May 2016

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MAY 2016

Free official newsletter of Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated.


Hello everyone, Mystic Sands Golf and Country Club has appointed Emma and Rhett as the new managers. We are currently seeking members from the community to come and support the exciting new changes that we are planning with plenty of fun and family activities for all of the community. Come and enjoy a game of golf, whether it be nine or eighteen holes, play competition or just come and have a hit and giggle session. Tuesdays...we have the Vets comp, starting 8am for a 8.30am tee off. Wednesday morning is for the ladies, to either learn how to hit that silly little white ball or to catch up on the finer points of the game and to have a get together with a cuppa and cake after the morning session. Friday afternoon is the chook run for Members and Non - Members of the Club. Nine hole game for $5.00 where you may be lucky to win a couple of chooks for your dinner and you don’t need to go chasing the chooks as we have already done that for you and they are all ready in the freezer. Saturday is the main comp of the week for an eighteen hole game and last but not least is on Sunday when we have the Bushrangers…$5.00 for a nine hole game and an 8.30 for 9am Tee off. Bushrangers is for members and non - members as well. There is a swimming pool available to all at just $2 per person for hours of fun (however if you’re under 18 you’ll need adult supervision) and a tennis court that you can hire out for $6 for 6 hours.. Join the bowls club….you can either join and play in the comps or we also have barefoot bowls on a Sunday. Come with your friends and family and have lots of fun, pay just $4.00 per person to play and we have all the equipment you need here. Everyone is welcome. We encourage you to make use of the facilities that we have here. The Club is open to the whole community. Membership is not necessary to enjoy our facilities, bar and bistro. We have a special $12.00 meal deal that includes chips, a yummy burger and a nice cold beer or soft drink. Come and enjoy an ice cold beverage or a meal. We hope to see you here! …..Cheers….Emma & Rhett.

NOTIFICATION This is a timely reminder to let everyone know: Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc Memberships are due. Membership fees are $1.00 per year and are due before 31 July 2016. Being a member of RaDCA is the best way to have your say about how the Community Centre operates. Please note this is RaDCA Membership and is totally SEPARATE to the Rollingstone Seniors membership. RaDCA membership fees can be paid to Chris at the RTC Office.


Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome.

Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris. at the RTC centre.

WEATHER WATCH Don’t forget if you use the internet you can access our up to the minute weather station Cut and paste the following link : Just to get you thinking The Fallen Sign A man was walking in a country unfamiliar to him. He came to a crossroads where he found that the signpost showing the directions of the roads had fallen over. How did he find out which way to go?

Might be past Anzac day by the time you get this...but any day is a good day for Anzac bickies. ANZAC BISCUITS 1 cup plain flour 2/3 cup brown sugar 1 cup rolled oats 1 cup desiccated coconut 1/2 tspn bi-carb soda 125gr butter melted with 1/4 cup syrup Preheat oven to moderate 180*c or 160*c fan forced. Line biscuit trays with baking paper. Sift flour and add sugar to mixing bowl. Add oats and coconut. Make a well in centre and mix in melted butter and syrup with bi-carb soda mixed with 1 tablespoon hot water. Mix together and roll into small balls. Flatten slightly with a fork. If mixture is a little dry, add a little warm water. Bake for 20 minutes or until browned. Allow to cool before removing from trays.

For online up to date information on what's happening in the Community

Balgal Beach News look us up on Facebook This service is not part of the Rollingstone Rag but it was set up and is administered by Janine Jones ( editor Rollingstone Rag) as a community service


NOTES FROM THE R.T.C At the time of writing this, we have received notification from the Townsville City Council T150 Grants team stating that we have been successful in receiving a small grant to assist with the opening of the Rollingstone Station Building. The restoration and repurposing of the building has been an ongoing project since before 2012. The history of the station is fascinating and the building is considered a "Building of Interest" instead of being Heritage Listed. Back in 1915 the Station Building was completed and opened for business making the Station Building the oldest functioning building in Rollingstone. That is why RaDCA fought to keep the building in the District. On 5 June you are cordially invited to celebrate with us, the Official Opening and repurposing of the Station as our Book Storage. The Book Storage is open to the public Monday to Friday 8am - 3pm. Books can be loaned but must be returned within a reasonable period of time. The books in the Book Storage are not for sale, there are Books for sale at the Op Shop if you like to hang onto the books you read. We are also celebrating the completion of many of the projects around the Community Centre - some in collaboration with the Lions - garden seating, the LDMG the Generator and water tanks, the Seniors assistance with the shelving in the Book Storage, TCC with assistance in purchasing the trees to provide shade into the future and other projects are our own for example the Op Shop. June 5 will see an Art and Craft expo, Art competition, food and drinks and a small number of stall holders. If you are inclined to paint, draw, sculpt, knit, sew, turn wood, whittle, weld or any other crafty past time and want to enter the competition, please use the registration form - knowing the theme is ANYTHING LOCAL. The registration form is in this month's Rolly Rag, on the Hall noticeboard and at the RTC. I would like to thank Richard P for all the hard work and labour, he has put into the Community Centre grounds. Your contribution to the Centre is still greatly appreciated. Thanks again. Our volunteers keep this Centre running so smoothly - hats off to you all - you are all very special people. Notes from the Rollingstone Coastcare Group The Rollingstone Coastcare Group have now completed their second workshop which was presented by Wal Threlfall, Ian Boyd and Norm Rains from Birdlife Townsville - Thank you, Gentlemen for giving up your Saturday morning, to present your knowledge of the birds present in Balgal / Rollingstone and how to conduct a birdlife survey. The work on the foreshore of the Esplanade is progressing very well; the removal of the guinea grass is the first priority for the group. Please if you have some spare time on Saturday 14 and 28 May, 9am - 11am, your assistance will be greatly appreciated. Birdlife Townsville are willing to come out again to present a full workshop complete with powerpoint, of the types of birds found in this area. This workshop will be open to the public perhaps on a Saturday morning or afternoon. Please call Chris at the RTC 47707855 to register you interest in this presentation. Notes from the Pineapple Festival Committee The Pineapple Festival Committee is up and running again this year. We are trialing a new organisation strategy, by dividing the committee into different roles and responsibilities such as the Parade, administration, the Pineapple Princesses, stall holders etc. We have gained the assistance of some wonderfully knowledgeable people but are on the lookout for more. Call Chris at the RTC 47707855 to register your interest………….As always, take care………..Chris

DA ROCK Our new rock that we have in between the RTC and the Library. A Project under construction


on Bruce Highway, Ph. 47708184

The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance.

We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00pm P5

During April, another of our long-term residents passed away. John Douglas was an active member of our community (with a beautiful garden) and he’ll be sadly missed by his wife, Merle. Vale, John. Some of those folk I mentioned last month are still not out of the woods health-wise. And now Jan Holliday and Barb Armfield have both had unhappy falls; Bill Kirkwood and John Gurd haven’t been at the top of their game either; with Robyn Small receiving an untimely diagnosis; and no doubt, there’re more who’re not well but of whom we’re unaware....................we just wish them well, better and best. 

Again, not a lot of news emanating from the Community Centre even though we’re extremely busy putting activities and events in place, hosting the same and planning for the rest of the year, and still working on a couple of projects. Mowers are being given a commercial make-over in at K.C. Mow & Grow so that they can continue to serve us well; new taps to go into all hand-basins; looking at new curtains/blinds in the big Hall; the Sound System has been under scrutiny and unless we suddenly can come up with around $16K to upgrade the one we have, it looks like what we’ve got is it – for the time being anyhow; we’re also having the Gas Cooker given some attention because it’s now 17 years old and has a couple of problems.  The Pizza Outlet is now located at the Community Centre. We hope lots of you are patronising again now that they’re trying to rebuild their business.  We’re planning a Car Boot Sale for Saturday, June 25th (cooler weather) and we will have available Microchip Scanning Free-of-Charge and actual Microchipping for $30 an animal. That’s really good value, so PLEASE mark it on your calendars!!  Sadly, the school holiday activities were not well-attended with our having to cancel the fishing trip on Mr. Turner’s boat due to lack of interest. However, the Martial Arts classes were a much bigger hit. We’ll probably get them to come up again.  Bridge Meeting.......yeah well, same old, same old. Work supposed to start May 1st. Let’s hope it does because everything is now in place from Council’s perspective.  Bob Katter had 9 representations during his evening at the Hall. Good turnout. Let’s hope they solved all Australia’s problems – maybe even the world’s problems, or any other big place!!  We received this from Townsville City Council after a query from a resident - for your information: The response is as follows - "We have checked with Regulatory Services and there is nothing in any local laws regarding the burial of pets in the backyard. The only suggestions are that they are not buried too close to any water course, bore etc. and that they are buried at least 600mm deep. However if they are not buried in the correct manner and cause an odour problem then a complaint can be raised that may result in Environmental Health asking them to remove the animal if they deem it to be a problem. We hope this answers your question."  Thanks to Colin Pace and Ian Dow we have a wonderful rock in place on which we hope to have some artwork done to help celebrate 150 years of Townsville history.  A friend of Ian D.’s, Chris Page, was kind enough to do an underground location scan for us in the vicinity of where we hope to place our Railway Display. This is an expensive service, but Chris kindly did it free-of-charge. For this we’re deeply appreciative and really do now owe him one.  Another wonderful Dawn Service provided by the Rollingstone RSL. It is just sooooo very, very good. I defy anyone to say there is anything better in this great country of ours, comparable on a “head-count” basis. Mind you, the site on which it is held is possibly unrivalled – except for Anzac Cove, because of the history involved. The general consensus of opinion is that around 400-500 people were in attendance. A great spectacle. And at the 10 am service, we had all the kids from Mutarnee and Rollingstone Schools PLUS a representation of numerous Cub Scout Groups from around the Townsville district. Most impressive! And the Bugler was excellent. The trouble with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts while the stupid ones are full of confidence. Live well, love much, laugh often....................... “Sancho Panza”.

Sunny Days Carer's Support Group available Contact 4773 5808 for more information

THE BOOK STATION At the Community Centre Monday to Friday 9-3pm Books for sale from as little as 50c

11th & 25th MAY P6

APRIL RAINFALL REPORT Monthly Rain totals as at 22nd April 2016 Rainfall for April: 11.9mls Year to date: 879.3 mls Wet Days: 7 Days Max Temp: 31° (13/4/16) Min Temp: 19° (4/4/16) To access all the data from our local weather station go to: dashboard?ID=IQUEENSL849


BLUEWATER 5741sqm.................$139,500 Town water, beach suburb, primary school

BLUEWATER 8616sqm.................$169K Town water, beach suburb, primary school

BLUEWATER 94.2 Acres ..............$645K Development potential

Bluewater: 6 new acerage house sites soon 

TOOLAKEA 159.5 Acres ............. $1.2Mil Development potential

MUTARNEE 471.5 Acres ...............$330K Highway frontage, grazing potential, sugar farming

MUTARNEE 830.3 Acres ...............$530K Highway frontage, grazing potential, sugar farming

Call Tom 0499 888 676 DWC - David Wadley Commercial


ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012) Full Page (18 x 26cm) Half Page (18 x 13cm) Quarter Page (9 x 13cm) Business Card (9 x 6.5cm) Classifieds (up to 20 words) Flyers/Inserts*

$120.00 $80.00 $50.00 $25.00 $10.00 $120.00

Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email or * extra costs for supplying the photocopying if required

RollyRag’ Disclaimer The ‘RollyRag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to.

RURAL TRANSACTION CENTRE Internet Access $2/hour (or part of) FREE for Students doing school Projects and FREE for Job Seekers.  Printing & Photocopying (Black & White) A4 Single Sided .10¢ / page A4 Double Sided .20¢ / page A4 50 or more off 1 original . 5¢ / page A3 Single Sided .20¢ / page A3 Double Sided .40¢ / page A3 50 or more off 1 original .10¢ / page Colour Photocopying A3 or A4 .50¢ / page  Printing from Computer Black & White .20¢ / page Colour $1 / page  Scanning & Printing (B&W) .50¢ / page  Fax First page $1.10 (incl. GST) Consecutive pages $0.55 (incl. GST)  Laminating - Business Card .50¢ - A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) - A3 $2.20 (incl. GST)  Room Hire 1/2 Day $20 (incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST)  Important document scanning $5.00 

P8 P 10

BALGAL BEACH MARKET 1st & 3rd SATURDAY’S OF EACH MONTH Held in the Park @ The Landing Loads of Stalls with Food, Coffee, Jewellery, Clothes, Massage, Plants, Books, Bric a Brac etc NEW Stallholders ALWAYS Welcome Always need Car boot * Bric a Brac etc

Call Dan 0417


Presented by

For online information on what's on look up



0429 523 012

P 10

Gidday Rollingstone Straight down to business… I’ve been asked to mention the parking arrangements outside the Rollingstone State School at drop off and pick-up times. I know this doesn’t affect too many of you, so you can either have a read and go, “Hmmm…” or shoot off and make a cuppa. I understand that Tealby Street and Fred Williams Drive (that’s where the school lives) gets a bit “tight” on occasion and there isn’t a lot of space to manoeuvre your vehicle, especially when you have to juggle with a reversing bus, kids running a bit late, no pedestrian crossing, no “school zone” signage and the occasional sticky-beak or lost tourist with an oversized 4x4 and a caravan big enough to have its own postcode. EVERYONE needs to be aware of this. I know this is only a small area with a small school in a fairly quiet and confined area…but… NO MORE DOUBLE PARKING WHILE YOU WAIT FOR THE KIDS – the road is too narrow to allow that to happen. Park up. NO MORE KIDS WANDERING ACROSS THE ROAD TO YOUR CAR UNATTENDED – the school will be laying the law down to the kids about where to cross the road. Personally, I’d prefer that parents or guardians parked and came into the school to collect the kids – but if that isn’t going to happen… IT’S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO EDUCATE YOUR CHILDREN ABOUT HOW TO ACT WHEN THEY CROSS THE ROAD. If they learn what’s expected of them out here, where it’s relatively safe, it’ll come naturally when they’re somewhere else. THE SCHOOL BUS HAS RIGHT OF WAY WHEN IT’S IN THAT AREA – no ‘if’s’ or ‘but’s’ – if the bus is coming or going or reversing – YOU STOP AND GIVE WAY!!! SIGNAGE – it’s been mentioned to the Council and Qld Transport before and I’m in the process of drafting another formal request to have the road from Rosco’s corner to the school (Tealby Street) and Fred Williams Drive designated as a ‘School Zone’ and have a ‘No Thru Road’ sign at the intersection of Rollingstone Street and Tealby Street. If there are any issues with any of this, please feel free to come to my office and have a chat, as always. I want to do a few of these “Dear Goughy” letters… but before I do – yes, some people DO actually write letters to me – yes, sometimes I put some of my conversations into a ‘letter’ form – and yes, sometimes I combine two or three letters and conversations into one so it’s easier to answer in this article. “Dear Goughy, how’s the arm? When are you back at work? What does Shaun look like? We still haven’t met him yet.” I have to say thank you to everyone who has asked about the progress of my arm after the surgery I had. By the time this edition is out, I’ll be back on full operational duty – much to the relief of a certain red headed copper who has been taking up all the slack and running around like a headless chook doing all of the operational jobs in the area, pretty much since he arrived in August last year. After Shaun gets back from leave and I’m back on deck full time, he’ll have plenty of opportunity to get around and meet everyone – up until now, he’s been busier than a one legged man in a bum kicking contest. “Dear Goughy, does it get too busy or is it too boring working in a small station like yours?” There are some times when you’ll go to a traffic accident at 3am, take a statement from someone at the office at 8.30am, help out with a drug raid at lunchtime, go to a meeting with the boss about 2pm, get called to another traffic accident by 4pm, attend a domestic dispute at 8.30pm and finish up with a nice noise complaint just before midnight. The diet for the day will be a half a piece of toast, 7 cups of coffee and whatever biscuits have been left on the day room table. And some days, the phone doesn’t ring at all.There are times when our work (the jobs that we get involved in as police) comes in batches where there’ll be 3 or 4 or 5 very similar jobs, one after the other. For example, if we go to one traffic accident, we’ll end up going to 3 or 4 in a row over the following week or so. The same thing happens with almost everything, from traffic stuff, disturbances, domestics… even right down to the advice we give people……The short answer is that there’s always something to do. “Dear Goughy, has the new rule about being a meter away from push bikes started yet?” Absolutely. One meter between your car and the bike. It shouldn’t be a problem for the roads out here. And before anyone asks about having to cross the centre line just to give the bike rider enough space – I expect a common sense approach from EVERYONE – if you have to slow down to go past, then SLOW DOWN – if you have to wait for other cars to get past, THEN YOU WAIT – if the bike riders are just kids, THEN YOU SLOW DOWN AND WAIT A LITTLE MORE. By the same token, if you’re riding a bike, you’re on the extreme left of the road – NOT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LANE, you WILL have a helmet ON YOUR HEAD (not decorating the handlebars) and you WILL show due respect to anything bigger than you that has the ability to run you over and ruin my day. I had a quick chat with the local P&C president – wonderful, WONDERFUL bloke and an absolute gentleman – and he asked if I could mention the Rollingstone School 100 year celebration coming up in August this year – if you can, would or could assist (or know anyone that can), please give him a call. He also mentioned “Pink Stumps Day” at the school on the 3rd of May to raise money for the McGRATH Foundation for Breast Cancer Awareness and that everyone was welcome to come along…………..Stay safe………….Goughy P 11



MPA Property Services

Or make your booking ONLINE via our website or Google: Doctor Appointments in Bluewater and you can use Health Engine to make your appt. We have 8 General Practitioners, 2 Nurse Practitioners and the services from the following Allied Health Dietitian, Podiatry, Psychologists, Acupuncturist, Hypnotherapy, Exercise Psychologist, Natural Massage Therapist and Counsellor. Visiting Cardiologist attends monthly. There is a pharmacy and Physiotherapists on site.

Whilst the majority of our GP’s bulk bill please be aware that when booking online you may be selecting a Private Appt. where payment will be required at consultation

PROUDLY SERVING OUR COMMUNITY – EMPLOYING LOCAL PEOPLE! Providing ALL Home, Property & Gardening needs in 1-stop:  Home cleaning, rental bond cleaning, pressure cleaning.  Gardening, lawn mowing, tree lopping, dump runs.  If you need it done – we’ll get it done for you.

PH: 0490 412 061 E: P 12

Sadly, the outcome of voting from the elections has seen us lose a very passionate and hard working Councillor, Sue Blom, who had been the local councillor for the Northern Beaches for the past 8 years. Sue has been very actively involved in many projects, issues and events for Toomulla. On behalf of the TBCA Committee I would like to thank Sue for all the hard work, commitment, friendship and help to achieve goals that we set out and completed. There is still one unfinished project……securing the land for a Community Hall and the building of the hall in which Sue has been heavily involved with, along with the committee for the last 4 years that I have been president. I am positive Sue (and husband Derek) will continue to help, support us and also share their knowledge, in order for us to complete this project. We wish Sue all the best for the future. Tony Parsons (who’s parents have a weekender in Toomulla) and who was to be our new Division 1 Councillor, (because of the boundary changes) also had a sad outcome. Tony has years of experience with the TCC and I am sure he will move on to bigger & better things. Congratulations to Margie Ryder - Division 1. I hope you have hit the ground running as you have some very big shoes to fill!! Happy Birthday to Eddie Rouse who turned 87 on 14th April. Wow …he is doing well, and to think that he is still maintaining the Rouse Harvey Park along with help from the TCC. Rudi & I went down to help him last week to cut the seeds down off a couple of palm trees. He insisted that he climb up the ladder to cut them and for Rudi to hold the ladder. He said to Rudi “I am lighter than you and besides that I wouldn’t be able to hold the ladder” Rudi is very glad he shared that choice with him first!! Good on you Eddie!! Our Mothers Day Raffle will be drawn on Friday 6th May. Tickets are now available $1 per per ticket or 6 for $5. Three great prizes are up for grabs. Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful Mothers in Toomulla. Have a fun filled day! Congratulations in advance to the lucky winners in the Raffle. Thank you for your support. I would like to share these three handy hints that were given to me the other day. To remove the glue residue on glass jars, sometimes soaking or dishwashing doesn’t help. Mix together a teaspoon of bicarb soda and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Apply this to the sticky label and then leave it for several minutes. Wipe off with a damp cloth and the glue should be gone. Fill a glass jug or bowl with two cups of hot water and a big squeeze of lemon. Microwave this on high for five minutes, allowing the water to steam clean the inside. Just wipe clean afterwards. If you have a stain in a delicate fabric, lemon is a great way to get rid of it. Make up a mixture of lemon juice and salt to treat the stain. Let this sit on the stain for 30 minutes and then rinse away using vinegar and warm water. The Toomulla Beach Community Assoc Inc. will be organising a meet & greet in the near future with the newly elected Cr. Margi Ryder for all of the community to attend. This will be held down in Toomulla Park. There will be a letter box drop once a date has been set down. It will be a great opportunity for you to meet Cr Ryder and introduce yourself. Don’t forget if you have any news, photos or articles that you would like to share to the Toomulla Newsletter please email them to or you can phone me on 47707813. Happy Birthday to those who are celebrating a birthday in May. Have a fun time. P13 Cheers………..Rhonda.

Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club News

Hello and welcome, This month I am writing this article from out west where they say the crows fly backwards to keep the dust out of their eyes. But from my perspective, I think it should be to keep the flies out of their eyes as they are here in their millions. Out West here, I am again reminded what a wonderful country this is in which we live. At the moment I am sitting under a shady old tree on the banks of the Paroo River near a small town named Eulo. The sky is bright and clear and a nice breeze is coming in along the river, truly beautiful and peaceful except for these flies. At night the sky is full of sparkling stars, their brilliance in the dark night sky reflecting off my tired old eyes. I was so overawed by reliving the experiences from my youth spent in the bush that I asked an old mate to pen a poem for the occasion and from which I have taken out a couple of his lines. “And the bush has friends to meet him, and their kindly voices greet him, In the murmurs of the breeze and the rivers on its bars, And he sees the vision splendid of the sunlit plain extended, And at night the wonderous glory of the everlasting stars. And as I sit at my dingy little office desk where a stingy ray of sunlight struggles Feebly through the window, I think to myself, jealously from afar, I wonder………… Where that lucky bugger Ninger are?” Thanks A.B. (no Cyril, not Allan Border the renowned cricketer, the OTHER one!) After this place we shall camp on the Bulloo River near Quilpie before heading north to a Paradise we call home, Balgal Beach. My hunting skills have again been evidenced by our abundant daily lunch of freshly caught yabbies but we would starve if we had to live off the fishing skill of my dear one. Nothing…………….. Well my three dear readers, enough of my travelogue...what has been happening in our Club since my last short article (yes Kerrie, I saw your note). Even from afar I still receive snippets of misadventure, misdeeds or general all round stuff-ups to award the monthly Tale of Woe Award. Both Dickie and Graham Milliken have been mentioned to me via the bush telegraph but seeing Graham is our Vice-President I had better not pick on him. Hmmmm, why not!? Why not indeed!! So gather around young and old and I shall relay to you a story, it is true, or so I am told. Once upon a time a short time ago, Graham decided that a tree, a nice young tree, had to go to allow access for his caravan. He studied the tree in detail, noted the wind direction and skillfully determined that a small cut here, a nick there and presto, the tree would fall right along there. Then the chainsaw came out, its sharpened teeth glistening and gleaming menacingly in the bright sunlight, its motor roaring and ready to complete a deed so foul as to terminate

forever the growth of this young, flourishing tree just reaching its prime. When Graham was about to take the first surgical precision cut, he must have been distracted, perhaps he suddenly remembered where he had hidden that stash of money or had thoughts of the rum and soda he would have for entrée, main and dessert tonight. This fleeting distraction however, made him forget all the pre-planning, the nick here, the tuck there and he cut straight through the tree. Graham is nifty on his feet, anyone who has seen him on the dance floor after 27 rums would vouch for that but alas, not nifty enough as the tree fell quickly with no time to react, BONK!!, right across his noggin which knocked him out momentarily. When he came to, he was being consoled by a caring neighbour who said while laughing “Graham, the tree won by a knockout” Perhaps our Club should conduct Workplace Health and Safety Courses for our members as well as the First Aid Courses. For his actions, Graham Milliken Vice-President, is awarded the much valued and sought after Tale of Woe Award for May 2016. Congratulations Graham, (I think). Members don’t forget to weigh in your catch no matter what size sardine you snagged as all weigh ins go toward the end of year trophy. Needless to say though, your catches must be of legal size. It is a painless process, make sure they are gutted then ask one of the very friendly, cheerful and wonderful ladies at The Landing to witness and initial your entry in the monthly sheet. Simple, even I could handle that. I shall be soon presenting to the committee for approval the Social Calendar of Events for the next 6 months commencing 1st. July 2016. In each 6 month period we have a Family Weekend Away, a closed Club Fishing Competition, monthly BBQ, raffles and 2 market days per month, plus a CPR Awareness Course and a one day First Aid Course. What else would you like included? Please submit your wish list and we will consider your suggestion at the next Committee Meeting. Thanks to 2 very dedicated Members we now have our very own Facebook Page. Sloane Palmer and Kellie Thompson did a tremendous job setting it up whilst in retreat over Easter and consuming a number of bottles of fine wine in the process. I am amazed it got done at all! So members, you can now send in your contributions, brag photos, tales, suggestions and constructive comments. There is only one strict rule when using the Club’s Facebook, please….. no foul language as this is a family club and we don’t want our young ones reading that garbage. Also, no harsh criticisms, there are some sensitive pricelesses around and I assure you all, it is not a pretty sight seeing Dickie tear his nightie to shreds at a Committee Meeting with his bare gnarled hands that resembles huge hands of overripe bananas, knuckles as big as mushrooms from years of dragging them on the ground. Did I also mention that no character assassinations are permitted either? So get to it and start to use your own Club Facebook Page which by the way is Fishermans Landing Fishing and Social Club Balgal Beach Inc. Please note that our next Club Family Weekend Away will be to Lucinda and the dates have been changed to the last weekend in May (27th – 29th) to give the organizer (President Di) a bit of breathing space after our return from holidays. Additionally, she also needs time to recover after yet another operation in late April. Full details of the trip are on the board at The Landing so please put your name down if you plan to attend, they are great weekends. P 14

Club member David Cohalan got more than he expected from his crab pot set in Rollingstone Creek recently when he pulled it into his tinny with a 1.6 meter Crocodile in the pot. His first reaction was to immediately vacate the tinny until he realized that the croc was dead. This serves as a somber reminder to us all to be vigilant on and around the water. We live in Paradise but we must be acutely aware of the dangers lurking in our area, crocs, snakes etc. Don’t let contempt lead to your downfall or demise. Additionally, the Grey Nomads, Backpackers and other tourists are now flooding into our area, please; if you see them doing anything silly give them a friendly reminder that there are real dangers awaiting them. There is a right way as well as a wrong way to moor your boat and if you get the two mixed up you face the prospect of your vessel either being swamped by the incoming tide or breaking loose which means a swim for you in croc infested waters. If in doubt, ask.

Dickies Fishing News….. G’Day again folks, well the weather of late and programmed into the future has not been good for the boaties except for an early morning trip to the inner shoals and back again by 9.00 am before the breeze gets back up to 15 to 20 knots. I have received reports of plenty of bait fish in the river mouths and creeks, excellent mullet, prawns and green back herring being caught. A few barra are being landed using live mullet and prawn bait at Taylors Beach, Crystal Creek and Olera Creek mouths with a couple of barra being landed in Rollingstone Creek.

That is all from me so until next month, Ninger


Good catches of crabs in Olera and Crystal Creeks with a report of 6 bucks being caught in 4 hours in Olera Creek. Hencamp Creek is producing

mostly undersize and females with the odd good buck being taken in Rollingstone Creek. Hencamp Creek is difficult to get into with around 2 metres of tide required for the average 14 foot tinnie and with the consistent SE Trades will not help the situation in regard to the sand buildup. A few good grunter are being caught on the inner shoals out from Mystic Sands if you can get out but one game boatie reported excellent catches of squid using squid jiggers in the evening out around Gunbarrel Reef. Well that is it for this month and it looks like 15 to 20 knots of Southeast winds for the next couple of weeks so creek fishing will be your best bet. Do not forget to put in your trip sheet prior to going out to sea or at least tell someone where you intend to proceed. We monitor VHF channels 16 and 22 also 27 mhz channels 88 and 90. You can leave your out of date flares or EPIRBS at The Landing for afe disposal. Tight lines and please, always good safe boating. ……..Regards, Dickie



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4770 7356 / 0412 965 535

In the Townsville region there is a wildlife carer who lives on quite a few acres and she deals with Macropods mainly Wallabies, Red and Eastern Grey Kangaroos and Wallaroos. Two sides of the land backs onto Crown land and they are able to release the older Kangaroos etc there. On the property they have 6 pens. Two of the pens are acres in size, surrounded by roo safe fencing. Now this haven is always full of orphans, from little pouch dwellers to the big guys getting ready for release. A part of the carers house has an area just for the animals. They have their own kitchen, bath, fridges, washing machine and heaps of storage for all the paraphernalia that goes with caring. There is the different size cloth liners, the same with the pouches, towels, wipes and washers. Then there is the different milk powder for the different ages, the vitamins, oils, medicinal potions and the list goes on. When you are looking after the amount of roos that are held here then you need bulk room with plenty of cupboards and the white goods. On an average she can have say 36 to feed, so that is a lot of formula. 36 bottles to fill and wash, 36 teats and the list goes on and this can be 4-5 times a day. If they have messed in the pouch then clean ones replace the soiled ones. Then throw into that mix, a sick one and then chaos becomes the norm. Also she will have maybe 10 big guys outside that need supplement feeding so the list gets longer and then we add to this mix the dreaded droppings of ALL these animals. The fun begins with picking up kilos of the stuff each day. How much can you use on you garden and your friends garden. Oops nearly forgot the weeding, that’s another back breaking chore and then we have the ordinary day to day running of the human household. What on earth would possess someone to do all this work???? There are no grants or donations, everything is paid for by the carer. I take my hat off to someone like this who really does care and goes beyond the call of duty for these beautiful animals. P 15

Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc Lions being part of something great Welcome to our Lions May entry in the Rolly Rag and a BIG Welcome to our 10 new club members! On Saturday the 30th. April, our club members, family and friends were going to enjoy a day outing on Rosie (Leisure Accessible) but sadly we had to postpone our fun day due to other commitments. We were going to inspect the new trailer our Lions Club was able to support with the help of the local Community Groups. John Muller and his wife Shirley along with Jan and myself are preparing for the Lions Multi District Convention in Echuca, Victoria. John who is Area Leader – Global Membership Team will travel to Lions International for meetings, I’m sure he will come back with futher challengers. We are privileged to have such a dedicated Lions member as John. Our local ANZAC day services are covered in other parts of this months’ Rolly Rag and our Lions always enjoy being part of the services, helping with the breakfast, marching and presenting wreaths. The Rollingstone RSL Sub Branch won the Community Event award at our Australia Day Celebrations for the ‘Centenary 100 Years of ANZAC’ Services and it’s encouraging to see so many local residents pausing to respect those who have fallen for our Country’s freedom. At our April Dinner meeting I was able to present a lovely wooden box to keep our plastic sauce bottles tidy at our outside catering projects – this box was made and donated by Phil Ryan, our Lion Tamer until his recent health problems. Thank you Phil the box has been suitably engraved. Have you noticed that Dowie has a new set of wheels – the old ute has finally gone to ute heaven, hope the new one can keep up with all Dowie’s Community work. Lions are there to help in the Community so if you need assistance with odd jobs just look us up in the Rolly Rag Community Directory, but remember that our members volunteer their time and vehicles so if is a big job or requires a trip to the tip a small donation would be appreciated Kind Regards………..John Holliday……...Club President

4770 7698 0437 555 469

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P 17

LABOR, KATTER & INDEPENDENTS FORCE PREFERENCES ON VOTERS The Palaszczuk Labor Government, supported by the Katter Party and Independents has rammed radical changes to Queensland’s voting system through State Parliament to bring in compulsory preferential voting (CPV), without any consultation whatsoever. This means Queensland voters will no longer be able to just ‘Vote 1’ for the candidate of their choice. Labor, supported by the Katter Party and Independents, have robbed Queenslanders of their right to choose whether or not to allocate their preferences. If Queensland voters don’t comply with this compulsory requirement, their vote will be invalid, robbing them of their say. Under the current optional preferential voting (OPV) system, Queensland has enjoyed the lowest rates of informal voting in Australia. OPV has been in place in Queensland for 25 years since the Fitzgerald Inquiry and the Electoral and Administrative Review Commission recommended its implementation. Labor, the Katter Party and the Independents have trashed this key integrity reform. Worst of all, CPV forces Queenslanders to cast their vote in a way that strips them of their choice, which is undemocratic. The actions of the Palaszczuk Labor Government, supported by the Katter Party and the Independents, are disgraceful. SAVE OUR SPARKIES PETITION The Palaszczuk Labor Government has announced plans to merge government-owned electricity network businesses, Ergon and Energex. As part of this merger, a new energy services business will be created to provide a range of electrical works across the state. This new business will be in direct competition with independent mum and dad contractors who provide services like smart meter installation, solar panel installation, battery installation and a range of other works. There are 10,000 independent electrical contractors in Queensland and this has the potential to grab work and destroy the livelihoods of every single contractor in the state. Queensland is already well-serviced by hardworking mum and dad contractors who compete on a level playing field, employ Queenslanders and provide important services across the community. The Palaszczuk Labor Government's plans will put these contractors in the impossible position of competing against the Ergon-Energex giant. This isn’t good for consumers - that's Queensland families and businesses. Less competition means one thing, higher prices. Only the LNP will stand with our Sparkies against Labor and their crazy plan to create this entity. The LNP knows that local sparkies provide effective, high quality electrical services, as well as providing jobs and training to other Queenslanders. That’s why we’re asking Queenslanders to sign the ‘Save our Sparkies’ petition on the parliamentary website and help us fight against this unfair move.…/…/e-petitions

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Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News

Day All, Our monthly BBQ on Sunday 3rd April was a beaut night. We had a big change of menu just to be a bit different. IT WAS A HOTDOG and SNAG NIGHT plus tasty added dishes. Sweets were great as always. THANKS TO ALL THE HELPERS, you all do such a wonderful job. We held a Trivia night with teams of five. It was a load of fun. The winning team is pictured. Two teams tied with a score of 20 answers correct out of 30 questions. WELL DONE SMARTY PANTS. The Lound’s fresh Seafood Raffle was won by Vanda Simmons. TOP PRIZE. ENJOY. Our club’s Cattle Creek trip had to be cancelled due to bad weather conditions and will be rescheduled ASAP. The Community Bus is now full and we will be heading to the Townsville Cultural Fest on Saturday the 20th of August for a fantastic night out. We can recommend this event to everyone. We attend this community event every year, Great entertainment and top food from all over the world. YUM!! It will be held at the JCU CAMPUS this year. Our local LIONS CLUB will be having a fun member’s social day out cruising aboard ROSIE on Saturday 30 th April. Along with a BBQ. If you are thinking of becoming a Lion come along and meet the members. Phone John Holliday on 47707898 for information. Quite a lot of our BBBALC members are in both clubs. The Lions Club provides a wonderful service to our community. Please consider joining up and helping the community; it is a very rewarding experience lending a hand to the needy. MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD INSIDE. Our monthly BBQ is held at the Community Hall on the first Sunday of the month. Visitors are very welcome. Commences at 5.30 pm. MEALS for visitors are $10 children less than 12 years are free. Member’s meals are free. Membership is $20 a year so come along and meet us all; we have lots of fun and outings. Until next month stay safe………...Kindest regards from your COMMITTEE members.



P 19



Call Eamon

PH: 0478 749 444


Rollingstone & District Seniors Hello to you all. It has been a bitter sweet month this April. We lost one of our long time residents, John Douglas. Our thoughts go out to Merle and family, John will be sorely missed. By the time you get your issue of the May Rolly Rag, we will have had our Anzac day. The parades are always well attended and I don’t foresee any change this year. Great to see a big crowd of seniors at the Dawn Service, breakfast and of course marching or watching the Parade. We also had fun at the Mystic Sands Golf Club after the march. We have a indoor bowls group going up to the Upper Ross PCYC 10th May and we need the numbers asap for catering and also for lunch afterwards. Everyone is welcome. There are plans afoot for Toowoomba in September to coincide with the flower Carnival. Gwen has spent a lot of time trying to get us the best deal imaginable and has come up with a good deal. She has sent out an email to those whose address she has but if you did not receive it and are interested please let Gwen know asap. The more the merrier. Please put your thinking caps on for the Pineapple festival as we could be putting a float in this year with everyone helping in some way??? Food for thought. The Biggest morning Tea is coming closer and we still need donations for the cent sale and offers of refreshments for the day, finger food is best. We also will need help setting up so please contact either Peter or Rhonda if you are willing to help out. Many hands make light work, so they say. No one is ever asked to do more than they can, so come along. A group of Seniors went off to Bivouac Junction for three days and a good time was had by all. The fish were small and very few. Fishing is supposed to relax you or frustrate you, depending on the day but hopefully relaxing. There was great entertainment courtesy of our kiwi song-bird...Judyanna, reminiscing over The Platters. Oops that showing our age. The weather was perfect as it is this time of year. The travellers said the Venus Stamp Battery factory in Charters Towers was very interesting and they could have spent hours there. A nice meal was had at The Sovereign Hotel. Good to have someone else do the cooking and cleaning for you, eh ladies. Bingo is coming up, second Saturday of the month...14th May. It will be a mothers day raffle this time so best of luck to all who come.

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We have had donations of really good quality furniture as of late - thank you to the generous residents of our little patch of heaven. I mention this, as no sooner the furniture comes in it sells. All the furniture that is donated sells well, it doesn't have to be in the best condition as people love to re-new pieces. The Op Shop is the primary source of income for the Rollingstone & District Community Association, and all monies raised through the activities of the Op Shop are returned to the Community. What do we do with the excess stock that has not sold? It is picked up by Lifeline to be distributed in Townsville. Nothing goes to waste. Remember we are open in the mornings on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month (market day). SPECIAL‌.Ladies, mens, teenagers and kids clothing all selling for $2.00 per item unless otherwise marked. Thank you for all your donations, much appreciated.

Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre. Phone: 4771 5411 P 22

Paluma In the Clouds The AGM of the Paluma & District Community Association was held on Easter Saturday 26th March 2016 and the Executive for 2016/17 was elected as follows: President: Lynn Hyland 1st Vice President: Colwyn Campbell 2nd Vice President: Wilf Karnoll Secretary: Michael Drew Treasurer: John Tubman Committee Member: Chris Snell President Lynn gave a detailed report of the past year’s activities. Items brought forward at the meeting were: Social Events to include Christmas in July, the “Paluma Pick” & Tropical Christmas BBQ. Markets will be on Sundays,1st May + 2nd October and with the Art Exhibition when a date is finalised. The PDCA will again seek sponsorship from Bunnings for a Garden Competition, will monitor Townsville City Council’s works regarding the water supply and quality, the state of roads under their jurisdiction and Main Roads have already attended to unsatisfactory repairs which have been gouged by recent rains. Continuing progress is being made with National Parks regarding the improvements to McClelland’s Lookout . Thanks to Wilf Karnoll were moved for his work on walking tracks and it was noted that a track to be named the André Griffin Track has been approved. President Lynn said she had a communication from TCC regarding the status of the Community Hall as an emergency recovery centre. She pointed out to them that Education Queensland had a much more appropriate facility next door but had heard nothing in reply since. Paluma Rural Fire Brigade AGM The well-attended 2015 AGM was held on 5 March 2016 at the Hall. Election of office bearers resulted in no contest to change executive positions. The following are the executive until the next AGM (which will be held in September 2016): Michael Drew Chairman Colwyn Campbell Treasurer Len Cook First Officer Barry Smith Second Officer John Tubman Third Officer James Jackson Equipment Officer. Residents of Paluma are urged to give consideration to standing for office at the next AGM or joining the Brigade as a VolunteerFire Fighter. New members Nick Van Rynswoud, Greg Burraston and Jason Woods were formally welcomed to the Brigade. St. Patrick’s Night Just over two dozen green minded Palumaites appeared on Saturday March 19 to celebrate the Irish National Day - which is actually on the 17th. Les & Lynn had only just returned from 3½ months motor homing around 5 States so the organisation was in the capable hands of Michael and Colwyn. It was a convivial night with Michael cutting a cake to commemorate his great, great, grandmother’s move to Australia. Michael also produced a quiz which many Irishmen would have found challenging much less the Aussies therein assembled. He also produced a few bottles of Draught Guinness for sale at the bar which gave the night an authentic flavour. A few Irish jokes and terrific conversation [you could call it “craic”] kept us going till about 22.00 hrs.

Natures Notes - Roy Mackay

White Cockatoos seem to be more common in the Rollingstone/Balgal area this season than in past years. At least, their screeching tells me so. As Winter comes on, the reptiles will be selecting their hibernation sites. If the Amethystine Python which was crossing the Range Road to Paluma last Wednesday night (13th) was looking for such a site, I do not know. However, we were pleased we were able to stop and carry the snake into the forest just before two other cars came behind us and saw us do this. Reptile numbers are much smaller now than twenty years ago. I put this down to the increase in bushfires. My Gosh! Is there a great rise in Sandfly numbers? It seems so to me as I sit on the verandah at a friend’s place in Balgal. At the same time we seem to have a huge rise in the numbers of a very small mosquito in Paluma. A companion of mine in Paluma is scared stiff of spiders. This may be a good thing, I’m told that a man in Paluma is suffering from being bitten by a Redback Spider while he was sitting on his throne. He is on the mend now. Yes, he was bitten on his nether regions. More of this in the next issue. Best Wishes James. We tend to think there are spiders everywhere in our environment – and there are. Some are so small we do not notice them. In fact , there are 3,500 species named in Australia but new species are still to be named. It is estimated that there may be up to 8,500 species yet to be named in Australia alone. Just think about that. We are still finding new species of spiders, of reptiles, of insects, of fish and other animals and plants. We do not know all the wildlife around us. And so, we do not know all the species which are helpful to us, or all those that are dangerous to us, or how many we have made extinct…………..Roy Mackay P 23

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R.S.L. NEWS Before we get into ANZAC Day, which will have occurred after I have written this little piece, I would like to say a big thank you to all of those people who have supported the RSL. The messages of support through phone calls and Facebook have shown the Rollingstone RSL that people do care and that Anzac traditions are highly valued and widely respected. We had lots of support tonight and thank you to all of those people who attended. However, I believe the Receivers need to realise that, okay, tonight was a slightly larger attendance than usual with many new faces, but we tend to have similar attendances on most Friday nights. Why? There are people there enjoying themselves, talking to different people and having fun! Sometimes you may win something! They also seem to revere the opportunity to honour our fallen diggers by participating in the ode. Two other things the Receiver should understand is that there is very widespread support across the entire country for the Anzac values of patriotism and sacrifice and that the stilted views of a few people in this small community do not represent those of the vast majority of people. I do hope that we can solve this problem about The Ode, because I know that we have so many more people in favour than against. The angst shown on Facebook in particular from around Australia and overseas at the initial decision on the ode has been amazing and sad. Sad because some people see it as a community decision that erodes common Australian values in favour of leftist minority groups. Yes, those attitudes are out there. Let’s get on with life as the most important thing is to keep our wonderful Club going! Update: 15th April 2016- another good crowd and we did 2 meat trays and a bottle of spirits raffle! Thank you to Anne and Joe for the 8th and Ken and Megan for selling tickets on the 15th! Plus Doug who also helped out tonight but was a little reluctant at first! We had former RSL Board Member Don A come from Townsville as well, to show he cares about the club Thanks for the SUPPORT from everyone! Now to important aspects relating to ANZAC Day! A BIG Thank You to the following for their continued support over a number of years. Pace Farming for eggs and ice, Pauls Milk for a crate of milk, Tip Top Bakeries for 2 trays of bread, Blancos Meats for the sausages, the Lions Club of Rollingstone for cooking the breakfast, Rosco’s Store for allowing the milk to be delivered to his shop and for donating a set of ANZAC memorabilia coins for us to raffle, RADCA for cold room storage and chairs, Rob Wilson and fellow SES members for organising the car parking, Rollingstone Police (especially Goughy) for overseeing the day, John Muller as our MC, 9TH Transport SQN for providing a guest speaker, LT Joshua Smith and the Catafalque Party, the Military Working Dogs for their attendance, Arthur Fortace for being the bugler and all of YOU who have made the effort to attend. Must also thank the Mutarnee, Rollingstone and Northern Beaches State Schools for their marching and contributions, students from the Catholic schools, plus the Kennedy Scout Group for their participation. To all of the clubs represented in the march or by laying a wreath…….Thank you. Finally; to the committee and members of the RSL who assist with purchasing, collecting, setting up, taking down and returning items- Jan, Rod, Ewan, Dowie, Des, Doug O, Mick, Tony G ( M5), Jamo, Ashley, Greg, Reg and anyone else I have accidently missed, a BIG THANK YOU! OOPS- Then of course, we attend the Mystic Sands Golf and Country Club for a more relaxing time following the 10am service. Another thank you to Emma, Rhett and Ruby for organising the snacks and serving drinks to the parched crowd! Hopefully everyone will have had a memorable day by showing their respect to those who have served, and those still serving, plus enjoyed the company of others in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. My final final! See you at the club on Friday nights! We now have spare Goose Club numbers as some people have shifted, pulled out due to their Yabula work situations or decided to cancel their permanent numbers. So give the club a ring on Friday afternoon, or be there around 5:30pm and there will be Goose Club numbers available, as well as our usual raffles. “News of the Day ( 20th April)-recitation of The Ode at Mystic Sands Golf Resort has been reinstated in full.” The Ode will be played at 6:00pm every Friday evening. Don Anderson, a former Rollingstone RSL Board member, has thanked the Administrators on the community’s behalf. It is pleasing to know that after due consideration the Administrators share the community’s values in relation to this important custom and practice! (Taken from Don’s Facebook quote.) Thanks Don and the community PS Rollingstone RSL News Told Kerrie I didn’t have anything to add yesterday morning, but following both services I am so pleased about yesterday I just had to add a couple of things. Firstly, I forgot to thank Nina and Rollingstone State School for assisting with programs and certificates. I would also like to thank David Foster for helping. I mentioned Ashley previously, but young, fit David also assisted with setting up and taking down items. A special thank you to Di Stephan and Greg the mower man, for cleaning up and re-planting the area around the flagpole at the golf club. Di is an amazing lady. She has been unwell but she puts so much effort into helping around the area, community centre and golf club and her gardening skills are terrific. So thank you to those people. The services both went very well. The Dawn Service being so poignant and then the march with all of those proud ex-service persons and the number of younger people. We had the Kennedy scout group (well over 80 participants), school children proudly wearing their uniform, and the Young Leos as well as the Leos and the Lions. As MC John Muller pointed out, our future is in our children and youth to continue our proud heritage. Then came the relaxing time. A number of people adjourned to the golf club and after having a snack, a cold drink and having a go in the meat tray raffles, it was time for TWO-UP. Thanks to Big Al for running the game. WOW! The atmosphere sure ramped up then. It was great to see so many people having fun and our new Councillor, Margie Ryder, really seemed to enjoy having a go at Two-Up. As I left, there were still children having fun, running around and entertaining themselves. Parents were sitting back relaxing, and other patrons drifting in and joining in with the established groups. It was lovely to see the club buzzing. A fabulous effort by Emma and Rhett, but they must have enjoyed resting on Monday night. Cheers……….. Rhonda. P 26

MYSTIC SANDS GOLF CLUB Hello Golfers, potential golfers, juniors and anyone who would like to come to the clubhouse and take a look, perhaps take advantage of the liquid refreshments available or perhaps grab a bite to eat. The last month has been very busy for all with two monthly medals a week apart, thanks to the unfavourable weather earlier in March which caused not 2 but 3 cancellations bringing March and April medals one week apart. Then we had our Mixed Four Ball Better Ball Championship along with the Carol Selby Memorial Day which rounded out the month of April. There’s just a couple of things that I want to mention, regarding the gardens in and around our little course. One of our ladies gives up a lot of her time to do this work and it is good to see the plants come to life and flower. A while ago someone thought they would like to have some of these plants roots and all, if you wanted some plants or some cuttings all you had to do was ask; we at the club are always happy to oblige. The other thing I want to mention is the way the course has been brought back to life after the heavy rain and grass growth. The course wouldn’t be as good as it is if we didnt have our volunteers to help. It’s just food for thought; great things happen when we all pull together and get along for the benefit of the course. Thats all for now till next month…...Stay safe and look after one and other. P.S. All you wonderful men out there think about getting a health check and make sure that your Prostate is as healthy as you are.

So on with the results of all competitions. March Monthly Medal. Mens Div 1 - Winner Darren Beavis with 70, well done Darren R/U - Gary Smylie with 72, good work Gary Mens Div 2 Winner Greg Ryding with 69, good little greenkeeper R/U - Bob Lloyd with 71, good little greenkeepers helper Mens Div 3 - Max Spear with 69, you Toomulla fellas know how to get the job done R/U - Bill Kirkwood with, 75 keep going Bill there’s one out there for you Ladies Results. Div 1 - Maree King 82 and believe me I wasn’t playing cricket R/U - Colleen Imms with 97, maybe we were playing cricket Div 2 - Di Stephan with 87, it sounds like cricket. Di won that innings on a countback R/U - Helen Waddell with 87, now I know we were playing cricket. April Monthly Medal Mens Div 1 - Gary Smylie with 67, very god work Gary R/U - Paul Harry with 72, creep up on ‘em Paul

Mens Div 2 - Bob Lloyd with 73, see Bob I knew you could do it R/U - Nick Walker with 74, keep chipping away Nick Mens Div 3 - Steve Hargans with 76, good job Steve R/U - Ken Padgett with 77 keep, at it Ken Ladies Results. Div 1 - Pam McCarthy with 73, good on you Miss Pam R/U - Megan Jeffree with 80, you will cut a few numbers off that I’m sure. Div 2 - Merle Dickenson with 91, whats going on Merle. The next comp was the Four Ball Better Ball Championship, and the winners were. Greg Ryding and Rhonda Gurd with 41, a very good score on the day R/U - were Bob Mawhinney and Di Stephan with 40, nearly made it you two. Finally we had the Carol Selby Memorial. The winners of that event were, Wayne Butler and Paul Harry with 64 nett R/U were Gary Smylie and John O’Kane with 67 . Well done to all the competitors on these days as we need every golfer that we can muster.


All members of our bowling club were greatly distressed to learn of the passing of treasured member John Douglas. John and his beautiful wife have hardly missed a game since starting with us and his presence on the green each week is something we all looked forward to and can never be replaced. His love of Sunday morning bowls was obvious to all as was evidenced by his well known summation after each game - “That was Great!”. Whenever a working bee was required on the green, John was the first to put his hand up and get involved, regardless of how much discomfort he may have experienced. Merle, please accept the deepest sympathy from all members of our club and hopefully, as a group, we can give you some solace at this most distressing time. The North Queensland Mens Pennants is being played in Ingham over the May long weekend with our club being represented after missing out last year. We have a couple of new faces in the team, which is great to see, and we are all looking forward to three days of fun, good competition and aching backs. I am doubtful if there will be any Barefoot Bowls on Sunday 1st May as virtually all the men will be involved in pennants but this can be decided the week beforehand. Perhaps our ever hopeful group of women will use this opportunity to get some much needed practice before again challenging their male counterparts! (I will probably regret saying that). As usual, please direct any enquiries to Phil Small on 0418 779 292. Thanks.

Rollingstone SES Not much has been happening this last month, just training, training and more training. By the time this comes out you would have seen us on Anzac Day. If you would like to join SES, come along Monday nights at 6.45pm at the RTC & see what you can contribute.

Remember…………...SES needs U!!!............... Cheers……..Jeni Maxwell

P 27

ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL Hi there everyone! As I sit here typing this article, we have just finished our school ANZAC parade, it always makes me feel so proud to see our students demonstrating such pride in our ANZAC tradition. Our school leaders lead the parade with dignity. Thank you once again to Mr Coulson for coming to the school to share his story about ANZAC Day with the students. It was great to see the parents that attended with us, thank you. Term is a long term, we have 11 weeks of learning…. Lucky really, because that gives us enough time to fit in all of our extra curricula activities… Coming up this term we have our school cross county (26.04.16), Pink Stumps Day (3/05/16), National literacy and numeracy testing (10-13/05/16), School Disco (12/05/16), Chappy week (19/05/16), Under 8’s celebration (26/05/16), athletics carnival (21/06/16) and NAIDOC celebrations (23/06/16)…. We love having community members at our school to join in with us. You are more than welcome to attend/help in any of these events. This year we are once again hosting a PINK STUMPS DAY. This will be held on Tuesday, 3/5. Last year, our little school managed to raise around $700 (not bad for a small school) for the McGrath Foundation, which raises money for breast care nurses. My challenge to the school and the Rollingstone community is If we can manage to raise $1000.00 this year, staff and students will pink slim me! (I think I am pretty safe). To make an online donation please type this address into you address bar Please spread the word to family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues. Everyone is welcome to come and join in on the fun. Last year the students and staff, family and friends had an amazing time with loads of fun and laughter. Let’s make this one even bigger and better. 100 Years Celebration Update The 100 Years committee is working hard to ensure that we have a great celebration on the 20th August. We have secured Amusements Plus with rides for the kids (and kids at heart) and performers for the day. The day will begin 10.00am and will go through until 4.00pm, with the official presentation will occur at 2.00pm. If you would like to have a stall (be quick as spaces are in hot demand) please phone the school 47 707 313. We are going to make a tiled wall of past and present students, past staff and students can create their tile and have it added to wall for $10. Please contact me at the school if you would like to design a tile to be included before the end of May. Keep reading!......Kacey Constantine...Principal

Playgroup News

Welcome back to term 2. I hope you all enjoyed your Easter break and are ready to have some fun and be creative after recharging yourselves over the holidays. We will be busy painting and Creating this term, so make sure you wear old clothes and bring a spare change. Tuesday playgroup will be again meeting at the Bluewater state school on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. We also have some excursions planned for this term and a couple of public holidays. We will also be teaming up with Bunnings again to get our craft on there as well be sure to check your programs.

I will try and get someone access to the Facebook page to keep you all up to date with all the exciting things that we will be doing this term. We are always open for suggestions, so if you have any ideas come and see myself or drop your ideas in the suggestion box in the main reception area. Membership is now due. Please fill in a new membership form and media consent form and return it to me ASAP, membership is still only $20 for the year and only $3 per family per sessions. Let’s go have some fun. Till Next time keep playing…….Nicole

Term Activities Week1 11-14 April Week 2 18-21 April Week 3 25-28 April Week 4 2- 5 May

Activities painting

Notes Welcome back to term 2. Library coming to Saunders Beach Playgroup

Collage Playdough

Monday Playgroup is at the Thuringowa Library. Tuesday Playgroup is at Bluewater state school. Monday Public Holiday for ANZAC Day.

Week 5 9-12 May Week6 16-19 May Week 7 23-26 May Week 8 30 May -2 June Week9 6-9 June Week 10 13-16 June Week 11 20-23 June School Holidays

Nature Painting

Mother’s Day Craft

Monday 2nd of May Public Holiday May Day. Please bring along a small blank canvas or Picture frame for the craft. 8 th of May Mother’s Day. Tuesday playgroup is at Bluewater State school

Finger painting Excursion Marble Painting

Threading Cards Excursion Playgroup Party School Holidays

Have a think about where you would like to go. Tuesday Playgroup is at Bunnings Bunnings is at the centre on Monday the 30th May. Tuesday Playgroup is at Bluewater State School. Please bring along a picture of your child To turn into a Craft. Or Email Nicole at Monday Playgroup Is at Bunning. Bring along your favourite party foods and get dressed in your favourite party outfit, and join us for some fun and games to see out the term. 11th July first day back of term 3. P 28

COMMUNITY DIRECTORY ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOC INC. 44 Community Cres, Rollingstone 4816 Committee: President: Sue Von Wald 0407753562 Treasurer: Lynne Prytherch 47707 689 All Correspondence to: The Secretary, 44 Community Crescent, Rollingstone Qld 4816 COMMUNITY CENTRE MANAGER Chris Martin RTC Monday - Friday 47707 855 8am - 4pm Fax: 47707 811 e-mail:

AMBULANCE C/o Northern Beaches Station

47786 033

BALGAL BEACH BOATING & LEISURE CLUB INC. President Faye Thomson 47707 616 Secretary Kerrie Cochrane 47707 034 NORTH TOWNSVILLE COMMUNITY HUB

47516 511

FISHERMAN’S LANDING FISHING & SOCIAL CLUB INC. President Di Thompson 0427240472 Secretary Neil Thompson 0427240472 PLAYGROUP North Townsville Community Hub

47516 511

COMMUNITY HALL PHONE (M-F 9AM-3PM) 47707 153 ROLLY RAG e-mail: Contact: Rag office 47707 799 Janine Jones 0407882009

POLICE 47707 144 Office Hours 9.30am - 2.00pm Monday to Thursday (excluding Public Holidays) Senior Sergeant Brad Gough Senior Constable Shaun Sutton Front Desk Admin Christine Ruston RURAL FIRE BRIGADE Rollingstone Raymond Pace Hencamp Creek Fire Permit John Pace Toomulla Eddie White

47707 285

PALUMA & DISTRICT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION President Lynn Hyland 47737 675 1st. Vice President Colwyn Campbell 47708 559 2nd. Vice President Wilf Karnoll 47788 441 Secretary Michael Drew 0428779302 Email: Treasurer John Tubman ROLLINGSTONE RSL President Ewan Cameron Secretary Rhonda Coulson

0417719043 47707 058

ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB President John Holliday Secretary John Muller

0414808483 0407114687

47707 348 47707 619

47707 540 47707 356

S.E.S. Emergency - Flood or Storm Group Leader Rob Wilson

ROLLINGSTONE & DISTRICT SENIORS INC. President Peter Cahill Secretary GayeLovell

13 2500 47707 498


47707 813

ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL Principal Kacey Constantine

47707 313

ROLLINGSTONE STATE SCHOOL P & C ASSOC. President Brad Gough Secretary Christine Ruston MUTARNEE STATE SCHOOL Principal Lydia Jamieson

47708 131


47715 411

ANIMAL CONTACT NUMBERS Animal Refuge 47745 130 Animal Ambulance (after hours) 47745 130 RSPCA Inspection 47744 714 Straying Stock 47738 411 National Parks & Wildlife Service 47212 399 N.Q. Wildlife Care Group 0414717374 Bird Rescue 47707 356 / 041296553 Margaret Preston (Vet) 0403262212 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Nellie Berra After 4pm 47707 352 Chris Martin B/H 47707 855

P 29

Rollingstone General Store & Post Office POST OFFICE Fax and Colour Photocopier Services Open for business from 7.00am to 6.00pm every day of the week

Pay bills, (Rego, Rates, Phone, Electricity, etc); Bank your Cheques and Withdraw Cash; Post Letters and Parcels on a Sunday! Phone recharge for all networks 1/N recharge International calling cards

Gas Refills Phone: 4770 7340 Fax: 4770 7470

   

Potatoes Onions Tomatoes Lettuce

  

Eggs Bananas Pineapples

Plus Extensive Frozen Vegetables Full Hams 1/2 Hams (Knuckle or Knob) Sliced Ham

Double Smoked—the Old– Fashioned Way!

   

Barbeque Sausages Lean Mince Rump Steak Double Smoked Local Bacon

PHARMACY GOODS S2 Medication for winter colds at cheaper prices than the chemist

NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.

Check out our range of DVDs for hire Only $4 overnight or $10 weekly

Going Fishing?

Rosco, Olga, Tanya & Simone PHONE: 47707340 FAX: 47707470

We stock tackle, lines and lures for local conditions

Need some Bait? Prawn, Squid, Pillies, Mullet, Crab Bait and Crab Pots P 30

MAY 2016 Sunday


1 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church 5.30 pm Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club BBQ


8 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

9 9 am - Cards


Tuesday 3

Wednesday 4 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group

7 pm - AA Meeting

10 6.30 pm Lions Club at the Den

9 am Linedancing 7 pm - AA Meeting

11 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group 11.30 am - 1 pm MOBILE LIBRARY

6.45 SES Meeting



5 8-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9 am Cards 9.30am Playgroup at Hall

6 8 am Weight Circuit Class

12 8-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 9.30am Playgroup at Hall

13 8 am Weight Circuit Class 9.30 am Biggest Morning Tea For Cancer

11am Computer Classp

Saturday 7 8 am -3 pm Balgal Beach Markets 9 am -12 pm Op Shop

14 9am Coastcare Group (pg21) Balgal Beach Sth end off Esplanade 1.00pm BINGO

15 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

16 9 am - Cards 9 am Linedancing 7 pm - AA Meeting 6.45 SES Meeting

17 2pm Board Games at the RTC

18 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group

19 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 9am Visiting Vet 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall

20 8 am Weight Circuit Class

21 8 am -3 pm Balgal Beach Markets 9 am -12 pm Op Shop

22 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

23 9 am Linedancing 9 am - Cards


25 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group

26 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall

27 8 am Weight Circuit Class


7pm - AA Meeting 6.45 SES Meeting

29 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church OUTBACK DENTIST Call Dentist for Appointment Page 19

6.30 pm Lions Club Dinner at the Den

11.30 am - 1 pm MOBILE LIBRARY

6pm Fishermans Landing Fishing & Soc BBQ

9am Coast care training session ..Balgal Beach Sth end off Esplanade

30 9 am Linedancing 9 am - Cards 7 pm - AA Meeting 6.45 SES Meeting

P 31





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