Report 2022 A Year of Impact

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A Year of Impact


It was an impactful year for RoomRaccoon and the industry we proudly serve.

It all started with our annual meet-up in sunny South Africa to celebrate our 5th anniversary. Even though we’re a global team spread out over 10 countries, we still prioritise meeting up once a year.

There’s nothing quite like seeing two co-workers who have worked remotely together for a year meet each other face-to-face for the first time. This type of interaction is key to building a strong team bond, no matter where we may be located.

It’s been amazing to see how much the team has grown since our last annual get-together and in such a short time and I’m already looking forward to next year’s World Week in January.

This year, a lot of innovation has been poured into the RoomRaccoon platform to provide our hoteliers with more functionality and a polished experience. The new updates were announced at the Check-In Hotel Tech Summit hosted in Breda at the prestigious Ingenhousz.

RoomRaccoon has been nominated as the finalist in Hotel Tech Report’s “Best Hotel Management System” category. This is a great achievement for our team, and I am grateful to our customers and partners for their support along the way.

I want to congratulate my partner, Nadja Buckenberger, for winning Founder of the Year at Founders Alliance. This is a tremendous accomplishment and a testament to Nadja’s hard work and keen understanding of technology’s important role in almost every element of the hotelier’s working day.

It’s been three years since the most challenging time faced by hoteliers and the travel industry.

In this report, you’ll see an overview of the state of the hospitality industry and how it has changed since the pandemic began.

It also looks at data for recovery trends and provides insight into what hoteliers can expect in the coming months. We were pleased to discover that RoomRaccoon customers have seen a remarkable 169% increase in direct bookings since 2019, and that’s only scratching the surface!

From what we know at the moment, hotels can expect some positive movement in 2023.

Forecast 60 Index 22 Year the World Reopened 06 Team RoomRaccoon About RoomRaccoon 102 Wellness Week 70 28 Average Length of Stay 24 Occupancy 50 Upselling and Cross-selling 54 Integrations 46 Direct Bookings 42 RevPAR 32 Domestic & International Travel 36 Booking Lead Times RoomRaccoon Scoop Product Roadmap 72 Partner Events 64 Check-in Hotel Tech Summit 68 Prepare for the Future 80 62 Events 2022

Building the team that’s empowering hoteliers everywhere

New Raccoons and Counting

We have a bold vision to empower every hotelier with a single platform to manage operations, grow revenue and build better guest relationships. To continue our journey of becoming the most desired all-in-one hotel management system (HMS), we set a goal to expand our global team across Europe, Africa and North America in 2022.

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve welcomed 71 new Raccoons into the RoomRaccoon family this year through four successful onboarding programmes at our two headquarters in the Netherlands and South Africa. The tremendous growth spearheaded the opening of our first office in Spain and expanded our Portugal office with six team members. Hiring great talent is always a feat, but we’re especially proud of this accomplishment.

What’s more, we were blown away when we discovered that our team has a combined 170 years of experience in the hospitality industry. That’s a lot of knowledge and expertise in one company! And 80% of the Raccoons that joined us this year have a background in hospitality and bring a wealth of industry knowledge and understanding of our customer’s needs and expectations. This also means they can better provide informed solutions contributing to our customer’s success and overall company vision.

Our new team members fill key roles across all departments. They will be instrumental in helping us continue expanding our presence in 10 markets and strongly focus on product development and providing excellent customer service in all eight languages we serve.


had a great year for new hires, and we’re only just getting started. We aim to double our headcount by the end of next year.

Kelly Romer, Head of People


No matter the language, our customer support consultants can assist with any questions! We’ve expanded our support team and support hours to serve our North American and Croatian users - all under the capable leadership of Kudzai.

“The RoomRaccoon Customer Service teams continue to expand globally and improve ways to deliver “best in class service” to our Hoteliers! Our mission is to empower hoteliers, and customer service is fundamental to that. We look forward to continuing exploring innovative ways to improve our hotelier’s experience when reaching out to us for support, information and, in some cases, simply to discuss new and exciting features!

Kudzai Mapfinya, Global Head of Client Services

Spotted! A new Raccoon in the States.

After launching in the US and Canada in November 2021, we have become the preferred choice for properties in 10 states and 3 Canadian provinces. Autumn joined the team to empower West Coast hoteliers!

“I am really excited to be a part of the North American market for RoomRaccoon; this product has the potential to help hoteliers across the USA! I hope to be an integral part of the team and get the RoomRaccoon name out there. There is so much opportunity, and I am so grateful to be joining at such an early stage.”

Kelly, the newest marketing team member, completed her onboarding programme as the pitch-off champion!

“I am excited to achieve an undeniably great user experience across all ten of our markets, where we prove to major Search Engines that we are the go-to industry leader for hotel cloud management software. So far, I’ve been both challenged and victorious in my role, and I’m ready to accomplish many more ambitious projects with RoomRaccoon.”

Our product department has seen significant growth in recent months, with seven new members joining the team. Katlego played a key role in successfully launching the nextgeneration RoomRaccoon navigation screens.

“Experiencing #RaccoonCulture first hand and working with people who contradict stereotypes and naturally challenge the status quo has simply been career-life changing, causing me to fall in love with what I do all over again!

This was largely characterised by my involvement in the navigation redesign project, which really showcased our ability to bring the best out of each other within my team and across other departments to produce an excellent addition to the product.

Next year, I look forward to playing a more pivotal role in our ongoing effort to make our offering the best it’s ever been!”

RoomRaccoon customers are in good hands!

Sange joined our Customer Success team, empowering users to harness the powerful tools and make the most of their RoomRaccoon HMS.

“Our mission is to empower hoteliers all around the world. One of the most significant ways to achieve this is by leveraging technology used in both the hotelier and guest journeys. I am very excited to have our clients adopt more upsell features to see an increase in their RevPAR. I’d also like to introduce the use of yield management together with RaccoonRev to help our users enhance their pricing strategies, ensuring that they remain dynamic.”

Founder of the Year

Nadja Buckenberger, the founder of RoomRaccoon, was named the Founder of the Year by Founders Alliance, a premium business forum for founders of global growth companies and large-scale corporations.


The Year the World Reopened

Our take on the hospitality landscape

With borders officially reopening and travel restrictions easing, 2022 was the turning point for the hotel sector — and the world.

Many people wonder what the hospitality landscape’s current state looks like. Here at RoomRaccoon , we decided to take a closer look at the data.

After analysing thousands of properties, we found some interesting insights into current travel patterns and booking behaviour.

Here are our Inside Scoops and Key Opportunities to inform your business strategy in 2023.

Let’s dive in!


The data in this report is taken from thousands of active properties in 54 countries worldwide, with the majority situated in Europe.



51% Average room occupancy in 2022

The RoomRaccoon Scoop

Guests are returning in greater numbers, and hotels in the European region are seeing a resurgence in business, with occupancy levels reaching (and exceeding) parity with pre-pandemic levels.

Even more promising, hotels had record-breaking occupancy levels in August this year, increasing to 64% from 61% in August 2019.

When we look at month-to-month performance, there’s a positive trend from January to August as travellers make the most of the European summer. It is interesting to note that the peak seasons for travel extended, starting earlier and ending later in the year.

This is likely due to a number of factors, including rising inflation and unprecedented heat waves in tourist regions of France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece. This trend will likely continue in the future, with even more people taking holidays outside the traditional peak season.

January - December

70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 0% 10%

The Opportunity for Hotels

Despite predictions that hotel occupancy would not return to pre-pandemic levels until 2023, recovery has come sooner than expected. This is due to a strong desire to travel. Workplace flexibility and the rise of digital nomads have made it easier for people to turn their wanderlust into reality.

This is encouraging news for hoteliers who can win more business in the year ahead by quenching the traveller’s thirst for new experiences. With the world becoming increasingly interconnected, it’s more important than ever to promote unique and memorable experiences. By doing so, you’ll see your occupancy levels soar and create lasting relationships with your guests, who will return again and again.


Finca Seguro



3 Days Average length of stay in 2022

The RoomRaccoon Scoop

Guests booked longer stays in January than any other month in 2022.

The average length of stay was 6 days, which was significantly higher than the 3-day average for the year.

Many people are looking for a getaway after the holiday season, and January is typically a slower travel month, so guests can take advantage of lower rates and extended stay options.


The Opportunity for Hotels

As you can see in the graphs, there is an uplift in the average length of stay in 2022. The travel landscape is changing dramatically, as remote work gives many people the flexibility to spend more time away from home. Hotels and hosts can take advantage of this by accommodating working travellers who have a strong preference for their accommodation experience to have a sense of familiarity and ‘home’. Think about offering pet-friendly lodgings and workspaces with views.

Additionally, package deals are an excellent way to encourage longer stays and create a perception of value for money. According to Trivago, guests who book packages tend to stay longer, book further in advance and are less likely to cancel their bookings.


The RoomRaccoon Scoop

International travel has made a strong comeback, exceeding its 2019 levels and increasing by 33% since its low point in 2020.

However, travel caution still led to a stronger preference to explore locally instead of venturing abroad.

The domestic tourism boom that started in 2020 is down to 64% in 2022 from its high of 74% in 2021. DOMESTIC &


33% Increase in international travel since 2020.

64% 2019 2020 2021 2022 36% 74% 26% 73% 27% 68% 32% Domestic travel International travel 33

The Opportunity for Hotels

At its highest level, domestic tourism presents and will continue to present significant business opportunities for hotels.

You can begin to focus your marketing efforts on targeting potential guests in your area code or city and create packages that appeal to a domestic audience, like “weekend getaway deals”.

Alternatively, you could send out a “staycation” email to your database, enticing domestic customers with incentives for booking a stay.





30 Days Average booking lead time in 2022

The RoomRaccoon Scoop

We are all well aware that lockdowns, closures and reopening announcements have impacted the state of booking lead times globally. Hotels noticed booking lead times gradually shortening since 2020, with a massive decline during the first half of 2021, where rooms were booked within only 8 days (February 2021) of check-in.

Nevertheless, traveller confidence is on the rise in 2022, as evidenced by longer booking times that are closer to levels seen in 2019.

People booked the furthest in advance for July (36 days), while people booked the shortest time in advance for January (12 days). Interestingly, they also stayed longer (an average of 6 days) in January. See page 29 for more data on the average length of stay.


Comparing July 2021 with July 2020 and July 2019, we can see that people booked the longest time in advance in July 2019 (36 days). The shortest time people booked in advance was July 2021 (23 days) compared to July 2022, which, as we mentioned, came in at 36 days.

As the domestic travel boom continues, hotels need to be prepared for shorter booking lead times. This means being nimble and ready to accommodate guests on short notice.

Days July ‘19 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 July ‘20 July ‘21 July ‘22 2019 2020 2021 2022 Months

The Opportunity for Hotels

The most effective way to combat shorter booking lead times is to promote early-bird rates and packages as much as possible so that travellers are aware of it and can book in advance.

Hotels that invest in smart pricing tools capture early bookers most effectively. Based on current market demand, the pricing tool monitors occupancy levels and booking lead times to increase or decrease rates.

This strategy encourages guests to book sooner rather than later.

Another thing you can do is be flexible with your cancellation policy.

Travellers are still skittish after all that has happened, so it might be a good idea to offer refundable room rates.

O’Two Hotel


24% Uplift in RevPAR in 2022 compared to 2019

The RoomRaccoon Scoop

It’s clear that 2022 was an excellent year for RevPAR (revenue per available room) performance. RevPAR was up 24% in 2022 compared to 2019, suggesting a boost in both ADR and occupancy. The growth surpassed 2019 levels, showing just how strong the rebound was after the pandemic.

Note the gradual uplift in RevPAR performance as we move through the year, with a spike during the European high season. We can see that August is by far the best month for RevPAR performance, followed closely by July and September. This past August, hotels saw an 8% RevPAR bump compared to last year.

€100 €75 €50 €25 €0 ‘19 ‘22 ‘21 ‘20

The Opportunity for Hotels

To stay ahead of competitors, it is critical to analyse market data to uncover revenue opportunities and capture demand before your competition.

Hotel revenue management tools are imperative to adopt dynamic pricing strategies to sell time-limited inventory, compete in an increasingly competitive market, and generate maximum revenue.

Sagebrush Inn


169% Growth in direct bookings compared to 2019

The RoomRaccoon Scoop

This graph shows that 2020 was pivotal for levelling direct hotel bookings and those made through online travel agencies (OTAs). At the height of travel restrictions, travellers favoured booking directly with hotels for their flexible booking policies, which may account for the shift.

Since then, direct bookings have been on an upward trajectory, increasing by a staggering 169% from 2019.

At the same time, OTA bookings are slowly returning from low pandemic levels. OTAs have placed importance on flexibility in recent years, winning back customers who are happy to turn to third-party businesses when planning their stay.

84% 2022 2021 2020 2019 16% 52% 48% 54% 46% 57% 43% OTA Bookings Direct Bookings 47

The Opportunity for Hotels

With the desire to travel returning stronger than ever, travellers are some of the most winnable consumers out there. This means that the online marketplace will only get more competitive for accommodation providers in the coming year.

To compete, you should ramp up visibility and cast the net wide — promoting your property on three or more OTA channels. At the same time, the billboard effect ensures travellers can discover your property through an OTA and then search for your property’s website to book. Market intelligence tools will also prove to be advantageous to ensure you are not outpriced on OTAs.

We already learned in our findings that people are travelling domestically, which is a key opportunity for hotels to win more direct bookings. You can use metasearch engines to get in front of the guests arranging their travel on Google and use promotion codes to encourage them to take the plunge.

An important task for hotels will be to keep the guests who are “booking to cancel” interested, as they can be easily swayed. Hotels will have to level up their pre-stay communication, and creating a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) will be key in this effort. Pre-stay communication should be engaging and highlight all your hotel’s unique features and amenities. Social proof, in the form of positive reviews and testimonials from past guests, will also be helpful in convincing potential guests that your hotel is worth their time and money.


Hotel Asile Flottant



The RoomRaccoon Scoop

RaccoonUpsell, our automated guest service menu, helped our users achieve some of the highest upsell performances we’ve seen.

The top ten best-performing properties saw an incredible return on investment ranging from 255% to 2959%.

They covered the cost of their RaccoonUpsell package - more than twice over. And two properties generated enough upsell revenue to cover their annual RoomRaccoon subscriptions!


The Opportunity for Hotels

The upsell findings suggest that people are ready to spend on memorable experiences inside the property too.

And you’d never know that some unexpected items could be highly lucrative add-ons. For example, 80% of the properties upsell scrumptious breakfasts. 50% offer guests the flexibility to arrive early and leave in the late afternoon — so they can also enjoy an early dinner.

Luxury services range from massages to champagne and airport shuttles.

Room upgrades are the most popular add-on and a great seller for properties that can convincingly promote the value of upgrading to a better room, i.e., prime views and in-room extras.

CLIENT SPOTLIGHT Crane Hotel Faralda

The RoomRaccoon Scoop

Distribution is the clear winner when it comes to hotel integrations. What’s noteworthy is that hotels are increasingly seeing value in a mix of distribution channels to reach more potential guests.

Compared to the OTA dominance in 2021, two metasearch channels (Google Hotel Ads and Tripadvisor) made it in the top five most installed integrations this year.

This shows that hotels are prioritising direct business through favourable Pay-Per-Stay (PPS) bidding models.

The great news is that with the addition of Pegasus GDS, RoomRaccoon users will be able to expand their distribution even further to reach a larger corporate audience and tap into new markets.


Top integration categories Most connected integrations OTA Spotlight 178 RoomRaccoon users have connected to Expedia in 2022 55
Booking channels Accounting software
Revenue Management System
Point of Sale (POS) System
Digital door key & guest access

“We are excited to see the continued development with our existing and new partners, bringing the best in class in integrations to RoomRaccoon users as we go into the new year and beyond.

Through our integration partners, we provide wider ranging solutions for hoteliers throughout each and every market.”



RoomRaccoon is the chosen solution for thousands of properties in 2022



As the upward momentum continues, OTAs are expected to increase their market share in 2023. This means hotels will have to compete more fiercely for direct bookings, but the silver lining is that people have become more accustomed to visiting hotel websites for better deals. So it’ll be imperative to focus on direct and third-party sales channels to reach more potential guests. Some of the main findings include a 13-day increase in booking lead times. Traveller confidence will continue to increase as many major cities have lifted wide lockdowns. A shift towards more extended stays can be expected, especially during January after the holiday season.

There is also evidence of moving away from traditional holiday seasons. Savvy travellers are choosing to delay their trips by a month or two to take advantage of off-season discounts. Shifts in travel patterns are also likely to become more common in Europe as travellers compensate for the high cost of living. Many of us are eager to travel again. But where will we go? Domestic travel is extremely popular, and a spike in airline tickets will keep it that way in the new year, but there is also expected to be an even stronger comeback in international travel. European hotels can expect an influx of US travellers due to the strong dollar-to-euro exchange rate. In addition, the introduction of new direct

airline routes from Atlanta, New York, and Washington to Cape Town and Johannesburg will also draw more travellers to South Africa in 2023. The popular direct flights between London and Johannesburg have recently increased to an extra four flights a week.

RevPAR posted an excellent 24% increase in 2022 compared to 2019. It’s good to see that hotels have exceeded pre-pandemic levels. We expect RevPAR to increase again due to inflation and rising operational costs.

Travellers and leisure travellers, in particular, are still willing to spend on travel and additional add-ons like breakfast, massages, champagne and room upgrades to enhance their stay and overall experience. Evidence of this is the high upsell performances of properties using RaccoonUpsell.

We’ll continue to monitor the data closely and keep our fingers crossed for a successful and prosperous year ahead.

TvD 61
We got together to learn, engage, and support the future of the industry.

RoomRaccoon Events 2022

We’re proud to exhibit at some of the world’s most prestigious hospitality events. This gives us a chance to catch up with clients, meet new hoteliers, and showcase our innovative platform. Hospitality expos are always filled with a buzz of excitement, where professionals and businesses can learn from each other, share ideas, and envision the future.

You may also find us sharing a booth with one of our excellent partners. This year, RoomRaccoon had the opportunity to attend the Independent Hotel Show (IHS) in Amsterdam with Effecty and joined forces with Lightspeed for IHS London.

We had a blast designing our stand for IHS London, which imitated a hotel lobby. Thanks to those who popped by Hotel Raccoon!

Catch us at major expos in 2023!

19 - 21 January 16 - 17 March Fitur - Madrid, ES IHS - Amsterdam, NL 26 - 29 June 6 - 8 November 9 November 2 - 4 November 1 - 2 June HITEC - Orlando, US BITAC Owners Event - Florida, US EquipHotel
Paris, FR
TIS- Seville,
4 - 5 October IHS
Tecno Hotel Forum - Barcelona, ES
- London, UK
- 29
DecorHotel -
Porto, PT

Partner Events

The events hosted by our partners are always a highlight for us. It’s great to see the innovative work they are doing and how they are working to support the industry.

We are proud to partner with such forward-thinking companies and look forward to continuing to work together to empower accommodation businesses everywhere.

11 May

Summit Hotel 4.0 - Porto, PT

24 & 26 May

Xero Roadshows - Cape Town & Johannesburg, ZA

9 June

H.I.T Scotland Industry Dinner 2022 Glasgow, UK

“This June, we sponsored Hospitality Industry Trust (H.I.T.) Scotland to support their fantastic work encouraging the development of anyone working or studying in the sector. What makes H.I.T. Scotland so unique is the spirit of its brand, which, in so many ways, reflects the unique nature of the hospitality industry itself in Scotland.“

Stevie Reffin, Partnerships Programme Manager

30 June

10 November

H.I.T. London Lunch - London, UK

23 November

HotelloTOP - Maastricht, NL

RoomRaccoon Arrive en France Paris, FR

Bonjour French property operators! Our official France launch ceremony, in collaboration with the Netherlands Business Council France (NLBC), was hosted on 30 June 2022 in Paris.

In attendance were Mr Pieter de Gooijer, ambassador for the Kingdom of the Netherlands in France, representatives from the NLBC and RoomRaccoon, and members of OTA giant

With 83% of hotels being independent establishments, France is the ideal market for RoomRaccoon. We look forward to equipping local hotels and property managers in France with the right tools and strategies to adapt and thrive in the current climate.


RoomRaccoon Masterclass

For too long, the hotel industry has been left in the dark ages, lagging behind other industries that have embraced new technologies. We saw a need for services beyond the implementation of our all-in-one cloud platform and decided to take action.

Trailblazing the hotel tech space We are proud to be the first hotel technology provider to introduce Masterclasses that are tailored to the participants’ ultimate goals and needs. The exclusive in-person sessions address specific knowledge gaps around hotel software and share practical tips,

actionable growth and revenuegeneration techniques that can meaningfully impact day-to-day operations.

I n the past year, we held five Masterclasses, where 60 hoteliers learned how to use the key features and functions of the RoomRaccoon system to their advantage and make better-informed decisions to run successful businesses. Masterclasses are presented by RoomRaccoon product experts across the globe.

“I’m going to look at my yielding, start looking at getting online check-in sorted, and the content on the booking engine. It was amazing - if we look at all the other workshops I’ve been to, you can’t compare, amazing!”

RoomRaccoon Roadshows

Our roadshow has taken us to Nice and Rimini, where we’ve had the opportunity to meet with our French and Italian customers and local accommodation operators.

The breakfast and cocktail sessions are small, intimate gatherings where topics such as the Digital Guest Journey are discussed and ideas shared among hospitality professionals.

Icon Luxury Apartments, South Africa

20 October Roadshow, Nice, FR

26 October Roadshow, Rimini, IT


RoomRaccoon Presents: Check-in Hotel Tech Summit(s)

The success of our first summit in 2021 showed us that there was great potential for expanding globally – meeting more industry professionals and having more inspiring conversations.

We expanded RoomRaccoon’s Check-in Hotel Tech Summit globally, with editions in the Netherlands, Germany, and South Africa.

The half-day events featured impactful panel discussions and presentations by industry insiders and RoomRaccoon partners who addressed the key needs and demands of the industry today. Attendees explored exhibitions that showcased new technologies and developments. Plus, it’s not a Check-in Hotel Tech Summit without plenty of time for networking to make meaningful connections with those who are just as passionate about the industry!

Get ready to Check-in 2023

Hospitality professionals, property owners, operators, and managers are invited to attend the Check-in Hotel Tech Summits in The Netherlands and South Africa. Details will be released closer to the time.

Netherlands Konstanz, Germany
Cape Town, South Africa

Wellness Week


Turns 5!

In celebration of RoomRaccoon’s 5th Anniversary, we hosted five days of health and wellness activities with no one other than the fantastic Raccoons, partners & customers that make RoomRaccoon what it is.


Day 5

An early morning yoga session was exactly what our Raccoons in South Africa needed to reset their bodies and minds.

Day 4

Green smoothies and wholesome wraps, the Raccoons in Breda enjoyed a day of healthy, mindful eating.

Day 1

Raccoons, partners and customers enjoyed a nutritious lunch in Portugal. A special thanks to Zonesoft, Bond Agency, Casa Saint Jorge, Casa Chafariz, and Casa do Vale for joining!

Day 2

Raccoons at our headquarters in Breda, Netherlands, dusted off their running shoes to partake in a 5km fun run around the scenic canal.

Day 3

Don’t get left behind!

Raccoons and customers enjoyed the thrill of the race at the Porsche Racing Simulator in France.



A quick recap

After a lot of behind-the-scenes work in the past six months, we’ve upgraded the RoomRaccoon platform with new features and enhancements to improve the user experience and expand our product offerings.

Next-generation screens

We launched the next-generation RoomRaccoon screens that were visually enhanced for easier navigation. The major changes include the optimal placement of modules in the overview.

New integration

RoomRaccoon users can now access the lucrative corporate travel market through Pegasus GDS. DID YOU KNOW

Did you know that the ADR through Pegasus is 30-35% higher than the industry average?


We’ve introduced a new advanced housekeeping module with additional functionality to view real-time room statuses and increase efficiency with the Housekeeper’s Mobile View.

New integration

RoomRaccoon is available as an app in the Epos Now marketplace. This is a welcome addition for our UK and US users.

Scheduled 10 minutes 0:04:31 Frequency Annually Daily Weekly Monthly

RoomRaccoon has grown both in company size and product functionality. After a year of focussing on stability, it is time to work on truly innovative functionalities and redesign our existing features.

With an impactful expansion of the Product Team, I am looking forward to getting functionality out fast whereby automating the testing in the background. In 2023, we will be making RoomRaccoon one of a kind!



What’s coming?

The year’s first half will focus on improving existing features and introducing new ones to make managing group bookings and improving the guest journey even easier. Users can expect a more polished experience, improved accuracy, and enhanced functionality.

We’ll work to become even more connected and look forward to welcoming highly anticipated partners such as Vrbo, Hostelworld, Event Temple and Lacoly. We’ll also prioritise building additional endpoints to our existing API POS to provide more functionality, automation, and centralised reporting.



We’re making it even easier to manage group bookings! Users will be able to designate a certain block of prenegotiated rooms to a wholesaler, tour operator or travel agent.


Got a question? We have the answer. The Help & Academy module will be transformed into an educational hub with easy access to help articles and videos.


Vrbo operates an online marketplace for vacation rentals. It is headquartered in Austin, Texas and is owned by Expedia Group.

Hostelworld is a leading OTA focussing on the hostel market and is one of the most popular booking channels for backpackers.


We’re building additional endpoints to our existing POS API. So that POS partners, including Lightspeed, Epos Now, Toast, TabletPOS and more - will have the option of a full revenue push from the POS to RoomRaccoon.


RaccoonPay, our native payment processing solution, will launch in the US and Canada for fully integrated, smooth transactions.


We’re introducing online check-out functionality and self-service kiosk integrations to improve the guest journey and cater for the modern guest.


We’ll be improving guest profiles to give a more detailed view of each guest and their preferences, allowing hoteliers to segment guests for targeted marketing and produce statements for group reservations.


We’ll be working on improving financial reporting to give users an extensive view of their finances. We’ll also add an additional option for full revenue reporting from the POS.


The next generation of our navigation screens was released this year, which was part of a larger UX project that we’ll continue working on in the second half of 2023.

By upgrading our Booking Engine and making improvements to many modules across the PMS, we’ll provide a smoother user experience and additional functionality.


Hoteliers will be able to shop their favourite tools, apps and features in the extended RoomRaccoon Marketplace as we welcome more integration partners such as Event Temple and Lacoly.

This is just the beginning. There’s still lots more to come!

About RoomRaccoon

RoomRaccoon is the leading Hotel Management System (HMS) designed to sell, market, manage, and grow hotel businesses from a single, easy-to-use platform. The fully integrated platform comes with all the core tools you need: a powerful property management system, a built-in booking engine, and one of the world’s fastest channel managers.

RoomRaccoon was awarded the Best HMS by Hotel Tech Report for 2020 and 2021 and is a finalist for the award in 2022.


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