller Mr. and Mrs. Gil Miller (Patricia Mehling) Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Nicosia (Mercedes Miller)* Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nieset (Carolyn Bing)** Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Overmyer Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rectenwald (Linda Wagner)* Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Reichert (Janet Rimelspach) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reineck Mr. and Mrs. John Seilhamer (Brenda Chudzinski) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tischler (Kathleen Shimer) Ms. Judy Wagner Mr. Michael Wehring

Cl a ss of 1967

Mr. and Mrs. William Babione Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Beier (Mary Reineck) Mr. and Mrs. John Bor Ms. Janet Celek (Fisher) and Mr. Tom Haslinger* Mr. and Mrs. James Hoffman* Mrs. Rita Jones (Hotz)* Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lenhart (Arlene Burkett)* Mr. and Mrs. Trent Longo (Kathleen Lakomy) Mr. Denny Miesle Ms. Reggie Mosser* Mr. and Mrs. Jim O’Brien** Mr. Thomas Picciuto

Fall 2010

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollick (Jodi Hoffman) Mr. and Mrs. William Reineck (Barbara Batesole)* Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rendon (Mary Lou Swint)* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Synk (Joyce Kuhn)

Cl a ss of 1968

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Babione* Mr. and Mrs. Rick Barbour* Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bork** Mr. and Mrs. John Bovard* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Celek* (Cathleen Beatty) Mrs. Therese Clouse (Chudzinski) Ms. Marsha Cook Mr. and Mrs. Richard Evans (Cynthia Meyer)* Ms. Jeannine Hauck Mr. and Mrs. Roger Haynes (Barbara Beier) Mrs. Mary Horton (Golden) Dr. and Mrs. James Hotz* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Knisely Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kwiatkowski (Judith Beier)* Dr. and Mrs. Scott Mead*** Mr. Jack Moneghan* Dr. and Mrs. Walter Oxley (Karel Bowlus)* Mrs. Kathy Pfefferle (Schneider) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pfefferle* Dr. and Mrs. Mark Pickett*** Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Queen (Celeste Smith) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith Mr. and Mrs. William Turley (Sandry Turley) Mr. Timothy Willis*

Cl a ss of 1969

Mr. and Mrs. Rick Barbour (Kathleen Miller)* Mr. and Mrs. William Beier* Dr. and Mrs. James Bingle (Nancy Hotz)* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Camp Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cimini Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Darr* Mr. and Mrs. Gary Geller Mr. and Mrs. Mark Golden Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haynes Mr. Joseph Rimelspach Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith (Margaret Snyder) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wagner (Sally Holsinger)

Cl a ss of 1970

Mrs. Sally Breyer (Frederick) Mr. and Mrs. Tom Busold Mr. and Mrs. Richard Evans* Mr. John Faist Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gonya* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hoelzle (Charlotte Kusmer) Mr. and Mrs. Philip Masten (Amy Kupka) Dr. and Mrs. Scott Mead (Martha Burkett)*** Ms. Roberta Moyer* Ms. Cathy Pfefferle-Stone Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reineck (Cynthia Baumer) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reineck* Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Root Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stanley (MaryAnne Babione)* Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wise (Sandra Lee)* Mr. and Mrs. Jim Yeager***

Cl a ss of 1971

Mr. and Mrs. James Celek* Mr. and Mrs. Rod Cutcher (Patricia Barbour)* Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Darr (Martha Kuzma)*

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Durnwald Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eshleman (Deborah Freeh) Mr. and Mrs. John Fatica (Mary Zyski) Ms. Linda Gegorski Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haaser Ms. Teresa Hall (Snyder) Mr. and Mrs. William Herb (Rosemary Smola)* Mr. and Mrs. Randall Koebel (Judith Reineck)* Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moyer* Mr. and Mrs. William Ochs Mr. and Mrs. John Overmyer Mr. and Mrs. David Peiffer* Dr. and Mrs. Mark Pickett (Linda Stout)*** Mr. and Mrs. Steve Yellstrom

Cl a ss of 1972

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beier (Mary Chudzinski) Mr. and Mrs. William Beier (Linda Freeh)** Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Busold (Joanne Gabel) Mr. and Mrs. William Halm** Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hoelzle Mr. Mark Hoffman* Dr. and Mrs. Kim Knight (Joan Burkett) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lee (Constance Saner) Ms. Constance Magrum Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Meszaros (Jennifer Spieldenner) Ms. Marian Miller Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Shetzer Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wasserman*** Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zamora*

Cl a ss of 1973

Mr. and Mrs. Ron Autullo (Margaret Reineck) Mr. and Mrs. John Barrington* Mr. and Mrs. William Bork Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cook Mr. Steve Gottron and Mrs. Terry Kuzma-Gottron* Mr. and Mrs. David Gutschalk (Mary Rich) Mrs. Susan Harris (McCue)* Mr. and Mrs. Ron McDonald (Patricia Fisher) Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rhoad Mr. and Mrs. Norman Selvey (Catherine Darr) Mr. David Snyder* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Yeager*** Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zamora (Martha Wolf)*

Cl a ss of 1974

Mr. and Mrs. William Barbour (Susan Moyer)* Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dirlam* Mr. and Mrs. Bill Durnwald* Mr. and Mrs. Gary Geller (Adele Rellinger) Mr. John Halm** Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Kepler (Diane Geller) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gottron (Teresa Kuzma)* Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kwiatkowski* Mr. Bryan Ohm* Mr. Carl Overmyer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Wahl Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wasserman Mrs. Joan Wizgird (Ochs) Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Yeager (Sandra Hershey)***

Cl a ss of 1975

Mr. Bill Burkett*** Ms. Abby Camp

Mr. and Mrs. John Fey* Mr. and Mrs. Rick Jenkins** Mr. and Mrs. Steven Overholt (Marla Stout) Ms. Teresa Roth (Mosser) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith (Mary Rimelspach) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Staib

Cl a ss of 1976

Ms. Peggy Barth (Haynes) Mr. and Mrs. Rob Boukissen (Kathleen Reineck)* Mrs. Susan Brett (Smith) Mr. Bruce Cook Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jenkins (Susan Freeh)** Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kusmer (Susan Hoffman)* Mr. and Mrs. John Lindenberger Dr. and Mrs. Michael McHenry (Theresa Miller) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Picciuto Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Staib (Dianne Luc) Mr. and Mrs. James Wendt (Cheryl Poseler)* Mr. and Mrs. William Zamora*

Cl a ss of 1977

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gottron* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jay (MaryLou Schmidt) Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kosta (Joanne Gabel) Mr. and Mrs. John Lindenberger (Sonia Colon) Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mayle (Mary Poorman) Mr. and Mrs. David Spader (Regina Molyet) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Stang (Brenda Foos) Mrs. Jeanine VanDerLaar (Faist) Mr. and Mrs. Jed Vollmar (Susan Eberly) Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver Mr. John Yeager**

Cl a ss of 1978

Ms. Marilyn Binsack (Mosser) Mr. and Mrs. Vern Conley (Maria Colon) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gabel* Mr. and Mrs. Mark Golamb (Carolyn Mosser) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hill (Cheryl McKinney) Mr. and Mrs. Neal Miesle Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rhineberger Mr. and Mrs. Ramiro Sanchez (Susan Wagner)* Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Sauber (Debra Miller)*** Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Scott Taylor (Mary Miesle)

Cl a ss of 1979

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Chudzinski* Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin* Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dickman (Elaine Foos) Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fisher** Mr. and Mrs. Steven Freeh Mr. and Mrs. James Gabel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gabel* Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gillmor (Kathleen Naderer) Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman* Mr. Joseph Moyer* Mr. and Mrs. Rogelio Sanchez (Colleen Hoffman) Mr. Kent Weickert**

Cl a ss of 1980

Mrs. Loraine Ameling (Darr)*

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ashba (Lisa Kindt) Mr. Christopher Cook* Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin (Annette Mayle)* Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hensley (Theresa Ochs) Mr. and Mrs. Brian Knopp* Mr. and Mrs. Ron Landis (Jacqueline Mosser) Ms. Anne Poorman** Mr. and Mrs. James Ronski (Amy Spieldenner)* Ms. Dorita Snyder (Steinle)*

Cl a ss of 1981

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cook Mr. and Mrs. Adam Crockett (Laurie Bodnar) Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Cullen* Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dickman Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dohanos Mr. James Fisher* Mr. Matthew Haynes Ms. Lisa Hilty (Baumer) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hrupcho Ms. Ann Karr (Haaser) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parkey (Paula Spieldenner) Mr. and Dr. Donald Rafferty (Janice Frederick)* Mr. and Mrs. Mike Reardon* Mrs. Julie Rodriguez (Foos) Mrs. Elizabeth Shreffler (Haynes) Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Wurzel

Cl a ss of 1982

Mr. and Mrs. John Beauchemin (Patrice Cook)* Mr. Jim Cronin Dr. Dave Darr* Mr. Timothy Foos* Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Gonya (Laura Bisnette) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Greg Knieriem (Veronica Mumford) Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mehling (Shari Stotz) Mr. and Mrs. Tony Michael (Patricia Vanyo)* Mr. Dave Rhineberger

Cl a ss of 1983

Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffert (Michelle McDermott) Mrs. Therese Martin (Cimini) Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rini (Melisa Spieldenner) Mr. and Mrs. Craig Travis (Heather House) Mrs. Brigette WensingerJanssens

Cl a ss of 1984

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Foos (Jami Wammes) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Fox (Laurie Sweeney) Ms. Tina HalbeisenBohannan Mr. and Mrs. Tim Mantoani (Lynn Setzler) Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Snyder (Kelly Ross) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spieldenner* Mr. and Mrs. John Swint Mr. and Mrs. George Weissinger (Karen Cook) Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wymer (Karen Kuss)

Cl a ss of 1985

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kupka (Martha House) Mr. and Mrs. Chris Merklin (Angela Young) Mr. and Mrs. John Reiter*


Cl a ss of 1986

Mr. Mark Brown* Mr. and Mrs. David Dixon* Mr. and Mrs. Todd Jett (Sandra Wagner) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kupka Mr. Mike Miller* Dr. and Mrs. James Nieman (Lisa Gonya)* Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ochs (Kendra Binder)* Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Yeckley*

Cl a ss of 1987

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cook Mr. and Mrs. Kregg Gegorski* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gonya (Michelle Bauer) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mercer (Annette Michael) Mr. and Mrs. Mike Militello* Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ochs* Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Paeth Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Pearson (Maribeth Mayle) Mr. and Mrs. Mike Reardon (Shannon Hetrick)* Mr. and Mrs. Matt Winters Major Doug Young***

Cl a ss of 1988

Mr. and Mrs. John Bair (Joy Swint) Ms. Maureen Barry* Mr. and Mrs. Tony Haslinger** Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hirt* (Denice Quaintance) Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hotz (Michelle Reiter) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Merrill* Mr. Jeffrey Overmyer* Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Smith* Mr. and Mrs. Scott Urig (Kristine Kashmer) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wolfe (Lucy Nieset)

Cl a ss of 1989

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bender Mr. and Mrs. Mike Militello (Lori Pfeiffer)* Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller (Kristen Hartenstein)* Mr. and Mrs. Bill Steinberger* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Willis (Nicole Binder) Mr. and Mrs. Richard West (Tiffany Wise)*

Cl a ss of 1990

Ms. Sheri Brudzinski* Mr. Jason Good

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hirt* Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hotz Mr. and Mrs. Eric Smola Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sneider (Holly Haslinger) Mr. and Mrs. Doug Nason (Leigh Waggoner)

Cl a ss of 1991

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Eshleman* Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Furlong* Ms. Carrie Hart

Cl a ss of 1992

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Aschenbrener (Pamela Kubat)* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foos Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hines (Amy Lenhart)* Mr. and Mrs. Dave Spieldenner (Jill Wonderly) Mr. and Mrs. Matt Wilkins (Suzanne Militello)

Cl a ss of 1993

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Buchheit (Emily Carr) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Duty (Marie Diluciano) Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hirt Mr. and Mrs. Steve Holbrook (Angela Halbeisen)* Mr. and Mrs. Tony Jenkins** Mr. and Mrs. Michael Paeth Mr. and Mrs. Cortlund Sattler Mr. and Mrs. Dave Spieldenner

Cl a ss of 1994

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Dorobek (Amy Wagner) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Gable (Emily Wilhelm) Mr. Eric Hartenstein* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Paeth (Elizabeth Dickman) Mr. and Mrs. Dale Russell* Mr. John Schneider*

Cl a ss of 1995

Drs. Mark and Tracey Hoelzle**

Cl a ss of 1996

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Coger (Maria Alcala) Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert (Jamie Chapman) Mr. and Mrs. Tony Jenkins (Suzanne Halbeisen)** Mr. and Mrs. Cory Lewis (Rochelle Haaser)

Gif t s Catholic Schools Auction Our apologies to Frank Lazzario of Sofo Foods and Schedel Gardens in Elmore whose names were left off the list of donors. CEDF Mary Barrington M/M Mike Haaser Larry Kramer Tom Ochs M/M Gerard Shondell Louise Stout George Widman


Debt Reduction Appeal Sara Barbour Golf Tournament Roberta Moyer Scholarships Tom & Ellen Leite In Honor of Rick Barbour’s 60th Birthday M/M Tom Leite Pickett-Stout-Dumminger Dr./M Mark Pickett SJCC Swim Team Dr/M Howard Stierwalt

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ryan (Julia Bordner) Mr. and Mrs. Jason Smola Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Wiechman

Cl a ss of 1997

Mr. Joseph Fey* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foos (Jamie Eshleman) Mr. Andrew Taylor*

Cl a ss of 1998

Mr. and Mrs. Steffen Brown (Julie Kupka) Mr. Joshua Lauer* Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Waleryszak*

Cl a ss of 1999

Mr. Douglas Haaser Mr. Rustun Schack* Mr. and Mrs. Eric Setzler* Mr. and Mrs. Jason Smola (Michelle Gruss)

Cl a ss of 2000

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cahill (Tracy Snyder) Mr. Jim Carmack Mr. Greg Darr Mr. and Mrs. Jason Moody (Jennifer Bork) Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Waleryszak (Rachel Root)*

Cl a ss of 2001

Ms. Julie Hurst Mr. and Mrs. Scott Moyer* Mr. and Mrs. Zach Sanchez

Cl a ss of 2002

Ms. Sarah Haaser* Mr. and Mrs. Scott Moyer (Jennifer Gabel)* Mr. and Mrs. Juan Vela (Keri Peiffer)*

Fr iend s of SJCC

AAA-Ohio Automobile ClubMatching Gift Abbott Laboratories Matching Gift Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Alcala Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Arndt Mr. and Mrs. Mark Auxter Ms. Brenda Baker Mrs. Mary Barrington* Mr. and Mrs. David Batey* Mrs. Darlene Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Tom Beaschler* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beck Mr. and Mrs. William Beck*** Mrs. Helen Beier* Tuition Assistance Class of 1949 Undesignated Wilma Darr M/M Peter Miller Target Reward Cash Window Club Gifts from Class Reunions Class of 1942 Nancy P. Fey Class of 1970 Class of 1970 M/M Jonathon Kissane (Kathleen Fisher) Roberta Moyer Martin Norton M/M Joseph Sonderman (Marilyn Hertzer)

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Billow* Reverend Daniel Borgelt Mr. and Mrs. Enrico Branda Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Brawley Reverend Ronald Brickner* Mr. Richard Bruchs Reverend David Bruning* Brush Wellman Matching Gift *** Mr. and Mrs. Chris Carnicom Reverend Gerald Ceranowski Ms. Mary Chestnutt Mr. and Mrs. Craig Chlosta* Mr. Phillip Darr Mrs. Wilma Darr Mrs. Jan Denman Mr. and Mrs. Steve Depottey Mrs. Carolyn Dickman* Dr. & Mrs. Mark Mathews* Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Drown Mr. Thomas Dudley* Mrs. D. Eleanor Dudley* Reverend Thomas Extejt* Mr. and Mrs. Mike Foster Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Fought Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frank* Futronics, Inc.*** Mr. and Mrs. William Gesell*** Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Good Mr. and Mrs. James Gray* H.J. Heinz Co Matching Gift ** Mr. Roger Hafford* Mr. and Mrs. James Hammer* Mr. and Mrs. Tim Harmon* Mrs. June Hart* Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hartenstein* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Haven Ms. Jan Hazen Mr. and Mrs. Jody Heberling* Mr. and Mrs. George Hintze Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hite** Hoch’s 818 Club, LLC* Ms. Ruth Hoffman Mr. Thomas Hopp* Mr. and Mrs. Monte Huss Mr. George Irish** Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jenkins KeyBank- Matching Gift Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Kistler Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kline Mr. and Mrs. Chris Knight*** Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kuhlman Ms. Kathleen Kupka Dr. Frank Magro and Dr. Sue Amidon* Mrs. Anne Marquis* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin* Mr. and Mrs. Bob McCartney Mr. and Mrs. James McGrady Mr. Dick Merchant* Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller* Mr. and Mrs. Ron Molyet* Mr. and Mrs. Gary Morykwas*

Mrs. Margaret Mosser Mrs. Connie Mumford Dr. and Mrs. Paul Nagy*** Mrs. Virginia Nagy** Mr. Bernard Nause Ms. Dianna Nevius Mr. Tom Ochs Owens-Illinois Matching Gift Mrs. Pat Picciuto** Ms. Liz Pietrykowski* Mr. Gerald Porczak* Progressive InsuranceMatching Gift ** Raytheon-Matching Gift* Mrs. Sara Rich Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Risner Mr. and Mrs. Tim Robinson* Mrs. Barb Ronski Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rospert Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryan Mrs. Nancy Sattler Mr. and Mrs. Don Schlea Reverend Dennis Schroeder* Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Sessler* Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Setzler Mr. Norb Shiets and Ms. Lynn Blake Mrs. Grace Sidell Mr. and Mrs. Dale Smith Mr. and Mrs. James Snider* Ms. Shari Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Vince Snyder* Steinberger Christmas Tree Farm Dr. and Mrs. Howard Stierwalt*** Dr. and Mrs. James Stierwalt*** Mr. and Mrs. Greg Strayer Mr. and Mrs. Ed Streacker** Mr. and Mrs. Paul Streacker The Anderson’s Matching Gift* Ms. Doris Tuazon Mr. and Mrs. Ken Waggoner Mr. and Mrs. Tim Walters* Mr. and Mrs. Mick Warner Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wasson** Ms. Amy Weickert Mr. Terry Wilhelm Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wiza**** Mr. and Dr. Charles Wonderly* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wonderly* Wonderly Collision** Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woolf* Mr. and Mrs. Jim Yeckley*** Ms. Judy Zavela* Dr. Norman Zavela*

M/M Ernest Stanley (Mary Ann Babione) M/M Jim Yeager

Jolie Smedley (Camella) Brian Celek Becky Granata (Drabik) Pat Eberly Ryan Faist Kevin Fox Louie Gabel Dustin Heyman Mark Hoelzle Julie Celek (Hotz) Erin Decker (Kelly) Jon Link Monica Ramirez Rob Reineck Tony Reiter Jeff Schneider Laura Smathers Amy Drusback (Vassar ) Josh Wehring Zach Wonderly

Class of 1975 Bill Burkett John Fey Marla Overholt (Stout) Teresa Roth (Mosser) Nanette Steinle Class of 1985 Laura Brown (Brandt) Martha Kupka (House) Elizabeth Lang (Daubel) Angie Merklin (Young) Kathy Schell (Swint) Class of 1995 Arlene McCarty (Auxter) Bryan Busold

Fall 2010

Memor ial s Building Facility Nicholas Darr* Bill & Sally Steinbauer CEDF Jerry Burkin* Anonymous Kathleen Foos* M/M Leo Walter Fr. Earl Loeffer* Mary Barrington Debt Reduction Appeal Carl, Mathilda, and Bill Tremper* Tom Tremper SCHOLARSHIPS James & Barbara Haubert Nicholas Darr* M/M Mike Gabel Tom & Ellen Leite Joel Marquis* M/M Tom Leite Fr. Earl Loeffler* M/M Tom Leite M/M Fritz Eder Bernadine & Earl Loeffler Fr. Earl Loeffler* Jeanne Byron M/M Ron Crocker Bernadine Eckles Phyllis Lacure Dr. Richard Loeffler Thomas Swint Nicholas Darr* M/M Tom Swint Don & Jean Wasserman Fr. Earl Loeffler* Jean Wasserman Weickert Family Dusty Rhodes* Judy Weickert Ken Weickert Tuition Assistance Nicholas Darr* Anonymous M/M Greg Arndt M/M Tom Babione M/M Bill Barbour Thomas Beier Matthew & Lisa Benner M/M JP Benner M/M Jeff Berryman M/M Steven Billow M/M Mark Binsack

Fall 2010

M/M William Bork Ralph & Lynette Canter M/M Tom Carmack M/M Richard Chamberlain Kyle Chudzinski M/M Anthony Chudzinski M/M Harry Coe M/M Bruce Darr M/M John Fey Paul & Donna Fishbaugh M/M Gerald Foos M/M Pat Furlong M/M Norman Gabel Brandon Gabel M/M Bob Gillmor M/M Gary Godfred M/M Mark Golamb Tim Kidd M/M Rick Kusmer M/M John Lauer M/M Charles Lenhart M/M Tom Light M/M Tom Luc Anne Marquis Dean & Ruth Mehlow M/M Al Mehlow M/M Peter Miller M/M Jeff Molyet M/M Pete Naderer M/M Bill Ochs M/M Allan O’Neal A.J. O’Neal M/M Kris Perry Sarah Pietrykowski Adam Pumphrey M/M Mark Pumphrey M/M Don Reinhart M/M Ron Rodenhauser M/M Richard Setzler M/M John Setzler Brady Smith Bob Stainbrook M/M Joseph Steinberger Sylvia Strange M/M Scott Taylor Brad VanDorn Jean Wasserman M/M John Wasserman M/M Mike Wasserman Tom & Vickie Watt Mike & Terri Winke & Family M/M Stan Wise Greg & Christy Wisler Audrey McCue* Joan Bowden Elizabeth Grafing Susan Harris Kathy Holcomb Mary Ellen Kettner M/M Tyler Kolbe M/M John Lauer Leona Laurer Phyllis Long

M/M Vince Militello M/M Robert Moyer Norma Ochs M/M Glenn Saller M/M Burk Tischler M/M Roger Wise Virginia Wright M/M Bill Yeager

Joel Marquis* M/M Jeff Berryman M/M Jeff Blohm M/M Gerald Borer Nan Celek M/M Tom Dalton M/M Wayne Darr Jan Denman M/M Bob Droullond M/M Dick Freeborn M/M Bob Gabel M/M Mike Gabel Jeanette Gleba M/M Lawrence Gutschalk M/M David Hahn M/M Tom Herb Liz Hickey M/M Ken Hoffman Kathy Holcomb M/M Phil Horn Mary Ellen Kettner M/M Victor Kline Joseph Kramer M/M Dave Krupp Jim Lauer M/M John Lauer Jacci Lehman M/M Chuck Lenhart Susan Luc Anne Marquis Mary Marquis Shirley McCarthy M/M Carl Miller M/M Roland Raeker Angie Ritzman M/M Jim Ronski M/M Mark Rospert M/M Ed Schwartz, Jr. M/M Burk Tischler M/M Jed Vollmar Rita Wammes M/M Don Widman Rod Williams M/M Bill Yeager Undesignated Bernice Haubert* M/M Robert Moyer Ron Johnson* M/M Joel Marquis Michael King* Patricia Andecover Bobby’s Truck & Auto

M/M Brian Burns Marcia Cleveland M/M Robert Darr M/M Gary Godfred M/M Charles Gonya Jan Hazen M/M Tom Herb LtCol/M Thomas Hoffert M/M Paul Hrupcho M/M Andrew Klisz M/M Richard Klisz Doris Krienke M/M Robert Kupka M/M Robert Linke Jean Overmyer M/M Dean Pfefferle M/M John Spieldenner Charlat Stefanni M/M Don Widman Geraldine Woodings

Fr. Earl Loeffler* M/M Noel Almeida Esther Barbour M/M Gaylord Bowden Joan Bowden M/M Thomas Byers Peggy Celek Class of 1955 M/M Rod Cutcher M/M Thomas Dalton M/M Gerald Dendinger Ann Desmond Paul & Donna Ditmyer M/M Richard Faist M/M Michael Gabel Karen Gabel Elaine Garvin M/M Gary Godfred Jake Gonya June Hart Dale Haslinger M/M John Hille M/M William House Edith Keehn Mary Ellen Kettner Marian Kindred Marilyn Knopp-Siler M/M Carl Koebel Teresa Kuzma M/M Kevin Kwiatkowski M/M John Lauer M/M Charles Lenhart M/M Michael Miesle M/M Ralph Miller James Miller M/M Richard Miller Margaret Mosser M/M Bob Moyer Pat Picciuto M/M Joseph Ruble M/M Glenn Saller M/M Robert Schmidt Suzanne Serke M/M Donald Shiets

M/M Robert Smith M/M John Spieldenner M/M Thomas Spieldenner Suzanne Stapleton Margaret Stengle M/M Burkhart Tischler Mary Valentine Mary Kay Walter M/M Robert Warrick M/M John Wasserman Betty Weltin M/M Neal Wensinger Marcella Wilhelm Anna Winton M/M James Winton Elizabeth Wohlgamuth M/M Bill Yeager

John Steinbauer* Rosemary Steinbauer Mary Wonderly* M/M Herbert Hoffman Wrestling Program Nicholas Darr* Mary Coleman Joel Marquis* M/M Dan Coleman


Found in


By: Billy Pietrykowski (Class of ’05)


have never been complacent. I have very vivid memories of my time at St. Joe: book open on a desk in front of me while my mind strayed to lands where the foreign textures of words wrapped around me like fine silk. At the end of my undergraduate education at Ohio State I followed the advice of a French professor and applied for a position to teach English for the French Ministry of Education in a town in North-Eastern France. I agreed to teach for a one-year contract in three elementary schools in a town called Charleville-Mézières. While the year posed endless complications from every linguistic and cultural angle, the beauty which I experienced by living outside of myself left me with a deep craving to continue to experience the world as I never before have. On vacation I arrived in France in late September of 2010 to find myself standing in front of 150 French students, ages in Iceland du ring ranging from five to twelve, generally uninterested in the English language. While my English and French dehistoric 2010 volcanic erup the grees prepared me to discuss poetry and to write thoughtful compositions, they did NOT teach me how to reption. rehend a child for eating an entire glue stick or how to punish another for violence with a pencil. My students found joy in seeing me sweat after their antics, and sweat is often what they saw dripping from my brow while I chased them around the room and coerced them back into their seats. I was naïve enough to think that I was the only teacher who struggled with discipline. I was the foreign one in school and thus perhaps the first to develop “a victim complex.” Other teachers assured me that the more playful my students were, the more they liked and engaged the subject. I certainly had roomfuls of English enthusiasts!

Concentrating my students’ energies, I established a pen-pal exchange program with one of my most “playful” fifth-grade classes. Since St. Joe no longer has an active French program, my students communicated strictly in English with sophomores and seniors in Fremont. I relished the terror emanating through their eyes when I gave them their writing assignment—yes, teachers too can be “playful”. I reminded them in my smile—I was more interested to see if they could practically implement what we had learned to create a comprehensible letter, and of course to see what the students at St. Joe would think of them. I am happy to report that everyone survived and even succeeded. The vast majority of my students actually felt as though they had found a friend, albeit a friend they may never meet, sitting on the other side of the Atlantic much like they were in France: book open, mouth ajar, and mind bent on a future that had nothing to do with algebra, or perhaps in our case English. I left France in July of 2010 with the expiration of my worker’s visa. There is not one day that passes when I do not think or laugh about the moments that shaped what I now recognize as a consistently and constantly morphing year. I know that as life continues to whip about in a torrent of constantly changing images, ever-playful France will also be whispering nearby, tempting me to turn another corner.

Th y Will Be Don e MFA Exhibition 2010 Dan Chudzinski (Class of ‘03)


an received his Master’s Degree in Fine Arts in 2010 from Bowling Green State University. Dan’s creations, “The Fall of the Archangel Lucifer” and “The Pieta,” were exhibited in the Spring of 2010 at BGSU. This MFA (Masters of Fine Arts) exhibition is a planned exhibit or thesis show. For this show, the artist is responsible for the art, the advertising and the installation of their creations. The exhibition demonstrates the artist’s mastery of their medium. Dan remarks, “While working on this piece (The Fall of the Archangel Lucifer), I did not stop to think; I just kept working. I proved to myself what I am capable of. While working, there was more happening than just sculpting. I create art that I hope provokes an emotional response from the audience that they did not expect. I believe that art should out live the artist. I feel the artist is the messenger, the art is the message, and it is in the artist’s hands how well the message is conveyed.” Art is faith, It is not defined by the will of the individual, but through the individual’s willingness to commit themself to a higher purpose, for this reason it cannot be faked. It is never a hobby, something that can be engaged when convenient, but a lifestyle. Each work becomes a prayer, an offering of time, blood, and passion. Art is a tangible act of devotion. It is the willingness to endure fatigue, criticism and frustration. It enables one to approach dauntless tasks, even when they do not know how, simply because they know that they must. Along the way, the artist is offered countless reasons to walk away, to retreat to the safety of their comfort zone, to let others find the answer. Yet within the artist builds an increasing pressure: Inspiration. To ignore this voice, to turn one’s back, condemns the vision to a slow and quiet death. The message perishes without the world ever knowing it. It becomes the priority of the artist to pursue that vision no matter what the cost. However, the artist knows that even after the completion of the work, the pressure never fully subsides. Art is not something that is understood upon the completion of a single work. It is developed and nurtured over the course of a lifetime. The process empowers, yet humbles. Art is the ability to transform a lump of clay into a vision that brings a stranger to tears, for reasons they cannot fully explain. The completed work is a manifestation of unbridled passion, presenting itself through the soft whisper of grace or grasping the soul with terrifying fury. It forces the viewer to believe , though they have had every reason to doubt and delivers a message so powerful it is not restricted by the barriers of language, culture, or even death. Through the act of creation the artist becomes a conduit of this message. The artist endures, so that in time, so will the message. The final work is but a glimpse of the divine will that inspired it.


Fall 2010

The IN Box

In the News

Keep SJCC updated with what is “in the news” with you. E-mail your news to sberryman@streaks.net or send it to SJCC 702 Croghan St., Fremont, OH, 43420, ATTN: Voice

1940’s The Class of 1945 held its 65th reunion, October 6. Fifteen classmates, including Sr. Mary Pauline Swint, attended. 1950’s Joan (Busold ‘58) and Gary Godfred ‘54 celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, September 3. 1960’s Richard Faist ‘60 retired in July after 46 years with the Toledo, Ohio office of KPMG Peat Marwick/Clifton Gunderson. He served as managing partner of the office since 1982. Maureen (Sherer ‘65) and Michael Glovinsky celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary, September 26. Mary Ann Stansfield ‘64 was honored with the Voice of Giving Award by the Greater Cincinnati Planned Giving Council. She worked 38 years at the St. Rita School for the Deaf as teacher, principal, and director of special services. She established the Mary Ann Stansfield Scholarship to fund various programs to allow students to grow to their fullest potential. 1970’s Ken Kusmer ‘76 was named Journalist of the Year by the Indiana Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, he works for Associated Press in Indianapolis. 1980’s Tracey and Tony Haslinger ‘88 welcomed son, Brayden Anthony Haslinger, September 12. 1990’s Melissa (Geller ‘99) and Jason Baron welcomed daughter, Addi Eliyah, June 28. Melissa and Brian Harman ‘98 welcomed son, Cormac “Mac” James Harman, June 7. Jamie (Heberling ‘99) and Derek McCartney were married July 10. Jamie is the Communications Director for the Ohio Attorney General. Amy (Lenhart ‘92) and Michael Hines welcomed son, Beckett Arlington Hines, March 24. Fr. (Walter) Tad Oxley ‘94 is the Vice-Rector of the College of Liberal Arts for the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio. He will oversee the entire formation program for the college seminarians. He joined the faculty in the fall of 2009 where he served as the Director of Liturgy. Emily (Stotz ‘97) and Andy Peterson, welcomed daughter, Emma Louise Peterson, June 22. Erin (Raubenolt ‘00) and Mike Snyder ‘98, ‘98 welcomed daughter, Alexis Marie Snyder, April 28. Amber Reineck ‘94 and Bryan Root were married September 4. Meredith Winkler and Ryan Wilhelm ‘98 were married September 18. Ryan earned his master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling and is employed as a mental health/career counselor at the Ohio State University. 2000’s Paul Blohm ‘10 won first place in Complete Maintenance Technology at the Regional Skills competition at Terra State Community College. He went on to win the Bronze medal at the State competition. Megan Casey ‘06 will be working for two years in the Mississippi Delta area through the Teach for America program. The program recruits college students that have leadership qualities, are involved on campus, and performed well academically. She graduated magna cum laude from Miami University in Ohio with a BA in history and international affairs and plans to attend law school after Teach for America. Danielle Dickman ‘05 ‘05, daughter of Elaine (Foos ‘79) and Mark Dickman ‘81, graduated from Kent State in 2009 and is an Account Coordinator for Malone Advertising in Akron, Ohio. Sarah and Keith Good ‘00, welcomed daughter, Eleanor Keirah Good, June 22. Jennifer (Hofelich ‘01) and Timothy Sanders, Sanders welcomed son, Xavier Charles Sanders, March 23. Chelsea Binder and Kris Klotz ‘01 were married August 8. Erin (Raubenolt ‘00) and Mike Snyder ‘98, ‘98 welcomed daughter, Alexis Marie Snyder, April 28.

In Our Prayers Patricia Gabel Pam Wolfe

In Memoriam Nick Darr ‘04 Norman Gabel ‘48 Dale Gloer ‘52 Pamela (Maier) Hofstetter ‘64 Fr. Earl Loeffler Mary Alice (Habermeier) Mann ‘30 Audrey (Heschel) McCue ‘41

Fall 2010

In Thanks

To Ken Dumminer ‘64 for Fall sports pictures. To Eshleman Fruit Farm for donating apples for the Cross Country meets. To Larry Hattan of Port Clinton who conducts the ongoing energy study for SJCC. For Soup Stop food donors: Mark Boukissen, Kim Cope, and Judy Good. To Tom Hoelzle and Crew for resurfacing the gym floor. To Jimmy Bukketts Workers: Kim Cope, Marcia Cleveland, Jerry & Robbyn Eakin, Pat & Dee Furlong, Gary Geller, Sue Kusmer, Peggy Mitchell, Liz Pietrykowski, Sarah Pietrykowski, Angie Ritzman, Ron Rodenhauser, Roger Tarolli, Ryan Wiegel, and Roger & Sandra Wise To Bobby Sears for locating a fine used bus to replace the old one.


F Y I Flash


Are you an SJCC Alum that served or are serving our country in the military? We would like to honor and thank you in the next Voice issue. Please send your name, grad year, military branch, and years served. If you have a picture in uniform please e-mail it to sberryman@streaks.net. Depending on space available we will try to include as many pictures as possible.

E-mail Please Live out of town and want to hear about things happening with your classmates? Send your e-mail to aritzman@streaks.net and we will add you to our e-mail list. Quarterly e-mails are sent about upcoming events as well as special e-mails about your classmates.

Class Reunions Planning your class reunion for 2011? The Alumni & Friends Golf Outing will be Saturday August 6. Schedule your reunion that weekend and join us for golf. Homecoming is Saturday, October 8, plan your reunion in the fall. 1961 Meets second Tuesday each month, Noon at Fremont Moose 1966 Meets first Monday each month, nombl@yahoo.com 1981 July 30, 2011, The Depot. Contact PJ Foos at 419-3326977 for more details

Sign-up your Kroger Plus Card online at wwww.kroger.com/communityrewards. SJCC will receive a donation from Kroger based on the total sales generated each quarter.

Alumni Basketball Game Wednesday November 24

7th Grade vs. Northwood 4:30 p.m. 8th Grade vs Northwood 5:15 p.m. Freshmen vs. Alumni 6:00 p.m. JV vs Alumni at 6:45 p.m. Varsity vs Alumni 8:00 p.m. E-mail Coach Jon Will at sjcc.hoops@gmail.com to register or for more information. The $15.00 registration fee can be sent to SJCC 702 Croghan St. Fremont in care of Alumni Basketball. Include your year graduated, e-mail, address, phone, and shirt size. Due to lack of participation this will be the final year for the lottery daily drawing. Reminder- If you haven’t sent in your $15 Alumni dues, there is still time. Alumni dues helps defray the cost of printing and mailing The Voice. The Fremont Area Athletic Foundation Basketball Game is scheduled for November 19 at SJCC. Girls will play at 6:00 p.m. and Boys at 7:00 p.m. Entry fee is $5.00 and proceeds will go to the Fremont Area Athletic Foundation Scholarship.

2010 Alumni & Friends/CEDF Golf Outing

Saturday, August 7 was a great day for golf as SJCC alumni and friends participated in the 6th annual Alumni & Friends/ CEDF Golf Outing. Green Hills in Clyde hosted the event with 26 teams competing. Over $5,000 was raised and will be split between the Alumni & Friends Association and CEDF. Congratulations to the winning team of Shawn Dickman ‘93, Denny Dickman ‘65, Phil Dickman ‘74, and Markus Dickman! We would like to thank the golf committee members Rick Frank, Jerry Freeh, John Lauer, Al O’Neal and Al Schabel, for the time and expertise in planning the outing, and to the sponsors listed below. TOURNAMENT SPONSORS Jake’s Auto Services Al Schabel Primerica Fremont Federal Credit Union Wonderly Horvath Hanes Funeral Home and Crematory Erie Shore Propane Pinnacle Capital Management Mayle, Ray, and Mayle PRIZE DONORS Billy’s Restaurant CEDF Chud’s Grille Crown Battery Druckenmiller and Kayden Families Fremont Federal Credit Union


Green Hills-River Cliff &Woussickett Golf Courses Hoch’s 818 Club KeyBank John & Alison Lauer Al O’Neal Rick Frank Insurance Roth Insurance SJCC SJCC Alumni & Friends Sycamore Hills Golf Course Terra Community College Henry Valle Whitey’s Diner Bill Wingard Jim Yeager HOLE SPONSORS Advanced Plumbing Automatic Fire Protection

Beck Propane Beer Port Bob Evans Restaurant Rob Boukissen-Wendt Key Team Realty Canine Bliss, LLC Carbo Forge & Machine Clyde Findlay Area Credit Union Countryside Continuing Care Croghan Colonial Bank Crown Battery Mfg. Co., Inc. Dairy Queen East The Denman Family The Depot Diversified Insurance Services Eye Centers of Northwest Ohio Foster Auto Body Inc.

Fremont Country Club Fremont Federal Credit Union Fremont Flask Company Fricker’s Karen Gabel Gabel & Associates Realty Grund Drug Co. Heinz North America Hoch’s 818 Club Huntington Insurance Jake’s Auto Services, Inc. Kuns Northcoast Security Lesher Printers, Inc. John & Alison Lauer Linke’s Wheel Alignment Luc Ice Mark A. Mathews, O.D. Mayle, Ray, and Mayle M. Scott Mead, DDS The McCue Family Nagy Orthodontics

The O’Neal Family Dr. Andy Peterson, DDS Pfefferle Family Primerica-Al Schabel Progressive Iron & Metal Rick Frank Insurance Tim & Deb Sauber Spieldenner Carpet One Spiffy’s Car Wash Dr. Howard Stierwalt Subway Sycamore Hills Golf Club Terra Community College Walt Rusch Plumbing and Heating Jerry & Sandy Yeager Young’s RV Center

Fall 2010

The Crimson

Cl oset Show your SJCC Spirit!

an & Ailis Emm a Hoffm

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Davi d W asson

Name________________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________City________________St_____Zip_________ Mail or bring this order form to Phone______________________E-Mail_____________________________________________ SJCC 702 Croghan St. Fremont, OH 43420 Gray Sweatshirt $25.00 Red T-Shirt $10.00 Water Bottle $2.00 Adult Small Medium Large Adult Small Medium Large Lunchbox/Cooler $5.00 X-Large 2X-Large X-Large 2X-Large Baseball Cap $15.00 - $20.00 Depending on Style

Thank you to this issue’s sponsor:

CEDF Reverse Raffle... and more! Saturday November 13 at Ole Zim’s Wagon Shed

•Doors Open at 6:00 p.m. •Dinner at 7:00 p.m. •Raffle begins after dinner •Music and Dancing immediately following the raffle •Tickets are $100 and include one dinner, an extra dinner is $25

WEICKERT INSURANCE AGENCY Kent Weickert Mike Weickert Class of ‘79

Class of ‘83

(419) 332-6423 2274 West State Street Fremont, OH 43420

Return this form with your check payable to CEDF to: CEDF PO Box 1302 Fremont, OH Name____________________________________ Address__________________________________ Phone ___________________________________

If you would like to sponsor the winter Voice issue contact Angie Ritzman at aritzman@streaks.net Fall 2010

E-mail ___________________________________



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Crimson & Gray Days! November 1-3 Senior Kairos Retreat 13 CEDF Reverse Rafe...and More 24 Calendar Drive Begins 24 Alumni Basketball Games December 21 Reach Out 23 Christmas Vacation Begins


njoying their second season playing at the Naderer Sports Complex, Grant Cleveland, Chris Carpenter, and the rest of the Streaks appreciate their top-notch facility.

Visit us on the web at www.streaks.net

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