A to Z Cooking School, 12/21/23, Vol. 38

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What’s on




COOK TOGETHER Our young chefs learn how to: • read recipes • calculate measurements • safely use knives • understand kitchen and cooking terms • taste test flavor profiles We teach food science, sustainability, nutrient profiles, understanding where our food comes from, how to set a table and how to clean up!

EAT TOGETHER Research from Harvard Graduate School has shown that the simple habit of sitting down for a meal with loved ones on a consistent basis can directly: • encourage healthier eating habits • reduce the negative effects of stress • boost children’s self-esteem • improve communication skills We provide the skills and experience for children, teens and adults to learn to cook for themselves, their families & their community.

WHERE WE TEACH KIDS We feed 600 children in the school year and 200 children over the summer camp season. We teach cooking skills: • in our teaching kitchen at Garden Street Academy • at your child’s school • with your Community Center • at your private events We cook together, eat together & clean up together!

TEENS Apples to Zucchini Cooking School provides important life skills to teenagers. We teach cooking, nutrition, food science, and community building in after school clubs, elective classes and through community organizations. Our new Teen Internship Program provides the opportunity to earn required volunteer hours and can transition to a paid internship with college & career path development.

ADULT & FAMILY CLASSES We believe that food prepared by our own hands tastes better than food prepared in a factory. And we believe that meals prepared and shared with family and friends are infinitely more meaningful and memorable than meals eaten on the go. We offer exciting cooking classes for adults to gather together as well as classes for families to learn side-by-side. When adults model good nutritional lifestyles children will follow that lead and become empowered in their own food choices.

FOOD AS MEDICINE This innovative program teaches adults to consider food as medicine, learn how a poor diet contributes to chronic illness and disease, and integrate lessons learned. Each session offers recipes from cuisines of the world’s most long-lived populations. In addition to hands-on cooking instruction, students enjoy a nutrition-focused discussion over a communal dinner, and tips for how to shop at the farmer’s market.

“ We bring people together over shared meals by teaching children, teens and adults how to prepare delicious, nutritious, affordable meals made from seasonal & local ingredients.”

Join us at the table!

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