Design Portfolio

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J.W. Design Site Spatio composition Landforming Assemblage Spatio-temporal Narrative Superimposition Experience Final Project


-Historical Overlay

Site’s Context Activities Intensities

-Movement Intensities

Site’s Context -Heat and shadow analysis

Site paranormal photos

Spatial Composition

Left: Interlocking of frames. Above: Inspiration from picture.

Left: A centred viewpoint. Above: Inspiration from picture.


- Claustrophobia from The Maze’s ascending walls.

Left: Inspirations from J.K. Rowlings and Pac-man

Assemblage - Grafting

-Grid Pyramid’s framework, grafted on The Maze to create a form of access towards the sky.

Spatio-Temporal Narrative Past, Present and Future are great friends ever since time could remember. The trio are trying to meet up together for a drink and they have decided on the location, The Empire State Building in New York City. Being early is one of Past’s habit and had a cigarette lit while waiting for the other two. Present, just on time, is walking jovially towards Past as he spotted him across the street. Only Future is nowhere to be seen, and the two men stood waiting at the decided meeting point for fays and nights for their friend to appear.


-Used the previous drawings and overlay them, picked out geometries to create a new design plan.


-Suggested experiences in localised areas

Final Project

-Final Design Inspirations

Final Project

Credits to my tutor, Janice, for her guidance and advice in this work, and my peers, for their enthusiasms and teamwork.

Assignment 7- Design Portfolio Jun Wen Chan (795600) Melbourne School of Design, UoM

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