Shining Mentor Magazine | Issue 2

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Shining Mentor 4



Letter From Melissa


Interview With Denise Duffield-Thomas


How To Create A Soul-Centered Business


Growing A Showstopping Instagram


How To Keep Your Relationship & Business Sizzling Hot


Things We Love


Aligning Our Desires With The Stars


The Value Of Connected Communities

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Cover Photo by Renee Bell Cover Design by Amelia Protiva Editor In Chief Melissa Zoske Copy Editor Silvia Bianco

L E T T E R from M E L I S S A some are very subtle.

When Spring hits and wakes everything up with new growth and action, it makes me want to hop on board and get all sorts of things done. This season is a time for creative energy. Creation takes action. Waiting for inspiration is key to creating what is aligned to your mission. Inspired action, will take your life to levels that could open you up to possibilities you never dreamed of. I notice how often people pause and wait endlessly for specific queues to take inspired action along the way that they often miss opportunities that are right in front of them. Staying open to guidance in your life, business and mission, doesn’t always come in the ways you might expect. Listen to all the signs and signals Often with spiritually aligned entrepreneurs inspiration is expected to come in ways like a whisper, vision or even a dream… something that’s a little more woowoo. That used to be me. I would wait for that supernatural feeling of enlightenment to hit me, and that sometimes left me waiting for long periods. Powerful messages do come for many of us in flashy, otherworldly ways, but I wanted to remind you that they also come in many other forms and

You’ve probabl y received guidance throughout the years in more ways than you could ever count. Why do we wait for that booming voice in the sky to take action when we have messages being delivered all around us every moment? It reminds me of that story of the man in the middle of the ocean that is left adrift and crying to God for help. All sorts of help came to him from public announcements, life boats and helicopters, yet he kept refusing the help. After he died he asked God why he didn’t help him. And God said, “I did, I sent you an announcement, a row boat and a helicopter.” Help comes in many ways. Maybe your guidance is coming from a dear friend or colleague. It could be in the form of a bumper sticker or maybe it’s right here in this magazine, in one of these articles. Keep your eyes opened for anything that comes to you because it’s all here to give you a message and that message may well lead you to take the next steps needed on your journey. The Universe loves action and when you show that you’re excited, driven and focused on your goals and dreams, it in turn jumps to help you out and match that vibration with magic.




INTERVIEW with Denise Duffield-Thomas

I’m so excited to interview Denise Duffield-Thomas, an incredible money mindset mentor, and creator of Lucky Bitch Money Bootcamp. Denise helps women release their fear of money, set premium prices for their services and take back control of their finances. What attracted me most to her was her ability to connect with each person in her huge community to help them realize that we all share similar issues, and together we can blast through them to create the life of our dreams. SMM: Hey Denise, thank you so much for joining us today. I appreciate everything you do. You know, I’ve followed you for years, and what you do for the female entrepreneurs in this online world, and offline is incredible. Your Lucky Bitch Money Bootcamp has changed people’s lives (including my own) around the world. I’ve introduced many people to your community, and it has absolutely turned their lives around. Thank you so much for being here to help us dig deeper and uncover today what can help us deal with our own money blocks. Denise DT: Thanks for having me. I’m obviously really passionate about this topic. But you know what? I have money blocks too, and that’s why I love talking about it so much, because I’m so passionate that women really step up, now more than ever. We step up, we stop making excuses about our money, we stop blaming the economy or other things outside of us, and we really look inside and see where we’re holding ourselves back from creating the abundance that we want, 6


not just for ourselves, but for our families and our communities as well. SMM: Yes, and money blocks can come in so many sneaky ways that we don’t even realize... I love how you teach entrepreneurs to find those things in our everyday life and make it a fun experience, and how to learn to get excited when we find those gold nuggets that help us get unstuck. Denise DT: Yes, it is fun, and I want people to realize that it’s a journey. As you go throughout being an entrepreneur, you’re going to do things that scare you, and it’s only natural that you’re going to come across blocks when that happens. Back when I was doing one-to-one coaching, when somebody had something big come up, like a massive block, or procrastination, or resistance or things seemed to be falling apart around them, I got really excited, and I’d always say, “Oh my God, this is the best. I’m so excited for you.” And they’d say, “Denise, didn’t you hear me? Like, all this stuff is going wrong, it’s horrible.” And I said, “No, this is great because that’s the journey you have to go on.” And you can’t have a big business, or a big life, really, without facing some of those things that scare you. And when you realize that everyone is dealing with them as well, you’re not going to feel as alone, and you’re just going to realize that it’s an inevitable part of your journey as an entrepreneur. Not that the universe doesn’t like you, or that things are conspiring against you... 2017 SPRING EDITION


no, that’s just the journey you’re on, and you can’t avoid it.

“You can’t have a big business, or a big life, without facing some of those things that scare you.” Denise Duffield-Thomas SMM: You know, I love that about you, because you help everyone realize that we all have this issue. It doesn’t matter how high up the ladder one is in comparison to someone else; we all have these blocks. And I love that you make that real. You’re not like this guru on top of the mountain, preaching down to everyone else. You’re one of us, and you’re sharing your journey, and that’s really fresh. It takes a load off of everyone else to have to be perfect. Actually, I think you can feel worse about yourself when somebody is not admitting they have issues as well. Denise DT: Oh, absolutely, and I know for a lot of entrepreneurs, especially if you’re a solo entrepreneur, you’re sitting at home with your laptop, you might live in a small city or something like that, and there’s only you. And if you only have your partner to talk to, they don’t know what you’re going through, necessarily, or they might be in a job and don’t understand the rollercoaster of emotions that happens when you’re an entrepre-



neur. You might be trying to get business advice from, say, your mom, or your sister, and that sort of stuff can really derail you because you think: “I’m the only one who’s dealing with this. I’m the only one who’s going through these fears. Maybe I’m not meant to be an entrepreneur.”

book. The paradox of that, though, is weird, because a lot of female entrepreneurs really fear putting their stuff out into the world. And that’s where your magic’s going to be, that’s where you’re going to be able to help so many more people, not just yourself.

And then when you realize that you have these sisters, maybe they’re in other small towns or large towns, all around America, or all around the world, I’m in Australia, then you realize, “Hey, we’re all going up the mountain together.” And when one person’s feeling a bit off, we can carry you. You’re not alone, and you’re not a black sheep. There are plenty of people out there, with similar goals and dreams, with similar fears, and we’re all doing it together.

SMM: Absolutely. So, when you’re talking about money blocks, for the people that aren’t as familiar with that, what are money blocks, and what are the most common ones that entrepreneurs and mentors have while they’re growing their businesses?

SMM: That sounds so good too. And it’s true, I love it. Denise DT: It is. And the other thing is to realize that we’re all doing it to make the world a better place. I don’t meet very many entrepreneurs who are just in it for themselves. They’re in it because they want to have a different life for their family, they want to have money to donate to causes that they’re passionate about, and to create change in the world. And, you know, that can’t happen if you play small. Nobody’s being served by you playing small. We’ve heard that from Marianne Williamson. You know, nobody is going to be served by you sitting in your room, being scared to send an invoice to a client or to release your

Denise DT: A lot of people ask me that. They ask, “What are money blocks, and how do I know if I have them?” So, first of all, I would say that if you are in charge of money in any way in your life, as in you set your own prices, you have to ask for the sale, you’re a solo business owner and you have to talk about money with your clients, then chances are you have some form of money blocks, because everyone does. But how do you know? You know because you have fear or dread talking about money or if you have resistance or procrastination when it comes to releasing your gifts out into the world. You feel conflicting feelings about money. Maybe you think, “Hey, I really want someone to pay me for this,” but then you feel kind of guilty when they do. Then there’s the whole guilt around money anyway. Maybe you feel kind of guilty that you can make money doing something that you love, when other people, maybe in your family or



your life, don’t. And then there’s this internal ickiness about money, where you think, “I want more money, but that means I’m greedy,” or “I want to be successful in my business, but then I’m worried that it’s going to alienate my best friend,” or “My husband’s going to leave me because I’ll be too empowered.” It’s just all these kinds of icky feelings about money. And really, money is a very neutral thing. You know, money is very blackand-white. It’s something in our society that shouldn’t really have a lot of emotion to it, but it’s the most emotional thing, really, that we have in our world. So that’s how it comes up. In terms of common money blocks, I’d say that they’re very much attached to stories. One story that I hear all the time, well, actually, it’s quite internal, a lot of people have to really dig a little deeper to find it, is this underlying belief that you have to work really hard to make money. And that means that you do feel kind of guilty if it’s easy. That’s where I see entrepreneurs, they change focus every three weeks because they can’t consistently just double down on something. Or they say, “I don’t know what my niche is,” but they really do. It’s just that they think that it’s too obvious and easy, and there must be a more complicated kind of thing. And it’s funny, when they say, “But everyone knows how to do that,” and I say, “No they don’t, you know how to do that,” but they think it’s too easy. It goes against the grain of “You have to work



really hard to earn your money.” And a lot of that comes from childhood when you think “money doesn’t grow on trees,” “you don’t get something for nothing,” and all those messages that come in. So I think that’s probably the biggest one that I see female entrepreneurs face. The second one, which is really closely linked, is this feeling that you can help people and make money, but you can’t do both. Enjoying the interview so far? To watch the full video Click HERE. Denise Duffield-Thomas is the money mindset mentor for the new wave of online female entrepreneurs. She is an award-winning speaker, author, and entrepreneur who helps women transform their Economy-Class money mindset into a First-Class life. Her best-selling books “Lucky Bitch” and “Get Rich, Lucky Bitch” give a fresh and funny road map to create an outrageously successful life and business. She helps women release their fear of money, set premium prices for their services and take back control over their finances. You can find out more about her program by Clicking HERE.

Disclaimer We are proud affiliates for Denise Duffield-Thomas and Lucky Bitch programs. If you purchase any products or courses I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.



HOW TO CREATE A SOUL-CENTERED BUSINESS: 4 Questions Every Entrepreneur Must Ask By Melody Pourmoradi

Creating a business that literally makes me want to jump out of bed every morning was not a linear journey for me. There were bumps, hurdles and straight up smack downs. You know what, though? Each detour was gently moving me in the direction of my purpose. Looking back, there was a series of questions I reflected on that ultimately moved me toward my vision and motivated me to move on my greatest mission: GiRLiFE, A Girls Empowerment Curriculum. GiRLiFE is now shared by passionate women across the globe, with a collective intention of introducing every young girl to her own innate superpowers.

WHAT IS MY WHY? We all have one….It’s that internal sense of purpose that is behind everything we do. It brings us meaning, focus, clarity and is the magic ingredient that allows us to be fully present and invested in our business. Many of us are born knowing our “why” - I certainly was. Unfortunately, many layers of doubt, fear and uncertainty masked my true north and diverted my path. Get honest with yourself –- How deeply aligned are you with your true why? You know –- the one that is so real that it sometimes moves you to tears.

HOW CAN I SERVE? I believe that being of service is birthed from our own unique gifts, and has the power and potential to expand our soul. As a life & wellness coach, I felt a deep sense of responsibility to create positive 14


change for our future generations. I intuitively believed that I was being called upon to leverage the tools that have been so instrumental to me and my clients and deliver them to our young girls. These girls deserve to believe that they can shine bright as they are, not by surrendering to society’s definition of a life well lived. I’m inviting you to dig deep and ask yourself this: How can I use my God given talents to create lasting change in the world?

WHERE CAN I FIND THE ANSWERS? So often we bring our most important life decisions to others and put our faith in their hands on how to move forward in life or business. The truth is that if we get in synch with our own intuitive voice - that authoritative voice of knowing, we will feel what the next right action is on our path. This is one of the most valuable philosophies that GiRLiFE brings to our next generation. We first need to find love, acceptance and compassion within ourselves before we can seek these from the outside. What has your intuition been trying to tell you? The answers are already within you.

WHO ARE MY PEOPLE? Once you have uncovered your own light, knowing who to share it with will bring your purpose full circle. When I had my ‘a-ha’ moment of how my business could potentially elevate our planet, I wanted to literally shout it off of the roof 2017 SPRING EDITION


tops. Since that didn’t work, I knew I needed to bring it to passionate women who are our world’s greatest spreaders of light. I had full confidence that each could make this message their own and disseminate it to the masses. Who can benefit the most from all of the wisdom your business offers? As with any healthy relationship, we must keep that honeymoon phase in our business alive by deeply connecting to it at our core and keeping the passion ignited. As universal synchronicity would have it, the insights that I share in my program are the very essence of what I needed to explore to create a business and a life that lights me up from the inside out. Trust and know that your path will become illuminated as you reflect on and create true meaning from a heart-centered space.

Melody Pourmoradi is a Women’s Life & Wellness Coach who supports women to create a kick-ass life that makes them want to jump out of bed every morning. In her most recent passions project, she has created GiRLiFE Empowerment Series: A digital training for passionate women who want to create income generating girls empowerment workshops in their own communities. Her greatest mission is to show young girls how to uncover their own gifts and live a life that truly lights them up from the insideout. Melody shares her insights on self empowerment and healthy living in many publications including The Huffington Post and Thrive Global. She lives in NY with her husband and twin daughters. You can find her work at and



Photography by Emily Frances


KINDNESS around like




Photography by Amelia Protiva







How To Keep Your Relationship And Business Sizzling Hot

By Jenev Caddell Photography by Caroline White

Entrepreneurs are said to have higher divorce rates than the rest of the population. Is it because we’re recklessly independent, obsessed with our work, risk seeking, self-involved and can be difficult to live with? I’ve got my theories… Whatever the explanation, a bad relationship is bad for your business. When you’ve got a healthy relationship, your brain is more resilient in the face of fear and pain . People in happy marriages make more money, have more sex, live longer and are generally happier and healthier all together than their unhappily married or single counterparts. But are entrepreneurs doomed? Must we choose between our empires and an incredible relationship? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Here are 3 steps to have it all in business and in love: 1.

Don’t confuse your spouse with your business partner This is the downfall of so many beginning entrepreneurs. You rely on your spouse for support, business advice and sometimes even PERMISSION to go after your dreams. I get it, it’s important to have open communication, and making big financial or time investments in your any thing can be a family decision, but many take this way too far.

relationship. You can always make more money, but you can’t make more time. Hire out the things that someone else can do at less than your hourly value, manage your business better, stop spending 20 hours a day with your eyes bleeding all over your computer and get your lovin’ on. In other words- SPEND TIME TOGETHER. Have fun, enjoy, play. You’ll be so much more pleasant in general, so you’ve really got nothing to lose (but cleaning the toilets).

3. Understand that your partner doesn’t have to care about your business

Even though you’re obsessed with your business and perhaps entrepreneurship in general, not everyone is. In fact, most people aren’t. Your spouse simply may not care. Don’t take it personally, and don’t take that as a sign that you’re incompatible. Don’t make the deadly mistake of spending every waking moment talking about your business either. Engage in other shared activities and things you enjoy together. Refer to step 2 and set some limits for yourself. You’ll be a happier spouse and more effective business owner as a result.

Instead, get a business coach for help with your business. I promise they will be more effective than your spouse for your business and your marriage won’t suffer as a result. If you don’t have the cashflow for a coach, find an accountability partner to meet regularly.

2. Get better at delegating This is solid advice for any business owner, but it’s especially on point if you want to have a stellar

Dr. Jenev Caddell works with entrepreneurs to help them thrive in business and in love. If you enjoyed this post and want to go deeper, grab her free interactive PDF Wealthy In Love to create the relationship of your dreams while building your empire.



Things WE



Sacred Intention Cubes assist in amplifying and manifesting your deepest desires. Customized with your personal intentions inside, each artisan crafted cube is energetically activated to serve your highest good. Your cube continuously transmits the vibration of your intentions into the field of potentiality where all things are possible. Coupled with your own personal energy practices, an intention cube is a wonderful energetic container that works on your behalf 24/7.


Spirit Mist Smokeless Smudge is a high vibrational natural mist, used to cleanse and purify your sacred space with the convenience of a spray mist instead of traditional smoke. Essential oils, gemstones, herbs and ceremonial plants are super charged with Reiki, Solfeggio Frequency 528 Hz and ORMUS to make this uplifting and potent smudge. This combination of ingredients can have amazing affects on space and the people who enter.


Meditation Challenge This hand-painted, one-of- a-kind, Children’s Meditation Starter Kit is the Spiritual Kick in the Pants that you and the children in your life have been waiting for! Experts say that it takes 21 days to form a new habit and we believe that the best habit available to us on the planet right now, for our overall physical, mental and spiritual health, is meditation. Use the hand-painted stones as your intentions for daily meditation and as a tracking tool for your first 21 days. Are you up for the challenge?! All Meditation kits comes with 21 unique stones nestled in a linen bag, and an information sheet to help you get set up for your practice.

Photograhy by Michelle Sekeres 2017 SPRING EDITION




Being an entrepreneur is a heroic journey

Looking ahead to April and May, we see a

wheel: relationships, personal growth and

attention in this rhythmic dance.

that brings forth all the spokes of our life’s

spirituality. One useful tool on this journey is to attune ourselves to the ebb and flow of the cosmic cycles.

This is where astrology can be a great tool not just for your personal growth, but also

for your business. Your own awareness of the planetary cycles will open you to a deeper

couple key elements that are worthy of our

Both Venus and Mercury are shifting their

dance steps. These planetary archetypes

have much to say about value, relationships, worth (Venus); and trade, exchange, and

communication (Mercury) - the cornerstones of business.

conversation with the cosmic dance, making

For most of March until mid-April, Venus

dancing with the stars.

with all that we value*. Questions such as: is

you a co-choreographer in your personal



has been calling us to rethink our relationship

this still worth it; is it what I truly desire; or does it still give me pleasure; are all up for review.

As such, it’s been a time of ‘re-Vision’ of our

value system, in personal and professional relationships, and these are just the tip of the

iceberg of our own dance around matters of pleasure, self-worth, and how these link to inner and outer wealth.

Rest assured that mid-April will bring clarity around these issues in your life.

However, for most of April*, Mercury, the

archetype of communication and trade will be doing his retrograde dance, calling us to sit

down and review how we have been handling our material resources.

Instead of being gripped by the horror stories





miscommunication that abound during Mercury Retrograde, it’s best to focus our

energies in working with the insights that have risen from your reflection around our relationships and value.

This is a good time to review the books, our marketing and communication efforts, aligning ourselves with Mercury’s invitation to rethink how we have been allocating our resources.

ALIGNING OURSELVES WITH THE MOON New Moons are a great time to ‘plant seeds’, and knowing which sign it falls under is a 2017 SPRING EDITION


acknowledged. A highly emotional time, where it’s best to invest in some soulful and therapeutic conversations.

By late May, during the New Moon in Gemini (05/25), we get to initiate new social

engagements and conversations. A nice finale to these couple of months of reviewing and

rethinking our relationships and value system. Time to get out there and make new connections. great way to align our efforts with the cosmic flow. As for Full Moons, they are about

*Venus Retrograde - March 4 through April 15 *Mercury Retrograde - April 9 through May 1

culmination, celebration, while helping us to pivot towards sharing and releasing.

We start April on the heels of the New Moon in Aries (03/27), inviting us to initiate

courageous action towards our goals. The Full Moon in Libra (04/10-11) follows shedding light on the new relationships we initiated.

Late April, we have a New Moon in Taurus

(04/26) that beckons us to start a new relationship with our primary material

resources. Then during the Full Moon in Scorpio (05/10) we are gifted the opportunity to presence in our lives what needs to be

28 32


Vanessa Couto is a liminal coach and artist. She weaves astrology, depth psychology and art in her coaching work. She helps her clients get a better understanding of who they are, their life’s purpose, and how they can best align purpose with business. She’s also the creator of The Astrology of Joy Coloring books, available on Amazon. You can also find her Liminal Astro Coaching podcast on iTunes where she weaves storytelling and psychology to explore the astrology of now. Photography by Heaven McArthur Art by Vanessa Couto

Shining Mentor 1 2017 SPRING EDITION


The Value of Conn BY ERIN TAYLOR

Photography by b

onnected Communities & SUE DECARO

We’ve always believed that people are hard wired

needed to act quickly and so we did. Today, a

healthy business and personal relationships.

of 2016, we have a growing and thriving tribe

to connect.

It’s invaluable for successful and

Though how people connect has changed drastically over the years, being part of a

community has been and continues to be an

important priority for how we operate in our personal and professional life.

Sue and I met each other during our parent coaching certification program when we were paired as study buddies. During that year long

masters level course, we studied together, shared

struggles and triumphs, and practiced coaching

little over a year since we started BCC in January of passionate, social entrepreneurs dedicated to

helping people live more conscious, connected, fulfilling lives. Helen Keller said it best when she said,

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”

each other and so it was easy for a lifelong friendship to blossom.

When we graduated, we both opened our own

private coaching practices but began to present workshops together to parents all over our local

area. During those early months and years we connected with other social entrepreneurs doing

similar coaching work, both locally, nationally

and globally. When our contacts found out about

how Sue and I collaborate in portions of our work, the sentiment we heard overwhelmingly was their desire for a partner, a tribe or a community

to collaborate and commiserate with. This is where the idea for our new business Building Connected Communities was born.

Knowing how important community is and how enthusiastically our colleagues were wanting

and seeking similar collaborations, we knew we 36


It’s been a great privilege for us to watch our

community grow and develop and witness our

members as they found and continue to find the courage and support they need in an energized

environment. We marveled as we watched them

an online community. Start by tweaking and

and celebrate their successes and achievements.

defining your goals. Invite others with similar

step up and try bold new things in their businesses At the end of the day, we lay down our heads

with smiles on our faces knowing we are building

a community that is helping to make the world a better and more engaging place.

THREE TIPS TO BUILDING YOUR OWN DYNAMIC COMMUNIT Y • Research what is already out there in your

niche. If a group with similar interests already

exists, we suggest connecting with the founders

of that community to determine if it is a good fit for you to join it.

• Consider starting a community in your niche

or area of interest if one doesn’t already exist or you have reason to believe that your group can

offer something of value that may not currently

tightening your mission statement and further interests to join. Engage them in developing themes and ideas for what you want your group

to accomplish for its members. You’ll be amazed

at the positive effect being a part of a thriving community can have on your business, your

relationships and the overall success, health and vibrancy of your life

Erin Taylor is a PCI Certified Parent Coach®, public speaker, author, social entrepreneur and co-founder of Building Connected Communities. She holds a Master’s in Counseling Psychology and her writings have been featured in a Wall Street Journal and USA Today Best-selling book, South Jersey Mom and Natural Awakenings Magazine. Erin has presented at events featuring Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Bryant McGill, Dr. Shefali Tsabary, Marianne Williamson, Neale Donald Walsch, Don Miguel Ruiz, Anita Moorjani and John O’Sullivan as well as podcasts and radio shows.

be available. Start by crafting a general mission

Sue DeCaro is a PCI Certified Parent Coach®, educator, and social

to strive for. Talk to other colleagues, business

of Building Connected communities. With a BA in psychology,

would be interested in joining your group if you

Bryant McGill, Neale Donald Walsh, Marianne Williamson, Anita

statement, along with goals your group may want

entrepreneur, focused on conscious living and loving. She is co-founder

associates or community leaders to see if they

Sue has presented at events featuring Nobel Peace Prize Nominee

were to start one.

Moorjani, Don Miguel Ruiz, and John O’Sullivan. Sue has been a

• Decide if you want your group to be one that

meets in person locally or virtually. The easiest

and most expansive way we have found to build and grow a group is to do it online. Starting a

guest on radio shows and podcasts. Having run and operated a multimillion-dollar company, Sue’s business knowledge/skills include back office, operations, service and sales. You can find them at http:// or join their Facebook group at

Facebook group is one of the easiest ways to begin



“Alone we can do so little,


we can do so much.” HELEN KELLER



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