Scan Magazine, Issue 129, October 2019

Page 120

Works of art by Anthony Milson, currently in exhibition at Galleri Günther.

Design concepts for the bigger picture Putting users, their needs and the recontextualisation of spaces at the very centre of their philosophy, Birthe and Anthony Milson of Birthe Milson Designconcepts see interior design a little differently. With a multifaceted, international background, this firm helps clients repurpose and reconceptualise their spaces with longevity, user-friendliness and comfort in mind. By Julie Linden  |  Photos: Birthe Milson Designconcepts

Boasting a creative background – she with a BA in interior design, and he an artist with a BA in fine art – the couple bring several years of experience and a diverse set of perspectives to each project. Having met in the UK as students and moved to Norway with limited means but a lot of creative spark, their knack for visualising and creating beautiful homes within any budget was clear from the start. Today, finding creative solutions and sustainable ways of making each space the best it can be, has become 120  |  Issue 129  |  October 2019

know where they are in life, and what they need their space to represent and be for them,” says Birthe. “We always ask ‘what is going to take place here?’ to try and gauge what the client is after. Sometimes they don’t know, and that’s where we come in to shed some light and find solutions.”

their livelihood and passion. And, as the firm’s impressive portfolio shows, no challenge is too daunting.

Understanding each client “We base each of our decisions on individual needs. Therefore, it’s important that we perform a thorough analysis before doing anything else in a project – everything must come from a place of knowledge and understanding of who the client is, whether it’s a private individual or a business. It’s also crucial to

Birthe and Anthony Milson moved to Norway from the UK after meeting as students of art and interior design.

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