Free official newsletter of Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated AED (DEFIBRILLATOR) at FISHERMANS LANDING available for PUBLIC USE
Seniors AGM February 13th 2019. Come to the AGM to vote and to have your say.
Saturday Only 7.30am - 4.30pm
Sunday Only 7.30am - 4.30pm
Sick of those annoying phone calls that you can’t understand and they won’t leave you alone? Give the Do Not Call Register and and hopefully have peace and quiet from all those annoying calls.
Do Not Call Register: 1300792958
Benita’s Weight Circuit Classes are open to everyone, including children from approx. 7 years. Classes are run on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 8am—9am Costs per class—$10 per adult $5 per child/student.
What is happening in the Community—Current Online information ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Look us up on Facebook
Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome. Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris. at the RTC centre.
PUBLIC NOTICE Christmas lights will again be on display at 8 Armidale Avenue, Balgal Beach this December and all children accompanied by a responsible adult are more than welcome to wander through the front yard to see what is there. Sadly, it will be the last year that we will be doing such a large display so most of the lights will go on sale after 6 January, 2019. Both Hut and I have taken a lot of pleasure out of the responses from the children who come each year and we would like to wish you all a very Merry and safe Christmas. Here’s to a great 2019.
The Fishermans Landing Fishing and Social Club will be holding another Kids Fishing Classic at the Landing foreshore during the January holidays. This will be open to all accompanied children under 16 years. Prizes, free sausage sizzle, etc. Please check our club Facebook page, Balgal Beach News Facebook plus posters at the Landing for updates and times etc. Everybody welcome no charge. Merry Christmas from the Fishermans Landing Fishing and Social Club
Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc. New members are sought and will be made most welcome. See page 30 for contact details
I would like to express my sincere thanks to all our volunteers who have dedicated their time to our Community Op Shop. I would also like to thank the Rollingstone / Balgal Beach Communities for your continuing donations and support. We wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. To our Op Shop Girls – a get together of all you wonderful Ladies (and our equally wonderful gent) is being organised for 2pm Friday 7 Dec at the Centre, please bring a plate and a drink if you want something different from beer, wine, tea/coffee or soft drinks (being supplied). RSVP either to Chris on 47707855 or Angie 47707774.
Catholic Mass at Com/Centre 7:30am
Check Diary
Yoga, Weight Circuit, Waterobics
5/19 Dec
Mobile Library
6/11/20 Dec No 27 Dec Resume 3 Jan
Rollingstone Bus – Each Thursday – leaving hall at 8am – limited seats
Thurs 6 Dec Wed 12 Dec
Notchies Playgroup 9:30am at the hall. Xmas party at Notch Wed 12 Dec.
No Dec
TCC Computer Tutorial at the RTC
18 Dec & 15 Jan 4/11/18 Dec 15 Jan 2 Dec
Board Games – Xmas Special
11 Dec
My Health Record Workshop 11am at Hall Visiting Vet 9am on Hall Veranda (3rd Thurs of ea Mth) Ballroom School of Dance Workshops 10-11am for a Gold Coin donation Australia Day Celebrations – Get your nominations in. RTC Holiday closure. Check with your groups to see if they are meeting over the break.
20 Dec 8 & 10 Jan 26 Jan COB 14 Dec 18 – resume 3 Jan 19
Hairdresser at the RTC from 9am Christmas Carols 6pm, Santa arrives6:30pm
The January School Holiday Activity is 2 Ballroom Dancing Workshops being presented by Nicole Drew from The Ballroom School of Dance Bluewater. These workshops will be held at the Community Centre on 6 and 11 January starting at 10am. Nicole is generously donating her time for these workshops – please come along and support Nicole. Nicole runs classes at the Bluewater Community Centre and if there is enough interest she might consider running classes at Rollingstone. See the flyer on page XX. Gold Coin donation and limited places apply. Please call 47707855 to book your children a place. The Carers Qld meeting held on 8 November was very well attended with several new members coming along. We have a couple from Toolakea and another local attending. It takes a lot of strength of character to care for someone; it also takes strength to say I need assistance and to know that what I am feeling is quite normal and that there is assistance available. Sometimes a little droplet of information can create a torrent of knowledge, turning a situation that appears to be dark and bleak into something workable and remarkable. The Carers Meetings will continue in the New Year and dates will be provided when known. Christmas Carols is happening on 2 December, Santa and Mrs Claus will be making an appearance courtesy of the Rollingstone Rural Fire Brigade; R&D Lions will be cooking up a storm in the Den. Our two wonderful school choirs will be performing along with Judiana and Friends, the Rollingstone Linedancers, The Dancers from the Ballroom School of Dance, and introducing Trevor a new resident to Balgal Beach who has generously offered to build the Christmassy atmosphere, singing while the Children meet with Santa. Plenty of Songs, Christmas Cheer and Fireworks will be the order of the day – please, save the date and bring along your best voices. Warning: Fireworks can stress some animals – please secure your pets before coming to the Carols. We are organising a “My Health Record” information session on 11 December starting at 11am at the Community Centre. This is for all the community – do you have any questions regarding the My Health Record scheme – this is a great opportunity to have your questions answered by an industry professional. Sue will be cutting hair at the RTC up to Tuesday 18 December; back again 15 January. Bookings preferred. Board Games will be playing on Tuesday 18 December 2pm at the hall, then having a break until 15 January. On Saturday 17 November a meeting of Borton Street Residents and Adam King from the Townsville City Council took place in the hall. This meeting was to provide information to residents and to receive feedback and suggestions to potentially stall the erosion and gain back some of the foreshore that has already been lost at the Borton Street Carpark and to attempt to stop the creek meandering further north. The meeting progressed well with the workshop component bringing forth many and varied ideas to help the situation. Adam suggested he will take these ideas back to Council and develop an action plan. The biggest investment needed to make the plan successful is the support and action by the Community/residents. This means some practices that have been happening on the foreshore over time, will need to be modified to help bring beach access back to Borton Street. Adam would like to report the outcome of the meeting in this month’s Rag however his work schedule will not permit the time. We will endeavour to include the report in the first Rag of 2019 and if received earlier will post on the hall notice boards and on Facebook. As this is the last Rolly Rag for 2018 it is appropriate to shout a big thank you to all our Volunteers – Our Volunteers assist us at the Community Centre in so many ways. We thank and salute - Our Rolly Rag Editors, folders, deliverers; the Op Shop Girls and Co-ordinators; the Book Station Girls; The Community Bus Drivers, the Bus cleaners; Lawn mowers, Garden and Building Maintenance, the Volunteers working for the Pineapple Festival; Our Centrelink Volunteers; Our hall set up/ pack up specialist; and our Management Committee, it is often a forgotten fact that our Management Committee is also made up of volunteers. A big applause to you all. Thank you to Mark, my trusty offsider – you have made a great difference in a short space of time. We have a trio of mischief makers who are doing wonderful things as well, so, another BIG thank you to Brian for installing the new bird bath (in Memory of Di Stephan and everyone else who we have loved and lost) and Mark and Terry for getting the TV aerial up and running. Terry is also taking on the role of Generator tester, once a month Terry will turn the generator over, running it while he attends an activity at the hall – making sure it is in tip top condition for the up and coming storm season. Aftershock will be at Fisherman’s Landing on Friday 30 November, bring your swimmers. RTC Holiday Closure: COB Friday 14 December and reopening Wednesday 3 January. Should you have an urgent request or need to use the hall during this period, please contact Sue Von Wald on 0407753562 or Lynne Prytherch on 47707689 Get your thinking caps on for our Australia Day nominations. The Nomination form is in this Rag or pick up a copy from the RTC, if you are really good and ask nicely, we can email you a copy, just call and ask. The next Rolly Rag will not be until the beginning of March. To keep up with things go to our Rollingstone & District Community Association on Facebook P4 Until March………………. Have a safe and Merry Christmas – see you in 2019………….
on Bruce Highway, Ph. 47708184
The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance. We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00pm P5
We said “seeya later” to our dear friend Rhonda Muller in November. She’s sold her property and moved into Townsville. And, boy, won’t we miss that lady. She’s been an absolute treasure to this community and served it admirably. We’ve just heard that Joyce Morice passed away during November. We learned that Neil Thompson has been having a rough time of it lately. We send him our best wishes and just hope he gets some answers and improves as quickly as possible. Vanda Simmons has come home from hospital at last. Let’s hope all her troubles are over and she’s on the mend.
• • • •
• • •
We held the Association AGM during November and the Committee remains the same. We also installed Madonna Reinke as a Life Member – an acknowledgement long overdue. I just wanted to publicly thank Judy Holt and Wendy Clark and others for the use of the "Poppy Shroud" at the Armistice Day Commemorative Service down at the front Beach. It is beautiful and so fitting for the day and the occasion. Your kindness is extremely appreciated ladies. On the Saturday night, we received 3” of rain (75mm) overnight, then the Sunday was all sunshine with a beautiful breeze and the most wonderful commemorative service down at the cenotaph at the front Beach to remember the signing of the WWI Armistice. It was the best attendance I’ve seen for a Remembrance Day ceremony. We’re looking into Solar Panels for the Hall and RTC; also better vision at night for entrance to the Centre car park; and having the old logs removed away from the pipeline at the creek. We’ve bought a new printer set-up for the RAG. The old one has had its day and we’ve managed to secure a really good contract which will save us considerably on the last arrangement......and, hopefully, a much more streamlined production with many less hiccoughs, which in turn makes life so much more pleasant for Kerrie, Barb, and our admin staff. As I told you last month, we didn’t manage to secure funding for a new printer so this will be a capital outlay we can’t avoid. Congratulations to Allison for organising and the Troupie kids for their services to the Townsville Animal Shelter. Truly a worthy and caring activity. The Association organised a community meeting with Adam King from Council regarding the Borton Street Beach Access. It was well-attended with approx. 50 people present and the discussion was robust and worthwhile. Adam will provide a report with his findings and recommendations. It has only just occurred to me that the ROLLINGSTONE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION was 50 years old this year. Coconut Ice Cream:1 can Coconut Cream, whipped until thickened; add Desiccated Coconut, and half teasp. Vanilla Paste, (and about a dessertspoon of either brown sugar, icing sugar, maple syrup or natural sweetener, if you want it sweetened). Coconut Cream needs to be cold. Remember this at Christmas time: A dog is NOT a toy. And have the merriest of Christmases and a super New Year!! Live well, love much, laugh often....................... “Sancho Panza”.
Skincare, supplements, Makeup and award winning products
Rollingstone State School 2018 has proven to be a successful year at Rollingstone State School. Student results continue to improve and our focus on writing and reading this year have led to pleasing outcomes. In fact, our 2018 NAPLAN results were the best our school has ever recorded. Our students continue to achieve more ‘A’ and ‘B’ results across the key learning areas and we continue to be successful in supporting students to reach and exceed their age appropriate reading benchmark. We were also successful on the sporting field placing 3rd overall for the ‘F’ schools Athletics Competition. More impressively, the girls placed 1st! We also won the Bluestone Cup, an annual series of touch football games against Bluewater State School. Our amazing Indonesian teacher was offered an opportunity to travel to Indonesia with the Department of Education to develop her Indonesian skills even more. This opportunity was only offered to five other teachers in the state. We are punching well above our weight! As I reflect on the year, I am proud of what we have achieved as a school community. I am also aware that significant improvement and progress like we have achieved only comes about because of the passion and influence of the people involved. Therefore, I would like to publicly acknowledge and thank all of the amazing staff at Rollingstone State School who dedicate themselves to doing the best that they can for the students at our school. I would also like to thank the Rollingstone and District Lions Club, the Rollingstone RSL, the Rollingstone State School P&C and other community members for their influence and positive impact on our school and students this year. Your support is greatly appreciated! School resumes in 2019 on Tuesday, January 29. We are looking forward to an even better 2019!
Keith Poulter Principal Rollingstone State School Ph: Fax:
(07) 47 707 313 (07) 47 707 282
Trip Advisor
THE BOOK STATION At the Community Centre Monday to Friday 9-3pm
ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012) Full Page (18 x 26cm)
Half Page (18 x 13cm)
Quarter Page (9 x 13cm)
Business Card (9 x 6.5cm)
Classifieds (up to 20 words)
Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email or * extra costs for supplying the photocopying if required
$2/hour (or part of)
FREE for Students doing school Projects and FREE for Job Seekers.
Printing & Photocopying (Black & White) A4 Single Sided
.10¢ / page
A4 Double Sided
.20¢ / page
A4 50 or more off 1 original
. 5¢ / page
A3 Single Sided
.20¢ / page
A3 Double Sided
.40¢ / page
A3 50 or more off 1 original
.10¢ / page
Colour Photocopying A3 or A4
.50¢ / page
Printing from Computer Black & White
.20¢ / page
Colour ◼
Scanning & Printing (B&W)
$1 / page .50¢ / page First page $1.10 incl. GST)
Consecutive pages $0.55incl. GST) ◼
- Business Card
- A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) - A3 $2.20 (incl. GST) ◼
Room Hire
1/2 Day $20 (incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST)
Important document scanning
Rolly Rag’ Disclaimer
The ‘Rolly Rag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to. P 10
Indoor Carpet Bowls At The Community Centre Wednesday Morning and Night 9-11.30am & 7-9pm!!!! Morning: $2.50 Night: $2.00 This is a FUN activity and is guaranteed to be a winner!! All skill levels & All age groups Just turn up and see how much fun you will have! Further info contact Chris on 47707855
Come and join us for a great time!
BALGAL BEACH MARKETS 1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH Held in the Park @ The Landing Loads of Stalls with Food, Coffee, Jewellery, Clothes, Massage, Plants, Books, Bric a Brac .
NEW Stallholders ALWAYS Welcome Car boot or Bric a Brac etc to sell
Board Games Played on the third Tuesday of each month between 2-4pm at the Hall. Scrabble, Mahjong, Yahtzee and MORE!!! Bring along your favourite game if you want or play with any of our games!
$2 for an afternoon of fun with like minded people.
Call 0457 815 453 Presented by
Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club
For online information on what's on look up
Your Local Community Pharmacy Bluewater
Healthsave Pharmacy
Balgal Beach Healthsave Pharmacy
2 Purono Parkway, Yabulu 4818
114 Mystic Avenue, Balgal Beach 4816
PH: 07 4778 6233
PH: 07 4770 7400
FAX: 07 4778 6733
FAX: 07 4770 7399
8.30am – 6pm Monday – Friday
8.30am – 5pm Monday – Friday
8.30am – 1pm Saturday
8.30am – 12pm Saturday
FREE Blood Pressure Checks
* Hire Equipment
*NDSS Agent – Diabetes Supplies
Blister Packaging for your medicines
* Full Prescription Service
*Delivery available for those in need
MLE – Making Life Easy (Large range of Home Healthcare aids)
*Ear Piercing
*Faulding Vitamins
Pharmacy Choice Brand Products (Quality product made affordable with 100% money back guarantee) Easy parking available Hello from the Team at the Pharmacy, Another year is almost over and Santa is due to visit us all. Hope you have all been good and made it to the nice list. The Dr’s will be closed from Saturday 22nd December through to Monday 7th January 2019. Re-Opening on Tuesday 8th Jan Do you have all your scripts that you require for the Christmas break? Bluewater Medical Practice will be open for this time period but it is better to be safe than sorry. Here at the Pharmacy you will see our smiling faces as we are only closed Sundays and Public holidays. These are: Tuesday 25th December Wednesday 26th December Tuesday 1st January 2019 We have reached that time of year where we are in Cyclone season. Are you DRUGS “STORM READY” Have you enough supply to last? Keep each product in a zip lock bag (Most medications don’t like water or humidity!!!) Be sure to keep everything together in an airtight container for any emergency evacuation. For those using Blister pack system service, please contact your provider for any special storage requirements. Our emergency contact for the Pharmacy is Frank Ferlazzo 0419166766 We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year.
Frank, Bec and Kristie P 12
Balgal Beach Medical Practice will be closing over the Christmas period.
RE-OPEN on MONDAY 7th January 2019. For medical attention during this time please contact the Bluewater Medical Practice On 47 786 444.
Doctors and staff wish you all a safe and happy Christmas, and a peaceful New Year.
Next visit:
21 October 2018
ROLLINGSTONE STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE This year we have welcomed 6 members to our team and as of November 2018, Rollingstone SES members have committed 950 hours in supporting local communities. We have supported local schools, local businesses, and members of the public with disaster awareness programs, fundraising activities, and just for the opportunity to have a little fun and meet some awesome new residents in the community at large. These opportunities are a pleasure to be a part of, and help us to develop our awareness strategies to target vulnerable areas within the community. Just a reminder…...YES ANOTHER ONE…...Please check your yards for loose debris – we are at that time of year when mother (or father) nature reminds us that they are still in control. As always, your SES Group is continuing to maintain and improve on skills to support the community in times of an emergent event. Our goal for the coming year is to improve our ability to support our community and our neighbouring community members; we will be working on improving our storage capability and our ability to deploy as required. LAST TRAINING DATE Training for this year will cease on December 5, 2018 and will resume 2018 February 4 2019. Rollingstone SES Members wish you all a SAFE holiday season and a Merry Christmas. DECEMBER Remember we are only a phone call away when needed…….132500 Thinking of joining our growing SES family, come along and see for yourself what we do and what we can offer. Until next time ………..Stay Safe
Sat 01 @ 9:00 am Wed 05 @ 6:45 pm
4770 7698
0437 555 469
4770 7540 / 0427 074 816 4770 7356 / 0412 965 535 0402 084 588
No story this month, as this is the last entry for the year and on behalf of Gaye, Gwen and myself; We would like to thank everyone for their support in 2018. We would like to thank everyone who made donations of all kinds; linen, clothing, cages, baskets, mozzie coils, toilet rolls and much more. Thank you very much to the Lions Club for their much needed donation and lastly: A big thank you to Monica and Pam for making our pouches and liners, without them we would still be making our own and trust me they were nothing flash. I would like to say a big thank you to Peter Cahill for all his assistance with our rescues. You did a great job Peter. Thank you to those of the community who stopped and checked the animals, the joeys and possums you saved have now got a second chance of life. We can't tell you how much this is appreciated. I would like to also thank Gaye and Gwen for their assistance when an animal had to go to heaven. It is not an easy thing to do and breaks our hearts each time but they manage to do it….thanks girls. Well I hope I have covered everyone, if not it was not intentional to miss anybody so a big thank you to those I forgot and I will remember after I have sent this away. On behalf of myself, Chris, Gaye and Gwen…..We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Stay safe on the roads and look out for Wild Life…………..See you in the great outdoors Chris
Congratulations to all winners in our Melbourne Cup Sweeps. How good was the race! Better still… good was the 38 ml of rain that we received over the next couple of days! I would like to take this opportunity to say on behalf of the Toomulla Beach Community Association Committee a BIG THANK YOU to all those wonderful people who have continued to support us for another year. We have had the usual Easter, Mothers Day, Winter Raffle, Fathers Day & Christmas Raffles which has been so well supported and people have won some great prizes each time. We also had a very successful Garage Sale again this year, as well as having lots of fun on the day. Lucky Numbers - we gave 30 lucky winners $50 each. So all in all it has been a successful, fun & happy year. Speaking of Raffles, the Christmas Raffle is drawn on Sunday 16th December so there is still time to grab some tickets. Three prizes - $150 Hamper, $50 Kmart gift card, Wine & Cheese hamper for 3rd prize. Tickets $1 each or 6 for $5. THANK YOU to the Member for Hinchinbrook Nick Dametto and local residents Brett & Kaylene Grady for your generous $$ donation toward the Kids Christmas Party. This good hearted support is what keeps the smiles on the kids faces when Santa arrives with presents for all the kids. And this will be Santa’s 7th year to visit Toomulla to see the kids. Thank you so much Santa and I hope you have enjoyed yourself on each visit!! So, for those going away over the Christmas New Year period, I hope you have a wonderful holiday with family or friends and enjoy the time away. Hope to see lots of people at our Australia Day Celebrations in Toomulla Park on Saturday 26 January 2019 starting at 10.30am. We will have lots of games like cricket, trivia, colouring pages & thong throwing (Marcus is banned from this game!) for the kids & adults along with some giveaways and drinks for the kids. We will have food & nibblees - gold coin donation. Looking forward to the day. Happy Birthday to those celebrating in December and to Margie Gallagher & Betty Coleman celebrating birthdays in January. Congratulations ladies. As this will be our last newsletter for 2018 I would like to THANK the Editors Kerrie & Barbara who dedicate their time to put all the articles together each month for the Rollingstone Rag. Enjoy your break and see you next year.To Debbie, Don & Annie, Margie & Noel for all your help each month delivering the Rolly Rag to our fellow Toomulla residents, thank you. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Cheers…..Rhonda.
Can everyone keep their can ring tops off the aluminium cans please? There will be a tin in the Community Hall for collection. The ring tops go towards the making of new Wheelchairs Collection Tin in the Hall
Rollingstone Community Association yearly memberships are due Only $1.00 per person See Mark or Chris at the RTC
Volunteers required for delivery of the Rolly Rag to the local community once a month (excluding Jan and Feb) Please contact Chris at the Centre on: 4770 7855. P15
Lions are taking up a collection of old mobile phones that are no longer being used. Collection bin (plastic container) is in the Community Hall
The bookmobile visits twice each month on Yellow Bin day. Located in the carpark at Rollingstone Community Centre P16
SUMMER PARTY PUNCH INGREDIENTS 1 star anise 1/2 cup caster sugar 1/3 cup water 2 cups pineapple juice 1 cup chilled sparkling mineral water 125g raspberries 120g blueberries 100g seedless green grapes, halved 100g seedless red grapes, halved 1 mango, peeled, sliced 2 kiwifruits, peeled, cut into wedges 1 small red apple, sliced crossways 1/2 cup fresh mint sprigs Ice cubes, to serve Lemon slices, to serve METHOD Place star anise, 1/3 cup sugar and 1/3 cup water in a small saucepan. Stir over medium heat for 2 minutes or until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat. Place in a large bowl. Stir in pineapple juice and mineral water. Place fruit, half the mint and ice in a large jug. Top with juice mixture. Serve punch with lemon slices and top with remaining mint.
NOVEMBER RAINFALL REPORT Monthly Rain totals as at 23/11/18 Rainfall for Nov: 112.8mm Year to date: 1511.3mms Wet Days: 10 Max Temp: 32° on 23/11/18 Min Temp: 20° on 17/11/18 Access the data from our local weather station at: dashboard?ID=IQUEENSL849
5th & 19th December FREE WIFI now available from Mobile Library
Electricity and gas rebates
Queensland pensioners and seniors may be eligible for: • the Electricity Rebate—$340.85 per year (GST inclusive) • the Reticulated Natural Gas Rebate—$72.51 per year (GST inclusive). Please note, all rebates are GST inclusive. Rebates for eligible card holders may appear as GST exclusive on bills.
Rebates are available to people who have any of the below: • Pensioner Concession Card • Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card (and receive the War Widow/er Pension or special rate TPI Pension) • Queensland Seniors Card • Commonwealth Health Care Card (Electricity Rebate only) • Asylum seeker status—residents will need to provide their ImmiCard details (Electricity Rebate only). To be eligible, you must be the electricity account holder and also live alone or share your principal place of residence with (only) any of the below: • their spouse • other people who hold a Pensioner Concession Card or Queensland Seniors Card • other people wholly dependent on them • other people who receive an income support payment from Centrelink, the Family Assistance Office, or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and who do not pay rent • other people who live with the cardholder to provide care and assistance, and who do not pay rent. If you live in caravan park or multi-unit residential building (e.g. apartment), you must also show that your electricity or reticulated natural gas is paid on the basis of metered consumption.
How to apply for the rebate: Gas
Contact your gas retailer. You will need to provide certain details, so have copies of your bills and concession card handy so you can verify your eligibility. Rebates are automatically deducted from your bill.
If you have an account with an electricity retaile:
Contact your electricity retailer. You can apply over the phone or ask your retailer to send you an application form. You will need to provide certain details and have copies of your bills and concession card handy, so you can verify your eligibility. Rebates are automatically deducted from your bill.
If you live in an apartment complex, residential park, retirement village or a granny flat
Contact the person/organisation sending your electricity bill. Find out more about rebates for rebates for residents of home park or multi-unit residential premises.
If you receive your electricity through an Ergon card-operated meter
Go to the Ergon Energy Queensland website for more information. You will receive power cards for the value of your rebate. You will need to provide certain details, so have your concession card and 8 digit meter number handy so you can verify your eligibility. If you need some help, get someone you trust (e.g. relative or community worker) to sit with you while you are on the phone.
Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone P21 Rural Transaction Centre…….Phone: 4771 5411 P21
Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News G.Day All,…...On the 28th Oct we had a club outing to the Hervey Range Tea Rooms again for BREAKFAST. It was great; and a very pleasant place to go. 25 members went and we all had a ball, great company, wonderful atmosphere and TOP FOOD. We have had two outings to Hervey Range Tea Rooms both for breakfast and by popular demand we are going to organize similar events for next year at different places. Suggestions please? REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT. This months BBQ at the hall was another good night; We played team quoits, which is always a popular choice. Team quoits winners were Cheryl, Shirl, Faye and Bruce, they were presented with the Gold. WELL DONE GUYS. We had a fabulous feed and plenty of laughs. What more could we ask for. Thanks must go to the BBQ cooks and the ladies for the scrumptious deserts. Lots of variety. EXCELLENT… Linda C. won the LOUNDS SEAFOOD RAFFLE it’s the best prize. Loundsy has the best seafood in town and Lesley won the members lucky number draw. Good on ya Lesley. Our next get together on the 9th Dec will be our CHRISTMAS PARTY. Do not miss out it will be a fun night. JUDIANNA will be playing music for us along with family members, they are really good. WE ALL LOVE YOU JUDY, HOPE YOU’RE FEELING BETTER. So good to hear our Vanda is home again. Take care and get well soon and we are losing Rhonda to the big city. All the best mate and we will all miss you. Come back for a regular visit. Look forward to seeing you all, KINDEST REGARDS FROM YOUR COMMITTEE………..Stay safe and smile oft
PARCEL COLLECTION SERVICE If anyone in the community would like a parcel picked up in Townsville and delivered to your door on the day our Community Bus goes into town (weekly on Thursdays), call Chris (855), organise it with her and it will be done.
P 24
R.S.L.NEWS Hello again from the Rollingstone RSL. This month has seen the 100 year celebration of the end of World War 1 on 11 November 1918. France had a celebratory turnout at Villiers Bretonneux with leaders from all over the world of which Australia was represented by our Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove. In saying that, our own community had a very good turnout at the memorial on the beach front. Many thanks to all those who gave their time to give remembrance to those who fought and died, so that we could have the freedom that we have today in our country. Our speakers discussed the social and personal effects of the long War and how the returned servicemen and women variously resumed their place in their societies. Whilst many did resume their lives in some order, for many others the effects of the war were too extreme to ensure that they could resume what they had left before. At an educated guess some 60,000 men (as many as those who were killed or died on service) may have taken their own life as a result of their service and the dire effects they suffered. Now known as post traumatic stress (PTS) our own current service men and women are still being afflicted with this insidious syndrome. Speaking of: How were those Invictus Games!!! For this service we had two Chaplains and the Lord’s Prayer was printed on the Order of Service. Thanks, Chappy Travis and Rob Richardson. Some might remember Chappy Jess: Jess is about now heading over to Thailand to help coach a junior’s team in a Rugby Carnival. Jess currently coaches a team that includes students from Bluewater State School. Whilst she was fundraising for the Team and herself Jess approached us for some sponsorship and we were happy to help. The deal is that Jess will attend a general meeting of the members of Rollingstone RSL and give an account of the Team’s experience and achievements on tour. Sounds like singing for her supper! The RAAF again provided the Catafalque Party and joined us at the Club for some interesting chats Many others also met up at the Mystic Sands Golf Club. Thanks to Mick and Lisa and everybody there for their contribution to this Centenary of Armistice Day. I guess we will get used to calling it Remembrance Day again. Just a reminder please, that membership renewal fees for 2019 are due at 31 Dec18. Fees must be paid by 28 February 2019, after this time, anyone who hasn’t paid will need to re-apply to join the RSL. Unfortunately, there will be no Christmas function this year. However, we will be holding a dinner in 2019 to reassure everyone that we are still operating effectively and doing all we are expected to achieve.
My year in review!! Merry Xmas and a very Happy New year!! Well it started with an Amazing Australia day, then came Anzac day, Pineapple Festival, Microchip days, Pioneers lunch, School presentations, Seniors week…..You name it, it all happened in Rollingstone Balgal Beach. We even managed to get a priority list done!! Thank you ALL so much for your feedback, advice and incredible passion!! Very excited about what has happened this year and look forward to working with you all in 2019 and beyond. I hope you all enjoy your Christmas Break, take care, God Bless and lets hope we have an Amazing Wet Season!! Warm regards…...Margie Ryder Your proud divisional 1 Councillor for Townsville City
Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club News Hello and welcome to this the last Club News article until oh perhaps March 2019; now that will be nice. Our Club Weekend Away to Lucinda in Late October went very well with 23 adults and 3 children attending. Some even broke with tradition and actually caught fish! Pretty poor form Chaps, hey what. Col Cattle alias Mr. Moo has an additional alias after a very hot day on the water, please welcome Mr. Cooked Mud Crab. Thanks to Dickie who did most of the cooking in very fine style over the weekend and also those Members who just got up and cooked themselves; that is what it is supposed to be all about. Saturday night was a Halloween themed night, the kids and some adults dressed up and put on a fine show. Congratulations Mick and Chris Maher who did an excellent job with their costumes and antics, and their dog even dressed up as well. Col Cattle and Chris Maher then teamed up to be triumphant in the hotly contested Trivia event. Di and I are very grateful for the enormous help we received over the weekend with the never ending chores of setting up, cleaning the BBQ area etc. Thank you all for a very pleasant weekend away. Upcoming events are the Markets on Saturday 1st December which will be the last Market Day until probably March/April 2019 depending on the weather. Then on either 20th or 21st January 2019 we will conduct another Kids Fishing Classic with great prizes to be won in several categories and the day will conclude at 11.00 am with the prize presentations and a free sausage sizzle. Let’s hope a local child wins this time as the last two winners came from Kelso and Aitkenvale. Another event planned for early 2019 is a boat licence course so keep an eye out for details. At the commencement of the Barra Season, a Barra Fishing Competition will be conducted. Our Club Fishing Events Coordinator will advise all the details, rules etc once all the boxes are ticked. There will be NO End of Month BBQ at The Landing in late December but be prepared for a huge New Years Eve Function (not at The Landing). The function will include food, courtesy bus, live music and fireworks. Notices will be sent to individual Club Members with all the details in due course so please, open your Emails or miss out. Bookings will be essential. On Remembrance (Armistice) Day, President Di laid a wreath at the Balgal Beach Cenotaph on behalf of our Club. It was pleasing to see a few Club Members attend to show their respect on this important day. During the upcoming quiet period, Members will be notified by Email of details of any upcoming Club events either individually, via our Facebook page which is Fisherman’s Landing Fishing and Social Club Balgal Beach inc. Balgal Beach News or on the notice board at The Landing. If you didn’t know about an event and missed it, you obviously do not open your Emails. Contact with the Club Committee is via messenger on our face book page which is Fisherman’s Landing Fishing and Social Club Balgal Beach Inc or myself by phone on 0427 240 472 On behalf of the Club President and your Committee, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year. Please also remember our Service and other Personnel serving overseas or in remote areas who will not be able to share the Festive Season with their loved ones. Stay safe and enjoy the break………….Until next year, Ninger
Gidday Rollingstone Ahh Christmas…a truly magical time of year when long, hot, sweaty days are followed by even longer, hot, sweaty nights, rampant commercialism plays havoc on every TV channel, political correctness goes into panic mode in a vain effort to not offend anyone and the refund counter of every major retail outlet braces for the inevitable onslaught of unwanted, ill-fitting, over-priced or under-appreciated gifts that were bought with the best of intentions. Do I sound like a cynic to you? I’m not really…seriously, I’m not. I personally love Christmas. I get a bit “nose out of joint” with all that stuff – but when it comes down to it, Christmas is between me and…Christmas. I don’t think it matters what’s going on around you, whether someone else likes it or not, celebrates it or not, spends big or spends nothing, whether you’re black, white or brindle, it’s just you and…Christmas. I don’t want to disrespect anyone’s race, colour, creed, culture or religious beliefs…I just want to do…Christmas – no big deal – not asking for anyone to do it with me – don’t want to shove it in your face (any more than I want it shoved in mine) – but it’s what I’ve done since I was a little kid and it works for me – I like it. Half of the super hero team of the Ginger Ninja and Peroxide Girl- has gone to Camooweal. Yes, the Ginger Crusader has taken on a temporary role as OIC on the edge of the desert – so far west he has to step to one side to let the sun go down. In the mean-time Peroxide Girl (who now even signs off her emails with ‘PG’) is complaining that I won’t step up into a super hero role. To be honest, I’d wear the mask and even the cape but I draw the line at wearing my undies on the outside of my pants. And besides…I don’t have a cool name – the best Alissa could come up with was
‘Super Grumpy Old Fart Man’. I understand that there are some concerns from a few people about signs that ask for motorists to slow down and be aware of children playing and using the streets. For obvious reasons, I’m not going to buy into this to any large degree, except to ask that if you have a sign like that, place it in the right spot. Apparently, the Council have issues with them being on wheelie bins or on their footpaths. I can only imagine that your fence would be OK although it puzzles me as to why the Council would object to road safety signage – particularly regarding our kids. But if you don’t like the signs, simply don’t get one - or maybe just have half of one – or maybe print up your own road safety signs with your own company name or business name or club name on them – sounds like a great initiative for a local business or community group to get onto. I’d be more than happy to endorse something like that. Well my lovelies, Merry Christmas from me and mine to all of you and yours. Be good, be safe, be happy and thank you for indulging my dribble over the past 12 months. Only 21 to go…...Stay safe….Goughy
The National Redress Scheme (the Scheme) commenced on 1st July 2018 and will run for 10 years. The Scheme provides redress to people who experienced childhood institutional child sexual abuse. The wallet cards are a discreet way to provide details of where people can get information about the Scheme. P27
Rollingstone & District Seniors Whoa, what the heck has happened to this year, it has flown like a bird caught in a storm. I think it is time to thank all those folk who during this year have organised events and worked hard to make this parcel of paradise, the paradise it is, thank you to all concerned. There was an outing to 10 pin bowling that many requested but alas the turn out was pathetic, c’mon you ask for this and then shun it. There were some with excellent reasons but......... The Melbourne cup lunch was enjoyed by the ones who turned up, great selection of food and plenty of it but why is it always the same same. Functions are organised but not attended by many. Perhaps it's in the too hard basket to go outside the square. I personally think life is too darn short so let's get out and do what we can when we can, every day is an adventure waiting to happen. Things are still happening with Xmas just around the corner, luncheons, parties woo hoo what ever. The Seniors are holding their luncheon on Dec 7th, monies to be in by Dec. 1st. No pay no .go……...10.30am……...Buffet style The menu is: Prawn entree Ham/chicken and various salads Cheesecake, fruit and ice cream. Fruit punch and BYO. Once again it is up to you to join in and have some fun as there is a dance organised for this luncheon so could be interesting. Next year is the AGM for Rollingstone & District Seniors so once again come along and put your vote in and / or give your opinions or advice, thoughts, anything, become involved in YOUR community. February 13th. 2019. The committee this year has tried to involve all but they need your help to succeed, we have 3 groups out here that cater to all, but we all need your support to make a go of everything. We said farewell to Rhonda who moved into the aged facility at Carlyle Gardens (tee hee), we are going to miss her face around the area but wish her all the very best for her future. She is going on a cruise in December, hope she doesn't have a shipboard romance with a young stud who fleeces her of all her $$$$$. (Barbara Cartland special) Ok serious now, Xmas raffle by the Seniors, lots of great goodies. Cheap way to get Xmas pressies except you have to be in it to win. Don't forget the CAROLS this year again, great night out, a time to give thanks. Well this is the last for the year so reckon I could have poetic Licence. I hope everyone has a lovely relaxing Xmas and we will see you in the New Year. Ciao…….Gaye
This month I wish to address such things as (1). “Drivers changing Lanes”; (2). “Drivers indicating their intention to change lanes”; (3) Keeping a safe Distance between Vehicles; (4) “Keeping to the far left side of the road”; (5) Keep in left lane on multi lane road where the speed limit is 80 km/h or greater; and (6) “Giving Way at the end of Multi-lane roads”. I will start this presentation with the “Common Sense” Common Road Rules. Road Rule 126, “Keeping a Safe Distance Behind Vehicles” – A driver MUST drive at a safe distance behind a vehicle travelling in front of the driver so the driver can, if necessary, stop safely to avoid collision with the vehicle”. This Road Rule is self explanatory. You must safe travel behind the vehicle in front, so that in the case of an emergency braking, you have sufficient time to stop before colliding with the car in front. Quite often when you travel at this safe distance, another driver in the other lane thinks that he has sufficient room to change lanes, thereby reducing you braking distance in an emergency. So if you think that driver in the other lane has left a space for you to change lane, you will be prosecuted. Road Rule 129, “Keeping to the far left side of the road”. – “ A driver on a road, other than a multi-lane road, MUST drive as near as practicable to the far left side of the road” (This Rule does not apply to motorcycle riders). It is quite obvious that many drivers on our roads either do not know this Road Rule or they don’t understand it. The “Key Words” in this Section are MUST and AS NEAR AS PRACTABLE to the FAR LEFT”, not in the middle of the lane or as adjacent to the centre line. Whenever I drive, I always comply with this Road Rule and quite often I can see past the passenger side of the car in front of me. I regularly look at my left mirror to see where my left side rear wheel is in relation to the edge line. (That’s one of the reasons why we have mirrors on the nearside of our vehicles). I also see cars travelling in the centre of the lane. This is not what the Road Rule says. (It says Keeping to the left side of the road, not the centre line). Why do you think that Main Roads have with to the 1 meter centre lines on the highways. I’ll tell you why. Far too many accidents occurred because drivers were not complying with this Road Rule, and one moment of inattention on the part of one driver has resulted in serious accidents (Particularly on the Highways where speed limits are 100 km/h or 110 km/h. With the wider separation lines, it gives the one driver a few seconds to reduce the seriousness of the accident. Road Rule 148, “Giving way when moving from 1 marked lane of line of traffic to another marked lane or line of traffic”. (1) A driver who is moving from 1 marked lane (whether or not the lane is ending) to another marked lane “must give way” to any vehicle travelling in the same direction as the driver in the marked lane to which the driver is moving. In other words it means that if you are changing lanes, you MUST indicate your intention, but this does not mean that any driver using the lane into which you wish to enter does not have to give way. Again I remind you that because a driver is obeying Rule 126 and keeping a safe distance behind the vehicle in front of it, it does not mean that you can squeeze in between the two vehicles. (2). A driver on a road with 2 or more lines of traffic travelling in the same direction as the driver and who is moving from 1 line of traffic to another, must give way to any vehicle travelling in the same direction as the driver in the line of traffic to which the driver is moving. (See Example 1). Road Rule 149, “Giving way when lines of traffic merge into a single line of traffic” – “A driver in a line of traffic that is merging with 1 or more lines of traffic travelling in the same direction as the driver: MUST give way to a vehicle in another line of traffic if any part of the vehicle is ahead of the driver’s vehicle”. (See example). Again I remind you that as you are changing lanes, you are required to signal your intention to move right. Every time I am driving in the right hand lane (after complying with the Road Rules and changed lanes before the merging lane ends) I am well in front of the vehicle that is merging, but the driver of that vehicle accelerates (often in excess of the speed limit) to get in front of me. If the police have hand held speed detecting devices, not only will they be booked for not giving way to the vehicle in the right lane, they could even be booked for exceeding the speed limit (even if it is only 5 km/h over the limit). Below are two example of Merging Lanes. You will see that one has a dotted line and the other doesn’t. If you are the driver in the left lane when you come to the end of the lane and it has a dotted line, you must Give Way to the vehicle/s in the right lane. If there are no dotted lines and you are travelling at the speed limit and any part of your vehicle is ahead of the vehicle in the right lane (if you are travelling at the speed limit) the vehicle in the right lane must give way to you. You will notice in both photos, the vehicle has to signal his intention when changing lanes/ merging.
You don’t need to register for phone counselling, just give our professional counsellors a call on 1300 059 625, any day, anytime.
Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc. G’Day Rollingstone, Where has the year gone. We are into the silly season already. Functions and parties already starting to happen. Our little Lions club will be putting shoulder to the wheel for the next month. We had a huge weekend at the Big 4 Caravan Park for those that attended the Annual Rolly Rocks Car Show and Musical Festival on the 23-25 November. This was a great weekend and was attended by lot of our locals as well. Our annual RaDCA Carols is on again 2 December. Hope to see you all there, bring the little ones along to meet Santa. On the 5 December; Mutarnee State School are having their Graduation Dinner at the RaDCA Hall and Lions are catering for their big event. It’s great to see Organisations using our wonderful facilities. On the 8 December; Santa and Mrs Claus together with Lions, Rollingstone Police and our Firies will be doing the lolly run and Christmas cake sales. On the 12 December; we are involved with the Presentation Night of our local Rolly School. It is great to see the young folk getting awarded for their Achievements throughout the year. Also on the 8 December; our hard working Leos will be celebrating their year with a Christmas function at the Barra Fun Park. This will be a great outing for them and reward for their hard work during the year. I would like to thank our hardworking Lions for their tireless efforts throughout the year both with catering and fundraising. For a small club, we do exceptional work and the funds we raise are distributed to the various Charities and organisations that Lions support. To the Community of Rollingstone; I would like to thank you all for supporting Lions and Community Activities. We have a marvellous, vibrant Community that we should all be proud of. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year and Please stay safe over the Christmas period and look after one another. Dowie….0412396450
ROLLINGSTONE AND DISTRICT LEO CLUB G’day Rollingstone, and another exciting year for our Leos Club is fast coming to a close. This year Leos have again shared fun and laughter as they participated in various activities and projects including Barbecue and Pool Competition, Sports afternoon and Camp Out Night – including the very moving “Candle Light Ceremony” with Glow sticks followed by Camp Fire and movies, the Leos stall at the Pineapple Festival, Planning a full agenda for 2019, and will finish the year with supporting the Graduating School Junior Leos – including a collection of items for Christmas Hampers for distribution in our local Rollingstone Community, and the Leos Christmas breakup at the Barra Fun Park. If you would like to support the Leos and Junior Leos with their local Christmas Hampers, a collection box for non-perishable items will be located at the Community Centre. Hampers will be packed and distributed on Sunday afternoon 16 December. From all of the Leos – “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”, and hope to see more new Leos (young people aged 12 – 18) joining us in the New Year. Till Then – “Let’s Enjoy Ourselves.” John Muller Leo Advisor………..Mobile 0407 114687: Email
Centrelink Access Point at the Community Centre Centrelink provides phone, fax, copier and computer access for individuals wanting to access Centrelink services. To make a claim or an enquiry please make use of the equipment and services available through the Access Point. Limited Medicare services also available. P30
Ode to a Bunning’s Onion I am a Bunning’s onion My life was once quite grand, I’d get to look at everything As you held me in your hand. Looking out the drivers window Or at the people you would greet, All these scenes unfolded Up upon my sausage seat. Sometimes I would be blinded Smothered by that sauce so red, Or a squeeze of yellow mustard Soaked up by the fresh white bread. But now my life’s just not as good As it used to be, For my view is now constricted By the snag on top of me. And why you ask have things so changed, Why did my status drop? It’s all because some Gympie bloke Trod on me and went flop! So I’ll fade into obscurity Underneath some dodgy meat, Now that Bunning’s changed the way We eat our weekend treat. So please do not forget me Now I’m down out of the way, And now and then lift up that snag And smile and say G’day! I’ll still be just as tasty Cooked so caramel and rich, I’m just not as important Since becoming Bunning’s B#tch!
NOTCH Connect Playgroup Thursdays 9.30am to 11.30am Rollingstone Community Centre Community Drive, Mystic Sands Contact Details NOTCH Connect Playgroup North Townsville Community Hub 52 Palm Drive Deeragun, 4818 PH: 47516511
Paluma in the Clouds - Colwyn Campbell
What changes in the environment a few weeks can make as spring moves into summer! Along the lower slopes of the Range Road, long green grass now covers the burnt leaves and fire-blackened earth and almost eclipses the cycads which, a few weeks ago, were so conspicuous. On trees, new green foliage replaces the dead leaves. Wattle trees fringing the road are flaunting fluffy spikes of pale gold. Further up the road and throughout the village, rainforest trees are bursting out with new leaves; noticeably the soft, drooping cream leaves of Bollywood and cascades of salmon pink on certain Syzygiums. Especially striking is the deep crimson new growth on the Plum Satin-ash. Now is the time of year to look out for the Buff Breasted Paradise Kingfisher which every year flies from PNG to breed. Breeding season is between November and March and the birds nest in termite mounds within a limited habitat in north-east Queensland. One such location is along a section of the Range Road between Paluma and The Saddle where several nesting spots are regularly used. Colourful little birds, they are distinguished by long white tail feathers which stream out behind the bird when in flight. In the village, birds are full of the romance of late spring. Male Victoria’s Riflebirds have been calling and displaying strenuously over the past few weeks. The courtship performance is fascinating to watch. The male bird inflates his breast and arches his wings gracefully over his head, flicking the wing-tips together with a snapping sound. At the same time he bobs and dances from side to side, showing off his fine buff breast and splendid turquoise nape. To see a short video of the courtship ritual, performed by juvenile males, visit the website. There is also a series of excellent still shots provided by Michele Bird, of an adult pair’s courtship. Golden Whistlers and several other species of bird have been seen attacking their own reflections in car rearvision mirrors; certain that behind the glass is a rival, for their affections or their territory? Male brush turkeys are resplendent now in breeding plumage, with bright yellow wattles hanging like a fat scarf from their scarlet necks. Having spent weeks raking leaves to build large nesting mounds, they are now relentlessly pursuing females with a gusto that seems more rapacious than amorous. Among the events in the village recently was the annual firing of Len Cook’s anagama kiln. The giant kiln was stacked with vessels made during the previous twelve months then fired for four days; Len and two helpers working shifts to stoke the fire continuously until the optimum temperature was reached. Then the fire was closed down and the kiln sealed for another four or five days until cool and the ceramic vessels unloaded. The beautiful glazes are formed from the wood ash, each piece uniquely marked. The kiln is a spectacular sight at night with flames belching from the chimney and the glow of fire behind the stoking doors. On Remembrance Day, 11th November, a group of twenty villagers met at 11.00 am to commemorate the Armistice and the hundredth anniversary of the end of World War 1. The flag was set at half mast, flowers were laid at the cenotaph and a minutes silence was observed. A dinner under the stars was held at the High Ropes course on the Saturday evening preceding the Outer Limits Trail Run, (held on 29 October). Tables were set up beneath the party-light adorned high ropes and a large crowd enjoyed the gathering. The next day was sultry and the runners did very well with no casualties despite the heat. The run was held over three courses: 6km, 10km and for the truly stout-hearted, 20km A fine day favoured the garden competition and the gardens looked splendid. The winners of the Best garden trophy were Glenda and Nick von Rynswoud. Other winners were Gumburu, Don Battersby, Peter and Dorothy Klumpp and Michele Bird. As the festive season approaches, I wish you all a peaceful Christmas and a safe and happy holiday.
COMMUNITY DIRECTORY Rollingstone & District Community Assoc Inc.
44 Community Cres, Rollingstone 4816
C/o Northern Beaches Station
Committee: President:
Sue Von Wald
Lynne Prytherch
47707 689
Hon. Secretary
Chris Martin
47707 855
Ian Dow
Deb Calder
47707 474
Narelle Wallace
Geoffrey Prytherch All Correspondence to:
47707 689
The Secretary
Rollingstone Qld 4816
8am - 4pm E-mail:
Chris Martin
Monday - Friday
47707 855 Fax: 47707 811
Community Hall Phone (M-F 9am-3pm) @ op shop 47707 153 ROLLY RAG E-mail:
Rag office
47707 799
Police Office Hours 9.30am - 3.30pm Tuesday to Thursday
47707 144
(excluding Public Holidays) Senior Sergeant
Brad Gough
Senior Constable
Shaun Sutton
Front Desk Admin
47707 285
Fire Permit
John Pace
47707 348
Eddie White
47707 619
Hencamp Creek
HQ Group Leader
13 2500 47707 589
Rob Wilson
47707 498
Rollingstone State School Principal:
Keith Poulter
47707 313
Rollingstone state school P & C Assoc. President:
Kerri-Anne Fitzsimmons
47707 001
Mutarnee State School Principal:
Michael Blake
Faye Thomson
47707 616
Kerrie Cochrane
47707 034
Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc. President
Di Thompson
Neil Thompson
Playgroup North Townsville Community Hub
47516 511
Jamie Oliver
0408 710 030
1st. Vice President
Colwyn Campbell
47708 559
2nd. Vice President
Lynn Hyland
4770 8681
Michele Bird
Wilfred Karnoll
47788 441
Ewan Cameron
Jan Battersby
Rollingstone RSL
Rollingstone & District Lions Club President
Ian Dow
John Holliday
Joh Schwier
Gaye Lovell
47707 356
Toomulla Community Association
Raymond Pace
Emergency - Flood or Storm
Rollingstone & District Seniors Inc.
Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone
Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club Inc.
Paluma & District Community Association
44 Community Crescent,
Community Centre Manager
47786 033
47708 131
Rhonda Schwarz
47707 813
Animal Contact Numbers Animal Refuge
47745 130
Animal Ambulance (after hours)
47745 130
RSPCA Inspection
47744 714
Straying Stock
47738 411
National Parks & Wildlife Service
47212 399
N.Q. Wildlife Care Group Bird Rescue
0414717374 47707 356 / 041296553
Margaret Preston (Vet)
Livestock on highway—REPORT TO
13 19 40
Justices Of The Peace Chris Martin Max Agnew
M-F 8am-4pm
47707 855 0409689320
Alcoholics Anonymous For More Information
47715 411
P 33
Rollingstone General Store 6.30am to 6pm every day Cheap petrol, diesel, oil and car products Gas cylinder refills Newspapers and magazines Gift cards and stationery Milk and fresh bread Pet food and bones Ice-cream Cold soft drinks, iced tea, flavoured milk Hot pies and sausage rolls
Groceries and small goods
Pay bills (rego, phone, power etc)
Phone credit (all networks) Post parcels and letters
Barista quality Bounce coffee
Latte, cappuccino, caramel, skinny, etc.
Try our chocolate muffins
NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.
Plus Extensive range of Frozen Vegetables
Going Fishing? We stock tackle, lines, lures, BAIT for local conditions
R os co, Olga, N ess i e & Eamo n
Barbeque Sausages
Lean Mince
Rump Steak
Rosco’s famous ham off the bone P34
DECEMBER 2018 Sunday 30 7.30am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre
2 7.30am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre 6.00pm Christmas Carols at the Hall
9 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre 5pm BBBaLC BBQ at hall
31 Fisherman’s Landing BBQ
9am SES Training
NEW YEARS EVE 3 9 am Line dancing 12.30 Cards @ Hall
9am-12pm Op Shop
4 9.30am Aquarobics at Big 4
7 pm AA Meeting at RTC
5 9am Indoor bowls at hall
6 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping
11.30am-1pm MOBILE LIBRARY
9.30am Playgroup at Hall
6.45pm SES training
10 9 am Line dancing at Hall
11 9.00am Hairdresser @ RTC
12.30 Cards @ Hall
9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4
7 pm AA Meeting at RTC
17 9 am Line dancing 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC
Saturday 1 8am–1pm Balgal Beach Markets
12 9am Indoor Bowls 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls Xmas Party
11.00am My Health Record Info Session
18 9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4
1pm Cards (in Community)
13 8am-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9.30am Playgroup at Hall Notch Xmas Party 1pm Cards (in Community)
6.30pm Lions Bus. Meeting at Den 16 7.30am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre
19 11.30am-1pm MOBILE LIBRARY
2.00pm Board Games
20 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping
7 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class
9.30am Aquarobics at Big 4 10.30am Seniors Xmas Party 14 8 am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class
9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4
RTC CLOSING at COB, RE-OPENS 02/01/19 21 9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4
28 9.30 Aquarobics at Big 4
9am VET at Hall 1pm Cards (in Community)
23 7.30am St Anthony's Church Community Centre
24 9am Line dancing 7 pm AA Meeting at RTC
27 1pm Cards (in Community)