Free official newsletter of Rollingstone and District Association Incorporated AED (DEFIBRILLATOR) at FISHERMANS LANDING for PUBLIC USE
For Sale $23,000
17ft Pacific Sports Fish 100HP 4 Stroke Yamaha Motor
2007 Savage Escort 5.2mtrs
150 hours Redco Trailer Superwinch Underfloor Fuel Tank
115 Mercury only 55 hours
Mackerel Kill Tank Large Live Bait Tank G.P.S. Sounder Radio Sand and Reef Anchor
Canopy, Lowrance GPS,
Safety Gear Showroom Condition
Gal trailer -excellent condition, good quality travel cover
Price to sell 25.000 O.N.O
0415 496 130 0408 753 489
We would like to thank the secret garden makeover group and Paces who supplied hay bales which created such a beautiful garden area for us while we were away. We are enjoying walking around seeing all the great new editions to the garden and the orchids are spectacular!. It brought a tear to my eye. Bob & Judyana
Monthly Rain totals as at 27/9//17 Rainfall for September 5ml Year to date: 1096.2 Wet Days:
Max Temp:
29 deg 27/9
Min Temp:
12 deg 14/9
To access all the data from our local weather station go to: www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/ dashboard?ID=IQUEENSL849
For online up to date information on what's happening in the Community
Balgal Beach News
Letter to the Editor, Rollingstone Rag 23rd August, 2017 Our family recently had a celebratory meal at Mystic Sands Golf Resort. We had a wonderful relaxing time. The dining area was beautifully set up, the meals were great and all the kids meals came out quickly and at the same time as the entrees (which is so important when you have a horde of hungry young ones!) The owner, Mick and his staff, were friendly and attentive and made sure that everything went well. Family members travelled out for the evening and were pleasantly surprised. We thought it was fantastic that we could have an enjoyable meal and night and could walk home instead of driving for an hour! Thank you Mick and staff‌‌ keep up the great work. Barbara and Dennis Drew
TRANSFER STATION Domestic Waste Only No Bulky Items / Furniture
TOOMULLA: Saturday Only 7.30am - 4.30pm
BLUEWATER: Sunday Only 7.30am - 4.30pm
Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome. Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris. at the RTC centre.
Look out for TROUPIES Camo Fun Run
Tuesday 21st October 5.30 ( see pg 21)
Third Thursday of the month at the Community Centre from 9am to 12 . No appointments necessary. This is an amazing opportunity to keep your animals in peak condition and we are very lucky to have the Vet visit us each month.
Training for this starts Wednesdays @ 5.30
RUBBISH ! Now I have your attention can I ask everyone who ventures out to look around and pick up something and bin it. Troupies go out regularly and pick up everyones mess which makes our piece of paradise look great. A huge thankyou !!!!! I propose that everyone do something to help as every bit counts!!!!
I have seen all creatures great and small come to the vet. From microchipping, inoculations and maintenance to diagnosis of problems and advice call in and see Margaret. WANT TO HELP YOUR COMMUNITY ? MEET NEW PEOPLE ? GET FIT ? VOLUNTEER/S needed to deliver the Rolly Rag to the local community once a month ( excludes Dec and Jan) . Please speak to Chris at the Centre 47707855
AGM for RaDCA is 3rd October at 7pm in the Community Hall. All members welcome! Aquarobics BEGINS See page 28 3rd October 9.30am at Caravan Park
SUNDAY 8th October Mystic Sands Lawn Bowls Club is inviting everyone to come along and have fun in teams to raise money for charity and win prizes!
Community Bus was full to capacity this week (28.9.17)
With passangers from Rollingstone, Bluewater and Saunders Beach!
Great to see such support!
Catholic Mass at Com/Centre 7.30am
14 Oct
Check Diary
Yoga, Weight Circuit, Aquarobics
17 Oct
Board Games at the RTC (3rd Tues of Mth)
2 Oct
Queen’s Birthday Holiday
19 Oct
3 Oct
RaDCA AGM 7pm at Com/Centre
21 Oct
6 Oct
TCC Computer Tutorial at the RTC
21 Oct
Visiting Vet on Hall Veranda (3rd Thurs of Mth) Art Expo (Pineapples)/ Carboot Sale/ Number Plates tamper resistant Screw replacement program Troupies Colour FunRun in the afternoon
10&17 Oct
One on One Computer tuition
11 Nov
11&25 Oct
Mobile Library
25 Nov
Bingo Date Keeper: Rollingstone Local Disaster Man. Group, info session. Details yet to come.
Judyana and Bob returned from NZ to discover their revamped Garden and said, “they were absolutely stoked when they returned home”. Judyana says she is still making small discoveries and thanks everyone so much. The GARDEN GROUP attended the Townsville Garden Expo in August and say while it was an enjoyable activity/ outing, it was “not as comprehensive as previous years”. On Saturday 23 Sept, the Gardening Group were invited to John’s place in Borton St, to view his extensive collection of orchids. John proudly says he has 1500+ orchids. A big thank you John from the Gardening Group. The RTC can now offer a limited supply of FOOD RELIEF PARCELS. Are you or someone you know doing it a bit tough? All that needs to be done to get a Food Relief Parcel is to give the RTC a call and complete an application form. No one ever needs to go hungry. This program is in partnership with NOTCH in Deeragun. Just a quick reminder - BLOODS are now being collected at the Balgal Beach Medical Centre on a Wednesday mornings from 8.30am–12noon. If this time is well patronised, we’ll get another day; if we don’t use it, we’ll lose it! The feedback about the PINEAPPLE FESTIVAL has been wonderful. There was so much to do and see all day. The fabulous music was all from our local talent providing excellent atmosphere. A Husband and Wife team took out 1st and 2nd place the Desert Competition this year, congratulations and thank you to Andrew Cripps and Andrew Cowan for putting your arteries on the line as Judges. The Townsville Ukulele players and workshop were a real hit and were joined by our own fledgling BUGers (Balgal Ukulele Group) in the Pop up Mob, The Thuringowa Brass Band, and all the Parade entrants. All the winners on the day will be written up in this edition of the Rag. This year saw a record number of stallholders and food vendors on location. The good folk providing entertainment for Kid’s Korner worked their butts off all day with Fairy Floss, the Jumping Castle, Pony Rides, Petting Zoo, Laser Skirmish, Polly’s Craft and Face Painting. Lindley from Polly’s Craft said she did not look up above kid’s height all day and did not get a chance to have a break to see the rest of the festival. If you did not come down to have a look you missed out on a really good day. Thank you to all the organisers and contributors for the day. I know what the word “VOLUNTEER” means – In the lead up to the Pineapple Festival the meaning of Volunteer was rewritten for me. The group of enthusiastic volunteers around me lifted the title to even greater heights. They were on top of everything and at times getting through the work at a pace that I could not keep up on the to do “next” list. Thank you each and every one of you. You all deserve a personal mention but my page is not big enough. Love your work!!!! COAST CARE GROUP – We have had a couple of contacts from people interested in joining this group. Keep the contacts coming, our coastline needs help – please, anyone interested in seeing our Balgal Beach foreshore in a more natural state call me on 47707855. The RaDCA AGM is being held on 3 October starting at 7pm at the Community Centre. All Members are welcome to attend. The ART EXPO 21 October – get your “Pineapples” creations together and nominate, Application forms are in this Rolly Rag. On the same day we are organising another CARBOOT SALE, just in time for “Spring Clean-up”; to get an idea of numbers please call 47707855. And also on the same day we are putting together a program to replace number plate screws/ bolts with TAMPER RESISTANT SECURITY SCREWS/BOLTS to reduce numberplate theft. Did you know that in Qld over 20,000 numberplates are stolen each year and many are used in criminal activities eg fuel theft and toll fee avoidance. The cost will be $5 per vehicle; a volunteer will fit the tamper resistant screws. Please book your vehicle by calling Chris on 47707855 so we have an idea of the number of screws we need to purchase. Broadband for Seniors is changing to DIGITAL LITERACY FOR OLDER AUSTRALIANS; but this will not affect the service provided by Narelle at the RTC. We continue to Thank Narelle, for her expertise and ability to explain intricacies of the technology world to our Seniors’ in a manner they can easily understand. To access the Digital Literacy for Older Australians program please call the RTC 47707855 and book your time. Please note: you do not have to be a Senior to access this program), anyone with a technology issue can call and make an appointment. Narelle is available on selected Tuesdays from 9.30am and depending on the number booked in, a session of 40mins to 1 hour is offered. Date Keeper: 25 Nov. Still in the planning stage, is an INFORMATION SESSION to gather all the LOCAL EMERGENCY SERVICES and other interested parties to discuss things such as the up and coming storm/ cyclone season and smoke alarms. Is there something you would like to know more about with regards to the wet/cyclone season, how to prepare for a cyclone, what our district does to prepare, or any other subject – please let us know so we can best answer your query on the day. Did you know we are in middle of our fire season right now? Are you prepared? A word of advice from the Urban Firies, when purchasing SMOKE ALARMS, ensure the Australian Standard number “AS3786;2014” is on both the device and packaging – your insurances could be negated if your installed smoke alarms are not up to Australian Standards. Calling for Expressions of Interest – Self Defence classes. Interested call 47707855 to register your interest LIVESTOCK has been spotted close to the highway on several occasions recently – please be observant. Call 131940 should you see any livestock yourselves. As always – look after yourselves, (you are the only one who can) – and stay safe. P4
RURAL WELDING & BUSINESS SERVICES We are a local business supporting building, transport, farming, commercial and recreational marine industries!
All metal fabrications
Steel erection
Maintenance Garages
Contact: Gerry 0448354415
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ABN: 24658491971
QBCC no: 74169
We are now the local agent for WIDE SPAN SHEDS Looking to build a garage, a barn, machinery shed or steel kit home?
TOOMULLA & ROLLINGSTONE Kerry: 0497660869 h: 47707629
BLUEWATER AREA Doug: 0403404323
Gidday Rollingstone, Let’s see how much trouble I can get myself into with this one… “Dear Goughy, I think it’s about time those youth group kids got stuck into the park and the creek again. It’s looking pretty messy. I think they should be looking after it a bit better.” “Dear Sir / Madam, I should begin this reply with a very short set of instructions about where – exactly – you might find room to fit your complaint / request / advice, on your own person. I will refrain from doing so, out of respect for the other readers of this article. Instead, I want to point out a few relevant details that appear to have eluded you in your haste to allocate the responsibility for the cleanliness of our community, to the children who live here. The fact that you are aware of the state of the park and the nearby creek, tells me that you have probably been in the immediate area. It also tells me that you have probably seen, first hand, the condition that it is left in by others. It also tells me that unless you have no arms or legs, or you are essentially brain dead, you are obviously far too ignorant, arrogant or lazy to step up and participate in the welfare of our community yourself, preferring to lay the blame for NOT cleaning up, at the feet of our children. “Those youth group kids” are our Troupies – they are not obliged to clean up Bushy Parker Park OR the creek – they choose to do it. There is no payment or reward for their efforts – it’s generally thankless and goes largely unrecognised. The children don’t do it for a pat on the back – they do it just because they understand that it needs to be done. They understand that what lays around on the ground may eventually wash into the ocean and onto our reef. They understand that there’s a bigger picture involved. They also try to attract the attention of those who can make an even bigger difference. They’ve written letters and emails to elected members of local, State and Federal Government, inviting them to attend and asking them to at least acknowledge that the environment (our environment and even YOUR environment) needs to be given much more attention if it’s going to last into future generations. They’ve had the cursory email replies and even the odd telephone call with a promise of , “I’ll be there to support you kids” – guess how many of the promise makers have turned up? None! The kids understand that those folks are busy and pretty much every month, those kids head to Bushy Park and do their clean-up. Sometimes there’s 15 or 20 of them, sometimes there’s only 2 or 3. The condition of the park and creek is not theirs to be responsible for – just as the rubbish they collect was not created or left behind by them. They are doing a service for this community WILLINGLY – they are doing a service for YOU… willingly. Your criticism or opinion or advise (whatever you choose to call it) is not only inappropriate and unfounded, it’s arrogant. That park… that creek… the beach… this whole area – it’s ours – theirs, mine and yours. They’re trying to make it a better place. Can I suggest that you extract your head from where-ever it may happen to be stuck at the moment, get off that backside and instead of offering comments like this, go and give the kids a hand.” •
I promised a frank and hard hitting interview with Miss Alissa – here goes…
“First things first… Queensland or New South Wales?”
“Well I was born in Sydney, so I support New South W…”
“You’re fired.” •
Congrats to everyone who was involved in the Pineapple Festival this year. I managed to get the drone up for a few shots of the event which I’ve passed along to the organisers. If you went to the Festival, you’ll understand what a mammoth job it was to pull the whole thing together – if you didn’t get there… well, you missed out on a sensational day.
Now… let me check my list of what I had to write about: Defend the Troupies… check Congratulate the Pineapple Festival… check Destroy the hopes and dreams of a cockroach… check
What else…? We’ve had the misfortune of having to deal with a few major incidents in the past few weeks. A truck fire on the highway, fatal traffic accidents, major bushfires around Mt Spec, injured bushwalkers in Paluma… Every time, the emergency services personal – Firies, Ambos, Coppers – all arrived to do what they do best – and if I may say so, they all did a sensational job. But what needs to be recognised even more, is that on each and every occasion, the volunteers from the Rural Fire Brigades and / or the SES were right beside them – whinging and bitching about the heat, the location, the time, the distance (just like the rest of us did) – but working as part of that team and stepping up to do what THEY do best. They do it all without any fanfare, usually without any recognition from the general public and always at the expense of time with their families. Give a pat on the back to our volunteers for being absolute legends… check…….Stay safe…………...Goughy
on Bruce Highway, Ph. 47708184
The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance. We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00pm P7
Poor old Linda Cleaver is NOT having a good year. She’s recently fallen over and broken her hip. However, she seems to be recovering well and we all send her our love and best wishes. We’ve heard that Piera Pace has not had a good time of it lately. Piera is a favourite local lady, so we’re sending our collective love and best wishes. Look forward to hearing of a rapid recovery, Piera. • “Build it and they will come” is a saying often heard. Well this was done and in no time, the BIG, new parking lot was full!! This year’s Pineapple Festival reached the heights expected of it. If you want to thank/recognise anyone try Ian Dow, Margie Ryder, Rhonda Schwarz, John Muller, the Community Association’s Chrissie and the many dedicated, awe-inspiring volunteers on the day, for a monumental effort. Biggest congratulations to all these very special people; without them, it might have happened but nowhere as well as it did. What a wonderful success!! It’s becoming a very big affair.......... • Not a lot to speak of this month – since the Pineapple Festival we’ve been playing “catch-up” plus looking to our AGM, and putting in place preparations for the Art and Craft Day, the Car Boot Sale, et al, during October. • When purchasing new Smoke Alarms, please ensure the product carries the Australian Standard No. AS3786; 2014, on both the packaging and Alarm. There could be insurance complications should your Smoke Alarm not carry this number. • “Would you be interested in some basic adult defence classes? If so, please contact Chris on 4770 7855 for EOI. If we get enough, we’ll go to work on putting something beneficial in place.” "None of us gets out of life alive, so be gallant, be great, be gracious, and be grateful for the opportunities you have." Live well, love much, laugh often....................... “Sancho Panza”.
0429 523 012 P8
Trip Advisor
11th & 25th OCTOBER FREE WIFI now available from Mobile Library
ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012) Full Page (18 x 26cm)
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Business Card (9 x 6.5cm)
Classifieds (up to 20 words)
$55 $15
Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email rollingstonerag@bigpond.com or rollingstonertc@bigpond.com. * extra costs for supplying the photocopying if required
$2/hour (or part of)
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.20¢ / page
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.40¢ / page
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Room Hire
1/2 Day $20 (incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST)
Important document scanning
Rolly Rag’ Disclaimer
The ‘Rolly Rag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to.
P 10
Evening Indoor Carpet Bowls At The Community Centre Wednesday evenings 7-9pm!!!! This is a FUN activity and is guaranteed to be a winner!! All skill levels & All age groups
Board Games Played on the third Tuesday of each month between 2-4pm at the RTC. Scrabble, Mahjong, Yahtzee and MORE!!! Bring along your favourite game if you want or play with any of our games!
Your Local Community Pharmacy Bluewater
Healthsave Pharmacy
2 Purono Parkway, Yabulu 4818
Balgal Beach Healthsave Pharmacy 114 Mystic Avenue, Balgal Beach 4816
PH: 07 4778 6233
PH: 07 4770 7400
FAX: 07 4778 6733
FAX: 07 4770 7399
8.30am – 6pm Monday – Friday
8.30am – 5pm Monday – Friday
8.30am – 1pm Saturday
8.30am – 12pm Saturday
FREE Blood Pressure Checks
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Blister Packaging for your medicines
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MLE – Making Life Easy (Large range of Home Healthcare aids)
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Pharmacy Choice Brand Products (Quality product made affordable with 100% money back guarantee) Easy parking available
Congratulations Balgal Beach Pharmacy : WINNER: MOST HUMOUROUS FLOAT !
Centrelink Access Point at the Community Centre Centrelink provides phone, fax, copier and computer access for individuals wanting to access Centrelink services. If you want to make a claim or an enquiry please come and make use of the services available through the Access Point. You can also do small amounts of Medicare business.
P 12
104-138 MYSTIC AVE BALGAL BEACH Email: manager@balgalmedical.com.au
OPEN - Monday to Friday from 8am Appointments - 4770 7244 General Practitioners: Dr Sima Kazerouni (Bulk Billing) Dr Lloyd Malone (Bulk Billing)
Don’t share your FLU! Basic precautions can stop the spread.
Wash your hands and Cover your sneezes! Catch Up on FREE Vaccines NOW! Protect yourself from diseases like Measles, Whooping cough, tetanus, hepatitis B and human papillomavirus
Dr Olga Hasa Dr Vladimir Hasa Allied Health Services: Physiotherapist - Katrina Kerr (Free Movement Physio) Every Tuesday Podiatrist - Teresa Matai (Tropics Podiatry)
Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club News Hello and welcome. August was a busy month in the Club with end of month BBQ and the Balgal Beach Markets plus our annual general meeting on 25 August. The AGM went smoothly with a new committee elected as well as some amendments to our Club’s Constitution adopted by the members present. The new Committee comprises a new President, Graham Milliken, a new Vice-President, Dan Dale and Dan also is the Club Fishing Events Coordinator. Jeanette Pratt remains our Treasurer while husband Richard Pratt agreed to take over the Secretary duties assisted by an Assistant Secretary in Stephanie Pratt; we know who will be doing all the work there. Sloane Palmer was elected to the new position of Club Social Events Coordinator and Dickie Charleston retained the Stinger Net Supervisor task. Other members elected to the General Committee were: Bruce and Lyn Woolard, Barry Mugeli, Mon Dale and Vicki Fischer. We all wish the new Committee well and hope they are fully supported by the Club Membership. The last act of the outgoing President was to present trophies to our Club Fishing Champions for 2017. Di congratulated the trophy recipients who were: Senior, Dan Dale, Junior, Jack Jones and the most Meritorious Fish caught trophy went to Dan Dale for his 40 plus kg Marlin. We do not know the exact weight as our official club weigh-in scales only go to 40 kg After the AGM, our end of month BBQ was held with a smaller than usual number of members attending probably as a result of them not wishing to attend the AGM. Nonetheless, those who attended were again treated to a fabulous feast dished up by Robert. The rissoles from Col Pace are a great hit and are more popular than the steak; it must be those secret ingredients. Thanks again Ladies for the wonderful salads. Perry and Jack Jones took out the Club Monthly Fishing Competition in the Senior and Junior categories but there was no Mystery Prize awarded this month and Garry Luff won the raffle. Congratulations. Since Robert has assumed the cooking duties with aplomb at our BBQs, we have not had problems with disappearing tongs. Past readers may recall the heroic escapades performed by Dickie when he used to risk his own young life and limb to sprint up the back stairs of The Landing to bravely creep into the Chook Pen, snatch some tongs and make a daring escape amid much cackling and other unprintable abuse from those within the Chook Pen. Perhaps all along it was Dickie who was ferreting away the tongs so the young ladies could swoon or the men could stand in awe, dumbstruck at his foolhardy bravery. We welcome new members Mr. Richard Pickering and Ms. Babz Armfield, Mr. Grahame Frame, Mr. Matthew Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. Roger and Jesma Davies, Ms. Christine Braid, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell and Dianne Greene. Congratulations, we trust you all have a wonderful time in your new club. Thank you all past members who have rejoined our great little club. The Club Markets held on Saturday 2 September went well with our Big Breakfast Crew of Garry, Graham, Rebecca Dave and Vicki selling out of ingredients for the second month in a row. Congratulations and well done. Don’t forget members that help is always needed at the Markets so don’t be shy and come on down and help out. Following my request last month for interesting articles to print in This Fine Family Magazine, I received from a person who shall remain known only as “Mongrel”, an insight into our Club Golfers at their Wednesday morning round of golf. I cannot say if any of the following is true or not but knowing those involved I would have to say I am a believer. It all started when Dickie produced a brand new sparkling ball when he was first to tee off at the 1 st hole playing Ambrose. I don’t know who this chap Ambrose is but he must be good taking on 6 of our Club’s finest. The ball soared like a bird sweetly into the yonder, straight for the dam but luckily the sparkling new ball just kissed the lip of the dam wall and began to roll down toward the water. However, new Club President Graham (Slim) leapt into action and grabbed the sparkling new ball just as it was about to enter the water but in doing so lost his footing and grabbed a stout tree for support but the tree broke resulting in a most undignified (he is, after all, Club President) tumble; the ball flew from his grasp majestically arched into the air and plopped into the murky dam water, disappearing into the depths. Dickie abhors losing balls, especially sparkling new ones! For his tumble which lacked both poise and finesse, the bemused crowd of onlookers only scored Graham (Slim) a 4. I also hear that the Greens, Department of the Environment and several other bleeding heart groups want a quiet word with Graham (Slim); something to do with his illegal and unauthorized tree clearing activities. The next item I find hard to believe as I am sure a member of our medical experts would not prescribe any medication that would impair the professional standard of Dickie’s golf games. Apparently he took too much time leaning over teeing up his ball and when he stood up, red faced, did a wobbly boot act staggering around the tee. He then proceeded to blame the new medication recently prescribed for his staggers. Dickie, really! Condo and Graham (Slim) were the stars of the day returning a commendable but miraculous score of 2 over and also provided many laughs along the way. My informant also tells me there is no substance in the rumour that Graham (Slim) can throw his clubs further than he can hit a ball. Apparently he can throw them much further. He also blamed his bad shots on his stiffness from building a fire-pit in his backyard. He wanted this project kept secret because as new Club President he wanted to surprise all Club Members by putting on a big, huge even, party at is place around the new fire-pit. The invites are in the mail. It is pleasing to hear of our golfers out there having a go and having fun whilst not playing for sheep stations as some would. Details of the Annual Member for Hinchinbrook Inter-Club Fishing Challenge have been sent to all current financial Club Members so please register and have a go, it is free to enter and the prizes are worth your small effort. Open your Emails for information and rules or contact Dan Dale. The Presentation Night at Toomulla is a top night out and all members are welcome to attend even if you don’t fish. The Closed Club Fun Weekend Away to Lucinda is on again from 27 to 29 October at the Wanderers Caravan Park and Resort. This is a closed club event which means members only, no visitors. The Club will provide a BBQ dinner on Friday night and breakfasts on Saturday and Sunday. Additionally, dinner Saturday night will be at the hotel in Lucinda just across from the van park where the club will also subsidize the cost of your meal. You need to book and pay for your accommodation or van/tent/motor home site direct to the Van Park on 47778213 but let them know you are part of the Fishing Club Group when booking. The theme for the Saturday night dinner is Halloween so start on those scary costumes. This has been a great weekend away to relax around the resort style pool, go boating in pristine waters or fish. Full details were sent to all members on 15 September so open your mail, please!!! Remember, when you go out to drop in a line, check the rules, fish responsibly and respect others. Do use Australian wild caught prawns for bait and not the imported prawns that could add some unwanted nasties to our prawn industry for example the recent white spot saga. P14
Dickie’s Fishing Report. Giday Folks. Nearly forgot about this report until Neil grabbed me by the neck. The weather has been slightly better for boating this month however, the tides have not been kind and due to the silting up of our creek mouths it means very little time out or all day and half the nights. Excellent reports of Gold Spot Cod, Grunter and Doggie Mackerel being landed from our inner shoals using both trawling and set baits of squid and pilchards. Good Winter Whiting being landed along Balgal and Mystic Sands beaches using Yabbies and Mantis Prawns also thin strips of squid. Taylors Beach, Olera and Crystal Creeks producing excellent Crabs however, both Scrubby and Rollingstone Creeks have been a bit quiet with some one checking out pots that don’t belong to them. Share farming is not the done thing especially when they nick them as well. Very few reports have been received from the islands except for Paluma Shoals which are still producing Doggie Mackerel and good Nannygai. It seems the Whales have departed the area for southern waters and with 30,000 of them visiting up in our beautiful northern waters for breeding etc we should have more next year. Well, that is all folks for this month; I hope you all have safe boating and tight lines. Remember to put in your trip sheets with either Ingham or Townsville Coast Guards. .Regards, Dickie Please note that next month there will be no Fishing Report from Dickie as he will be on his annual pilgrimage to Mecca to drink milk and read verses from the Bible in the Bars in and around Phuket in Thailand. Have a great holiday Dickie but this time please come home much healthier than you did after your last foray into Thailand Stay safe and remember if you are too busy to go fishing, you are too busy. Think about it. Until next month, Ninger
BALGAL BEACH MARKETS 1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH Held in the Park @ The Landing Loads of Stalls with Food, Coffee, Jewellery, Clothes, Massage, Plants, Books, Bric a Brac .
NEW Stallholders ALWAYS Welcome Car boot or Bric a Brac etc to sell
Call 0457 815 453 Presented by
Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club
For online information on what's on look up
Stay cool this summer ! PH MIKE 0411753 775 0R 0403404323
4770 7698
0437 555 469
Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre. Phone: 4771 5411
Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc. Hi Rollingstone, Well our biggest event on our calendar “THE PINEAPPLE FESTIVAL” has been and gone. It was a great success and very well attended. I spoke with most stall holders and food vendors who all reported good sales and most were happy with the layout. The music and entertainment were top class. I do believe however we need more floats in the parade in the various categories and the army vehicles may have been a bit “over the top” considering the pace available for judging. We tried to provide more shade this year and there was no shortage of refreshments. The pineapple games and detopping were very popular! At this point I would like to thank my organising committee who worked tirelessly to make the day the success it was. All the pineapple growers and the packing shed who once again supplied an endless supply of pineapples for each event. I must add that the bins of pineapples placed in the various locations were vastly reduced in numbers by people helping themselves. The parking facilities in Warren Harvey ’s paddock were used to the max. Unfortunately due to the lack of rain there was a dust problem even though the Pace family used a water truck to dampen the dust down. We will improve on that facility for next years festival! I have read comments on Facebook and from that I can gather most folk had a good day. There were very few negative comments. Members of our club assisted in catering for the RELAY FOR LIFE at the Tony Ireland Stadium. This annual event was once again highly successful and what a marvellous cause! On 24-25&26th November our club will be supporting the ROLLINGSTONE ROCKS FESTIVAL at the BIG 4 CARAVAN PARK. We will cater for breakfast, lunch and dinner over the weekend and by all accounts this is going to be HUGE! Chris Crowe informs me the Park is fully booked. He has at least 10 groups playing over the weekend and loads of classic cars and hot rods will be on display. On his behalf I invite anyone who is interested in GOOD MUSIC and CARS to attend even on 1 day. You will thoroughly enjoy yourselves! I would like to pass on the clubs best wishes to LION Linda Cleaver who has undergone hip surgery after a fall. We wish you a speedy recovery That’s all folks….Dowie 0412396450 For all Pineapple Festival results see pg 27 P17
Band line up for Rollingstone Rocks The Festival of Cool! Fri - 24.11.17 5pm - Kieran McCarthy - middle of the road 6pm - Live Wire - pub rock 7pm - Lloyd Saunders - old classics and new tunes 8pm - Chris Boroff and the Festival Freaks - funky tunes 9pm - Rpm 45 - old rock n roll 10.30pm - Sun Salute - reggae funk Sat – 25.11.17 Pool Party 12 noon - Matt Angel old school rock n classics 1pm - Dylan and the festival freaks - funky tunes 2pm - Karrie Hayward - country n pop 3pm - Chris Boroff n friends 4pm - Lloyd Saunders Shed Bar 5pm - Kieran McCathy 6pm - Karrie Hayward 7pm - Dylan Hammond 8pm - Matt Angell
9pm - Ol 55 with Wilbur Wild, Frankie J Holden and Red Symons 11pm - Jam Session with all of the above! Sunday 26.11.17 9am - Karrie Hayward 10pm - Lloyd Saunders 11pm - Matt Angell 12noon - Live Wire
Rollingstone Beachfront Resort Hencamp Creek Rd, Rollingstone. 4816 07 47707277 www.rollingstonebeach.com.au
770 7540 / 0427 074 816
4770 7356 / 0412 965 535
0402 084 588
Its that time of year when we must be aware that spring is here and all things that fly, hop, climb and slither are out and about looking for a partner. Birds are having babies in the most unrealistic places like the call I got the other day from a caravaner in Lucinda. This dear little bird had the audacity to use their satellite dish for a nest and even though they put their return journey off by a week there were no movement in the egg cracking department. I did offer him 2 suggestions, remove the nest or leave the dish behind.(said with tongue in cheek). He declined to leave the dish so the only course was to try and remove what he could of the nest. I hope he succeeded. It is like the mud nest birds build on the power pole and then in the wet (remember those)seasons they get washed away. If you find a baby bird it is best to try and put it close to the nest you think it came out of, above the ground and hopefully where no cats can get it. Most times one of the parents will return. Snakes are a different kettle of fish. Most people don’t like snakes, you know the saying, only a dead snake is a good snake. We fear snakes but those that handle and care for them tell you a different story so if you have an injured snake or a definite threat from a snake, call these guys and they will be more than willing to help but keep in mind that snakes move on quickly. They are normally just passing through looking for food or a mate and if there is nothing around your place then they will move on. It is a waste of time ringing up a snake catcher because you saw one yesterday near your shed or you think it could be in the shed. They are doing a job and to not know where the snake is makes it nearly impossible for them to find. Most catchers charge so think before you hit the panic button. I am not saying don’t ring, I am saying keep calm and monitor the snake so no one’s time or money is wasted. Other animals are on the move too, that mating thing still, possums are out looking and often have a back rider which is just a young on the Mums back so if Mum is scared or attacked that young could fall and lay part buried in leaves at the base of a tree so if you hear a commotion always check. That young un on the back sometimes over balances and sends mum plummeting to the ground meters below, she gets winded or hurt and young un gets thrown off. Disaster waiting to happen, along comes the family dog or the cat. Not nice. Kangaroos are also moving around, they usually stick fairly close to nice green grass but that mating call hot wires the hormones and they go off chasing the sheilas, one track minds and they don’t have it on the road or the rottie next-door. Disaster waiting to happen. Spring is here and the flowers bloom and the trees flower and everything is nice so lets try and keep that happy balance with nature, we can and do share our bit of paradise with them. Stop and smell the flowers and enjoy our wonderful world…………….Cheers Gaye, Chris and Gwen
Sugar – Are you consuming too much? The WHO (World Health Organisation) recommends no more than 6 teaspoons of free sugar per day for adults. Children under 2 should not have any sugar or salt and 4 year olds should be at least half the adult’s consumption. What are free or added sugars? If the manufacturer, consumer or cook adds it, it is considered added sugar. 75% of all foods have added sugar. Sugar found in fruit juice and concentrates are added sugar but eating an orange or an apple is not. Also be aware of artificial sugar as it still develops the taste for sweet; then when we have something plain like water, it is not sweet enough for us. Sugar slips unnoticed into our diets due to the different names it goes by; there are over 50 names for sugar. A few being: carob syrup, evaporated cane juice, treacle and dextrose. It is often added in savoury foods like pizza, potato chips and tinned soups, not just to sweet foods. Soft drink contains 9-11 teaspoons per can where as 8 squares of Cadbury chocolate contains 7.5 teaspoons, both are way over the recommended daily limit for sugar. Adding extra sugar to products mostly happened during the 70’s when fat was reduced in our foods and salt and sugar were added to make the food taste good. Food Manufacturers don’t want you to know that all calories are not the same and where we get our calories actually does matter. What does energy from sugar do to our body? Sugar breaks down to glucose, which then goes to our pancreas, which in turn releases insulin in our body and is used as fuel. It also produces fructose which goes to our liver to be metabolized however our liver has a limit to how much it can process; excess is turned into liver fat causing Non-alcohol liver disease (NALD). Sugar meets the same criteria as ALCOHOL – it is not a nutrient and the body does not require it. So we keep alcohol out of children’s hands but we often don’t limit sugar. Kids are getting alcohol related like diseases due to excess sugar consumption. Obesity worldwide in children has more than doubled since 1980. We are now dying from eating too much, not too little. But just because our children or we are not over weight doesn’t mean we won’t be suffering from the effects of too much sugar. Let’s take the challenge to limit our free sugar – can you keep daily sugar consumption to 6 teaspoons or less to improve you and your family’s health? A great documentary to watch is Sugar Crush on SBS. Another great watch is the Sugar Film. A delicious way to reduce the amount of softdrink or cordial is to flavour your water. Here is an easy way to do so: Get 1 large glass of cold water plus ice • • • •
1 strawberry sliced 2 mint leaves chopped 4 cucumber slices 2 lime slices Mix all ingredients in a glass or jug, let infuse for at least 5 minutes – ENJOY Article supplied by Benita from Entire Wellbeing.
Thankyou community for supporting us with donations as we had an amazingly successful day for the Pineapple Festival. We sold heaps of clothing and goodies. This gave us lots of extra room so time to get your donations going again to fill up the shop!!!!!! Bedding still urgently required : sheets covers etc. Drop them any donations at the table outside the hall or come in say Hi, pick up a bargain while you are there. THANKYOU all our amazing volunteers for your help as we couldn't do this without you!!! P21
PH: 47 707 355 Email: admin@mysticsands.com.au WHATS HAPPENING AT THE RESORT? SUNDAY MUSIC SESSIONS:
1st Sunday of the month from 1-4 1st October: THE GOTTANI SISTERS 5th November: HOT TIN ROOF.
Make sure you join us for lunch !! 12:00 – 2:00pm Roasts available or order from Menu
NRL GRAND FINAL SESSION Free Food, platters of nibbles and LOTS of excitement!! Join us as we have 2 tv screens and an airconditioned room.
COME FOR A COFFEE anytime. Bounce Coffee and lovely cakes and slices RESTAURANT TIMES
Wednesday thru to Sunday – lunch 12:00 – 2:00
Wednesday thru to Saturday – dinner 6:00 – 8:00
New dinner menu come and check it ouT
Starting very soon – full table service no more waiting in line to order meals or drinks. The dining room is now fully airconditioned for your comfort (and ours). Having a function?? We can cater for your needs. Call us to discuss your options and for a quote!
Exciting news for all our golfers – we are installing MiClub Online ONE GOLF, players will be able to go on the online members portal for all the club news and book in competitions. Players can lookup their member handicap, competition registration and scorecard printing and much more. We now have 12 golf carts for hire. Want a swim? The pool is available and for non members $5
Visit us on Facebook Mystic Sands Golf Resort for up to the minute information, events, photos and what’s happening!!!!
GOLF REPORT SEPTEMBER Hello Golfers, I am back with all the results for the month of September. As the year draws to a close and the weather is getting drier the golf shots are getting longer and the scores are getting better! Monthly Medal.
Mens Div 1 Winner
Stuart Jones with an impressive 68.
Way to go Stewy. R/U
Grahame Starkie with a not so bad 70.
Well done my little munchkin.
Mens Div 2 Winner
Bob Brown with a fine 70. Good boy
Jackies little munchkin. R/U Eddie White with 73. Good to see you back mister Ed.
Ladies Results Winner
Rhonda Coulson with 68.
Oh those new clubs are really singing Ronnie. R/U
Sue Thompson with an impressive 69.
Well done to you Sue, good to see you back. After that amazing weekend we went into the Pineapple Festival Weekend and wasn’t there some impressive Floats and lots of stalls at the Community Centre. Everything was hotting up as was the golf day. This event was our Pineapple Pairs Ambrose. There was no doubt who came out winners with a very impressive score of 65.5; Congrats to Phil Thompson and Peter Simpson. The runners up were Steve Hargens and Ken Dickenson with 66.75. Ken also took out the Eagles Nest so drinks all round ah Ken.As if that wasn’t enough the very next weekend we held the Golf World Challenge. Thi event is sponsored by Scott Gillespie from Golf World on Charters Towers Rd. If you have any queries about golf or need to purchase any gear Scott is the man to see. This event is played by having three different formats over 18 holes and a lot of fun is had by everybody. The winners were John O’Kane and Peter Onoprienko with a total score of 69.75 . The runners up were Brian Beavis and Darren Beavis father and son Dynamic Duo they had a very fine 71. By the time you read this load of drivel, our little golf club will be no more. Over the past 18 years plus we have had the good fortune to be able to run our competitions inside the Mystic Sands Golf Resort,. During that time we have seen some good times and some not so good times but as they say when one door closes another one opens in the form of Mick McMahon and his family. This new chapter is going to be very good ME THINKS. I will sign off for now. Look after one and other and stay safe.. Cheers for now…….Maree K.
Footy finals in full swing, daylight appearing earlier and no need for a flannelette shirt when walking in the morning. Summer is on the way and we are heading towards our final commemorative service for 2017. Saturday, 11th November is REMEMBRANCE DAY. Please remember this day if you are free to attend. More information in the November Rolly Rag. I thanked a number of people in the September edition of the rag for their efforts towards Vietnam Veterans’ Day. However, I did miss thanking Nina from Rollingstone State School, for assisting with the programs and certificates and also Neil Thompson for putting up the ceremonial day flags. Neil has taken over from Jamo who has been holidaying in Thailand. Neil flies the Australian and the Queensland flag when he can but for commemorative days we fly our special flags so they are in good order. Thank you Nina and Neil. Little tasks, but very important in helping our days to run smoothly. Congratulations to Neil and Di on their 50 th wedding anniversary. They are a lovely couple who have settled into our community and joined a couple of groups, making valuable contributions along the way. We know they been very important in relation to the Fisherman’s Landing Fishing Club, which seems to be buzzing along. Whilst there has been some derogatory publicity in relation to NSW RSL and their poor management of funds to assist service personnel, the Qld RSL are determined to ensure funds raised are directed towards assisting past, present and future service persons and their families. One initiative is the donation of $850,000 to the Salvation Army. A team of 3 dedicated officers are aiming to get homeless people into accommodation. Whilst there, they will be supervised and they will work on life skills, to enable to them to better cope with the outside world. Scott Denner from RSL Qld is working with the Vets who are homeless to ensure they receive their entitlements from DVA. Qld RSL have also increased their number of Veteran Services Officers to reduce the time taken for vets in regard to claims. These are some of the initiatives being undertaken by QLD RSL to comply with our objectives. On a lighter note, thank you to Bob and Teresa J for selling a meat tray we had left over on the “Brekkie-by the Lake” golf day. Thanks to the golfers and participants from Frank’s Pharmacies for supporting the raffle. Teresa and Bob have also assisted with Friday night raffles when others are unavailable. This support is most welcome. I have written before about Rob Eade, our member who is touring around Australia, placing a flag for persons who have died as a result of conflicts in Vietnam and the wars or conflicts since then. Please see photos below as Rob was in Townsville! Mick and I went to the Memorial on the Strand where Rob placed a flag for Raymond Bruce Weston (20.07.1971) who did not return. Our Rollingstone RSL was also pleased to offer a cheque to Rob for $500 to assist with his journey. Rob also came to our Friday night get together at the golf club to have a drink with fellow RSL members. He has met many wonderful, helpful people along the way and we hope his journey continues to be memorable. On Sunday, 22nd October we will be holding a QGM for all members of Rollingstone RSL. This will be our last general meeting for this year and we hope as many members as possible can attend. We will be looking at establishing the new Rollingstone RSL Citizens Auxiliary (CA), which is a valuable way for non-service members to participate in a more effective and meaningful way. This does not mean the meeting will be extended due to the CA having a meeting, but means we can get the people who have shown interest in the CA to work out when they would like to meet to formalise their group. A light lunch will be served following the meeting so if you can notify me of your intention to attend that would be very helpful. Email rcoul8@bigpond.com or phone 0488747058 or 47707058. Our Christmas Party is on again this year and hopefully it will be as successful as those in the past. Last year a number of people stayed and danced to the music and we had great feedback about the food and atmosphere. So please place Saturday, 9th December in your diary for this year. It will be at the Mystic Sands Golf Club, which is now air conditioned, and we will have Charlie as the chef, so I’m sure the food will be delicious. Mick and Lisa are very supportive of the RSL and I’m sure the club will be decorated in a Christmas theme, as Chris, the manager, loves to provide a wonderful atmosphere for various events. I have probably gone over my limit, but hopefully you will glean some information from this and most importantly, remember the dates of the QGM 22nd October (10:30am start); Remembrance Day, 11th November (10:40am start); Christmas Party 9th December ( 6, 6:30 ish start)…………..Take Care. Cheers, Rhonda. From Rob Eade What a day, into Anzac Memorial Park to have a look around the memorial and park, Flag presentation A17233 Raymond Bruce Weston 20-07-1971 RIP My man job done. Had a good cross section roll up from a Wing Commander to the private and civilian contingent. It was fantastic to have you all there for the service, thank you all so much as you made my day L2R Mick, Ronnie, you know who D'bitch hiding, Ted Bragg, VVMC Pres, the Forces and Ted Mildren (RAAFA) 3. That bloke and the Wing Commander
Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News Wow what a great FATHERS DAY celebration we had; We all gathered at Ken Turner’s place for a soup, stew and dessert night. We sat around the camp fire where we played either Saggy Balls, or Quoits and then all had a fun time playing Charades. Absolutely hilarious, every body joined in for jolly good laugh. Ken Turner was given the honour of cutting the Fathers Day cake. He was very surprised. Ken Dickenson won fisherman of the year. He certainly knows how to hook ‘em. Merle Dickenson won the “Lyn O Kane trophy” . They are a good pair, hey! Tom Ruddick won fish of the month with a 65cm Fingermark. Once again there was no lucky length winner. The Pineapple Festival was really tops this year with most of our members attending and thoroughly enjoying them selves. It was a credit to the organizing committee and volunteers. Congratulations for a great day. Our next BBQ will be the 1st Sunday in NOVEMBER (5th) at the Community Hall 5.30 pm. Visitors are always welcome, meals are $10 per person children under 12 years free. Members are always free. STAY SAFE AND SMILE OFTEN. KINDEST REGARDS FROM YOUR
BALGAL GARDENING GROUP Register your interest by contacting Chris at the Community Centre New members most welcome. Come and share, swap and learn On behalf of the Balgal gardening Group we would like to thank John Bewart for giving his time and expertise to the group and for showing off his plants and demonstrating his method of separating and repotting orchids. We had 14 members attend and from all accounts everyone came away happy and several a few dollars lighter but were extremely happy with their purchases. John is also selling plants at his home at 26 Borton St. Again thanks John for a wonderful session JOIN US FOR NEW ADVENTURES (and lots of clippings )
Paluma in the Clouds SES Rescue: On Sunday morning 17th September a man had the misfortune to fall on rocks at the base of Cloudy Creek Falls. His companion raised the alarm by finding mobile phone coverage and the Ingham ambulance was the first to arrive on the scene. A call out was established involving personnel from Fire & Rescue and SES and it was deemed necessary to remove the patient by helicopter. As the Townsville Rescue One was unavailable a helicopter from Cairns was despatched. Meantime the Incident Controller deployed people to establish a radio communications chain from the Village Green in Paluma via the Andreé Griffin track to the forward party at Cloudy Creek. It was great to see three SES volunteers from Rollingstone; Rob Wilson, Sue Thompson and Sandy Allen involved in this operation and James Jackson, Janette Furber, Les & Lynn Hyland and Bill Anderson from Paluma SES also deployed. The helicopter arrived around 15.15 hrs and had difficulty locating the patient. It landed on the Village Green and arranged for a smoke beacon which enabled it to speedily pick up the patient, land again at Paluma and continue to Townsville Hospital. Altogether despite the time bringing the helicopter from Cairns this was an exceedingly smooth operation of our emergency services in the Paluma area for which all involved are to be congratulated. Roadworks: Since July 10 Main Roads have been conducting Slope stabilisation work on the Range Road. At present - midSeptember - work is in progress close to culvert No 18 ; uphill of Wolfram Creek and just below Fairy Falls. It appears that the inevitable delays have been kept to a minimum in the course of the work. We also note that some of the creek name signs that had been vandalised have recently been replaced. Markets; Last Market for the year will be Sunday 1st October 17. New Stallholders are welcome History Display: Our History Display continues to open every Tuesday from 11.00 to 13.00 hrs in the Community Hall. No entry cost and as the restaurants are not open tea/coffee is available.
We will not be open on Tuesday November 7th as this is Melbourne Cup Day. There will also be a summer recess during December and January…...Les Hyland
Lic No 79569
I have a beautiful little girl that was microchipped at 8 weeks of age, but this story is not about her!
Installations, breakdowns & repairs Domestic / Commercial /Industrial LOCAL TO BALGAL
Servicing Townsville to Ingham NO JOB TOO SMALL FREE quote Affordable rates and Quality Workmanship
Call Dave
It is about a little boy that was sitting in the middle of the road near the Lychee Farm on Monday morning 18th September 2017. As I pulled up he came running to the car as if he knew it. There were no people or other cars in sight. When I opened the door he immediately tried to get in. I picked him up, put him in the car and gave him some water. He had no collar on so all I could do was take him with me to Townsville and hope that he was microchipped. At Green cross Vet at Deeragun they immediately scanned him and found who he belonged to. We were able to get him back to his owner! This story could have turned out so much worse! PLEASE IF YOU HAVE A PET DOG, CAT OR ANY OTHER DON’T FORGET TO GET THEM MICROCHIPPED!
It will save you and your pet having to go through what this little guys owners must have gone through when they found him missing. P 26
Rollingstone NQ Pineapple Festival 2017 Competition Results Pineapple Recipe Book Lucky Draw Winners
Parade Winners
Recipe Contrib. Winner
Junior Float
Most Humorous
Rollingston e State School
Balgal Beach Pharmacy
Best Use of Pineapples
Pace Farming
Best Dec. Bicycle
Nil entries
Best Dec. Golf Cart/ATV
Angela Accorsini – Pineapple Tote Bag
Pineapple Pete Colouring Competition Prep to Grade 2
1st 2nd 3rd H/ R
Blaze Violet Gabriella Xavier
Arena Events Winners Tug of War M: V8s Are Sic Aye F: Unicorns J: Good Life
Pineapple Recipe Book Purchasers – Winners
Tractor Pull V8s Are Sic Aye
#236 Tony OÇonnor – Spoon Rest
Karl Accorsini Mem. Pineapple Throw M: Reece Goostrey F: JodieLee Jnr: Jackson
#054 Lyn Wilson – Foot Care Products “Pineapple Chill”
#133 Jill Tugwell – White Ceramic Pineapple Planter Pine Cake/Dessert Comp.
The Dow Family 1st 2
Karen Van Lieshout
Paul Van Lieshout
Tamara’s Aunty
Best Vintage vehicle or machinery
Grades 3 & 4 1st 2nd 3rd H/ R
Will P Hayden G Aurora Sue Charlie W
Grades 5 & 6
1st 2nd 3rd H/ R
Breanna S Maria T Luke D Un named
Congratulations to all our winners – get into training for next year to beat these times. We are always looking for more entries, particularly more floats in the Parade. Get your thinking caps on now (could be a bike, rollerskates or even a fast jet (just remember to duck)
PARCEL COLLECTION SERVICE If anyone in the community would like a parcel picked up in Townsville and delivered to your door on the day our Community Bus goes into town (weekly on Thursdays), just call Chris (855), organise it with her and it will be done.
Pineapple Pass & Dash 1st Pace One 2nd V8s Are Sic Aye 3rd Chef’s Special
Pineapple De-topping Shortest time for 10 pines M: Jeff Pace 3.08sec F: Trish Sawtell 4.9sec
Most Pines Topped in 10 sec M: Robert Pace 64 pines F: Trish Sawtell 56 pines
THE BOOK STATION At the Community Centre Monday to Friday 9-3pm P 27
Merry We Meet! Hi All, believe it or not another “Season in the Sun” & Pool is looming fast. Our recent Lunch & Morning Tea the month before were both very successful get togethers at the Golf Club with approximately 20 people attending each. Mick, Brenda, Charlie & Chris all excelled themselves with service, presentation, quality food, drinks & coffee all at reasonable prices. Thank you all. Now to starting date. Because we have had such a mild winter the water temperature shouldn’t be too bad so how about Tuesday the 3rd of October to make the “Big Splash”. School hols will be over and most of the “Grey Nomads’'” will be gone. I have checked with the wonderful mob at the Resort and everything is on track there. The only change we have is to starting time. Instead of 9am it will be 9.30am every Tuesday & Friday. Reason being to fit in with other activities so it will enable people who wish to attend both, enough time to get between venues. All newcomers are more than welcome to join us. We like to have a few laughs but we do exercise at the same time. I am quite happy to pick you up for your first couple of sessions to show you the ropes. My phone number is 47707375 or email babzrich@bigpond.net.au We are all shapes, sizes and ages so don’t be shy. You know the saying “If you don’t use it you loose it” and water exercise is the kindest way to keep all our parts moving also the coolest way for us up here in the tropics. Look forward to seeing all the regular faces and plenty of new ones this year. Don’t forget you blokes that you need to exercise too! See you on the 3rd. Keep Fit & Stay Healthy. Babz.
Rollingstone & District Seniors Well hello once again. What has been happening here around our little bit of paradise?? We have had rain, yes that wet stuff that falls from above and is not bird wee. Was not that a thrill the other night and day, so good for the plants and lawn. Gotta love living “north of Rollingstone”. The Pineapple Festival went off very well as usual and a big thank you to those folk who manned the seniors stall and for those who made the goodies for then to sell. Unfortunately I am having a “moment” and forgot how much was made but jolly good show anyway. We also had PCYC Upper Ross out for a games day and great fun had by all. Some of us learnt new games so don’t say you can’t teach and old dog new tricks as this female learnt one. They are such a lovely crowd and a delight to have visit us. We went to the Golf Club for lunch and wow the meals were superb and even with extra people landing on them everything went smoothly, orders were taken with minimal fuss and the meals came out one following the other so a great thank you to the new owners (another moment as forgot names) and PCYC said they will be back next year. Gotta love our local people. Bingo will be up and running again in October, second weekend and that reminds me that Xmas has a horrible way of catching up with us once again. There are quite a few seniors off on jaunts at this time of year so we wish then the very best time. The crowd going on the cruise in October will be starting to debate what to take and what to leave home, just pack all you think you will need and then take half out. As I write this I am listening to the cars speeding up and down our roads, why is everyone in such a hurry these days? Every fatal accident we hear of is a great loss to someone but people just don’t get it that speed and a car is lethal, drive out on the highway and you will know what I mean. It used to be that bike riders were temporary Australians, now it is anyone on our roads. Ok done my vent for this month, please people just take care, we like having you all around…..Ciao
2017 ROLLINGSTONE PINEAPPLE FESTIVAL The 2017 Rollingstone Pineapple Festival was a big success. Well done to the Pineapple Festival Committee on their huge effort to put on another great community event. There were plenty of stalls and a big crowd in attendance. I fondly remember the early events attended mostly by locals. I’ve been delighted to watch it grow and expand, attracting many visitors to Rollingstone. LABOR CUTS TRAINING FUNDS AS YOUTH JOBLESS RATES INCREASE The Palaszczuk Government is cutting funding to a key North Queensland training program, as youth unemployment rates continue to increase in the Townsville region. Operated by respected trainers Geoff and Vicki Toomby at Alice River, this program gets excellent outcomes for students (80 per cent employment), many of whom have problematic, or disadvantaged backgrounds. These are real outcomes that make a huge difference to the people who get this training – meanwhile under Labor’s policies, youth unemployment in North Queensland is still going up. If these cuts are not reversed, the student contribution fee will have to increase and this will put the training out of reach for most of the participants – the Toomby’s need more support, not less. LNP TO CRACK DOWN ON YOUTH CRIME The previous LNP Government cracked down on youth crime by reforming the juvenile justice system. This had positive results for communities in North Queensland, especially Townsville. The Palaszczuk Labor Government overturned these reforms and now juvenile crime is on the rise again. The LNP has announced that we will re-instate our proven measures, including: Re-introduce ‘breach of bail’ as an offence for young offenders. Remove the principle of detention as a last resort for repeat young offenders. Re-establish the ‘name and shame’ policy for repeat young offenders. In addition to our previous initiatives, the LNP will also introduce two new measures, including: Introduce a new mandatory community payback scheme for young offenders who are convicted of unlawful entry or car theft/ hooning offences. Allow a Court to restrict a young person’s eligibility for a driver’s licence if they have been convicted of certain car theft or hooning offences. The Palaszczuk Government has let us down. The LNP makes no apologies for being tough on youth crime. We have listened to the people of North Queensland on this issue.
Line Dancers’ Year in Revue What wonderful year we have had with 5 new ladies joining our ranks and becoming much valued members of our line dancing family. We continue on our happy way learning new songs and dances and welcome anyone who would like to join us .
9am Monday morning at the Community Centre. Come along for a look, share some fun and please stay for some morning tea and a good old chat at 10 am. Here is a brief sample of what we’ve been up to during the last 12 months. Halloween hijinks in October. P31
We are entering the warmer months now and this means snakes are on the move. Snakes are around all year but they are most commonly seen between September and May. Ideally they like to be in temperatures between 20and 35deg, any colder and a snake’s body slows down and they can become a target for predators. Any hotter and they risk brain and tissue damage. This means ideal locations for snakes are parks, backyards and low lying foliage which provide good sunlight and areas of shade so the snake can maintain its body temperature. No matter where you are its always wise to keep vigilant!
What should you do if you are bitten? The priority is immobilising the limb then 000
Place a broad pressure bandage over the spot immediately. Apply firmly but not too tight and not too thick over the bite and continue up the limb.
Apply a second pressure immobilisation bandage just below the bite and continue up the limb as far as can be reached. Apply the bandage firmly but do not cut off circulation.
Continue to add bandages if you can as the aim is to achieve complete immobilization and a plank of wood or stick attached will also be helpful.
Move as less as possible and call 000.
Don’t try to catch the snake
Don’t try to suck the venom from the site
Don’t cut the bite area,
Don’t wash the bite
Don’t try to kill the snake
Training Thursday 4.30 pm at Rollingstone School and Saturday morning game 9.30 at Rollingstone School
Sunday 5-6pm at Community Centre
NEW LITTLE LEAGUE for 3—5 year olds Contact Harmony if you are interested or to learn more: 0448 133 330 Begins SUNDAY 3rd September from 5 to 6pm and runs every Sunday.
Bushy Parker Park every 3rd Friday at 4.30 with a sausage sizzle afterwards.. Kindly donated by Fishermans Landing Fishing and Social Club!!!
PINEAPPLE FESTIVAL: We have a stall and will be selling Jewellery Headbands, Jams and Pickles etc P32
COMMUNITY DIRECTORY Rollingstone & District Community Assoc Inc.
44 Community Cres, Rollingstone 4816
C/o Northern Beaches Station
Committee: President:
Sue Von Wald
Lynne Prytherch
0407753562 47707 689
Ian Dow
Deb Calder
Narelle Sheill All Correspondence to:
The Secretary,
Faye Thomson
47707 616
Kerrie Cochrane
47707 034
Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc. President
Graham Milliken
Richard Pratt
Rollingstone Qld 4816
North Townsville Community Hub Chris Martin
Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm
Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club Inc.
44 Community Crescent,
Community Centre Manager
47707 855 Fax: 47707 811
47786 033
47516 511
Paluma & District Community Associatio President
Lynn Hyland
4773 7675
1st. Vice President
Wilf Karnoll
4778 8441
2nd. Vice President
Jamie Oliver
Community Hall Phone (M-F 9am-3pm) @ op shop 47707 153
Michael Drew
Colwyn Campbell
Rag office Janine Jones
47707 799
Rollingstone RSL
Ewan Cameron
47707 144
Rhonda Coulson
47707 058
Office Hours 9.30am - 3.30pm Tuesday to Thursday
Rollingstone & District Lions Club
(excluding Public Holidays)
Senior Sergeant
Brad Gough
Senior Constable
Shaun Sutton
Rollingstone & District Seniors Inc.
Front Desk Admin
Rhonda Muller
47707 957
Gaye Lovell
47707 356
Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone
Raymond Pace
47707 285
Hencamp Creek
Ian Dow John Holliday
0412396450 0414808483
Toomulla Community Association President
Rhonda Schwarz
47707 813
Fire Permit
John Pace
47707 348
Animal Contact Numbers
Eddie White
47707 619
Animal Refuge
47745 130
Animal Ambulance (after hours)
47745 130
S.E.S. Emergency - Flood or Storm HQ Group Leader
Rob Wilson
13 2500
RSPCA Inspection
47744 714
Straying Stock
47738 411
47707 498
National Parks & Wildlife Service
47212 399
Rollingstone State School Principal:
Keith Poulter
N.Q. Wildlife Care Group 47707 313
Bird Rescue
47707 356 / 041296553
Rollingstone state school P & C Assoc.
Margaret Preston (Vet)
Livestock on highway REPORT TO
Brad Gough
Mutarnee State School Principal Michael Blake
Alcoholics Anonymous For More Information
47715 411
0403262212 131940
Justices Of The Peace Nellie Berra Chris Martin
After 4pm
47707 352 B/H 47707 855
P 33
Rollingstone General Store & Post Office
POST OFFICE Fax and Colour Photocopier Services Open for business from 7.00am to 6.00pm every day of the week Pay bills, (Rego, Rates, Phone, Electricity, etc); Bank your Cheques and Withdraw Cash; Post Letters and Parcels Phone recharge for all networks 1/N recharge International calling cards
Full Hams 1/2 Hams (Knuckle or Knob) Sliced Ham
Lettuce Plus Extensive Frozen Vegetables
PHARMACY GOODS S2 Medication for winter colds
Double Smoked—the Old– Fashioned Way!
Barbeque Sausages
Lean Mince
Rump Steak Check out our range of
NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.
DVDs for hire Going Fishing? R os co, Olga & All i so n
We stock tackle, lines and lures for local conditions
P H ON E: 4 77 07 34 0 F AX : 47 70 74 70
Need some Bait? P34
OCTOBER 2017 Sunday 1 7.30am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre 8am Brekky Bowls 5.30pm Troupie Touch F/b training & Little League 8 7.30am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre 8am Brekky Bowls 5.30pm Troupie Touch F/b training & Little League 15 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre 5.30pm Troupie Touch F/b training & Little League
Monday 2 9 am - Cards 9 am Line dancing
3 9.30 am Aquarobics
4 9am Indoor bowls 9am Craft Group 5.30pm Troupies Camo fun run practice 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls
6.45pm SES Training 7 pm AA Meeting
9 9 am - Cards 9 am Line dancing
6.45pm SES Training
9.30 am Broadband for Seniors
7 pm AA Meeting
16 9 am - Cards 9 am -Line dancing 6.45 pm SES Training 7 pm - AA Meeting
22 7.30am St Anthony’s Church @ Community Centre 8.30-4.30pm Mobile Dentist @ Doctors 5.30pm Troupie Touch F/b training & Little League
23 9am - Cards 9am - Line dancing
29 7.30am St Anthony's/ Church Community Centre
30 9 am - Cards 9 am - Line dancing 6.45pm SES Training 7 pm AA Meeting
5.30pm Troupie Touch F/b training & Little League
6.45pm SES Training 7 pm - AA Meeting
9.30 am Aquarobics
6.30pm Lions Business Meeting at the Den 17 9.30 am Aquarobics 9.30 am Broadband for Seniors 2pm Board Games at the RTC
11 9am Indoor bowls 9am Craft Group 11.30am-1pm MOBILE LIBRARY
Thursday 5 8am-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall 4.30pm Basketball Training at RSS 6.30 pm Yoga
7 8 am –1 pm Balgal Beach Markets
11am TCC Computer tutorial
9.30am Basketball games at RSS
9am Cards
9.30 am Aquarobics
4.30pm Basketball Training at RSS 6.30 pm Yoga
18 9am Indoor Bowls 9am Craft group
19 8am-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall
20 8am Weight Circuit Class 9.30 am Aquarobics
9am Cards 9am VISITING VET
26 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall 9am Cards
27 8am Weight Circuit Class
6.30pm Lions Dinner Meeting at the Den
7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls
4.30pm Basketball Training at RSS 6.30pm Yoga
6pm Fisherman's Landing BBQ
31 9.30 am Aquarobics
1 Nov 9am Indoor Bowls 9am Craft group 11.30am-1pm MOBILE LIBRARY
2 Nov 8am-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 9.30am Playgroup at Hall 4.30pm Basketball Training at RSS 6.30pm Yoga
3 Nov 8am Weight Circuit Class 9.30 am Aquarobics
7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls
10.30am Yoga
21 9am-12noon Op Shop 9.30am Basketball Game @RSS 10.30am Yoga 5pm Troupies Camo event
25 9am Indoor Bowls 9am Craft Group 11.30am-1pm MOBILE LIBRARY
9.30 am Broadband for Seniors
9.30am Basketball games @ RSS
4.30pm Basketball Training at RSS 6.30 pm Yoga
9.30 am Broadband for Seniors
1.00 eyes down 1.30
7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls
24 9.30 am Aquarobics
9am -12 Op Shop
10.30am Yoga 13 8 am Weight Circuit Class
9.30 am Playgroup at Hall
6 8am Weight Circuit Class 9.30 am Aquarobics
12 8am-3 pm Community Bus Shopping
5.30pm Troupies Camo fun run practice 7-9pm Evening Indoor Bowls
5.30pm Troupies Camo fun run practice
9.30 am Aquarobics
28 9.30am Basketball Game @RSS 10.30am Yoga
4 Nov 9.30am Basketball Game @RSS 10.30am Yoga
5 wonderful girls celebrating the same “special� birthday this year.
Vale Shirley Ciszek. It was with much sadness that we heard of the passing of one of our founding members. Thank you for being part of our line dancing family, Shirley.
Biggest ever catch by Clyde Stewart Tuesday 12 Sept out the front of Balgal beach. 14kg or 32 lb.
Ukulele serenade for Judyana's birthday.
Balgal Beach Markets 1st Sat of the month. Fantastic breakfasts. Fishermans Landing fishing and Social Club do the BIG BREKKIES and they sold out. Get down to the Markets and support our locals !
BBB&LC Fathers Day gathering