OCTOBER 2022 Rollingstone Rag

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OCTOBER 2022 Free official newsletter of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated AED (Defibrillator) available at Fisherman’s Landing, Mystic Sands Golf Resort, R&D Lions Club, Toomulla Little Library and Paluma Hall, for public use. A PUBLICATION OF THE ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION




a free publication produced by the Rollingstone & District Community Association Incorporated with news and information for residents and visitors to Rollingstone, Balgal Beach, Mystic Sands, Crystal Creek, Paluma, Mutarnee, Bluewater, Toomulla and surrounding suburbs in North Queensland, Australia.


The ‘Rolly Rag’ is produced by a team of volunteers any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher).

freedom of speech, however, only letters

For permission to reprint any part of this publication, contact the editor. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Rollingstone & District Community Association Incorporated.

The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher.

The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through

supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published.

The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive.

In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to.


Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 2
Photos from Suzi Vincent: Pineapple Festival
EDITOR: October Edition: Kerrie Cochrane EMAIL: rollingstonerag@bigpond.com TEL: 47707 799 ONLINE: https://issuu.com/rollingstonerag/docs
Full Page (18 x 26cm) $120 incl GST Half Page (18 x 13cm) $80 incl GST Quarter Page (9 x 13cm) $50 incl GST Business Card (9 x 6.5cm) $25 incl GST Classifieds (up to 20 words) $10 incl GST Flyers / Inserts* $120 incl GST Rollingstone / Balgal Beach Rainfall Report September 2022 Rainfall as at 29th September 35.5ml Year to Date 1391.4ml Wet Days 4 Maximum Temp 320 23rd September Minimum Temp 150 4th September Local Weather Station Information at: www.wunderground.com/personal weather station/dashboard?ID=IQUEENSL849 The Rag is a great place to advertise and is very cost effective. You can provide your ready made file or we can design an Ad for you for a small fee! For more information or to discuss your Ad, please call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email: rollingstonerag@bigpond.com or rollingstonertc@bigpond.com. Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours in the mailbox located at the end of veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Please make sure your name and details are on the envelope. *extra costs for supplying the photocopying, if required ROLLINGSTONE RAG ADVERTISING RATES


Internet Access

for Students

Printing & Photocopying

Single Sided


or more



Printing from Computer

Black & White

Scanning & Printing (B&W).

Fax First page

& White)


Laminating Business




incl. GST)



The Community Association has the following items available for hire. All prices include GST.


Centrelink provides phone,

access for individuals

To make a claim



to access



Tables $5.50 each


$0.55 each


Cold Room* per day or part thereof $55.00 Chip Cooker* per day or part thereof $15.00

Cold room, Bain Marie and Chip Cooker are fixtures Cots and high chairs, wheelchairs, over toilet seats and walkers available for loan at no charge.

Note: Pick up of hire tables and chairs is between 8am and 2pm Monday to Friday only unless by prior arrangement with staff.


Price on application

All large functions $330.00 (includes the use of all hall facilities with the exception of cold room and chip cooker)

For more information regarding the Hall and Equipment Hire please call the Centre Manager on 4770 7855


If anyone in the community would like a parcel picked up in Townsville and delivered to your gate. Call Chris at the Community Centre on 47707 855 to arrange.

Collections are available weekly on Thursdays only.

COST is only $5!!

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 3
fax, copier and computer
Centrelink services.
enquiry please make use of the equipment and services available
the Access
services also available.
$2/hour (or part of) FREE
doing school projects and FREE for Job Seekers.
.10¢ / page A4 Double
.20¢ / page A4 50
off 1 original .05¢ / page A3 Single
.........................................20¢ / page A3 Double Sided.......................................40¢ / page A3 50 or
off 1 original .....................10¢ / page Colour Photocopying A3 or A4.................50¢ / page
.20¢ /
Colour $1 /
.50¢ /
Card .50¢ A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) A3 $2.20 (incl. GST) Room Hire 1/2 Day $20 incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST) Important document scanning ...............................$5.00

To find out what’s happening in the Community. Like and follow us on Facebook where you’ll find all the up to date information.

5th and 19th OCTOBER


Lots of Stalls



The Esplanade, Balgal Beach


Played on the 3rd Tuesday of each month between 2-4pm at the Hall. Scrabble, Mahjong, Yahtzee and MORE!!! Bring along your favourite game if you want or play with any of our games!

$2 for an afternoonof fun with likeminded people.


At the Community Centre Wednesday Mornings 9 11.30am only $2.50

This is a FUN activity and is guaranteed to be a winner!! All skill levels & all age groups.

Just turn up and see how much fun you will have! Come and join us for a great time!


At the Community Centre Monday to Friday 9-3pm

If you visit a new beach in Australia every day, it will take you over 27 years to see them all as there are 10,685 beaches

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 4

Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page.

news or items of interest are most welcome. Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris at the RTC.

The Washer/Dryer facility at the Community Centre is up and running!!!

Please be aware that there is only 1 washer and 1 dryer, which means you could arrive to find someone else using it; so, there may be a waiting period.

You supply your own detergent and conditioner; we supply power, water and the facility at a cost of $4 per load for the Washing Machine and $4 per load for the Dryer.

This service is only available from 8am until 3pm, Monday through Friday.

Phone Chris on 4770 7855 if you require further information.

Queensland Health has provided the Rollingstone Community Centre with a quantity of Covid 19 Antigen Self-Test kits.

The RAT kits come at no cost to the public and can be picked up from the RTC Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. Please wear a mask and use hand sanitiser if you are experiencing flu like symptoms.


Balgal Beach Markets 1 Oct Country Music Afternoon 2 Oct

Mobile Library—5 & 19 Oct

SES 30th Anniversary BBQ 29 Oct

VET @ HALL” 20 Oct 9am


• 2 October Paluma Community Market 9 am to 1 pm. Community Hall

• 29 & 30 October Paluma Trail Run. Event run by Outer Limits Adventure and information is on their website

• 12 November Monsters and Mayhem Night at Paluma. 6.30 pm til late

• 10 December Tropical BBQ at the Community Hall 6.30 pm til late

You don’t need to be a member of a Group to join in activities at the Community Centre. Just come along if there’s something happening and you’d like to be part of it. It usually costs $2 to participate, but if you want more information, call Chris on 4770 7855.

Lions Christmas Carols 9th December 4pm

Carols start: Twilight


There will be Letter Box in the Community Hall to post your letter to Santa and on the night, Santa will hand out his replies to your letters. If the letter cannot be left at the hall it can be sent to: Rollingstone Lions Club

“Letters to Santa”

PO Box 25 Rollingstone 4816

There will be Stalls selling Xmas goodies commencing at 4.00pm

Optional gold coin donation to RaDA Op shop

The Lions Club will have a food stall plus the bar will be open.

P & C cake stall and Lions Xmas Cakes and Puddings for sale.

Lions Xmas Raffle, bring your own chairs, blankets etc.

A heartfelt thank-you to TJ and his able assistant Brenden, Community Policing at its best.



Thank you to all those residents who attended the community meetings. I can now advise that Council staff are in the process of surveying the proposed easement at the rear of Mystic Avenue and partly through the golf course. The next step is approval from the Queensland Government, which can be a lengthy process. I will provide further updates as they become available.

PACE PARK children’s playground

To my absolute delight attached are the proposed plans for the upgrade. I want to personally thank everyone for taking the time to provide feedback through Council’s ‘Have your say’ program. In particular, thanks to Harmoni Radcliffe for driving change and the RTC and community for their support. While we didn’t get everything we wanted, it is a change and in line with community feedback.

With regard to the proposed “Pineapple” design for the soft fall, what a fantastic idea and a design that was done in line with what represents the community if we continue to work together we might be able to have THE BIG PINEAPPLE” or the “Smallest Pineapple” on show for the whole of Australia to see.


Big congratulations to the community for their fundraising efforts. I look forward to working with the community to make this happen. Thanks Sue, for keeping me updated!


Take a bow I know it was a challenge, I know it was a handful that drove it, BUT you have done it. You nailed it, you owned it, you continued the legacy. I will always continue to support this Community Festival that is about FAMILY AND FUN. You are all amazing, just so proud. Community events like this is what makes a community strong and resilient.

BORTON STREET PLANTING coastal adaptation

Again, take a bow all those on Borton Street for working with council to grow grass and vines to protect our shoreline. Stay tuned for a date to have a collaborative learning day about the future 10 20 years of coastal adaptation.

And let’s celebrate with a BBQ on the foreshore. If you are not on my “Borton Street” list, please email me so I can send you the invitation Margie.ryder@townsville.qld.com.au

Yours sincerely

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 6
Councillor Townsville City Council
Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 7

Your Local Community Pharmacy

Bluewater Healthsave Pharmacy

Purono Parkway, Yabulu 4818

PH: 07 4778 6233

4778 6733

6pm Monday Friday

1pm Saturday

Balgal Beach Healthsave Pharmacy

Mystic Avenue, Balgal Beach 4816

PH: 07 4770 7400

07 4770 7399

8.30am 5pm Monday Friday


FREE Blood Pressure Checks

Blister Packaging for your medicines

*Hire Equipment


Prescription Service


*NDSS Agent Diabetes Supplies

available for those in need

MLE Making Life Easy (Large range of Home Healthcare aids)

Pharmacy Choice Brand Products (Quality product made affordable with 100% money back guarantee). Easy parking available

Keeping yourself Hydrated Dehydration can happen when your body loses too much fluid, sweating excessively is one example. You are dehydrated if your body doesn’t have enough water to keep it working properly. Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration:

• Dry lips, mouth and tongue

• Headache

• Dark urine and not so much of it

• Dizziness or light headed (particularly when standing up) Severe Dehydration symptoms can be:

• Extremely thirsty

• Have a very dry mouth

• Breathing fast

• Have a fast heart rate but low blood pressure

• Have a fever

• Have little or no urine

• Be irritable, drowsy or confused

• Babies who are severely dehydrated have a sunken fontanel, the soft spot on top of a baby’s head.

If you experience any of these above severe symptoms seek


Sign of dehydration in the Elderly:

• Increased thirst

• Fatigue and lethargy

• Dizziness

• Headaches

• Loss of skin elasticity

• Sticky or dry mouth

• Dark urine

Seniors are at an increased risk of dehydration for a number of reasons:

• As you get older your thirst reflex diminishes, you don’t feel thirsty

• You have less fluid in the body

• Some older people suffer from medical conditions like dementia or a physical immobility, which inhibits them from drinking water.

Causes of dehydration:

• Strenuous exercise, especially in hot weather

• Server vomiting and diarrhoea

• Drinking too much alcohol

• Certain medications

• Complications of Diabetes

• Simply not drinking enough water

Mild dehydration can be fixed by drinking more fluids. You can get pre made solutions from the pharmacy which help replace the salts back into your body.

Please check with your Pharmacist if you are taking any medications.

Severe Hydration needs

IMMEDIATE MEDICAL TREATMENT, usually in Hospital where fluids are given via a drip.

If you have any question please contact your local Pharmacy.

The Team at Balgal Beach

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 8
FAX: 07


120 Mystic Avenue Balgal Beach


Fax: 47707 100


to Friday 8.00a.m. to 4.00p.m.


Attending Doctors:

Dr Vladimir Hasa

Dr Olga Hasa

Dr Diana Hopkins

Dr Lucia Rajnoch

Dr Clyton Banya

Dr Meena Urkude


Free Movement Physio (Fortnightly)


Wednesday 8.30am 12noon

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 9 At Balgal Beach Medical Centre Every third Saturday of the Month 15th OCTOBER 2022 For all other appointments and dental emergencies, we welcome you to your dental home at MYTOOTHDOCTOR TM Family, Paediatric and Special Care Dentistry Bushland Beach Medical Centre www.mytoothdoctor.com.au T 07 4751 8999 BLUEWATER MEDICAL PRACTICE 2 PURONO PARKWAY, PURONO PARK
Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm Saturday 8.30am to 1pm Tel: 07 4778 6444 OR you can book ONLINE via our website www.bluewatermedical.com General Practitioners and Allied Health Services
47707 244
Appointments are necessary.
Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 10
Not available during School holidays.

September brought several highs and lows with it; the death of our Queen probably being the most newsworthy. She was an absolute heroine to my mind with her work ethic, sense of duty, unmatched dignity, love of animals, and endless respect for all mankind.

And locally, we lost Vanda Simmons a nicer woman you’d never meet: kind, generous, loving, and a dear friend to many of us. She will be desperately missed and our hearts go out to her family at this time. Vale Vanda…..

The ‘Sick List’ hasn’t been good: Sue Thompson, Barb Armfield, Rob Wilson, Rhonda Smith and Gordon Payne and there’re are no doubt more about whom we’re unaware. Get well soon, folks.

• The Pineapple Festival was a rip-roarin’ success!! Need I say more? The new Committee certainly excelled themselves. A job REALLY well done.

• Thanks to a couple of Stalls, the Community Association has managed to reach $12K in its first year of saving for our new (and definitely BIGGER) Op Shop. Deb, Bob and Julie Rose actually sold just shy of 180 books @ 50c. each quite a remarkable achievement; and Lynnie & Vicki sold out on the Cake Stall to the tune of $700 so we made it to our goal for this year. Savings for the new Op Shop next year will be a tad more difficult to accumulate, I fear.

• We need to publicly thank Colin Pace (Pace Farming), Alison Gough (Explore Property), Dickie Charleston (Fisherman’s Landing proprietor), Mick McMahon (Mystic Sands Golf Resort), and Ron Turner and his staff at Townprint, Townsville, for their incredible sponsorship and hard work in providing us with our extremely special “Rollingstone History” Board all of which was made possible by Mrs. Trish Cronin. We are deeply in debt and greatly appreciative to all these wonderful folk.

• The access to Pace Park has been achieved after a lot of to ing and fro ing with Council, but it WAS finally achieved; and with John Muller’s help, cost us nothing. Great outcome!!

• After a suggestion from Deb Calder, and with the help of Suzi Vincent, we’ve bitten the bullet and started a Purple Poppy Project. To date, we’ve been the recipient of a Plaque from the Australian War Animals Memorial Organisation and we’ve purchased stock items to hopefully re sell to make some money to achieve our aim, plus recognition of the plight and contribution of Animals in War. We’ve applied to Council to have this Plaque erected at a fitting time and place and are awaiting their response.

• Otherwise, I can’t think of anything else that would interest our readers. The day to day “stuff” goes on unabated between Chrissie and her volunteer assistants. The facility and its environs and assets are fulfilling their requirements, so unless anyone has something contentious with which to assail us, that’s it for September.

Have you ever tried this? It’s a really old recipe: Mince corned beef, onion and Worcestershire or Tomato sauce and if so desired, a bit of grated cheese mixed in never goes astray either! I make it regularly for our enjoyment. And you can always substitute tinned corned meat if you're desperate, but it's not as yumm as the real stuff.

GRIEF is the price we pay for LOVING. (HRH Queen Elizabeth II)

Live well, love much laugh often………………..“Sancho Panza”.

When I was given permission by the Pineapple Festival Committee to include a static historical photographic display on the local Pineapple Industry for the 2022 Festival, I not only contacted our local farmers to see if they had some photos we could use, I also contacted our local Museum Expert, Mrs. Trish Cronin, for much needed help and direction. She was most receptive to the idea and offered her knowledge and experience in unlimited amounts. After a certain amount of deliberation, she asked would I like for her to take on the project, and of course, I said “yes”.

She was most obliging and the Community Association now has a local Historical Display par excellence permanently posted in our Big Hall. The whole exercise was sponsored and for this we are extremely grateful and heartily offer thanks to those people and Companies involved. Trish did an excellent job in the actual portrayal of Rollingstone’s early days and how the district evolved, and it is now there for locals, history buffs, and all interested persons to enjoy and from which to learn. Warm and appreciative thanks, Mrs. C!

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 11 NEWS

Hello Rollingstoners, first we congratulate the Pineapple Festival for a terrific day of fun and frivolity. Congrats to the many winners, but mostly to the Committee for the success of all their hard work. Well done! BRAVO!

Bubbles and Brushes last session will be Thursday 10th November. Watch your social pages for further details. Rosa’s successful solo exhibition at the CIC Flinders Street Townsville closed 23rd Sept. Thanks to all who supported her. Also, congrats to her for gaining 2nd place in the Burdekin Art society’s competition (acrylic section) with ‘Glitch’, and 1st prize at the Pineapple Festival for ‘N.Q.’

The Hinchinbrook Birdlife Competition/Exhibition. Shirley Cattle and Rosa have entries in this and we wish them the best of luck in their endeavours. Opening night 7th October (Please let Tyto know if you are attending) then open 8th to 29th October.

A reminder to our members there will be a social meeting at the Golf Club October 28th. 6pm onward.


Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 12

Rollingstone & District Lions Club Inc.

A big Wow Under the shadow of our National flag at half mast for the passing of Queen Elizabeth II Queen of Australia, we re introduced the Rollingstone Pineapple Festival after an absence of 2 years because of COVID restrictions.

I’m lost for words to say thank you to so many people and organisations who made a contribution, all I can say again is, WOW!!! Without all your individual efforts this Signature Event for our Community would not have been possible, it takes a special effort from everybody to pull of such a successful day. Our Mayor, Jenny Hill made a visit and was completely blown away by the event, the hard work of everyone involved and the spectacular attendance we attracted.

Over the next few weeks, we will have a debrief and start planning next years event with a few wrinkles sorted, particularly the need for more volunteers for all aspects of the event, planning, setting up, field work on the day and the teardown. If you feel you could help, just give me a call on the number below.

Talking about helping; your Lions Club is on a fundraising drive with our recycled can/bottles collection it is possible to hand this completely over to one of the registered recyclers’, but this involves losing 1/3 of the returns so rather than go in that direction we would like to form a group of friends of the Lions’ Club to help us with community support. If you collect cans/bottles at home and would like to contribute them to help with our community development, you can join our band of collectors either taking them to our preferred recycler and giving our reference number, dropping them off at one of our collection points or if you have a large bag full, we can pick them up or provided you with a special bin at home.

The important part is that we have set a target of $3500 of donations over the next 12 months and by joining our collection group you will be able to see how we are going to reach our target, then join us this time next year for a get together and hopefully a celebration of reaching our target. Just ph. me if you would like to join our collector band.


Why not come along and join other likeminded people who are walking to improve their overall health? You will be most welcome. The hardest thing to do is to put on your walking shoes!

Walking is a fabulous way to improve heart health

How does it work? You walk at your own pace, for as long or short a time as you choose. The Group decides next week’s walk during the current walk.

Where? Different routes are walked, in the Balgal Beach Rollingstone areas, ranging from the Beach to local Parks.

When? The Group meets on Wednesday afternoons and walk at various start times, depending on the Season (currently 4pm 5pm)

Cost?...........Your time Contact Trudi on 0432 325 733

Come along and join us, make new friends, get stronger and fitter and enjoy our lovely weather and community. Welcome!

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022


North Townsville Community Hub receives Highly Commended Resilient Australia Health and Wellbeing Award (Queensland)

Congratulations to North Townsville Community Hub (NOTCH) for winning the Highly Commended Queensland Resilient Australia Award. NOTCH were one of two finalists for the Queensland Resilient Australia Awards in the Mental Health and Wellbeing category for disaster resilience projects.

The award was presented for NOTCH's incredible work running the Tackling Regional Adversity through Integrated Care (TRAIC) Mental Health Program. This program was delivered during incredibly challenging times, through the aftermath of the 2019 Townsville Floods and the beginning of COVID 19.

The program created a place based mental health network in Townsville’s Northern Beaches and hosted more than 22 programs over 12 months. Funded by the Queensland Health: TRAIC grant, this program included wages for a coordinator and a variety of mental health supports that could be accessed via the NOTCH Neighbourhood centre.

supports were targeted to meet

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 14
emerging needs in the community. The variety of programs was immense and deeply valuable to the community including: Youth Mental Health programs, Community Connection events and Tai Chi classes to build coping behaviours for individuals. It also aimed to build the capacity of the communities sector through providing free training in Psychological First Aid and Trauma Informed Practices to local organisations and community groups. Absolutely amazing work by NOTCH, creating such a huge impact on the lives of their community members during incredibly challenging times.
Orchid Society inc. Charles St., Kirwan Date.. Sunday 9th October 2022 Time.. Arrival time 8.00am Venue.. Townsville Orchid Society Hall Cost.. $10 including morning tea, lunch & afternoon tea Monster Raffle.. Raffle tickets $1 each R.S.V.P. .. 4th October 2022 for catering Hoping to see you all there For a great fun day out. Contact…. Robyn Dundas.. 0413392048O email….townsvilleorchidsociety@gmail.com You are invited to attend the Townsville Orchid Society inc. Field Day Event. 29th October, Pace Park, Rollingstone


The warm weather is happening and the Tasman Holiday Park at Rollingstone has been busy during the winter season with upgrades to the facility which includes cabins and the wonderful beach entry pool.

The start back date for our Aqua Group will be TUESDAY 11TH OCTOBER, 2022. Plenty of time for the water to be a great temperature and some work to be completed at the pool.

This season will see a change of days for us. Aqua will now be on TUESDAY and THURSDAY of each week, entry to the Park 9.00am to 9.20am. If you are late, please park outside and walk across to the pool area. Parking inside will be near the jumping mat and please remember to adhere to the speed limits within the park. One vehicle at a time through the boom gate entry please.

Looking forward to getting back to our water world, lots of laughter and remembering that we allow for all levels of fitness, working at your own pace and feeling comfortable whilst enjoying the company of others in the community. Bring along pool noodles if you have them for our first week, a water bottle and a sense of fun! We may sneak some coffee mornings in after our water workout as well. Maybe you have new neighbours or know of members in the community who may like to join us. Everyone welcome.

Please call 0417716366 if you need further information otherwise see you all back on TUESDAY 11TH OCTOBER.

SES Volunteers with their Awards

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 15
Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 17 TOOMULLA Saturday Only 7.30am 4.30pm BLUEWATER Saturday & Sunday 7.30am 4.30pm TRANSFER STATIONS Domestic Waste and Recyclables Only No Bulky Items No Furniture or Rubber Tyres GREEN WASTE/ WHITEGOODS/ METALS/ ELECTRONIC WASTE AND FLUORESCENT TUBES ARE FREE The Community Op Shop Operating Hours: Mon-Fri 9-3pm & First & Third Saturday of month 9am 12pm Clothes, nic nacs, kitchen wares, shoes, bedding and more !!! 44 Community Crescent Mystic Avenue Rollingstone Whilstwearegratefulforallofyourkind donations,pleaseensureyourgoodsarein reasonable,sellablecondition. Weareunable toacceptanyelectricalgoods;largeknives; bulky,chipboardfurnitureinanyconditionand Joy, one of our volunteer Admin worker hard at it


s Landing Fishing & Social ClubInc

Hi fellow member’s, our AGM meeting was the 26th August. Welcome to our New committee. President: Garry Luff

Junior fishing champion

Vice President: Graham Millinken

Secretary: Neil Thompson

Treasurer: Mick Maher

Stinger Net:Dickie Charleston

Events Co ordinator: Di Green

Committee Members: Di Thompson and Bronwyn Sant Market Co ordinators: Keri Nichols and Moire Shark. Thank you everyone, we are looking forward to our new year ahead, don’t forget to put your hand up for any volunteering, every little bit helps the club.

Our Hinchinbrook challenge is coming to an end, the winner will be announced on the 30th September at our presentation dinner held at the landing. This is always a good night with lots of special food, steak, fish, rissoles, prawns and ham, accompanied by all the beautiful salads our member’s bring along.

Thank you Nick Dametto for his continued interest, sponsorship and support of this event.

Pineapple festival fishing games were a big hit with the children and they all enjoyed the lollies for catching a fish, a great reward. Thank you Di and Mick, you both done a great job with the kids. Membership forms were available on the day. Week end away. Lucinda Friday 11th 13th November, A member’s only event. Club will subsidise dinner at the Lucinda Point Hotel Friday evening and provide breakfast Saturday and Sunday. A great weekend for those wanting to fish or those just wanting to relax and enjoy good company. Please contact Wanderer’s Holiday Village on 47778213 to book a cabin/ caravan/tent site. Don’t forget to mention you are with the fishing club. Email Di to confirm you are attending for catering arrangements. flfsceventscoordinator@gmail.com

Kids Fishing Classic is coming up soon, we will be advertising date and time, kids will love it. Don’t forget your hats, sun block and water bottles.

24 hour fisheries line, for any questions: 0417788692

First Aid and CPR course has been rescheduled, update on date soon.

Come to your local market and support local people, lots of amazing

stalls to enjoy, grab a breakfast burger while you are there at our Balgal Beach waterfront. Winner of the beautiful plant terrarium donated by Garry and Koy: Irene Leary. Next market best dressed pooch, should be funny. The Market is held on the first Saturday of the month on the Esplanade, Balgal Beach. http:s//www.facebook.com/balgalbeachmarket

Anyone wanting to come along and join the fun, we meet on the last Friday of every month at the landing. $35 single membership $70 family, Member’s and kids eat free, non member’s $15, visitors always welcome. A courtesy bus is available for those who like a drink, Happy hour 5.30 6.30 This is not a BYO event. Fishing shirts are available for sale and these need to be ordered. Please email for further details. fishermanslandingfishingclub@gmail.com

If fish lived on land, what country would they live in: Fin land………..Take care

Dickies Report

Giday Folks. Well it has been a while since the last report about who and how caught the fish and when and where. Starting at the beginning, Taylors beach inlet and Cattle creek have produced excellent catches of Salmon, Whiting, Flathead, Grunter and the odd Barra andMangrove Jack. Still enough crabs about to get a feed. Olera, Crystal and scrubby creek systems also producing good catches. Rollingstone and Hencamp creeks are as always producing good catches of Grunter and Mangrove jack with the odd Barra being landed at well.

Now that spring has sprung we will see a change from our traditional winter species to the warmer weather varieties Barra, Mangrove Jack and Fingermark should really fire up and your lures will become more effective.

Always remember to be croc wise in croc country they will be moving about and starting to look for mates as the weather warms up and spending more time in the water than sunbaking on the bank.

The inner shoals are fishing well with catches of Coral Trout, Grassy Sweetlip and Cod of good size being boated. Paluma shoals also fishing well for the same species. Not many report from the islands. The Mackeral have been around their usual haunts in good numbers. Make sure you get up to speed with the new Spanish Mackeral restrictions coming into effect during October, and bear in mind the annual Coral Reef Fin Fish closures 22 to 26 October and 21 to 25 November this year.

That’s all for this month safe boating and tight lines everyone. Please put in a trip sheet for your own safety with either Townsville or Ingham coast guards or let someone know where you are proceeding to and when you will return. You can leave your out of date flares and epirbs at the landing for safe disposal Dickie.

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 18
Kye Sharkey
Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 19

Rollingstone & District Leos Club

Wow what a beautiful day we had for the Rollingstone Pineapple Festival. So much colour, fun activities and things to do, and so pleased that the large crowd supported our own Leos’ Club food Stall. We sold out of our yummy Pineapple Pancakes and Cheesy Hot Dogs, and almost sold all of the cold drinks on hand for the Pineapple Festival Committee. And congratulations to Mrs Alysa Guppy from Black River who correctly guessed the “Number of Pineapple Lollies” in the Lolly Jar!

And what about the return of the Festival Mascot “Pineapple Pete”! A real hit with all Festival goers, and especially with the little kiddies. Rumour has it that a couple of our Leos may have been involved in all of that well done guys! And if there had been a prize for the best Pineapple Themed Gentleman, then no doubt Leo Advisor Travis would have won the comp.

Well Done too to President Taylah who delivered the “Welcome to Country” and to Leo Morgan who performed a beautiful rendition of the Australian National Anthem well done Ladies.

Our attention moves now to the rest of our activities this year, including a Colour Run and Obstacle Course for all of the young folk in our community on Sunday afternoon 13th November, as part of our support to our Lions National Diabetes Healthy Living and Diabetes Awareness Day. And we will also be packing Christmas Hampers again this year, before our final Project which is a visit to the Townsville University Hospital on Tuesday 13th December to deliver Teddies to the Children’s Ward just in time for Christmas!

We are now enjoying our School Holiday break before entering the last semester of study for this year. If you would like to know more about the Leo Program for the Youth of our Community and get involved in doing something very rewarding and worthwhile, please talk to Leo President Taylah, any of the Leos, or contact one of our Leo Advisors:

Travis Johnson: Mob 0439 540552

Shirley Muller: Mob 0407 114687


Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News

We had a minute silence for two wonderful women. Firstly, the Queen and then for one of our beautiful members: Vanda Simmons. Vale, The Queen and Vanda.

We had a poor turn out of Members for our September BBQ , maybe everyone was getting over the Pineapple Festival on the day before. Anyway, lovely Linda surprised those who did turn up with not 1...but 2 Member draws. Why….’course we could. Jan Holliday one won and Ken Turner the other draw, congratulations you lucky devils. While the ladies were in the kitchen preparing the food and there was lots of it, I was delegated to be BBQ chef for the night. Did a pretty good job of it even if I say so myself. Our October get together will be at the Hall as well but we will be having it at 12noon on 16th October (and not on 9th October) our regular day and time. We are having the lunch catered for us by the “Gidgee Gang”, Camp Oven Cookng crew. Bruce and Patricia will be cooking up a storm in their camp ovens for us. The price for this lovely fare will be $10 per member, Committee is subsidising the balance of the cost. Guests will be $30 per person. Please have your name, numbers and money to Linda ASAP please.

November will be a Brunch at Bushy Parker Park and of course...our Christmas breakup on 11th December at the Hall.

Take care and stay safe



Rollingstone Rag, October 2022

Mateship, and the RSL.

Mateship is at the heart of the Aussie way of life, with many of our local communities coming together in good and bad times, adapting to challenges that come our way, and giving everyone a ‘fair go’.

The ANZAC spirit means mateship. It is helping each other, your mates, and seeing others help one another. It’s very present in our community, we work well with everyone and embrace the differences in our community as we share our experiences and learn from each other.

Our local RSL desires to embody this way of life, through the support of our members, as we meet together on Friday evenings at the Golf Club. It has been wonderful to meet, chat with and help many veterans from across this great Nation of ours, traveling to our corner of the State. Men and women who served together in our Armed Forces, Army, Navy and Airforce are getting together to share laughs and experiences. Recently a Vietnam veteran, from Esperance in WA shared with us, how wonderful it was to spend time in Rollingstone and to miraculously meet up with an old mate who now lives in Sydney! We can only keep this mateship going, by having the support each Friday from all of our membership in Rollingstone. Come along and join us, you never know, a long lost serving veteran might just tap you on the shoulder and say “Gidday mate”!

Our Local Wildlife Carers

Hi, where did our winter go? I went away and came home to the start of our summer heat. I am not ready as I have heaps to do outside, just heaps of manual, physical work. Oh well will keep the old bones going I guess.

I have been out and about checking on a few animals and have listened to local folk mentioning, (I do not like to say complaining as people then go off on a tangent) the amount of unleashed dogs there are on the beach and forefront. I know this is an old worry but it appears that there are more outsiders than locals doing this, or else we have an awful lot of new comers disregarding the laws. We like to think it is “townies” coming out to give their dogs a good beach run. It is the law for dogs to be on a leash at all times when out of their yard and truly if you decide to take your dog to the beach, is this so hard to do?

We have our native animals to consider as have had reports of dog owners sic’ing their dogs onto the wallabies and kangaroos (sick owners), this is un necessary and down right cruel. If they want their dog to kill something take it to an illegal dog fight. Oh that’s right, their dog does not KILL the animal, yeah right, what happens to that animal when it gets away?? It dies of stress, been there, seen it. Then there is their residue, don’t we just love that dog poop squished between our toes?? Oops put my grand daughter down to play and hells bells she found some, “No don’t eat it”. Charming dog owner.

Then we have the responsible dog owner; who like the irresponsible one, loves their family pet member and wants to give it and themselves the treat of strolling down the beach enjoying the salt air and pondering life’s turmoil, relaxed with not a care in the world. Along comes the well trained, “my dog would not do that” dog with owner miles behind having his dog totally under his control. What a joke. This dog tries to latch onto your baby and as you scoop her up he decides ok

your arm looks good. You hear bellowing, the dog ignores, it as he is in the frenzy of fun, fun, fun. Owner is totally in control only of his own voice. I personally know of people who will not or can not walk their dog (s) anymore as they have been attacked several times and are now terrified. This is another example of how the minority rule.

I do not know what the answer to this problem is, we have become such a selfish nation we think only of ourselves and this is overall. As stated the minority rules. Would a dog park here in Balgal be a good idea? I think it probably will not solve this problem but at least the locals would have a nice area where their dogs could run and play freely. I am sure council could manage something like this as would be a benefit to the locals for the local dogs. Please slow down on the roads as we want you and the animals to be safe to live another day.

Speed kills


wildlife gals.

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 21 Rollingstone RSL
WALLABIES & KANGAROOS: GAYE LOVELL: 4770 7356 / 012 965 535 POSSUMS CHRIS GREEN 0402 084 588 BIRDS: PATRICIA 0447755861 Toomulla BERRY 0415654320 Bluewater If you require a deceased animal to be removed, please contact Council on 13 48 10

Office of Nick Dametto MP

Member for Hinchinbrook

Visit: 86-92 Herbert Street, Ingham QLD 4850

P: 07 4765 4700 | F: 07 4765 4709 |E: hinchinbrook@parliament.qld.gov.au

Rollingstone welcomes back Pineapple Festival

Recently, it was an honour to be invited to officially open the 15th Rollingstone Pineapple Festival, and what an event it was!

While Rollingstone is known for its quality produce, there is undoubtably one crop that brings more people to the region than any other the magnificent pineapple.

After a two year hiatus, this terrific family friendly event held at Pace Park certainly had plenty of activities, competitions, entertainment, and food to suit everyone’s taste.

With thousands of people in attendance which included locals from Balgal Beach and Rollingstone as well as visitors from the surrounding areas like Townsville and Ingham, this years’ Pineapple Festival was clearly one that was not to be missed.

This year I was lucky enough to join Cr Margie Ryder to judge the 2022 Pineapple Princess and Pirate fancy dress competition, as well as the art competition. It was great to see so many children get into the spirit with each donning their best pineapple themed costume, it made judging the competition particularly difficult.

While my formal duties kept me busy throughout the morning, I was able to find some time to check out the Pace Farming Tractor Pull and of course the Rolly “Thong Throw, not to mention some of the culinary delights on display in the Pineapple Cooking competition.

Unique events like this, that put our region on the map wouldn’t be possible without the work of the Rollingstone Pineapple Festival Committee, local service groups, volunteers and sponsors who work tirelessly for months in advance to make it such a great day for everyone involved.

It always humbles me to know that we have such a close knit and passionate community within the Hinchinbrook electorate, who are ready and willing to support our local producers to celebrate the pineapple harvest each year. This event gives us a true appreciation of all the hard work that goes into the $68 million Queensland pineapple industry, as part of Queensland’s $10 billion agriculture industry. I know that our Rollingstone community understands the importance of making a conscious effort to support local producers where and when we can, making it even more wonderful to be able to celebrate this vital industry and those who work tirelessly to put food on our country’s plates.

Nick Dametto MP Member for Hinchinbrook

Figure 1 Nick Dametto MP at the Rollingstone Pineapple Festival

Highway Hold-ups!!!

Mr. Dametto agrees that something needs to be done to shorten the length of the delays when accidents occur on the Bruce Highway. As a regular traveller on that stretch Mr. Dametto himself has experienced the significant delays and understands how inconvenient and frustrating it is.

Mr. Dametto intends to raise this issue in Parliament and will ask the Minister what the Government can do to try and reduce the length of the delays and support those travellers who are stuck for lengthy periods of time.

Kind regards,

Catherine Holden | Electorate Officer

Office of Nick Dametto MP Member for Hinchinbrook

P: 07 4765 4700

Visit: 86 92 Herbert Street, Ingham QLD 4850 | E: hinchinbrook@parliament.qld.gov.au |

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 22

Hello to all of the wonderful people of Rollingstone and our neighbouring communities, and just wanted to say “Thank You” to everyone who supported the Festival this year. After a two year hiatus due to Covid and with a new Committee, Ground Changes and program, we were hoping that the crowd would return. The hard working Committee and volunteers were not disappointed, and wonderful to see the large crowd in attendance to enjoy everything that this years Festival had to offer.

A special Thank You to all the Mums and Dads who enthusiastically supported their Children in the Pirate Pineapple Pete Fancy Dress Competition a real hit with the kiddies as were the kids Pineapple Races which followed. A great start to the day which saw a big crowd in early to sample all of the yummy Pineapple Themed Food and Drinks and to visit all of the Market Stalls and Displays. A big Thank You to all Stall Holders and Food outlets, and great to see the School P & C also participating for the first time this year.

The Festival depends very heavily on the support of our local Pineapple Growers and supporting Industry, and wonderful to have this again in 2022 as we celebrated all things great about the Humble Pineapple. An abundance of beautiful fresh Pineapples, yummy fresh local Pineapple Juice courtesy of Otto’s Market Harvest Castletown, Pineapple Spritzers and other great Pineapple themed treats all contributed to the occasion.

A festival of this size is also very dependant on the financial support of our Sponsors and those who donate produce and items for the Competitions and Monster Raffle. A Big Shout out to our Major Sponsor Townsville City Council, local Business and Community Groups, and all others who generously donated and supported to ensure a successful Festival. Too many to name, but all are very much valued. Thank You!

Lastly, and most importantly, a huge “Thank You” to the Hard Working Committee and all Volunteers who worked tirelessly in the lead up, on the day, and on the pack up afterwards. The contribution of every one of you is very much valued and appreciated! Very simply without your Volunteering Spirit and Contribution this Festival would not happen, and that would be a great loss to our wonderful Rollingstone Community. A “Thank You” Community Brunch hosted and sponsored by the Rollingstone And District Lions Club on Sunday 30th October will be the opportunity for the Committee to offer special thanks and recognition details to be advised soon!

Would you like to be part of the Festival next year? Every contribution big or small will be very much appreciated, with everyone able to be part of another fantastic Community event in 2023. Please do not hesitate to contact me or Festival Secretary Suzi Vincent if you would like to be part of the winning Team next year. We would love to hear from you.

Mark Casey's Plumbing

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 23
Lic. Plumber & Drainer Need a local PLUMBER Call Mark: 0408 893 794 Mark is a sole trader specialising in household plumbing maintenance. ABN 90 413 441 725 ABN 87 082 023 726

Toomulla News


The AGM of the Toomulla Community Association will be held on Saturday 2nd October at 4pm in Toomulla Park. This is your opportunity to show an interest in the Community where you have chosen to live. If you have ideas on making our community better, come along and express them at the meeting. Recent community meetings and activities have been poorly attended but still some in the community are keen to make this a more attractive place. Come along and help them please.


A huge thank you to Margie Gallagher for her dedication as the Community Association Secretary Treasurer for the last 11 years. Husband Noel also has been a Committee member, BBQ cooker, and outstanding onion cooker. But equally important was they were everyone’s friend and very kind people. They have lived in the community for 21 years and have now moved on to live in Charters Towers. Both will be very much missed and we wish them well in the future.

Don’t forget the little Book Swap & Plant Stand in Herald Street which is going well with a great turnaround of books in the cupboards. Another box of books has been kindly donated recently so we can look forward to seeing more new titles. The books and magazines are free while the plants are available at a nominal charge. Check them out.

It is scary how quickly this year is slipping away so it’s time to look ahead to Christmas. The Community Association would like some feedback on what the kids would like to do this year for the Kids in the Community Christmas Party. Kids and parents can write your ideas on paper and put them into the community mailbox next to the community notice board on the corner of Toomulla Beach Road & Herald Street. All ideas are welcome and will be considered by the Community Association Committee.

You would have noticed members of the Toomulla Coastcare Inc. doing some clean up around Toomulla Beach streets in the past couple of weeks. While some members of the community believe Council should keep the streets and nature strips clean, the reality is that this is often left to individual occupiers. Most residents do a good job around their own homes but there are areas such as the upper side of Saltwater Drive which are neglected. Our thanks go to the Coastcare Group for making a noticeable improvement to our community.

The Toomulla Beach Fishing Club is another active group in our community. They are always looking for new members, both fishers and non fishers. If you are interested, contact Mick Wellington on toomulla@bipond.com


Tractor pulling and Military display

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 24
(Defibrillator) available
at little
library in Herald Street

Once again you have Les Hyland at the computer. It is a little daunting taking over from Michele whose writings are so much better than mine, but you are stuck with me with assistance from wife Lynn.

This issue of the “Rolly Rag” may just reach you in time to remind you that the Paluma Mountain Markets will be on the 2nd October the Sunday of the long weekend from 09.00 to 13.00 hrs. There will be a good variety of stalls and the normal “Sausage Sizzle” will be in operation in the Gazebo. We look forward to a good crowd as this is the last market before Christmas and you should find some gifts worthy of purchase.

On Saturday September 18 we had an “International Night” in the community hall which, unlike the “Back to the 50s Night on August 20th, was very well attended. We had some well dressed foreigners and the food, on the bring a plate basis, was quite sensational and was fully availed of with very little leftovers. One has to mention the delicious desserts which did nothing for the waist line but were enjoyed by most present. It was also pleasing to see quite a few of the, relatively, new property owners of Paluma joining in with enthusiasm. The next Social evening will be the popular “Monsters and Mayhem on the Mountain” on Saturday November 12th. This has been very popular in previous years and provides great scope for those who enjoy dressing up. Those who do not are still very welcome. It will be at the usual time of 18.30 hrs and the “bring a plate to share” principle applies. Needless to say the bar will be open with plenty of variety.

The weather has been unusual this year with three distinctly cold snaps lasting up to a fortnight in the July to September period and, except in June, the rain has been fairly continuous. In fact May registered 380mm out on the “Five acre blocks” which is the highest total for that month since 1988 which is when we started recordings.

As Michele recorded in the September “Rag” we had a disastrous incursion of “Scrub Turkeys” in August which seems to have abated now although they caused havoc over about three weeks some even invaded the “five acre blocks” which is unusual as they are normally more prolific in the village and certainly were this time. So now that the rain has abated and the days heated up considerably the gardeners are now busy watering. The lovely spring flowering of jonquils and irises is nearly over but the freesias are yet to bloom. Paluma’s colder winter climate allows us to to grow species that don’t survive on the coast.

Lake Paluma Campground reached its 20th Anniversary on 20th September 2022 and remains a very popular destination for campers and day visitors both local and travelling.

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 25 AED (Defibrillator) available at Paluma Community Hall for public use (near the main entrance door to the hall up the ramp) NEXT MARKET OCT 1st 1st Saturday of Every Month! 8am to 1pm The Esplanade Balgal Beach https://www.facebook.com/balgalbeachmarket
Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 26
Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 27

Mystic Sands Golf Club

Another record month in September for barefoot bowls numbers with Thursday night averaging 38 players each night with campers from the south.

We will get into local events now Rosters cup to be played in November and Barry O Bowler cup early November. entries for both these events will be 3 bowl triples, please see the Present air Mick McMahon to register.

Well the festival pairs went ahead although interest from the group was very limited. Gold medal winners were Bruce Smallbon and the Pres The bowls club travelled to Townsville to complete in the Queen’s memorial event . New members Tim and Trudi joined Bruce and Pres in the invitational fours and played very well with the advantage of playing on the grass.

Future programmes will be organised in the next few weeks with Cutheringa and Maggie Island to be approached for a three way competition day.

That’s it for this months bowls but remember anytime is bowls time at Mystic Sands for all ages and all levels of fitness and if you don

More photos from the Pineapple Festival

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 28 Next Sitting — 10 SEPTEMBER 2nd Saturday of Every Month! Doors Open 12.30pm Eyes Down 1pm 40 Calls


Are you the type of person who takes a hands on approach to emergencies?

The SES responds to many different types of activations as a result of disasters and emergencies.

SES Volunteers are:

“Ordinary people doing extraordinary things”

If you would like to help, we will find a way to utilise your talents and expertise.

For more information visit your local SES HQ training night on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month or phone 0460 692 749

Rollinstone SES volunteers have been busy over the last few months increasing not only their personal skills, but the operational capability of the group. We now have 5 members chainsaw accredited a huge effort from all over 2 days, with many smiling faces at the end.

Many thanks to the instructors Raymond Pace RFS Rollingstone and Bradley Hutchinson SES Burdekin. 5 members also undertook Emergency Traffic Control training AND we now have an additional trailer with all the signage we will need to undertake the task should we need to.

Volunteer members also supported QPS Search & Rescue with 2 searches in recent months, both huge tasks of which our members completed admirably.

SES Week saw members past and present receive the Commissioners Commendation Certificate for their efforts in the 2019 floods. Congratulations to Luke Curry, Mitchell Waghorne, Matt Tapp, Rob Wilson and Sandy Allen.

Dear Rollingstone Leaders, Supporters and Community,

Congratulations also to Robert Wilson who was recognised for 15 years of service to the Qld State Emergency Service.

Many thanks to all who visited us at the Pineapple Festival in September, and special thanks also to those who volunteered to provide support to the First Aid Station together we can achieve more than we could, alone. Preparations are now underway for us in the lead up to our Storm and Cyclone season, so while we prepare, maybe now is a good time for you to also make a start on preparing your property in the event that something does comes our way.

Volunteers are always needed, so if you've been thinking you can help you can apply online, or phone us direct on 0460 692 749 for a chat Until next time, stay safe

Our local SES Group Leader, Robert Wilson has made the difficult decision to stand down from the QLD State Emergency Service. Rob joined Rollingstone SES in 2007 and accepted the position of Group Leader in 2011. Rob has lead member from not only his own group, but members from all over the state in responding to and recovering from disasters. His dedication to the state of Qld and emergency services resulted in numerous awards and recognitions. Most notable being:

• Meritorious Service Medal and Bar: for a total of 15 years of service to SES

• National Emergency Medal and Bars: for efforts contributed to Cyclones Yasi, Debbie, and the Monsoon Event of 2019

• Commissioners Commendation Certificate: for exemplary support during the 2019 Townsville flooding event.

• National Medal: For 15 years of service to the state of Qld.

As a group, we wish Rob well and thank him for his service and support not only in training and activations, but as a friend. As a community, we hope you too will thank him for his service. Until such time as a new Group Leader is appointed, Sandy Allen will be Acting in the Group Leaders role. Rollingstone SES Duty Phone 0460 692 749 for enquiries.

For Flood or Storm Assistance, please call 132500

Stay Safe

Sandy Deputy Group Leader

Rollingstone SES Group

Duty Phone: 0460 692 749


Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 29


Dough for single crust pie

cup plus

can (20

large eggs,






1. Preheat oven to 425°. On a lightly floured surface, roll dough to a 1/8 in. thick circle; transfer to a 9 in. pie plate. Trim crust to 1/2 in. beyond rim of plate; flute edge. Refrigerate 30 minutes. Line unpricked crust with a double thickness of foil. Fill with pie weights, dried beans or uncooked rice. Bake on a lower oven rack until edges are light golden brown, 15 20 minutes. Remove

minutes longer. Cool on a wire rack. Reduce oven setting to 350°.

2. In a large saucepan, combine 1 cup sugar, cornstarch and salt. Stir in pineapple until blended. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened. Remove from the heat. Gradually stir 1 cup hot filling into egg yolks; return all to the pan, stirring constantly. Bring to a gentle boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes. Remove from the heat; stir in lemon juice. Keep warm.

3. For meringue, in a bowl, beat egg whites and cream of tartar on medium speed until soft peaks form. Gradually beat in remaining sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time, on high until stiff peaks form. Pour hot filling into crust. Spread meringue over hot filling, sealing edge to crust.

4. Bake until meringue is golden brown, about 15 minutes. Cool on a wire rack for 1 hour; refrigerate for at least 3 hours before cutting. Refrigerate leftovers.

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 30
• 1
6 tablespoons
divided • 2 tablespoons cornstarch • 1/8 teaspoon
• 1
ounces) crushed pineapple, undrained • 3
separated • 1 tablespoon lemon
• 1/4
cream of tartar

Seniors Enquiry Line is a state wide information and referral service for Queensland seniors, families, friends, grandparents and carers.

We can help you with concessions, social activities, household assistance, retirement accommodation, financial and legal matters, health, education, transport and many other issues.

Kids Helpline

1800 551 800

Kids Helpline is a national, free, private and confidential phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25 years. (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

DVConnect Womensline

1800 811 811

DVConnect Womensline is a statewide telephone service offering free professional and non judgemental telephone support to women who are experiencing domestic or family violence. They can help women to obtain safe refuge accommodation, confidential counselling and referral to other services. (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous

Supporting Queensland Grandparents

The service was set up by the Queensland Government Department of Communities to support grandparents who are

raising their grandchildren. For more information visit:.



Lifeline provides Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to crisis support and suicide prevention services. (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

DVConnect Mensline

1800 600 636

DVConnect Mensline is a statewide telephone service offering free confidential counselling, referral and support to men affected by domestic or family violence.

(9am to 12 midnight, 7 days a week)

membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre

4771 5411

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 31


All Emergency Calls

Police, Fire, Ambulance and for reporting fallen powerlines)

Townsville Local Disaster Management Group

Local Disaster Coordination Centre (only activated during declared emergencies)

Townsville State Emergency Service (SES) Tarping/Branches down

Queensland Police Service Police Link (Non life threatening calls)

Ambulance Service (Non life threatening calls)

Townsville City Council (includes Emergency After Hours, Flood information, Dengue outbreaks, Sun safety information)

Ergon Energy Loss of Supply and Emergencies

Origin Energy Natural Gas and LPG Gas Emergencies leaks only

North Regional Gas LPG Gas Emergencies



Townsville Hospital and Health Service

of Transport and Main Roads (Road Closures)

Translating and Interpreting Service

738 541

25 00

14 44

12 33


Help Keep our Community Safe

48 10

Stay up to date with current fire restrictions:

16 70

808 526

4774 5111

22 03

13 44

4433 1111

19 40

14 50

or https:// www.qfes.qld.gov.au

Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone/Hencamp:

Pace: 4770 7285 / 0427 116 604

Warden: Rob Pratt: 0407 634

361 Call from anywhere in Australia— 24 hours/7 days

Rollingstone & District Community Assoc Inc.

44 Community Cres, Rollingstone 4816


President: Sue Von Wald 0407 753 562

Treasurer: Lynne Prytherch

47707 689

Hon. Secretary Chris Martin 47707 855

Angie Barr 0417 027 700

Deb Calder 47707 474 Geoffrey Prytherch 47707 689 Phil Thompson

All Correspondence to: The Secretary 44 Community Crescent, Rollingstone Qld 4816

Community Centre Manager Chris Martin

RTC Monday Friday 8am 4pm



47707 811

E mail: rollingstonertc@bigpond.com

Community Hall Phone (M F 9am 3pm) @ op shop


47707 153

E mail: rollingstonerag@bigpond.com

Contact: Rag office 47707 799


OIC: Sgt Anthony Jacobs; 2IC: Snr Constable: Brendan Pownall



CRIMESTOPPERS 1800 333 000

Rural Fire Brigade

Rollingstone Raymond Pace 47707 285 / 0427 116 604

Fire Permit Rob Pratt 0407 634 361

Toomulla Rudi Schwarz 47707 813


Emergency Flood or Storm 13 2500

Duty Phone 0460 692 749

Rollingstone State School

Principal: Andrew Stallman 47707 313

Rollingstone state school P & C Assoc.

President: Annie O

Mutarnee State School


C/O Northern Beaches Station 47786 033

Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club Inc.

President: Bruce Smith 0407 157 515

Secretary: Kerrie Cochrane

Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc

0412 492 861

Email: fishermanslandingfishingclub@gmail.com

President: Gary Luff

0448 137 008

Secretary: Neil Thompson 0427 240 472

Mystic Sands Golf Resort




Principal: Michael Blake


North Townsville Community Hub 47516 511

Paluma & District Community Association

President: Jamie Oliver 0408 710 030



1st. V. President: Sarah Swan 0439 492 351

Secretary: TBA

Treasurer: Wilfred Karnoll

47788 441

Michelle Bird: mbird09@bigpond.com

Rollingstone RSL

President: Ewan Cameron 0417 719 043

Secretary: Anna McRae: secretary@rollingstonerslqld.net.au

Rollingstone & District Lions Club

President: Michelle Ambria 0490 338 668

Rollingstone & District Social Group

President: Deb Calder 47707 474

Secretary: Cheryl Pearson 47707 027

Toomulla Community Association

President: Rhonda Schwarz 47707 813

Animal Contact Numbers

Animal Refuge 47745 130

Animal Ambulance (after hours) 47745 130

RSPCA Inspection 47744 714

Straying Stock 47738 411

National Parks & Wildlife Service

47212 399

N.Q. Wildlife Care Group 0414 717 374

Bird Rescue 47707 356 / 0412 965 535

Margaret Preston (Vet)

TXT 0403 262 212

Livestock on Highway REPORT TO 13 19 40

Justices Of The Peace

Chris Martin, Community Centre, M F 8am 4pm..........47707 855

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 33
POLICE LINK ....................................................................
450 Email : …………………………………….Rollysspandc@gmail.com
47708 131 Alcoholics Anonymous For More Information……………………………………………………….. 47715 411



Going Fishing?






Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 34 Rosco, Olga, Nessie & Eamon
6.30am to 5pm every day 21 Rollingstone Street, North Queensland 4816 Cheap petrol, diesel, oil and car products Gas cylinder refills Newspapers and magazines Gift
and stationery Milk and fresh bread Pet
and bones Ice cream Cold soft drinks, iced tea, flavoured milk Hot pies and sausage rolls Groceries and small goods
Barista quality Bounce coffee Latte, cappuccino, caramel, skinny, etc. Try our chocolate muffins  Barbeque Sausages  Lean Mince  Rump Steak  Rosco’s famous ham off the bone FRESH MEAT IN CRYOVAC PAKS  Potatoes  Onions  Tomatoes  Eggs  Bananas  Pineapples Plus Extensive range of Frozen Vegetables
OFFICE Pay bills (rego, phone, power etc) Phone credit (all networks) Post parcels and letters PARCEL COLLECTION ONLY BETWEEN 9.00AM AND 5PM MONDAY TO FRIDAY NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.
We stock tackle, lines, lures, BAIT for local conditions Rosco & Olga

30 7.30am

Mass at Hall

31 9am Line dancing at Hall 12.30pm Cards @ Hall

2 7.30am

Mass at Hall

SAVE THE DATE: 2nd Oct Country Music: 12pm 4pm Gold Coin Donation 4pm TOOMULLA BCH AGM

9 7.30am Mass at Hall

3 9am Line dancing at Hall 12.30pm Cards @ Hall

4 11am 1pm

Paluma History Display

October 2022

10 9 am Line dancing at Hall

FLFSC KIDS FISHING COMP 12.30 Cards @ Hall 4pm Toomulla Com Assoc AGM

11 9am Waterobics @ Tasman Caravan Park

11am-1pm Paluma History Display 1.30pm Crafts Afternoon @Hall 5.30pm

Lions Business Meeting

5 9am Indoor Bowls


4pm-5pm Your Pace or Mine Walking Group

6 8am 3pm

Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community) 9.30am

NoTCH Mobile Playgroup @ Hall & Second Bite Food Stall 5.30pm

Barefoot Bowls @ Golf Resort

7 8am

Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class Gentle Excercise 5.15pm

RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club @ Mystic Sands Golf Resort

1 8am Balgal Beach Market @ The Landing 9am 12pm Op Shop


12 9am Indoor Bowls 4pm 5pm Your Pace or Mine Walking Group 6.45pm SES training

13 9am Waterobics @ Tasman Caravan Park

8am 3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community) 9am VET at Hall 9.30am

NoTCH Mobile Playgroup @ Hall & Second Bite Food Stall

5.30pm Barefoot Bowls @ Golf Resort

14 8am

Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class Gentle Excercise


RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club @ Mystic Sands Golf Resort

15 9am 12pm Op Shop 12.30pm BINGO @ Hall

Project Outback Dental at Balgal Beach Medical Centre

16 7.30am Mass at Hall 12noon Camp Oven Cookup for BBB&LC at Hall. Members $10, open to visitors $30 Everyone welcome see RTC

17 9am Line dancing at Hall 12.30 Cards @ Hall

18 9am Waterobics @ Tasman Caravan Park 11am-1pm Paluma History Display 2pm Board Games @ Hall

19 9am Indoor Bowls 11.30am MOBILE LIBRARY

4pm 5pm Your Pace or Mine Walking Group

20 9am Waterobics @ Tasman Caravan Park 8am 3pm

Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards (in Community) 5.30pm Barefoot Bowls @ Golf Resort

21 8am Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class Gentle Excercise


RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club @ Mystic Sands Golf Resort

22 23

7.30am Mass at Hall 10am 2noon Lions Brunch Meeting

24 9 am Line dancing at Hall 12.30 Cards @ Hall

25 9am Waterobics @ Tasman Caravan Park 9am Social Group MINI GOLF Meet at the RTC by 8.45am 11am 1pm Paluma History Display

26 9am Indoor Bowls 10am Carer’s Meeting with “Selectability” 4pm 5pm Your Pace or Mine Walking Group 6.45pm SES training

27 8am 3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Waterobics @ Tasman Caravan Park 9am Cards (in Community) 5.30pm Barefoot Bowls @ Golf Resort

28 8am

Entire Wellbeing Weight Circuit Class Gentle Excercise


RSL Meat Tray, Raffles & Goose Club @ Mystic Sands Golf Resort 5.30pm Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club at The Landing.

29 Emergency Preparedness Recruitment Open Day

For info: contact RTC

Rollingstone Rag, October 2022 35
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Flowers Blooming at the Community Centre

Congratulations to Rob Wilson who was recognised for 15 years of service to Qld SES

SES Members past and present receiving their Commissioners Commendation Certificate for the 2019 floods. Luke Curry, Mitchell Waghorne, Matt Tapp, Rob Wilson and Sandy Allen.

Line dancing Ladies celebrating their 22 year anniversary 26th September

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