New Year, New Us: Our New Branding

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B E N E F I T S O P E N E N RO L L M E N T | D E C E M B E R 2 02 2 - M O R E D ETA I L S T O F O L L OW



“ We could not do it without each one of you.” THE REYBOLD GROUP



A new brand for today’s Reybold

Why It’s Important



BUILDING ON YOU IN 2022 At Reybold, we believe in providing our employees with great

We are thrilled to announce our Volume (I) kickoff

allowing us all to work and speak from the same

newsletter, which we will distribute quarterly. It will be

page consistently. The intent will be to engage and

the place to hear about essential company updates,

inform, with a healthy dose of wit thrown in for good

a place for centralized communication to employees

measure. We know that not everyone loves reading

about departmental announcements, to share successes,

work-related content.

experiences, and many started in varying jobs.

introduce new projects in the pipeline, provide industry

The Reybold Group is growing, and we look forward to

We look forward to the big impact each will contribute; we are

insight, as well as highlight planned company and property events to amplify internal communications;

sharing these moments with the people who are making it all happen. We could not do without each one of you.

jobs and better futures. We are proud to see our employees grow through promotions and welcome new employees to the Reybold Family. These Reyboldians come from various backgrounds and

thrilled to have and congratulate them.



We are excited to announce the promotion of Joel Michalec from Manager of Technology to Director of Information Technology.

New Year, New Us

As of December 2022, Joel has been with the Reybold Group for more than 16 years. Joel plans to continue via his new role to train and develop his technology team, deliver ongoing procurement of hardware and software systems, expand vendor relationships, provide timely

upgrades, and maintain the Reybold technology landscape corporately and in the field for the Reybold Group of Companies. Joel said, “I am very happy with the most recent promotion to Director in recognition of my efforts and contributions to Reybold, and I am excited to be able to continue to guide Reybold through the future of technology”. Joel has more than 27 years of experience in IT services, evidenced by his ability to exceed the expectations of Reybold personnel and customers consistently. Undoubtedly, he will continue to represent Reybold brilliantly and shine as our new Director of Technology. Congratulations, Joel, on this well-deserved promotion.

A New Brand for Today’s Reybold Group

We are proud to announce the development and launch of our new website and brand by the end of 2022–which will reflect more elevated service offerings and reaffirm our commitment to our customers’ on-site experience. In addition, this will support and engage our ongoing efforts to build on content that provides relevant messaging, promotions, and social media transformational initiatives. Our new brand will tell the story of our journey, enabling customers to experience life’s adventures by helping them build and

live their lives with us, store personal keepsakes and memories, work from a co-working space, or even work within Reybold. The new site will feature a modern design, improved functionality, and easy access to essential information. Together, our brand will illustrate our transformation and the values that matter; a brand new us. Together, we will continue to CLIMB HIGHER to grow our business, serve our customers and employees with renewed purpose, and refine our focus for future success for years to come.

Congratulations Seena Patel on her promotion. Seena was promoted to Manager in Training. Well done Seena!


*Promotions or new hires are reflective and effective as of September 2022 Carolann Wicks Chief Operating Officer • Timothy Tomaszewski Chief Financial Officer Shyla Dempsey Marketing Manager • Misty Wright Marketing Administrative Assistant Alima Toure Senior Accountant • Zacharia Cunningham Make Ready Technician Hadjer (Gigi) Fardjalla St. Andrews Leasing • Antione Oliver CCTV Laborer Jakob Lopata Lead Commercial Service Technician (promotion)

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Why it’s Important

Reybold Residential community programs and engage our residents while encouraging them to come together for a great time. Not only is this something that helps with resident retention,

Workplace compliance impacts every

but it can also create a certain level of on-site

aspect of our business and is essential to

community excitement.

the Reybold Group’s operational strategy.

CALLING ON ALL EMPLOYEES Employee Referral Bonus Program $1,000 incentive

Workplace compliance requires Reybold

The Reybold Group Residential Communities had

employees and management to adhere to

a fun-filled summer for leasing as we continued to

federal, state, or local laws and regulations

feed the souls of our residents by coordinating food

no matter the size and meet specific

truck nights and Mister Softie visits for our residents.

mandates for data security, privacy, and

Hiring the right people has always been fundamental

We also expanded our event offerings this summer

workplace security.

to the success of every business. But, today, attracting

by kicking off Premiere Movie Nights.

and retaining qualified and dedicated workers is more

Compliance management is often mistaken as

Summer Movie Night Schedule:

something organizations should do rather than

• June – Iron Man (St Andrews) Finance: Personal addresses, credit card numbers,

Think about it: If a friend recommends a product or

• July - Men in Black (Meridian Crossings)

bank account numbers

new restaurant, you’d probably be inclined to try it,

• August – Indiana Jones (St Andrews)

right? The same goes for hiring through a referral

peace of mind, but maintaining workplace compli-

Marketing: Email addresses, cookies, browsing histories,

• September -Jurassic Park (St Andrews)

ance is not a one-time, annual activity. Keeping track

click-tracking, mailing preferences, social media activity,

program. We all know that good people hang out with

• October - Friday, October 21st (Hocus Pocus)

of the different laws governing an organization can

and in some cases, names, and images

good people. Following a trusted employee’s recom-

what they must do. A common misconception about compliance is that you only need to worry about obtaining certifications. Certifications provide

take time. The Reybold Group continuously evaluates and updates corporate policies and procedures. The key reason why compliance management training is so necessary is it keeps our workplace

HR: Social security numbers, names and addresses,

In the past few months, as we eased back into the

phone numbers, self-identification, immigration, and

fall, we hosted our “Back To School” Supplies Drives

other demographic information

for 2 local elementary schools to give back to our

and data secure.

Operations: Customer names, client contacts,

You play a crucial role in keeping our workplace

purchasing histories, visitor logs

secure and compliant. You and various colleagues may handle personal information and have access to sensitive data and information, depending on your roles. If you’re not fully informed or educated on how to keep a company’s data safe, your efforts could develop into a security risk. Therefore, you must understand the importance and responsibility required to maintain compliance. Companywide teams, beyond IT are handling sensitive data that needs to stay secure:

Reybold Group’s compliance is crucial to success. There are no two ways around it. Compliance requirements do not exist to make things harder for us to operate; they are a fundamental operational protocol so that our customers remain protected. So, make sure that you give compliance the attention that it deserves. It will help us all achieve our business goals in the long run.

community. In addition, we hosted a Spirit Week for our residents at the end of October

complicated than ever.

mendation will help weed out marginal performers and reduce turnover risk. People tend to gravitate towards like-minded friends and colleagues. Work ethic is a personality trait, and employees with a strong work ethic typically associate with others who also have a strong work ethic. Our Ask: If you know someone, refer someone.

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events have been a great way to activate and


Spotlight on


Learn more here



Over the last several months, our construction staff and parks sales office have been working hard to build the new Reybold property. The Corporate Technology Department has also prepared for this opening by designing and installing state-of the-art modern technology

est Reybold retail center is underway along Rt. 40 just east of our corporate office, and we are excited


to announce that it has been officially named St.

Reybold Construction Technologies(Geographic Expansion) The focus of Reybold Construction Technologies (RCT) continues to see strong revenue growth by cultivating relationships with new and existing clients in an ever-expanding geographic footprint. RCT is no longer restrained to New Castle County or the State of Delaware. The team has been busy grabbing new

recent additions to the fleet by utilizing our 2023 Vac-Con

hookups for the tenants to maintain appliances while being a remotely managed facility, using today’s advances in Internet communications. Tenants will also be able

Andrews Retail Center. This center is over 16,000

to use our website for leasing purposes,

SF and will feature 8 retail units, ranging in size

while all internal communications will

from 1,889- 2,142 SF, and can be combined to create

transmit over the Internet. In addition, the

a larger suite. Located at 1724-1738 E Pulaski Hwy We have also taken advantage of one of our most

features. The site will include electrical

in Bear, these spaces are suitable for anything from

Recycler truck to speed the line cleaning process prior to

restaurants to nail salons. This new center is slated

video inspection. This new truck allows the team to recycle

to open in * 2023.

state-of-the-art gate system will operate in the traditional keypad entry method by simply opening an app on their phone and tapping a button. Our Red Lion site will also house our

used water by capturing it in a vacuum and separating the debris from the water for reuse. This equates to less

We will share more information in the coming

new Park Sales office. The 896/40

downtime for the crew, as a typical truck would need to

months about this and other upcoming projects.

location has been a mainstay for many

In the meantime, the commercial leasing division

years, but it was time for a change.

business in DE, MD, VA, TN, and most recently in PA.

stop and refill.

As we close the 3rd Quarter of 2022, we are deep into

This Camp Hill, PA, project is expected to continue into

a large CCTV Storm pipe inspection project for the Bor-

early 2023 as RCT continues to quote new projects in

ough of Camp Hill, PA, just outside the state’s capitol

multiple states to build a backlog of business for the

of Harrisburg. RCT has been alternating multiple crews

future. The operation has been continuously successful in

open or start a new business, please direct them to

with traveling and pushing production on this 95,000

keeping a healthy backlog of work that keeps our crews

Jennifer Corbett.

linear foot pipeline inspection and assessment project.

constantly busy.

maintains a 93% occupancy. If you have any questions or know of any interested parties looking to

Our new Manufactured Home Sales Office will integrate with operating the RV & Boat Storage while providing easy access for customers to buy new and pre-owned manufactured home models.


As you may have noticed, construction for the new-


UPCOMING EVENTS • Daylight Savings (Turn the clocks back) • Mix 99.5 WJBR Annual Turkeython Monday, November 21st

• Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 24th

• Compliance Training

December (official dates and times to be announced)

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY/HELP SAVE LIVES! New Castle County Launches Automatic External Defibrillator App We wanted to let you know that New Castle County Paramedics have implemented the PulsePoint Respond app and PulsePoint AED app. PulsePoint Respond is a free application from the Apple Store or Google Play. The app notifies CPRtrained individuals when they are in the area of a potential and/or sudden cardiac arrest situation. We recognize that sudden and unexpected cardiac arrest patients in New Castle County that receive Bystander CPR have a three times greater chance of survival. In addition, the PulsePoint Respond app improves the likelihood that CPR trained bystanders will be aware of a cardiac arrest situation and will initiate CPR before responders arrive at the scene.

The Reybold Group Partners with Mix 99.5 WJBR on

ANNUAL TURKEYTHON *At ACME in Hockessin It’s a great time to support and give back to the community. On Monday, November 21st, the Reybold Group, along with partnering organizations, Mix WJBR 99.5, ACME, Comcast, and LightAction Productions, will be providing a donation of turkeys for

volunteer support or if you want to provide a non-perishable product as a donation, please email Misty Wright in the marketing to let her know of your interest in participating.

families in need. This annual event hosted by WJBR 99.5 brings so much joy and happiness to families who would not otherwise be able to have such a feast to share with families and friends. Community is at the heart of everything, and what better way to kick off the Holiday Season than aligning our support to benefit the Ministries of Caring by providing Thanksgiving meals to local families. This year is especially critical as families deal with challenges related to the pandemic and economic issues with food supply. WJBR will be live on-site at Acme in Hockessin, DE, to collect turkeys and other necessary Thanksgiving items. Additionally, the Reybold Group will be broadcasting LIVE ON AIR THAT DAY during the event.

PulsePoint AED is another free application that permits individuals to locate and register AEDs before an emergency. *A Nationally Accredited Emergency Medical Service.

If you are interested in joining us that day to

Together….. We can make a difference!

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November 6th, 2022

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