Scan Magazine, Issue 96, January 2017

Page 58

Scan Magazine  |  Special Theme  |  Norwegian Festival Special 2017

Music featured heavily last year at the 25th anniversary. Photo: Sven Erik Skarsbø.

The Bjørnson Festival – the inaugural literary festival in Norway In 2016, the Bjørnson Festival celebrated 25 years in business with an audience record of 11,000 visitors. The festival was established by the author and lyricist Knut Ødegård in connection with the city of Molde’s 250-year anniversary in 1992. By Pernille Johnsen

The festival is built on the principles of Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, one of Norway’s most celebrated Nobel laureates, writers and public servants. Bjørnson’s body of work is peerless in influence and volume and the core values he championed remain the backbone of the festival, most prominently freedom of speech and human rights. Bjørnson Festivalen combines public discourse with the celebration of literature across all genres. It has an international outlook by bringing authors, themes and books from all corners of the world to the stage. The programme is influenced by the core wish to offer something for everyone – literary conversations on stage, performances of different kinds, and concerts. Freedom of speech beyond the written word is of paramount importance. 58  |  Issue 96  |  January 2017

The festival has garnered a huge number of vocal supporters, and the most prominent endorsement comes from the royal family. His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon has been the festival’s patron since 2006 and visited the 25th anniversary last year. Bjørnson Festivalen places quality at the centre of what they do – something that is evident in the list of international writers they have hosted over the years. Among the attendees you will find Wole Soyinka, Margaret Atwood, Fay Weldon, Thor Heyerdahl and Richard Ford among many others. In addition to the events organised in Molde, there is a literature cruise running on Eikesdalsvatnet for anyone wishing to experience beautiful scenery accompanied by discussions about literature.

In line with the guiding principle of freedom of speech, Bjørnson Festivalen organises free events on the steps to the venue – public speeches that are open to everyone. The festival’s main concern is to stay relevant, and thus it announces parts of the programme in March and the entire list in June.

His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon is Bjørnson Festivalen’s patron. Photo: Sven Erik Skarsbø.

For tickets and more information, please visit:

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