December 2022 Rollingstone Rag

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Free official newsletter of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated AED (Defibrillator) available at Fisherman’s Landing, Mystic Sands Golf Resort, R&D Lions Club, Toomulla Little Library and Paluma Hall, for public use.

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 1 DECEMBER 2022

COVER: Flame Monument photo from Chris Martin

THE ROLLINGSTONE RAG: Is a free publication produced by the Rollingstone & District Community Association Incorporated with news and information for residents and visitors to Rollingstone, Balgal Beach, Mystic Sands, Crystal Creek, Paluma, Mutarnee, Bluewater, Toomulla and surrounding suburbs in North Queensland, Australia.

EDITOR: November Edition: Kerrie Cochrane

EMAIL: TEL: 47707 799


For permission to reprint any part of this publication, contact the editor. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Rollingstone & District Community Association Incorporated.


The ‘Rolly Rag’ is produced by a team of volunteers any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher).

The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher.

The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through

freedom of speech, however, only letters

supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published.

The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive.

In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to.

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 2 AED (DEFIBRILLATOR)
Full Page (18 x 26cm) $120 incl GST Half Page (18 x 13cm) $80 incl GST Quarter Page (9 x 13cm) $50 incl GST Business Card (9 x 6.5cm) $25 incl GST Classifieds (up to 20 words) $10 incl GST Flyers / Inserts* $120 incl GST Rollingstone / Balgal Beach Rainfall Report November 2022 Rainfall as at 24th November 59mm Year to Date 1625.4mm Wet Days 9 Maximum Temp 350 17th November Minimum Temp 170 16th November Local Weather Station Information at: weather station/dashboard?ID=IQUEENSL849 The Rag is a great place to advertise and is very cost effective. You can provide your ready made file or we can design an Ad for you for a small fee! For more information or to discuss your Ad, please call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email: or Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours in the mailbox located at the end of veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Please make sure your name and details are on the envelope. *extra costs for supplying the photocopying, if required ROLLINGSTONE RAG ADVERTISING RATES


Internet Access $2/hour (or part of)

FREE for Students doing school projects and FREE for Job Seekers.

Printing & Photocopying (Black & White)

A4 Single Sided .10¢ / page

A4 Double Sided .20¢ / page

A4 50 or more off 1 original .05¢ / page

A3 Single Sided.........................................20¢ / page

A3 Double Sided.......................................40¢ / page

A3 50 or more off 1 original .....................10¢ / page

Colour Photocopying A3 or A4 .................50¢ / page

Printing from Computer

Black & White .20¢ / page Colour $1 / page

Scanning & Printing (B&W). .50¢ / page

Fax First page $1.10 incl. GST) Consecutive pages $0.55incl. GST)

Laminating Business Card .50¢ A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) A3 $2.20 (incl. GST)

Room Hire 1/2 Day $20 incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST)

Important document scanning ...............................$5.00


Centrelink provides phone, fax, copier and computer access for individuals wanting to access Centrelink services. To make a claim or an enquiry please make use of the equipment and services available through the Access Point. Limited Medicare services also available.


The Community Association has the following items available for hire. All prices include GST.

Tables $5.50 each Chairs $0.55 each Eskies $11.00 each Cold Room* per day or part thereof $55.00 Chip Cooker* per day or part thereof $15.00

Cold room, Bain Marie and Chip Cooker are fixtures Cots and high chairs, wheelchairs, over toilet seats and walkers available for loan at no charge.

Note: Pick up of hire tables and chairs is between 8am and 2pm Monday to Friday only unless by prior arrangement with staff.


Price on application

All large functions $330.00 (includes the use of all hall facilities with the exception of cold room and chip cooker)

For more information regarding the Hall and Equipment Hire please call the Centre Manager on 4770 7855


If anyone in the community would like a parcel picked up in Townsville and delivered to your gate. Call Chris at the Community Centre on 47707 855 to arrange.

Collections are available weekly on Thursdays only.

COST is only $5!!

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 3


At the Community Centre Wednesday Mornings 9 11.30am only $2.50 This is a FUN activity and is guaranteed to be a winner!! All skill levels & all age groups.

Just turn up and see how much fun you will have! Come and join us for a great time!

Australia is the only continent in the world without an active volcano.

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 4
Community Centre Monday to Friday 9-3pm
pm The Esplanade, Balgal Beach 14th DECEMBER
To find out what’s happening in the Community. Like and follow us on Facebook where you’ll find all the up to date information. Played on the 3rd Tuesday of each month between 2-4pm at the Hall. Scrabble, Mahjong, Yahtzee and MORE!!! Bring along your favourite game if you want or play with any of our games!
for an afternoonof fun with likeminded people.

Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome. Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris at the RTC.


Balgal Beach Markets — 3 Dec


All those handy with knitting needles or a crochet hook, a quantity of purple wool has been made available at the RTC for the making of purple poppies. Wool and patterns can be collected from the RTC. Call 4770 7855 for further information. See the flyer In this Rag regarding the Animals in War Remembrance being held at the Cenotaph at Bushy Parker Park 24 February 2023

Christmas Carols— 9 Dec

BINGO - 10 Dec

Mobile Library 14 Dec

VET @ HALL” - 15 Dec — 9am

RTC Closing COB — 16 Dec

Christmas Mass 25 Dec Christmas Luncheon 25 Dec RTC Opening — 3 Jan 2023

Drone Demo and Workshop — 14 Jan 2023 Australia Day 26 Jan 2023

You don’t need to be a member of a Group to join in activities at the Community Centre. Just come along if there’s something happening and you’d like to be part of it. It usually costs $2 to participate. For more information, call Chris on 4770 7855.

Thank you to everyone that has contributed articles and photographs to The Rollingstone Rag. We would not have anything to print without your contributions. Thank you also to our advertisers who help to keep us able to provide this service free of charge.

The response to our request for photographs for the front page has been excellent. We have received some spectacular photos. We have tried to print as many as possible some more have been printed on the back page of this edition. And a very big thank you to the production crew, proof readers, folders and deliverers. You are amazing!

The Editorial team of The Rollingstone Rag

At our Australia Day, we’ll have DAMPERS made by Bruce and Pat from “Camp Oven Cooking, Townsville and beyond………”. Last year, they went over to the USA and competed in the cook off over there and won First Prize, which is equal to a World Championship! We can recommend their dampers you really need to come along to try them. We’ll also do some Corned Beef and Syrup to go with it. AND, not only will there be free tucker, but we’ll have live music, a couple of Australian Poems and a Trivia as well. Just a nice easy Aussie morning.

Benita from Entire Wellbeing will be closed over the Christmas and New Year period from: Last class on the 15th December 2nd January. Classes will recommence Friday 6th January 2023. I would like to thank you all for your participation and dedication to your health and fitness throughout 2022 and look forward to 2023 with you all. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 5
“In preparation for the coming storm / cyclone season, sand for Sandbagging will be available beside the SES shed at the back of the Community Centre.



Following the wrap up and review of this years’ very successful Festival, the Committee have commenced preliminary planning for 2023. Next year the Festival will be held on Saturday 26th August, so please, lock this in your Diary now!

Would you like to be part of the Festival next year? Every contribution big or small will be very much appreciated, with everyone able to be part of another fantastic Community event. Please do not hesitate to contact Festival Secretary Suzi Vincent (0409 880902) or myself if you would like to be part of the winning Team next year. We would love to hear from you Have a wonderful Festive Season, and looking forward to a happy and bright New Year.

Rollingstone Pineapple Festival 2022


Are you the type of person who takes a hands on approach to emergencies? The SES responds to many different types of activations as a result of disasters and emergencies.

SES Volunteers are: “Ordinary people doing extraordinary things” If you would like to help, we will find a way to utilise your talents and expertise. For more information visit your local SES HQ training night on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month or phone 0460 692 749


Covid Social Distancing, Hygiene practices

and staying at home if unwell are still to be observed.

Covid 19 Antigen Self Test kits available at the Community Centre cost free to eligible card holders.

Every Sunday

9am 9am


9am 9am


1pm 2pm 2pm

1,8,15,22 December

1 December

8 December

7:30am Catholic Mass at Com/Centre Hall all denominations welcome

Linedancing Each Monday at Hall

Monday Cards, Community Hall

Waterobics Each Tuesday at Tasman C’van Park

Indoor Bowls Each Wednesday Waterobics Each Thursday at Tasman C’van Park

Weight Circuit Each Friday at Hall

Thursday Cards; Thurs Cards in Community Craft 2nd Tuesday of Month Board Games 3rd Tuesday of Month

Rollingstone Bus Each Thursday leaving the hall at 8am bookings essential. No Bus run 29 December

NoTCH Mobile Playgroup 9:30am in hall NoTCH Second Bite Food Relief NoTCH Playgroup break up at Deeragun

For storm/ cyclone season

Sand will be available for sandbags near the SES Shed this year.

9 December Christmas Carols on Pace Park

10 December 12.30pm for eyes down 1pm Bingo @ Community Hall

14 December 11.30am Mobile Library (two bin day)

15 December 9am MARGARET THE VET Text 0403262212

17 December 10.30am Lions’ Christmas Lolly Run and Cake sale (see the advertisement in the Rag)

25 December 7.30am Christmas Mass at Com/Centre Hall All denominations welcome

25 December Lions’ & RaDCA Christmas Day Luncheon

14 January 9am 12pm FPVR Drone demonstration and workshop as a School Holiday Activity Gold Coin Parental supervision required.

We have a big THANK YOU list this month David H for your handy work; Tom - generously delivered an Association purchase from Bunnings; Marg for pulling the weeds on such a hot day, Di there are not many places at the Community Centre, that have not seen Di’s special attention; Nina crocheting guru for the Purple Poppy Project. Wonderful acts of kindness and definitely not random. There is a random act of kindness happening in the community. The fruit and vegie Pixie has struck again. This is such a lovely thing to do, and the recipients say it is a wonderful surprise and are most grateful. While speaking about volunteers we were working on the volunteer register last week. Did you know we have almost 40 volunteers working for the Association. 40 generous men and women who help make the space that is the Community Centre, a great place to be. And yet we still have a couple of positions we need to fill. We are always on the lookout for drivers for the Bus run and a couple of our Rag Editors are planning on going on vacation next year. It would be great to have someone trained up to fill the gap when this happens.

Centrelink in Townsville and Ingham have a new specialist Officer each, for Assisting with My Aged Care matters. To meet with these Officers, you need to make an appointment. Ring 1800 227 475 to book. Please don’t forget to get your phone book application forms in to be in the 2023 Rollingstone Local Telephone Book. The phone book will only be distributed to the permanent residents within the district (same as the Rolly Rag); if you are concerned about how far your information will be distributed. Please call Chris on 47707855 should you hold any concerns about what will happen with your information.

The Purple Poppy Project. This project goes from strength to strength. February 24 at the Cenotaph at Bushy Parker Park will see the inaugural Animals in War Remembrance Service and unveiling of the Animals in War plaque. This plaque was donated to the Project by the Animals In War Organisation. See the flyer included with this Rag. Keep the date. Your pets are more than welcome but must be on a lead. A celebratory morning tea is being held at the Community Hall after the Service. All are welcome to attend both the Service and Morning Tea.

In the meantime, purple wool has been made available for the making of more purple poppies to adorn the Cenotaph in February. Want to help making poppies? - Please come to the RTC to collect your wool; patterns are also available for both crocheting and knitting. And still on the Purple Poppy Project, a big thank you to Gwen C, Roslyn B and Bernice I, for your generous donations that were sold at the Balgal Beach Markets in November. Your contribution to the various causes is gratefully received and the fact that all were sold on the day – a testament to how good they were.

As a fundraiser for the Purple Poppy Project the Association is holding a sweet stall (toffees, marshmallows etc at Christmas Carols. Collect your pennies and buy some tried and tested Christmas lollies (Just like Grandma used to make). Also available will be Christmas suncatchers. Thank you all who have contributed to this project.

The Lions are hosting Christmas Carols this year. A bit of a date change so please lock Friday 9 December into your phones and Celebrate Christmas in our Community. The annual Lions’ Christmas Lolly Run and Christmas Cake Sale is starting at 10.30am on Saturday 17 December and is another fun activity the Lions are presenting.

14 January 9am 12pm will see a Drone Flying Demo and workshop being held at the Community Centre Townsville FVPR are conducting this workshop which is open to Adults and Children. Children need to be accompanied by an adult please. Gold coin donation and morning tea provided.

If you haven’t read it elsewhere The RTC and Community Hall will close between Mon 19 Dec until opening on Tuesday 3 January 2023. Please have a lovely break, we at the RTC wish you plenty of good company, good food and laughter. ‘til 2023

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 7

2 Purono Parkway, Yabulu 4818

PH: 07 4778 6233 FAX: 07 4778 6733 8.30am 6pm Monday Friday 8.30am 1pm Saturday

Balgal Beach Healthsave Pharmacy 114 Mystic Avenue, Balgal Beach 4816

PH: 07 4770 7400 FAX: 07 4770 7399 8.30am 5pm Monday Friday CLOSED

Hello everyone, December is once again upon us

A reflection of the year

• Bec moved to Brisbane Bec and Will are doing really well.

• Frank had his hip replacement in June.

• Stephen joined us while Frank was recovering from his surgery Stephen


• The return of the travellers was a welcome sight and boost to the community.

• An awesome day had by all at the Pineapple Festival.

• We have welcomed new faces into the community. With that, we would like to do a little survey.

Our current trading hours are Monday to Friday 8.30am 5pm Closed Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays.

• Would staying open later one night a week benefit you? Yes/No We try and keep up to date with the ranges that we keep in the Pharmacy.

• Is there a particular range/product that you would like to see us stock

You can drop your feedback to us either by filling out the above section or by email to

We wish you all and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Frank and Kristie Balgal Beach Pharmacy

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 8
Bluewater Healthsave Pharmacy
Your Local Community Pharmacy FREE Blood Pressure Checks *Hire Equipment *NDSS Agent Diabetes Supplies Blister Packaging for your medicines *Full Prescription Service *Delivery available for those in need *Ear Piercing *Faulding Vitamins MLE Making Life Easy (Large range of Home Healthcare aids) Pharmacy Choice Brand Products (Quality product made affordable with 100% money back guarantee). Easy parking available
is back
on and Frank

During this time Bluewater Medical Practice will be open, excluding Sundays & public holidays. The Doctors and Staff of the Balgal Beach Medical Practice wish you all a Happy and Healthy Christmas, Dr Olga Hasa, Dr Vladimir Hasa, Dr Diana Hopkins, Dr Lucia Rajnoch, Dr Clyton Banya and Dr Meena Urkude

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 9 At Balgal Beach Medical Centre Every third Saturday of the Month 17th December 2022 For all other appointments and dental emergencies, we welcome you to your dental home at MYTOOTHDOCTOR TM Family, Paediatric and Special Care Dentistry Bushland Beach Medical Centre T 07 4751 8999 BLUEWATER MEDICAL PRACTICE 2 PURONO PARKWAY, PURONO PARK Open Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm Saturday 8.30am to 1pm Tel: 07 4778 6444 OR you can book ONLINE via our website General Practitioners and Allied Health Services
120 Mystic Avenue Balgal Beach Tel: 47707 244 Fax: 47707 100 Email: OPEN Monday to Friday 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. CLOSED Saturday, Sunday & all Public Holidays. CHRISTMAS HOURS CLOSED from Saturday 24TH December 2022 RE OPEN on Tuesday 3rd January 2023

Gottani Sisters will be singing for us on Australia Day.

Mob: 0417 819 428

Queensland Health has provided the Rollingstone Community Centre with a quantity of Covid 19 Antigen Self Test kits.

The RAT kits come at no cost to the public and can be picked up from the RTC Mon Fri 8am 4pm.

Please wear a mask and use hand sanitiser if you are experiencing flu like symptoms.

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 10

Bryan Reinke passed away on Novr. 8th. It is with a great deal of sadness we received this news, having known Bryan and Madonna all the 40 or so years they lived here and saw the wonderful work they did within the community. Bryan was a fine human being who was just so kind as is Madonna. Nothing at all was ever too much trouble, they gave until they had nothing left, and they were there for anyone no matter what the situation. We’ve missed them since they moved in to town because of Bryan’s infirmity, and now our thoughts and prayers are with Madonna and the family. Vale Bryan.

Vale John Ellerton. Many of you would not have known John. John has been a resident of Balgal for more than 40 years. John recently passed after a brief illness. Vale John “And yet another long term resident of Rollingstone has passed Vale Bessie Greer. Bessie lived in Hencamp Creek with her extended family for many years, and was a big part of the community.”

Ken Dickenson had major surgery during November and we’re hoping he’s progressing well. Of course, it’s been an anxious time for Ken and his family and we hope he’s now coming along just fine. Best wishes to all of them.

A BIG “thank you” to Merle Dickenson for her help with compiling the Trivia games for us for over the holiday season.

• The Flame Monument in Bushy Parker Park has been restored to its former glory, and looks brilliant. Story and photo elsewhere in this newsletter. And many thanks to Trish Cronin for her support with this project.

• Rollingstone History books, done up in a pack of 3, are for sale from the Op Shop for $25. For anyone interested in this field, they are an absolute bargain, being worth around $80 retail

• We have started work on a new local Telephone Book, the last one being about 7 years old! Please drop your info into the RTC for collation the flyer was in the November “Rag”. This updated edition will be extremely valuable to the Police and the Emergency Services.

• David Hall has been doing some handy man jobs for us around the Centre. We are most grateful for David’s help and thank him profusely for all his efforts. He’s done a wonderful job!

• And another big thank you to young Tom (from Bunnings) for his kindly offer to help us with the delivery of some stock from Bunnings on his way home recently. We didn’t know Tim at all, but he stepped up to the plate with this gesture and it just proves that there are still some very nice folk out there.

• We’re looking at re printing the Recipe Book we put out in 2007. It was a great hit then and because of the many tried and true and nutritious and healthy recipes, there’s no reason why it won’t still be in demand. However, it’s VERY early days with this one, and we’ve lots to do with it over the Christmas break before we can take it in to have a price evaluated. But, at least we’re working on it.

• During January, we’ll be starting on several projects. (1) a Fairy Garden, which we’ve already started work on, albeit most primarily. We hope to involve any local kids and their parents/guardians/carers and anyone else who feels like being creative. Probably won’t be long before the stealing starts, but the CCTV cameras can pick it all up and there’s a really big light nearby which shines all night. (2) a Drone Demonstration and Workshop morning on Saturday, January 14th at 9am until Noon with a Smoko break. Should be fun and hopefully, innovative. (3) Our Purple Poppy “Animals in War” inaugural service up at the Cenotaph in Bushy Parker Park on the morning of Thursday, February 24th . We have been voluntarily donated a lovely commemorative Plaque by the Australian War Animals Memorial Organisation and this has been mounted on the Memorial Wall to the right of the Cenotaph. Local ladies have been furiously crocheting/knitting purple poppies from which have been made 2 wreaths, and we’ve laid a wreath at each of the latter services (Vietnam Vets’ and Remembrance Days) held down at the beachside Memorial. We also have Purple Poppy single and dual (with the RED Poppy) Pins for sale ($10 each) which will help defray our initial costs – which have been reasonably substantial, but manageable.

• We have managed to secure the GOTTANI SISTERS for the Australia Day celebration. So looking forward to enjoying their wonderful music.

• During May (Saturday night, May 13th to be exact), we’ll be doing a POT LUCK DINNER, and we’ve enticed Leigh Caldwell to be our Guest Speaker. Leigh has just written and released a book entitled “Hope, Grit and Gratitude”. She is originally a Toomulla lass, the daughter of John and Betty Grady. We have Diane Greene (Fisherman’s Landing Fishing Club) helping organise the night and as Diane is a bit of a dynamo, we’re anticipating this will be a good night!

• AND, we’ve actually had a win with a Government organisation. After our efforts along with those of our incumbent MP, Nick Dametto, the Townsville Hospital and Health Service has agreed to extend its (in home) Palliative Care Service to Rollingstone. And earlier this year, we managed to get them to extend their Wound Management Service to include us as well. Really, quite a coup and so beneficial for our people needing that care.

• And with all that happening, we’ve still managed to submit a Funding Application to GCBF for a Stage for Pace Park; and we’re in discussion with Council regarding the installation of an external Uni Sex and Disabled Eco Toilet also for Pace Park. All big wishes, but ya gotta try!! It’s been a truly big few months since the Pineapple Festival and getting back to solely doing our own work.

Will the Stolen Generation be replaced by the Stealing Generation?

So, have a VERY Merry Christmas & a Happy and Healthy 2023……...Live well, love much, laugh often............

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 11
Sancho Panza”.

Lions Christmas Carols

9th December 4pm Carols start: Twilight


There is a Letter Box in the Community Hall to post your letter to Santa and on the night, Santa will hand out his replies to your letters. If the letter cannot be left at the Hall it can be sent to:

Rollingstone Lions Club “Letters to Santa”

PO Box 25 Rollingstone 4816

There will be Stalls selling Christmas goodies commencing at 4.00pm

Optional gold coin donation to RaDCA Op Shop

The Lions Club will have a food stall plus the bar will be open.

P & C cake stall and Lions Xmas Cakes and Puddings for sale. Lions Xmas Raffle, bring your own chairs, blankets etc.

Ho ho ho!!!!

Santa will be at the markets on the 3rd December. He wil be arriving by Firetruck at 9am So listen out for the Siren of the Firetruck so you don’t miss out on seeing Santa Claus and his little elf

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 14

Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News

Our Brekky/Brunch in November, which we swapped venues from Bushy Parker Park back to the hall was a great morning out for all. Brunch was bacon, eggs, grilled tomatoes, sausages, baked beans etc and to top off a good feed, we had refreshing watermelon and pineapple. We even had visitors ftom the Balgal Beach section of Carlyle Gardens; Tom and Joan Ruddick and Rhonda Muller. Tom won the treasure chest hunt. Prize for the treasure chest was….a treasure chest full of gold coins and jewels (of course) and a Lounds Seafood Voucher that went with his treasure chest. Tom won again!! He won the Raffle of the day. Denis Cleaver won the Membership draw and he picked a Woolworths Voucher.

Our Christmas breakup party is on the 11th Dec. 12 noon $10 pp, PLEASE let Linda know for catering as the committee is subsiding the cost and we need to know numbers. Don’t forget your own plates, cutlery and drinks.

We are getting our Christmas party catered by Gaye and her wildlife warriors; I wonder if it will be Kangaroo Stew and Possum Pie???

Hahaha sorry Gaye, I couldn't help myself…

We will be back on 12th February 2023 for our first BBQ of the new year at the hall, 5.30pm start. Don’t forget your own plates, cutlery and drinks etc.

We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.

The Emergency+ App is a free app developed by Australia's emergency services and their Government and industry partners.

The app uses GPS functionality built into smart phones to help a Triple Zero (000) caller provide critical location details required to mobilise emergency services. Download the app from the App Store or Google Play.

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 15
Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 16
Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 17 TOOMULLA Saturday Only 7.30am 4.30pm BLUEWATER Saturday & Sunday 7.30am 4.30pm TRANSFER STATIONS Domestic Waste and Recyclables Only No Bulky Items No Furniture or Rubber Tyres GREEN WASTE/ WHITEGOODS/ METALS/ ELECTRONIC WASTE AND FLUORESCENT TUBES ARE FREE The Community Op Shop Operating Hours: Mon-Fri 9-3pm & First Saturday of month 9 12pm For the summer months Clothes, nic nacs, kitchen wares, shoes, bedding and more !!!
next to the Community Hall on Community Crescent just off Mystic Avenue, Balgal Beach
your goods are in reasonable, sellable condition. We
to accept
electrical goods; large knives; bulky, chipboard furniture in
condition and
mattresses please. Cash donations are
raising funds for larger facilities to accommodate even more great bargains!
drop in and have a browse and support your local community.
are grateful for all of
kind donations, please ensure
are unable
definitely NO
also welcome! We are currently


This being our last Rolly Rag for the year. The Commitee of Fisherman’s Landing Fishing and Social Club would like to acknowledge and thank all Club members that have contributed to the success of the Club over the past year. The people that organise, set up, cook and pack up after our monthly BBQ’s, the men who manage the stinger net during the season, our market organisers and all the helpers with market BBQ. The people that organise our special events throughout the year, our fishing competition organisers and the scribe for our Rolly Rag contributions. Last but not least our Market stall holders and the public who support our efforts so enthusiastically. Thank you Garry…(President)

Well giday again folks, another month gone by and not a lot of good fishing weather with consistant 15 knot winds nearly every day. Our fishing club spent four days at Lucinda with bad boating conditions every day, so no trips to the reef, only in the channel up to Haycock Island area and some of the creeks along the way which did not produce anything of keepable quality. The inner shoals off Rollingstone and Mystic Sands have produced the odd Coral Trout and Sweetlip if you can get back in before the wind starts. However Cattle, Olera and Scrubby Creeks are producing extra good Mangrove Jack and Grunter, also the odd good crab being potted if you watch your pots and stop the share farmers who like to check out her peoples gear.

Hi fellow member’s, our fishing club had a wonderful time at Lucinda, what a beautiful place to stay and enjoy a weekend together. Thank you to everyone that made this happen again, it’s very much appreciated. Always a fun time together with lots of laughter and a little bit of fishing. Our November BBQ will be the last BBQ for the year so come along have some dinner and a drink with friends before the crazy December rush. Friday night BBQ will start back in January. Our Next catch up will be New Year’s Eve. Garry will update everyone about details soon.

Stinger net is in, and a big thank you to the volunteers for making this happen, it will be much appreciated by everyone, as it is so hot already.

Santa is coming!!!! Bring the kids to your local market on the 3rd December get a photo with Santa. He should arrive between 9.30 10 am and he will be there with his helpers for most of the morning. Come to your local market and support local people, lots of amazing stalls to enjoy, buy local for Christmas. Grab a breakfast burger while you are there, at our Balgal Beach water front. The Market is held on the first Saturday of the month, 8am 12pm on the Esplanade, Balgal Beach. http:s// You can look up Balgal Beach Markets on Facebook to keep up with what is new, last month was a hit with all the kids they loved the animals and pony rides.

Anyone wanting to come along and join the fun, we meet on the last Friday of every month at the landing. $35 single membership $70 family. Members and kids eat free, non members $15, visitors always welcome. A courtesy bus is available for those who like a drink, Happy hour 5.30 6.30. This is not a BYO event.

Fishing shirts are available for sale and as the shirts need to be ordered, please email for further details.


The weather has certainly warmed up and the group of happy splashers have been working out in the cool waters of the Tasman Rollingstone Beachfront Resort. We have welcomed a number of new residents to our group and lots of laughing, splashing and of course, exercising, is occurring twice weekly on Tuesday and Thursday. You only need to bring along some enthusiasm, $2.50, water bottle and you can gain entry through the boom gate 9.00am to 9.20am for a 9.30 start in the water. You can exercise at your own pace and decide how little or how much you wish to do in a sparkling pool with a beach entry for easy access.


PLEASE CALL: 0417716366

Wishing every one a safe and Happy Christmas Season with lots of laughter, joy and catching up with friends and family. FUN FITNESS FRIVOLITY

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 18
s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc
Merry Christmas and a Happy New year from us to you…...Stay safe everyone and see you all next year.

Oops, nearly missed again, dunno where the time goes as I do not have enough hours in the day or else I am very unorganised.

It has been quiet on the animal front, had enough rain to keep the grass green so not many straying onto roads and such.

On saying that yep, it is that time of year when it heats up and we have heaps of birds coming into care. If it is not the heat getting to them it is the babies learning to fly and people kidnap them thinking they are doing the right thing. We find children are good at this, could be cos they are lower to the ground and see them first but what ever reason they find them. We do try and reunite with their parents, the birds not the children, as in a lot of cases the parents are still flying around looking for their precious child. It is easy to make a make shift nest using an ice cream or margarine container making sure you punch holes in the bottom in case we get that liquid gold, rain. These can be hung on a fence or pushed or nailed onto a tree closest to the parent birds. This way it is a win, win for parent and bird. Mum and Dad are still the best for babies. Like human children, birds love a sprinkler to fly and lay under, just a few minutes will do.

In this weather if you have wallabies or kangaroos around your place please put fresh water out for them as the heat gets to them also. To cool themselves down they lick their fore arms which in turn allows any breeze to cool them. Most

of the time they try and find a nice cool, shady spot to lay in during the hottest part of the day so avoid trying to move them on at this time.

Have had a few Mums being hit lately which is sad as they have had young ones on board but not viable as too small. There is nothing we can do got these but keep them warm and hydrated until they pass. They are too under developed to survive, we have a cut off weight which we go by. Some people have successfully raised littlies but they seem to succumb after a few months which is harder for the carer. We all try our very, very best but we cannot succeed when mother nature says otherwise. Our band of merry carers at Wrapt have the animals wellfare at heart and we are often heart broken ourselves but this is why we have our group, we can empathise and help each other through the troublesome times. We are there for the animals and there for each other, when needed.

To all the generous folk out here who have donated goods and such this past year, thankyou from the bottom of our hearts. If there are things we cannot use they get passed on to several different groups in town. We work closely with neo Nate kittens so they do well with material and like. Our sewer also sews for them and the RSPCA so we help each other when we can.

I am heading off now but would like to say from all of us at our local group, WRAPT Have a Merry Christmas and a fun filled New Year and we hope to meet back here in 2023.

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 19 WALLABIES & KANGAROOS: GAYE LOVELL: 4770 7356 012 965 535 POSSUMS CHRIS GREEN 0402 084 588 BIRDS: PATRICIA 0447755861 Toomulla BERRY 0415654320 Bluewater If you require a deceased animal to be removed, please contact Council on 13 48 10 Our Local Wildlife Carers

GOLF CLUB—beside the 5th tee

At the bar


This is a message for people who identify as having a vulnerability. By Vulnerability, it is meant being an older resident/s, living with a disability, living on your own, needing assistance to perform general tasks such as cleaning or gardening.

What would you do if a cyclone was off the coast?? Do you have a Disaster Plan?? Would you stay or go to family elsewhere?? What would you do with your pets?? What would you do if you needed power for specialist equipment???

A copy of this booklet is available at the RTC for your information. Staff in the RTC can also go through the book with you to make sure you have plans for all types of pending disaster events. Your safety is the Community’s concern but your responsibility being organised with plans is the best way to ensure your safety.

AEDs (Automatic External Defibrillators)

Located in the Community

There are four (4) AED in the Community available for use when needed. There are 2 at Mystic Sands Golf Club; 1 is at the front of the bar and the other is beside the 5th Tee. 1 at Fishermans Landing and the 4th one is at the front of the Rollingstone Lions Den, Community Crescent.


FISHERMANS LANDING under Notice Board to left of

LIONS DEN at the entrance to the Den. First entrance after the Community Hall

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 20

Lions Club

We have been busy as little beavers over the past couple on months with more exciting events leading up to the end of the year.

At the time of writing, we have just finished hosting the Lions’ Clubs in our Zone to an informative field trip to Pace Farm, and to get the show on the road we travelled in the Pineapple Express.

Thank you for all who help on the day, the provision of the bus from the Packing Shed with Kev our driver, Rian Pace for a enlightening talk on the humble pineapple, Gaye Lovell and her team, Chris and Lion Wendy for a lovely lunch and the informative meeting with our fellow Lions in our Zone.

The following weekend we were involved in Rolly Rocks at the Tasman Caravan Park catering for hungry patrons, thank you for the big effort of our club members and Friends of the Lions Club who assisted.

As you are reading, we are preparing for our Twilight Carols with a small group of Christmas market stall starting at 4.00pm leading onto Carols on Pace Park with a few surprises Please support our Twilight Carols and bring your own chair or family blanket. The Lions will have food, popcorn and the bar will be open. Santa will be landing in his Sleigh at a secret location ready to answer all the letters to Santa.

Saturday December the 17th is our Santa lollies run around the street with the local Police and Fire Brigade making as much noise as possible with sirens and bells, our Lions will be selling Christmas cakes, after being absent last year with our cake supply difficulties. Please note, we plan to start at the landing at 10.30am and work our way around the streets as per our flyer.

Then continuing from last year, we will hold our Christmas Day lunch at our Den for those that find themselves on their own on Christmas day. If you would like to join us for Christmas lunch or help with volunteering with prep etc, please phone our Club Secretary, John Holliday: 0414808483. Bookings are essential.

On behalf of our local Lion’s club and Lions International, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. We hope you will have the opportunity to enjoy time with family and friends.

Rollingstone & District Leo Club

G’day Rollingstone, and our last Newsletter for 2022. Our little Leo Club has had a busy last few months, and great to see the support from the Community.

What a great turn out for the Colour Run on Sunday 13th November, and great to see all the kids and youth enjoying themselves with this healthy lifestyle event. Many of these youngsters completed more than 15 laps of the Obstacle Course, and really enjoyed the Slip N Slide at the end to cool off! Fantastic effort guys, and a big Shoutout to our Leos for their efforts in setting up the course and also dismantling on completion. A big Thank You to the Lions also for the yummy Sausage Sizzle on completion, it was very much appreciated. So what is left for this year? Some of our Leos will be supporting the Rolly School Junior Leos and their Colour Run during the last week of school, and also the Lions Community Carols on Friday 9th December at the Community Centre.

Would you like to support our Leo Christmas Hampers this year. Collection Boxes for non perishable food items, or Cash in lieu, are located at the Lions Den, Community Hall, RTC and the School, with a cut off date of 8th December. We will be packing 10 Hampers on Sunday Morning 11th December, with our Christmas Breakup at Crystal Creek to follow. Our final Project which is a visit to the Townsville University Hospital on Tuesday 13th December is to deliver Teddy’s to the Children’s Ward just in time for Christmas! We wish all of our readers a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year, with time for Family and Friends, and looking forward to seeing you all in the New Year. Stay safe and well everyone!

Leo President Taylah and Leo Advisors Travis Johnson and Shirley Muller.

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 21
Rollingstone & District

Office of Nick Dametto MP Member for Hinchinbrook 92 Herbert Street, Ingham QLD 4850

P: 07 4765 4700 | F: 07 4765 4709 |E: with the amazing volunteers who are the driving force behind these much needed emergency groups. The SES has been operating in Rollingstone for 30 years and the Rural Fire Brigade for 60 years. Both are truly commendable achievements. The Open Day was a great opportunity to raise community awareness about what steps we can all take to prepare for the storm season ahead. For us in the north, storm season usually coincides with the festive season. I am sure I will catch up with many of you at the various Christmas functions and events across the electorate but if I don’t, I would like to wish you all a very happy and safe Christmas. If you can, check in on those who may be in need one way or another, and share the true Aussie Christmas spirit.

Flame Monument at Bushy Parker Park


In 1988 schools in the coastal regions of Australia were asked by the Government to participate in a Bicentennial celebration by lighting a fire on the night of 19 June 1988 generally termed “Light up Australia”. The flames from the fires were to outline the coastal areas of Australia so they could be seen from outer space when the satellite passed overhead on that date.

Rollingstone State School students and residents of the area took part on the night. The monument in Vincent “Bushy” Parker Park in Rollingstone was built to commemorate the celebration. Jack Cogan, who then lived locally and was the manager of the Sleeper Log Creek Brickworks, had the bricks donated and Jack Maher and other Rollingstone Lions Club members assembled the monument. Ron Wessels painted the monument and Pedro Venitis made the steel Flame. All of these men lived locally at the time.

Rollingstone Emergency Services Open Day, 29 October 2022.

Rollingstone State School

Hello Community, Another year has flown by and my kids are talking Christmas again! The bank balance

Little Leaders:

It has been another busy year of learning and it is such a pleasure to watch the students grow and develop. Preps come bumbling in on their first day in January and finish the year confident little speakers, readers and writers. As the leaders of the Prep/One class next year, our current Prep students spend three mornings welcoming our new prep students for next year with lots of fun activities. It’s definitely cool to be at school!

Graduating Gurus:

A huge congratulations to all of our Year 6 students who will graduate at the end of this term. It has been awesome to be a part of their primary journey and we wish them all the best as they pursue their dreams and ambitions at their respective high schools next year.

Graduating Year 6 Students in 2023

Emily Burstow

Lagan Chesney

Violet Fell

Ruby Franklin Jordan Fuller Hyland

Blaze Giddy

Jackson Hennen

Karlie Laidlow

Rakiah Smith

Farewell Fitzy: On behalf of the whole community, I would like to congratulate Miss Fitzy on attaining her teaching accreditation this year and thank her for all her years of service at Rollingstone State School. She has been a wonderful ambassador for the school and will be missed by everyone. We wish Miss Fitzy all the best for her teaching career and hope we can entice her back to the Rolly teaching team in the future.

Swimming Safety:

With wonderful hot weather, it has been a great 8 weeks of water safety and swimming lessons in Ingham. Thanks to various sporting grants, we have been able to make swimming free for all students and we have had high participation from all year levels. Students have really enjoyed the water safety aspect and enjoyed participating in life saving activities.

Touch Team:

Well done to our sporty touch team who competed in the

A special thank you to all of our families and community members that have been involved with our students and school. Your guidance, hard work and commitment is what makes Rollingstone State School such a wonderful place to grow. We look forward to working with you again next year. Have a safe and Merry Christmas!

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 23

Toomulla News

AED (Defibrillator) available at little library in Herald Street

The Meet your local Councillor get together was held in the Community Shelter in the park on Saturday 5th November. The relatively large number who attended enjoyed a free sausage sizzle at noon and report from Cr Margie Ryder at 1 p.m. This was a great opportunity to raise any issues with your councillor and to hear progress on several items that she is working on with Council and other bodies. It was appreciated by all who attended. Local member Nick Dametto then discussed several items which are impacted by the state government.

While speaking of Nick, you would all have seen the new signage kindly donated by him 2 x A Frame Blackboards, and the Toomulla Little Library and Defibrillator signs. These help the community by presenting information in a more professional manner and could also save a life. Thanks Nick.

There are three dates we all need reminders about. The first is the Kids Christmas Party on Saturday 10th December. Second is the Community Association’s Christmas Party on Friday 9 December. This is available to everyone and even though RSVP and payment was due by 24 November, Rhonda has kindly agreed to extend this until the 2nd of December. All residents were provided with a notice about this event and the menu for the night. It looks great so do not miss out. The third reminder is about the Christmas Raffle tickets. These are still available from any of the Community Association Committee. First prize is a $150 hamper (who doesn’t need that), second prize is a $25 voucher and third prize is a Christmas Cheer Pack. Prizes will be drawn on 16th December.

The very popular Lucky Numbers will return in 2023. Round 1 will start with the first draw on the 3rd February. The cost is $10 per number with lucky number drawn each Friday for 5 weeks. Get in early to get your favourite numbers.

All residents have received a Responsible Pet Ownership leaflet produced by the Rollingstone Community Association and supported by the Townsville City Council. Many areas (including Toomulla Beach) are having on going problems with dogs. Complaints are received about barking, particularly when owners are absent, and about dogs roaming the streets and beaches. Council is encouraging residents to report and take photographs of incidents such as the recent case of a visiting photographer who was urinated on while taking a photograph, by a local’s ‘friendly’ dog. Expect more compliance activities in the new year, so please take note and act now.

Rhonda has asked me to thank all those wonderful people in the community who have supported the Toomulla Beach Community Association over the last 12 months by coming to functions, buying raffle tickets, helping with BBQs and so on. Becoming a member ($5 per family) is another way you can acknowledge your interest in supporting your community and improving the wonderful area where we live. I am sure we would all like to thank Rhonda and Rudy and the rest of the committee for all their hard work and enthusiasm. Without them, this would be a much less interesting place.

Enjoy your Christmas and New Year and may it be safe and happy. Our next community event will be Australia Day Thursday 26th January 2023.

Note from Rhonda Schwarz

On behalf of all the Toomulla Beach Community Association committee members I would like to say a BIG Thank YOU to Barb, Jen & you Kerrie for all your hard work & patience throughout the year to produce the Rollingstone Rag. You are all wonderful volunteers and we appreciate the time & effort that you all put in each month to reach the publication stage.

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 24
Next Sitting — 10 DECEMBER 2nd Saturday of Every Month! Doors Open 12.30pm Eyes Down 1pm 40 Calls

The gathering of Rural Fire Brigades alluded to last month took place in beautiful weather at Hidden Valley Campground on Saturday 5th November. The appliances from Paluma, Mt Fox and Waterfall Creek, on whose ground this all took place were duly inspected and slight differences commented on. This was followed by a splendid steak and sausage barbeque lunch cooked by BBQ King Don Battersby. Afterwards Peter Cooke ran a very interesting question and answer session with the 15 or so present which brought some very interesting comments to be discussed. Finally there was an afternoon tea before the participants set off for home except for the few who had decided to camp overnight in quite windy conditions. In all it was a very successful exercise bringing firefighters from the nearby communities to get to know each other.

On Sunday 31st. October, 320 intrepid souls partook of the Paluma Trail Run, run by Outer Limits Adventure Sports and covering distances of 6, 10 and 20km in idyllic fine weather. The PDCA ran a Sausage Sizzle for the hungry runners once they had recovered their breath and cooled down.

The Paluma November social event was the Monsters & Mayhem on the Mountain on Saturday 12th. In all we had 19 present. Food was great and everyone had a good time. Half came in costume, the rest just had a good laugh at their expense. The hall was decorated extensively with spiders, bats and rats all over the place and a big “Beware” sign on the tables and over the bar. What there was to beware of with Les and Don behind it is hard to imagine.

The 26th Annual Garden Competition, sponsored by Bunnings was judged on Monday 14th November. It followed the normal pattern with Jamie Oliver conducting Angie and Kathleen from Bunnings around the gardens in the village then after lunch in the Hall, Lynn Hyland was their escort around the 5 acre blocks. Don Battersby’s gramichama bushes (Tropical Cherry) were laden with fruit and were duly sampled. The winners will be announced at the Tropical Barbeque and presented with their gift card prizes if present. The overall winner will be presented with the Alison Evans Perpetual Trophy, duly engraved. The Garden Competition commenced in 1997 as a memorial to Alison who lost her life in a landslide on Mt. Spec Rd. She had been a keen Paluma gardener.

In December the community regularly celebrates the Christmas Season with a Tropical Barbeque which will be held on the 10th December at the usual time of 18.30 hrs. Remember that this time you bring your own meat or whatever you want cooked and a few plates of salads/sweets or similar to share would be appreciated.

As there will be no January or February issues of the “Rollingstone Rag” it may be well to mention the first couple of events for 2023. These are predicted to be the Chinese New Year which we will most likely celebrate one day early on Saturday 21st January. Then in March, St Patrick in Paluma will be one day late on Saturday 18th March. These dates are subject to confirmation but are most likely correct. Anyway they should, as always, be checked by going to <>; the place to find all about Paluma and the district.

Now it only remains to wish all readers of the Rag a very Happy Christmas and all health and happiness in the coming New Year from Les & Lynn.

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 25
1st Saturday of Every Month! 8am to 1pm The Esplanade Balgal Beach NEXT MARKET 3rd DECEMBER
AED (Defibrillator) available at Paluma Community Hall for public use (near the main entrance door to the hall up the ramp) Lynn and Jennie Angie and Kathleen from Bunnings judging the Garden Competition Les with an empty glass
Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 26

Gin and Tonic Truffles

125g butter, softened 230g (1 1/2 cups) icing sugar 60ml (1/4 cup) gin

2 tbsp tonic water

1 tbsp finely grated lemon rind

2 x 450g madeira cakes

2 x 290g packets white chocolate melts

Candied lemon peel, finely chopped, to decorate

Step 1

Use an electric mixer to beat butter, sugar, gin, tonic and lemon rind in a large bowl until pale and creamy. Crumble in cakes and stir to combine. Shape level tablespoons of

mixture into balls. Place on a baking paper lined baking tray. Loosely cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 1 hour or until firm.

Place the white chocolate melts in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan half filled with simmering water (make sure the bowl doesn’t touch the water). Stir with a metal spoon until chocolate melts. Using a fork or truffle dipper, coat one truffle in chocolate, tapping lightly to remove excess chocolate. Return to the tray. Decorate top with candied lemon . Repeat with remaining truffles, chocolate and candied peel. Refrigerate for 30 minutes to set. Serve. This recipe makes 56 truffles, so if you don’t require that many, the ingredients can be easily halved. But trust us, you’ll want them all.

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 28

Mystic Sands Golf Club

Ron Condren and Natalie Pace were the winners of Medal of Medalist on 19th and 20th December weekend. Dane Alderson was named Bushranger of the year for 2022. The year maybe over but Summer competition for both Saturday and Vets on Tuesday is still available for any one to play until official competition starts again mid Feb 2023. Some major highlights throughout the year and congratulations to all those winners, runners up and thanks to everyone for playing and making our competition and golf club a great success. Our most significant recent winners were Vets Medal of Medalist: Wayne Butler and Anja Devereaux. Bushranger of the Year: Dane Alderson. Golf Inc Medal of Medalist: Ron Condren and Natalie Pace. All very worthy winners and you all should be very proud of this result. These awards are considered the penultimate trophy to win. December 4th Annual Meeting will see a new committee established for the coming 12 months. Big thank you to everyone who played a role to ensure Vets, Bushrangers and Golf Inc Competitions were conducted with all the background work and hours spent volunteering. Job well done to Mick, Reg, Hank, Megan, Troy, Cindy and the rest of the Resort team THANK YOU We all are so lucky to have such a fantastic facility in our Community and all your efforts, hospitality and hard work are appreciated. Wishing everyone a safe, healthy, festive time with your family and friends. May 2023 bring us all good health and happiness and of course better golf ability. See you all in 2023……….Gurdie


Hot weather, wet season, oh and Christmas all coming in next few weeks. Mystic Sands Bowls heading for busy time also Barefoot Bowls Thursday night is still drawing good crowds with locals support now the campers have headed home. Cutheringa Bowls from Townsville are having their green replaced and will be laying at our grass green until probably March 2023 and joining in the O'Bowler Cup and Rooster Cup on December 17th. The Mystic Bowlers were well represented at Tully in the Tully open finishing third but due to nobody having an Abacus up there they were placed fifth, must have run out of fingers and toes to add up all their points. Social events included in our calendar for Nov Dec: SES Christmas breakup including Barefoot Bowls Dec 1st and Hutchinson Builders breakup and bowls day in Dec. Well that's another year gone, special thanks to Rooster for his hard work around the green and his Donald Trump speeches after Barefoot Bowls each Thursday night. To Mick, Hank Troy and Meg for all their assistance, without their help, we would not have such a successful club. We will be open for bowls everyday except Christmas Day, so drop down see the bar staff. Bowls supplied just turn up. Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to all. Drive carefully and safely and we hope to see you all on the green in 2023, and remember; "if you don't use it you could lose it", play bowls……………...Best wishes from the Pres

Well, here we are approaching the end of another year.

Property Crime. Unfortunately, members from within our community have recently been the victims of property crime. We have had several offences committed in our local area over the past few weeks including break and enters and theft from vehicles. Offenders are known to become more active during holiday periods. A common recurring issue throughout North Queensland is valuable items including fishing rods, fish finders and life jackets being stolen out of boats parked on the street or in front yards. A lot of crime is simply opportunistic and occurs during both day and night.

Please take the time to assess your home security and make any changes to help keep your home and property safe.

The following website is designed from the Queensland Police Service to assist people to assess and improve their home security. and

preventing crime/home and multi residential security

Remember, if a crime is happening now or for emergencies call 000 if the matter is non urgent think policelink 131444. Support: I know for many people that this time of year can magnify financial issues, family conflict, loneliness and increases stress for people with anxiety and depression. If you’re facing a difficult time over the Christmas and New Year period reach out and get support. Look out for one another, sometimes it’s as simple as sending a text to say hello or calling someone over for a cup of coffee. If you are in immediate danger, call 000 for police and ambulance assistance. Lastly, I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year.

Kind Regards, Brendan POWNALL.

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 29

Interested in the weather and what the Weather Gods might have in store for us for the upcoming high risk summer season? Well, have a look at this: You can read more about the long-range forecast online here http:// long.../

Or watch the Bureau's Severe Weather Season Outlook for Queensland 2022-23 webinar here


Seniors Enquiry Line is a state wide information and referral service for Queensland seniors, families, friends, grandparents and carers.

We can help you with concessions, social activities, household assistance, retirement accommodation, financial and legal matters, health, education, transport and many other issues.

Kids Helpline

1800 551 800

Kids Helpline is a national, free, private and confidential phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25 years. (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

DVConnect Womensline

1800 811 811

DVConnect Womensline is a statewide telephone service offering free professional and non judgemental telephone support to women who are experiencing domestic or family violence. They can help women to obtain safe refuge accommodation, confidential counselling and referral to other services.

(24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous

The service was set up by the Queensland Government Department of Communities to support grandparents who are

raising their grandchildren. For more information visit:.



Lifeline provides Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to crisis support and suicide prevention services. (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

DVConnect Mensline

1800 600 636

DVConnect Mensline is a statewide telephone service offering free confidential counselling, referral and support to men affected by domestic or family violence.

(9am to 12 midnight, 7 days a week)

membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre…….Phone: 4771 5411

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 31
Supporting Queensland Grandparents

Service Number

All Emergency Calls (including Police, Fire, Ambulance and for reporting fallen powerlines) 000

Townsville Local Disaster Management Group Local Disaster Coordination Centre (only activated during declared emergencies) 1800 738 541

Townsville State Emergency Service (SES) Tarping/Branches down 13 25 00

Queensland Police Service Police Link (Non life threatening calls) 13 14 44

Queensland Ambulance Service (Non life threatening calls) 13 12 33

Townsville City Council (includes Emergency After Hours, Flood information, Dengue outbreaks, Sun safety information) 13 48 10

Ergon Energy Loss of Supply and Emergencies 13 16 70

Origin Energy Natural Gas and LPG Gas Emergencies leaks only 1800 808 526

North Regional Gas LPG Gas Emergencies 07 4774 5111 Telstra 13 22 03

Optus 13 13 44

Townsville Hospital and Health Service 07 4433 1111

Department of Transport and Main Roads (Road Closures) 13 19 40

Translating and Interpreting Service 13 14 50

Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone/Hencamp: Raymond Pace: 4770 7285 /
Fire Warden:
361 Call from anywhere in Australia— 24 hours/7 days
Stay up to date with current fire restrictions: or https://
Rob Pratt: 0407 634

Rollingstone & District Community Assoc Inc.

44 Community Cres, Rollingstone 4816


President: Sue Von Wald 0407 753 562 Treasurer: Lynne Prytherch.....................................47707 689 Hon. Secretary Chris Martin 47707 855 Angie Barr 0417 027 700 Deb Calder 47707 474 Geoffrey Prytherch 47707 689 Phil Thompson………………………………..0412416027

All Correspondence to: The Secretary 44 Community Crescent, Rollingstone Qld 4816

Community Centre Manager Chris Martin

RTC Monday Friday 8am 4pm………………….47707 855 Fax: …………………………………………………….. 47707 811

E mail: Community Hall Phone (M F 9am 3pm) @ op shop........ 47707 153


E mail: Contact: Rag office 47707 799 Police OIC: Sgt Anthony Jacobs; 2IC: Snr Constable: Brendan Pownall POLICE LINK ...................................................................131 444 EMERGENCY 000 CRIMESTOPPERS 1800 333 000

Rural Fire Brigade

Rollingstone Raymond Pace 47707 285 / 0427 116 604

Fire Permit Rob Pratt......................................... ..0407 634 361 Toomulla Rudi Schwarz 47707 813 S.E.S. Emergency Flood or Storm 13 2500 Duty Phone 0460 692 749

Rollingstone State School

Principal: Andrew Stallman 47707 313

Rollingstone state school P & C Assoc. President: Annie O’Brien…………………………….……0418 252 450 Email :

Mutarnee State School

Principal: Michael Blake 47708 131


C/O Northern Beaches Station 47786 033 Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club Inc.

President: Bruce Smith 0407 157 515 Secretary: Kerrie Cochrane.......................... 0412 492 861 Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc Email: President: Gary Luff ....................................... 0448137008 Secretary: Neil Thompson 0427240472 Mystic Sands Golf Resort………………………………………..47707 355


North Townsville Community Hub 47516 511

Paluma & District Community Association President: Jamie Oliver 0408 710 030 Email: …………………………….. 1st. V. President: Sarah Swan 0439 492 351 Secretary: TBA Treasurer: Wilfred Karnoll................................. 47788 441 Michelle Bird:

Rollingstone RSL President: Ewan Cameron 0417 719 043 Secretary: Anna McRae:

Rollingstone & District Lions Club

President: Michelle Ambia 0490 338 668

Rollingstone & District Social Group

President: Deb Calder 47707 474 Secretary: Cheryl Pearson 47707 027

Toomulla Community Association President: Rhonda Schwarz 47707 813

Animal Contact Numbers

Animal Refuge 47745 130

Animal Ambulance (after hours) 47745 130

RSPCA Inspection 47744 714

Straying Stock 47738 411 National Parks & Wildlife Service ................................... 47212 399 N.Q. Wildlife Care Group 0414 717 374

Bird Rescue 47707 356 / 0412 965 535

Margaret Preston (Vet) TXT 0403 262 212

Livestock on Highway REPORT TO 13 19 40

Justices Of The Peace


Chris Martin, Community Centre, M F 8am 4pm..........47707 855

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 33
Alcoholics Anonymous For More Information………………………………………………………..47715 411
Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 34 Rosco, Olga, Nessie & Eamon Rollingstone General Store 6.30am to 5pm every day 21 Rollingstone Street, North Queensland 4816 FRESH COFFEE Barista quality Bounce coffee Latte, cappuccino, caramel, skinny, etc. Try our chocolate muffins  Barbeque Sausages  Lean Mince  Rump Steak  Rosco’s famous ham off the bone FRESH MEAT IN CRYOVAC PAKS  Potatoes  Onions  Tomatoes  Eggs  Bananas  Pineapples FRESH FRUIT AND VEGIES Plus Extensive range of Frozen Vegetables POST OFFICE Pay bills (rego, phone, power etc) Phone credit (all networks) Post parcels and letters PARCEL COLLECTION ONLY BETWEEN 9.00AM AND 5PM MONDAY TO FRIDAY NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display. Going Fishing? We stock tackle, lines, lures, BAIT for local conditions Rosco & Olga would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Cheap petrol, diesel, oil and car products Gas cylinder refills Newspapers and magazines Gift cards and stationery
and fresh bread
food and bones Ice cream
soft drinks, iced tea, flavoured milk Hot pies and sausage rolls Groceries and small goods Pay bills, (Rego, Rates, Phone, Electricity, etc); Bank your Cheques and Withdraw Cash; Post Letters and Parcels
recharge for all networks Gas Refills
4770 7340
4770 7470

1st January 2023


1 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping

9am Waterobics @ Tasman Caravan Park 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am NoTCH Mobile Playgroup @ Hall & Second Bite Food Stall 5.30pm Barefoot Bowls @ Golf Resort

2 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class

5.15pm RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club @ Mystic Sands Golf Resort

3 8am Balgal Beach Market, at The Landing.

9am 12 noon Op Shop

4 7.30am Mass at Hall

5 9am Line dancing at Hall 12.30pm Cards @ Hall

6 9am Waterobics @ Tasman Caravan Park

7 9am Indoor Bowls @ hall

8 8am 3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Waterobics @ Tasman Caravan Park 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am NoTCH Mobile Playgroup Christmas Party @ NoTCH 5.30pm Barefoot Bowls @ Golf Resort

9 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class 4pm Christmas Carols on Village Green 5.15pm RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club @ Mystic Sands Golf Resort

Last day of school 2022 Resume Monday 23rd January 2023

10 12.30 BINGO @ Hall 11 7.30am Mass at Hall 12noon BBB&LC Christmas Breakup Lunch Party

12 9 am Line dancing at Hall 12.30 Cards @ Hall

13 9am Waterobics @ Tasman Caravan Park 1.30pm Crafts Afternoon @Hall 5.30pm Lions Business Meeting then Lions Christmas Party

14 9am Indoor Bowls@ hall 11.30am MOBILE LIBRARY 6.45pm SES training

15 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community) 9am VET at Hall 9am Waterobics @ Tasman Caravan Park 5.30pm Barefoot Bowls @ Golf Resort

16 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class Resume 6th January 5.15pm RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club @ Mystic Sands Golf Resort RTC Closed at end of Day. Resume 3rd January

17 Project Outback Dental at Balgal Beach Medical Centre 10.30am Lions Santa Lolly Run and Cake Sale 18 7.30am Mass at Hall

19 20 21 6.45pm SES training

22 8am 3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am


27 28 29 30 31

24 25 7.30am Mass at Hall 12pm Lions Christmas lunch @ Lions Den



Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 35
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
December 2022
Waterobics @ Tasman Caravan Park 9am Cards (in Community) 5.30pm Barefoot Bowls @ Golf Resort CHRISTMAS
23 5.15pm RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club @ Mystic Sands Golf Resort 5.30pm Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club at The Landing.


North Queensland is about as far away from the snow as you can get. But after tasting the thrill of the luge track overseas, Townsville's Alex Ferlazzo started taking a wheeled sled down Mount Stuart. He's the fastest Australian luge Olympian ever, and he now believes future champs could come from any corner of the country.

Hear his story on the ABC listen app:

Rollingstones new swimming pool. When finished, it will magically turn into the kids new playground.

Rollingstone Rag, December 2022 36
and Brushes
The Flame Monument in Bushy Parker Park
2023 preps attend for 3 mornings to get to know everyone

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