2004 Voice Fall

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Special Campaign Edition September 2004 For Alumni, Friends and Families of Saint Joseph Central Catholic High School

A Message from the Principal

Fellow alumni, parents and friends of SJCC, It is hard for me to imagine the decisions that had to be made by our church leaders in 1896 as they considered the challenges of financing, opening and operating a new high school in Fremont. How did they handle all of the details associated with starting up a school? The facility, the curriculum, teachers and teaching assignments, funding, worship and prayer, and many other issues requiring strong and committed leadership. Inspired by the spirit of Saint Joseph and with the help of many people, our community’s vision for Catholic secondary education became a reality over 108 years ago, and the journey began. The tradition continues today. The families of the greater Fremont area, and the community, rely on St. Joseph Central Catholic now more than ever. SJCC is a vibrant and thriving school with a promising story to tell and its brightest future ahead. It shines as a beacon of educational excellence and spiritual enrichment, transforming the hearts and minds of young men and women. As the 2004-2005 school year begins, SJCC is engaged in the most ambitious components of our strategic plan, initiatives that will shape the future of our school for decades to come.

Generations of Commitment: Honoring the Past, Securing Our Future is the largest fundraising program in our school’s history, intended to raise over $2 million in philanthropic support for our great school. To date, over $1.8 million has been pledged by our generous major benefactors.

We have also been fortunate this past year to continue improving the baseball and softball fields on Napoleon Rd. With a special gift of land by Pete and Marcie Naderer, the financial support of over 200+ donors in a special “300 Club” appeal, and the leadership and physical manpower of Tom Bush, Pete Naderer, Tom Rich and a large group of volunteers, we were able to play this last spring on the fields.

Allow me to pay particular tribute to our very good friends, George and Mary (Rettig) Irish, whose commitment of $300,000 constitutes the lead gift to Generations of Commitment. Words cannot express my heartfelt thanks for their willingness to become involved, their hospitality in hosting our recent alumni gathering in New York City, and for their investment in this campaign.

The 2003-2004 Annual Fund Report included in this special campaign issue of The Voice, documents the tremendous generosity of so many alumni, parents, and special friends. Their financial support again reached new levels, elevating our hopes and dreams for our students.

I would also like to especially recognize the hard work of Tim Paradiso, ’77 who serves as the Campaign Chair, whose inspiration, dedication and significant financial investment have moved us to another level. And to our very special Honorary Chair, Fr. Earl Loeffler, who has come from a very busy retirement in Toledo to help in ways that only he could. Fr. Loeffler has been a tremendous blessing to SJCC through the years, and continues to be an inspiration to all who are fortunate enough to work with him. There is no one more worthy of our honor in this special campaign than Fr. Loeffler. Our renovation plans for the school facility are well underway. In September, our Building Committee retained the services of Buehrer Group to help finalize our renovation plans. With a successful response to our capital campaign, we will plan to begin construction in the spring of 2005.

Throughout this landmark 2004-2005 school year, a year of transition and historic initiatives, please remember in your prayers our faculty, staff, and students; our board and volunteers; and all those who have made, and do make, sacrifices so that our school can advance its mission. Be assured that we are thinking and praying for you and all those living and deceased who are dear to you. Go Streaks, Mike Gabel

Fr. Earl Loeffler Past St. Joseph High School Teacher and Principal 1951-1967

Fr. Earl Loeffler Honorary Chair

Annual Fund

Tim Paradiso Capital Campaign Chair

John Lauer Annual Fund Co-Chair

Brad Smith Annual Fund Co-Chair

Mike Gabel Principal

Kathy Boukissen Development Director

Tom and Denise Babione* Sue Barbour* Buck and Laura Baumann* Joe Beier# Rev. Ronald Bickner*# Theodore and Marilyn Bintz* Dr. Ronald Borer* Bev Buckley# Joanne Busold# Rev. Jerry Chmiel* Dan Chudzinski* Harry and Gail Coe* Dr. Vincent Darr (Deceased) * Jim and Sally Daubel* Jan Dickman# Casey and Kathy Drabik* Tom and Marty Dudley*# Karin Duncan# Wanda Eberly# Jerry Freeh# Pat Furlong# Andy and Nanette Genzman* Mike Gottron* Kathy Hall# Hal Hawk* Ken Hershey* Tom and Joanne Hoffert* Norb “Butch” Hoffman* Jim Hoffman* Sue Jenkins# Joan Jones# Mary Knight# Mary Irish* Tom and Phyllis Kiser* John and Allison Lauer* Bob and Dottie Mayle* Lou Mayle* Bob and Kathy McCartney* Bob and Charline Moyer* Bryan Ohm# C. Denis O’Shaughnessy* Bud and Karel Oxley* Bill and Liz Pietrykowski*# Herb Redding* Dick Reineck# Betty Rodenhauser# Wallace Ronski* Tim and Deb Sauber* Carl Schell# John Sidell* Bob Smith* Howard and Kay Stierwalt* Jim and Kellye Stierwalt* Ed and Mary Ann Streaker* Henry Valle* Jerry Wasserman* Jim and Mary Yeager*# Laurie Young* Mary Jo Wagner# Tootie Wilhelm#


Annual Fund Board *Capital Campaign Cabinet

Truly a school of excellence, SJCC has never been stronger. With our successes come tremendous challenges. We must renovate our tired facilities to make them worthy of our outstanding faculty and students. We must better address the financial aid needs of qualified students. We must make the life-changing experience of a SJCC education available to more Fremont-area youth from our traditional elementary schools and beyond.

The SJCC Annual Fund is vital in bridging the shortfall between tuition and the actual operating costs of running the school and its programs. Annual Fund proceeds are budgeted and spent in the current fiscal year. They have enormous impact on SJCC and its students.

“As co-chairperson this year, I would like to ask each of our Alumni and Friends to be a part of this historic event at SJCC. You can make a difference! Brad Smith ‘88

“I have been a part of the Annual Fund Drive since its inception 11 years ago. We are excited this year to join efforts with the Capital Campaign.” John Lauer ‘65

Generations of Commitment

Generations of Commitment will fund the following specific capital projects to benefit SJCC students, faculty and staff: ·

Renovation of classrooms—dropped ceilings, updated lighting, updated electrical


Increased endowment to support tuition assistance and scholarship needs


Acquisition of new heating and cooling systems


Increased endowment for faculty and staff salaries


Installation of new, energy efficient windows

This year only, we ask you to consider a special one-time increase to your SJCC gift, as an investment for future generations. Your combined gift to the Annual Fund and Generations of Commitment will ensure a vibrant future for Catholic secondary education in Fremont, Ohio. Please watch your mail for campaign materials and pledge cards. If you have any questions about Generations of Commitment, contact Kathy Boukissen at 419-332-5124; or email her at kboukiss@fremontstjoe.org.

“If you are like me, we owe a lot of who we are today to the priests, sisters and faculty, who guided us through many challenging, emotional and formative phases of our lives. People like Fr. Loeffler; Bert and Walt Sneider; and Bob and Ethel Smith. It is now our turn to give back. Please join me in supporting this urgent campaign.”

Tim Paradiso ’77 Campaign Chair

Facility Renovations By Melissa Hoelzle

In an attempt to keep tuition low and still give teachers a competitive salary, Tom Babione, general contractor and head of the SJCC Building Committee, admits that the SJCC facilities have suffered and are not in the shape that they once were. “Bob McCartney and Joe Herbert realized this financial dilemma and in 2001 formed the Crimson Club dedicated to organizing volunteers to work on the building,” Babione said. Their success with renovations of the restrooms was a catalyst for other projects. In 2000 a committee of SJCC supporters, who not only had good intentions but also were knowledgeable in their fields, was formed and the Building Improvement Plan was formulated. The committee evaluated the building and investigated the possiblity of building a new structure. Since the estimate for building new would cost $15 million, the committee decided to fix up the current building, which would cost “a few million,” according to Babione. “It’s still a good building,” said Babione, “but it could use some work.” And work is exactly what the committee set out to do. To date, with the help from many financial supporters and much work by volunteers and professionals, the school has new exterior doors, a totally refurbished gymnasium, a replaced roof, new lockers, and benches lining the hallways. Looking to the future, the committee intends to install a new heating and cooling system. “The current heating system is fifty years old and has run its course,” said Babione. “The cooling system has become necessary for the building. With new technology, there are computers in every classroom that produce a lot of heat. The rooms become far too hot for the kids to concentrate. In order to have an improved learning environment for the students, the air conditioning is a necessary thing.” By the spring of 2005, the committee also hopes to be making strides in replacing all the windows with new, energy-efficient models that will also make the school look attractive. In addition, they hope to upgrade the electrical and plumbing systems, drop all the ceilings for new lighting systems, and improve the cafeteria. “With how far we’ve come already, we’re going to do this, we’re going to get this done,” said Babione. “We need to remain competitive with other schools. We are in a competition for students and we want people to see that this is a great place.”

New outside windows in chapel Thanks to Harry and Gail Coe and Capitol Aluminum and Glass for donating the corner outside windows as part of the Generations of Commitment Campaign

Building Committee discuss renovations Front Row: Tom Babione, Tim Walters, Dan Knisely, Ron Autullo Back Row: Jeff Blohm, Chris Gaffney, and Bruce Wobser Other Members include Mike Wasserman, Rick Jenkins, Tom Hoelzle, Dave Peiffer, Jay Hensley, Mike Gabel, Ken Haslinger, Joe Dohanos

Endowment Why Your Scholarship Fund Is Important

Named Endowed Scholarships The Crown Battery Scholarship founded by: Hal and Diane Hawk

A critical need exists at St. Joseph Central Catholic High School to increase the amount of funding available each year for tuition assistance and student sponsorship. In order for the school to provide excellent educational programs as operational costs continue to increase, a funding response is required that has traditionally been met through tuition increases alone. Many deserving students are unable to meet the full tuition set each year, due to economic circumstances. These students are increasing from St. Joseph Central Catholic’s traditional, hard-working, middle class families. In addition, those students who do pay the full stated tuition, are being subsidized by the generosity of others in the local parishes who financially support SJCC every year. Therefore, EVERY student at SJCC receives some form of tuition subsidy. Your Endowment Scholarship Fund will help to directly tie your philanthropic support to specific students and families who need tuition assistance the most.

The Jeanne Louise Wurzel Heyman Scholarship founded by: Harry Heyman The Carol and John Hall Family Scholarship founded by: Carol and John Hall The Howard and Kay Stierwalt Scholarship founded by: Dr. Howard and Kay Stierwalt The Jim and Kristi Hoffman Scholarship founded by: Jim and Kristi Hoffman The Bernadine and Earl Loeffler Scholarship founded by: Their children The Don and Jean Wasserman Scholarship founded by: Jean Wasserman The Tom and Ellen Leite Scholarship founded by: Tom and Ellen Leite The Rob and Kathy Boukissen Scholarship founded by: Rob and Kathy Boukissen The KeyBank Scholarship The Agnes and Frank Borer Scholarship founded by: Janet Borer-Winton The Anna and Mathias Rettig Scholarship founded by Mary (Rettig) and George Irish The Bob and Ruth Beier Scholarship founded by: The Beier Children The Jim and Sally Daubel Family Scholarship founded by: Jim and Sally Daubel The Drabik Family Scholarship founded by: Casey and Kathy Drabik The William J. and D. Eleanor Dudley Scholarship founded by: Eleanor Dudley and children

$1,602 per student must be provided through the generosity of others in order to continue the legacy of SJCC **DOES NOT include Student Services (athletics, entertainment, cafeteria, development, public relations, school publications) and Capital Improvements

The Joseph R. Lauer, Class of ‘57 Scholarship founded by: C. Denis O’Shaughnessy The Ralph and Dolores Schade Family Scholarship founded by: Dolores Schade The Michael Family Scholarship founded by: Wayne and Dolores Michael Tony and Patty Michael The Thomas J. “Spud” Yeager Scholarship founded by: The Yeager Family

Leading the Way Motivated by the transforming power of an SJCC education, the following people have made leadership investments and pledges to Generations of Commitment...Honoring the Past, Securing Our Future. They have expressed their support for Saint Joseph Central Catholic High School in a tangible way that will have a lifelong impact on generations of students. Those who have pledged their support to date include alumni, parents of alumni, parents of students, board members, businesses, foundations, and other friends of the school. The profiles on the following pages illustrate why several of our leadership givers have chosen to participate in Generations of Commitment. Their participation is a powerful testament to the lasting influence of the SJCC experience. Please consider adding your name to the list of donors to the right. As the campaign continues, each and every gift is of vital importance if we are to reach our goal. And if you have never given to SJCC, please consider using this important campaign as your opportunity to make your first gift.

“I can think of few investments better than SJCC that will pay dividends for years to come in both Fremont itself and wherever these kids will end up.” Jim Hoffman ‘67



Leadership Donors Anonymous Tom and Denise Babione Bill and Sue Barbour Dave and Kim Batey Bob and Peggy Beck Beck Suppliers Bob* and Ruth Beier Fred and Sharon Beier Mike and Shari Beier Dr. Ron Borer Rob and Kathy Boukissen Dan Chudzinski Gary Chudzinski Class of 1954 Harry & Gail Coe Capitol Aluminum & Glass Mildred & Dan Collins Consolite Croghan Colonial Bank Crown Battery Tim and Paula Cullen John “Jack” Daniel James and Sally Daubel Casey and Kathy Drabik D. Eleanor Dudley Tom and Marty Dudley Ken and Dianne Durnwald Richard and Kathleen Faist Jerry and Rosie Freeh Mike and Beth Gabel

Joe and Jean Girz Mike and Sheila Gottron John and Carol Hall Bill and Laurie Halm Hal and Diane Hawk Harry Heyman Lt. Col. Tom and Joanne Hoffert Jim and Kristi Hoffman Tom and Helene Horvath Bill and Marilyn House Ron and Jeannine House Mary and George Irish Mike and Mary Lou Jay Stan and Joan Jones KeyBank Chris and Mary Knight Randy and Judy Koebel Drs. Frank and Mary Komorowski Larry Kramer John and Alison Lauer Josh Lauer Bernard and Jean Leite Edward Leite Tom and Ellen Leite Tom and Ann Light Fr. Earl Loeffler David and Susan MacDowell Bill and Sue Mayle Lou and Diane Mayle

Ruthann Mayle Bob and Kathy McCartney Dr. Scott and Martha Mead Tony and Patty Michael Wayne and Dolores Michael Don and Carolyn Miller Peter and Theresa Miller Bob and Charline Moyer Chuck and Jane Moyer C. Denis O’Shaughnessy Old Fort Banking Company Janet Overmyer Dr. Walter and Karel Oxley Dan and Barb Paradiso Tim and Sandy Paradiso Dr. Mark and Linda Pickett Bill and Liz Pietrykowski Del and Kathleen Rauch Herb and Mary Redding Mark and Nancy Reilly Dr. Tom and Norma Reineck Anthony Ruggiero Dr. Tim and Deb Sauber Dolores Schade Dr. Nelson and Ann Smith Robert and Eileen Smith Vince and Charline Snyder Dave and Jean Spader Pat Spieldenner St. Joseph Church

Philip and Joan Steinle Fred and Bernadine Stetzel Dr. Howard and Kay Stierwalt Dr. Jim and Kellye Stierwalt Ed and Mary Ann Streacker Don and Linda Stricker John and Flossie Swint Clemens Szymanowski Henry Valle Tim and Lilly Walters Jean Wasserman Jerry and Sally Wasserman Steve Wasserman Craig and Cheryl Wendt Bob and Sally Wilhelm Roy and Marty Wilhelm Jim and Janet Winton Ann and Al Wise Bill and Mary Yeager Jack Yeager Jim and Mary Yeager Jerry and Sandy Yeager John Yeager

Matching Gift Companies BP Products North America Brush Wellman, Inc. Gannett Honeywell Whirlpool

Donor Spotlight

“I decided to donate to the Capital Campaign because I believe in everything SJCC stands for, Catholic principals, outstanding education, dedicated principal, teachers and staff, and the opportunity to participate in many extra-curricular activities. My father, my husband and I, our siblings, children and grandchildren have all been fortunate and blessed to graduate from St. Joe’s. I would like to have any student wanting to attend SJCC the chance to do so regardless of financial need.” Founded the Don and Jean Wasserman Scholarship - $25,000 Jean (Mayle) Wasserman

“Our commitment to the Capital Campaign is our way of acknowledging the tremendous staff, teachers, and administration of a very fine school. The graduates and students of SJCC are living proof of the excellence in education to which we are all committed.” Gift: $50,000

Mary and Chris Knight

“My parents were responsible for my education at St. Joe, but their commitment went much further. My father, Mathias, retired from Quality Cleaners, a business he owned and grew from the time we arrived in Fremont in 1959, and then worked as a custodian at St. Joe’s Grade School. He was dedicated to making St. Joe a wonderful place for education. My mother, Anna Rettig, devoted many years to beautiful gardens around St. Joseph Church. She took great pride in the beauty of the Church’s grounds and was honored for her commitment at the time of her death. Both of them gave so much for others. While they weren’t able to complete their education, they sacrificed for the education of their children and so many others. We are pleased to be able to honor them with this endowed scholarship named “The Anna and Mathias Rettig Endowed Scholarship” along with a gift to the facility renovation. We ask God’s blessing for a successful campaign.” Gift: $300,000

George and Mary (Rettig) Irish

Donor Spotlight “Having been invited to a session to promote Catholic education funds for St. Joseph Central Catholic, I thought what a great way to honor my deceased wife by establishing the Jeanne Louis Wurzel Heyman Endowed Scholarship to help those who want a quality Christian education for their entrance to college. It made sense to me that the Generation of Commitment Capital Campaign would be the way to achieve this goal.” Gift: $35,000 Harry Heyman

Florida Kick-off of the Capital Campaign Over 50 alumni and friends attended

Above: Rose Mayle, Dee Michael, Sharon Wirkner, Peggy Beck, Mary Ellen Leite, Ann Buchanan Left:Denis O’Shaugnessy, Tom Leite, Lou Mayle, John Daniel, Ken Gabel

“Beyond a doubt St. Joe’s athletic football program propelled me into the limelight in Northwest Ohio and helped me get a scholarship to Xavier University. I went on to become a dentist and later a professor at the University of Pacific School of Dentistry in California. About five years ago I decided to give my entire retirement fund back to the three schools that helped me throughout my lifetime, one being St. Joseph Central Catholic. Since I never had any children of my own, I would like to support the Capital Campaign by helping students that cannot afford to get a Catholic education attend SJCC.”

Dr. Ron Borer

$60,000 towards student sponsorship

New York Alumni Reunion hosted by George and Mary (Rettig) Irish Members of the Capital Campaign Cabinet at the February Kick-off Event at the Fremont Country Club Pictured: Front Row: Deb & Tim Sauber, Bill Pietrykowski, Jim Hoffman, Jerry Wasserman, Kellye Stierwalt, Jim Stierwalt, Middle Row: Liz Pietrykowski, John Lauer, Mary Ann Streacker, Gail Coe, Bob and Charline Moyer, Joanne Hoffert, Fr. Earl Loeffler, Kathy Drabik, Sue Barbour Back Row: Mike Gottron, Bob Mayle, Ed Streacker, Harry Coe, Tom Dudley, Fr. Ron Brickner, Fr. Jerry Chmiel, Hal Hawk, Denise and Tom Babione

Pictured: Rob Boukissen, Mary and George Irish, Mike Gabel, Dennis Wright, Fr. Earl Loeffler, Laura Foos, Irene (Hutchinson) Pellegrino, Kathy (Reineck) Boukissen, Ann (Scheuer) and Jim Millar. Not pictured, Beth Gabel

Milestones Little Streaks From the Stork


** Lauren Miller, daughter of Christine (Miller, ‘89) and Andy Swartz **Sophie Jane, daughter of Amy (Smith, ‘90) and Mike Schafer **Madelyn Elizabeth, daughter of Tara (Rodenhauser, ‘92) and Rick Jones **Madelynn Marie, daughter of Tracy (Haubert, ‘88) and Matthew Hushour **Crayton Louis, son of Kate (Seiler, ‘86) and Louis Lafayette

**Amy Corwin and Jeff House (‘90) **Jennifer Damschroder and Paul Daubel (‘93) **Sara Ann Binau and Brian Celek (‘95) **Katie Carr and Nick Halm (‘96) **Kristine Kashmer (‘88) and Scott Urig

**Marcella (Walby) Reino (‘30)

**Ann (Lacny-Kusma) Burkin (‘39) **Ambrose “Bud” Ochs (‘43) **Rosemary (Shiets) Baumer (‘48)

**Mary Louise (Beery) Hempel (‘34) **Ruth (Kilgus) Miller (‘39)

**Renee Brickner and Jamie Adams (‘97) **Michelle Mayle (‘94) and Chad Scott **Sarah Slater and Tony Reiter (‘95) **Katie Dickman (‘98) and Mike Jone (‘97) **Tiffany Wise (‘89) and Richard West

Anniversaries 20th Leah Kay (Ziebold ‘61) and Ernie Blank 25th Peggy (Stadler, ‘78) and Tim Newland 35th Cindy and LaMar Reiter (‘65)

45th Pat and Gus Miller (‘55) 50th Marianne (Ehrman ‘54) and Thomas Bennison Sr. 50th Dorothy (Blechinger ‘53) and Jim Quaintance

Deaths **Dr. Vincent Darr (‘49) **Joyce (Norton) Merrill (‘61) **Charles Collins (‘61) **Daniel Marinik (‘71)

Achievements/Updates Kirk Kayden (‘92) has been named head coach of the men’s golf team at Austin Peay State University in Clarsville, TN. He was assistant coach at Penn State the last three years. Trischa Snyder (‘02) received the National Communication Association Student Club Scholarship, Outstanding Second Year Major Achievement Award Scholarship, and Outstanding Academic Achievement Award from Ohio University in Athen, OH this past May. Carolyn (Smith, ‘65) Hollingsworth has moved from Ohio to Texas because she was promoted to Director of Distributed Information Technologies for Lennox International, Dallas, TX. Mari (Pence, ‘96) Bakx and her family have moved back to Fremont, OH after living in the Netherlands for the past three years. Mari will be working in Sandusky as a LPN and her husband hopes to work as a Jet Mechanic in Toledo. Cindy (Miller, ‘77) Wehrle earned her National Board certification in the area of Exceptional Needs Education. She and her family live in Edgewood, KY. Daniel Powers (‘78) received the 2004 Ezra Jack Keats/Kerlan Collection Memorial Fellowship. He is the illustrator/author of more than a dozen picture books. The fellowship is granted to a talented writer and/or illustrator of children’s books. Powers lives and paints in Albuquerque, NM. www.powersstudio.com. Natalie Wise (‘98) has been accepted into the Peace Corps for two years in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China. She will teach English as a foreign language.

Jim (‘54), Jude (‘54) and Jack (‘52) Merrill received their high school diplomas in June. All three of the brothers left St. Joseph High School to join the services (Army, Air Force, Navy) before graduating. State Rep. Jeff Wagner gave the accommodations. Ray Young (‘61) was named “Teacher of the Year” for the second time by the Marlington High School Student Council. The winner is selected by students, teachers and administrators at the school. After 39 years of teaching, he retired after the 2003-04 school year. He and his wife, Diane, live in Alliance, OH. They have two daughters. Amy Horn (‘83), a member of “The President’s Own,” United States Marine Band since 1987, played the French horn for both the funeral procession and burial ceremony for former U.S. President Ronald Reagan. This was only the fourth state funeral in which the Marine Band has participated. Horn also performed with “Free Country,” a country music band, before the World War II Memorial Ceremonies in Washington D.C. Matthew Denman (‘93) joined the board of directors at Neighborhood Properties Inc., which offers supportive housing for those who suffer from mental illness. He was elected treasurer. Denman is an accountant at the Toledo office of Plante & Moran. Kristine (Kashmer, ‘88) Urig received her masters in education from Antioch University and got her Teaching Cerificate as a mild to moderate intervention specialist for grades K-12. Elaine Gonya (‘88) graduated in May from the University of Kansas. She received her masters in physiology.

Kris (Gonya ‘93) Wallace graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas with a bachelor degree in special education. Jamie LeJeune (‘99) graduated in June for Ohio University in Athens with a bachelor degree in human and consumer sciences. He is now working with at-risk teens as a Youth Leader at The Buckeye Ranch in Columbus, OH. Eric Smola (‘90) has received his masters of adminstration & supervision from the University of Toledo. He is now the principal of Rosary Cathedral School in Toledo. Christi Hammer (‘98) graduated from Tiffin University with a bachelors of business administration in accounting in May. She is working as a tax accountant for a Wendy’s franchise. Elizabeth (Stierwalt ‘98) Seibert graduated from the College of Pharmacy at Ohio Northern University with a doctor of pharmacy degree. Katie (Bricker ‘98) Heter graduated cum laude with a bachelors degree in psychology from Bowling Green State University in May. She is attending Heidelberg for a dual masters degree in clinical mental health counseling and school counseling. Veronica (Mumford, ‘82) Knieriem completed the five year adult lay ministry formation with the Toledo Diocese with certification as a Religious Education Coordinator and as a Religion teacher. She has accepted a CRE position with St. Michael’s in Gibsonburg for grades 1-6. Amy Faist (‘94) received her masters of education/reading specialization from Kent University in May.

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2003-’04 SCHOOL BUDGET Income

Expenses Mandated SportsServices Other 5% 3% 9%

Plant Maintenance 16%

Student Services 8%

Instructional 9%

Fund Raisers 29%

Parish Tuition Subsidy 15%

Student Receipts 39%

Administrative Expenses 8%

Salaries & Benefits 59%

2003-’04 10th Annual Fund Report July 1, 2003-June 30, 2004 Donations and Pledges $140,879 Balance uncollected through 9/23/04 $ 5,045 Collection through 8/24/04 $135,834

Staff Development Technology

$ 6,000 $ 30,000

Student Religious Retreat Fund Office of Institutional Advancement

$ 3,500 $ 15,000

The “Light of Christ” Faculty and Staff Endowment and salaries

$ 81,334* $135,834

*all uncollected funds received will be applied to the Faculty & Staff Endowment and salaries

SJCC Gift Giving Club Platinum Mr. and Mrs. James Daubel GannettMatch Mrs. Judith Givens Mr. and Mrs. George Irish

Memorial Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moyer Mr. and Mrs. Ralph* Schade Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shank Whirlpool Corp.

Gold Mr. and Mrs. Rob Boukissen Mr. Tom Burns Mrs. Michele Durkin Ms. Catherine Eberly Mr. Harry Gottron, Jr. Mr. James Gottron Mr. and Mrs. William Halm

Mr. Neil Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Hal Hawk Mr. and Mrs. Tom Horvath Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaminski Mr. and Mrs. Chris Knight Knight-Baldwin Charitable Fund

Drs. Frank & Mary Komorowski Mr. Lawrence Kramer Mr. and Mrs. John Lauer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mayle Mr. C. Denis O’Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. Tim Paradiso Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pietrykowski

Dr. and Mrs. Tim Sauber Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schell Mr. and Mrs. James Sneider Wonderly-Horvath Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yeager Mr. and Mrs. James Yeager Mr. Jack Yeager

Silver Bank of America Mr. and Mrs. Rick Barbour Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beier Mr. and Mrs. William Beier Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bintz, Jr. Dr. Ronald Borer BP Products Brush Wellman, Inc. Mr. Robert Burns Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coe III Curwood, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dalton Dana Corporation Mr. and Mrs. William Darr Mr. and Mrs. Ken Durnwald Mr. and Mrs. Richard Faist Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Freeh Mrs. Henrietta Gabel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Girz Mr. and Mrs. John Golamb

Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hasselbach Mr. and Ms. Timothy Meek Mr. Harry Heyman Lt. Col. and Mrs. Tom Hoffert Mr. and Mrs. John Lauer Mr. and Mrs. David MacDowell Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Meek Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller Msgr Richard Moyer Mr. and Mrs. James O’Brien

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Paradiso Mr. and Mrs. Nick Picciuto R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rodenhauser Mr. John Rusch SC Johnson Fund, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Howard Stierwalt Ms. Joan Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. Ken Weickert

Annual Fund Report Bronze Mr. and Mrs. Mark Albright Mr. Richard Babione Mr. and Mrs. Tom Babione Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barbour Mrs. Mary Barrington Mr. and Mrs. James Beier Mr. and Mrs. James Beier Mr. and Mrs. Robert* Beier Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bennison Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Berryman Dr. and Mrs. James Bingle Mr. and Mrs. James Blymyer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bork Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bovee Bowlus Trucking Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William Boyd Mr. and Mrs. David Boyle Reverend Ronald Brickner Mr. Frederick Brutsche Mr. and Mrs. Doug Burns Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carmack Ms. Lisa A. Carmean Mr. and Mrs. Richard Celek Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Crockett Mr. and Mrs. Adam Crockett Mr. and Mrs. Rod Cutcher Mrs. Paula Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Philip Daubel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dickman Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dubielak Mrs. D. Eleanor Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Bill Durnwald Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eshleman Dr. Kevin Furlong Mr. and Mrs. Pat Furlong

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gabel Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gabel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gabel Mr. and Mrs. Gary Godfred Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Gottron Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gottron Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gottron Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hall Mr. and Mrs. Tim Harmon Mr. Tom Haslinger Mr. and Mrs. James Haubert Mr. and Mrs. Brian Haynes Mr. and Mrs. David Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haynes Mrs. Rita Hershey Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hirt Mr. and Mrs. James Hoffman Mr. Mark E. Hoffman Honeywell Intl. Dr. and Mrs. James Hotz Mr. and Mrs. Ron House Mr. and Mrs. William House Mr. and Mrs. Victor Huntley Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Richard Karlovetz Mr. Patrick J. Keating Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Kreg Kirsch Mr. Thomas Knisely Mr. Lawrence Koch Mr. and Mrs. Randy Koebel Capt. and Mrs. Steve Kupka Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kwiatkowski Mr. and Mrs. James Lehmann Mrs. Margaret Lehmann

Mr. Edward Leite Ms. Jill Leventhal Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Luc Mrs. Lynda Luc Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Luc Mr. and Mrs. Sean McDevitt Dr. and Mrs. Scott Mead Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Tom Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Vince Militello Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mills Mr. Michael Molyet Mr. and Mrs. Robert Molyet Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Molyet Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morley Ms. Reggie Mosser Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moyer Mr. and Mrs. Peter Naderer Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nichols Sonny and Carolyn Nieset Mr. and Mrs. James Ochs Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ochs Old Fort Banking Co. Mr. Denis Otte Mr. and Mrs. Robert Otte Owens-Illinois, Inc. Fund Mr. and Mrs. Sam Picciuto Mr. and Mrs. George Pickett Dr. and Mrs. Mark Pickett Ms. Anne Poorman Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pumphrey Mr. and Mrs. Del Rauch Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Reardon Mrs. Rody Reineck Rexam BCA

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ronski Mr. and Mrs. Richard Root Mrs. Barbara L. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. John Setzler Mr. and Mrs. George Sevick Sky Bank Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith Dr. and Mrs. Nelson Smith Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith Ms. Barbara Smola Mr. and Mrs. David Smola Mr. and Mrs. Mike Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Terry Stanforth Mr. Ralph Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stotz Mrs. Louise Stout Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Streacker Mr. and Mrs. Ed Streacker Mr. and Mrs. Paul Streacker Mr. and Mrs. John Swartz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Swint Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swint Mr. Vincent Swint The Anderson’s Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tinkovicz Mr. and Mrs. Pete Werling Whitman Corp./Pepsi Cola Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Widman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilhelm Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wise Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wise Fr. Richard T. Wurzel Mr. and Mrs. Willie Zamora

Alumni Gifts to Annual Fund CLASS OF 1931 Mrs. Florence Chudzinski** Mrs. Anne Rectenwald (Reineck) CLASS OF 1932 Mrs. Henrietta Gabel (Partee) Mrs. Anna Knisely (Hotz) Mrs. ClaraWesolek CLASS OF 1933 Mrs. Agnes Reedy (Fisher) Mrs. Mary Smith (Welker) CLASS OF 1934 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mehling Mrs. Marguerite Morley (Molyet) Mrs. Mildred Nieset (Hoffman) Mr. John Smola Mrs. Virginia Swartz (Golebiewski) Mrs. Genevieve Thomsen (Meyer) Mrs. Dolores Zwir

CLASS Class OF 1935 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lehman (Elizabeth Snyder) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mehling (Julia Janusz) Mr. Herbert Miesle Mrs. Martha Saner (Lakomy) CLASS OF 1936 Mrs. Esther Barbour (Ochs) Mrs. Elizabeth Kendig (Yingling) Mr. Paul Krofft Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nichols (Mary Durnwald) CLASS OF 1937 Mr. Harry P. Gottron, Jr. Mrs. Mercedes Keating (Wesolek) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rich Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith (Helen Rose Beier)

CLASS OF 1938 Mr. and Mrs. Robert* Beier (Ruth Snyder) Mrs. Ethel Burkett (Gonya) Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fisher Mrs. Ruth Gonya (Smith) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hepner Mrs. Rita Hershey (Mayle) Ms. Bernadine Meyer Mrs. Imelda Reinbolt (Wasserman) Mrs. Rody Reineck (Mayle) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wagner CLASS OF 1939 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fisher (Marie Beier) Mrs. Emerence Grime (Snyder) Mr. and Mrs. John Notheis Mr. and Mrs. William Pert (Margaret Chudzinski) Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith Mrs. Jeanne Wade (Freeh)

CLASS OF 1940 Mr. James Bundschuh Mr. and Mrs. Louis Foos Mrs. Ann Frankart (Naderer) Mrs. Eileen Gabel (Kusmer) Mr. and Mrs. John Notheis (Mary Margaret Koleman) Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ochs Mrs. Susanne Overmyer (Smith) Mrs. Alberta Salem (Boukissen) Mrs. Teresa Schwartz (Durnwald) Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wagner .. CLASS OF 1941 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gonya Mrs. Audrey McCue (Heschel) Mrs. Marcella Post (Widman) Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tinkovicz (Luella Halbisen) CLASS OF 1942 Mr. and Mrs. James Freeh Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Girz (Jean Yeager)

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Haaser Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Halm Mr. Lawrence H. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mehling (Viola Fisher) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Traunero (Lois Smith) Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wagner CLASS OF 1943 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bundschuh Mrs. Frances Durbin (Ochs) Mr. and Mrs. James Freeh (Louise Hoffman) Mr. and Mrs. Louis (Imelda Swint) Mrs. Shirley Morrison (Haynes) Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mosser Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sas (Ruth Merrill) Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Shondell (Roselyn Darr) Mr. and Mrs. William Snyder (Jeanne Rich)

AlumniAlumni Annual Alumni Annual Fund Donors CLASS OF 1944 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chudzinski (Mary Darr) Mrs. Bernadine Cook (Mosser) Mr. and Mrs. Louis Foos (Kathleen Setzler) Mrs. Dorothy Keegan (Kramer) Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Kusmer Mr. Alfred A. Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ochs (Betty Naderer) Mr. and Mrs. Herb Redding Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rich Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wagner (Rita Rodenhauser) Sr. Rita Mary Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. C. W. ‘Bill’ Yeager CLASS OF 1945 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bruggeman Mr. and Mrs. John Gabel Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoffman (Loretta O’Neill) Mrs. Gloria Picciuto (Held) Mrs. Louise Stout (Dumminger) Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Wasserman CLASS OF 1946 Mr. Robert Burns Mrs. Marilyn Frederick Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Freeh (Rosalyn Mosser) Mrs. Mary Herman (Kowaleski) Mr. and Mrs. Norman Horn Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moyer Mr. and Mrs. James Overmyer (Patricia Busold) Mr. and Mrs. Del Rauch (Kathleen Collins) Mrs. Emma Jane Ruppert (Voght) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Toeppe Sr. Margaret Marie Wagner CLASS OF 1947 Mrs. Kathryn Ash (Kramer) Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Freeh Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hershey Mrs. Margaret Lehmann (Reardon) Mrs. Rose LeJeune (Lochotzski) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Merkel (Mary Ann Gabel) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore (Mary Darr-Swint) Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mosser (Mary Ann Meyer) Mrs. Joyce Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jack Welsh (Mary Angela Hoffman) CLASS OF 1948 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Edward Busold Mr. John “Jack” Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joe Eberly Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gabel

Mr. and Mrs. David Haynes Mr. Jack House Mrs. Audrey Kupka (Zienta) Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Kusmer (Marian Mayle) Mr. Edward Leite Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lochotzki Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miesle Mr. Donald Novitski Mr. Al O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. John Steinbauer Mr. Vincent Swint Mr. and Mrs. Gil Wagner, Sr. (Marie Wammes) CLASS OF 1949 Mr. and Mrs. John Golamb (Patricia Setzler) Mr. and Mrs. Edward Guyer (Marylou Gabel) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hershey (Madelene Mosser) Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Hughes (Mary Sue Recktenwald) Mr. Joseph Kramer Mrs. Rita Kwiatkowski (Widman) Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lehman (Janice Shondell) Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith (Marilyn Werner) Mrs. Margaret Woessner (Macielewicz) Mrs. Joanne Young (Hawk) CLASS OF 1950 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Busold (JoAnn Foster) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gottron Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haffner (Ruth Gottron) Mr. Neil Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howard (Jean Hoffman) Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller (Coletta Steinbauer) Msgr Richard Moyer Dr. and Mrs. Charles Ray (Shireen Johnston) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Walby CLASS OF 1951 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bintz Mr. and Mrs. William Darr Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dubielak (Marilyn Porczak) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph** Freeh Mr. and Mrs. James Heffernan (Janice Hipp) Mr. and Mrs. William Lochotzki Mrs. Norma Ochs (Hoelzle) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schumm (Patricia Sneider) Mr. and Mrs. John Setzler Fr. Richard Wurzel CLASS OF 1952 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bintz, Jr. (Marilyn Smith) Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Bowden (Rose Mehling) Mr. Frederick Brutsche (Mary Jean Merrill) Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Courtney

Mrs. Betty Essi (Kramer) Mrs. Kathleen Freeh (Walby) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gottron (Ann Widman) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harlan (Sally Montague) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leite Mr. and Mrs. Peter Naderer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell Mr. William Smith Mrs. Nathalie Walter (House) Mrs. Jean Wasserman(Mayle) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wolf (Nancy Havens) .. CLASS OF 1953 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ackerman Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Bowden Mr. and Mrs. Gene Carson (Suzanne Kunkle) Mr. James Gottron Mr. and Mrs. David Haubert (Kathleen Rohr) Mrs. Margie Hofelich (Steinle) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leite (Mary Ellen Hughes) Lt. Col. and Mrs. Richard Marshall (Phyllis Vanscoy) Mr. and Mrs. James Millar (Ann Scheuer) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Musser (Barbara Klos) Mrs. Barbara Schmidt (Gabel) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schmidt (Shirley Gabel) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schwartz (Jean Kirwen) Mr. and Mrs. Steven Spengler

(Marcella Darr) CLASS OF 1955 Mrs. Colleen Abramowski (Reardon) Mr. Tom Burns Mr. and Mrs. Richard Collier Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Foos (Rosemary Setzler) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hossler (Beverly Ellis) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald House (Jeannine Bintz) Mr. and Mrs. William House (Marilyn Thomsen) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph** Kindred (Marian Haas) Mrs. Marilyn Knopp-Siler (Fiegelist) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mayle Mr. and Mrs. August Miller Mr. James Morley Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Reardon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell (Sandra Carte) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Richard Setzler (Jeannette Meyer) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spieldenner Mr. and Mrs. Leo Walter, Jr. (Mary Kay Eder) Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Whitney (Kathryn Bowersox) Mrs. Charleen Woessner (Akin)

CLASS OF 1956 Mrs. Sandra Agnew (Below) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bartson Ms. Marlene Bartson CLASS OF 1954 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mrs. Joan Barr (Mayle) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bennison Courtney (Karol Thomsen) (Marianne Ehrman) Mrs. Paula Daniel (Hoffman) Dr. Ronald Borer Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Bud Boucher Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Foos (Phyllis Young) Mr. and Mrs. Norman Foos Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Byers Mr. and Mrs. Herman Foos (Joan Bender) (Rozella Sloma) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gabel Chamberlain (Patricia Haubert) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Collins Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mayle (Mildred Smith) (Dorothy Gegorski) Mrs. Rose Mary Cotton Mrs. Ruthann Mayle (Collier) (Miller) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Miller Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cronin (Marilyn Wurzel) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dalton Mrs. Norita Parish (Baumer) (Dorothy Bennett) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mrs. Patricia Durnwald Recktenwald (Patricia Haas) Mr. and Mrs. Herb Foos (Carol Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sneider Mrs. Patricia Spieldenner Camp) (Widman) Mr. Donald Fox Mr. and Mrs. Burkhart Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gabel Tischler Mr. and Mrs. Gary Godfred Mr. and Mrs. Carl Unger Mr. and Mrs. William House (Martha Hawk) Mr. and Mrs. Louis Martin Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vacca (Edith Shiets) (Carolyn Mayle) Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mayle Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Molyet Weickert (Judith Tight) (Ruth Poorman) Mr. and Mrs. George Winters Mr. and Mrs. Richard Setzler Mr. and Mrs. Terry Wurzel Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shank (Sharon Raubenolt) Mr. and Mrs. James Sneider Mr. Jack Yeager Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spriggs Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Walby (Sharon Halbisen) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilhelm

CLASS OF 1957 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ackerman (Ruth Mayle) Mr. and Mrs. Philip Atzinger Mr. James Bruggeman Mr. and Mrs. Gary Chudzinski Dr. and Mrs. Jorge de la Torre (Julia McDermott) Mr. Paul Foos Lt. Col. and Mrs. Tom Hoffert Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johnston Mr. and Mrs. James Lehmann Maj. and Mrs. James McCormack (Mary Ann Haslinger) Mr. and Mrs. John McGinnis Mr. C. Denis O’Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ronski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ruble (Carolyn Spieldenner) Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schmersal (Sue Widman) Mr. and Mrs. Dave Winters .. CLASS OF 1958 Mr. Frank Carroccio Mrs. Joanne Colgate (Lauer) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Godfred (Joan Busold) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gottron Lt. Col. and Mrs. Thomas Hoffert (Joanne Schell) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hotz Mr. Lawrence Koch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manahan (Louise Billow) Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Michael (Dolores Mayle) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miesle Mr. George Miller Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morley Mrs. Jean Overmyer (Drusback) Dr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Reineck Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Walton (Kathleen Hoffman) CLASS OF 1959 Dr. and Mrs. John Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Babione Mr. Richard E. Babione Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Bender Mrs. Jeanne Bisnette (Recktenwald) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Collier (Gail Godfred) Mr. and Mrs. James Daubel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gonya Ms. Carol Jespersen (House) Mr. Thomas Knisely Mr. and Mrs. James Lehmann (Patricia Foster) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ochs In Memory of Janet Ruggiero** (Beier) Mr. and Mrs. John Smith (Anne Bovard) Mr. and Mrs. William Smith Mr. and Mrs. Paul Szakovits Mrs. Carol Trick (Faist) Mr. and Mrs. James Weller Mr. Donald Widman Mr. and Mrs. Roger Young (Charleen Kilgus) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zorn (Cynthia Siler)

Fund Donors Annual Fund Donors CLASS OF 1960 Mr. and Mrs. James Beier Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowden Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crockett (Joanne Beier) Mr. and Mrs. James Denman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dickman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Faist Mrs. Barbara Fisk (Horn) Mr. and Mrs. Michael James Mr. and Mrs. Richard Karlovetz (Barbara Halbeisen) Mr. and Mrs. David MacDowell Mr. and Mrs. David Reinbolt Mr. Thomas Rohr Mr. and Mrs. George Ward (Margaret Barbour) Mr. and Mrs. James Weller (Mary Spieldenner) CLASS OF 1961 Ms. Mary Catherine Arend Mrs. Carol Belle (Smith) Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowden (Sharon Tight) Mr. and Mrs. Marty Brown (Diane Burkett) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Coleman (Constance Foos) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ehrman Ms. Karen Gabel Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gonya Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grogg (Kathleen Knisley) Ms. Sara Hanselman (Mehling) Mr. Jude Haslinger Mr. and Mrs. Carl Koebel Mr. and Mrs. David Nofz Mr. and Mrs. James Ochs Mrs. Jean Overmyer Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rodenhauser Mr. and Mrs. David Smola Mr. and Mrs. James Woodruff (Margaret Meyer) .. CLASS OF 1962 Mr. and Mrs. William Baker Mr. and Mrs. Richard Esker (Nancy Reardon) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Faist (Kathleen Widman) Capt. and Mrs. Stephen Kupka Mrs. Sherrill Redovian (VanNatta) Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Widman CLASS OF 1963 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Babione Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bagby (Rosemary Miesle) Mr. and Mrs. James Beier (Marcia Marinis) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beier Mr. and Mrs. James Blymyer (Sue Borkovich) Ms. Ann Brayley (Notheis) Mr. and Mrs. Philip Daubel Mr. and Mrs. James Denman (Barbara Gabel) Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Recktenwald (Elaine Denman)

Mr. James Gonya Reverend Philip Haslinger Mr. and Mrs. George Irish (Mary Rettig) Mr. Richard Molyet Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rawls (Patricia Norton) Mr. Ronald Ritzman Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith (Jane Mayle) Mrs. Margaret Smith (Arend) Mr. R. William Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Swint (Florence Babione) CLASS OF 1964 Mr. and Mrs. James Ackerman Mr. Lawrence Arend Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Bender (Carol Wagner) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Benedum (Susan Durnwald) Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Darr Mr. and Mrs. Philip Daubel (Marlene Szymanowski) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dukes Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Franks (Mary Roth) Mr. James Haff Mr. and Mrs. George Hintze (Sharon Faist) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kerr (Jeanne Smith) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lenhart Mr. and Mrs. William McClure (Lena Gonya) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norton Mr. Norman “Biz” Paeth Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Recktenwald Ms. Barbara Smola Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilhelm (Martha Daubel) Mr. and Mrs. Dave Winters (Marsha Waggoner) Mr. and Mrs. William Wohlgamuth (Elizabeth Koebel) Mrs. Margaret Zeller (Hotz) CLASS OF 1965 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beier Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Burkett Mr. and Mrs. Michael Glovinsky (Maureen Sherer) Mr. Dale Haslinger Ms. Anita Heppner (Wasserman) Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hirt (Margaret Dolweck) Mr. and Mrs. George Hollingsworth (Carolyn Smith) Mr. and Mrs. Cary Lambert (Anna Nieset) Mr. and Mrs. John Lauer Mr. and Mrs. JamesMiller (Judith Biehler) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Otte Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rectenwald Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Reiter Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schell Mr. Eric Schmidt Dr. James Szymanowski Mr. and Mrs. Robert Valenzuela

Alumni Annual Fund Donors Mr. and Mrs. David Young (Mary Ann Foos) CLASS OF 1966 Mr. and Mrs. James Ackerman (Mary Jo Fisher) Mr. and Mrs. David Boyle Ms. Alicia Brehm Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Burkett (Linda Widman) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burkett Mr. and Mrs. Robert D’Orazio (Teresa Miller) Mr. Steve Decker Mr. and Mrs. Charles Engler (Joan Hotz) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eshleman (Elizabeth Dumminger) Ms. Elizabeth Eurenius Mr. Charles Gabel Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Grachek Mr. Tom Haslinger Mr. John Irish Mr. and Mrs. Kris Perry (Catherine McCue) Mr. and Mrs. Gil Miller (Patricia Mehling) Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Nicosia (Mercedes Miller) Sonny and Carolyn Nieset (Bing) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Rectenwald (Linda Wagner) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Reichert (Janet Rimelspach) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reineck Mr. and Mrs. John Seilhamer (Brenda Chudzinski) Mr. and Mrs. George Sevick Mr. Mark Staib Ms. Judy Wagner Mr. Michael Wehring Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wright (Vicki Koppelman) CLASS OF 1967 Mr. and Mrs. John Bor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bringman(Sharon Ackerman) Mrs. Janet Celek (Fisher) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fey Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bedsworth (Diane Frederick) Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gabel Ms. Jane Gonya Mr. and Mrs. James Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lenhart (Arlene Burkett) Mr. and Mrs. Trent Longo (Kathleen Lakomy) Ms. Reggie Mosser Mr. and Mrs. James O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Bill** Otte Mr. and Mrs. William Peiffer (Bonnie Snyder) Mr. Thomas Picciuto Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollick (Jodi Hoffman) Mr. and Mrs. Gary Robinson (Cynthia Kramb) Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith (Teresa Hoffman) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Synk (Joyce Kuhn) Mrs. Lynn Walker (Koebel)

CLASS OF 1968 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Babione Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barbour Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bork Mr. and Mrs. Richard Celek (Cathleen Beatty) Ms. Marsha Cook Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Faist (Shirley Logsdon) Mrs. Judith Givens (Weaver) Mr. and Mrs. William Gordon (Mary Zambrano) Dr. and Mrs. Mark Hablitzel (Bettina Brawley) Ms. Jeannine Hauck Mr. and Mrs. Roger Haynes (Barbara Beier) Dr. and Mrs. James Hotz Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Knisely Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kwiatkowski (Judith Beier) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lange (Susan Bundschuh) Dr. and Mrs. Scott Mead Mr. and Mrs. John Moneghan Mrs. Alyce Otte (Giebel) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pfefferle Dr. and Mrs. Mark Pickett Mr. and Mrs. William Seilheimer (Sarah Ochs) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith Mr. and Mrs. William Turley (Sandra Hoffman) Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wise .. CLASS OF 1969 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barbour (Kathleen Miller) Mr. and Mrs. William Beier Dr. and Mrs. James Bingle (Nancy Hotz) Mr. Joseph Camp Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cimini Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Darr Mrs. Michele Durkin (Vernarsky) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Durnwald Ms. Catherine Eberly Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Feasel Mr. and Mrs. Gary Geller Mr. Mark Golden Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Haubert (Jeanne Wagner) Mr. and Mrs. Mike Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keegan Mr. Gary Kowaleski Mr. Joseph Rimelspach Mr. John Rusch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith (Margaret Snyder) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wagner (Sally Holsinger) Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wise (Carol Toeppe) .. CLASS OF 1970 Mrs. Sally Breyer (Frederick) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Busold Mr. and Mrs. David Ebner (Julie Staib) Mr. and Mrs. John Faist Mrs. Peggy Garrison (Wagner)

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gonya Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hoelzle (Charlotte Kusmer) Mr. and Mrs. Randall Holton (Loretta Saner) Mrs. Carol Kelly Mrs. Susan Martin (Hoffman) Mr. and Mrs. Phil Masten (Amy Kupka) Dr. and Mrs. Scott Mead (Martha Burkett) Mrs. Julie Meyer (Smith) Ms. Roberta Moyer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Overmyer (Ann Fox) Ms. Catherine Pfefferle-Stone Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reineck (Cynthia Baumer) Mr. and Mrs. Rich Reineck Mr. and Mrs. James Scherf (Edna Flores) Mr. and Mrs. William Sielschott (Nancy Darr) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith (Joan Lehmann) Mr. and Mrs. Randall Widman Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wise (Sandra Lee) Mr. and Mrs. James Yeager CLASS OF 1971 Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson (Sharon Pfefferle) Mr. Thomas Babione Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bovee (Maureen Golden) Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brenot (Sara Mosser) Mr. and Mrs. Jim Celek Mr. and Mrs. Rod Cutcher (Patricia Barbour) Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Darr (Martha Kuzma) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eshleman (Deborah Freeh) Mr. and Mrs. John Fatica (Mary Zyski) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Feasel (Amy LeJeune) Ms. Linda Gegorski Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haaser Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hasselbach (Kimberly Frampton) Mr. and Mrs. Randall Koebel (Judith Reineck) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mehling Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Miesle Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moyer Mr. and Mrs. William Ochs Mr. and Mrs. David Peiffer Dr. and Mrs. Mark Pickett (Linda Stout) Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Waggoner Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Yellstrom CLASS OF 1972 Mr. Titus Alt** Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beier (Mary Chudzinski) Mr. and Mrs. William Beier (Linda Freeh) Mr. Peter Chudzinski and Ms. Joy Boukissen Mr. and Mrs. William Boyd (Beth Lakomy)

Alumni Annual Fund Donors Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Busold (Joanne Gabel) Ms. Linda Dray (Blue) Mr. Thomas Eberly Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hall (Kathleen Swartz) Mr. and Mrs. William Halm Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hoelzle Mr. Mark Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Jenkins Dr. and Mrs. Kim Knight (Joan Burkett) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lee (Constance Saner) Ms. Constance Magrum Mr. and Mrs. Gary Miller (Patricia Haynes) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Oprie Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pumphrey (Susan Hawk) Mr. and Mrs. William Raubenolt (Elizabeth Griffin) Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Shetzer Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zamora .. CLASS OF 1973 Ms. Joan M. Ameling Mr. and Mrs. Ron Autullo (Margaret Reineck) Mr. and Mrs. John Barrington Mr. Efrain Cantu Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cook Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan (Lynn Wolf) Mr. and Mrs. Rex Durdel (Sharon Hershey) Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fisher II (Elaine Stover) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Frederick Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gottron Mr. and Mrs. David Gutschalk (Mary Rich) Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hirt (Cynthia Hoffman) Mr. Mark LeJeune Mr. and Mrs. Ron McDonald (Patricia Fisher) Mr. Denis Otte Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rhoad Mr. and Mrs. John Riley (Constance Freeh) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schrickel Mr. and Mrs. Norman Selvey (Catherine Darr) Mr. David Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stierwalt (Kathleen Mehling) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wagner Ms. Joan Wagner Ms. Christine Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Yeager Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zamora (Martha Wolf) Mrs. Mary Pat Ziemke (Fisher) CLASS OF 1974 Mr. Charles Babione Mr. and Mrs. William Barbour (Susan Moyer) Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Blohm (Cathryn Schneider)

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dirlam Mr. and Mrs. William Durnwald Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Gary Geller (Adele Rellinger) Mr. and Mrs. John Kuzma Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gottron (Teresa Kuzma) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Light II Mr. and Mrs. David Luc Mr. Gary Miesle Mrs. Joan Mikolajczyk (Ochs) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Root (Christine Steinle) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Swartz Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tolento Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Wahl Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Yeager (Sandra Hershey) CLASS OF 1975 Ms. Susan Bowden Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Brennen Mr. Bill Burkett Ms. Abby Camp Mr. John Fey Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guyer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leiby (Julie Barrington) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mehling (Angela Gutschalk) Mr. Michael Molyet Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moody Mr. and Mrs. Steven Overholt (Marla Stout) Ms. Teresa Roth (Mosser) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith (Mary Rimelspach) Dr. Arnel Tagel and Dr. Nanette Steinle .. CLASS OF 1976 Mr. and Mrs. Rob Boukissen (Kathleen Reineck) Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cook Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dickman (Janet Beier) Ms. Tina Durnwald Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jenkins (Susan Freeh) Mr. and Mrs. Rick Kusmer (Susan Hoffman) Mr. and Mrs. Lee Laird Mr. David Lehmann Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Luc Dr. and Mrs. Michael McHenry (Theresa Miller) Ms. Peggy Mitchell(Foos) Mr. and Mrs. Giles Molyet Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moyer

Mr. Anthony Paradiso Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Picciuto Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Price Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Swint (Holly Gottron) Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wendt (Cheryl Poseler) Mr. and Mrs. Willie Zamora CLASS OF 1977 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Babione (Pamela Mayle) Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carmack (Mary Jean Reineck) Mrs. Andrea Carter (Cook) Mr. and Mrs. Randy Darr Dr. Julie Dunn Ms. Michelle Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jay (Mary Lou Schmidt) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kosta (Joanne Gabel) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Luc Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mayle (Mary Poorman) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Miller Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Paradiso Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Price (Lori Saller) Mr. and Mrs. David Spader (Regina Molyet) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swint Ms. Barb Sylvia Mr. and Mrs. Jim Van Der Laar (Jeanine Faist) Mrs. Susan Vishey (Darr) Mr. and Mrs. Jed Vollmar (Susan Eberly) Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver CLASS OF 1978 Mr. Albert Davis and Ms. Marilyn Binsack (Mosser) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Calmes Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Comer (Maria Reyna) Mr. and Mrs. Brad Culbert (Patricia Chudzinski) Mr. and Mrs. Randy Darr (Leslie Amor) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Foos Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gabel Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hill (Cheryl McKinney) Dr. and Mrs. Brett Kuns Mr. and Mrs. Neal Miesle Mr. and Mrs. Peter Neiling Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poorman Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sanchez (Susan Wagner) Dr. and Mrs. Tim Sauber (Debra Miller) Mr. and Mrs. Gene Snyder Ms. Shari Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Swint Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swint (Patricia Widman) Mr. and Mrs. Brent Weickert Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zamora .. CLASS OF 1979 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Chudzinski Mr. Peter Chudzinski and Ms. Joy Boukissen

Mr. and Mrs. John Cimini Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dickman (Elaine Foos) Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Eakin Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Matt Frederick Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gabel Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gottron Mr. and Mrs. Robert Molyet Ms. Sandra Mosser Mr. Joseph Moyer Mr. and Mrs. Nick Picciuto Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sanchez (Colleen Hoffman) Mr. Kent Weickert Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wise (Ann Rimelspach) CLASS OF 1980 Mr. and Mrs. James Camp Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carroll (Michele Raths) Mr. Christopher Cook Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin (Annette Mayle) Mr. and Mrs. Bob Crotty (Anna Oddo) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hageman (Lisa Yeckley) Mr. and Mrs. Ron Landis (Jacqueline Mosser) Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Luc (Lesia Jenkins) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Macielewicz Ms. Carol Maier Ms. Anne Poorman Mr. and Mrs. James Ronski (Amy Spieldenner) Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rusch Ms. Dorita Snyder (Steinle) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Swint (Constance Saller) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Swint (Lauretta Miller) CLASS OF 1981 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Albright (Jodi Kramb) Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cook Mr. and Mrs. Adam Crockett (Laurie Bodnar) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dickman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dohanos Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ebeling Mr. James Fisher Mr. Michael ‘P.J.’ Foos Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hrupcho Mr. and Mrs. Sean McDevitt (Rebecca Bertsch) Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mosser Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Picciuto (Cheryl Kuzma) Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Rodriguez (Julie Foos) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rosiak (Mary Ellen Masnado) Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rusch (Kathleen Poorman) Mrs. Elizabeth Shreffler (Haynes) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stotz Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Streacker (Debra Dye) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Swint Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Wurzel CLASS OF 1982

Mr. and Mrs. John Beauchemin (Patrice Cook) Mr. and Mrs. Doug Burns Mr. and Mrs. Gary Chamberlain Mr. James Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Bob Crotty Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Darr (Kathleen Courtney) Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Eberly (Lezlie Knopp) Mr. Timothy Foos Mr. and Mrs. Pat Furlong Mr. Terrence Gonya Mr. and Mrs. Tom Klingman (Laura Atzinger) Mr. and Mrs. Tony Michael (Patricia Vanyo) Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller Mr. and Mrs. Tom Poorman (Julie Porczak) Mr. David Rhineberger Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Streacker Mrs. Debra Widman (Coleman) CLASS OF 1983 Ms. Carolyn Ash Fr. John Brennen Mr. and Mrs. Brad Davis (Beth Gabel) Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Eberly Mr. and Mrs. David Growel (Jacqueline Reardon) Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffert (Michelle McDedrmott) Mrs. Therese Martin (Cimini) Mr. and Mrs. Chris McGarry (Ruth Freeh) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rini (Melisa Spieldenner) Mr. and Mrs. Steve Spieldenner Mr. and Mrs. Craig Travis (Heather House) Mrs. Brigette WensingerJanssens .. CLASS OF 1984 Mrs. Sonya L. Carrizales (Vroman) Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ebert (Lisa Naderer) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Foos (Jami Wammes) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Fox (Laurie Sweeney) Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Mantoani (Lynn Setzler) Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Snyder (Kelly Ross) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spieldenner Mr. and Mrs. John Swint Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Taylor (Pamela Hotz) Mr. and Mrs. William Theis (Johanna Porczak) Mr. and Mrs. Tom Weickert Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wymer (Carol Kuss)

CLASS OF 1985 Ms. Marcia Cleveland (Binsack)

Alumni Annual Fund Alumni Annual Fund Donors Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Fick Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kupka (Martha House) Mr. and Mrs. Chris Merklin (Angela Young) Mr. and Mrs. Vince Militello Mr. and Mrs. John Reiter CLASS OF 1986 Mr. and Mrs. Chad Collins (Tracy Ross) Mr. and Mrs. David Dixon Mr. and Mrs. David Hahn (Michelle Michael) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hasselbach, Jr. (Kelley Haynes) Mr. and Mrs. Todd Jett (Sandra Wagner) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kupka Mrs. Rebecca Long (Reardon) Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ochs (Kendra Binder) Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rellinger Mr. and Mrs. Ken Schafer (Jo Ann Reardon) Mrs. Haley Schmucker (House) Ms. Julie Sieving (Fisher) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Yeckley .. CLASS OF 1987 Mr. Scott Cook Mr. and Mrs. Del Culver (Valerie Wagner) Mr. and Mrs. Pat Dickman Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hanson (Peigi Fisher) Mr. Tony Foos Mrs. Michelle Foster (Herring) Mr. and Mrs. Kregg Gegorski

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gonya (Michelle Bauer) Mr. and Mrs. Tom Klingman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mercer (Annette Michael) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Militello Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ochs Mr. and Mrs. Doug Pearson (Maribeth Mayle) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Randolph, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brad Reineck Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Reineck Mr. and Mrs. Blaz Vavpetic (Adrienne Gerber) Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Woolf CLASS OF 1988 Mr. and Mrs. John Bair (Joy Swint) Mr. and Mrs. Grant Beckley Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Fick (Bonnie Good) Mr. and Mrs. William Forsyth Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hirt (Denice Quaintance) Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hotz (Michelle Reiter) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Merrill Mr. John Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ohms Mr. Jeff Overmyer Mr. and Mrs. Craig Riehl (Diane Snider) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Rohe (Christine Mehalic) Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Smith Mr. and Mrs. Ken Williams, Jr. (Carla Eshleman) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wolfe (Lucy Nieset) Mr. and Mrs. Brad Young

CLASS OF 1989 Mrs. Jennifer Alexsonshk (Spieldenner) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bender Mr. and Mrs. Sean Garry (Melissa Hoch) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Haslinger Mr. and Mrs. Jason Holland (Rebecca Randolph) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Militello (Lori Pfeiffer) Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller (Kristen Hartenstein) Mr. and Mrs. Brad Rethma n(Ann Hossler) Mr. and Mrs. Terry Stanforth (Dorothy Colon) Mr. and Mrs. William Steinberger Mr. and Mrs. Andy Swartz (Christine Miller) Mr. and Mrs. Mike Willis (Nicole Binder) CLASS OF 1990 Ms. Sheri Brudzinski Mr. and Mrs. John Connell (Cynthia Peiffer) Mr. Jason Good Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hirt Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hotz Mr. Jeffery House Mr. and Ms. Timothy Meek (Maureen Hetterman) Mr. and Mrs. Derek Pecson (Julie Schneider) Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rellinger Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schafer (Amy Smith) Mrs. Leigh Waggoner-Nason CLASS OF 1991

Dr. Kevin Furlong Ms. Carrie Hart Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kenaan (Laura Mehalic) Mrs. Dawn Martinez (Adams) Mr. and Mrs. Brad Young (Jamie Beier) CLASS OF 1992 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Aschenbrener (Pam Kubat) Dr. Nate Dixon Mr. Thomas Foos Ms. Jill Leventhal (Camella) Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Overmyer Mr. and Mrs. David Spieldenner (Jill Wonderly) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wilkins (Suzanne Militello) Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Wood(Ashley Foos)

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Celek (Julie Hotz) Mr. Eric Peiffer CLASS OF 1996 Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert (Jamie Chapman) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ryan (Julia Bordner) Mr. and Mrs. Jason Smola Ms. Amy Williamson (Reino) CLASS OF 1997 Ms. Cora Bruchs CLASS OF 1998 Mr. Joshua Lauer CLASS OF 1999 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Smola (Michelle Gruss)

**Denotes Deceased CLASS OF 1993 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Celek Mr. and Mrs. Brian Haynes Ms. Martha Nieset Mr. and Mrs. Cortlund Sattler Mr. and Mrs. David Spieldenner Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Woolf (Darcy Liwaj)

The last five years of graduating classes were not asked to give.

CLASS OF 1994 Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Dorobek (Amy Wagner) Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Gable (Emily Wilhelm) Mr. Eric Hartenstein Mr. Patrick Keating Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Smith (Catherine Mayle) CLASS OF 1995

Friends of SJCC Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Adams Automatic Fire Protection BP of Northwest Ohio Mrs. Mary Barrington Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beck Beck Supplier/Friendship Food Stores Mrs. Helen Beier Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Berryman Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Billow Dr. and Mrs. John Bondra Bowden Insurance Service Bowlus Trucking Mr. and Mrs. Milo Bragg Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bricker Reverend Ronald Brickner Bruce D. Wobser, Architect Brush-Wellman Mr. and Mrs. Tony Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Scott Buehler Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burkett Burkett Industries, Inc. Electric Contractors Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Burns Burns Iron & Metal Co., Inc. Mrs. Rita Busold C & W Auto Supply Co. Capitol Aluminum & Glass Corp.

Ms. Lisa A. Carmean Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chlosta Reverend Gerald Chmiel Christopher Knight, Attorney Ms. Paula Clancy Class of 1939 Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Coe III Community First Bank & Trust Consolite Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cook Mr. and Mrs. David Cope Croghan Colonial Bank Crown Battery Mfg. Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cunningham Curwood, Inc. Dairy Queen East Mr. and Mrs. David Darke, Jr. Mr. Phillip Darr Davids Insurance Agency Mr. and Ms. Albert Davis Mrs. Jan Denman Dick Binau- Bill Snyder Insurance & Finance Mrs. D. Eleanor Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dudley Mr. and Mrs. William Dudley

Mr. and Mrs. James Eberly Erie Shore Propane Mr. and Mrs. Rich Eshleman Fisher’s Auto Service Mr. and Mrs. Mike Foster Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Fought Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Fox Mrs. Marilyn Frederick Fremont Federal Credit Union Fremont Flask Company Gabel & Associates Realty Gannett/The News-Messenger Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Good Green Bay Packaging, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William Gregg Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Grilliot Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gruss H.J. Heinz Company Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hall Mr. and Mrs. James Hammer Mr. and Mrs. Tim Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hartenstein Mr. and Mrs. James Haubert Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Haven Mr. and Mrs. Hal Hawk Mrs. Janet S. Hazen Mr. and Mrs. Jody Heberling

Helena Lumber & Supply, Inc. Mr. Harry Heyman Mr. and Mrs. George Hintze, Jr. Hoch’s 818 Club, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Homan Home Supply Center, Inc. Honeywell Intl. Mr. Thomas Hopp Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Horvath Mr. and Mrs. Victor Huntley Mr. and Mrs. Monte Huss Jake’s Auto Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jones Jostens Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaminski Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kessler Mr. Jeffrey Kindred Mr. and Mrs. Kreg Kirsch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kirwen Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Kistler Kiwanis Club of Fremont Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kline Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Knight Knight-Baldwin Charitable

Fund, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Kohler Drs. Frank and Mary Komorowski Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kuhlman Mr. Kenneth Kupka L.C.M. Construction, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lento Lesher Printers, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Leutenegger Looking Good Lowery Glass & Drywall Mrs. Lynda Luc M. Scott Mead, DDS Mr. and Mrs. Joel Marquis Dr. and Mrs. Mark Mathews Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCartney MeadWestvaco Corp. Medicine Shoppe Memorial Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Tom Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mills Mosser Construction, Inc. Nelson E. Smith, DDS Ms. Brenda Nopper

Anuual Fund Donors Friends of SJCC North Coast Asphalt Mr. Tom Ochs Old Fort Banking Co. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Overmyer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Overmyer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Paradiso Ms. Patty Pastorek Paul D. Nagy, DDS Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Picciuto Mr. and Mrs. George Pickett Mr. and Mrs. William Pietrykowski Plaza Lanes Mr. and Mrs. Randy Pollock Mr. and Mrs. David Prasuhn Pump Landscaping R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co.

Mr. Richard Randolph Reardon, Kolbe & Szakovits, Inc. Ms. Sheila Redfern Rexam BCA Mr. and Mrs. Rick Reyna Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riehl Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Risner Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rospert Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rutkowski Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Sattler SC Johnson Fund, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph** Schade Reverend Dennis Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Setzler Mr. and Mrs. Steven Shull Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Sidell Ms. Cheri Siebeneck Mr. and Mrs. Dean Silva

Sky Bank Mr. and Mrs. Billy R. Smith Mrs. Joyce Smith Dr. and Mrs. Nelson Smith Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Snyder Spieldenner Carpet One Mr. Thomas Steinberger Mr. Ralph Stevenson Dr. and Mrs. Howard Stierwalt Mr. and Mrs. Greg Strayer Mr. and Mrs. Ed Streacker Mr. and Mrs. Paul Streacker Streacker Tractor Sales, Inc. Mr. Donald Stricker Swint-Reineck Do-It Center Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Szymanowski The Beer Port

The Depot The Fremont Company Theresa Hensley at Freedom Hair Design UPS/United Parcel Service Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Van Dorn, Sr. Mr. Stephen A. Verock Village Toggery Mr. and Mrs. Tim Walters Mr. and Mrs. Mick Warner Warner Mechanical Corp. Wasserman Machine Shop Ms. Amy Weickert Weickert Insurance Agency Welty Financial Services Wendt Key Team Realty Mr. and Mrs. Pete Werling Whirlpool Mrs. Helen Widman

Mr. and Mrs. Randy Wiechman Ms. Judith Williams Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wobser Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wonderly Mr. and Mrs. David Wonderly Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wonderly Wonderly Collision Wonderly-Horvath Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woolf Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wysocki Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon Younker Mr. and Mrs. Gary Zimmerman

**Check matching Gift Companies

Homecoming Festivities

2004/05 Class Reunions

Honoring 30 years of girl’s basketball

Saturday, October 16, 2004 4:30 Mass at St. Joseph Church 5:30 Judging of the floats in the St. Joe Grade School parking lot 6:00 The parade leaves the parking lot en route to the stadium 7:00 Introduction of SJCC past girls’ basketball players 7:30 Game vs. Carey The crowning of the homecoming queen and performance from the SJCC and alumni bands will be at half-time.

After the game: The Alumni and Friends AssociationHomecoming Party in the SJCC cafeteria. This is free and open to anyone 18 years of age and older. Come and enjoy food, beverages, door prizes and more!

Class of 1964 Saturday, October 23, 2004, 4:30 Mass at St. Joseph Church (meet in the back), 5:30 dinner at The Elks, downstairs. Contact Fred Singer 334-3060 /Bud Oxley 332-0228 Class of 1965 Saturday, September 10, 2005 at SJCC cafeteria. More information to follow. Contact Sherry (Wilhelm) Weiker 419-639-2139 or Carolyn (Smith) Hollingsworth 419-448-1325 or crh@aac-inc.com

**Ken Dumminger from Dumminger Photography does group photos for class reunions for only $10 each which includes mailing. If interested call 419332-8814 or Photopro@dumminger.com

Chairpersons: Call or email Kathy Boukissen if you want class lists, address labels, door prizes, “It Happened In”, (senior class year), or a power-point presentation on SJCC. Everything is FREE.

Recognizing Gifts “Light Of Christ” Faculty and Staff Endowment Louis & Tony Burkett* Ethel Burkett Florence Chudzinski* M/M Bernard Malinowski Joe Freeh* Leona Laurer Paul Godfred* Lt. Col. & Mrs. Tom Hoffert Joe Kindred* M/M Rob Boukissen Mary Willis* M/M Patrick Adkins, Dr. & Mrs. John Bodie, M/M Mike Gabel, M/M Jim Haubert, M/M Dennis Rectenwald, M/M Bill Taylor & Family Class of 1949

Ambrose “Bud” Ochs* M/M Norm Gabel Paul Godfred* KayAuxter, M/M Gay Bowden, M/M Larry Brenot, M/M Ed Busold, Mrs. Sylvia Celek, Janet Durnwald, M/M Ken Gabel, M/M Brent Godfred, M/M Marion Golamb, M/M Joseph Gottron, M/M David Growel M/M Robert Guthrie, Andy Klisz, Mrs. Barney Knisely, Thomas Knisely, M/M John Lauer, Kathleen Laux, M/M Thomas Leite

M/M Thomas Lindenberger Ruthann Mayle, Betty Mead, Kathy Meyer,M/M Wayne Michael,Jane Ann Mosser Sandra Mosser, M/M Robert Moyer, Dr/M Walter Oxley, Kathleen Rauch,M/M Jim Ronski, Tony Ruggiero, M/M Dick Setzler, M/M John Setzler, M/M John Spieldenner, M/M Phil Steinle, M/M Jim Swint, C.J. Szymanowski, M/M Tom Tight, M/M Burk Tischler, Mike Tomaszensk, M/M Dan Wasserman

Religious Education Casimir & Audrey Macielewicz* Margaret Woessner

Trophy Fund Bob Beier* M/M Charlie Gonya

Band & Flag Corp Ann Hoffman

Building Facilities Mary Koebel* Carl Koebel

Athletic Complex 300 Club Joe Kramer, Mike Miesle, Dr. Kevin Furlong, Anthony Paradiso, M/M Don Stang

Memorials Angela Kupka* M/M Richard Smith Joe Overmyer* Bernadette Overmyer John Young* Raymond Young Streacker Tractor Sales Inc.

Donors Recognizing Gifts Unrestricted Ann B. Burkin* Janet Celek, M/M Kevin Fisher,Don Hoffman, M/M Joseph Kuzma, M/M John Lauer, Ann Rectenwald, M/M Dick Smith Monica Camp-Allen* Mercedes Keating, Clara Wesolek Chuck Collins* M/M Tom Leite Joe Freeh* M/M Joe Gottron, M/M John Lauer, M/M Jack Mayle Tim Smith* George Sevick Mary Willis* M/M Rick Barbour, M/M Don Bertsch,M/M Scott Bunn, M/M Rod Cutcher, M/M Rudy Dracka, M/M Tom Esker, M/M Robert Hoffman, Norman Hoffman, M/M Norman Neeb, Joann Ochs, M/M Al O’Neal, M/M Bill Quayle, M/M Ron Sanchez, M/M Chris Schneider, M/M Dave Soderberg, Mary Alice Streeter, Linda Valasek, M/M Jim Wolf, Gail Perl, Connie Mumford Honor of Dr. Stephen Reineck Brenda Courtney

Tuition Scholarship Louise Stout Annonymous

Don & Jean Wasserman Scholarship Fund Joe Freeh* Jean Wasserman

The “Light of Christ” Faculty and Staff Endowment and Tuition Assistance

Bob and Ruth Beier Endowed Scholarship Fund

Marcia Liwaj* M/M Robert Beier, M/M Rob Boukissen, M/M Lee Bowden, Rita Busold, M/M Tom Busold, M/M Dan Coleman, Eileen Gabel, M/M Mike Gabel, Mary Ellen Fisher, M/M Calvin Fought, M/M Gary Geller, The Harman Family, M/M Paul Hoelzle, M/M Charles Hufford, Mercedes Keating, Marilyn Knopp-Siler, M/M Doyle Kusmer, Jim Lauer, M/M John Lauer, Leona Laurer, M/M Steve Mayle, Ruth Maier, M/M Jim Nycum, M/M Allan O’Neal, M/M Fred Recktenwald, Anne Rectenwald, M/M Gene Snyder, Clara Wesolek, M/M Roger Wise, M/M Bill Yeager, M/M Jim Yeager, M/M Gary Zimmerman

Tuition Assistance George and David Mead* Deborah Hurt James Kwiatkowski* Rita Kwiatkowski Mary Willis* Marcia Alt, M/M Tom Amos & Family, M/M Terry Bolen & Family, M/M Bob Chudzinski, M/M Michael Ferdinadnsen, Norma Gabel, M/M Don Haubert, Nicole Heilmann, Donna Hoffman, M/M Joseph Hoffman, M/M Frank Hoover, M/M John Hotz & Family, M/M Ken Kerik, Annie Knisely & Family, Pat Kuzma & Family, M/M Mark May, Pearl Paulus, Margaret Phillips, Diane Rosiar, Karen Shifflet, M/M Virgil Shull Jr. M/M Wayne Stults, M/M John Willis, Christopher Cook, Elizabeth Kendig,Paul Krofft, Susan Lalain

Bob Beier* Shari Ackerman Family, M/M Richard Anderson, Anna Belle Avers, M/M Bill Babione, M/M Rick Barbour, Esther Barbour, Mary Barrington, Marilyn Beckman, Helen, Joe, Haley Beier, Catherine Beier, M/M Robert Boukissen, Joan Bowden, M/M Lee Bowden, M/M Gay Bowden, Fr. John Brennan, Ethel Burkett, M/M Rodney Burkett, M/M Tom Busold, Marcia Carey, Sylvia Celek, M/M Richard Celek, Janet Celek, Amy & Hannah Chudzinski, Dan Chudzinski, Therese Clouse, M/M Dan Coleman, M/M Edward Collins, M/M David Courtney, M/M Tim Dancer, Alvin Darr, M/M Randy Darr, M/M James Denman,M/M Paul Dickman, M/M Bob Druckenmiller, Pat Durnwald, M/M Dennis Durnwald, M/M Tom Drusback, Catherine Eberly, Kelly Eckel, Edd’s Supplies, Inc., M/M Robert Eshleman, M/M Norman Foos, M/M Harold Foos, Linda Fox, M/M Gerald Franks, M/M Jerry Freeh, M/M Terry Furlong, M/M Mike Gabel, M/M Ken Gabel, M/M Norman Gabel, M/M Russell Gabel, Eileen Gabel, M/M Gary Godfred, Jeff Goetz, M/M John Golamb, Russell Gonya, Emerence Grime, M/M Michael Haaser, M/M Bill Halm, Tom Halm, M/M Jim Harr, Jim, Bob and Mary Ann Harris, Lowell Hartman & Family, M/M James Haubert, Rita Hershey, M/M Dave Higgins, Pat Hoecker, M/M Tom Hoelzle, M/M Herbert Hoffman, M/M William Hotz,M/M Dan Hughes, M/M Dan Kenaan, Mercedes Keating, Marian Kindred, Howard King Family, M/M Richard

CEDF Gifts In Honor Bob & Charline Moyer’s 53rd Anniversary M/M Bill Barbour Bob Moyer’s Birthday M/M Garrett Kamstra Bob Moyer on Father’s Day M/M Bill Barbour, M/M Garrett Kamstra Father Mark Herzog’s 25th Anniversary M/M Bill Barbour

Monthly Gifts Mary Barrington Ethel Burkett Joan Collins M/M James Diedrich Annabelle Fisher M/M Tim Harmon M/M Terry Hasselbach

Fr.Mark Herzog, Mercedes Keating Larry Kramer +Whirlpool Matching Gift M/M Robert Lewis LaDonna Myers Thomas Ochs Mary Ottney M/M George Pickett M/M William Raubenolt M/M Bob Schmidt M/M Gerard Shondell Louise Stout Virginia Valle Clara Wesolek George Widman Charleen Woessner M/M Robert Wilhelm +Whirlpool Matching Gift

Kiser, M/M Jeff Kiser, M/M Daryl Knipp, Tom Knisely, Gertrude Kohlman, M/M Joseph Kuzma, M/M John Lauer, Leona Laurer, M/M Ralph Lehman, M/M Charles Lenhart, M/M Tom Linder, M/M Gary Logsdon, M/M John Miarer M/M Malone, M/M Jack Mayle, Ruthann Mayle, Irene Mehalic, Michigan Agricultural Commodities, Inc., M/M Ronald Miller, Mike Mock,Margaret Mosser, M/M Leonard Mosser, Ohlman Farm and Greenhouse, M/M Allan O’Neal, M/M Scott Otermat, M/M Vince Overmyer, Annette & Harold Overmyer, Kyle & Melanie Overmyer, Jean Overmyer, Tracy Overmyer, Smokey & Cheryl Overmyer, M/M Kenneth Pletcher, M/M Paul Picciuto, Marcella Post, M/M Frederick Recktenwald, M/M Dennis Rectenwald, M/M Robert Reed, M/M Hal Reed, Rody Reineck, Dr. & Mrs. Mark Reineck, M/M Mike Reineck, M/M William Reineck, Mary Alice Reiter, M/M Jeff Rohe, M/M Glenn Saller, Sanduksy County Clerk of Courts Offices, M/M Marc Schultz, M/M Snider, M/M Gene Snyder, M/M Vince Snyder, M/M Phillip Steinle Sr, John Stewart & Assoc, M/M John Swint, M/M Paul Szakovits, M/M Albert Wagner, M/M Eric Walters, M/M Dave Warner, M/M Alan Weickert, M/M Fred Weickert, M/M Craig Wendt, Clara Wesolek, M/M John Whittaker, George Widman, Wilma Widman & Family, M/M Roy Wilhelm, M/M Dave Winters, Sharon Wirkner, M/M Terry Wurzel, M/M Bill Yeager, M/M Jim Yeager, M/M Kevin Yeckley, M/M Albert Zamora, M/M Gary Zimmerman


Sam Barbour* M/M Bill Barbour Bob Beier* M/M Jim Walter M/M Burtis Gallagher* M/M Tom Gallagher, Kathy Holcomb, Dr/M John Laboe Molly Gallagher* M/M Michael Cavanaugh Sr., Elmwood of Fremont LTD, M/M Timothy Evans,M/M Ti m o t h y G a l l a g h e r, M . Vi rg i n i a Gallagher, M/M Stephen Marquis M/M Leonard Mosser,M/M Roland Raeker, M/M Robert Stover, Richard Gegorski* M/M Kregg Gegorski Eileen Geller* M/M James Freeh Paul Godfred* Carol Trick, M/M Jim Walter

Joseph Freeh* M/M James Freeh Jack Hoffman* M/M James Sherck Janis House* John House Patrick & Dawn Lineharr* Robert Valenzuela Luetta Mayle* M/M Gary Zimmerman Edward Paluch Class of 1953* Ann Paluch Ralph Schade* M/M Gary Zimmerman Mary Elaine Schuck-Geary* M/M Theodord Haaser Mary Willis* M/M Jim Reardon, Dan Chudzinski, M/M Ted Luc, Mary Kuhn

Through the generosity of many, CEDF has given $23,395 to SJCC as an unrestricted gift for the first half of the 2004 year.

SJCC From Director of Development Kathy (Reineck) Boukissen

We’re off to a great start of the school year with enrollment up to 286 students. Last year we had 280. This is due to the involvement of many people who care about SJCC and support student sponsorship. Over two years ago we were very fortunate to have a group of individuals step up and ask how they could help secure SJCC’s future. Those people are on our steering committee. Because of them, The Generation of Commitment Capital Campaign is a reality! What is so great about these individuals is that they consist of alumni, friends and current parents who live both locally and out of town. I would like to personally thank Jim Hoffman, Jerry Wasserman, Tom Dudley, Sue Barbour, Bob McCartney, Tom Kiser, Hal Hawk, Terri Haven, Bill Pietrykowski and Sue Berryman This campaign is so much more than raising money. We are looking at all areas of the school, including governance. Mike Gabel, our principal, cares very much that SJCC is around for generations to come and has been open to the suggestions of over 400 people who have been a part of our process and planning. Remember to keep in touch at kboukiss@fremontstjoe.org or my direct phone line and voice mail 419-332-5124


SJCC Booster Club Dear Alumni & Friends, The intent of this letter is to inform you of the aluminum recycling service provided by the SJCC Ladies and Men’s Booster Club. We began the service in November of 1990 (it has raised and donated over $100,000 since its inception), and we are very proud of our “all volunteer” work force. We try very hard to be reliable and do a good job for you, our customer. The alumninum can recycling station is located behind Jake’s Auto Repair, 201 E. State St. near the bridge and on the river. We open every Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon year round. We are open Wednesday nights from 6:00-8:00 p.m. May through September. We “do pay” for aluminum cans, and try to be competitive with other buyers. If you would like to donate your cans, you can drop them off at the recycling station anytime. If you have large loads over 300

lbs., we will take them by appointment by calling 332-9459 or 332-0560. In closing, please consider using the SJCC Boosters can recycling service. We will pay a good rate and at the same time you will be helping support the young people at SJCC. Thank you, SJCC Boosters

Principal Mike Gabel stands next to the new van donated by the Booster Club this year.

Dedicated Booster Club volunteers over the past 14 years. Dave Bain Bill Barbour Rick Barbour Jerry Borer Joanne Busold Tim Carmack Tom Carmack Tom Celek Dick Chamberlain Tony Chudzinski Tom Dalton Greg Darr Roger Dick Paul Dickman Tom Drusback Marty andWanda Eberly

Dave Foos Jerry Foos Robert Foos Bob Gabel Cindy Gabel Ken Gabel Mike Gabel Norm Gabel Rich Geyman Rich Good Sandy Harman Ken Haslinger Bob Hershey Tim Hoffman Ron House Jim Jay

Larry Jay Marty Jay Mike Jay P.J. & Mary Keating Chris & Mary Knight Tom Knisely Randy Koebel Tom Kubat Doyle Kusmer John Kuzma John Lauer Mark LeJeune Tom Leite Arlene Lenhart Tom Light John Lonsway

Tim Luc Jack Mayle Jim Mayle Bill Mayle Tom Merrill Wayne Michael Don Mikolajczyk Dan Miller Larry Miller Ray Miller Willie Mosser Francis Ochs Denis Otte Steve Pfefferle Sam Picciuto Carla Printy

Tom Reineck Dave Roth Dick Setzler Nelson Smith Troy Sidney Denny Snyder Vince Snyder Jim Szakovitz Fred Tindall Burke Tischler Steve Vargo Dave Winters Marty Zyski

SJCC Sports Complex “300 Club” (300 people who give $300)

For $5 a month, or $50 a year, buy a ticket to win $100 based on the nightly Pick 3 number from the Ohio Lottery. If you would like a ticket contact Mike Gabel at 419-332-9947 or send a check to SJCC with this clipping.

__ Yes sign me up for ______memberships Amount Enclosed: _____________________ Bill my Visa/MC: Amount:______________ #___________________________________

Exp. Date:____________

Vin#_____________ (last three digits on back of card) __ I cannot join at this time but enclosed is my check for $______________

Name:___________________ Name:________________________________________________________ ___________________ Address:______________________________________________________ Phone #:_________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________________

Sports Tennis Team Going Strong By Melissa Hoelzle

Under the new leadership of Coach Whitney Muchler, the SJCC tennis team is off to a great start. They began their 9-0 season with big wins over Oak Harbor, St. Mary Central Catholic, and Tiffin Calvert and took first place at the NWOCSA tournament in September. “It’s all going really well. Everyone is working hard and trying to play to the best of their ability. Hopefully we can continue the progress,” said cocaptain Katie Miller. Other members include Melissa Hoelzle (co-captain), Ally Wobser, Leigh Anne Autullo, Emily Miller, Jenna Weikert, Katie Jenkins, Alexis Heimert, and Olivia Beck.

Volleyball Teams Faring Well By Jake Streacker

The SJCC varsity volleyball team is currently 2-2. Following a loss in the season opener at Margaretta, the girls rallied for two straight wins against St. Mary Central Catholic and North Baltimore. However, their winning streak was brought to an end in a home loss to Mohawk. They began play in the NWOCSA on October 2. The JV team is currently 3-0, with wins over Margaretta, St. Mary, and North Baltimore. The freshman team stands at 2-4.

Kusmer, Ryan Rodenhauser, Andy Morrison, Marcel Brix, Jeremy Foos, Loe Lento, Alyssa Dickman, Melissa Mead, Kevin Beier, Megan Boukissen, Laura Clark, Tony Estrada, Amy Morroney, Alex Reineck, and Kaitie Williams.

Cross Country Starts Slow By Brigid Reilly

. The SJCC boys and girls Cross Country teams are bigger than ever. The girls team has 16 members while the guys have 14. At the Norm Bray Invitational the teams were competing with Division II and III schools. The girls team placed 8th out of 16 teams. The boys placed 10th out of 15 teams. Both teams turned around at the next meet doing an awesome job at the NWOSCA. The girls got 3rd out of 6 teams and the boys placed 2nd of 6 teams. The Tiffin Cross Country Carnival is one of the biggest meets of the year. The girls placed 42nd out of 50 teams and the boys placed 31st out of 46 teams. “I have a very hardworking group of girls. They put 100% effort into each day of practice,” stated Head Coach Jamie Gilbert. “The boys team is a very young team. The majority of them are new to the team this season or have paticipated only one year,” added Gilbert.

Golf Team on Par By Melissa Hoelzle

Even with the loss of Vince Golamb to graduation, the SJCC golf team has been proving its merit on the course. “We’re getting more confident and playing better after every match,” said Coach Greg Kohler. “Hopefully, we’ll be ready to make a tournament run in a few weeks.” Earning a 7-2 mid-September record are Will Woodruff Cory Swaisgood, Kevin Rusch, Eric Kirwen, Daniel Boyd, and Kyle Horvath. “We’ve got a shot at districts but anything can happen there and the weather is always a factor,” said Woodruff. “We also hope for a big win at the MAL tournament.”

Football Steadily Improving By Jake Streacker

The SJCC varsity football team currently stands at 0-3. Despite a slow start, they continue to show promise. “I’ve seen a tremendous improvement in each game,” says Head Coach Rick Wonderly. SJCC held the lead until the fourth quarter in their game against Ayersville. However, their hopes were crushed by an Ayersville comeback and they lost, 28-14. The Streaks began MAL play on September 17th against long-time rival Tiffin Calvert.

Soccer Team Struggles By Brigid Reilly

Even though the season has started out rough (0-6), the soccer team is hopeful that they can turn things around. “The biggest challenge for the year is working as a team,” said senior Joe Lento. “We are getting there and it has been a tough start, but we are picking it up and it’s great.” Head Coach Phil Collison is assisted by John Beier. The team includes Marcus Lehmann, Brad Frederick, Aaron Pumphrey, Ali

Everyone make way! The cheerleading competition squad is back and ready for action. Top Row from left to right: Stephanie Baker and Lauren Overmeyer. Middle Row: Emily Overmeyer, Jennifer Lehmann, Michelle Kosakowski. Bottom Row: Katie Jenkins, Jenny Freeh, and Lexi Glanemann

DO YOU HAVE NEWS??? We’re looking for alumni & friends information on weddings, anniversaries, births, graduations, promotions or anything else you think is newsworthy. Also, if you know of someone who is in need of our prayers, please let us know. Help us to help you stay informed! Name:______________________________ Maiden:_________________ Class:__________ Address:_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Phone #:___________________________ E-mail:___________________________ What’s your news?__________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ If you know of anyone who would like to receive The Voice, but currently is not, send their name and address to Kathy at SJCC or kboukiss@fremontstjoe.org

_________________________________________________ Return to : The Voice c/o Kathy Boukissen 702 Croghan St. Fremont, Ohio 43420

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Email: kboukiss@fremontstjoe.org

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