2022 Annual Report

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RDC 2022 Annual Report
by Sr. Patricia Sheridan,
this Time

To learn more about the Mother Mary Veronica Legacy Society, please contact Cathy Nolan, Director of Advancement at 914-798-1140.

2022 Annual Report Special Thanks RDC Leadership Team Sr. Lucille Coldrick, RDC Melissa Maldonado Tracy Ritter Linda Sisti Watercolor Art Elements Sr. Patricia Sheridan, RDC Advancement Team Cathy S. Nolan Director of Advancement Sr. Felicitas Russell, RDC Coordinator of Hospitality Elizabeth Vazquez Advancement Associate Spring Appeal
you for your generosity and support. Scan to donate or text DIVINE to 41444
consider a major or planned gift to the Sisters of the Divine Compassion through gift annuities, life insurance, real estate, bequests, stocks, appreciated securities, and charitable trusts.
Mother Mary Veronica

Dear Friends,

Our grace at this time is multi-faceted. We realize more deeply the gift that community is for us. It strengthens our relationships, prayer and spirituality, and enables us to deepen our compassion for ourselves and each other.

We remain instruments of God’s loving heart. Together with our RDC Associates and Companions, we partner in mission and collaborate with various community representatives, donors, and volunteers to enable the liberation and empowerment of all people. This is our mission and our spirituality, which bring us closer into the hearts of the people we serve.

As we reflect on the past year, we are so very thankful to you for your faithful support of our Sisters. As our Congregation ages, we remain in mission where we live, work and volunteer. Over the past several years, we have been planning for the “Future of our Compassion.” The article on the next page outlines a few of the initiatives that provide an opportunity for the Divine Compassion Community to transition into the future.

“I cannot do this alone; we cannot do this alone.” In this statement, our Foundress, Mother Mary Veronica articulated the enduring value of collaboration in fulfilling the Divine Compassion mission, legacy, and the well-being of the community-at-large.

You are an important part of our grace at this time. Because of your faithful friendship and generosity, the Sisters, Associates and Companions of the Divine Compassion continue to be a compassionate presence of God in the world, called to respond to the signs of the times by embracing the suffering of others, and bringing God’s healing love to all.

We thank God for you – our benefactors and partners in mission – and pray that God’s grace be a “perennial infusion of springtime in the lives of you and your loved ones.”*

Sisters of the Divine Compassion Leadership Team

Sr. Susan Becker, RDC

Sr. Laura Donovan, RDC

Sr. Kristin Donworth, RDC

Sr. Carol Peterson, RDC

*John O’Donohue

“Grace is the permanent climate of divine kindness. Even in the bleakest of times, grace is a divine springtime.”
-John O’Donohue

The Future of our Compassion

The Sisters of the Divine Compassion continue to plan for the future as our Sisters, Associates and Companions remain in mission where they live, work and volunteer.

For much of our entire lives, we have lived our vocation through our ministries. Over the past five years, as we have acknowledged our aging and our retirement, we recognized that the time was approaching when we would no longer be able to govern or direct the mission of our ministries. We, therefore, provided each of our Sponsored Ministries with professional support and time to develop and execute a plan to become legally and financially independent organizations. This was a great risk, but a marvelous opportunity for our ministries to continue in mission with a spirit of compassion.

We are pleased to announce that two of our previously Sponsored Ministries – the RDC Center for Counseling and Human Development in White Plains and the Preston Center of Compassion in the Bronx – have become independent, not-for-profit organizations. Each organization continues to be a compassionate presence and resource to the communities they serve, providing quality, affordable psychotherapy services and counseling, as well as a myriad of programs and support to those in need. We congratulate these ministries and their governing Boards!

The Divine Compassion Community is a founding member investor in the Leviticus 25:23 Alternative Fund. The Fund was established in 1983 by 27 religious congregations who realized that if we pooled and invested our resources together, we could do more to reflect and advance the faith-driven values we share.

Forty years later, the fund now has 62 member investors and 115 individual and institutional associate investors. It has cumulatively invested over $194.2 million in projects to build, expand, or improve homes, childcare centers, charter public schools, health centers, and economic development in cities, towns, and rural areas across our region. Inside each of these projects are over 25,000 lives that have been enriched - from infants to the elderly.

In celebration of the 40th anniversary, Leviticus is further strengthening its work through a recently announced Legacy Fund — a pool of capital based on donations, not investments.

Seven original fund investors, including the Sisters of the Divine Compassion, are pooling our support into donations. Money from the Legacy Fund, permanently restricted for lending, will be lent and repaid to support future projects. By joining in this effort, the Sisters of the Divine Compassion continue to support an organization that provides opportunities for the economically disadvantaged to live with dignity and self-determination.


The Divine Compassion Community is also a member of the Charter for Compassion. Created in 2008 by religious historian, scholar and best-selling author, Karen Armstrong, the Charter for Compassion is a global, cooperative effort to restore not only compassionate thinking but, more importantly, compassionate action to the center of religious, moral and political life. Over two million people worldwide have signed the Charter. Grounded in a self-organizing structure of best practices, the Charter for Compassion organization engages individuals and communities in collaborative partnerships in compassion.

The Sisters, Associates and Companions of the Divine Compassion affirmed the exploration of Charter for Compassion in its 2020 Chapter Meeting, and began to organize internally to develop a local initiative. In 2022, a Collaboration for Compassion (CfC) Advisory Committee, including Sisters, Associates, Companions and Alumnae, was established, and early research about establishing a Community of Compassion pilot program in White Plains began.

During the past year, members of the CfC Advisory Committee have met with government officials, nonprofit and membership organizations, corporate citizens and more to:

• Identify “discomforts” in the White Plains community—those issues that are causing pain and suffering to individuals or groups or the entire community— which can be addressed and relieved through compassionate action.

• Find out what is already being done, or has been done, to address the most challenging issues in White Plains, and learn what has worked and not worked, and recognize and acknowledge each.

• Invite people to join us in creating a Community of Compassion in order to give voice and services to people in need in White Plains.

Over the next year, we will continue our research and engage constituents from the faithbased, nonprofit, corporate, business, government and education sectors to establish a Community of Compassion, and determine how we can best lift up and serve those that are marginalized in our community.


Honoring the “Divines”

Over the past year, the Sisters of the Divine Compassion have been recognized for making a compassionate impact on the lives of those around them, especially at Wartburg, where twenty-two of our Sisters now reside.

Many thanks to Maria Provenzano, Wartburg’s Director of Adult Day Services, who nominated Sr. DeLillis Christine McGee, RDC, for the 2022 Westchester County’s Senior Citizens Hall of Fame Award. Sr. Christine was honored for “her spirituality, open heart and innovative programming, which has made an impact on so many, especially those living in Wartburg’s memory care unit.”

A long-term licensed care facility nursing aide for over 40 years, Sr. Christine is an advocate for the memory care unit residents. Sister volunteers to address their spiritual needs and leads them in reciting the Rosary every Sunday. Sr. Christine is also a Eucharistic Minister and distributes Holy Communion to Wartburg residents unable to attend Mass due to cognitive or physical challenges. Sister assists Wartburg residents who are unable to shop for necessities by accompanying them to the store or shopping on their behalf. Additionally, Sr. Christine maintains the garden at Meadowview, which is enjoyed by all.

“Sr. Christine sees a need and very quietly finds a way to open her heart and fulfill that need,” Ms. Provenzano said.

Westchester County Executive, George Latimer, the Department of Senior Programs and Services and Parks, Recreation and Conservation, along with the Westchester Public/Private Partnership for Aging Services inducted Sr. Christine into the 2022 Westchester County’s Senior Citizens Hall of Fame at the 40th Anniversary Awards Ceremony in December 2022.

“We congratulate and thank our Sr. Christine for all she does for others, her attentive care of the garden at Wartburg, and for being a compassionate presence of God where she lives,” the Sisters of the Divine Compassion Leadership Team said.

Sr. DeLillis Christine McGee, 2022 Senior Hall of Fame Award Recipient Sisters Jane Keegan, Felicitas Russell, Christine McGee and Mary Alice O’Brien Missing from the picture: Sr. Lori DeGiorgio

“Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Wartburg community. They willingly and selflessly give their time, energy, and resources toward helping others. They work to enhance and enrich the lives of residents, helping to facilitate special events and daily programming.” Ms. Provenzano added.

In 2022, five Sisters of the Divine Compassion – Sisters Lori DeGiorgio, Jane Keegan, DeLillis Christine McGee, Mary Alice O’Brien and Felicitas Russell - were recognized by Wartburg for their excellence in volunteer service. The Sisters were honored for having shown extraordinary commitment to advancing the Wartburg mission: enabling seniors to live life to their fullest through excellence in healthcare and housing, which nurture body, mind, and spirit.

“Congratulations to our Sisters Lori, Jane, Christine, Mary Alice and Felicitas! We are so proud of you! You have seen opportunities at Wartburg to live our mission of being the compassionate presence of God wherever you are. Wartburg, its staff, and residents have been a gift to us. You are our gift to Wartburg,” the Leadership Team said.

Our Partners in Mission in Haiti

Sisters, Associates and friends of the Divine Compassion Community met in White Plains with the Little Sisters of St. Therese of the Child Jesus from Haiti during the summer of 2022. With your generous contribution, the Haitian Sisters continue their daily ministry to the poor and otherwise neglected and devastated people in their country.


For the past four years, Instagram has been one way the Sisters of the Divine Compassion have remained connected to so many of you. Our Sisters were among the early explorers on Instagram Live, and RDC Sisters, Associates, Companions, benefactors, alumnae(i), and volunteers remain in touch, not only on Instagram, but on Facebook and other social media. In the poem, A Tapestry of Conversations, Sr. Terry Young, RDC writes, “Conversation with any being is conversation with all being.” Although it has its challenges, we are blessed to enjoy the “Tapestry of Conversations” social media provides.


and treat yourself to Sr. Terry’s posts for insightful prayer, poetry and beautiful works of art


24th Annual Divine Compassion Golf

The 2022 Golf Classic & Dinner Reception, honoring Beth O’Keeffe Cleary, will be remembered as a “banner year” for the event! Dressed in layers with hats and gloves, golfers set out on a bitterly cold day on the course. Despite the weather challenges, a record number of golfers attended the event to support Beth and our Sisters of the Divine Compassion!

The windy and cold day on the course was followed by a glorious dinner reception at the Fenway Golf Club, thanks to our host and sponsor, Mrs. Gwen Fisher! Another grand success, over 260 guests gathered together to enjoy the festivities, as well as the grand prize raffle, gift baskets and thoroughly entertaining Live Auction, conducted by Skip Morton.

Thanks to the generosity and support of so many, over $157,000 in net proceeds was raised for the care and support of our Sisters and the Divine Compassion mission. Another new record!

“Our Golf Classic & Dinner Reception is a wonderful opportunity for us to gather with people we dearly love and appreciate! We are very thankful to our sponsors, donors, golfers, volunteers and dinner guests for their enduring love, support and remarkable generosity,” Sr. Laura Donovan, President said.

“As always, our dedicated Golf Classic Committee, working collaboratively with our Advancement Team and honoree, Beth O’Keeffe Cleary, did another outstanding job again this year, making it a terrific event for one and all - even better than a hole in one,” Sr. Laura added.

2022 Divine Compassion Golf Classic & Dinner Reception Committee

Sr. Jane Keegan, RDC Jim Donworth

Sr. Anne Kniphuisen, RDC Jeannie Gaston

Sr. Felicitas Russell, RDC Barbara Paonessa

Jennifer Daly Bruton Betsy Post

Beth O’Keeffe Cleary Elizabeth Vazquez Cathy Nolan

1 5 2 3

Classic & Dinner Reception

For the Divine Compassion Community, it was a joy to honor Beth O’Keeffe Cleary, our treasured friend, distinguished OLS and GCA alumna, and champion of Catholic Education through Advancement. Beth has been a part of the RDC Community since she was born, and has remained a steadfast, precious friend to us and a true ambassador of compassion.

This year’s event was a wonderful reflection of Beth, as it was “filled with the Good Counsel spirit!” It was truly a reunion of family, friends, alumnae and alumni from all walks of life, all together in one room to support the Sisters’ mission of compassion!

We are very excited about the 2023 Golf Classic & Dinner Reception, as it marks the 25th Anniversary of the event! We hope that everyone will join us to celebrate this wonderful milestone!

1. Honoree Beth O’Keeffe Cleary with her son, Timothy Cleary, daughter Hannah Cleary, brother and Celtic Cross Sponsor, Kevin O’Keeffe and bagpiper, Kevin Perri

2. Divine Compassion Community President, Sr. Laura Donovan, RDC and Beth O’Keeffe Cleary

3. Bill Bassett, Tom Avezzano, Lenny Medico and Anam Cara Sponsor, Thomas Devine

4. Angel of Compassion Sponsor, Tom Merkel with RDC Sisters and alumnae(i)

5. Committee member, Jennifer Daly Bruton, Donor Megan Hurley, Beth O’Keeffe Cleary and Donor Frances Medico

6. Angel of Compassion Sponsor, John Dubbioso with committee members Barbara Paonessa and Sr. Felicitas Russell, RDC

7. Committee member, Jeannie Gaston

8. Honoree Beth O’Keeffe Cleary with dear friend and Auctioneer, Skip Morton

9. Honoree Beth O’Keeffe Cleary with GCA “Big Sisters” and Donor Laura Ennis Finneran and Maura Henderson Lynch

10. Committee members Betsy Post and Barbara Paonessa with GCA Alumnae, Jennifer Mullery Talbot and Nancy Mullery O’Brien

11. Committee member, Jim Donworth and Anthony Mellea

10 8 9 6 7

Welcome “Home” Alumnae

Sisters of the Divine compassion were delighted to welcome alumnae “home” to celebrate their Anniversary Reunions.

Good Counsel College/College of White Plains, Class of 1972 Academy of Our Lady of Good Counsel High School (GCA), Class of 1972

*As forecasted by our actuarial studies, a negative gap exists, whereby our expenses exceed our traditional sources of income. We are very grateful to our loyal donors for helping us to minimize the gap.

Congregational Revenue 2022 2022 ANNUAL
* Sisters’ Compensation 57% Fundraising & Grants 21% Extraordinary One-Time Gifts 19% Property & Other 3% Sisters’ Care & Support 64% Other Congregational Expenses 23% Employee Salaries & Benefits 13% Golf Outing 40% Direct Appeals 21% Major Gifts & Gen Donations 20% Bequests 10% Memorials & Prayer Cards 4% Monthly Donors 3% Reunion 2% Congregational Expenses 2022 Advancement Income 2022


We are very grateful to the donors listed on the following pages whose generosity enables us to care for our Sisters and continue in our mission. We pray for you and your loved ones in thanksgiving for your support, friendship and faithfulness.

The listing includes donations made by our loyal benefactors and received by the Sisters of the Divine Compassion from October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022.

Over $50,000

Carolyn Denny Fund

Dr. Hugh McGowan

$40,000 to $49,999

Ms. Antoinette Gedney †

$20,000 to $39,999

Ridgewood Savings Bank Foundation

Mr. Charles Sabino

$10,000 to $19,999

Mr. & Mrs. Robert DeDonato

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Devine, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Girolamo

Ms. Colleen A. Kelly

Ms. Maureen Medure

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O’Keeffe

$5,000 to $9,999

Ahearn-Holtzman, Inc.

The Burns Family Foundation

Mr. Hebe Dowling

Mr. John Dubbioso

Guild of Our Lady of Good Counsel

International Longshoremen’s Association

Local 1804-1, ILA

Ms. Denise McAnanly

Mr. & Mrs. John J. McAvoy

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Merkel

Mr. Bill Miller

Stagg Family Foundation

Ms. Jean Stellato

Three D Industrial Maintenance

$1,000 to $4,999

Ms. Beverley Ackert

Al’s Moving & Storage

Ms. Janis Archer

Ms. Debra Arena

Mrs. Kathleen Azzariti

Mr.† & Mrs. Howard Bedford

Mr. John Barcelo

Ms. Kathleen Bergin

Ms. Patricia Burke

Cabrini of Westchester

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cataldo *

Mr. William Cerbone

Ms. Elizabeth O’Keeffe Cleary

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Clemens

Ms. Rosemary Cockerill

Mr. & Mrs. James K. Coleman

Colucci Associates

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Coughlin

Ms. Eileen Curran

Ms. Sandra Dadik

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Daly

Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Dinger

Mr. James Donworth

Ms. Pamela J. Duffy

Mr. & Mrs. Denis Dwyer, II

Ms. Barbara Eble

Mr. & Mrs. William Falvey

Ms. Joan E. Farrell

Mrs. Louise Hutter Filipic

Ms. Laura Ennis Finneran

Ms. Gwen Fisher

George Comfort & Sons

Mr. & Mrs. Joel Giuffre

Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Hand

Mrs. Wendy Harnaga

Ms. Barbara Heenan

Mrs. Mary Ellen Hennessy-Jones

Ms. Rosemary Hintz

Mr. James Holderman

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Holzer

Ms. Susan Johnson

Mrs. Mary Helen Jordan

Kennedy Catholic Preparatory School

Mr. & Mrs. William LaPerch

Mrs. Adrienne Laravuso

Mr. Daniel Leary

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lindgren

Mr. Christopher Lunnie

Mr. & Mrs. E. Barry Lyon

Ms. Janet Macy

Mansion on Broadway

Maria Regina High School

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Martens

Mrs. Mary Martin *

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Martino

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Masters

Ms. Patricia McCarthy *

Mrs. Jean McComb

Dr. Catherine McGovern, M.D.

Mrs. Catherine T. McGuire

Ms. Teresa Ann McQuade-Kao

Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Meyer

Mrs. Mary Michels

Drs. Nino & Madeline Mignone

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Moran

Mr. Guy Morano

Morgan Stanley Gift Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Morton

Mrs. Ann Nadler

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nolan *

Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’Donnell *

Mr. Michael Pasqualini

Ms. Loretta Pellicci

Ms. Marie-Louise Pratt

Ms. Patricia Quin *

Ms. Rita Raywid

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Ricci

Mrs. Tracy Ritter *

Mr. & Mrs. Ulrich Rosa

Ms. Mary Rowan

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Russell

Scully Construction LLC

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Serbaroli, Jr.

Mrs. M. Lavelle Shields

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Sims *

Mr. & Mrs. William Smart

Ms. Mary Spengler

The Province of St. Mary of the Capuchin Order

Archbishop Stepinac High School


Trattoria 632

Mrs. Lorraine Traynor *

Bank of America - Lisa B. Troy TTEE

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Walsh


Mr. & Mrs. Charles Widder

Rev. Timothy Wiggins

Ms. Anne Yunick

Mr. Andrew Zambelli

$500 to $999

Mrs. Jessica Atkinson

Dr. & Mrs. Peter Baiocco, M.D.

Mr. James Sweeney & Ms. Ellen Baker *

Ms. Joann Bankes

Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Bardinelli

Beecher Flooks Funeral Home, Inc.

Mr. Joseph J. Bell

Benfield Electric Supply

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Beyrer *

Ms. Joanne Blakemore

Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Boivin

Mr. & Mrs. William Chin

Mr. Michael Chirichello *

Ms. Elizabeth Clark

Mrs. Audrey Clarkin

Miss Isabel Collins

The Concord Advisory Group Ltd.

Ms. Carolyn Conley *

Ms. Clorinda Consola

Mrs. Ann Couwenhoven

Ms. Lisa Cribari

Mr. & Mrs. William Damato

Mr. Joseph DeLuca

Mrs. Margaret Dennis

Ms. Katherine Devonshire

Mrs. Nancy Donohue

Dr. Maureen Doyle

Ms. Alice Droogan

Mr. Angelo Dubbioso

Mr. Kevin Dwyer

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F. Dwyer

Ms. Susan Emhof

Emma’s Ale House

Ms. Rita Ferrari *

Mrs. Margaret M. Fitzgerald

Ms. Peggy Fornara

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Frey

Ms. Maria Galarza *

Ms. Susanne Gallagher

Ms. Hilary Ann Gillert *

Mrs. Anne M. Glenn-Fellenzer

Ms. Virginia Gonzalez

Mr. Pasquale A. Guglielmo

Ms. Nancy Hack

Mr. Patrick Hanrahan

Mr. & Mrs. James Houlihan

Mr. Robert Hubertus

Mrs. Sally A. Jozwiak

Ms. Patricia Keegan

Ms. Mary Claire Kruger

Dr. James P. Lawler

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Ledley

Mrs. Marie C. Ludlow

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lynch

Ms. Patrice A. Lyons

Mrs. Bridget MacConnell

Ms. Nancy Jo Madden *

Mr. Anthony Mahon

Mr. Francis Malara

Mrs. Regina Martin

Ms. Donna Martino

Mr. Patrick Massaroni

Ms. Celia Mazziotti

Mrs. Deborah M. McGuinness *

Mr. & Mrs. John Q. McHugh

Ms. Marie McMahon

Mr. James Merkel

Mr. Joseph Milana

Ms. Anne Morales

Mr. & Mrs. John Nista

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Noonan

Mr. & Mrs. William Nugent

Ms. Marie Parrish

Ms. Mary Pfister

Mr. Stephen Povemba & Mrs. Monica Tufts-Povemba

Mr. Edward Quinn

Ms. Nancy Regnier

Mr. Richard Rennia

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Ring

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Sages

Ms. Jo-Ann Scebold *

Mrs. Maureen Schjorring

Mrs. Virginia Simmons

Mr. Jonathan Slater

Stepinac Crusader Parents’ Association

Mrs. Kathleen Tashner

Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Thorne

Mrs. Marguerite Tillistrand

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Varley

Dr. Elaine Walsh

Ms. Paula H. Winkelman

Judge Patricia Yonushonis

Law Offices of Francis X. Young, PLLC

Ms. Mary Zampino

$250 to $499

Ms. Maria Cotte Acton

Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Alas

All Pro Cleaning & Restoration Services

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Altomare

Ms. Lu Ann Anderson


Mr. Dominick Ardino

Ms. Isabelle D. Baker

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ballarin

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Baranowski

Mr. John Battista

Mr. & Mrs. Roy Bauerlein

Mrs. Joan Becker

Mr. Edward Beglane

Ms. Anne Bensel

Ms. Patricia Bieniewicz

Mrs. Susan Bradbury

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brewer

Ms. Nancy Byrne

Mr. Lawrence Carr

Mrs. Sally Cartaya

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cloherty

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Coffey

Mr. Daniel Coldrick

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Collins

Ms. Teresa Comas

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Connell *

Ms. Veronica Connelly

Mr. Patrick J. Conway

Mr. Joseph Costello

Ms. Patricia Cotter

Mr. John Cuff *

Ms. Mary Cullen

Mr. Joseph Cundari

Dr. F. John Dahl, DDS

Ms. Rachel D’Ambrosio

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Damo

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph De Bona

Ms. Valorie Debuck

“The desire of my heart and the grace I pray for each day is that my Beloved will use me to be a compassionate presence to those I meet - be it with a smile, a kind word, an offer to help.”
- Sr. Maureen McMahon, RDC

Mr. & Mrs. David DeCintio

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Delevan *

Ms. Maryann Di Simone

Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso DiBerardino

Ms. Joan Djakov Tieman

Mr. & Mrs. David Doern

Mr. & Mrs. Emilio Dominianni

Mr. & Mrs. John Donahoe

Mr. Alfred Donnellan

Mr. Robert Donovan

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Doris

Mrs. Madeleine Doyle

Mrs. Anne Jordan Duffy

Mrs. Lois Duggan *

Mr. Peter Edwards

Ms. Patricia Empie

Mr. & Mrs. James Farrell

Mr. & Mrs. Abraham Fiss

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gallagher

Ms. Margaret Gaughan *

Ms. Carol Ann Gervino

Mr. James Giangrande

Mr. & Mrs. John Giordano

Ms. Patricia Grabianowski

Mr. & Mrs. William Grant

Ms. Barbara Grzymala

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Guidotti

Ms. Anne Habermann

Ms. Joanne Hack & Mr. Denis J. O’Meara

Mrs. Mary L. Halloran

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hannaway

Mr. & Mrs. Jon Harrison *

Mrs. Regina Hart

Mr. Patrick Hart

Mrs. Kathleen Hinson

Middletown Honda

Dr. Bernice Houle

Mrs. Madeline Hynds *

Mr. Reno James

Ms. Carol Jenkins

Mrs. Catherine Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Keefer

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Keegan

Mrs. Joan Kelly

Mr. James M. Kelly

Ms. Claire Kelmer

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kennedy

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Kennedy, M.D.

Ms. Kathryn Killelea *

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Klauser

Knights Of Columbus, St. Lawrence Council #1495

Ms. Mary Lambert

Ms. Lisa Lanni

Mrs. Mary Leddy

Ms. Mary Lenard

Ms. Lyell Lewis

Ms. Rosemary Lillis

Mr. & Mrs. George Lock

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Longo

Mr. Michael Lynch

Ms. Carol Mackno

Mrs. Linda Maestro

Ms. Jean M. Mahon

Ms. Patricia Martabano

Mr. Thomas Matteini

McCarthy Associates

Mr. & Mrs. John McCarthy

Ms. Alice McCarthy †

Ms. Marie McDonald

Ms. Ellen McDonough

Mr. John McDonough

Ms. Marge McEvoy

Mrs. Rita McGoldrick

Ms. Margaret McGrane

Ms. Barbara McMurray

Mr. Robert Meckes

Mr. Leonard Medico

Mr. Anthony Mellea

Mr. Fred Merkel

Mrs. Joan Monaghan

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Morrow

Ms. Margaret Mullery

Mrs. Jennifer Mullery Talbot

Ms. Barbara E. Nichols

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Nicolich

Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Nolan

Ms. Virginia Nolan-Palleschi

Mr. Kevin O’Toole

Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’Brien

Ms. Maureen O’Brien *

Mrs. Nancy O’Brien

Ms. Margaret O’Brien

Mr. Michael O’Donnell, Jr.

Mrs. Elizabeth O’Gorman

Ms. Eileen Oliver

Mrs. Jane O’Neill

Mr. Richard Othmer

Miss Janet Palladino

Dr. & Mrs. Michael Panio

Mrs. Louisa Perla

Ms. Theresa Polansky

Preston High School

Ms. Monica Radoszewski

Ms. Loren Renz

Ms. Elizabeth Rigby

Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Rigsbee

Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Rossi

Ms. Janice Rueppel

Mrs. Mary Ryan

Ms. Jo-Ann Ryan

Mr. John Sablian

Mr. Mark Sahre

Mrs. Linda Saracco

Mr. Peter Scauzillo

Ms. Anne Marie Schiller

Ms. Marjorie Schmidt

Mrs. Eleanor Scimia

Mr. & Mrs. George Seitz

Ms. Elizabeth Sharpe, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Shebek

Mrs. Dorothy Sheridan

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Siemer

Ms. Eileen Slattery

Mr. Joseph Smith

Mr. Joseph J. Smith

Deacon William R. Smith

Mrs. Peggy Sobier

Ms. Alice Sofia

Ms. Mary Ellen Solicito

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Squiccimarro

Ms. Joanne B. Stack

Mr. John Stadtmueller

Mr. Kevin Stringer *

Mrs. Peggy Tempero

Mr. & Mrs. Martin P. Tighe

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Tomaskovic-Devey

Mrs. Joan Tracey

Mrs. Carmela Turco

Mr. & Mrs. John Uglum, III

Mrs. Barbara Van Bergen

Deacon & Mrs. Fernando L. Vazquez

Ms. Francesca Vollaro

Mr. & Mrs. George H. Wallace

Mr. & Mrs. James Walsh

Ms. Marilyn J. Watson

Lt. Col. & Mrs. Frank Welsh

Mrs. Hallie Wolfe

Ms. Janet Younkin

Ms. Elizabeth Ann Zand

$100 to $249

Ms. Janet Acerbi

Ms. Ann Adair

Mr. Joseph Alberigo

Mrs. Ryann Anderson Young

Mr. & Mrs. James Angley

Mr. & Mrs. Jan Anthony

Mrs. Josephine C. Antonecchia


Mrs. Patricia Azzara

Ms. Susan Bachman


Mrs. Nora Balliet

Ms. Joanne Barish

Mr. Kevork Barmaksezian

Ms. Arleen Barrett

Ms. Beth Basha

Ms. Tina P. Beissinger

Ms. Elizabeth Bergin

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bishop

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Blackmore

Ms. Mary D. Bocchino

Ms. Frances Bonarti

Mrs. Colleen Borrelli

Mr. Steve Bowler *

Mrs. Helene Bowler

Mrs. Tara Boyan

Mr. Thomas Brennan

Mr. & Mrs. James Brennan

Ms. Maureen Britton

Mrs. Fran Broderick

Mr. Ronald Brodeur

Mr. Donald W. Brodeur

Mr. Robert Brown

Mrs. Cathleen Brown

Ms. Christine Brown-Daly

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Bruton

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Buckel

Mr. & Mrs. John Buckley

Mr. & Mrs. James Budka

Ms. Mary A. Buga

Ms. Nancy Bui

Ms. June Burke

Ms. Heather Burleson

Ms. Jane Byrne

Mr. Daniel J. Cahill

Ms. Lynn Callagy

Ms. Vivian Cameron-Gallo

Ms. Patricia E. Campbell

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cancelosi

Mr. Fred Candreva

Mr. Joseph Candrevo

Ms. Margaret Cantlin-Kern

Mrs. Louis Cardinale

Ms. Katie Carew

Mrs. Patricia Carr

Ms. Julie Carran

Mr. & Mrs. Epifanio Carrasquillo

Ms. Millie Castro

Ms. Lori Cellini

Ms. Andrea Chappetta

Ms. Rita Ciolli

Ms. Eileen Clarke-Brady

Ms. Kathleen Clifford

Mr. Harry Cline

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Close

Ms. Janice Cockren

Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Coffey

The Cohen Family

Mr. & Mrs. William Coldrick

Mr. & Mrs. James Coldrick

Mrs. Nona Collin

Mr. Patrick Collins

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Collucci

Mr. & Mrs. E. James Colyer

Ms. Roseann Conforti

Ms. Eileen Connolly

Mr. Arthur Connor

Ms. Mary Frances Consola

Ms. Anne Corneck

Ms. Christina Correale

Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Costello

Ms. Mary Jane Coster

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Cotter

Mr. & Mrs. John Courtney

Ms. Rana Coury-Raymond

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Coyne

Ms. Catherine Cucurullo

Mr. & Mrs. William Cullen

Mrs. Patricia Culleton

Ms. Virginia Curry & Mr. Harold Miller †

Ms. Virginia Daly

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Danko

Ms. Agnes Dansereau

Mrs. Joan Darragh

Ms. Louise Decker

Ms. Nicole DeGiorgio

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Deignan

Rev. Robert DeJulio

Ms. Margaret Del Bene

Mrs. Jane DeLacruz

Ms. Patricia Delano

Mrs. Grace Dennison

Mr. Daniel Denver

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Desena

Mr. Kevin Devaney

Mrs. Ellen Devlin

Ms. Katherine Dick

Mr. Andrew Doherty

Mr. Edward Donnelly

Ms. Anne Donnelly

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Doolan

Mr. & Mrs. John Douglass

Mrs. Mary M. Doyle Roche

Mr. Greg Drummond

Ms. Dorothy Duff

Ms. Moira Duggan

Ms. Ellen Dunning

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Durso

Mr. Lawrence Dwyer

Ms. Nancy Dwyer

Mrs. Fran Dziuma

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Early

Mr. Kevin Edwards

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Eldridge

Mrs. Carrie Ewen

Ms. Rose Falco

Ms. Mona Falvey

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Farina

Mr. Declan Farrell

Ms. Mary Patricia Farrell-Hammatt

Ms. Melissa Felber

Ms. Mauryne Fennell

Ms. Sheila Finan

Ms. Georgina Finneran

Ms. Katherine Fiumara

Ms. Ida Fiumara

Mr. Peter Flanagan

Ms. Mary Anne Fleszar

Ms. Regina H. Flynn

Mr. Michael Foley

Ms. Nancy Ford

Ms. Tracey Franzese

Ms. Stephanie Freeman

Mrs. Laetitia Friis

Ms. Anne Fury

Ms. Valerie Gaglione

Mr. John Gallagher

Ms. Meghan Gallagher

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Gammon

Ms. Kathy Gandolfo

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Garczewski

Mr. David Gardella

Mrs. Leslie Garrett

Mrs. Jeannie Gaston

Ms. Margaret Gavin

Gedney Way Consultants LLC

Ms. Vivien Gentile

Chaplain Anne Gentile

“My grace at this time is that I have enough independence which allows me to help those with whom I live and continue the spirit of compassion.”
- Sr. Ruth Murphy, RDC

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gerbeth

Ms. Joanne Giangrande

Ms. Mary Gilmour

Ms. Nancy Girling

Ms. Mary Glenn

Ms. Frances Goddard

Ms. Hilda Gonzalez

Ms. Agnes C. Goudie

Mrs. Margaret Gray Fraina

Ms. Carroll Anne Grece

Dr. & Mrs. James Grendell

Ms. Louise Guglieri

Mr. & Mrs. George Hade, Jr.

Mrs. Barbara Hansbury-Weldon

Ms. Maureen Harris

Mr. & Mrs. Lennox Harris

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Harris

Ms. Nancy Hartzband

Mr. Scott Harwood

Mr. Guss Hayes

Mr. & Mrs. James Healy

Mrs. Kimberly Hecht

Mrs. Loretta Heller

Mr. Sean Henderson

Ms. Catherine Henry

Mr. & Mrs. James B. Henson

Ms. Madonna Herrle

Ms. Lucy Hiben

Miss Vickey Hickey

Mr. Mike Hinds

Mrs. Patricia Hoag

Mr. Paul Holehan

Ms. Marie Horbaly

Mr. & Mrs. William Horgan

Ms. Patricia Howie

Ms. Marianne Huggard

Ms. Patricia Hunt

Mr. Robert J. Hyland

Ms. Maureen Hynes

Ms. Noreen Iovino

Ms. Maureen Jackson

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Jacoby

Mrs. Helen Jakob

Ms. Kathleen Janush

Ms. Clare G. Joy

Mrs. Jennifer Joyce

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kaen

Ms. Anne Karas

Ms. Lynne Katopodis

Ms. Eileen Keegan

Mrs. Helen Kelleher

Ms. Kathryn Kelley

Dr. Frances M. Kelly

Mrs. Janet Kelly

Mrs. Lena Kelly

Ms. Katherine Kelly

Ms. Mary Patricia Kenlon

Mrs. Katherine Kennedy Murphy

Ms. Lorraine Kennery

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kessler

Mrs. Nancy Kessman

Ms. Margaret Kolb

Ms. Christine Konczewski

Ms. Grace Kosmyna

Ms. Patricia Krasnausky

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Krouskoff

Ms. Beatrice Kruchkow

Ms. Kathleen Kuck

Mr. Robert Lamarche

Ms. Joann Lamneck

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Landry

Ms. Catherine Landy

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lang

Mrs. Rita Langan

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lautzenheiser

Ms. Barbara Law

Ms. Barbara Lawrence

Ms. Mary Ann Ledda

Ms. Nancy Lee

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lent

Mrs. Theresa Lesnik

Mrs. Bernadette Lindgren

Mr. Roy Lipson

Mr. Davidson Lloyd

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lockwood

Mrs. Peter Looser

Ms. Kathleen Lynch

Ms. Nancy Lynch

Mrs. Nancy Maccera

Mr. Bryan Mackay

Ms. Patricia Macken

Ms. Nancy MacMurray

Rev. Thomas Madden

Ms. Monica Magner

Mr. & Mrs. John Magnesio

Mr. Walter Maher

Mrs. Joan Maliniak

Ms. Lisa Malloy

Mrs. A. T. Maloney

Mrs. F. Christina Mangum

Ms. Patricia Marcogliese

Mr. John Mariano

Ms. Joan Martabano

Mr. Ronald Martel

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne R. Martell, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Martin

Ms. Irene Maruggi

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Masiello

Mrs. Carol Mastoloni

Dr. Bindu Mathew

Mr. & Mrs. Henry McCabe

Mrs. Mary Pat McConnell

Ms. Irene McConnell

Mrs. Therese McConville

Mr. & Mrs. William McCooe

Ms. Bettina C McDermott

Mrs. Mary McDonnell

Ms. Suzanne McDonough

Mr. Alexander McElroy

Mr. Thomas McGowan

Ms. Shelia A. McKelvey

Ms. Maureen McLoughlin

Ms. Natalie F. McShane

Ms. Maureen McSweeney

Ms. Bonnie Mellusi

Mr. & Mrs. John Meltzer

Ms. Patricia Memoli

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mengler

Ms. Tara Meunier

Mr. & Mrs. Earl Meyers

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mitchell

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Modelski, Jr.

Monte Bros. Sound Systems, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. William Moran

Ms. Mildred Morisco

Mt. Carmel Convent

Ms. Theresa Muller

Mr. Stephen Mullery

Ms. Sharon Mullon

Ms. Patricia Murnane

Mrs. Elizabeth Murphy

Ms. Patricia Murray

Ms. Elizabeth Mycko

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Narog

Mrs. Linda Nestor

Mr. Robert Nielsen

The Nieves Family

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. O’Brien

Ms. Kathie O’Callaghan

Ms. Eileen O’Connell

Ms. Ellen O’Connell

Ms. Jane O’Connell

Ms. Antoinette Odoardi

Ms. Maeve O’Driscoll

Mrs. Joan Odud

Mr. & Mrs. William O’Keefe

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. O’Leary

Deacon & Mrs. Michael Oles

Ms. Joann Oliva

Mrs. Margit Oliva

Mrs. Kathryn O’Malley

Mr. Alex Orth


Ms. Alice O’Shea

Mrs. Tina Osso

Mr. Denis O’Sullivan

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Owen

Mrs. Eileen M. Page

Ms. Sharon Pecarina

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Peden

Mrs. Dorothy M. Petix

Mr. John Petry

Mrs. Dina Pfohl

Mr. & Mrs. William Phypers

Mr. & Mrs. William Pietschker

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Piscitello

Ms. Judith Pitstick

Ms. Kathy Placido

Polchinski Memorials, Inc.

Dr. & Mrs. Dean Polistina

Mr. & Mrs. William Porcaro

Ms. Betsy Post

Rev. Suzanne Post

Mr. Alfonse Preisser

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pruyne

Mrs. Antoinette Pulice

Ms. Marguerite Raymo

Rev. William Reamer

Ms. Jean Reamer

Mr. Raymond Reamer, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Reehill

Ms. Nancyann Rella

Ms. Catherine Renza

Ms. Mary E. Reviere

Mrs. Anne Riordan

Mrs. Deborah Rogan

Mr. John Rorick

Ms. Vickie Ross

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Russo, Jr.

Ms. Rosemarie Ryan

Mrs. Rosemary Sacken

Mrs. Evelyn Saeli

Ms. Debra Salerno

Ms. Theresita Santos

Ms. Alice Scala

Ms. Dolores Schmitt

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Schmitt

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Schoenberg

Mr. John Schott

Mr. & Mrs. Gerhard Schwalbe

Mr. Peter Sedlarcik

Mr. & Mrs. William Shaheen

Mr. & Mrs. George Shammo

Ms. Christina Shovlin

Ms. Shamara Singh

Mr. & Mrs. George Skau

Ms. Carol Slattery

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Slaustas

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sloane

Mr. & Mrs. Cortlandt Snyder

Ms. Paula Sobolewski

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Solimine

Our Lady Of Sorrows Parish

Ms. Christine Stack

Ms. Debra Stackhouse

Mrs. Lyda Stanford

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Steele

Mrs. Rosemary Steiner

Ms. Bridget Steller

Ms. Gail M. Stewart

Dr. Allen Stix

Mr. John Strasser

Mr. Matthew Sullivan

Ms. Allison Sullivan

Ms. Kathleen Sullivan

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tamagna

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Teague

Mrs. Mary Beth Tiberio

Ms. Anne Tomlin

Mrs. Janice Topping

Mrs. Carol Twomey

Mrs. Helen Tyler

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Valente

Ms. Jenna Valente

Ms. Suzanne Van Allan

Ms. Ann Van Buren

Mrs. Carolyn Sue Van Skoy

Mr. Robert VanBenschoten

Mr. Norman Venables

Ms. Maureen Veteri

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Vitiello

Ms. Laura Vulaj

Mr. Anton Wagner

Ms. Wanda Wallis

Most Reverend Gerald T. Walsh

Ms. Patricia G. Ward

Mrs. Virginia M. Webb

Mrs. Lois Weeks

Ms. Karen Weismuller

Ms. Florence Wildner

Ms. Allison Winstanley

Mr. James Yakimovich

Ms. Beverly Yannantuono

Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Youngren

Ms. Mima Zbell

$1 to $99

Mrs. Mickie Abatemarco

Ms. Karole J. Adams

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Amadio

Amazon Smile

Ms. Deirdre Amerling

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Amodeo

Mrs. Irene Andersen

Ms. Tracey Angel


Ms. Josephine Arezzo

Ms. Christina Armstrong

Ms. Margaret Asmodeo

Miss Christina M. Atzberger

Ms. Lee Bailer

Ms. Mary Ellen Baker

Mr. Alexander Balko

Mr. Thomas Baranowski

Mr. Edward Barbarito

Ms. Marilyn Barbato

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Barone

Mrs. Marian Barrett

Mrs. Margaret Batchelor

Mr. & Mrs. John Beach

Ms. Virginia Beirne

Ms. Nancy Bellini

Mrs. Jill Bellucci

Mrs. Stephanie Bennett Azadian

Ms. Teresa Berry

Mr. Tayler Biddle

Ms. Barbara Blume

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Booth

Ms. Ann Borsellino

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Brady

Ms. Eileen Breslin

Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Brewer

Ms. Kathleen Brooks

Ms. Mary Ann Brown

Ms. Elizabeth Bufano

Ms. Gloria E. Cagle

Mrs. Eileen Cain

Mrs. Judith Callahan

Mr. Dennis Cannon

Mrs. Franca Capicotto

“My grace at this time is my interaction with so many people and personalities, which deepens my spirit of compassion.”
- Sr. M. Felicitas Russell, RDC

Mr. † & Mrs. Antonio Capicotto

Mrs. Diane Carletti-Romer

Ms. Cecilia Cassidy

Ms. Katie Cavigliano

Ms. Rose Cerreta

Ms. Christina J. Chin

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chin

Ms. Nancy Chin

Ms. Teresa Clarke

Ms. Amy Colatruglio

Ms. Angela Coleman

Ms. Nancy Colon

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Colzani

Ms. Daniella Commisso

Ms. Jeanne Conklin

Ms. Ann Marie Connell

Ms. Denise Corrigan

Ms. Judith Coyle

Ms. Eleanor Crean

Ms. Jennifer Cristofano

Ms. Kathleen Cronin

Mr. Michael Crowley

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cuccio

Mr. Milton J. Cuevas

Ms. Judene Cunningham

Mr. Thomas P. Cunningham

Mrs. Anne L. Curran

Ms. Michelle Danko

Ms. Virginia Day

Mr. & Mrs. Edward De Lia

Mr. & Mrs. Robert De Mario

Ms. Alexandra De Stefanis

Ms. Mildred Decker

Ms. Mary Louise Delano

Mr. John Dello Russo

Mrs. Dorothy DeMasi

Ms. Virginia Depalma

Ms. Maria DePaul

Ms. Judith M. DeSouter

Mr. & Mrs. James Devitt

Ms. Emma DiPierro

Mr. & Mrs. Owen Donaghey

Ms. Lillian Donnell

Mr. & Mrs. William Donovan

Mrs. Veronica Dougherty

Mr. & Mrs. William Dowling

Ms. Carol Anne Doyle

Mr. Owen Duffy

Ms. Jean Dunagan

Ms. Nancy Durso

Mrs. Margaret Dwyer

Ms. Christine Dwyre

Mr. Donald Dye

Ms. Elizabeth Dyson

Ms. Erica Dziuma

Ms. Kathleen Edwards

Mrs. Kathy Ann Edwards-Sirico

Mr. Michael Egan

Ms. Isabel Eminian

Ms. Patricia Ernest

Mr. & Mrs.† Essay

Ms. Christine Farrell

Ms. Mary Fennell

Ms. Joan Ferraro

Mrs. Debra Pennacchio Ferri

Mrs. Jane Beckman Fethers

First State Community Bank

Mr. & Mrs. William Floyd

Mr. Lawrence Forte

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Francella

Ms. Catherine Frank

Ms. Janine Fugarino

Mrs. Mary Jo Fusaro

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fusco

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Fyfe

Ms. Susanne Galya

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gambelli

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gavin

Ms. RoseMarie Giordano

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Glatthaar

Mr. Charles Gleydura

Mr. & Mrs. Ira Goldknopf

Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gottfried

Ms. Rosemary Gould

Ms. Susan Grady

Ms. Audrey Greene

Mr. Garry Greer

Ms. Mary Grenier

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Grozier

Mrs. Elizabeth Seton Grundy

Mrs. Catherine Gugliucci

Ms. Gail Guterl

Ms. Suzanne Haehnel

Mrs. Linda Hafner

Ms. P. Louise Halloran

Mrs. Jane Halloran Ryan

Ms. Leslie Anne Hand

Mrs. Rosanne Hanrahan

Ms. Bairbre Hanson

Ms. Mary Hart

Mr. Patrick Hart

Mr. Francis Hartman

Ms. Nora Hartnett

Ms. Joanne Heckman

Sr. Monica Marie Henkemeier

Ms. June Hennessy

Mr. & Mrs. George Herger

Ms. Linda Heymann

Ms. Allison Hickey

Dr. & Mrs. Richard Hill

Ms. Nancy Hisler

Mr. & Mrs. John Hofstetter

Mr. Ray Houghton

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hughes

Ms. Rita Hulme

Ms. Amy Hunter

Ms. Mary Ann Hynes

Ms. Dorothy Infosino

Ms. Joe-Annis Iodice

Mr. Edward Jaccoma

Ms. Annette Jaklitsch

Ms. Linda Jenkins

Mr. Mark Jennings

Ms. Katherine Jennings

Mr. & Mrs. Neil Joyce

Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Joyce

Ms. Diana Kapusta

Ms. Vikki Karan

Ms. Susan Kealy

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Keane

Ms. Kathleen Kelleher

Ms. Marjorie Kelly

Mr. R. J. Kelly

Ms. Frances Kemmerer

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kendra

Mrs. Judith Kennedy

Mrs. Teresa Kennelly

Ms. Kathleen Kenney

Ms. Dorothy Kenny

Mr. & Mrs. Warren Keogh

Ms. Loretta King

Mr. & Mrs. David Kmetz

Ms. Barbara Kohn

Mr. & Mrs. John Kozma

Mr. & Mrs. John Krinsky

Ms. Sandra Krug

Mrs. Jennifer Lally Brown

Mr. Frederick Lash

Mr. & Mrs. William Lee

Ms. Barbara Leichter

Ms. Regina Leonard

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Leonard

Mr. Gregory LiCalzi

Ms. Elaine Likos

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Limoges

Mrs. Donna Lioi

Mr. J. Matthew Lissner

Ms. Ann Marie Lombard

Ms. Jennifer Loprinzo

Ms. Joni Lore

Mrs. M. Felicia Lotito

Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Lunger


Ms. Helen Madden

Dr. Michael J. Madden

Ms. Carol Mahoney

Ms. Melissa Maldonado

Ms. Sue Marcoux

Ms. Sarah Marples

Ms. Millicent Marrello

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Massaroni

Mr. & Mrs. Giovanni Mastracchio

Mr. Edward McAndrew

Mr. Joseph McCarthy

Ms. Rosemary McClare

Ms. Kathleen McDermott

Mrs. Leona McDonnell

Mr. Ray McDonough

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence McGee

Ms. Rosemary McGoey

Ms. Kerry Menger

Ms. Mary Denise Merkel

Mr. & Mrs. William Meyer

Mr. Anthony Miccoli

Ms. Mary Minniter

Ms. Samir Molina

Mrs. Amy Rose Montaruli

Ms. Maureen Moore

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moore

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Morris

Mr. George Morris

Ms. Dania Morris

Ms. Angela Moses

Mrs. Eileen Mosher

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Mosman

Ms. Sheila Moy

Mr. Thomas Mulry

Ms. Marge Murphy

Ms. Valerie Nardo

Ms. Barbara Neary

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Nicholson

Ms. Abigail Nolan

Ms. Maryann Nosenzo

Ms. Marielle Obuchowski

Mrs. Eleanor O’Reilly Galligan

Ms. Claude O’Shea

Ms. Jacqueline O’Shea

Ms. Dania Panyko

Ms. Stacy Patillo

Mrs. Gladys Pearson

Ms. Patricia Pietzak

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Planell

Ms. Kathleen Plotkin

Miss Louise Poglinco

Ms. Joan Poncato

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Popovic

Ms. Maeve Power

Mrs. Linda Press Wolfe

Ms. Amanda Puglise

Ms. Margaret Ravida

Ms. Sharon Raynor

Ms. Barbara Reap

Ms. Margaret Reardon

Ms. Laura Reddon

Ms. Linda Reed

Ms. Catherine Reid

Mrs. Mary Reid

Ms. Elizabeth Reilly

Dr. Gail Reuter

Mr. Christopher Richards

Ms. Marie A. Rosa

Ms. Yvonne Rosenblatt

Ms. Delores Rucker

Ms. Sherry Salerno

Ms. Stephanie Sampson

Ms. Joy Scantlebury

Ms. Mary R. Schatz

Mr. Joseph Schippa

Mr. & Mrs. William Schmittgall

Mrs. & Mr. Kathleen Schultz

Mrs. Renee Schwartz

Ms. Dorothy Schweska

Ms. Margaret Scorsune

Ms. Barbara Segers

Mr. & Mrs. James Sirico

Mrs. Roberta Skeckowski

Deacon Paul Smith

Ms. Gina Snyder

Ms. Rose Mary Sobieraj

Ms. Emma Soderquist

Ms. Jennifer Sommerman

Ms. Jeannie Song

Mr. & Mrs. John Spillane

Mr. & Mrs. Francesco Spinali

Ms. Joyce Spray

Ms. Mary Stanton

Ms. Joan Stile

Mrs. Theresa Stratta

Ms. Claudette Stroble

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stuetz

Ms. Sheila Sullivan

Ms. Rose Sullivan

Ms. Evelyn Suzdak

Ms. Carolyn Szala

Mr. & Mrs. Ken Tallevi

Mr. & Mrs. David Tesoro

Mr. John Texiera

Ms. Irene Thompson

Mr. Eddie Tibbatts

Ms. Marci Toalson

Ms. Elaine Tobin

Ms. Lorraine Towey

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Treanor

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ulich

Mrs. Judy Van Riper

Ms. Susan Varsames

Ms. Amanda Ventrella

Ms. Anne Vinchiarello

Mr. Arthur Wagner

Ms. Gloria Ward

Ms. Nancy Weihe

Mrs. Marla Weston

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas White

Mr. Charles Wilson

Ms. Amanda Wilson

Ms. Jeanne Wilson

Dr. Bernadette Wingertzahn

Mrs. Theresa Wissell

Mr. Harry Wolverton

Rev. Thomas Wyndham

Honorable Paul Zaccagnino

Mrs. Grace Zanazzi †

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Zartarian

Mr. James Zimmerman

Ms. Gloria Zimmerman

*Monthly Donors

†Deceased MMV Legacy Society

Special thanks to the Sisters of the Divine Compassion for their gifts of time, talent and treasure to the Congregation throughout the fiscal year. Despite our best efforts, some errors or omissions may have occurred during the production of this Annual Report. Please accept our sincere apology if your name has been omitted, misprinted or misspelled. We ask that you contact the Advancement Office so that we can make a correction.

“My grace at this time is knowing the love of God for me and being surrounded by compassionate family and friends who help me carry God’s love to all I meet.”
-Sr. Lenore Smith, RDC

2022 Founders’ Day of Giving

Held annually and sponsored by alumnae, alumni and friends of the Sisters of the Divine Compassion, Founders’ Day of Giving is an online fundraising campaign to recognize, remember and thank the Sisters for their quiet, constant and compassionate influence on our lives.

Mickie Abatemarco

Karole Adams

Deirdre Amerling

Josephine Antonecchia

Janis Archer

Christina Armstrong

Isabelle Baker

Beth Basha

John Battista

Wendy Beckman Harnaga

Virginia Beirne

Nancy Bellini

Stephanie Bennett Azadian

Tayler Biddle

Patricia Bieniewicz

Rebecca Boivin

Sharon & Charlie Booth

Susan Bradbury

Kathy Brosnan

Joan Buckley

Burns Family Foundation

Vivian Cameron-Gallo

Patricia Campbell

Margaret Cantlin-Kern

The Province of St. Mary of the Capuchin Order

Katie Carew

Brendan Carr

Katie Cavigliano

Lori Cellini

Christina Chin

Emily & Joseph Chin

Nancy Chin

Elizabeth Clark

Kathleen Clifford

Amy Colatruglio

Patrick Collins

Daniella Commisso

Denise Corrigan

Mary Cotter

John Courtney

Lisa Cribari

Mary Cullen

Judene Cunningham

Melvin Cunningham

Eileen Curran

Virginia Curry

Ellen Curry Damato

Margaret Damo

Joseph De Bona

Nicole DeGiorgio

Mary Louise Delano

Patricia Delano

Dorothy DeMasi

Margaret Dennis

Daniel Denver

Judith DeSouter

Anne Donnelly

William Donovan, Jr.

James Donworth

Jennifer Douglas

Alice Droogan

Owen Duffy

Lawrence Dwyer

M. Lavelle Dwyer Shields

Christine Dwyre

Erica Dziuma

Fran Dziuma

Barbara Eble

Kathleen Edwards

Kevin Edwards

Peter Edwards

Kathy Ann Edwards-Sirico

Carrie Ewen

Mona Falvey

Christine Farrell

Melissa Felber

Mary Fennell

Mauryne Fennell

Sheila Finan

Georgina Finneran

Laura Ennis Finneran

Peggy Fornara

Tracey Franzese

Janine Fugarino

Valerie Gaglione

Meghan Gallagher

Elsa Gammon

Kathy Gandolfo

Richard Gerbeth

Virginia Giuffre

Margaret Gray Fraina

Carroll Anne Grece

Jane Halloran Ryan

Leslie Anne Hand

Bairbre Hanson

Regina Hart

Nora Hartnett

Nancy Hartzband

Scott Harwood

Barbara Heenan

June Hennessy

Mary Ellen Hennessy Jones

Madonna Herrle

Allison Hickey

Nancy Hisler

Bernice Houle

Patricia Howie

Amy Hunter

Mary Ann Hynes

Edward Jaccoma

Carol Jenkins

Catherine Johnson

Sally Jozwiak

Julie Kaen

Vikki Karan

Dr. Frances Kelly

Joan Kelly

Edward Kennedy, III

Lina Keogh

Nancy Kessman

Kathryn Killelea

Christine Konczewski

Kathleen Kuck

Robert Lamont

William LaPerch

Daniel Leary

Mary Leddy

Patricia & Brian Ledley

Elizabeth Lee

Barbara Leichter

Claire Leonard

Lyell Lewis

Marguerite Lockwood

Ann Marie Lombard

Philip Longo

Jennifer Loprinzo

M. Felicia Lotito

Nancy Lynch

Patrice Lyons

Patricia Macken

Carol Mahoney

Patricia Marcogliese

Sue Marcoux

Sarah Marples

Millicent Marrello

Patricia Martabano

Ronald Martel

Regina & Frank Martens

Donna Martino

Bindu Mathew

Denise McAnanly Hanifer

Kathleen McDermott

Ellen McDonough

John McDonough

Mary & Ray McDonough

Catherine McGuire

John McHugh

Shelia McKelvey

Maureen McLoughlin

Barbara McMurray

Maureen Medure

Thomas Merkel

James Merkel

Fred Merkel

Kathleen Merkel Hinson

Lyda Merkel Stanford

Dr. Madeline Mignone

Mary Minniter

Amy Rose Montaruli

Mary Moore

Ann Moran

George Morris

Thomas Morton

Margaret Mullery

Jennifer Mullery Talbot

Thomas Mulry

John & Patricia Wolfsie

Elizabeth Mycko

Marian Nangle

Valerie Nardo

Barbara Neary

The Nieves Family

Elizabeth Nista

Michael & Cathy Nolan

Abigail Nolan

John Nolan

Nancy O’Brien

Marielle Obuchowski

Ellen O’Connell

Eileen Oliver

Alex Orth

Claude O’Shea

Jacqueline O’Shea

Richard Othmer

Marie Parrish

Stacy Patillo

Loretta Pellicci

John Petry

Patricia Pietzak

Kathleen Plotkin

Betsy Post

Rev. Suzanne Post

Maeve Power

Edward Quinn

Margaret Ravida

Barbara Reap

Laura Reddon

Linda Reed

Elizabeth Reilly-Nestro

Christopher Richards

Elizabeth Rigby

Ulrich & Noreen Rosa

Vickie Ross

Janice Rueppel

Jo-Ann Ryan

Marilyn Sages

Mark Sahre

Stephanie Sampson

Alice Scala

Mary Schatz

Joseph Schippa

Marjorie Schmidt

Dorothy Sheridan

Shamara Singh

Roberta Skeckowski

Joseph Smith

Deacon William Smith

Emma Soderquist

Jennifer Sommerman

Christine Stack

Bridget Steller

Gail Stewart

Allison Sullivan

Matthew Sullivan

Rose Sullivan

Sheila Sullivan

Kathleen Tashner

Dennis Teague

Peggy Tempero

Irene Thompson

Donald Tomaskovic Devey

Lorraine Towey

UBS (Matching Gift)

Jenna Valente

Robert VanBenschoten

Deacon Fernando & Elizabeth Vazquez

Amanda Ventrella

Maureen Veteri

Francesca Vollaro

Laura Vulaj

Jeanne Walsh-Conklin

Lois Weeks

Nancy Weihe

Karen Weismuller

Margaret Widder

Amanda Wilson

Dr. Bernadette Wingertzahn

Allison Winstanley

Br. Joseph Yakimovich, OFM Cap.

Beverly Yannantuono

Linda Yester-Saracco

Honorable Paul Zaccagnino

Mary Zampino

Charlanne Zepf-Bauerlein

Save the Date
Founders’ Day of Giving
June 29, 2023

2023 Jubilarians

The Sisters of the Divine Compassion joyfully celebrate the 50th, 60th, 70th, 75th and 80th anniversaries of eight of our Sisters! As certified teachers, administrators, counselors, therapists, spiritual advisors and more, our Sisters have shared their unique and personal gifts with children, teens, adults, families and communities at all levels of education, administration, health services and social service platforms.

50th Jubilarian

Sister Carol T. Wagner, RDC, LCSW

Born and raised in the Bronx, NY, Sr. Carol celebrates her Golden Jubilee this year! Sister has a lifelong connection to the Sisters of the Divine Compassion (RDC) having attended St. Frances de Chantal Elementary and Preston High School in the Throggs Neck community. Sr. Carol graduated from Good Counsel College/College of White Plains with a BS in Chemistry, and joined the Divine Compassion Community in 1973.

After teaching and school counseling for eight years at the Academy of our Lady of Good Counsel (GCA) and Preston High Schools (PHS), Sister earned an MSW degree at Fordham University, and post-graduate certification in Spiritual Direction and Family Systems Therapy. Her LCSW career continued as Clinical Supervisor at Our Lady of Mercy Out-Patient Psychiatric Clinic & The Center for Family Learning. In 1991, Sister returned to PHS as Guidance Chair, and in 1992 became the Founding Director of the Preston Center of Compassion Counseling Services, located on the PHS campus. Since that time, the PCC has provided quality, affordable psychotherapy, counseling and a myriad of programs and services for Bronx women, children and families in need.

Sr. Carol served as RDC President and Treasurer, as part of the Leadership Team for 12 years, and as RDC Formation Director from 2001-12. Sister served in national leadership, as part of the LCWR, UISG, ACWR, & RFC National Boards, and as a Leadership Mentor, working with Sisters in Africa and Central America. Her own pilgrimages to Mexico, South Africa, El Salvador, and the Holy Land continue to expand her commitment to global networking and the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Ministry (DEI).

Sr. Carol created “Compassion Connection” mission programs in Appalachia during the 1980s, serving women and families living in poverty, immigrants, homeless mothers, victims of human trafficking, teaching ESL, and countless others most in need of compassion. While living and volunteering in St. Frances de Chantal parish in the Bronx, Sister played the guitar, singing with the RDCs at the Sunday folk Masses, and offering pastoral counseling in the school and parish.

Currently, Sr. Carol is PCC Director of Counseling Services, Mission & Spirituality. Her favorite gift to share is the gift of compassion she has received throughout her life, creating compassion circles, empowering culturally diverse women and children locally and globally. Sr. Carol loves yoga and dance, music, playing the piano, and outdoor activities at the water and in the woods, where in nature God speaks to her heart.

Sister Fran Liston, RDC (Formerly Sister Edmund Marie)

One of four siblings, Sr. Frances (Fran) Liston grew up in Mt. Kisco, NY, and graduated from St. Mary’s High School in Katonah. Sister earned a BA in English at SUNY Albany, a Masters degree in TV and Film from NYU and a CAES from Boston College. Sr. Fran entered the Divine Compassion Community in 1963, and began her ministry in teaching at Preston High School in 1966. In 1974, Sister was a member of a team of RDC Sisters who served as parish ministers at Our Lady of Prompt Succor Church in Mansura, Louisiana, followed by St. Peter’s Parish in Minnesota and Sacred Heart and St. Francis Xavier in northern New Hampshire.

In 1990, with guidance from Sisters Alice Feeley and Lucille Coldrick, Sisters Fran and Pam Wagner began to work with migrant farmworkers in the Black Dirt region of NY. They created the Mustard Seed Migrant Ministry, which provided a gathering place of support for migrant farmworkers and their children. The ministry grew. The farmworkers themselves took on leadership roles, and after 26 years, our Sisters retired, however, the work continues.

Sr. Fran is a gifted artist and creative in everything she does. She delights in nature, noticing the tiniest of God’s awesome creation to the largest manifestations, -taking note of every creature ‘great and small.’ She loves to walk, sing and dance and bring happiness to others.

Sister Mary Alice Reamer, RDC (Formerly Sister Mary Raymond)

A native of New Jersey, Sister graduated from Holy Trinity Elementary and High School in Westfield. She met the Sisters of the Divine Compassion while attending Good Counsel College, and entered the Divine Compassion Community in 1963. While teaching at St. Joseph’s School in Croton Falls, Sister traveled to SUNY New Paltz to earn a Masters Degree.

In addition to St. Joseph’s, Sr. Mary Alice taught at Good Counsel Elementary, the Academy of Our Lady of Good Counsel and Kennedy Catholic High Schools. Sister has been Principal of St. John the Baptist in Yonkers since 1984.

Sr. Mary Alice is proud to be one of eight children of the late Frances and Raymond Reamer. She has five wonderful brothers and two great sisters. “We were fortunate to have a supportive upbringing, and we enjoyed many happy family moments. We continue to enjoy family Zooms every three weeks to keep our close connections,” Sr. Mary Alice said.

We celebrate our 2023 Jubilarians…

60th Jubilarians
Multos Annos!!!

70th Jubilarians

Sister Alice Conrad, RDC (Formerly Sister Mary Frances)

Sister hails from the Upper East Side of New York City, where she attended St. Catherine of Sienna Elementary School and was among the 900 Cathedral High School graduates in 1949. Upon her graduation from Good Counsel College, where she was President of Student Council and earned a BA in English, Sister entered the Divine Compassion Community in 1953. Sister earned her Masters Degree in Administration at Seton Hall in New Jersey, and holds three NYS Certifications in Education Administration.

Sr. Alice has spent the majority of her ministry serving the people of Westchester County in schools, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, government, as well as day care and summer camp programs. Upon her “retirement” in 2011, Sister developed and continues to manage Shepherd’s Flock, which provides basic necessities of food, clothing and/or furniture for the poor, especially the working poor, who are not eligible for government assistance.

Sr. Alice shares wonderful friendships with her RDC Sisters, alumnae(i) and so many others she has met throughout her life. Sister loves her dogs, and enjoys puzzles, computer games, reading and sudoku.

Sister Rita Dougherty, RDC (Formerly Sister Mary Dolorita)

The oldest of four siblings, Sr. Rita hails from the Bronx, NY, where she attended Mount St. Ursula from first grade through high school. In 1953, Sister graduated Summa Cum Laude from Good Counsel College (GCC) with a BA in Math and Physics, and entered the Divine Compassion Community.

Sister began her ministry at Good Counsel College, where she was the business manager, a faculty member and eventually Treasurer of the College. After 20 years at GCC, Sr. Rita became the Education Director in Westchester County for The American Institute of Banking, while earning an MBA and PMC at Iona College. Sister was recruited by Iona, serving as Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs in the School of Business for 12 years, and Associate Dean of Undergraduate Admissions for 10 years. While at Iona, Sr. Rita was also the Co-Director of the RDC Associates program.

After retiring, Sister attended a sabbatical program for one year at the School of Applied Theology at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. Upon completion of the program, Sr. Rita was the Business Manager and Registrar for the Franciscan School of Theology, also in Berkeley. After five years, Sister was transferred to the Diocese of Oakland, and engaged in a new experience as an Assistant in the Cemetery Division, and Business Manager at an inner-city grammar school.

Upon her return to New York, Sr. Rita began to volunteer in the accounting office and gift shop at Burke Rehabilitation Hospital. Most recently, Sister returned to help at the food pantry of Hope Community Services in New Rochelle, where she volunteered thirty years ago while working at Iona, “just proving that what goes around comes around,” Sr. Rita said.

One of Sr. Rita’s greatest delights is to go to California to visit her wonderful niece and her family, particularly her three grandnieces who are great helpers! Sister enjoys mystery stories, either in print or on television, and following the Yankees, Giants and Iona teams.

75th Jubilarians

Sister Patricia Hannan, RDC (Formerly Sister Mary Aurelia)

Raised in Portchester, NY, Sr. Patricia graduated from the Academy of Our Lady of Good Counsel High School, and entered the Divine Compassion Community in 1948. Sister earned a BS in Math from Good Counsel College, and Masters degrees in Math from St. John’s University, and Computer Science from Pace University.

Sister began her ministry in education in 1950 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, followed by St. Frances de Chantal and St. Lawrence O’Toole elementary schools. From 1955-1965, Sr. Pat taught Math at Preston High School. She served as Assistant Principal at Preston for four years and Principal for 16 years. From 1988 until 2002, Sr. Pat was an Assistant Professor at Dominican College. Sister was Assistant Manager of the Divine Compassion Finance Office until her retirement in 2015.

Sr. Pat is an avid reader, a talented seamstress and a loyal New York Yankees fan.

Sister Mary Stephen Healey, RDC

Sr. Stephen grew up in the Bronx, NY, and attended Good Counsel from sixth grade through college.

In 1948, while attending Good Counsel College, Sister entered the Divine Compassion Community. Her ministry in teaching began at St. Frances de Chantal in the Bronx, followed by St. Bernard’s in White Plains and St. John’s in Mahopac. For the past 57 years, Sr. Stephen has been the Principal at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Elmsford.

Sister is the longest serving Principal in New York State! In her 75 years in education, Sr. Stephen has educated three generations of school children. Sister shared, “What has remained constant throughout my time is that a happy student is a successful student. I am convinced that when a child knows that you care about them, and you care about what they do, and what happens to them, they thrive.”

Throughout her life, Sr. Stephen has loved to dance. She is still joining conga lines at school with her students and at RDC gatherings. Sister also enjoys swimming, traveling and word games.

Sister Mary Rose Golden, RDC

Sr. Mary Rose and her three siblings were raised in the Bronx, NY, where they attended Our Lady of Mercy Elementary School. Sr. Rose graduated from the Academy Our Lady of Good Counsel High School in 1942, and entered the Divine Compassion Community in 1943. In 1954, Sister graduated with a BA in English from Good Counsel College, and obtained a NYS Certification in English. Sr. Rose earned a Masters in Education from St. John’s University in 1973.

Sr. Rose’s ministry in education began in 1945 at Good Counsel Elementary School, where she was a teacher for first and second grade students. Sr. Rose remained in elementary school education, teaching at St. Lawrence O’Toole, St. Bernard’s, Sacred Heart, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and St. Frances de Chantal in the Bronx. Sister was a religious education teacher at St. Patrick’s in Armonk, and Principal at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Sacred Heart and Good Counsel Academy Elementary Schools. Sr. Rose was also the Director of the Good Counsel Convent Formation of Sisters.

Sr. Rose’s calm, peaceful and loving presence is a gift to all she meets. A force for good, Sister is grateful for the love of her family, RDC Community and so many others she credits for deepening her spiritual life. Ever gentle and graceful, Sister continues to be fired up with the charism of compassion and prays for the needs of others whom she “trusts are ever in the heart of God and so, all will be well.”

We lovingly remember our faithful RDC Associates who passed away in 2022.

Margaret Cornacchia

May they rest in the arms of our loving God.

Helen Rozzi
80th Jubilarian
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