Continuous Learning for Secondary Students

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Continuous Learning Secondary Students

Identify a comfortable, quiet space so you can work effectively and successfully. 7:50am - Check ManageBac/MS Teams and your school email account for messages. Join your live session for attendance and to start the school day.

8:00am - Follow the ‘virtual timetable’ by going to your ManageBac/MS Teams class messages for instructions on the tasks and activities to complete during the lesson.

Use email or Microsoft Teams to ask your teacher questions or for clarification Complete tasks/activities on which you can receive feedback (either online or during the next class meeting, as indicated in instructions).

Communicate proactively with your teachers. Ask questions, but be patient when waiting for a response. If a teacher emails you, respond in a timely manner. You can use email or, if permitted by your teacher, Microsoft Teams.

Communicate with your friends, classmates and tutor group regularly and appropriately.

Complete assignments with integrity and academic honesty. Comply with RIS’s Responsible Use Policy, including expectations for online etiquette and behaviour. Dress appropriately and be mindful of your setting when using video tools.

Take breaks, play, explore, talk and discover from home.

Be mindful of your workload and wellbeing. If you have any concerns, contact your advisor, Head of Grade or counsellor. If you experience any technical problems, or aren’t sure who to ask, email

Keep your device with you if travelling.

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