Shining Mentor Magazine | Issue 1

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Shining Mentor





Letter From Melissa


Cover: Dr. Shefali, Making Time For Time


Get Your Intentions Rolling For 2017


The New Business Of Relationships


Get Your Message Out To The Masses


Confessions of a Psychic Medium Entrepreneur


Ring In An Enlightened New Year


How Many Hats Can You Wear?


5 Favorite Books From People We Love Cover Design by Erica Free




L E T T E R from M E L I S S A Thanks so much for picking up the first issue of Shining Mentor magazine. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many passionate entrepreneurs and creatives over the last several years and was deeply inspired to bring together a place where they could share their wisdom and knowledge to help all of us grow to our fullest potential. With the changing landscape online as well as in real life, it’s becoming more important than ever to show up and create true authentic relationships. The circles we choose to be in affects us on many levels because the energy of the people involved becomes a part of us. It’s more important than ever to choose wisely. I feel fortunate to have the privilege of surrounding myself with people I love and admire. My beautiful team, the inspiring members of my Be Abundant Now community, my mastermind peers and the guests you’ll get to know in each of these issues. As the founder of and signature program Breaking Biz Blocks, as well as my community Be Abundant Now, my passion is helping entrepreneurs and mentors up-level their business, while still finding balance in their every day life. Together we claim back confidence, value and selfworth. I’m so excited to bridge the gap in making true connections and break through the fears holding you back in your life and business. Growing my business was an area that I used to struggle with and I see many others struggle as well. I found myself spinning my wheels trying to grow my business, trying to become more visible in order to connect to and find my true tribe.

I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that there were major blocks with people making real connections… the kind where you actually cared for the people you wanted to work or collaborate with. I’d see a lot of competitive energy instead of collaborative, uniting energy and it really discouraged me. There’s a lot of aloneness already in this online world and I knew it didn’t have to be this way. Why not rise together? It all changed when I found the right people to surround myself with. With that new feeling of security, I was able to step into my own power and show up, be seen and grow my business organically. My goal is to give entrepreneurs, coaches, mentors, leaders and creatives a platform where they can Rise + SHINE in their gifts and share what they have to offer with the world. I hope you’ll join in and learn from incredible leaders just like you to share your message with the world. Even if times are tough or you’re struggling, you still have something to teach and something to learn. You’re at the right place right now if you’re reading this. Let’s do this!




We are honored to have Dr Shefali as our first Shining Mentor cover. Not only is she inspiring thousands of people around the world with her message on conscious parenting, but she is a powerful mentor and world changer. Her article about time fits perfectly into our Intention Edition for 2017 as it speaks to our hearts and minds about living in the moment where love, peace and joy reside.


How our Relationship with Time Causes Suffering B Y D R . S H EFA LI

Photography by Ana Elena compliments to Foro Kiik

We believe that time, like money, and even love, is a commodity that is eternally lacking. If someone were to dare to reveal that they have a lot of time, then we often judge them; they are either “lucky” to have a lot of privileges, like money, or simply “lazy.” Most of us grew up hearing cliched statements about time…all the time: “Stop wasting time!” or “Time is precious,” or “Time’s a tickin!” Then there was the eternal lament of almost every adult we knew growing up, “Who has the time!” Our relationship with time and actually, all of life’s essentials is heavily conditioned. These belief systems about time especially shape our entire existence. What if this entire understanding of time was completely wrong? What if this lack and fear based relationship to time was completely faulty? How would our lives look then? The reason we are rushed, stressed and overwhelmed in our lives is because we believe that all of life’s resources are in scarce supply. Go within yourself and you will see that this is true. Isn’t someone always more well-off than you? This means what you have is scarce. Isn’t someone always more luckier than you? This means your luck is scarce. Isn’t someone always more this or more that than you? This means your life is scarce. If you examine your ideas about self-worth,



beauty, love, money, time and resources – you will see that lurking within them is an idea that you could always have more of that… more self-worth more beauty more love more money more time more this and more that So it is with time. Because we believe these resources are scarce, we are driven to go looking for them. Where? Anywhere. We grow up searching, questing, desiring and craving. Wanting more and more of what we believe is something precious and scarce. In our obsessive quest for these scarce resources, we find ourselves obsessed with doing. We mistakenly believe that if we do more and achieve more, then suddenly we will have all these desirous commodities, such as self-worth, love, money and time. And of course, the more we look, the less we find. The more we do, the less time we have to do. Our entire day gets crunched up in one activity after another. There is no time to get everything done. Of course there isn’t! How can there be? We have left no time for time! And this is why we suffer.

We suffer because all of our actions are predicated from a faulty source. The source of all our actions is embedded within a delusion. A delusion of lack. If we could understand this, we could potentially end our suffering. But in order to do this our entire relationship with LIFE itself would need to undergo a drastic overhaul. We would need to strip away from our delusions of lack and enter a new state of being: one of abundance. When we begin to live under a new premise of abundance, everything shifts. We begin to enter a new way of being entirely. This way of being is called PRESENCE. Presence is the ability to be fully aware of one’s present moment. It requires that we suspend thought, ideas, opinions and beliefs. We simply are. In quite the same way very young children simply are. They live unencumbered by agendas and the doing state. They are fully engaged in their here and now. And they have all the time in the world. For them a few hours is a long time indeed. Time is a construction. Just as love, money, and beauty are.



This means that we have power to change the construction. How? By changing our relationship to it. Which of course means changing all our relationships. Starting with the one we have with LIFE itself. When we slow down and engage in life as it appears in here and now, without an attachment to how it should look like tomorrow, then time itself slows down. This approach has embedded in it the premise of abundance. There is no where to go but the to enter the present moment. Without an attachment to the future or a specific outcome, we find ourselves released from expectation. A release from expectation brings about a release of judgment and pressure. Devoid of pressure, the present moment suddenly becomes infinite. Do you see how you can change your entire relationship to time? And even love, money and so on? Once you remove labels, judgment, identities, expectations, agendas and fantasies, then the present moment reveals itself to us. It may not always be pain-free, but our acceptance of it 8


as it is, allows us to surrender to it. When we surrender to the present moment, we realize that it is eternally giving. It is always giving us something. There is always a gift to be found in the present moment. This revelation of continued abundance allows us to ease into life itself, with a deep and knowing trust that all will be as it is meant to. Time then loses it’s hold on us. We stop caring about tomorrow as much, and don’t care about filling our days with a thousand things. We care about the quality of the present moment only. Are we here or are we not? If we are here, are we fully here? If we are fully here, then we are only here and nowhere else. If we are nowhere else then there is nowhere to be but here. If we are only meant to be here then we are fully grateful to this moment. And all of life opens itself to us. We are now abundant. Now, there is infinite time. We now have made time and space for the infinite. Here lies the end of suffering. And infinite joy.

Dr. Shefali is an author, international speaker and clinical psychologist. Her work centers on conscious parenting and mindful living. Dr. Shefali has appeared on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday as well as Oprah’s Life Class several times. Her books, The Awakened Family and The Conscious Parent have both been on the NY Times Bestseller and won numerous awards. Forwarded by HH The Dalai Lama, this book revolutionizes the way we parent ourselves and our children. Dr. Shefali is also a keynote speaker who presents at conferences and workshops around the world, such as Wisdom 2.0, TEDx, Kellogg Business School, The Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education and many more. Dr. Shefali received her doctorate in clinical psychology at Columbia University, NY. She specializes in the integration of Western psychology and Eastern philosophy in her approach to well-being and growth. She has a private practice in NYC where she sees children, adolescents, adults and families.



GET YOUR INTENTIONS ROLLING FOR 2017 by Melissa Zoske Photography by

Amelia Protiva | Caroline White





INTENTION VS. GOALS & FOCUS Ok so another year has passed and you still haven’t reached the goals you set… sigh. Everyone says you need to set goals so that you have something to reach for but what they didn’t tell you is that a goal is just that… a goal.

A goal is a desired future outcome, destination or achievement. Well what they don’t share with you is that it takes more than just having a goal. You need focus and intention in order to reach it. Intention: is living in the present and how your journey will be on the way. It ’s a decision to live in a moment by moment state while still reaching for an outcome you desire.

DO YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE? A goal is just a place you want to go but intention is putting your energy into getting there and how you want to feel along the way. You see it’s that intention that adds the power of attraction into your creation abilities. The emotions it brings up pulls more like vibrations into your existence. This is the power behind the Law of Attraction. 12


Intention + emotions = achieved goals. Let’s make 2017 the most powerful year ever by aligning your Intentions and goals. Get your Intention rolling for 2017

Melissa Zoske







I have a confession. I hate networking… well, I used to hate it until I figured out a way to make it effective. Bored with the, “What do you do?” question, I would try different ways to make networking events interesting, only to end up in the kitchen with the catering team eating hors d’oeuvres from the stacking trays. I love food, and the catering team were far more interesting people, because they weren’t there to get anything from me, and they fed me. I’ve talked to many people in my life; in fact, as a Psychologist it is how I make a living. (Guess what? Most psychologists are introverts, so this article is especially helpful for all you internal processors!) So what is it about networking that makes us want to either hide behind our sunglasses a la Anna Wintour or huddle with our peeps like a college football team calling plays? Aside from it closely resembling a hostage situation dressed in business suits and passed quiches, I think it is because it seems forced and inauthentic. I don’t know who invented throwing people in a room to pass around business cards as an effective means of gaining business, but they should be fired. It doesn’t work, and I’ll venture to say most people don’t really see the results they hoped. But we need to network in order to build our business. May I suggest using your business cards in a more selective manner, and look at networking with a new perspective? Let ’s reframe this current day hot mess definition of networking so we can get out there and enjoy building a tribe we can help and rely on. For the start of the New Year, let’s look at networking with fresh eyes and a different


CULTIVATE CONNECTION: When we work to acquire or develop a connection with someone we are building a relationship. Guess what, Dear One? You are already doing this with your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, pets, and stoner at your local farmers market (he really understands how to grow herbs well). It is much easier to get to know someone simply because you want to get to know them than it is to go into the relationship with “how can I get something from you”. This isn’t a Nuclear Arms Agreement, Loves, it is simply a human being talking to another human being. Cultivating a relationship is the core of networking. I met Melissa Zoske, Editor in Chief of Shining Entrepreneur, in April 2016. We are in an online community together, but we hadn’t connected. At a conference in Houston, we were at a social event and I walked passed her. She immediately grabbed my hand and said, “I’m picking up on some energy from you. Do you mind if I do a reading?” I love reading and I love energy, so I hell-to-theyes you can do a reading! It was this small act of her reaching out that led to us talking about our interests. The entire conversation was about getting to know each other. Not once did a business card show its heavy card-stocked head. As we stayed connected online, we naturally began passing business ideas back and forth. “Try this,” she would suggest, “I have an idea,” I would exclaim. And from here, our friendship (and networking) blossomed. Cultivation at its finest. 2017 INTENTION EDITION


COLLABORATION: THE EXPRESS TICKET TO CREATIVITY: As you can see, it is more powerful to spend an hour with one interesting and relevant person to you than it is to spend that same hour in a room full of random people at a networking event. I like the idea of building a network before you need one. When you begin helping others, you open the doors to creativity and projects that help your business grow as well. My friend, Heather Swint, had a beautiful idea of merging essential oils (delightfully smelling healing stuff ) with yoga (I like the poses where you lay on the mat and nap), and food (this one needs no side note, because it is food, and food is glorious already). Her idea presented an invitation to her, not wrapped preassembled in a pretty bow. No, like all ideas, it came to her in a tangled web with only 1 demand: “let ’s dance, lady”. And, so she slipped on her kicks and turned up the music. It wasn’t until Heather, and I were chatting when the creativity and collaboration really opened up for Heather. Suddenly she was presented with many ideas on how to bring her recipe of healing through oils, yoga, and nutrition to fruition (that rhymes for a reason, people). I believe in Heather, her message, and because I collaborated with her on developing her programs, I want to promote her. I didn’t go in with any expectation, but to help and deliver ideas.

In doing this, I also had light bulb moments with my business and asked Heather to be a part of some of my programs. In a 45-minute speed texting frenzy that would amaze any preteen, we had created 4 programs through collaboration.

CONTACT: E.T. PHONE BIG WIG So how do you build a connection with someone you admire in your field but you do not know? Perhaps they are further along on their business journey than you, and you want to learn from them. Maybe they’ve written a book, been on Oprah, or have a thriving business. Shoot them an email. Yes, dear, it is that simple. But first, be prepared! Research that person. Use your online communities to see if anyone knows them. Reach out through a warm contact. If you do not have one, research the person’s website, social media, or “Acknowledgements” page of their book. Find similarities. Maybe you’re from the same hometown or you have the same haircut (you can use anything… the key is to find a conversation starter). In today’s social media age, you can contact anyone in just about any way short of sending a smoke signal. They even have pigeon carriers called tweets. Use this technology FOR you… it is social media for a reason. The key thing to remember is that you are creating a relationship. Think of it like dating. Ease into it. Set up a phone call or meet them for coffee. Photography by Mint Julep Gallery







After watching a Super Soul Sunday episode featuring psychologist Dr. Shefali Tsabary, I knew I needed to know more about her and her work. I wanted to contact her, but I also knew I needed to be prepared. So, I studied. I read her books and watched all her online videos. The more I learned about her message, the more I felt comfortable reaching out to her. Once I was prepared, I sent her an email. How? I accessed my inner CIA agent and I got her contact information… from her website (the internet holds many treasures when you take the time to look).

closest friends and network collaborators, including Melissa (EIC of this magazine). You don’t have to be Rico Suave, just Prepared. Your social game may be as smooth as Kimmy Schmidt, but that doesn’t really matter. You’re prepared and have genuine interest. This is what will shine. Short of being a stalker, you know all there is to know about this person’s career and what they want to achieve in the world. You have a way to help them, even if it is promoting their work. Most people do not prepare. You do, and this is why you are #winning.

My first email simply stated that I was grateful for her work, that I’ve read her books, and that I used her approach in my counseling sessions. In other words, I showed genuine gratitude, genuine interest, and a mutuality of counseling. I, then, asked if there was something I could do to help get her message out to my community. Did she offer a mentorship and supervision? She responded, and from there I ended up helping her with her first conference. I also researched the speakers who would be at her conference, and I contacted a few in the same manner as I wrote about above. Several replied back. Now they knew my name, so when I introduced myself to them in person the connection had already been established. The coolest thing about this approach is that one of the speakers, Bryant McGill, ended up becoming a close mentor of mine. I am a student in his Thought Leadership School and administrator for his online community, Through this community, I met many people who are my

I want you to take action today. I want you to know that networking is about cultivating relationships, collaborating with others to build their businesses, and contacting people. The best part – you’re most likely already doing this with the relationships you have with friends, family, co-workers and in community. So, Dear One, it is my hope for you to ring in this year with a fresh look on the business of relationships. Let me know your stories. What has worked for you? How are you a badass? How can we collaborate together? Let’s make this happen! Let ’s create a new business of relationships. Carmella Whitehead is a licensed psychotherapist, relationship and leadership thought leader, social media personality, and Founder/CEO of Whitehead Enterprises, LLC. She is featured on CBS Radio, FOX News, Simple Reminders Network, and She has spoken at conferences alongside Bryant McGill, Marianne Williamson, Caroline Myss, and Gregg Braden. Her live and recorded broadcasts reach over 7 million viewers in 139 countries, and her thought-provoking writings have been published in Wall Street Journal and USA Today best selling books. Carmella has transformed and inspired people to use nutritional and environmental adjustments to eliminate antidepressant and antipsychotic use. She helps individuals reconnect to themselves and their interconnected relationships; at work, at home, and in all aspects of their lives. Carmella works with individuals, couples, and parents to reframe, reshape, and restory their lives and relationships into ones that support and uplift them.



Get Your Message Out to the Masses 5 S T E P S T O K I C K - S TA R T Y O U R BRAND THIS NEW YEAR By ERICA FREE, Marketing Artist

I know your story. I know that you’ve spent months (if not years) prepping to go all in with your dream business. How you’ve endlessly fed your addiction of filling your head with as much knowledge as possible before moving forward. Experiencing those productive bursts of inspired action that turn into “who the heck am I?” And the stomach-churning feeling of paralysis as you stumbled upon someone who’s doing exactly. what. you. want to do. Been there—done that. And guess what? You already know enough. Think of this as your New Year’s wake-up call to move past the impostor syndrome and unleash your unique gifts onto the scene. The key throughout your expansion is to keep going even when you still feel a bit unsure and uncomfortable. To get things rolling, I’ve broken down the essential steps for getting your message out to the masses (all while keeping newbie budgets in mind). But seriously, don’t stress yourself out trying to get things up and running all at once. And if you feel stuck along the way, it’s completely ok to seek guidance.


bat. Remember—you can upgrade as you go. Start with modern, easy-to-read fonts (choosing 2 or 3), pick your colors (2 – 3; or 3 – 5 if feeling ambitious), all while making sure the fonts and colors complement each other (and you!). As for services, think of how you want to structure your business and the type of income streams you want to generate. Getting clear on what you have to offer and the problems you can help solve is important. (Marketer’s Tip: Sell the benefits, not the features.) Useful Tools: Google Docs (for organizing thoughts),, Canva + Pinterest (for mood board),,



After your foundation is complete, it’s time to launch your digital storefront. Think of it as the central hub that every marketing touchpoint points back to. But if you feel like kicking and screaming at the thought of building a website, consider an alternative to Wordpress like Squarespace. Or, hire it out and have an expert create the framework for you.

It sounds more daunting than it needs to be, but starting with an overall big picture of your brand and services will give you a strong foundation to build on. What type of feeling do you want to convey to the public? Pick a simple theme that resonates with you and your audience.

If you plan on writing the copy, tailor it to speak to your audience. (Marketer’s Tip: Write like you talk.) And be sure to include clear calls to action. To help get things flowing, write down a list of power words that correlate with your theme and sprinkle those throughout your site.

For the creative part, don’t think that you need some impressive logo right off the

Useful Tools:, Squarespace. com


3. DEVELOP YOUR CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY You don’t need to be everywhere to succeed, but you do need a plan of action for getting your message heard. Creating a solid content marketing strategy (scheduling, say, 3 – 12 months out at a time) can help you visualize all of your marketing efforts, as well as realize any gaps to fill in. When developing your content, pick topics based on your audience’s needs—through listening— and distribute via the channels where they are the most engaged. Create consistent, valuable content, and be sure to weave your unique story into it. (Marketer’s Tip: Get as much use out of your content by refreshing and repurposing.) Useful Tools: Google Sheets (mapping your schedule), SurveyMonkey / TypeForm / Facebook polls (for feedback) 2017 INTENTION EDITION


4. GROW YOUR EMAIL LIST This is a main life source of your business. There’s no doubt that social media is a powerful marketing channel, but email marketing still drives more conversions. Sure, it’s great to have 5k+ Likes on your Facebook Page, but Mark Zuckerberg owns those Likes. You own (and control) your email list. The key to growing your audience effectively is to attract the right type of people—your people. You can achieve this by offering a free incentive that is quick to digest and speaks to them (such as a PDF how-to guide or checklist) in exchange for their email address. (Marketer’s Tip: Add a pop-up opt-in box to your website.) Useful Tools: ConvertKit, Mail Chimp, Constant Contact, MadMimi, Canva (for PDF freebie design)


One trick for achieving results on social media is to be…social. But here’s the thing—you’re one person and can only take on so much. Don’t feel pressured to be a wizard at them all. Spend the time where you get the most results (committing to 2 – 4 platforms). Obviously, with 1.79 billion monthly active users, Facebook is a given choice, but you may be surprised at the activity you get on other sites as well. Experiment and see what works for you. You can start with organic (free) reach in the beginning and move to paid reach once you feel more grounded 24


and clear in your strategy. (Marketer’s Tip: Livestreaming on Facebook gives you a higher ranking in the algorithm. Give it a try!) There’s another social piece to help leverage your message, and that’s collaboration.Team up with other biz bosses who complement you for things like Podcasts, split-screen interviews, guest blog posts and Facebook group expert threads. Doing so consistently can bring you more exposure. Useful Tools: Hootsuite (schedule posts), Ripl, Animoto, Feedly, Canva, Hashtagify. me

TUNE IN. BE MINDFUL. KEEP GOING. Now that you have the essentials needed to get your dream biz rolling, it’s time to take action. But be gentle with yourself during this expansion period, acknowledging what may come up. Switch off the imposter syndrome, keep your eyes on your own business (mostly), and flow through the doubts with ease. You have amazing talent within you that someone in this world is in need of. Follow your inner guide and get your message out to the masses—one step at a time. Erica Free is a Marketing Artist who helps entrepreneurs see their big brand picture by bringing it into reality via copy, visuals and strategy. She’s a believer in clever and consistent messaging that colorfully reflects her clients, and taps into her intuitive nature to bring it forth with ease. A lifelong Chicagoan with 10+ years in the marketing world, Erica received her B.A. in Marketing Communications from Columbia College Chicago and is currently continuing her studies in Graphic Design at the renowned School of the Art Institute of Chicago. When not creating marketing master plans, she switches it over to painting, photography, real food cooking, and digging around in her veggie garden. Find her at

Whether you succeed or not is irrelevant--there is no such thing.

Making your unknown known is the important thing. Georgia O’Keeffe



I’ve never felt at home in an office, working for someone or something else; responsible for a small slice of the whole and rewarded by collecting my paycheck at the end of the week. I tried, because that’s usually what we’re taught to do when we first start out building a career, but it never worked for me. Maybe it didn’t work for you either? Turns out I was never comfortable in a comfort zone. I thrived on being on the edge of things and that meant taking risks, following my gut, doing the unexpected, following my heightened intuition that sometimes made no sense to anyone – not even to me at times. I found that entrepreneurs – like psychics are born not made, for they have many of these same characteristics. I was born psychic. I learned how to listen and use my “inner hearing” to channel my divine downloads to guide almost every decision I made: from how I raised my children; cultivated my relationships – both personal and business; and how I managed the everyday affairs of my life. With daily use I slowly gained mastery over my baser human instincts and operated from intuitive knowing in what I chose to say and do. This has had a profound effect on the trajectory of my life, building a successful life in ways I could only imagine, that goes beyond success in the material experiences that bring 2017 INTENTION EDITION


and stepping over people may get you your short-term goals but will never bring lasting rewards and satisfaction. An entrepreneur shines their light in the dark places where others get stuck; they see solutions not problems and they’re guided by a loving force that directs where they go next even when they don’t know themselves; what to say even when they have no words; and what to do that will best serve an awakening world. This is the world that awaits you when you open to allowing divine love to be your business and personal partner. This is the world I live in. true abundance, peace and joy that can’t be touched by the uncertainty that operates in the outside world. I now share what I’ve learned with others and teach how they too can create an abundant, meaningful life in my classes, books and private sessions. I’m convinced that every entrepreneur is psychic if they’re open to their authentic gifts. Entrepreneurs believe in and envision something that doesn’t exist. They have to create something from nothing; that lives only in their imagination. They tend to gather and cultivate a tribe of people that believe in them too; that support and encourage their endeavors even if they don’t understand them. They know intuitively that blame, bullying 28


(Laurie Lankins Farley has worked with Neale Donald Walsch for approximately 16 years. She is the Executive Director of his non-profit The School of the New Spirituality and creative co-director of Laurie is a best selling author of a parenting book and has published an inspirational children’s book “The Positive Little Soul.” A Psychic Medium, Intuit and Spiritual Teacher who has worked with people, celebrities and families all over the world. She can be contacted at:

Ring in an


New Year


This year I have no desire to write a list of goals and resolutions for my business or my life… because it’s not business as usual. There’s a new landscape rising over the horizon and I want to be a part of it, but from where I stand right now, I have no idea what it’s going to look like. Why make a list of goals that most likely will not fit the new playing field? Does this mean that I have to just wing it, hoping that I hit a target I can’t see? That seems foolish at best and downright risky and a waste of my limited resources. So what can a practical, responsible, creative entrepreneur like me do when she very much wants to share her message or her talents or product and services, yet the landscape isn’t clear yet and she finds herself hanging in midair not knowing where she’s going to land? Here are four graceful and enlightened ways to know what you’re doing when the old rules are becoming obsolete and the new ones haven’t yet been formulated.

SHIFT YOUR PERSPECTIVE FROM ONE THAT ASKS WHAT CAN I GET TO WHAT CAN I GIVE. I believe the days of simply having a monetary goal is being replaced with

a service goal of how many people you want to serve. As aware entrepreneurs we we know that serving our customers, or audience with information, products and services that will truly enrich their lives is why we do what we do, so why are we so focused on money? Don’t we trust that as we serve in our authenticity, when we give more than expected because it’s so unexpected, the money and so much more will come?

REFLECT ON THE WHY. Have you lost track of why you do what you do or maybe it needs an update? Is what you’re doing still bringing joy to you and others or have things gone a bit stale? Things are changing so rapidly these days that sometimes we end up running things on automatic and we forget why we wanted to do what we do in the first place. Maybe it started out as an idea we fell in love with but now it no longer lights us up. Maybe it doesn’t light us up because we’ve become so lost in the details of running the show that we no longer delight in running the show? Or maybe we’re so warn out wearing so many hats that we do justice to none and it’s clear our lives are out of balance. Reflecting on the why will bring us back into alignment with our original intent and from there we can make necessary adjustments and bring more of our energy, our creative force, our being into what we’re doing. 2017 INTENTION EDITION


DON’T SET GOALS. Set intentions. According to business directory. com a goal is “An observable and measurable end result having one or more objectives to be achieved within a more or less fixed timeframe.” This doesn’t sound very enlightened to me. Quite the opposite actually since this definition by nature is very attached to the outcome. An intention on the other hand is a claim made in partnership with your Higher Self and the how is allowed to come to you as an inspired idea which you then take action on knowing you are perfectly guided

and the outcome may or may not be exactly what you envisioned…but it’s always perfect for you. TRUST. You’ve already experienced that what you offer others is valuable. You’ve proven to yourself that you can overcome obstacles, persevere and deliver the goods perfectly when you need to. And your heart is pure. You know who you are and you know how you serve. Trust that you will be given the best opportunities to serve in this new year unfolding in a new word.

Silvia Bianco, is an award winning chef, writer and former restauranteur. Commonly known as Chef Silvia, she gives cooking classes to private and corporate groups for some of America’s top companies including: GE, Unilever, Dannon, Barnes & Noble, Procter & Gamble and many others. She also serves as the resident chef at Williams Sonoma and has cooked on stage at the highly-acclaimed Ridgefield Playhouse and The James Beard House and on numerous national TV shows, including The Today Show on NBC. Author of Simply Sauté, the first in-depth book on sauté in the US, Chef Silvia is a regular contributor to the hugely popular website www., has also written for The Huffington Post, Mind Body Green and Awakening People. She considers herself a holistic chef and spiritual teacher, writing from her years of spiritual study and practice as a long time student of A Course In Miracles. Chef Silvia has an MBA in Marketing from Pace University in NYC and a BA in Speech and Theatre from the State University of New York.



Whatever your past has been, your future is spotless. Create something

wonderful. S I LV I A B I A N C O

How many hats CAN YOU WEAR? BY



Let me think for a minute... Which project should I start first? Email, scheduling my Facebook page, creating that spreadsheet, figuring out that new doTERRA promotion, laundry or the dishes??? Oh, wait… I’m hungry. Food. Food is definitely the next project I should tackle. I wonder if there’s any pasta leftover from last night? How much longer do I have before I need to leave for carpool? Is that enough time to eat and send out that email???

Monkey mind anyone? This is what my mind used to sound like all the time, but I’ve found tools that help me manage all of the hats I wear. I wear 87 different hats on any given day and I do so with grace and ease. Oh yeah, you heard me. I’m a yoga teacher, social media entrepreneur, Silver Leader with doTERRA International, Facebook page owner, writer, admin for two rather large Facebook groups, wife, and mom to a 13 year old, 3 dogs, plus a cat. Doing all of this could easily make me crazy. Being a mom is enough to keep you busy for

all of my waking hours. However, I walk my talk of radical self care and joyful living. How can I possibly teach others how to settle their minds if mine is going 1,000 MPH? How can I be a good role model to my child if she sees me running myself into the ground on a daily basis? The short answer is that I can’t. I have made a commitment to myself that my peace comes before anything else. My health (and yours) is the most valuable asset in the world.

My Radical Self Care Kit I use many tools throughout my day and week that help me stay grounded and centered on joy.

1. A good night’s sleep: I cannot function if I don’t sleep well. I suffered from insomnia for many years and it robbed me of my peace. These days I sleep like a baby. I have cleaned up my sleep hygiene and it has made all the difference. I’m in bed by 10PM every night. 10PM is a magic time because that’s when your adrenal glands start to rest and recover. I also read most nights and use essential oils like lavender and wild orange to facilitate a peaceful night’s sleep.



2. Batch Cooking: If you want to eat real home cooked food more often in your home, I highly recommend batch cooking. When you cook rice, cook twice as much as you need, same with protein and veggies. You can combine them later and use a quick sauce to re-imagine your staples. Check out my pinterest page for batch cooking ideas.

3. Essential Oils: Therapeutic essential oils are crucial to my mental and physical health. In the morning I use Motivate, Breathe or Balance to wake up and get my day started off on the right foot. Throughout the day I may grab my Patchouli and Wild Orange for focus, Lemon oil for my water to keep me hydrated or Peppermint to open up my airways. I also use immunity boosting oils like Clove, Frankincense and Basil to keep my immune system in top shape. At night I use oils to coax me into a peaceful night’s sleep. My favorite combination at night is Lavender and Wild Orange.

4. Meditation: I meditate daily, even if it’s only for 5 minutes. Some days I have time to sit for 30 minutes and get the amazing benefits of a longer meditation. However, some days I only have time for 5 minutes. Meditation can be as simple as feeling your feet on the floor, closing your 36


eyes and listening to your breath for 5 minutes. Don’t make it complicated, just do it. Meditation not only reduces stress, it boosts your immune system, improves social skills, reduces depression, zaps anxiety and improves concentration.



I’m a yoga junkie and I leave my house to go to yoga classes 3-4 times a week. Not only does this keep my body happy, but I have met a ton of friends by joining a yoga studio. The physical benefits of sweating out my worries on my mat are amazing. My outlook on life has improved and so has my muscle tone. The social benefits of finding my tribe is indescribable. I have found a group of people that I can lean on, go to lunch

with and that support me to be my best self. I highly recommend moving your body in a way that feels good to you and find other people who like to do the same thing. You will not only improve your physical heart, but your spiritual one as well. Balance looks different to everyone. If you like to burn the midnight oil but completely veg out on the weekends - that is cool, too. Do what works for you, but make sure it is working. If you feel like you’ve lost your joy, then incorporate some of these tips into your routine and watch your life transform. Heather Swint is a Thought Leader, Board Certified Holistic Health Coach, Silver Leader with doTERRA International, and a Certified Yoga Instructor. Heather empowers people all over the world to find the healer within using yoga, meditation, nutrition and essential oils. She has taught 100s of yoga, meditation, and essential oil classes. She also partnered with One Posture at a Time volunteering to teach yoga to men in recovery. Her inspirational writings have been shared on social media by champions of thought leadership such as Bryant McGill, Jenni Young, Anthony Gucciardi and She reaches thousands of people daily on social media where she teaches online classes and is a published author on and Simple Reminders.

She can be found at Heather Swint Essential Wellness Photograhy by Kristen Alexander & Denise Nehila 2017 INTENTION EDITION


4 favorite books F R O M P EO PL E WE LOV E

“On Fire,” by John O’Leary with Cynthia DiTiberio. It’s such an inspirational book about being radically self-changing. I highly recommend this book to everyone who wants loving positive change. - Leanne Olstad

For many years I have recommended Don Miguel Ruiz’s book The Four Agreements. Anyone looking to create a shift of awakening in their my opinion, this is the book to awaken the journey in such a simple way. Easy to read and take in. Choice is, are we open and willing to follow these 4 Gifts. - Tracey Smith

“Everyday is Friday” by Joel Olsten. It reminds to enjoy every day not wishing our life away. - Ben Bleacher

“The Way of Mastery” Shanti Christo Foundation. It is similar to ACIM but I enjoy reading it more - pure catalyst for awakening I believe. - Brooke Lillith

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