San Miguel School of Tulsa_Academic Year 2022-2023_Handbook

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San Miguel Middle School of Tulsa

Parent and Student Handbook School Year 2022-2023

This book belongs to the family of: Student: ___________________________________

Grade: ________

Please keep this book that is full of information and how we work together. Please sign the loose sheets and send them back to school!

Mission Statement

San Miguel School of Tulsa is dedicated to helping children with limited educational opportunities achieve academic and personal success through a non-tuition-driven, Lasallian education, regardless of race, religion, or nationality

Philosophy of Education

The educational philosophy of San Miguel is rooted in the Lasallian principle of “touching the hearts and minds of students.” San Miguel believes that each student is capable of learning and excelling in school and life regardless of home influences, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, or background. With this belief at the forefront of our educational philosophy, we expect all students to pursue academic and personal success.


As San Miguel scholars and responsible citizens, we strive to live up to the following expectations each day of our lives. We expect to: 1. treat everyone with respect and dignity, 2. show concern for our classmates, teachers, parents, siblings, school, and community, 3. identify problems affecting our school and community, 4. work hard in everything we do, 5. have the students excel academically and personally, 6. work cooperatively with our classmates, teachers, parents, and volunteers, 7. believe in our God-given talent and potential, 8. recognize God’s presence in our lives, 9. accomplish our goals, and 10. Dream Big.

Physical Environment

Notification of Availability of Asbestos report to all parents, teachers, and employees of San Miguel School of Tulsa: San Miguel School is an asbestos free building. A printed report is available from the school office for members of the public to read at their request. The report is posted on the entryway bulletin board in the school.

Educational Program

Daily Schedule

Students will attend classes from 7:55 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday. On Fridays, dismissal is at 3 p.m. Please drop off and pick up your student on time.

StudentAssessment Program

San Miguel uses several types of formal and informal assessments to measure the learning and development of its students. At the beginning of the sixth-grade year, students take a standardized norm-referenced exam for diagnostic purposes. Data from this initial exam diagnose individual students’ academic strengths and weaknesses and are used as baseline performance indicators. Students take the same standardized test each spring to gauge their academic growth and development throughout their school performance. Formative assessments also are used to capture a student's holistic performance.These include teacher-made assessments and student exhibitions.

Grading Policy

San Miguel understands that students differ in aptitude, abilities, intelligence, and maturity levels. Thus, our grading policy supports the individual differences of students by focusing on the learning process and the development of work habits, skills, knowledge, and attitudes. Our traditional grading scale is based on individual student growth and progress. Traditional letter grades (A, B, C, D and F,) are awarded for all subject areas, including Religion and Physical Education. Grading Scale: A = 90 – 100 excellent progress B = 80 – 89 very good progress C = 70 – 79 satisfactory progress D = 69 – 65 unsatisfactory progress, student must do better F = 64 – 0 failing Progress Report and Report Cards Progress reports are distributed every Wednesday throughout the year, beginning the 2nd week of school. These reports are used to determine if modifications to the learning plan need to be made. Report cards are the final grades given by teachers and are distributed at the end of each quarter. Quarter grades are part of each student’s academic record. Homework Homework is an integral part of the school experience. It provides an essential partnership between the teacher and the families with the child being the beneficiary. Additionally, it helps children develop independent study skills and work habits necessary for academic and personal success. Homework in math, writing and other subjects will be assigned by teachers. Teachers may provide some time in class to start homework. Parents are asked to designate one hour each night to academic work, to monitor reading and homework due dates. Please check your child’s school agenda daily and make sure your child is prepared for the following day.

Homework Policy

Homework must be turned in on its due date. Each teacher will inform the students of the homework policy and the consequences of incomplete or missing assignments.

Homework requirements will be included in each teacher’s class syllabus. If a student does not understand a homework assignment, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher for help/clarifications.

Policies and Procedures

Arrival Procedures

Students should not arrive on campus before 7:30 a.m. As students arrive on campus, they should report to and remain in the Hardesty Hall. Attendance Academic and personal success is dependent on attendance at school. Students need to be present at school every day. If a child cannot attend school due to illness, parents need to call the school office (918-728-7337). Upon a student’s return to school from being absent, he/she needs to provide the principal with a written note explaining the absence. The note must be written and signed by a parent. Student academic, social, emotional, and spiritual development will suffer if he/she is not in school. Every effort to keep students in school needs to be made. This means that doctor appointments should be scheduled after school and family trips should be planned around school vacations. Students missing ten (10) unexcused school days in any one semester will not be promoted to the next grade.

Dismissal Procedures

All students will be dismissed from the Commons (cafeteria) with the parents picking up their students in the carline. Students staying for the After School program must be picked up no later than 4:30 p.m. from the front office glass door In an emergency, parents unable to pick up their students by 4:30 p.m. must contact the school to make arrangements. Any student walking home must have a completed and signed dismissal form in the office.

Tardy Slips

A student shall be tardy if he/she arrives after 7:55 a.m. and must report to the school office for a tardy slip. The school secretary shall issue the tardy slip. No student should be admitted to the classroom after 7:55 a.m. unless he/she has a tardy slip. Tardy slips will be kept on file in the classroom until the last day of school in May. Partial-day Absences A student who arrives at school after 10 a.m. or who leaves school before 1 p.m. shall be considered absent one-half (½) day. A student who leaves school for a medical or dental appointment and is gone for longer than three (3) hours shall be considered absent one-half (½) day. Check-in and Check-out Procedures Students may not leave the school campus for any reason without permission. When early dismissal for medical reasons is necessary, the parent/guardian/designated driver must report to the school office to sign the child out of school. The secretary will call the student to the

office from the classroom. No student shall be sent to the office early for an appointment.

Field Trips

Field trips are integral aspects of San Miguel’s learning model. They are planned frequently and are used to enhance the learning process. Field trips are privileges that students earn by exhibiting the behavior expected of San Miguel Scholars. Students who are denied field trip privileges will remain at school and will work on academic assignments under the supervision of a teacher.

Child Custody

The school abides by the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (P.L. 93-380) concerning parents’ rights of access to their child's school records. Under the law, non-custodial parents have the right to access their child's records unless a court order restricts such access. All such restraining orders must be provided to the school administration. Items at School Toys, games, Ipods, and Mp3 players, or any other item not related to school are to be left at home. Teachers will confiscate such items if they are brought to school. Parents must pick up confiscated items from the school administration.

Cell Phones

Cell phones are to be turned into the front desk phone boxes at the beginning of the school day and will be returned to the student at dismissal. All parent/student contact should be made through the school office or after school hours. Any visible phone will be confiscated and turned in to the school principal. Due to past academic and safety concerns, the administration may review voice and text messages. Confiscated cell phones must be picked up by a parent or guardian after school. They will not be released to the student. Repeat offenses will result in further disciplinary action. Family Obligation to Volunteer San Miguel provides an excellent education at a much lower cost than any other private school. We are all grateful for the benefactors that make this opportunity available to us. San Miguel School expects students, parents, and families to commit to supporting that education with their time, talent, and treasure. This is why each family will volunteer one hour per month from August to June. It costs approximately $9,000 to educate a student at San Miguel for one year. For that cost, your student will receive a high-quality education and other enrichment opportunities that will serve them well forever. The quality of education is represented by several outcomes, including improved test scores and success in high school, college, and beyond.

Tuition Rates

Due to the generosity of benefactors, tuition rates are set below the actual cost of education. All students will pay $1,000 for the ten months of the school year, with monthly payments made over either nine or ten months. Payments over a nine-month term are $120 per month, while those paid over ten months are $100 per month. These payments begin in August and are due by the 5 th day of each month. Families with multiple students, and who wish to inquire about a family discount, please contact the school administration. Also, if you have any concerns about paying tuition, please make arrangements to speak with the administration about payments. Payments are expected for all students unless other arrangements are made between the family, school administration, and the president.


The uniform for boys is as follows: Khaki dress pants only (baggy pants and skinny jeans are prohibited). Shorts may not be worn between December 1st and March 1st (No Cargo Shorts). Undershirts must be white, grey, navy blue, or baby blue; no other colors are acceptable. T-shirts may not be worn over uniform shirts. Grey, navy blue, baby blue, or white-collared shirts only Grey or navy sweatshirt or sweater (logos are prohibited on sweatshirts and sweaters, except for San Miguel School logos). Athletic shoes that are suitable for P.E. class. Shoes must be tied. Socks must be worn at all times. One religious necklace can be worn underneath the shirt, one ring, a watch, and/or one bracelet can be worn. No earrings, plugs, or other body jewelry may be worn. Belts must be worn; no writing allowed on belts. Hair color must be natural. Students with dyed hair will be sent home until hair is returned to its natural color Contacts may be worn if they have been prescribed by a vision professional. The uniform for girls is as follows: Khaki and dark navy blue dress pants or shorts. No skirts, skinny jeans-like material is to be worn. Pants cannot be overly baggy or too tight. Belts must be worn—no writing on belts. Shorts must be no shorter than the width of a dollar bill from the top of the knee (No cargo shorts). Shorts may not be worn between December 1st and March 1 st. Grey, white, navy blue, or baby blue collared shirts only. Undershirts or camisoles must be white, grey, navy blue, or baby blue. No other colors are acceptable. Grey or navy sweatshirt or sweater (logos are prohibited on sweatshirts and sweaters, except for San Miguel logos). Athletic shoes that are suitable for P.E. class. Shoes must be tied. Socks must be worn at all times. One religious necklace can be worn underneath the shirt, simple earrings (no large hoops), one ring, and one bracelet. No other body jewelry is allowed. Socks (mandatory)anklets or knee socks are permissible. Makeup is not allowed or artificial nails. Hair color must be natural. Students with dyed hair will be sent home until their hair is returned to its natural color. Contacts may be worn if they have been prescribed by a vision professional.


San Miguel’s discipline practice is designed to teach students about self-discipline, good decision-making, and personal responsibility, with the goal being behavior change. Our discipline policy is rooted in Lasallian practices and principles and is intended to help students learn from poor decisions to avoid repeating them in the future. Problems arise when students do not learn from past behavior or if they choose not to take responsibility for their own actions. By discussing and processing behavior, as opposed to simply enforcing a punishment, students learn from their past decisions and they begin to behave in a manner consistent with the expectations of San Miguel Scholars. Decisions leading to behavior not reflective of the established expectations of San Miguel Scholars will be handled two ways: 1) the student will discuss the behavior with school personnel, and 2) school personnel will enforce consequences for such behavior Behavior that does not meet school expectations will be logged in Teacherease, the school grading program. Logs will be used to inform parents and students of behavior issues. (RevisedAnti Bullying Policy is at the end of this handbook)

Behavioral Expectations San Miguel students are expected to: Be respectful of faculty and staff, students and guests Be respectful of our school facilities and resources Be prepared Be hard-working Be listeners Be caring Expectations are reinforced through constant feedback. Students who make choices that prevent themselves or those around them from learning, or prevent the teacher from teaching will be asked to examine their behavior If a student fails to correct the behavior, the student will be referred to the school administrator on duty The student will work with the administrator on a plan to solve the behavior problem. Behavior plans will be shared with parents. Parents will be notified when a student has received repeated referrals. Students will receive an in-house suspension and/or expulsion for malicious and serious offenses or repeated inappropriate behavior. Positive behavior will be recognized and reinforced with a bi-weekly free dress day. Students who have received no behavior logs for the prior week will be allowed to wear free dress. Students who complete an academic quarter with no behavior logs will have the opportunity to participate in the reward activity. The activity may be a field trip or a unique activity at school.


If a parent or student disagrees with a ruling by a teacher, the following grievance procedure should be used: 1. Please schedule a formal conference with the classroom teacher. It is not necessary to involve the administration at this time. Depending on the issue, the administration reserves the right to deny any formal meetings until a meeting with the teacher takes place. 2. If a conference with the teacher does not provide

satisfactory results, or if more information is needed, it would then be appropriate to make a request to the administration. The teacher, or teachers, parents, and administration would then be in attendance, and the principal would then render a judgment. 3. Judgments by administration are final.

Parent-School Communication Family – SchoolAgreement

Schools and families both play a vital role in children’s academic performance. Research has identified instructional strategies and learning climates within the school and home that promote student learning. This signed agreement acknowledges that San Miguel will provide the type of school climate necessary for academic and personal success and that parents will strive to follow strategies at home that also foster academic and personal success for their education. By working together, we can help your child achieve his/her goals and dreams. San Miguel will: 1. provide a safe, caring, trusting, and structured learning environment; 2. establish positive, open, and supportive relationships with families; 3. maintain a collective attitude of high expectations for all students; 4. model and exemplify the moralistic values and character of Jesus Christ; 5. provide extended daily and yearly learning time for students; 6. provide access to extracurricular and enrichment activities and programs for students; 7. assess, monitor, and communicate student performance; 8. provide tutoring and mentoring time for students; 9. involve families in the educational process, and strive to provide services that address family needs; and 10. support graduates in high school and with post-secondary educational plans. The family will strive to: 1. commit to serving on your child’s learning team; 2. set high expectations for academic performance and achievement; 3. show an interest in your child’s school work and school activities; 4. set aside reading time for children at home; 5. reward good school work and good behavior; 6. discuss the school day and school experiences with your child; 7. take your child to the library on a regular basis; 8. monitor television viewing time; 9. structure a positive learning environment at home; 10. maintain open, frequent, and honest communication with teachers; and 11. support school, teachers, and administration directions and decisions in all subject areas, including Physical Education, an essential component in a student’s education. Parental support is critical. Parent Communication A monthly calendar with important dates and menu will be sent home with students. Tambien usamos el programa Remind (it’s a text message from 810-10) Please read and respond to the information and contact the school if you have any questions. Meetings with Teachers and/or the Principal You may schedule a meeting with a teacher or the principal at any time. Informal visits with teachers and the principal are also welcomed and encouraged. After 3:30 p.m. is an appropriate time for an informal visit. Learning Team Meetings Students, parents/guardians, and teachers are all active members of a child’s learning team. Learning Team Meetings are scheduled four times per year midway in each quarter Parents/guardians and students

are expected to participate and attend all Learning Team Meetings. If you are unable to attend, it is the parents’/guardians’ responsibility to reschedule the meeting with a date/time that is acceptable to all team members. During the weeks of Learning Team Meetings, classes will be virtual, on Thursday or Friday. Students need to sign in to Google Classrooms. There will be no in-person classes either day. School Closing due to Weather If the school closes due to Inclement Weather, parents will receive a Remind Message by 6 a.m., and we will also update the school’s website and Facebook pages.

Health and Safety Safe Environment

As part of establishing a safe and healthy environment, all school personnel and volunteers are required to go through a criminal background check and required screening. All personnel and volunteers are required to read, endorse, and adhere to the diocesan policies concerning appropriate conduct. Illness If your child becomes ill during the school day, parents/guardians will be contacted at home or work (please keep phone numbers current with our office). Parents are responsible to have their children picked up. Please remember we do not have the personnel or facilities to care for a sick child/student. A student will not be dismissed without an authorized adult listed in the student’s school file. (A COVID-19 policy and waiver have been added to this handbook). Insurance In case of injury, The Christian Brothers Insurance Company will insure all students during school hours and when participating in school-related activities. Medication Teachers and staff members will not distribute medication to students from the school office. The administration will distribute medications only if a medication form is signed by a parent or guardian and the form is on file in the school office. Parents/guardians will be notified when their child is ill. Parents/guardians should notify the administration if their child needs daily medication for a chronic condition. In such a case, a written note from a parent and physician must be presented along with specific instructions as to dosage and time intervals.


Meningococcal meningitis is a rare but potentially fatal illness that can strike at any time. Research has shown that teens and young adults are at an increased risk. Symptoms include severe headache, high fever, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting, numbness, loss of feeling, light sensitivity, confusion, rash, and seizures. A person may not have all the symptoms or may not have them all at the same time. Meningitis can be caused by close contact with a person who is sick with the disease. Some people can carry the bacteria in their nose or throat but never become sick. Contact with these carriers can also cause someone to catch the disease. Risk factors for contact with the disease include living in close quarters, such as college dormitories, being in crowds for long periods of time, sharing drinking glasses, bottled water, eating utensils, kissing, smoking, or being exposed to secondhand smoke, and excessive fatigue due to lack of sleep or irregular sleeping patterns. Meningitis may be prevented by avoiding the

behaviors that spread it or by receiving the appropriate vaccination. Ask your child’s healthcare provider about the best methods for protecting your child.


The school is a coed, Catholic middle school serving students in grades six, seven, and eight. San Miguel is a Catholic, Lasallian School, associated with the Brothers of the Christian Schools. As a Lasallian school, San Miguel’s educational philosophy is rooted in the Gospel teachings of Jesus Christ. While San Miguel is a Catholic school, students or their families do not need to be Catholic to attend. Location San Miguel is located at 2444 East Admiral Boulevard, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74110. The school office phone number is 918-728-7337. School Hours School starts at 7:55 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. on Monday through Thursday, on Friday, school ends at 3 PM. San Miguel students are considered tardy after 7:55 a.m. Tardy students must report to the school office to receive a tardy slip to enter class. San Miguel will have a snack available to all students during breakfast. San Miguel will provide lunch for all students on Tuesday and Wednesday Students are asked to bring their lunch on Monday and Thursday On Thursdays, students will be allowed to order and pay for the 8th-grade fundraising lunch available that week. If no lunch is ordered, students are asked to bring lunch from home. If your student forgets their lunch, please do not bring it up to school. We are here to teach personal responsibility and we will not let your child go without lunch. School Calendar San Miguel operates on a ten-month learning calendar Nutrition Program San Miguel provides a snack every day and lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday at no charge.

Cyberbullying Policy

Catholic schools and offices have a responsibility to provide an educational and workplace environment that promotes the dignity and respect of everyone within their organizations. Therefore we aim to eliminate bullying in all of its forms. Cyberbullying, like all other forms of bullying, must not be tolerated in our places of work for it has a negative impact on all who are touched by it. It adversely affects students' learning outcomes. In addition, it erodes the rights and the physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, and social well-being of individuals. It lowers workplace/school morale, for it can interfere with the effectiveness of work and learning environments by making them hostile, unpleasant, and offensive places. What is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying can include, but is not limited to, the items listed below: • Email: Sending harassing, threatening, and/or menacing messages to targets either directly, anonymously, or using another person’s address or an alias. • Instant Messaging (IM): Harassing someone or having heated arguments (called ‘flaming’) in private chat rooms, with the use of inappropriate/obscene language. • Chat Rooms / Bash Boards: Allowing students and others to anonymously write or create anything (true or untrue) or add cruel comments

about someone in a world-wide forum. • Short Text Messages (SMS): Masquerading as someone else and using that person’s mobile phone, or computer, to send harassing or threatening messages. • Websites / Social Networking sites: Mocking, teasing, and harassing online, or posting visuals that can be altered (including sexually explicit material). Cyberbullying is a serious matter and San Miguel School and its employees have a “duty of care” to protect our students, families, and staff members from cyberbullying. Failure for school officials to “take reasonable care” could amount to negligence charges. Thus, the “duty of care” can extend outside the normal school hours, providing that a San Miguel community member may be harmed by the cyberbullying action. All San Miguel faculty, staff, and students will be provided a Technology Acceptable Use Policy to make a commitment to the appropriate use of technology provided within our school setting. Just as in face-to-face bullying situations, cyberbullying can, and will, be dealt with by the school administration. All complaints should be brought to the attention of the administration. These reports will be reviewed and investigated in a prompt, confidential, and thorough manner Discipline will be on a case-by-case basis depending on the nature of the infraction. In-house suspension or required withdrawals are possible. San Miguel School reserves the right to discipline students for problem behavior on or off-campus.

Emergency Drills

Students will participate in emergency drills as required by the State Department of Education for the safety of the children.


The sexual abuse of children is morally reprehensible and emotionally devastating. Although it cuts across all lines of society and among offenders it knows no distinctions of class, race, religion, or occupation, this behavior, whenever, and however it occurs, is clearly wrong and must be condemned in the strongest terms. The lifelong effect of such behavior can have on a child must not be underestimated. As knowledge about the roots of this disordered behavior increases, we pledge to seek the most sound advice possible, to aggressively protect the innocent, to treat the perpetrator, and to safeguard our children. It is the policy of the Diocese of Tulsa to use every possible means to prevent an occurrence of sexual or other abuse of children by any person engaged to do the work of the Church in any capacity whatsoever. The Diocese is committed to the implementation, and constant refinement and improvement, of procedures to educate our people about the nature of this problem, and select and determine more effectively those who will be given any responsibility for dealing with children or other vulnerable people in the name of the Church. Furthermore, we commit ourselves to alleviate, as far as we are able, the suffering of all people who may be

affected should such an incident occur. In our attempt to deal with this most grievous problem, and more importantly, to prevent it, we pledge a course of action which will include the following: To educate all those involved in the appointment, hiring, or retention process about procedures designed to prevent the exposure of unfit people to children or others who may be vulnerable. To respond promptly to all allegations of abuse. If such an allegation is supported by sufficient evidence, the alleged offender will be relieved promptly of his or her duties and referred for the appropriate medical evaluation or intervention. To comply with the obligations of civil law with regard to reporting the incident and cooperating with the investigation. To reach out to the victims, and all people affected by the incident, and communicate our sincere commitment to their spiritual and emotional well-being. Within the confines of respect for the privacy of the individuals involved, to deal, as openly as possible, with members of the community about the incident. It is essential that every person engaged to do the work of the Diocese, whether clergy, lay employees, or volunteers adhere to, support, and actively assume responsibility for the execution of these policies as a condition of his or her acceptance of any responsibility whatsoever in the name of the Diocese or any of its parishes, schools, departments, or agencies.

Procedure PARISH/AGENCY RESPONSE TO ALLEGATION OF CHILD ABUSE 1. RECEIPT OF COMPLAINT OR ACCUSATION OF SEXUAL, OR OTHER PHYSICAL ABUSE, OF A MINOR BY SOMEONE CONNECTED WITH THE CHURCH. A. If the source is anonymous, try to obtain enough information (name, addresses, telephone numbers of persons having knowledge) to permit an investigation. B. If the source is the victim or parents of the victim, obtain the name, address, telephone number, and assure them that they will be contacted by a representative of the Church. 2. NOTIFY YOUR IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR, PASTOR, ADMINISTRATORS, AND/OR SCHOOL PRINCIPAL IMMEDIATELY. NOTIFY THE VICAR GENERAL, OR IN HIS ABSENCE THE CHANCELLOR. A. Assure that the requirements of the Mandatory Reporting Law of the Oklahoma Criminal Code (see Definitions) are complied with. B. Information should include: name, address, telephone number, and age of the victim, together with the name, address, and telephone number of parents of the victim, the nature of the injuries, and the name, address, and telephone number of the alleged perpetrator. C. The supervisor or Vicar General will assure compliance with the reporting requirements of DHS. 3. ANYONE ACCUSED OF SEXUAL, OR OTHER PHYSICAL ABUSE, OF A MINOR, WILL BE NOTIFIED OF THE ACCUSATION AND IMMEDIATELY PLACED ON ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE PENDING INVESTIGATION. 4. THE ACCUSED PARTY WILL BE ADVISED TO OBTAIN HIS/HER OWN INDEPENDENT LEGAL COUNSEL. Mandatory Reporting Law of the Oklahoma Criminal Code: 21 O.S. & 846(A) every other person having reason to believe that a child under the age of eighteen (18) years has had physical injury inflicted on him or her by other than accidental means where the

injury appears to have been caused as a result of physical abuse or neglect, shall report the matter promptly to the county office of the Department of Human Services in the county wherein the suspected injury occurred . . . It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to knowingly and willfully fail to promptly report any incident provided above. If the report is not made in writing in the first instance, it shall be reduced to writing by the maker thereof as soon as may be after it is initially made by telephone or otherwise and shall contain the names and addresses of the child and his or her parents or other persons responsible for his or her care, the child's age, the nature and extent of the child's injuries, including any evidence of previous injuries and other information that the maker of the report believes might be helpful in establishing the cause of the injuries and identity of the person or persons responsible therefore if such information or any part thereof is known to the person making the report.

School Personnel

Mr Roger Carter, President Mr Juan Miret, Director of Development Ms. Susan Rackley, Principal; Mr Ben Malone, Seventh and Eighth Grade Language Arts Ms. Meaghan Heatherman Sixth and Seventh Grade Language Arts Teacher Mr Jonathan Martinez, Graduate Support, Physical Education Asst. Mrs. Roonie Leittem-Murrell, Religion Teacher Mr Joe Murrell, Religion Teacher Mrs. Marcela Frescott, School Secretary, Office Manager Ms. Cheryl West, Seventh and Eighth Grade Math Teacher Mrs. Robin Hoefling, Social Studies Teacher Mrs. Anna Deripaska, Science Teacher Mr Kevin Diggins,Ace MathTeacher Ms. Valeria Huacuja, Parent Volunteer Coordinator

School/Administration’s Right to Amend the Handbook San Miguel Tulsa or the administration retains the right to amend the handbook. Parents will be given prompt written notification if changes are made. San Miguel School of Tulsa School Year

2021-2022 Hand Book Agreement Signed by Students and Parents Please return the signed forms to San Miguel as soon as possible. We have read the San Miguel Parent/Student Handbook and agree to be governed by this document.

Parent Signature_____________________________________

Printed Name________________________________________

Parent Phone Number__________________________________

Student Signature_____________________________________ Grade:

Printed Name________________________________________

Student’s cell phone number: Date____________________________

San Miguel School of Tulsa School Year 2022/23 StudentAcceptable Use Policy for Technology

Please return this portion to San Miguel as soon as possible. We will make a copy of the signed forms to return to you. Internet services are available for San Miguel School students. We have taken all the necessary precautions to filter, block, and monitor materials that would be harmful to students. We are providing this service to students with the following goals in mind: To promote educational excellence for the advancement and promotion of learning and teaching; To support research and education; To correctly use the information to meet the student’s educational goals and for classroom projects. Being allowed to use computers at San Miguel School is a privilege and not a right. This right can be modified, suspended, or not allowed if it is abused. As a student, I know that I must follow these rules: 1. I will only use the Internet and computers with my teacher’s permission and for the purpose that the teacher has requested. 2. I will respect copyright laws and will make sure to show where I found the information and will not copy it without permission. 3. I will not enter inappropriate or hurtful language into the computer I understand that my teacher can look at any and all of my work. 4. I will stay safe on the Internet by making sure that I never share personal information, like my full name, address, or telephone number, the name of my school, my friends, teachers, where my parents work, or their phone numbers, or any pictures of myself, my school, my house, my friends, or my friend’s house, without getting permission. If anyone on the Internet tries to meet with me, I will refuse and tell my parents/guardian or teachers immediately 5. I will let my teacher know immediately if I see anything on the Internet that is inappropriate or that makes me uncomfortable. 6. I will respect the school’s computer equipment. I will not change any settings, or install, or download any software on the computer I will not open any other students’ files/folders.

7. I will not put any disks, or CDs or flash drives into the computer unless they are approved by my teacher. 8. I will only use email for a class project directed by my teacher – any email will be sent or received by my teacher. I cannot use my personal email accounts at school. 9. I will not buy, or sell anything using the school’s computers.

10. I will not use my personal social networking account to harass, threaten, or use cruel comments about other San Miguel students, teachers, or the San Miguel community in general. This extends outside school hours. If I see any untrue, hurtful, or embarrassing information about a San Miguel student or staff member, I will report it to my parent/guardian or teacher(s) immediately. 11. I understand that I will only be able to use school computers if I follow these rules. I have read the above and agree to follow these rules. If I do not, I understand my privileges can be taken away.

Parent Signature_____________________________________

Printed Name________________________________________

Parent Phone Number__________________________________

Printed Name________________________________________

Student’s cell phone number: ___________________________

Date: _______________________________________________


San Miguel TulsaAnti-Bullying Policy

Bullying must be taken seriously and is not acceptable in any form at San Miguel School of Tulsa. Students have the right to expect that they will spend the school day free from the fear of bullying, harassment, and intimidation. Bullying de-values, isolates, frightens, and affects an individual's ability to achieve. It has long-term effects on those engaging in bullying behavior, those who are the subjects of bullying behavior, and those around them. Teachers, students, parents, caregivers, and members of our school community have the responsibility to work together to address bullying. Our definition of bullying: Bullying can be defined as intentional, repeated behavior by an individual or group of individuals that causes distress, hurt, or undue pressure. Bullying involves the abuse of power in relationships. Bullying can involve all forms of harassment, humiliation, domination, and intimidation of others. Bullying behavior can be verbal, physical, social, or psychological. San Miguel School of Tulsa considers the following behaviors to be examples of bullying: Physical: Hitting, kicking, punching, scratching; Pushing, shoving, spitting; Forcing others to hand over food, money, or something that belongs to them• Sexual assault and unwanted 'touching' and Making someone do something they don't want to do. Verbal: Name-calling; Teasing, insults, put-downs, verbal abuse, sarcasm, insults; Threatening of any kind; Making fun of someone because of their appearance, physical characteristics, or cultural background; sexualized comments or innuendo and Making fun of someone's actions Indirect (social and psychological): Excluding others from the activity or the group, ignoring, ostracizing or alienating others: Spreading untrue stories or slander about others; Making inappropriate gestures; Taking, hiding, or damaging something which belongs to someone else; Sending nasty emails, SMS, instant messages, or other public slanders; and The inappropriate use of websites, chat sites, or camera phones. Statement of Purpose All the members of the school community have a shared responsibility to create a safe and happy environment, free from all forms of bullying. San Miguel School of Tulsa aims to help students learn to better manage their approach to learning and successfully integrate back into regular schools or alternate settings. The emphasis is to provide students with a safe and caring environment in which they can access quality teaching and learning and be supported in making positive informed choices. Any inappropriate behavior that interferes with the teaching, learning, and well-being of San Miguel School of Tulsa

Student Signature_____________________________________ Grade:

students is unacceptable. Students can expect to: know that their concerns will be responded to by staff; be provided with appropriate support; take part in learning experiences that address key understandings and skills relating to bullying and harassment, guided by school staff and/or reputable outside agencies. Responsibilities of Members of the San Miguel School of Tulsa Community All members of the San Miguel School of Tulsa community have a responsibility to promote positive relationships that respect and accept individual differences and diversity and actively work together to resolve incidents of bullying behavior when they occur. Students have a responsibility to: Behave appropriately, respecting individual differences and diversity; Reinforce the message that bullying is not accepted or tolerated; Refrain from bullying others; Assist someone who is being bullied; Inform School staff if they are being bullied or if they see someone else being bullied both at school and on the way to and from school. Follow San Miguel School of Tulsa's anti-bullying policy; Parents and caregivers have a responsibility to: Be aware of the school's anti-bullying policy and assist their children in understanding bullying behavior; Support their children in developing positive responses to incidents of bullying consistent with the San Miguel School of Tulsa anti-bullying policy To model appropriate behavior, respecting individual differences and diversity; To reinforce the message that bullying is not accepted or tolerated; To instruct their children to tell the appropriate authorities if they are bullied; To watch for signs that their child may be bullied; To speak to the Principal or Lead Teacher if their child is being bullied, or they suspect that this is happening. San Miguel School of Tulsa has the responsibility to: Provide students with strategies to respond positively to incidents of bullying behavior; Provide parents, caregivers, and students with clear information on strategies that promote appropriate behavior and consequences of inappropriate behavior; Follow up complaints of bullying, harassment, and intimidation. Staff at San Miguel School of Tulsa have a responsibility to: Model appropriate behavior. Respond in an appropriate and timely manner to incidents of bullying according to the San Miguel School of Tulsa anti-bullying policy; Respect and support students in all aspects of their learning. To model appropriate behavior, respecting individual differences and diversity; To reinforce the message that bullying is not accepted or tolerated; To treat all reports or observed incidences of bullying seriously; To report incidences of bullying to the Principal or Lead Teacher; To be observant of signs of distress or suspected incidents of bullying; To ensure that students are actively supervised at all times. Strategies to Deal with Bullying At San Miguel School of Tulsa, there is a strong school spirit where effective and systematic programs communicate to all students the message that bullying is not accepted or tolerated. Students can expect that their concerns will be responded to by the school staff and that they will be provided with appropriate support (for both the subjects of and those responsible for the behavior). Students who bully others will face one or more of the following consequences: Involvement in a mediation process; Referral to a youth

counselor from a reputable outside agency; Parents will be contacted by the school; Privileges will be withdrawn (eg exclusion from the playground); Sanctions outlined in the School's Discipline Policy such as detention and suspension. A San Miguel education is designed to prepare students for high school and beyond - typically college or vocational training - to help them become productive adults and break the cycle of poverty. As part of this, the anti-bullying message is consistently communicated to students.

San Miguel Return to School Extensive cleaning by a professional company is performed before school is open. Plan A Normal schedule with safety elements added)

1. As everyone arrives their temperature is taken. A temperature over 100.3 will mean the individual will not be permitted to stay at school. 2. The isolation room will be designated for students who become ill at school until parents can pick them up. 3. Students bring a mask to wear for the day (we have masks to give out, as well) 4. Students will wear regular uniforms. 5. Students go directly to first-period classrooms with teacher arrival time. 6. Morning announcement/prayers made over the intercom. 7. At the beginning of each class period, each desk is disinfected. (by students) 8. Classroom setup should encourage rows and not face-to-face seating. 9. Lunchtimes will be staggered. All meals will be brought to classrooms. 10. Students need to bring water bottles. Water fountains are disconnected. 11. Restrooms are sanitized several times during the day 11. End of the day dismissal is done by calling names as parents arrive. 12. Cleaning the school each night with a focus on disinfecting touchable areas. Plan B....ln case of extreme social distancing required. (Hybrid learning) 1. Rotate attendance days by Boys and Girls. (i.e. Monday Girls, Tuesday Boys, etc.) 2. All teachers will report every day; classes will be divided in half (since boys or girls will not be present) to create maximum social distance. 3. All requirements of Plan A will be in effect. 4. Daily assignments and daily check-in for each class will be required by students, not at school. 5. Each student may take their assigned Chromebook home or use their device at home. Plan C...Distance Learning (School building closed) 1. A regular grading system (A-F) will be in effect. 2. Assigned Chromebooks for students may be taken home for those without a device at home. 3. Google classroom will be used and explained to our students. 4. A daily routine of the student checking in online will be used. 5. Students who do not check-in online will be counted absent. Assumption of the Risk and Waiver of Liability Relating to Coronavirus/COVlD-19 The novel coronavirus COVID-19 has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 is highly contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. As a result, federal, state, and local governments and federal and state health agencies recommend social distancing and have, in many locations, prohibited the congregation of groups of people. San Miguel Middle School of Tulsa (SMS) has put protective measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19: however, SMS

cannot guarantee that you or your child(ren) will not become infected with COVID-19. Further, attending school or other activities on the campus of SMS could increase your risk and your child(ren)'s risk of contracting COVID-19. By signing this agreement, I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19. On behalf of myself, my child(ren), my spouse/co-parent of child(ren) voluntarily assume the risk that my child(ren) and l, and any member of my family may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending activities o classes at SMS that may lead to infection and may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. I understand the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 while on the SMS Campus may result from the actions, omission, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, SMS employees, agents and representatives, volunteers, program participants, and their families and any other individual who may be present on school property or in attendance at any school activity I voluntarily agree to assume, on behalf of myself, my child(ren), my spouse/co-parent of child risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to my child(ren), myself, and any member of my family (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss claim, liability, or expense, of any kind, that I, my child(ren) and/or members of my family may experience or incur in connection with my child(ren)/s attendance in activities or classes at SMS. On behalf of myself and of my children and / or members of my family, I will advance no claim, and I at this moment release, covenant not to sue, discharge, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the SMS, Diocese of Tulsa, its employees, agents, and representatives, of and from the Claims including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of and relating to it, I understand and agree that this release includes any Claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of SMS, Diocese of Tulsa, its employees, agents, and representatives, whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during, or after participation in any SMS activity.


All students of all grade levels have a required & current immunization record or a state approved exemption form on file with the school prior to their admission to school. 70 O.S. § 1210.191

Documentation: Assurance Letter signed by Principal verifying a current record of immunization or exemption form is on file for each student & is made available for review and a website printout or screen shot showing parent information.


While reserving the right to make religious exceptions as provided by law and in accord with Catholic religious belief, San Miguel Middle School of Tulsa does not discriminate on the basis of sex. This includes being excluded from participation in, being denied the benefits of, or being subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity on the basis of sex..

It is the policy of San Miguel Middle School of Tulsa to provide a safe, positive learning and working environment that is free from bullying, hazing, dating, violence, sexual harassment and other discrimination, and retaliation. If you have experienced, or if you have knowledge of, any such actions, we encourage you to complete our:


Harassment/Bullying/Hazing/Dating/Violence/Retaliation form

The Title IX Coordinator will answer any questions you may have about the report form, reviewing the report form for completion and assisting as necessary with completion of the report TheTitle IX Coordinator's contact information is:

Position: President

Name: Roger C. Carter

Address: 2444 E.Admiral Blvd.Tulsa, Ok 74110 email



All employees and others are prohibited from intimidating, threatening, coercing, or discriminating against anyone for filing this report.

Contact the Title IX Coordinator immediately if you believe retaliation has occurred.

Confidentiality of all parties, witnesses, the allegations and the filing of a report shall be handled in accordance with applicable law, regulations, policy, procedures, and the school/system's legal and investigative obligations. Once the report is filed, San Miguel Middle SchoolTulsa has an obligation to investigate the information provided.

Please see the attached Discrimination / Sexual Harassment /Bullying/ Hazing/ Dating/ Violence/ Retaliaton form

Parent Signature:

Printed Name:

Parent Phone Number:

Student Signature

Grade: ________

Printed Name Date:

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