A pocket of Heaven

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“A Pocket of Heaven”

 Project Title:

“A Pocket of Heaven”

 Done By:

Jun Wen Chan (795600)

 Tute Group:

Rob Polgalse

("Participate Melbourne: West Melbourne Structure Plan", 2016)


Site Analysis: Key Findings  Positive Findings:

 Negative Findings:

Site is juxtaposition in state districts and landmarks

Physically accessible by foot, car, public transport

Mixture of historical and modern façades

• • • •

Dead, lack of ‘energy’ Empty space, lack of people Large demand of parking Lack of public amenities



*Map is not to scale.


(Un)Intended Programs  Primary Criteria. The design has to: •

Either improve or retain landmarks’ significance

Increase pedestrian flow in the area

Retain buildings’ historical façades

Design have to create energetic atmosphere

Pedestrians’ safety

Limit vehicle parking

Accessible all year round



 Sub Criteria. Unintended outcomes: •

Promote religious affinity (dogs can also be religious!)

Promote healthy lifestyle with a nice walkable area.

Help improve emotional health through (in)direct interaction with positive atmosphere

Encourage more dogs owners in the city



9. 12.



11. 14.

Howard’s Dog Park Plan  Specifications: •

The size of Howards’ dog park is about 3200m2 (minimal size for small dog parks).

Retains existing trees and floras, except for London Plane trees ("Participate Melbourne: West Melbourne Structure Plan", 2016).

Able to accommodate up to 12 small dogs or 7 large dogs.

Modifications: • • • • •

Partial closure of southern Howard Street to extend the size of park. Includes a coffee kiosk that operates on Sunday mornings, and public seating for Church-goers. Removal of Church’s administration building. Includes a public toilet behind the coffee kiosk. Includes facilities like water fountains for dogs and dog owners.

Section views


 North-South section.  32.5 degree East-West section.

Pedestrian Footpath Crushed fine & Sand pit Dog Agility Area Section A-A 1:1000

Rosslyn Street

Williams Street

Dog Park Pedestrian Footpath Pavilion

Crushed fine & Sand pit Section B-B 1:500

Howard Street

Dog Park

Williams Street

Human & Dog Network Map  The white arrows are likely pedestrian’s walking paths towards the park from several directions.  The Park is separated into 2 areas: Rest and Play.  Park footpath is made of Permeable Resin Bound Stone to allow stormwater to collect in the park.


Site is accessible via:

Virtual Model ďƒ˜ Main human and dog amenities, with ground layer hidden to show site plan underneath.




ďƒ˜ 3D model of site, without trees to show the park. Black Spots are water/waste stations


Trees & Enclosure  Tree selection: Tristaniopsis Kanooka •

Some resident are allergic to London Plane Trees.

Existing Tristniopsis Kanooka in the area.

 Turf Selection: Kenda Kikuyu Turf

("Participate Melbourne: West Melbourne Structure Plan", 2016)


 Semi-hedges enclosure. To allow outside passer-by to look in to see the dogs inside playing; enjoy the atmosphere without endangering the safety of both dogs and people.

2 Gates at each entry points. 18.

To ensure smooth entering and exiting of dogs and their owners without dogs escaping.


Dog Water Run & Agility Area



 The Water Run is one of the key component of the dog park. With its tall height allows both small and large dogs to cool off when feelings of heat exhaustion occurs. This prevents heat stroke for dogs and ensures their wellbeing.  Its operation will be controlled by nearby switches, both dog and human accessible. Water is drawn from the underground tank from recycled stormwater.  The impermeable concrete slope allows water to run down to water the surrounding turf.

 The Agility Area of 20 x 7 metres in the play area allows the more energetic dogs to exercise their mobility with 22. their owners.  Comprises of the Ramp, Tunnel, Weavings Poles, Jump pods, Jump fence and Jump Hoop.

Pavilions  Concept of round seating to allow social engagement.  Design styles are of Victorian heritage to match with the site surrounding heritage.  Roof comes along with wind gaps to create more wind tunnels in summer.  Roof materials are made of wood shingles and shakes, with hollow concrete round beams for support.  Seating is made of finished wood. 23.




 Flooring of Pavilion is made of smoothened concrete

Public Seating  Hedges to provide a sense of enclosure from the traffic network.  Grass turf and Tents (waterproof) to provide shade and increase the sense of enclose space.  Wooden tables and chairs to provide the natural atmosphere of the seating.


References/List of Figures Precedents/References: (All decision making were in consideration of following references.) 1. Participate Melbourne: West Melbourne Structure Plan. (2016). Participate.melbourne.vic.gov.au. Retrieved 16 October 2016, from http://participate.melbourne.vic.gov.au/westmelbourne 2. West Melbourne Structure Plan. (2005) (1st ed.). Melbourne. Retrieved from http://www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/building-and-development/urban-planning/local-area-planning/Pages/west-melbourne-structure-plan.aspx 3. Sapphire & Palmetto Buffalo Turf, Empire Zoysia Grass, Blue Couch Lawn. (2016). Allaboutturf.com.au. Retrieved 16 October 2016, from http://www.allaboutturf.com.au/turf-varieties 4. Melbourne Urban Forest Visual. (2016). Melbourne Urban Forest Visual. Retrieved 16 October 2016, from http://melbourneurbanforestvisual.com.au/ 5. Turf battle over off-leash dogs. (2016). Heraldsun.com.au. Retrieved 16 October 2016, from http://www.heraldsun.com.au/leader/inner-south/fears-over-damage-to-turf-at-offleash-park-in-south-melbourne/newsstory/36d16e5fa43aa391bf262c6c2d671ca6 6. Allen, L. (2007). Dog Parks: Benefits and Liabilities (1st ed.). University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved from http://repository.upenn.edu/mes_capstones/18 7. Palgalse, R. (2016) Lecture 10 - Seating [PDF]. Retrieved from University of Melbourne Introduction to Urban Design & Planning LMS site. 8.

​Pert, A. (2016) Lecture 4 - Space and materiality [PDF]. Retrieved from University of Melbourne Introduction to Urban Design & Planning LMS site.

List Of Figures: (All figures are author’s work unless otherwise stated.) 1.

(2016). All4desktop.com. Retrieved 16 October 2016, from http://all4desktop.com/data_images/original/4243874-dog.jpg


(2016). Media-cdn.tripadvisor.com. Retrieved 16 October 2016, from https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/09/99/c7/98/bastakia-quarter.jpg


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Nearmaps. (2016). Nearmaps.com.au. Retrieved 16 October 2016, http://maps.au.nearmap.com/#


(2016). Cv.vic.gov.au. Retrieved 16 October 2016, from http://www.cv.vic.gov.au/existingmedia/12271/rt34715.jpg


(2016). Vowwowwow.files.wordpress.com. Retrieved 16 October 2016, from https://vowwowwow.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/incorporating-pets-at-your-wedding-ring-bearer-dog.jpg


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(2016). Doggyduty.us. Retrieved 16 October 2016, from http://www.doggyduty.us/dogpark1.jpg


(2016). 2015.hackerspace.govhack.org. Retrieved 16 October 2016, from http://2015.hackerspace.govhack.org/sites/default/files/field/image/PATH%20TO%20SAFETY%20LOGO.png


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(2016). Logofromdreams.com. Retrieved 16 October 2016, from http://www.logofromdreams.com/wp-content/uploads/tdomf/8471/fs550X338.jpg


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(2016). Doodyfreewater.org. Retrieved 22 October 2016, from http://doodyfreewater.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Station.jpg


(2016). Onlineplants.com.au. Retrieved 16 October 2016, from http://www.onlineplants.com.au/shopping-cart/image/cache/data/tristaniopsis%20laurina1%20(380x376)-500x500.jpg


(2016). Oaklandnorth.net. Retrieved 16 October 2016, from https://oaklandnorth.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/20111006_DOGPARK_schiewe-620x420.jpg


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(2016). Cdn.topdogtips.com. Retrieved 16 October 2016, from http://cdn.topdogtips.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/41Sa60XGyTL.jpg


(2016). Psychics.co.uk. Retrieved 16 October 2016, from http://psychics.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Circle-Seating-Plan-300x300.jpg


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Palgalse, R. (2015) Lecture 10 - Seating [PDF]. Retrieved from University of Melbourne Introduction to Urban Design & Planning LMS site.

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