Seaford Scene May 2022

Page 8

Martello Rotary Club

2022 Martello Half Marathon Well, the morning of 27th March dawned bright and clear, and despite a forecast of cloud it promised to be a glorious day for the fifth Seaford Martello Half Marathon. Lists had been printed, marshals briefed, signs erected, First-aiders arranged, race timers engaged, water stations set up, medals, prizes and the all-important tables loaded with runners’ sustenance at the finish. This was a case of, third time lucky as we’d had to postpone this event twice before due to Covid or other considerations. We crossed fingers (and toes) that all would be well… and the weather was turning out to be glorious! So, despite losing an hour to British Summer Time, the Martello team gathered at the Seaford Rugby Club at 7.30am (6.30am in real time!), and registration proceeded apace with runners turning up from 8am. We had a higher-than-expected number of no shows, likely due to it being Mothering Sunday, and of course the clocks going forward, meaning some would have decided to have to the extra hour in bed. However, we had enough runners for a decent race, and at 9.15am all made their way to the start line for the 9.30am start. Peter White the Seaford Town crier welcomed all to Seaford in stentorian style, and after a few words from Andy Payne, the Martello Rotary President, they were off. The race snaked out of Seaford to Bishopstone, where a long slog up the South Downs commenced. The first water station, half a mile or so from South Heighton was very welcome, then the long climb up to the aerials towering above at the top of Beddingham Hill beckoned. Some small respite enjoying the glorious views over sea and downs then another stiff climb up to Firle Beacon – at 217m the highest point on the route. Then another welcome water station at Bo Peep. Now came the long descent down the track to Bostal Bottom, along the track at the side of Seaford Golf Club, then the steep and stony track down to Bishopstone. Finally, back along


the road to Seaford, that final sprint along the seafront, and the finish to the cheers of the crowds. This year saw two new course records, with local lad Aaron O’Shaughnessy coming in first male at 1:22:49 (prev.1:23:36) and Cathy Beresford smashing the first female record at 1:38:35 (Previous 1:47:13), and in fact the next two female runners also broke the previous course record. So – after receiving medals, applauding the prize giving, and collecting a well-deserved flapjack, chocolate bar and banana or two, the runners returned home – hopefully to do it all again next year! Special thanks go to the people and companies that supported the Half Marathon. Their contribution was very much appreciated and enabled the event to go very well. Thank you to: Morrison’s for supplying the Bananas and the Kit Kat bars; Beth Funnel of Beth’s Kitchen & Cakery who supplied the Flap Jacks which went down very well; Mr Robert Lambert of Mr Cycles who kindly let us have the use of an Electric Bike – without it the back marker would not have been able to cycle up the hills and stay with the runners with a conventional bike; Newberry Tully Easte Agents for sponsoring and providing the trophies for the men and women; Christina Baldwin for the photographs; Seaford Bonfire Society who provided marshalls for the event, and not forgetting all the marshalls who attended at key points along the route, Phoenix First Aiders, the first aid team and finally Seaford Rugby Club who kindly allowed us to use their facilities for registration and the use of their facilities. Photos from top: Andy Payne, Martello Rotary President with Kathy Beresford, the first place female runner; Andy Payne with Aaron O’Shaugnessy the first place male runner. Photos by Christina Baldwin.

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Articles inside

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Clifden House

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Trees for Seaford

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Seaford Striders

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Seaford Rotary

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The Probus Club of Seaford

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The House on the Cliff Video Documentary

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Seaford Community Cinema

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Seaford Stamp & Postcard Club

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The Youth Counselling Project

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Teddy Treats Charity Supports Streetdance

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Newberry Tully Estate Agent

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Greenhavens Network

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Concentus Singing In Summer?

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Helpers for a Happy Home

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Seaford u3a News

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Seaford Photographic Society

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The Mayor Supports Automatic External

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Seaford Splash

pages 4-5

2022 Martello Half Marathon

pages 8-9
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