Scan Magazine, Issue 132, January 2020

Page 80

See the housing growth potential in a certain area.

See what others can’t Where some see chaos, others discover new patterns and connections. This also applies in business, where more and more companies in retail, transportation and real estate are using location intelligence as a strategic decision-making tool. Location intelligence is much more than plotting addresses onto a map. It’s all about discovering new patterns, connections and relationships with location technology to solve the most complex business challenges – or seeing what others can’t. Text & photos: Geoinfo

Have you ever peered into a kaleidoscope and experienced the myriad patterns that result from even tiny twists on the tube? Now, imagine that you can do the same thing with data. Rather than searching spreadsheets for the meaning hidden in columns of figures and one-dimensional  pie charts, what if you could access a visually dynamic universe that automatically gave you new insights through even tiny parameter tweaks? That is the essence of location intelligence. 80  |  Issue 132  |  January 2020

Location intelligence derives from geographic information systems (GIS), which have long been an indispensable tool for the military and governmental bodies at both national and local levels. In recent years, however, business managers have also begun to discover the technology’s possibilities. Large retail chains, transportation and logistics companies, consulting engineers, real estate and insurance companies are among the most enthusiastic users.

Expanding the horizon “Location intelligence adds a whole new dimension to business analytics,” says Peter Hedberg, sales and marketing director at Geoinfo. “Many companies that use business intelligence and data analytics run into the limitations of those systems. Location Intelligence incorporates external data into the analyses.

Peter Hedberg, sales and marketing director at Geoinfo.

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