Discover Benelux, Issue 22, October 2015

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Discover Benelux | Best of Belgian Branding & Design | AdSomeNoise

Online banners are a powerful extension to an offline campaign. They increase brand awareness, can lead people to action and have a positive effect on how your brand is perceived.


AdSomeNoise creates clean and creative digital advert banners, boosting brand awareness and conversion rates. Focussed as they are, the Belgian agency is always up to date on the countless and most detailed dos and don’ts within their niche. “Online banners are a great tool for building brand awareness and boosting conversion,” states Steven Verbruggen, cofounder of Belgian publicity agency AdSomeNoise. Specialised in banner creation, the agency is always on top of the ever-changing aspects that banner design involves. “Creating them seems easy, but it’s not. It is a challenge to create a small yet creative, clear, and clean message that grabs the attention of the website’s visitors in just a few seconds,” says Verbruggen. “It’s also a matter of technical skills. All banners have set restrictions like size, format and dimensions.”

18 | Issue 22 | October 2015

Working for both publicity agencies and direct clients, AdSomeNoise is experienced in creating banners for existing campaigns as well as stand-alone actions. Verbruggen: “Properly being seen online has a positive effect on the audience’s perception of your brand's reliability, which makes banners a powerful extension of an offline campaign.” Stand-alone campaigns on the other hand are usually conversion driven. “For those a clear call-to-action is needed in the design. Based on different aspects, such as the characteristics of the brand and target audience, we develop the look and feel of the banner from scratch.”

AdSomeNoise was founded by three partners in 2012, each with over ten years of experience in media and online advertising. They combined their love for banners and started to hyper specialise in the matter. “We also create digital banners for offline purposes, like narrow-casting and highway advertising. In every commercial message it’s key to aim for the highest quality possible,” says Verbruggen. “It’s not enough to buy media space, you have to look good in them as well. This seems obvious for television and the like, but it’s equally important in your online communication.” AdSomeNoise is based in Leuven, but works internationally for many different clients, big and small. Verbruggen: “We’re on a mission to make the commercial internet a little bit more beautiful, one banner at the time.”

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