Orientar Nº 11

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证实商会作为阿根廷和中国之间纽 乐观的和充满挑战的总结 带的一年 在2013年结束之际,阿根廷和中国之间的关系状况是 这是紧张忙碌的一年结束之际。现在是总结我们在阿根廷 中国商会的工作任务的时候了。实际上,我们对自己的工作 非常满意。与商会会员们共同举行的活动结果都非常成功。 商会已经巩固了作为双边贸易渠道的地位。越来越多的中国 代表团访问我们以开辟两国之间新的贸易契机,越来越多的 阿根廷企业家与我们联系以参加贸易代表团和加入这一关 系。毫无疑问,我们是阿根廷和中国之间关系的参考。 通报情况早餐已经成为商会会员的一个经典活动。届时不仅 介绍新的商会会员企业,而且可以听取国家级、省级官员、 企业领导人和双边关系方面专家的演讲。也组织有关出口、 进口、法律、税收法和人力资源方面的会议。我特别想强调 的是,由维多利亚•莫宁领导的旅游委员会所开展的工作。 在今年总结中的另一大亮点是商会参加了2013年中国进出口 博览会。并在阿根廷驻中国首都的大使馆,推出了在那里建 立我们商会的代表处。从商会来说,我们一致同意这份总结 报告。这是积极的一年。我们还会取得更多成果。我们寻求 新的项目以有益于商会会员和有益于与中国的双边关系。

A year that has confirmed the Chamber as a reference between Argentina and China It is the end of an intense year. It is time to assess our tasks in the Argentine-Chinese Chamber. And in fact, we are more than satisfied with our work. The activities carried out with our associates have been successful. The entity is consolidating as a channel of bilateral trade. More and more Chinese delegations are visiting us to open new business niches between the two countries and Argentine businessmen contact us to take part in commercial missions and join this bond. We are doubtless a reference in the relationship between Argentina and China. Our informative breakfasts have become a classical event for Chamber members. The traditional introductions of new associated companies have been complemented by speeches by national and provincial officials, leaders and experts in the bilateral relationship. There were also meetings of the Exports, Imports, Legal, Tax Legislation and Human Resources Committees. And I’d like to highlight the performance of the Tourism Committee, led by Victoria Monín. Another point to mention at this year-end evaluation is our participation in the China Import Exhibition (CIE 2013) as well as the launching of our Representation Office at the Argentine Embassy in the Chinese capital. From the Chamber we are satisfied with this evaluation. It’s been a positive year. And we are up for more. We intend to find new projects that benefit our associates and the bilateral relation with China. 60 - NOVIEMBRE/DICIEMBRE DE 2013 - ORIENTAR

坚实的,并通过签署各种协议、贸易代表团的访问和 几乎每天的对话而得到加强,在东方杂志采访的不同 专家的分析中,都预示着很好的未来前景,尽管也有 需要克服的挑战。 “阿根廷与中国之间的关系,在今年显示了长足的进 展。这是不同寻常的总结,与最近五年中发生的情况 是一致的”,迭戈•格拉尔说,他是90年代的前驻美国 大使。另外,圣安德烈斯大学社会科学系主任罗伯托• 鲍萨斯强调说:“一方面中国企业通过参与重大基础 设施项目,深化了在我国的存在,另一方面大幅度下 降从这个亚洲国家的进口,这都实质性地减少了阿根 廷对中国双边贸易之间存在的逆差”。 另外,国家科委研究员塞尔希奥•塞萨林 提到的消极 方面是“在技术密集型行业缺少中国的投资,我国对 中国国有银行的债务不断增长”,他说:“这种情况 意味着增加了谈判的不对称”。豪尔赫•马莱纳指出, 两国加强了“战略性质”。卡洛斯•莫内塔把焦点放在 了科学技术方面获得的进展。

A positive and challenge-filled balance The end of 2013 presents us with a scenario between Argentina and China that looks steady, strengthened by the closing of different agreements, commercial missions and almost daily talks which, according to several specialists’ evaluations to OrientAr, forecast a good horizon towards the future, even if there are challenges to meet. “The relation between Argentina and China has shown great advances this year. The outcome is extraordinary, and it matches what has been happening over the last five years”, states Diego Guelar, former U.S. Ambassador in the 90’s. As Roberto Bouzas, Director of the Department of Social Sciences at San Andrés University, points out “the growing presence of Chinese companies in the country through their participation in large infrastructure projects, and the sharp fall in importation from the Asian country, which dramatically reduced the bilateral commercial deficit Argentina has with China”. Sergio Cesarín, a researcher with Conicet, introduces a negative aspect: “The lack of Chinese investment in sectors technologically intensive and the growing national debt with Chinese state-run banks”, which represents according to him “a situation that increases negotiating asymmetries”. In turn, Jorge Malena points out that both countries have “the strategic character”. And Carlos Moneta focuses on the advances achieved in science and technology.

“ 阿根廷在中国的食品安全方面 具有关键性作用” •卡斯特罗,战略规划研究所的所长,在评论双边关系的细 节时强调说:食品安全是一个重要方面。这位分析人士认 为,在中国的增长中阿根廷占据着一个重要的位置。 “ 在 最近的十年中,这个亚洲巨人决定增加进口谷物和初级蛋白 原料。依赖的是南美,从阿根廷进口的主要是豆粕, 他指 出,并重申:“ 因此,我们的国家在中国的食品安全方面 具有关键性作用”。 卡斯特罗还提到前中国总理温家宝的建议,与南方共同市场 建立一个自由贸易区。 “ 然而,本地区各国政府对此还未 予以回应。至于我国的情况,是因为现行政权体制十年来在 战略方面或关于国际事务参与方面没有优先目标,而是重点 放在积累国内的政治权力方面 ”,这位国际问题分析人士 说。 最后,卡斯特罗提到中国在我国的投资。 “ 在全世 界范围内,中国优先考虑的直接投资都是为中国市场供应原 料的领域。但同时,直接投资的规模也到达工业市场。阿根 廷拥有很大潜力,但是,这些都受到了制约,这是国家政治 体制的特点引起了巨大的国际疑虑”。他总结道。

“Argentina has a key role in the food safety of China” Jorge Castro, president of the Strategic Planning Institute (IPE), went through details of the bilateral bond and highlighted a fundamental point: food safety. The analyst stated that Argentina plays a key role in China’s growth. “In the last ten years, the Asian giant has increased the importation of grain and protein-rich raw material. It greatly depends on South America, predominantly Argentina when it comes to soybean flour”, he pointed out. And he added: “That is why our country plays a key role in China’s food safety”. Castro also referred to the proposal made by former Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao to create a Free Trade Area with Mercosur. “The proposal has not been answered by the countries in the region yet. In the case of our country, this is due to the fact that the our political power in the last ten years has not established strategic priorities in reference to the country’s international positioning, but has focused on the concentration of political power at home”, the international analyst said. Lastly, Castro warned about Chinese investment in the country. “China’s priority as regards direct investment is to ensure worldwide stocks of raw material for the Chinese market. But at the same time, direct investment is expanding to reach the industrial market. Argentina has great opportunities, but they are slowed down by a great international uncertainty regarding the characteristics of the country’s political system”, he concluded.

福建省,一个完全自然的目的地 福建省具有无穷无尽的特点,形态各异。拥有梦幻般 的群山和清澈的海水。蜿蜒的海岸线上拥有大量的海 湾、小型的半岛和港湾。自然景观加上分散在省内各 地的庙宇、佛塔、泉水和建筑群等。这就是福建,位 于中国东南沿海的省份,该省与广东,江西,浙江接 壤。游览福建省吸引人的地方是一次愉快的经历。令 游客从灵魂上感到欣慰。在12万平方公里的面积上, 旅游业是福建省的主要经济资源之一。除自然奇观, 还有许多令游客感兴趣的历史和文化景点。那里保留 着秦、汉、唐、宋、元和明朝的遗迹。旅游地图凸显 了武夷山和梅花山自然保护区,那里有数百公里的原 始森林和丰富的动植物物种。在这个地区到处都可以 观赏到公园,还有100多个温泉。 福州是福建省首府,是该省政治、经济中心和交通枢 纽,并是全国性的最重要的外贸港口之一。居民超过五 百万,城市全年都沐浴在鲜花和绿色的风景之中。

Fujian, a destination in the heart of nature Its identity marks are distinct. Endless. They paint a varied profile. There are fantastic mountains and pristine waters. The winding coastal line shows up in a series of gulfs, small peninsula and coves. This natural landscape is complemented with temples, pagoda, water springs and buildings scattered around the territory. This is Fujian, the province located on the Southeastern coast of China. It has borders with Guangdong, Juangxi and Zhejiang. The trip around its multiple attractions is a pleasant experience. Fresh air for the visitor’s soul. In a surface of 120 thousand square kilometers, tourism is the one of Fujian’s main economic resources. Apart from its marvelous natural attractions, the province has many places of historical and cultural interest for travelers for it treasures remains of the Qin, Han, tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties. The tourist map also highlights the Natural Reserves of Wuyi Mountain and Meihua Mountain, where there are hundreds of kilometers of virgin rainforest plenty of flora and fauna. Parks and over 100 hot water springs are to be found everywhere in the region. Fuzhou, the provincial capital city, is the political, economic and transportation hub of the area since it has one of the most important foreign trade harbors in the country. Over five million people live in Fujián, the city that displays flowers and green landscapes all year round.


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