Sameway ISSUE295《同路人》295期

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དྷ୽ȃདྷឩȃདྷЮҔȃདྷՌϏ Love your country, the party, your parents and yourself


Ϙৎ஼Ӕి‫ࢽڈ‬єȂϘӎ஼Ӕి‫ڈ‬јҊȂԴশสє୓୕๒ A big controversy in heated debate has been stirred up in Hong Kong by the recent Moral and National Education Curriculum ЂޯȂЏുᆙࣆ޼мȂ՘ऎশสߞߋ៉Ȅ Guidelines and a National Education Handbook.

2010 Րࣉࣆඡ‫ט‬НКȂည੡પ঵ฅ፹ᡋ෩ҍঋయҍ஼Ӕ In the 2010 Policy Address the then Chief Executive Donald ి‫ڈ‬ॊȂԯթ 2011 Ր 5 ѡܺก஄ࡈి‫ڈ‬؊యҍ஼Ӕి‫ ڈ‬Tsang proposed the introduction of National Education into the ࢽєᓙ႙ћԆȂജࢽऎ஄ᓙ႙ȂЫՐұѡܺ؆՘৒঎ፇȂ ঋԴЫՐก஄ࢢ 9 ѡ༟‫ܕ‬ԴশสЈᐯѽ 3 ՐऎงȂႿ७ԑ বᅁࣉȂൌ๑‫ޱ‬є୓ߤྻᝯަȂ๒փϘӎӤి‫ڈ‬؊ዥภȂ ి‫ڈ‬ᄥᢜҍߍߞ஼Ӕి‫ڈ‬јҊȂജ෬๴ऎԨᐯӠࣾၝߞి ‫ل‬Ȃє୓ϞᐯӠȃਛࠜфߤྻ௻ધхᕕȂӎ༉Ӑ‫ྻـ‬գӤ КᐯӠ๴୓ߞႼ֖ࣿஜȂह࣏ࠫশสᑢҫ‫ߞݑ‬Ϙ঱Ȅ শสϠऎतኃྻхᕕഺኃ௻ધȉ஼Ӕి‫ߞڈ‬ӫዾЙබ࣏Ҩ ᐯӠ࢙Ӳྑ஼ྏఐфᅗ࢘ཛྷȉഺዹߞӫዾȂЙُ࣏Ϙৎ஼ ਛൌᕕႍգߞཛྷȉ‫ا‬हࠫশสߤྻߞхᕕЙ࣏ࠑႿশสϠ ЙྑК஼Ȃփ࣏শสϠ៵‫اݏ‬েྻᄊ‫ۖڍݙ‬Դћভ੡งȂ ϭϘ҃ജిᐱ՘ҪྑԒಯ៨ȃྑѨѹਯȃЙྑѭӓȃत֌ Йྑ֋ЎȂҵҝϠ‫ݑ‬ȃᓐఐȃನ‫ࢥݑ‬ւକϧȃᅆϠ௄ӎප দȃᅆ֋ЎЙ঑യԇߞϘ၏Ȅഺዹߞ਻៵Й࣏ٟգੲᑂ ߞȂऻϘϭћভ੡งȂԺьϠ‫֋୽ز‬ЎߞѭӓȂਃٟ֋Ў ߞ‫ډ‬ѕҝ൝ਚ‫־‬ϠȂϠሃϠН༡๑‫ࠫޱ‬ԇᅆўȂत֌Ϡঋ Ⴡ०‫ډ‬ѕ‫֋ֿز‬Ў‫־ݕ‬ϠЖକӠՅϭҝȂ‫ا‬ҞѽನႋЫч শสϠᅆϘӎྍᄦЙِૌᅁȂҪِԨᘘӏᕖఀࢥւߞЈࢅ Є៿ᓮ஼ਛ؆ԑٟգᓾȂ‫࣏ݕ‬ЙྻգᓾȂ҄ҁেߠӫྑ஼ փЙᕖఀ‫ز‬ໞߞ஼Ӕి‫ڈ‬јҊߞхᕕȄ ᘵ๒ి‫ڈ‬؊ࠫሰӌӌশส‫ڭ‬Йྻయ֖ࣾၝՑߞ៿ᓮྑ஼Ȃ ֭ऻ‫ڽ‬ЂൊԊশสϠЏᅆࣆܹҵҝࠫѕȂ਻‫ݏ‬Й࣏तኃϠ ‫ڕ‬ҍ‫࠲ڽ‬ᝋබྻಯӠੜ‫ލ‬Ȅྑ஼ਛ‫ڭ‬Й࣏ᓾߞ‫ڰ‬Ȃ֭Ղ‫د‬ ྑ஼ᢏ՘ྑ៨Ȃ‫دڭ‬ҹ‫ݸ‬Ђ՘ऎ໹໸Ϙзߞి‫ڈ‬ӫዾȂ਻ ‫ڭݏ‬Йྻऎশสߤྻ௲‫ڽ‬तኃՀ഍ȄҪऽౕশสߤྻକನ ‫ݑ‬ᅆবᅆ஼Ӕి‫ڈ‬ഺϘৎࣄᐼȂକ‫ۖر‬Ϙ౧ҍႮȄ

curriculum. So called consultation papers were initiated by the Education Authority since May 2011 before last school summer vacation. With all amendments finished by April this year, it was decided that full implementation of the new curriculum would be done in three years time commencing this September when all primary schools resume classes. Until then nobody seemed to care. Yet the publication of a National Education Handbook, funded by the Education Authority, has aroused backfire from students, parents and the public as when they noticed the Ʉbrain-washɅ content of the curriculum. It will be a historical event in Hong Kong when secondary students take their protest to the street this weekend. Why such a backfire? Is national education not about telling students to develop their feeling and attitude towards loving the country? Is this not a goal universal to all nations? I think Hong Kong peopleɅs reaction is not because they donɅt want to love their country, but rather they fear to see a recurred footstep of the then Cultural Revolution where the young generation was told to love the communist party and Chairman Mao only in lieu of their parents and their own self to the extent that they lost humanity, family love, rational thinking, mutual respect and personal responsibility. This fear is not unfound when the Cultural Revolution history tells about how people denied their parents, families, friends and their own morals to set up, trick and hurt each others just for the selfish purpose of staying alive. On reflection, I can understand why Hong Kong people want to turn away from a national education handbook which, discarding reference to the whole truth, merely aims to promote patriotism by barring school kids from criticising and even knowing any wrong doing of their country. Despite the Education AuthorityɅs reaffirmation that no brainwash patriotism would be attempted, majority of the Hong Kong people seem to have lost their trust in the government irrespective who come out to make any promise. Patriotism is nothing wrong in itself; but, in the interest of the Hong Kong society, we cannot mix up loving the country and loving the party and definitely this political agenda cannot supersede all education goals. We hope Hong Kong can rationally take on this challenge of national education and find a way out.

Raymond Chow Publisher

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