Handmade lessons

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My colors - my culture GOALS:


To build awareness of the elements

Making a horse in a color that means

and symbols of culture.

something to me - Masurian horse,

Recognizing the invisible influence

polish artifact

of culture on the behavior of individuals and groups.

EXERCISE: 1. Try to guess what other people's horse colors mean. 2. Do the colors of your region or country matter to you? 3. What are other color combinations used in culture? 4. Can colors connect or divide? How?

EVALUATION: What is a culture for you? Inspiration / next steps: Iceberg of culture

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitution endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Value chain GOALS:

Building intergenerational bonds, searching for common topics and working out the ground for

HANDICRAFT: string leaves - macrame


intergenerational dialogue. The workshop works well as an introduction to further intergenerational activities or as an independent activity.

1. Intergenerational workshop with a group of seniors (e.g. senior clubs). Find a group of seniors nearby and invite them to joint the macrame workshops. 2. Prepare materials and refreshments. You can find the tutorial under the heading of macrame leaf. Ask seniors to bring handmade products that they made themselves or that were once popular (there may also be photos, instructions or just a memories). 3. Divide into intergenerational groups. Each group makes a set of macrame leaves based on the collected tutorials. 4. In groups, look for similar seniors' products on the Internet. Are they still popular? Think about how you can update them? Could they become popular again? 5. Decorate the workshop place with macrame leaves or give them to seniors.

EVALUATION: What makes DIY products popular? Why different handicraft used to be made in the past, then today? Plan a workshop with forgotten handicrafts, brought by seniors. List the contributions of seniors and young people, make a list of materials, plan the time and place of the meeting. Share a photo with #handmadeyouth

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitution endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Less waste DIY GOALS:

Reflection on the green side of DIY. Changing attitudes regarding the use of handicraft materials.


Scented soy pendants 1. Look for tutorials for making wax (soy)


pendants. Set a zero waste criterion - your product cannot produce waste or should even reduce its amount (upcycling).

2. Make a list of different materials, let each one bring a different one (the more oils and additives, e.g. dried flowers, the more possibilities). 3. Prepare a short dictionary: less waste, zero waste, upcycling, circular economy. 4. Start with a discussion. Are the available tutorials really organic/green? Do craftsmen pay attention to less waste? To what extent is it important for you in handicraft activities? 5. Prepare pendants together in groups, taking care of the ecological dimension. 6. Make a short list of recommendations for less waste craftsmen (3-5 tips). Decide whether the handicraft should be zero waste at once, or if it is enough to start with less waste.

If you are handicraftsmen, will you implement the prepared recommendations? Why or why handicrafts should be greener? Try to publish your recommendations in the available channels, tagging your artisan friends. Share your ideas with other handicraftsmen, collecting their opinions on the subject.


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitution endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Stones - the heritage of common lands Discovering the importance of minerals in


culture and history. Reflection on the meaning we give to objects and how they affect our lives.


Making jewelry with the selected stone 1. For the preparation, look for minerals (stones or rocks) in your environment and try to recognize them.

2. Make a little geological exhibition by recognising the stones and exchanging information about them. 3. Think about what stones are characteristic of your geographical region? 4. What do the stones "tell" us? Some tell a natural history (e.g. fossils, geological layers), others tell a history of civilization (e.g. monuments, buildings or historical objects). 5. What role do gemstones play in your culture? What meaning do people give to these stones? How do we determine the value of individual stones, why are some more valuable than others?

EVALUATION: How to use an ordinary stone to promote handicrafts?

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitution endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Musical sounds for mental well-being GOALS: To find out the historical musical

HANDICRAFT: Making a musical instrument Rain Tree

instrument of Latvian culture. To build awareness of the impact of a musical instrument on well-being, mental state and mood.

EXERCISE: 1. Try creating your own musical instrument using the tutorial. 2. When the musical instrument is ready, try to listen to its sound and hear the rain or the flow of the river 3. Can music improve or worsen a person's mood? 4. Try to find the history of a musical instrument on the Internet. 5. Discuss what other materials can be used to create a musical instrument?

EVALUATION: What is your position on cultural values? Does it matter to you on a daily basis? Can the acquired skills be used in the future to take a break from everyday work and ensure your mental wellbeing?

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitution endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Common values and the art of presentation GOALS: To find common values between different age groups, to develop creativity and present the story to an audience through the art of presentation

HANDICRAFT: Drawing from plastic bottle caps

EXERCISE: 1. People of different ages are invited to participate in this workshop - they can be children, young people, adults, as well as seniors. Collect the group of different ages. 2. The group should be divided into several groups, so that each group has people of different ages. 3. Each group discusses and agrees on a specific value that binds them all together. 4. Each group makes one drawing - mosaic art of plastic bottle caps reflecting the agreed common value. Millions of plastic bottles are thrown away every year. Groups will be able to create their own works of art using these zero waste materials. To make a drawing you need cardboard, glue, pva glue and bottle caps. 5. After finishing each group present their value. Participants present their work to the other participants in the way they have decided.

EVALUATION: Is it easy to find common values between people of different ages? What are your thoughts on the presentations of other groups, and what do you think are other ways to present the drawings? How did you feel during the activity? What other everyday waste can be used to make a work of art? Is it possible to reduce waste in this way?

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitution endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Cultural values in a modern way GOALS: Encourage brainstorming, to reach a common view of the participants. To promote understanding of Latvian cultural values and opportunities to use them in handicrafts in a modern way.

HANDICRAFT: Magnets with Latvian signs

EXERCISE: 1. Before the lesson it is necessary to prepare materials - stones, permanent markers, hot glue and magnets. 2. Get to know Latvian signs using the Internet. Learn the meaning of each sign. 3. Get to know each other through conversation and then use the brainstorming method to find the most suitable Latvian sign for each participant which characterizes their own and his / her life. 4. Each participant creates magnets with selfcharacterizing Latvian signs. Draw the sign on the stone with a marker and attach it to the magnet with glue. 5. The teacher presents this handicraft in a way that ancient cultural values can be used in a modern way and using natural materials - emphasizing the zero waste feature. 6. Try to find some ancient handicrafts with Latvian signs on the Internet. Discuss what other handicrafts can use such signs.

EVALUATION: Is it easy to come to a group opinion with the brainstorming method? Are there any values in your culture that are similar to Latvian signs and their meaning? What other materials can be used to make such a handicraft? Do you think such handicrafts have value nowadays? Can cultural values be preserved in this way? How can you apply in your life what you learned?

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitution endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Future in harmony with nature - hanging flowerpot GOALS: Czechs focus on sustainable development and closeness to nature around. Biophilic design is a trend that we notice on an increasingly larger scale. Therefore, we encourage you to take the first easy step in this direction.

HANDICRAFT: Hanging flower pot made of recycled and natural materials

EXERCISE: 1. Before the lesson it is necessary to prepare materials - plastic bottle, scissors, pieces of natural material, string. 2. Prepare a small plant seedling in a pot as well. 3. If you already have prepared materials and selected your plant, follow the instructions >> HERE << 4. Is your flower pot ready? You can now find a suitable place for her, at home or in the garden. 5. You can create different variants, pots of different sizes, lengths, use other materials to create a composition - to bring more nature into the space

EVALUATION: Is contact with nature important in your culture? What human and nature friendly solutions do you notice around you? What natural materials are you familiar with and could include in this lesson? Do you know the concept of biophilic design? If not, try to say according to which values and principles the future space of a human being will be designed.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitution endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Tradition connected with ecology - snack pocket! GOALS: Moravian silesia region is typical with it`s mining activity, which is active in this area to this day. By sewing this typical product we can easily transfer to the times when ecofriendly packaging was a matter of course. When living the life was slower and human values stronger.

HANDICRAFT: Snack pocket - coal mining traditions connected with ecology

EXERCISE: 1. Before the lesson it is necessary to prepare materials - thicker needle, pins, black cloth or cotton material, waterproof polyester material, threads to sew, velcro, scissors, printed coal miner icon on an, adhesive paper, template with snack pocket model, PATIENCE AND CREATIVITY :) 2. If you already have prepared materials follow the tutorial >> HERE << 3. If you have finished and you have yours snack pocket, you can enjoy yours snacks with the thought that you are contributing to the reduction of plastic.

EVALUATION: Somedays earlier it was obvious that coal miners have been taking their food in cloth bags packed in cloth towels. Through the time, due to rush eco friendly packaging disappeared from the everyday life, replaced with disposable plastics.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitution endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


storytelling in a creative way - Story Stones GOALS: Storytelling is the social and cultural activity of sharing stories, sometimes with improvisation, theatrics or embellishment. Every culture has its own stories or narratives, which are shared as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation or instilling moral values.

HANDICRAFT: Story stones are a collection of small stones with pictures on them that can be used as storytelling

EXERCISE: 1. Prepare a few stones on the surface of which you can easily paint something, 2. Prepare some box or bag to keep your story in 3. Prepare paints and tools for painting 4. And now the most important thing! Create a picture on each stone. you can improvise! Paint pictures first and then create a story or maybe you already have a story you want to depict? 5. You can connect the story, share it with others, give it to others to tell


EVALUATION: Stories are universal in that they can bridge cultural, linguistic and agerelated divides. Storytelling can be adaptive for all ages, leaving out the notion of age segregation. Humans are storytelling organisms that both individually and socially, lead storied lives.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitution endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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