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Sustainability ENGLISH

come up with innovative green business plans that will meet a criteria based on UNEPS Green Economy Initiative, while it also looks to feature examples of existing businesses from around the world. Besides empowering youth, GEEBIZ also seeks to motivate business schools to promote green entrepreneurship, particularly by creating programs that will enable its student body to acquire the tools necessary to build green enterprises. The ultimate goal of PCI’s GEEBIZ is to inspire young people and business schools to learn about and rise to this generation’s key challenge of building a green economy. It offers a platform where young talent with innovative green ideas or already existing business plans, can be tapped into by governments, corporations, sustainability enthusiasts and investors. Likewise, it offers an opportunity for skills sharing, and demonstrating what talented youth and business schools have to offer in the shift towards a green economy and the achievement of a sustainable future. Some examples of the types of businesses that are part of the GEEBIZ initiative are: VERDEATE by Sebastián Bustamante G. (Colombia) VERDEate is an online platform through which people and organizations take References: 1.- Rigg, Kelly. Rio+20: A Date With History (in the Making) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kellyrigg/rio-earth-summit_b_1323052.ml?ref=fb&src=sp&comm_ref=false#sb=1282747,b=facebook 2.- http://www.unep.org/greeneconomy/AboutGEI/WhatisGEI/tabid/29784/Default.aspx 3.- De Bruin, Anne; Dupuis, Ann Entrepreneurship: new perspectives in a global age Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2003 (pg 206) 4.- De Bruin, Anne; Dupuis, Ann. 5.- Rigg, Kelly 10 | Klimapolitik Magazine | Julio - Agosto 2013

Green Challenges: specific actions to reduce their CO2 emissions & their water footprint. RED BUTTON DESIGN by Amanda Jones (UK) Red Button Design designs, manufactures and supplies products exclusively for the humanitarian market. Their flagship product, Midomo, is an internationally award winning 3-in-1 water transport, purification and storage unit for developing world families living in water poverty. Using an internal filter system powered by the rotation of the wheels, Midomo transforms harmful water to drinkable water on the go. To use, a user simply rolls their Midomo to the nearest water source, fills its 50 litre tank, and rolls it home. Once home, the water drawn from the unit is safe to drink by World Health Organisation standards WORLDVIEW IMPACT by Bremley Lyngdoh (India) Bremley Lyngdoh’s social enterprise Worldview Impact based in London - seeks to create 25,000 sustainable jobs over the next 5 years through green initiatives like creating organic agroforestry and biomass power projects on derelict land in 9 developing countries. GEEBIZ is looking for more talent like these young entrepreneurs from around the world. The initiative seeks to empower youth, specially entrepreneurs that will lead the way towards a green economy and a sustainable future for generations to come. Or if not, at the very least empower communities, and allow young people to “tell the world’s leaders what kind of future [they] want”5. With their future in the balance it is the least they deserve.

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