July 2015

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JULY 2015

Free official newsletter of Rollingstone and District Community Association Incorporated.

To whom it may concern, I refer to your email 5 May 2015 regarding the closure of Rollingstone Bridge. All councillors were provided a report drafted by Engineering Services on 23 June 2015 containing recommendations for the Rollingstone Bridge. The resolution for the Rollingstone Bridge is to replace the superstructure and the deck that will extend the life of the bridge for the foreseeable future. The time until completion is estimated to be six months. I trust this is a satisfactory outcome for all concerned. Yours sincerely, Jay Ellul

The Cancer Councils Biggest Morning Tea held on 8th May

This day was a huge success raising $2530.00 for cancer research. The generous donations from the following people helped make this event the success that it was. Rosco, Rollingstone General Store, Norm and Sue, BP Service Station Pace Farming Rollingstone and District Community Assoc Australian Hearing Steve and Vonnie, Mystic Golf Club Megs Seaside Hairdressing Dickie’s, Fishermans Landing Gaye Lovell Tom and Joan Ruddick Cheryl Pearson Elaine and Bruce Sommers B.B.B.&L.C A huge thank you to you all!!

Another big thanks goes to Steve who did a great job as Auctioneer and Babz for her expertise as compare. The Fashion Parade compared by Babz proved very popular. The models, Judy, Chris, Gwen, Jan, Bob, Gordon, Peter and Andy did a great job showing off the clothes provided by the Community Op Shop (I believe there was a talent scout in the crowd!!) The auction proved to be a very good money-making exercise with Steve working very hard to get top dollar for all donated items. A delicious morning tea was served and enjoyed by all. All the yummy food was donated. Norm and Sue from B.P the sausage rolls and party pies, the Pace family ladies made the sandwiches and the Senior’s ladies provided all other goodies. Gaye and the ladies in the kitchen did a great job serving, making the tea and coffee and also doing the washing up. During the morning Ann and Judyanna kept everyone entertained with their music and singing. The Lucky Door prize was won by David Gurr, while a lady from Forest Beach took home the Raffle (donated by Judeanna). A BIG Thank you everyone who helped, and everyone who attended for helping Rollingstone and District Seniors make this event a great success.

The Rollingstone Local Disaster Management Group would like to send a HUGE thank you to everyone who took part in our golf day. Another great success. Without your ongoing support we would never be able to hold events such as this and keep moving our community forward. A special thanks to the Mystic Sands Golf Club, always ready to jump in and help, thanks Steve, Vonnie and staff. And the Lions - well - that wonderful group of people that work tirelessly within our community and are always there for us...Another magnificent spread...And to Brad, always working behind the scenes to ensure that it all goes smoothly, thanks Bro… To the winners, well a swab will be done as soon as they sober up. Well done guys. Again, a big thanks and will see you again next year….Tony Richards

Sunny Days Carer's Support Group available Contact 4773 5808 for more information


Community Noticeboard Don’t forget to send us your contributions for this page. Any news or items of interest are most welcome.

Email your ideas, put them in the drop box at the back of the hall or leave them with Chris. at the RTC centre.

Board Games 3rd Tuesday of each month at the RTC 2.00pm cost only $2.00 Challenge your mind Come and play Scrabble, Rummy, Dominoes, Backgammon and now we are learning to play Mah-jong. Everyone is welcome. Looking forward to your company!!

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE OP SHOP. Speak to Chris at the centre on 47707 855

Come and support the Community, meet lots of new people and have fun at the same time.

INTERNET TELSTRA SCAMS Please be aware that there are scammers who would love to get access to your computer!!! HOW you may ask?? One clever way is to pretend to be calling from Telstra or it could be Google or Bigpond or whatever. They ask you to turn your computer on then click on a link to allow them to fix / add or sort out your computer. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU ALLOW ANYONE to organise to do things to help fix your computer via a phone call. Once these scammers have computer access they can destroy your computer or worse get your passwords and codes and if you do internet banking this is the very code / passwords they are after. Please do not trust people calling over the phone to sort out any problems!! They are the problem!!!! If you are unsure ask for their phone number and call them back !! ALSO REMEMBER THAT IF SOMETHING YOU RECEIVE BY EMAIL IS A BIT STRANGE IT GENERALLY IS !! Unless you have bought a ticket in a raffle or sweepstake from England or wherever, you are not going to win a million, trillion or even zillion dollars! The person writing to you to help “hide “ millions of a deceased estate or money to hide away from a government or whatever is not legitimate. You may laugh at these scams but they get so many people to think they are real and there are some awful stories of many people loosing a lot of money. What happens in these scams is they ask for your bank account numbers and some ask you to put a small amount into a bank account to allow them to do bigger transfers. Trust your instincts and don’t believe things like this. If you are unsure don’t hand out any information just get their details and verify information first. Janine Jones (editor)

PHOTOS NEEDED Where are all the budding snappers (and I don't mean the crocs that have been hanging around of late !) We didn't get many “out and about” photos this month so I ask that if you take any interesting pics or want to showcase something in the community; PLEASE send your shots to rollingstonerag@bigpond.com or post them on Balgal Beach News on facebook so I can share them with all!!!

Rollingstone State School P&C are entering a fundraising team into the Townsville Running Festival's 2.5km Hero Run for all ages and stages of life. We would love to have other Heroes from around the community join us on August 2 @ Jezzine Barracks. It will cost $25/person, unless you register at www.townsvillerunningfestival.com. Family discounts apply and prams are allowed to participate as people walk, jog or run the course to raise money for their community group. It would be great to raise $1000 for our centenary celebrations... Cheers, Chappy Jess

Congrats to Emma & Colleen who work at the Golf Club and were lucky enough to take out the Friday Night Goose Club bumper jackpot prize of $560. It’s now at $280 so why not join in the fun on a Friday night come have a meal and see if you are lucky with the raffles and spin at the wheel.

For online up to date information on what's happening in the Community

Balgal Beach News look us up on Facebook This service is not part of the Rollingstone Rag but it was set up and is administered by Janine Jones ( editor Rollingstone Rag) as a community service

JULY 8th & 22nd 11.30-1pm


NOTES FROM THE R.T.C School holidays are upon us again. At the Community Centre we have engaged Sandra from Re-crea8tiv Arts for these holidays. Sandra will be presenting 2 craft workshops. The first workshop will already have been completed by the time you read this. So do not miss out on the second workshop. The second workshop is Tuesday 7 July at 10am - creating rag pots. These look really interesting once they are dry and planted. See the poster on the back page - bring along a towel or small tablecloth or piece of material. Both Workshops are $2 per child. Numbers are limited so it is advisable to book. We have received a donation of a very large beautiful Christmas tree – Thank you very much Andrew, the way this year is flying, it will not be long before we are setting it up. Last month I put out a call for some small plant pots. Our new volunteer Mark has been very busy taking cuttings and planting them out. Thank you to all who have donated pots. They are being put to good use and we may have some healthy plants for sale in the near future. While we are on the subject of Gardens, don’t the gardens around the centre look wonderful. Thank you Di S for your great vision and Mark for your watering expertise. The “Book Station” is also coming along thanks to the work of our volunteers. It continues to be a work in progress and our Girls have such wonderful ideas. One of the ideas was to have a second shelf at the back of the existing shelving. Tommy R has done a mighty job on the timberwork to bring this idea to life. Thank Tommy and Girls. The Community’s response to the call for donated books has been so well received the Station is bursting at the seams. We will be moving some books on but before this happens we will invite the community to have a browse through before they go. I apologise to Pam S for not ensuring her photo made it into last month’s rag. In May, Pam was presented with a plaque for her long term commitment to the Seniors and their fundraising efforts. Well done Pam and we have photos on the back page now! We are looking for Volunteers in the Op Shop. Some of our Girls are off on holidays and we have some gaps in the Roster. If you have a couple of hours spare, we would be most appreciative. We have some wonderful presentations coming up over the next few months. We are asking Northern Beaches Ambulance Station Officer, John Rathbone to deliver his Snake Presentation. John has developed an excellent reputation as an expert in snake envenomation and effects. This presentation covers snake identification and venom effects. John is asking a snake handler friend if he can be available with his snake collection to bring a ”live” element to the presentation. Still with the Northern Beaches Ambulance Station, the OIC is assisting us to hold a CPR Awareness workshop in the near future. See the CPR Awareness information on page 22. The Community Centre has also organised a meditation workshop to be held on Saturday, 22 August starting at 11am. This workshop is to be presented by Nicole Wood of Sundara Yoga. Nicole will take you through the basics of mediation and the session ends with light refreshment – see Nicole’s flyer on page 7, $25 pp for an hour and a half work shop is excellent value. We have three different types of fitness classes happening at the centre – Benita’s Weight Circuit on Friday mornings 9am, Boot Camp with Jo on 6.00pm Tuesday Evenings and Yoga soon to be Monday nights at 6.30pm starting July 6 and delivered by Nicole. Numbers are getting better each week needless to say - for these ladies to cover their costs eg travel etc; they need our support. What is not known is, that a small portion of their fee comes back to the Association as rent for the facility. This is a win win all round. The Fitness Ladies build their classes and numbers – we have different fitness options, to meet our needs and the Community Association is apportioned a small income that is ploughed back into the care and maintenance of the facility. How good is that! I think I have covered everything – if I have missed out on a mention eg some great work you have done in the community, we thank you. As always, take care, Chris

JUNE RAINFALL REPORT Monthly rain totals as at 26.06.15 Rainfall for JUNE 28.3 ml 12 wet days recorded Highest rainfall day for this month: 17mls Sunday (17.6.15) 2015 Rainfall Year to date: 692.2 mls Max Temp: 28° (1.6.15) Min Temp: 13° (6.6.15) P4

BALGAL BEACH MARKETS 1st & 3rd SATURDAY’S OF EACH MONTH Held in the Park @ The Landing Loads of Stalls with Food, Coffee, Jewellery, Clothes, Massage, Plants, Books, Bric a Brac etc NEW Stallholders ALWAYS Welcome Always need Car boot * Bric a Brac etc

Call Dan 0417


Presented by

For online information on what's on look up


Not so well.............Bessie Greer (fall in early June), Madonna Reinke (knee). Must be others and we’ve asked around, but nothing forthcoming. Let’s hope the community really is “doin’ good”, but if you are feeling or doing poorly, please accept community best wishes to get better “real soon”.  At the time of writing, we’ve just learned that Jackie Weight’s beloved husband, Lesley has passed away. Our collective thoughts and prayers are with you Jackie. VALE LES  A group of us recently visited Jezzine Barracks. Have you been there yet? It is THE most wonderful facility and the designers, the Townsville City Council, the Army and other (community) groups should be justly proud of their efforts. It complements our beautiful Strand to the extent that it seems they were destined to be together. Just MAGNIFICENT!! Do yourself a favour and pay Jezzine a visit.  We’re required to carry a fluoro (hi-vis) vest in our Community Bus. For reasons unknown, someone using the Bus has removed this item. We would ask that you return it to us asap as we’re really sure it’s something you probably won’t use too often! No questions asked. Amazing........  Have spent some most rewarding time with a Council Officer regarding the Old Balgal Beach Foreshore. He is developing a plan whereby we can all benefit from what is put in place. Please remember that the reason there is a nature strip in place is to protect the beach-front environment and to provide a natural buffer. Looking forward to some positive input that will hopefully lift the profile of the area with the formation of a Coast Care Group who will be prepared to contribute and work alongside the Council work parties.  First day of practice for our new Entertainment Group in July is Tuesday, July 7 th at 2pm. Please set aside some time and come along...................should be fun.  Is there anyone at all out there who would be willing to deliver the Rolly Rag using our new little scooter, please? The delivery is around Rollingstone, Balgal and Mystic only. No special licence required and it costs you nothing, only some time in giving back to the local community.  Congratulations to those at the forefront of the local “Food for Free” initiative. Lots of enthusiasm and passion and it seems to be working. Good stuff!!  We’re going to bite the bullet and do a movie night for the oldies and one for the kids both later on in the year. We’ve been agonising over this decision for some time now, but we’ve decided to make it a reality. Just need some suggestions for the kids, please.  Biggest thanks to Tommy Ruddick for his handiwork in the library. Such a good job and so much appreciated.  Meditation Workshop coming up in August. Saturday morning, August 22 nd @ 11 a.m. - $25 for 1½ hours and this includes refreshments. Keep an eye out for the advertisement elsewhere in the RAG, if you’re interested. We’re aiming at being pro-active as lots of businesses and schools are now teaching meditation which apparently helps considerably with improved attitude and production output.  Same applies to a CPR awareness course. Note the word “awareness” – NOT a dedicated certificated course.  And we’ll be doing a snake display and QAS presentation during this year as well!! Dates not yet set.  Biggest thanks to Ian “Thommo” Thomasson for his donation of the concrete buffers in the 3 parking bags directly outside the Op Shop. Just so much appreciated.

We’ve jotted down a short list of handy hints and tricks to help out around the house……… Citrus-fresh: For a fresh citrus aroma without burning candles or oils, simply put your orange or lemon peels down the garbage disposal. It’s a cinch and the smell is to die for. Brand-new board: If your light-coloured plastic or wooden cutting board has some stubborn food stains on it, cut a lemon in half and use it to rub down the surface. Leave the board to sit for 20 minutes, then wash the lemon juice off. The food stains should be gone, leaving you with a new-looking board. Simple degreaser: Got an unsightly grease stain on some clothes? Simply rub some chalk over it to lift it right out. No more dusting: If you’ve got high cupboards with out-of-reach tops that are always getting dusty, place a layer of baking paper on top and let it catch the dust instead. Every few months, carefully remove the paper and put a fresh one in its place. Instant freshness: When replacing a roll of toilet paper, place a few drops of your favourite essential oil across one end of the roll. This should act as an instant air-freshener every time you use a sheet. Microwave cleaner: Put water and vinegar in a bowl, and microwave for 10 minutes until the water evaporates. The steam will soften any food remnants that may have splattered on the inside of the microwave, and you can wipe it all away with one easy stroke. Wooden cabinet deep-clean: If you have wooden cupboard doors that have seen better days, make a mixture of bicarb soda and vegetable oil. Use an old toothbrush to scrub any dirty crevices of the cupboard door and make the wood look a little fresher. Homemade air-freshener: In a simple spray bottle, mix 1/8 cup of your favourite-smelling fabric softener, 2 tablespoons of bicarb soda and hot water. Give the whole thing a shake and you’re ready to go. Live well, love much, laugh often....................... “Sancho Panza” P6

Bluewater Community Centre

Twilight Markets 2nd

CALL TODAY and receive your complimentary treatment and facial - experience the new ‘Energise’ skin care range

Saturday of each month

June Booking Gift -

Receive a free body scrub, shower gel or body lotion when you book your complimentary treatment by Wednesday 17th June. CALL Carol - 0428 892029 or Email caduffin@bigpond.com Visit my online store and have your goods delivered to your front door. www.nutrimetics.com.au/carolduffin Carol’s Nutrimetics

NEW TIME 4-8pm


ROLLY RAG ADVERTISING RATES (per issue incl. GST as at March 2012) Full Page (18 x 26cm) Half Page (18 x 13cm) Quarter Page (9 x 13cm) Business Card (9 x 6.5cm) Classifieds (up to 20 words) Flyers/Inserts*

$120.00 $80.00 $50.00 $25.00 $10.00 $120.00

Please make payment at the RTC during business hours or after hours, into the mailbox located at the end of the veranda at the Hall (near the kitchen window). Ensure your name and details are on the envelope. We can design an ad for you and we accept .jpg file formats of your existing ads. The Rag is a great place to advertise and very cost effective. For more information or to discuss your ad, call 4770 7855 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday or email rollingstonerag@bigpond.com or rollingstonertc@bigpond.com. * extra costs for supplying the photocopying if required RollyRag’ Disclaimer The ‘RollyRag’ is produced by a team of volunteers — any comments, criticisms or complaints should be addressed to the Secretary, RaDCA Inc P.O. Box 35, Rollingstone, 4816. All text and layout remains the copyright of the Rollingstone and District Community Association Inc (RaDCA Inc) (the Publisher). The Rolly Rag (the Rag) can not accept responsibility for any unsolicited material or transparencies. The Rag is fully independent and its views are not necessarily those of any company, organisation, club or person mentioned herein. All copyrights and trademarks are recognised and all images are used for the purpose of the dissemination of information only. No part of this publication can be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Letters to the editor are encouraged by ‘the Rag’, as is the right to free speech. Any letters to the editor received and/or printed do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The publisher accepts no responsibility for views expressed by contributors through freedom of speech, however, only letters supplied with a name and address will be published. Letters will be published with name only. We try to print articles as they are presented, but we do reserve the right to edit. ‘The Rag’ will endeavor to publish all articles submitted pending time limitations. Acceptance of an article by ‘the Rag’ is not a guarantee that the article will be published. The Trade Practices Act of 1st October 1974, relating to consumer protection, places a heavy burden on advertisers and publishers of such advertisements and articles. Section 62 of this Act imposes a general duty on everyone not to engage in trade or commerce, or in a conduct that is misleading and deceptive. In view of the obvious impossibility of ensuring that all advertising submitted for our newspaper complies with this Act, advertisers will appreciate the absolute need themselves to ensure that the Act is adhered to.

RURAL TRANSACTION CENTRE Internet Access $2/hour (or part of) FREE for Students doing school Projects and FREE for Job Seekers.  Printing & Photocopying (Black & White) A4 Single Sided .10¢ / page A4 Double Sided .20¢ / page A4 50 or more off 1 original . 5¢ / page A3 Single Sided .20¢ / page A3 Double Sided .40¢ / page A3 50 or more off 1 original .10¢ / page Colour Photocopying A3 or A4 .50¢ / page  Printing from Computer Black & White .20¢ / page Colour $1 / page  Scanning & Printing (B&W) .50¢ / page  Fax First page $1.10 (incl. GST) Consecutive pages $0.55 (incl. GST)  Laminating - Business Card .50¢ - A4 $1.10 (incl. GST) - A3 $2.20 (incl. GST)  Room Hire 1/2 Day $20 (incl. GST) Evening $20 (incl. GST)  Important document scanning $5.00 

P8 P 10

Clancy@theoverflow I had written him a text Which I'd sent, hoping the next Time he came in mobile coverage He'd have time to say hello. But I'd heard he'd lost his iPhone, So I emailed him from my smart phone, Just addressed, on spec, as follows: clancy@theoverflow And the answer redirected Wasn't quite what I'd expected And it wasn't from the shearing mate Who'd answered once before. His ISP provider wrote it And verbatim I will quote it: 'This account has been suspended: You won't hear from him any more.' In my wild erratic fancy Visions come to me of Clancy: Out of reach of mobile coverage Where the Western rivers flow. Instead of tapping on the small screen, He'd be camping by the tall green River gums, a pleasure That the town folk never know. Well, the bush has friends to meet him But the rest of us can't greet him: Out there, even Telstra's network Doesn't give you any bars. He can't blog the vision splendid Of the sunlit plains extended Or tweet the wondrous glory Of the everlasting stars. I am sitting at the keyboard, I'm too stressed out to be bored As I answer all the emails By the deadlines they contain. While my screen fills with promotions For 'Viagra' and strange potions And announcements of the milliondollar Prizes I can claim. But the looming deadlines haunt me And their harassing senders taunt me That they need response this evening For tomorrow is too late! But their texts, too quickly ended, Often can't be comprehended For their writers have no time to think They have no time to wait. And I sometimes rather fancy That I'd like to trade with Clancy: Just set up an email bouncer Saying 'Sorry, had to go.' While he faced an inbox jamming Up with deadlines and with spamming As he signed off every message: clancy@theoverflow. -with apologies to A.B.

("Banjo") Paterson Sent in by Bruce & Elaine Sommer

PUBLIC LETTER What are your thoughts on the Rollingstone Pineapple Festival? The current festival is a great day out for locals but perhaps it could be taken to the next level. The success at Palm Creek just south of Townsville and other festivals around the country shows us it can be done. It would have to evolve and take on a new format but we believe the festival can grow, building on the solid foundation laid in previous years. We could showcase our area from Rollingstone to Paluma, provide a yearly boost to local business and have a bit more fun. The Rollingstone Pineapple Festival committee has asked us to form an official "Festival Development Group". The group is an informal IDEAS committee which will come up with innovative ideas to expand on the great success of the current Pineapple Festival. Hopefully transforming it into an amazing "Harvest Festival" involving camping grounds and the stuff mentioned below to provide genuine benefits to the local community, fun wise and business wise. The idea is to take the festival to the next level and put it on the Australia-Wide festival map. We might look at: More live Music (on stage) during the day and into the night Camping on the site for non local visitors A festival friendly layout More and varied activities and vendors at the festival also spread out over multiple locations on the second day (Sunday) More opportunity for (non compete) food vendors More opportunities for local businesses and clubs to get involved We have already talked with a few groups in the community and though everyone is excited by the concept there are questions regarding what this whole process entails and who is driving it. You may have heard rumour of it already. What we want to emphasise is that this exploration of ‘what might be’ is being done with the full knowledge and support of the current groups looking after the festival. The Lions Club (current and outgoing President) were involved in its formation, Brad Gough and Chris Martin from RADCA were also involved in that initial meeting. We have also secured, as an advisor, the current Festival Co-ordinator of the Palm Creek Festival. She will be visiting the site for a meeting with our group in early July. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. We can assure you that your opinion will matter and your ideas to improve the festival are needed. Input is welcome from all Rollingstone / Balgal beach and Paluma businesses, associations, clubs and residents as well from all Northern Beaches local businesses. Please contact Robert Richardson (0427 182 372) or Jennifer-Lee Sinclair on 0412 050 585 should you wish to be involved. We are looking for people with ideas and energy. If you represent a group or business and can contribute some time we will also be operating and discussing ideas from a closed Facebook group, which you will be invited to join. The Development Group will present their findings and ideas to the official 'Pineapple Festival Committee' for formal approval and implementation for the 2016 Festival. We should have a booth up at this year’s festival outlining these ideas for community approval. Please note that planning for the 2015 Pineapple Festival is well underway and the Development Group only hopes to expand (in the future) on the wonderful work done to date by the Rollingstone Lions, Rollingstone Community Association and others involved in running the current festival. Robert Richardson, Business Manager, Paradise Pines.

Simply this is Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with others that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for Alcoholics Anonymous membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for Alcoholics Anonymous membership. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Alcoholics Anonymous is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution, does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses or opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. If you or someone you know have a problem with alcohol, please contact Alcoholics Anonymous on 4771 5411 or come to a meeting Monday nights 7pm at Rollingstone Rural Transaction Centre. Phone: 4771 5411 P9

Gidday Rollingstone, I was hoping that by the time you’re reading this, my world will be back to some kind ‘normal’ – I should be back in my office, Miss Christine should be at her desk and Senior Constable Somebody should be wandering the hallways looking for light switches and wondering exactly what he (or she) has let themselves in for. Obviously, I’m not 100% sure who Senior Constable Somebody is just yet… working on it. Thank you all for your patience and understanding of the circumstances while I was away and Darren had the reins. It’s not that Deeragun (or anywhere else) is more important than Rollingstone – it’s just that the management of a larger station (with more staff, corro, population, infrastructure, crime, etc) needs a slightly greater degree of attention that the smaller stations don’t require. You’ll be pleased to know that as well as honing up some long lost skills in HR management, I can now tell the difference between a vanilla latte, cappuccino and chai. Impressive huh? I still haven’t got a clue what to make of this stuff called frappe – I know what it sounds like but apparently I’m not even close. Now… the Senior Constable spot. Yes… it’s been advertised. That happened at the same time that Darren was notified he was transferring. Yes… it has to be filled by a sworn police officer. Retirees, unemployed truck drivers and those who just wants carry a TASER and work through a list of people who may have pissed them off, are not eligible to apply. No… the new officer will NOT be available for ‘breaking in’ by retirees, unemployed truck drivers and those who just want to carry a TASER and work through a list of people who may have pissed them off. Have you enjoyed having a few new faces driving around? The boys have had a pretty good time coming up to the country. It’s been good for them to get to know the area a bit better – helps when they come up here as back up for us. But they all said they were a little spooked by being waved at by people using their whole hand and not just one finger. I heard on the news on the radio the other day (so it must be true) that the Council have agreed to do the work on the old bridge to open it up again! You’ve got to be happy about that - it’s a main thoroughfare for the local community after all, as well as being a bit of a local land mark and I’d personally LOVE to see the old bridge remain, in one form or another. But did they have to close it? Couldn’t they just work on it and keep it open? I don’t think they closed it just to annoy anyone. I’ve heard some of the conspiracy theories but I’m pretty sure the decision was based on advice from experts. Besides, if it was that bad, I’d rather have it closed, than have it collapse. I understand that some people are still concerned by having to enter and exit a 100km/h speed zone (on the highway) from Balgal Beach Road and Rollingstone Street – that’s a fair call. I’ve made formal submissions to have the 80km/h zone extended beyond the Balgal Beach Road turnoff and the Rollingstone Street turnoff and I’ve asked for turning lanes for both exits. From a community perspective, I think it’s only reasonable that you feel safe coming and going from your own neighbourhood. So… what else has been going on? Heard any good stories lately? Any good rumours going around? Anyone’s character been assassinated or at least dragged through the mud? That’s always good fun… especially when all you want to do is keep the “goss” going, take no responsibility, don’t get involved… you even have no clue where it started, let alone care if it’s true or not. Come on kids, it’s time to step back from this childish rubbish and grow up… just a little… please. If you have “issues” with someone, for any reason, and you honestly think that you deserve an explanation for something, grow a backbone and speak up like a mature adult – don’t hide behind a crappy piece of gossip or a one sided version of events. Did you have a hit at the Disaster Management Golf Day? If you didn’t… maybe next year. If you did… thank you, thank you, thank you. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for very long. Besides being a bit crook before I turned up (thanks to my 8 year old terrorist) I was called away to a messy job back in Deeragun. Like I said before – it’s not more important, it’s just that it can take a bit more management. I can’t take credit for anything on that day. When I left to head to Deeragun I passed the responsibility for the day over to Darren and he in turn passed it onto Tony Richards. It was only Tony with Steve and Vonnie Wynne who made the day what it was – well done. I had a few questions the other week about the Disaster Management Group and what plans we had for the future and specifically what plans we had for the money raised from the Golf Day. The list of assets that we’ve managed to accumulate and goals that we’ve reached so far, is pretty impressive. I still have ideas for the sustainability of this area – to protect it from natural disaster, support our residents when tragedy strikes, prepare ourselves to be able to stand on our own if we have to – but to make any future plans from this point, I think it’s time that all our major stakeholders came together again and sat at one table. The Rollingstone Local Disaster Management Group is more than any one organisation – it’s all of us. Once I get back to my job at Rollingstone, I want agents from our local businesses and stakeholder organisations to meet as representatives of this community to discuss some future planning for the sustainability of this community. I’ll be making contact with those organisations in the very near future… but… if you – as an individual – have any ideas that you believe will be productive and to the benefit of our area as a whole, I’d love to hear from you. I am THE most contactable person in the history of “people you can get in touch with” – I even had a tin can with a string line running from my bedroom as a kid – so don’t hold back. I need to know what you think. And the last bit… about 9 years ago, I wrote a bit about a conversation I had – in the quiet of my imagination – with a little whispered voice – and I welcomed her into our world and promised to protect her and teach her and love her to bits. She turned 9 years old the other day… and those dills at ASIO still haven’t come to get her. Stay safe kids,


P 11


47786444 Or make your booking ONLINE via our website www.bluewatermedical.com or Google: Doctor Appointments in Bluewater and you can use Health Engine to make your appt. We have 8 General Practitioners, 2 Nurse Practitioners and the services from the following Allied Health Dietitian, Podiatry, Psychologists, Acupuncturist, Hypnotherapy, Exercise Psychologist, Natural Massage Therapist and Counsellor. Visiting Cardiologist attends monthly. There is a pharmacy and Physiotherapists on site.

Whilst the majority of our GP’s bulk bill please be aware that when booking online you may be selecting a Private Appt. where payment will be required at consultation P 12

Rollingstone & District Seniors At the end of May a group of Seniors and friends travelled North to visit the Chillagoe Caves. Despite dire warnings of how cold it would be, especially mornings and evenings, it was quite the opposite. Chillagoe is a charming town of 150 people and is steeped in history. We visited the cemetery, disused smelters at the mine, met a charming elderly gentleman with a huge collection of Ford cars and trucks, went to see the balancing rock, the perilous ascent to which left those who braved the climb gasping for air, and, of course, the caves. In view of the general age and mobility of the Seniors it was decided to explore the “easy” cave and this even took us an hour longer than it should have done, but it was fascinating. We were all given a torch which we strapped to our body, leaving our hands free, and in single file we descended into the bowels of the earth. The track in required all our skill at mastering how to stay upright on the slippery surface, how to twist and contort ourselves through what is known as “Weight Watchers Passage” (plenty of sucking in of tummies here), and then we had to turn our torches off and stand in the inky blackness, which is alright for the spiders and bats, of which there were many, but I for one breathed a sigh of relief when we turned our torches on again. The stalactites and stalagmites twist and turn into wonderful formations which left us wide-eyed with wonder. The caves really are well worth visiting. Now I must say something about the accommodation for future visitors. Some of us were booked into the old Post Office which has been renovated into a B&B – this place was excellent, could not fault it, and would thoroughly recommend it. The rest booked into the Caravan Park which was also good but lacked the old world charm of the renovated P.O. We had dinner at the Pub one night, and dinner at the Caravan Park another and on the third night we did our own BBQ thing. So again, many thanks to Gwen Cahill for organising this wonderful trip and to her hubby Peter for driving us there and back safely. Gwen and Peter you both deserve medals. I am reliably informed that Bingo was poorly attended. Where are all our inveterate players? It would be nice to see you again, and, incidentally, the jackpot did not go off this month either. Our next Bingo meeting will be held on Saturday 11 th July starting at 1.30 pm. We look forward to seeing more players please. Arrangements and preparations are well in hand for our “Family Feud” night on the 18th July. It’s going to be a fun night. That’s all for now, take care of each other…….Claire

RAINFOREST INN PALUMA Licensed Café / Restaurant/ Motel New Owners

Open 4 days a week Breakfast & Lunch 8.30-3.30 Closed Tuesdays ,Wednesdays and Thursdays Dinner Saturday nights however Bookings are Essential

We also have spacious well appointed Motel units Why not join us for breakfast ,lunch or coffee and home made sweets and cakes!!!!

Mt Spec Rd Paluma 47708688 www. rainforestinnpaluma.com


Council Clippings - Division One

On 23rd June 2015 the Rollingstone Bridge came to full Council for approval to be repaired. The Council voted to repair the bridge which is a great outcome for the community as a whole. This bridge plays a big part in the community’s life and I want to thank all of you whom I can’t name as there are too many who have helped make this happen. This is also a great outcome for the wider Townsville community as this Bridge is widely used by one and all. Where to from today ? The recommendation was to go to tender and then come back to full Council for final approval of the contract to fix. In the interim, Council will be endeavouring to secure funds from a program to repair local bridge infrastructure to put the least amount of pressure on the rate payers of Townsville. The process could take a further 6mths but I am hopeful it will be sooner, so I ask for your patience for a little longer. I have always maintained my job is to work for the community and listen to their concerns and act on their behalf. I believe this process has worked with this great outcome for the area. I hope to be up at the Community Association in the near future so if you watch the blackboard on Mystic Sands I will let Chris know when this will be, due to the budget process I can’t give a date. As always please call if you have any Council related issues or you just need to have a chat and remember Derek and myself are always happy to help any of the groups if we are free with any fund raising they are doing. Kind Regards Sue Blom Councillor Division 1 Chair Community & Culture Townsville City Council 0427300364

Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club News G’day all, What a great night we had at our annual ITALIAN NIGHT. Everybody commented how good the tucker was and it was all because of the wonderful chefs who brought along such delicious dishes. We played TEAM GOLF PUTTING with team 2 taking out the gold. Well done Team 2 as you won against some very tough opposition. The game was very competitive with heaps of encouragement from the sideline. The winner for the fish of the month was Merle Dickenson with a 46cm Sweetlip. Congratulations Merle you have done it again. Winner of the LOUNDS FRESH SEAFOOD RAFFLE was Jaunita Carter, she is a very lucky lady! Lound’s have the best seafood in town and all our winners will testify to this. Please support Col and Anne from Lounds whenever possible as they are wonderful sponsors of our club. Our next BBQ is on Sunday 5thJuly at the Community Hall so please come along for a memorable night of social fun and a great meal for $10 adults, children accompanied by an adult are free. Members are always free and visitors are always very welcome. Our annual fishing weekend to Lucinda is on the 24th, 25th and 26th July. BYO BBQ Friday night at Wanderers Holiday Village and Smorgasbord dinner at The Lucinda Pub on Saturday night. It is a beaut and very relaxing weekend with fishing Friday and Saturday and return home Sunday. We can’t wait to go get ‘em! Sadly if you haven't already booked ROSIE it is fully booked out. Italian

Boot Camp Exercise Class presented by Jo Scott Tuesday Evenings 6.00pm Rollingstone Community Centre $10 per class For all fitness levels Ladies and Gents For more info call Chris on 47707855

P 14

Playgroup program Week1 Frisbees 13th - 16th July

Week 2 Peg Planes th


20 -23 July

Week 3 th


27 -30 July

Egg carton creations

Week 4 3rd- 6th August

Week 5

Pendulum Painting

Spray painting

Welcome Back to Term 3

Monday Playgroup at Re-creativ 20 Orillia Crt Oakdale Heights. Bus available but seats limited. Tuesday Playgroup at Bluewater School. Wednesday playgroup at Bunnings

PLAYGROUP Fun Crafting Welcome back to term 3. I hope you all enjoyed your break and are ready to have some fun and be creative. We will be getting our craft on again this term with the team at Bunnings and Tuesday playgroup will be again meeting at the Bluewater state school on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. We also have an excursion planned for this term so put your thinking caps on and come up with some exciting places to go. Check your programs and our Facebook page to keep up to date with all the exciting things that we will be doing this term. We are always open for suggestions, so if you have any ideas come and see myself or drop your ideas in the suggestion box in the main reception area. Membership is now due . Please fill in a new membership form and media consent form and return it to me ASAP. Membership is still only $20 for the year and only $3 per family per sessions. Let’s go have some fun! Till Next time, Keep playing, Nicole

Tuesday Playgroup At Bluewater State school.

Bunnings At playgroup on Tuesday.



Excursion Week

17th -20th August

Week 7

Father’s Day

24th- 27th August

Start thinking about where you would like to go, museum, park, Launch Zone, Lollipops ETC!!!!! Bus available but seats are Limited Bring along a Picture of the kids with dad. Friday the 28th August Daffodil Day

Week 8 Father’s day 31st Aug - 3rd Sept

Monday playgroup at Bunnings. Tuesday Playgroup at Bluewater State School. Father’s Day 6th September


Week 9 7th-10th September

Sand Art 14th -17th September

4770 7356 / 0412 965 535


Week 10


Tuesday Playgroup At Bluewater State School



0402 084 588 P 15

ROLLINGSTONE TURNOFF 80 KM/H ZONE With the sudden and very unwelcome closure of the low bridge over Rollingstone Creek, I made immediate and urgent representations to Main Roads about the extension of the 80 km/h zone further north along the Bruce Highway. The intention is to place the turnoff from the Bruce Highway into Rollingstone Street with the 80 km/h zone. At the time of writing this column, I am continuing to discuss this matter with Main Roads and I am hopeful of this matter being resolved in the near future. Let us hope that Townsville City Council is able to provide a clear solution to this inconvenient and unfortunate situation sooner rather than later, by repairing or replacing the low bridge.

INTERIM SAFETY WORKS AT CHURCH & BOWDEN ROAD INTERSECTIONS Interim works have commenced on the Bruce Highway that will improve safety for motorists at the intersections of Bowden and Church Roads. I understand the initial works will include road line remarking, a reduction in the speed limit to 80 km/h and the installation of vehicle activated flashing speed signs. This is one of the issues I raised on behalf of the local community during the state election campaign earlier this year and it looks like we are getting some results. Getting the speed limit lowered on the Bruce Highway is important because traffic turning into Bowden Road or Church Road don’t have much room to manoeuvre. I remain committed to pushing for more permanent upgrades to these two intersections and will continue to lobby the Queensland and Commonwealth Governments for funding. While these interim works are welcome as a first step, a more permanent solution is

needed and I’ll continue to advocate on this important issue. NORTHERN BEACHES SCHOOL CALLS NOT GOING AWAY I'm continuing my campaign to see a new state school delivered for families living in the growing suburbs on Townsville’s Northern Beaches. The Education Minister has advised that the Education Department recognises the Northern Beaches of Townsville is an area of significant growth and that new schools are required.

R.S.L. NEWS It is the morning of the 22nd, and it was only around midnight last night that I remembered today is deadline for the Rag article! Hopefully I will not leave out important information or make too many mistakes! June has been very busy for me. I have been doing some relief teaching and then the weekends have been golf..golf..golf. The Disaster Management Fun Day was very successful and raised over $2 000. Although we did not have an official RSL team, there were a number of our RSL members who played on that day. We have our TPI visit coming up on the 9th of July and I will get in touch with Pop, the TPI president, and then notify RSL members re: playing golf on that day and costs involved. They are a fun group of people and like to enjoy themselves on their outings. Our members who have moved to town, Vi and Jim Kennedy and Helen and Rick Dyer are into their new units and are enjoying their new lifestyles. They are now closer to the hospital and have help on hand which is a real bonus. It has happened! The Goose Club Jackpot went off on Friday the 29th of May. The June Rag was in the process of being distributed and I had commented on the jackpot being over $500. Lucky Emma and Colleen, who work at the club, won $560. Congratulations to them both. Colleen has been a supporter of the Goose Club since it started at the golf club and she said to Emma, come on, go in it with me. A well deserved win! As we start at $200, we are now up to $280, which would still be a nice bonus. Most people see the Goose Club, and raffles, as a way of supporting a club, and a win is a bonus. Thank you to all of the supporters. Some have one number regularly, but it is a regular support and we thank you. Friday nights have been going well at the club and there is a bright, happy atmosphere around the place. We have decided to use the wheel that Keith Mogg built for us, and this has 72 numbers. We still only sell 50 meat tray tickets @ $2 each, but we will sell 72 tickets in the $1 raffles. We have found the price of the spirits have increased to around $35, and if you want the choice of reasonable quality spirits, we need to sell a few more tickets. The wheel can finally be used and it looks a little nicer than the older one too! We still have the $30 voucher from the club as an option to the spirits. That’s it for RSL news at this stage. We of course have Vietnam Veterans’ Day coming up on the 18 th of August and I will let you know of a date for our next Quarterly meeting in the near future. Our two representatives, Rod and Ewan, have been in Brisbane this weekend, as part of the QLD RSL AGM. More news from that in the August article. Take care!.......................... Cheers, Rhonda C.

P 16

P 17

P 18

P 17



Call Eamon

PH: 0478 790 134


Rollingstone State School AIM HIGH This time it is the students who have control of the computer. It has been a very busy month here at Rolly so I have asked the 456 class to put down a few ideas about what has happened. I’ll just add a couple of notes. Peer support is a program run once a week where the older students teach the younger students about the three Rolly R’s. Respect yourself. Respect others. Be responsible. Each term, the teacher aides do running records on reading to determine how close each student is to their expected reading age (benchmark). Under 8’s Day is a fun morning of learning activities where the peer groups are joined by pre-school children. – Mr Bruce Peer support is about how to be a good team player and a great role model in future. We learn to be confident in group situations and not stand back while others do all the work. We also show others how to behave in lessons. Peer support works in groups of 8-10 people and it also explains to the younger students what it is and why we are doing this to help them. By Phoebe (Year 4)

On May 28, we had Under 8’s Day in our Peer Support Groups. It’s a day where little brothers and sisters can come along and get in a mess from 9:00 to 11:00 am. They get to have lots of fun and go to different activities with friends. Some of the fun activities were blowing bubbles and helping hands to make really big bubbles. By Chloe (Year 4)

Rollingstone has 60% of the students above their end of year benchmark. The Preps to Threes have been working really hard and already 50% are above benchmark. Wow! The 4,5,6 class has done a fabulous job and 72% are already above the end of year benchmark. By Morgan and Elodie (Year 4)

Can You Help?

11th June was our Black, White & Shiney Disco We paid $5 to get in and for that we got a sausage, a glow stick, a drink and a photo. We had dancing competitions where the winner of each round got to pick a prize. By Lacey-Ann (Year 5)

Next September is Rollingstone State School’s 100th anniversary. Do you know of anyone who would like to be on our steering committee to help organize the celebrations? Do you have any stories to put in the 100th Anniversary Book? Contact the school ASAP. P 21

P 22

Rolly’s Rolling Ridges, Balgal’s Beach Buffers Nature’s Coastal Defence Most beaches are backed by vegetated sand ridges called dunes, built up by sand trapped by plants and other obstructions. As sand accumulates, the dunes become higher and wider. Plants play a vital role in this process, acting as a windbreak and trapping the deposited sand. A characteristic of these plants is their ability to grow up through the sand and continually produce new stems and roots as more sand is trapped and the dune grows. Stable sand dunes play an important part in protecting the coastline. They act as a buffer against wave damage during storms, protecting the land behind. This sand barrier allows the development of more complex plant communities in areas protected from salt water inundation, sea spray and strong winds. The dunes also act as a reservoir of sand to replenish and maintain the beach at times of erosion. The sensitive side of the beach Frontal sand dunes are vulnerable. The vegetation can be destroyed by natural causes such as storms, cyclones, droughts or fire, or by human interference such as clearing, grazing, mowing, vehicles or excessive foot traffic. If the vegetation cover is damaged strong winds may cause 'blowouts' or gaps in the dune ridge. Meanwhile, with a diminished reservoir of sand, erosion of the beach may lead to coastal recession. To avoid this, protecting the vegetation is vital. The beach between high and low tides is resilient but the sensitive dunes that we cross to reach it must be protected also. For this reason damaged and sensitive dunes often need to be fenced and protected in their natural state, and access tracks for people provided. These natural areas also provide vital habitat for our local native animals, birds, reptiles and insects. For the sake of our coast we must care for the dunes. Further information about our coast and the important native coastal plants can be found here: drive.google.com/file/d/0B2eYGb5_l-adQjhOUmxpdktMV2s/view?pli=1 For more information on coastal rehabilitation please contact me on 1300 878 001 Chris Pronk Environmental Management Officer – Coastal From the Rollingstone Community Association: Well, we hope we’ve done our homework with respect to forming a Rollingstone Coast Care Group. We’ve had valuable advice from those on the ground at Toomulla and were the recipients of all their knowledge and experience. We’ve got leadership and direction from Council’s Coastal Environmental Management Officer, Chris Pronk, as well as N.Q. Dry Tropics personnel. This is all towards improving the appearance of the beach foreshore at Old Balgal without destroying its natural existence. Expressions of Interest to Chris at the RTC (4770 7855), please, and then we can get back in touch with you when we’ve got all the groundwork and personnel in place and can arrange a getting-together.

P 23

MYSTIC SANDS GOLF CLUB June Monthly Medal results were: Mens Div. 1 Winner: Anthony Thomson 69 R/U: Tony Bidgood 70

Ladies Div. 1 Winner: Vonnie Wynne R/U: Anja Deveraux

Mens Div. 2 Winner: Tony Cochrane R/U: Grahame Starkie

65 67

Ladies Div. 2 Winner: Pat Onoprienko 67 R/U: Merle Dickenson 69

Mens Div. 3 Winner: Bill Osborn R/U: Des Ward

68 69

NTP 13: Tony Griffiths NTP 9: Tony Bidgood STR. Drive: Nick Walker A lot of good scores on the day.

71 72

Pam McCarthy Megan Jeffree Cheryl Lloyd

CLOSED CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS held over 2 days of intense golf. Mens Winners: A Grade Club Champion: A Grade Champion: R/U: Best Nett:

Shane Kennedy Todd Small Anthony Thompson Keith Ruddick

Ladies Winners: Club Champion: A Grade Champion:

Gabriel Downward Maree King

B Grade Champion: R/U: Best Nett:

Tony Griffiths Peter Onoprienko Grahame Starkie

B Grade Champion: R/U: Best Nett:

Pam McCarthy Sue Thompson Jackie Brown

C Grade Champion: Winner: R/U: Best Nett:

Keith Stevens Mick Coulson Ken Padgett

C Grade Champion: Winner: R/U: Best Nett:

Jacinta Downward Rhonda Coulson Vonnie Wynne

Disaster Management Day was a resounding success with every team putting in very good scores and having a lot of fun. Megan Jeffree and her burgler mates won on the day. Good luck to them. Thanks to all who participated in raising money for such a good cause.

MYSTIC SANDS BOWLS CLUB It has been great to see a rise in participants for Sunday morning bowls with numbers varying between 16 – 20 players. We have two new `regulars' with Rochelle and Rebecca now enjoying our great game and having a ball each Sunday morning. Not only are they bringing a very refreshing vibrancy to our group, but for us slightly (older) members, it is greatly reassuring to have an expert in massage techniques on hand to deal with any unexpected back strains. While three of our men complained of a sore back last week (and received complimentary treatment) - Mal, how the hell do you suffer a groin strain playing bowls ?? Hope you enjoyed the ice that was `offered' to you . The recent Disaster Relief charity day saw our bowlers contributing over $300 to the fund, however it was disappointing that there were no extra locals turning up to participate in the day by playing bowls. It is hoped that next year the option of playing bowls for non golfers is advertised a little better and thereby allow a lot more people to attend the day. We have had a few visiting nomads playing with us of late and their attendance is always welcomed. Hopefully they have been telling their mates back at the caravan parks of the hospitality they received and we look forward to others joining us of a Sunday morning (9.00 am for 9.30 start). As usual, please direct any enquiries to Phil Small on 0418 779 292………….Thanks P 24

S. L & V.R.WYNNE ABN: 75737414593 trading as

MYSTIC SANDS GOLF CLUB stevon.consultancy@bigpond.com 135 Mystic Avenue` Balgal Beach, 4816


Ph (07) 47707 355 Fax: (07) 47707 445

Tues & Fri Nights 6pm – 8pm. Meals from $12 #For catering purposes advanced bookings preferred. #Weekly Chef's specials #Raffles Tues and Fri nights #Goose club Fri night; Jackpots each week until won


#Take away alcohol available #Bar open 9am


#Sun Barefoot bowls 9am

GOLF: #Mon,Wed & Thurs pay $20 play 18 holes #Tues Vets Comp – 8.30am # Wed – Ladies Beginners – 8.30 am #Chook run – Friday #Club comp - Saturday #Bushrangers social comp – Sun 8am #Fri – Sun 18 holes golf - $25. 9 holes - $17.50 #Golf Carts – 18 Holes - $25. 9 holes - $17.50 Call us to quote for your small function, birthday, anniversary or just because party. Call for social group or corporate golf / bowls days.

P 21

Rollingstone and District Lions Club Inc Greetings to everyone in the greater Rollingstone area, local residents or visitors alike, and trust you are all enjoying this “terrible” winter weather of ours. It really is a great time to be in Tropical North Queensland and especially this part of paradise that we call home. Our Lions Year runs from 1st July to 30th June, so it is with a touch of sadness that I write this final article as President of your local Lions Club, but also with a sense of pride when I look back at the achievements that the members have been involved with over the past 12 months. On Saturday 13th June the Rollingstone And District Lions Club celebrated their Changeover Dinner at the Golf Club, where I had the privilege to welcome and thank some of the local Business and Community Organisations who have been tremendous supporters of our Lions Club for many years, and to also thank our Lions Members for their wholehearted support of the activities and projects that have benefited our local community. One of my main Goals and Aspirations for our Club this year was “To ensure that our Club meets it’s social obligations as a good citizen, contributes our fair share to - and works in harmony with – all other community and business groups for the betterment of our wider community”. I believe we have made good progress and really strengthened and enhanced community partnerships over the past 12 months, as evidenced by some of our activities and projects this year: A much closer and stronger relationship with our Rollingstone State School, and especially with Principal Kacey’s support and assistance from her faculty to establish our School Junior Leos.  Support to our Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) by supporting their fundraising Golf Days and also conducting our own “Rollingstone’s Longest Table” to assist with the purchase of our own local ATV  Supporting our Rural Firies by also catering for their annual Golf Day Fundraiser  Supporting our Rollingstone And District Community Association through our on-going joint collaboration to stage many annual events, including the increasingly popular premier event on our Community Calendar - the Rollingstone Pineapple Festival with over 2,000 attendees last September, and through this consolidating on-going funding for the maintenance and operation of our Community Generator ( Thank you also to the LDMG for sourcing and transporting this valuable community equipment/asset); Carols by Glowstick, Australia Day Breakfast & Awards Ceremony – to name but a few.  Continued mutual support to/from the Mystic Sands Golf Club with our Tuesday Night Raffles  “Cook’s Night’s Off” barbecues and other functions at the Big 4 Rollingstone Beach Caravan Resort. Thank you John and Gaynor for your friendship and tremendous support over the years, and we wish you all the best in your “retirement”. And also a big, warm welcome to the new owners Chris and Caroline Crowe and their Family, and we sincerely trust that you enjoy your time as part of our Community. To all those who have supported our Lions Club over the past 12 months, “Thank You”, and for those who couldn’t be in attendance last Saturday – don’t despair as I know we have plans to invite the community to one of our “Club Happy Hours” later in the year. One of the great moments this year was to support our Leo’s and School Junior Leos with their School Breakfast on Friday 12th June. LEOs stands for Leadership, Experience and Opportunity, but also includes “Let’s Enjoy Ourselves”, and it really was a joy to see our School Junior Leos and Leo Secretary Jake enjoying themselves as they showed the above attributes while serving their fellow School Mates their breakfast of cereal, toast, pancakes, juice, milo and fresh fruit. Well done Leos, and a special mention also to Teacher Mr Bruce Mills for your Leadership and support to our Junior Leo Program. As I prepare to hand the reins over to incoming President John Holliday and his Board of Directors, rest assured that your local Lions Club is in good hands as they plan their new year of service and commitment to our local Community. And remember, our motto is “We Serve”, and if you would like a fulfilling change in your life, please consider joining our Rollingstone Lions Club so that you too can experience the joy that comes from being able to support those who need it most. We are a fun-loving bunch, why not come and join us at our Lions Den at the Community Centre for our monthly “Happy Hour” from 5.00pm to 7.00pm on the first Saturday each month. And to any visiting Lions in our area, we would love to see you too either there or also at our Business or Dinner meetings (2nd & 4th Tuesdays from 6.00pm)…...John Muller – Outgoing President & In-coming Secretary, Mob 0407 114687

The OP SHOP July Op Shop Special All ladies clothing $1.00 apiece. Yes we are having a special for July!!! All ladies dresses are a steal for only $1.00 a dress. We have had some really lovely donations recently, so come on in and have a good look - you will never know what you will find! This week alone we have sold a bicycle, had donations of a new mattress for a camper trailer, a baby pusher and lots of toys and other baby goods. The Girls have been working hard to keep the shop looking new, fresh and up market. If you have not come in recently, please do so, as we have sorted all the clothing sizes and created markers to make it easier to see where the different sizes start and finish. Another endeavour we are undertaking is to sell bags of rags suitable for mechanics, painters etc. We have a couple of bags available already. At this time of year some of our volunteers are heading out on their yearly jaunt (holidays) and we wish them safe tracks. As a result, we are in need of volunteers to fill the gaps in our roster. If you are looking for something to do during the week, we would love to hear from you, even if it is for only an hour a week. You will meet some beautiful people working in the Op Shop and it is a great way get away from the jobs at home. You never know you might just pick yourself up a bargain. Call Chris on 47707855 if you think giving some time to the Op Shop is for you. P 26 P16

on Bruce Highway, Ph. 47708184

The best and most unique Ice-cream and sorbets, fresh fruit juices, cakes and coffee, sandwiches and light tropical meals. Our ice-creams are made with skim milk and our fruit sorbets are dairy free. Frosty Mango is ideal for small meetings, family reunions, birthday parties or just relax with a tropical meal, an ice-cream, coffee and cake in air-conditioned comfort or under the veranda. We also look after you if you have gluten or lactose intolerance.

We are open every day from 8:00am to 6:00pm

P 27

Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club News Hello and welcome. Before I report on our club’s activities and general mayhem over the past month I need to make amends and thank the following sponsors for their very kind and generous support with the Mothers Day raffle: Dick Charleston (wine), Garry Luff (flowers), Rebecca Hutchinson (BNB Beauty N Body package and massage), and Mon Dale (Mon’s Tasty Thai Food gift voucher). Also, we would like to acknowledge and give a huge thank you to Brooke Palmer and Sophie and Caitlin Hemming for their mammoth effort in selling the raffle tickets. It is very satisfying to see the younger members of our club getting involved in these activities. These three young ladies are setting a fine example for the older members of the club to follow. I do apologise for not mentioning these people in my last article. The NRL State of Origin game night was a great night out at The Landing with some 20 members giving the QLD players the benefit of their past rugby league prowess with a number of interstate visitors barracking for the other side, you know Kerrie, them, the losers. In the end the QLD Team had a magnificent and very popular win after a very close entertaining game. Hey Ninger I noticed you didn’t mention the 2nd game! WHO won the 2nd game? NSW of course. The hot dogs were a hit but hold back on that hot mustard as it fair takes your breath away. Don’t forget that the final game (Game 3) will be shown on the big screen at The Landing on Wednesday 8 July so please mark that date on your dunny door. A big thanks goes to relatively new member Mick McMahon for cooking at our end of month BBQ on 29 May. Mick was expertly assisted and given pointers by our own master chef and baitlayer Condo. A great night was had by all. Monthly Club Fishing Competition winners were: Senior, Perry Jones, Junior, Jack Jones and Mystery, Brendan Hemming. Congratulations to you all. Membership fees are now due so please renew your association with a great little club where over the course of the year you well and truly recoup your membership fee by attending the free activities the club provides. So get on with it and renew. Treasurer Di loves writing receipts. The club’s AGM will soon be held. Please, give some thought to nominate for a position or nominate someone you consider would contribute to the running of the club. We need people who will get in and have a go and to bring new, fresh ideas into the club otherwise you end up with the same old, same old. This month the Tale of Woe award goes to “I only look after the stinger net”, Dickie for tripping and spraining his ankle on the morning of his birthday whilst cold sober and for taking pain medication and going to bed just as his birthday party had commenced. Because there were two more people at his party this year it was held at his residence instead of the phone booth outside The Landing. The throng of junto revelers continued to party on in his absence but his hero worshipping and awe struck admirers did wake him late in the night to blow out the plenteous sparkling bougies on his cake that emitted enough light to illuminate the whole street and be visible from a passing satellite. Many happy returns Dickie, we all enjoyed your party immensely, we are sure you would have as well. Whilst on the subject of Dickie, special mention should be made for his great effort this year and in past years maintaining the stinger net on behalf of the club. His work load during the stinger season is enormous with at least three visits to the net each day to adjust the net or to clear debris, dig out the net when bogged etc. By the time this edition of this popular local family publication is distributed our Family Weekend Away and Closed Club Fishing Competition conducted over the weekend of 26/28 June at Cardwell will be over. As of mid June we have a total of 31 definite starters with a couple more still tethering so Treasurer Di who also doubles as Club Caterer and general organizer will be quite busy. The tourist season is well and truly with us again so I do ask you all to keep an eye on them for their own safety particularly near or on the water. Last year I wrote a lot about Snappy Tom our resident crocodile that hasn’t harassed anyone- yet! However, he, (or she as that matter was never resolved), may one day decide that a careless person being they tourist or local be an easier meal than hunting Do not trust him! Did you hear about that colourful, dynamic and wonderful lady Babz, the person who got her high priestesses toga on fire at the howling at the moon outing some time ago, who, after draining a champagne bottle put the empty bottle back in the fridge only to wonder out aloud later who would be silly enough to do such a thing. Well Babz, that might also explain why Richard should cash in his massage prize and shout you some very much needed driving lessons. Her driving stories fair makes the hair on the back of your neck stand to attention. Congratulations are extended to Club Members Dickie Charleston, Barry Mugeli, Ron Condren and Dan Watson who came third in the recent Annual Disaster Management Group Charity Golf Day. Dickie, the proprietor of The Landing sponsored the team and he ensured they were well catered for during the event. The question now is, were they the third best team playing on the day or the third worst cheats? Members, please support the Balgal Beach Markets sponsored by your Club that are held on the first and third Saturday of the month on the beach front near The Landing. When you visit just meander your way through the stalls that are ever increasing in numbers selling all sorts of interesting stuff, some of which your life would be incomplete without, have a massage, get some soap or postcards, chat with Doug and just follow your nose to the yummy food and coffee van. It is a real social outing so we’ll see you there. I am still on the prowl looking for a replacement Club Scribe, interested? I would love to hear from you. …...Until next month, Ninger P

P 29

So how did I forget two important birthdays for June???…….. Happy 50th birthday Danny Mittereger & Happy ’50 something’ birthday Mick Wellington. Hoping you both had all the fun & excitement that a birthday could bring. The first draw for ‘Lucky numbers’ will be on Friday 3rd July. There is still a few numbers left if you would like to be in the draw. It goes for 10weeks, each week there is a draw for $50. All this will only cost you is $10. Good luck to everyone that has a ‘lucky number’. Residents met with Cr Sue Blom & Chris Pronk (TCC Environmental Management Integrated Sustainability Services) last week. This was a starting point to work with residents, to put in place a council constructed walkway to the beach from either DreamTime Court or Lady Elliot Court for all residents to use. Chris Pronk & Cr Sue Blom will continue to talk further with residents about the proposed walkway. The Toomulla Community Association has had some more positive news regarding the building of a Community Centre in Toomulla Park. We have made it to a pre-lodgment meeting with Council. Pre-lodgment meetings provide an opportunity for applicants to meet with Planning Development staff to discuss their proposal, prior to lodging a formal development application. A date for the meeting is to be set down for July. Thank you to all the people who helped with the delivery of the June Rolly Rag and making sure that everyone received it on time. With the help of others we can get the Rolly Rag delivered around Toomulla in about 1/2 hour. Great work !! Our thoughts go out to Chris Cahill who is in hospital. Our thoughts go out to Gavin, Rebecca, Luke & Gordon and all their families during this difficult time………..“You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice” Northern Beaches Festival has had a change of committee. Welcome Mick Wellington - President, Lynn Hyland - Vice President Rhonda Schwarz -Secretary and Kate - Treasure. Rhonda is also the Events Co-ordinator for 2015. It was decided for several reasons that the Bluewater Car Show will not happen this year. The following events have been set down: Sunday 2nd August - Toomulla Beach Junior Fishing Comp. Saturday 15th August until Friday 21st August - Paluma Art Exhibition Saturday 12th September - Rollingstone Pineapple Festival. How is this for some very important & exciting news !! I would like to introduce Toomulla’s newest resident. Son of Neil and Leigh. Ellis Edward Lane was born on 8/4/2015. Ellis decided to come almost 3 and a half months early. His due date was supposed to be 14th of July. Born at TTH weighing 547 grams and 28cm long. Now 1.389 grams and 37 cm long. He is up in the NICU ward and has the most wonderful nurses and Doctors looking after him. One of the nurses described him as " small but mighty!"…..Neil and I love that description. He has fought from the moment he was born and has continued to be a fighter every day since. We are hoping to have him home by the end of July or early August. We cannot wait. This was our first family photo 2 weeks after he was born……..Love…...Neil, Leigh and Ellis Lane. Happy Birthday to all those people celebrating in July. Have a great month. Only 26 weeks until Christmas !!..........................................Cheers ………. Rhonda.

TOOMULLA TROOPERS The troopers have been quiet for a long time with only a trip to Rope Falls over Easter and a trip to AIMS for the open day on the 14th June. The trip to Rope Falls over Easter was as good as always with 14 troopers making the walk. The water was absolutely beautiful with some of us big boys showing our bomb diving prowess. The seeds that we call “burny burny” that we find on the beach were all over the ground up around the falls, the next week at some markets I saw them selling for $2 each. We could have made our small fortune! AIMS open day, what a day!! There was a bit of a traffic jam on the way in but after seeing the number of people and cars in there it was unbelievable how well organised the event was. There were 10 bus stops along AIMS Road so you didn’t have to walk far to catch a bus. There were lots of displays and people available to explain what they were researching and answer all our questions. There were amazing things to see, from the biggest crayfish that we have ever seen, the ocean simulator, tanks of colourful reef fish and corals, crown of thorns starfish, sharks and the engineering workshop which had a working 3D printer making turtle and dolphin figurines, and a CNC machine which they use to make their own scientific equipment. The trip out to the wharf was not to be missed. The area is one of the most scenic locations that you can imagine. There were turtles feeding in the bay and bream swimming around the jetty that were so big that our own fisherman Pete said that you could see the head on one side of the jetty and see the tail still sticking out the other side! While having some lunch our Toomulla Fire Warden, Rudi thought he could get some new recruits by posing in his new uniform. A stroll to the beach was not to be missed, an absolutely beautiful spot! When it was time to leave we couldn’t find Noel and Margaret, we suspect they wanted to stay for longer and went missing on purpose!! It was a leisurely stroll to the bus for a short ride to our cars. This event was so well organised and we can’t wait for the next open day. P 30

Natures Notes - Roy Mackay Australia has just lost "one of the greatest of all bird artists' recently in north Queensland - William (Bill) Cooper. David Attenborough made the above quote in the Foreword to the wonderful Biography of Bill, "An Eye for Nature" by Penny Olsen of Canberra in 2014. I am very proud of having had Bill as a friend and that I and my wife were included in the Biography for the help we gave to him in his travels in Papua New Guinea. And so it is that we are often able to reflect and learn from books on the present and the past by our access to bookshops and libraries or through the Net. None of the past politicians, dictators, terrorists and others are looked on favourably for their policy and/or actions in burning the books. Who could possibly praise these decadents for their actions in encouraging their followers to burn the books? None of them receive praise. Anyone seeing, on screen, attempts to rescue the remains from the burning of the books, manuscripts, maps, etc. in Timbuktu in Africa would be filled with sadness and anger from the loss of so much history. All of the past and present decadents (firebugs) must be so short sighted not to realize that their evil work will be recorded for history along with the firebugs Mao Tse Tung, Adolf Hitler and, of course, the burning of the library at Alexandria, Egypt, by Caliph Omar in 642 AD, and others. I lament that after the belief that you can get all the knowledge you want in books ON-LINE led to the decline in bookshops, especially secondhand book shops. It now shows that we do not get all we want ON-LINE and that we need the bookshops again. What happened to all of the wonderful collection of secondhand books, not just on natural history, from Burton's Secondhand Bookshop in Uralla, NSW? I have just received a marvellous Catalogue of books by Charles Darwin and books about Darwin and his expeditions and the places he went to on his 5 years on the Beagle voyage. For less than $18,000 you would have 103 books. These books are available from Gaston Renard Pty. Ltd. of Melbourne, Vic. Oh! I wish I could………………...Roy Mackay

Paluma In the Clouds ART EXHIBITION It’s on again in mid August from the 15th to the 21st. We would welcome participation from budding artists. You don’t have to be a professional to have your art hung at no charge at the week long exhibition. Art works can also be offered for sale. Please contact Lynn 47708681/ 47737675 or Colwyn 47708559 for further details. More detail will be in next month. GUMBURU On 26th April Bill Venn retired from his position as Manager of Gumburu - the Catholic Education Environmental Centre - and Tony O’Connor is the new Manager from that date. Mind you, Bill was still around handing over the reins to Tony up to May 26. Tony previously operated Kookaburra Tours in Townsville and declares that he is pleased to be involved with Paluma and is getting to know the locals gradually. May we wish Bill a happy retirement and Tony all best wishes in his new job. PALUMA PUSH The “Push” promises to be huge again this year. Volunteers will be needed to man the checkpoints and anyone who can help should contact Len Cook Phone 4770 8530 as soon as possible so he can allocate people to various tasks. Please, don’t leave it to the last minute. MARKETS It was a beautiful day - Sunday 7 June - for the Queen’s Birthday Markets. We had a constant flow of customers and it seems as if sales were quite good. The usual sausage sizzle was well patronised and was just sold out by closing time at 13.00 hrs. S.E.S The regular training night was held on Friday June 19 and was devoted to practising knotting skills. We also had two new members applying for induction which is excellent considering that many of our original members are getting just that bit older.

P 31

P 32

COMMUNITY DIRECTORY Rollingstone & District Community Assoc Inc. Lot 1 Community Cres, Mystic Sands 4816 Committee: President: Sue Von Wald 0407753562 Treasurer: Lynne Prytherch 47707 689 All Correspondence to: The Secretary, P.O. Box 35 Rollingstone Qld 4816 Community Centre Manager Chris Martin RTC Monday - Friday 47707 855 8am - 4pm Fax: 47707 811 e-mail: rollingstonertc@bigpond.com

Ambulance C/o Northern Beaches Station

4778 6033

Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club Inc. President Faye Thomson 4770 7616 Secretary Kerrie Cochrane 4770 7034 NORTH TOWNSVILLE COMMUNITY HUB

4751 6511

Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club Inc. President Garry Luff 47707008 Secretary Neil Thompson 0427240472 Playgroup North Townsville Community Hub


Community Hall Phone (M-F 9am-3pm)47707 153 ROLLY RAG e-mail: Contact:

rollingstonerag@bigpond.com Rag office 47707799 Janine Jones 0407882009

Police 47707 144 Office Hours 9.30am - 2.00pm Monday to Thursday (excluding Public Holidays) Senior Sergeant Brad Gough Rural Fire Brigade Rollingstone Raymond Pace Hencamp Creek Fire Permit John Pace Toomulla Eddie White S.E.S. Emergency - Flood or Storm Group Leader Rob Wilson Rollingstone State School Principal Kacey Constantine

4770 7285 4770 7348 4770 7619

13 2500 4770 7498

47707 313

Rollingstone state school P & C President Brad Gough Secretary Mutarnee State School Principal Lydia Jamieson

4770 8131

Alcoholics Anonymous For More Information

47715 411

Paluma & District Community Association President Lynn Hyland 4773 7675 Vice President Colwyn Campbell 4770 8559 Secretary Michael Drew 0428 779 302 Email: sherylmoore@bigpond.com Treasurer John Tubman Rollingstone RSL President Ewan Cameron 0417 719 043 Secretary Rhonda Coulson 4770 7058 Rollingstone & District Lions Club President John Holliday 0414808483 Secretary John Muller 0407114687 Rollingstone & District Seniors Inc. President Rhonda Muller 47707957 Secretary Claire Spittler 47707258 Toomulla Community Association President Rhonda Schwarz


Animal Contact Numbers Animal Refuge 4774 5130 Animal Ambulance (after hours) 4774 5130 RSPCA Inspection 4774 4714 Straying Stock 4773 8411 National Parks & Wildlife Service 4721 2399 N.Q. Wildlife Care Group 0414 717 374 Bird Rescue 47707356 / 0412965535 Margaret Preston (Vet) 0403 262 212 Justices Of The Peace Nellie Berra After 4pm 47707 352 Chris Martin B/H 47707 855 P 33

Rollingstone General Store & Post Office POST OFFICE Fax and Colour Photocopier Services Open for business from 7.00am to 6.00pm every day of the week

Pay bills, (Rego, Rates, Phone, Electricity, etc); Bank your Cheques and Withdraw Cash; Post Letters and Parcels on a Sunday! Phone recharge for all networks 1/N recharge International calling cards

Gas Refills Phone: 4770 7340 Fax: 4770 7470

   

Potatoes Onions Tomatoes Lettuce

  

Eggs Bananas Pineapples

Plus Extensive Frozen Vegetables Full Hams 1/2 Hams (Knuckle or Knob) Sliced Ham

Double Smoked—the Old– Fashioned Way!

   

Barbeque Sausages Lean Mince Rump Steak Double Smoked Local Bacon

PHARMACY GOODS S2 Medication for winter colds at cheaper prices than the chemist

NEED HARDWARE? Lots of new stock on display.

Check out our range of DVDs for hire Only $4 overnight or $10 weekly

Going Fishing?

Rosco, Olga,, Tanya and Mieka PHONE: 47707340 FAX: 47707470

We stock tackle, lines and lures for local conditions

Need some Bait? Prawn, Squid, Pillies, Mullet, Crab Bait and Crab Pots P 34

JULY 2015 Sunday



Wednesday 1

9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group

5 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

6 9 am - Cards

5.30 pm Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club BBQ

6.30pm - Yoga

12 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

9 am - Linedancing

7 pm - AA Meeting

7 10am - 12 Ragpots (Recreativ) School Holiday Program 6 pm Boot Camp

8 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group

Thursday 2 8-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9 am Cards

9 8-3 pm Community Bus Shopping

Friday 3 9 am Weight Circuit Class 11 am Computer Class

10 9 am Weight Circuit Class

11 1.00 pm BINGO Community Hall

17 9 am Weight Circuit Class

18 8 am -1 pm Balgal Beach Markets Fisherman’s Landing

9am Cards

pm State of Origin Game at the Landing

13 9 am - Cards


9 am - Linedancing

6 pm Boot Camp

15 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group

16 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards

6.30pm - Yoga 9am Visiting Vet

9 am -12 pm Op Shop

6.45 pm SES

9.30 am Playgroup at Hall

19 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

20 9 am - Cards


9 am - Line dancing

2pm Board Games at the Hall see pg 2

6.30pm - Yoga

6 pm Boot Camp

SES 8 am

7pm - AA Meeting

26 7.30 am St Anthony’s Church

27 9 am - Cards

28 6 pm Boot Camp

9 am - Line dancing

22 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group 11.30 am - 1 pm MOBILE LIBRARY

6.30 pm Lions Club Dinner Meeting at the Den

1 pm Yoga

23 8-3 pm Community Bus Shopping 9 am Cards 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall

6.45 pm SES

29 9 am Indoor Bowls 9 am Craft Group

6.30pm - Yoga 1pm Yoga 7 pm - AA Meeting

4 8 am -1 pm Balgal Beach Markets 9 am -12 pm Op Shop 5pm -7pm Lion's Club's Happy Hour at the Den All Welcome

11.30 am - 1 pm MOBILE LIBRARY

6.30 pm Lions Club at the Den

7 pm - AA Meeting


30 8-3pm Community Bus Shopping 9am Cards 9.30 am Playgroup at Hall

7pm Family Feud See pg 23 24 9 am Weight Circuit Class


6 pm Fishermans Landing Fishing & Soc BBQ will be at Cardwell see pg 24 BBB&L Club Lucinda Trip 24-26th 31 9am Weight Circuit Class

P 35

JULY 2015:

OUT & ABOUT THIS MONTH IN OUR PIECE OF PARADISE "Pam Stewart receiving a special plaque from the Seniors President, Rhonda Muller for her long term commitment to the Rollingstone Seniors and their fundraising efforts."

Fisherman’s Landing Fishing & Social Club

Playgroup at the hall

Balgal Beach Boating & Leisure Club

Please send your “out and about “ photos to rollingstonerag@bigpond.com or drop them in so we can include them in future issues

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