RE Newsline October - 2023

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In This Issue:

Page 2: Is there a stor y behind that?

Page 7: UnTextable

Page 8: The Hemisfair Exper ience (on the cover)

Page 11: Living in San Antonio means dr iving

Page 13: Nights in September to Remember (WCR)

Page 15: Catching up with legislation and SAMAC (NARPM)

Page 16: Why San Antonio REALTORS® should consider using ar tificial intelligence

Page 19: Sukeban Sushi & Champagne Bar

SABOR Keeping Posted, Event Pictures , Announcements and More... PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID San Antonio, Texas Permit #1416 S E R V I N G S O U T H T E X A S A N D S U R R O U N D I N G A R E A S F O R 4 0 Y E A R S Vol.XLI, No. 10 October 2023

Is there a story behind that?

During the course of growing up we are all exposed to a large amount of information, be it from what we learn in school, from our parents or perhaps from a playmate. When thinking about the words to a nursery rhyme, or hearing a well-remembered old song or even hearing what some US States have as nicknames, have you ever wondered what was the story behind why the rhyme, the song or the name was created?

Surely most have heard of Humpty Dumpty, who sat on a wall but had a great fall and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put him together again. Usually depicted as an egg, it has been suggested that the little ditty started out as a riddle about what could possibly be damaged so badly in a fall that it could not be reassembled. An egg would undoubtedly be a good answer; however, one of the prevailing theories as to its meaning (which is speculative due to lack of evidence) is that it refers to the 1485 defeat of King Richerd III at Bosworth Field, despite his strong armies, as he has also been depicted as hunchbacked in Shakespeare’s play. Another theory suggests that during the reign of embattled King Charles I, his Royalist forces, during the Siege of 1648, were defending the town of Colchester from Parliament’s forces and placed a large cannon, nicknamed Humpty Dumpty, on the wall surrounding the city. A blast from a Parliament cannon hit the wall below Humpty causing it to fall and due to its sheer weight the “King’s men were unable to remount it on another position on the wall (or couldn’t put it together again).

Coming to him in a dream in 1964, Beatles Paul McCartney immediately upon waking sat at the piano and played and wrote the notes for a song he had composed during his dream which at the time he called “Scrambled Eggs” for lack of a better name as he had no lyrics to go with the music. Unable to believe that the song had not been written before, McCartney continued to play the music in the presence of others to see if it would be recognized by anyone. Finally, a year and a half

after originally dreaming the music he put words to the song that is today known as “Yesterday,” which according to Auralcrave: stories for openminded, is the most played and recorded song in history with more than 2500 variations. It has been thought that the reason for the lyrics was a recent break-up with a girlfriend but might rather be a reference to his mother, Mary, whose death when he was 14 really impacted the family. Additionally, McCartney claimed that during a time when he was struggling personally, into drugs and alcohol, he came home from a long night and fell asleep. When he woke, he realized he had dreamt of his mother and later told others, "My mother appeared, and there was her face, completely clear, particularly her eyes, and she said to me very gently, very reassuringly: 'Let it be’”, He later put the thought into song and lyrics for what is #7 of the more than 200 Beatles’ songs.

Living in Texas most of us are aware that it is known as the “Lone Star State” but how can that be when Texas is represented as just one of the 50 stars on the United States flag? Prior to 1836 Texas was a territory of Mexico and was represented as one of the two gold stars on the flag of the time, the other of course being for Mexico. Once Texas gained its independence from Mexico it immediately dropped one gold star from its flag in defiance. However, the original Lone Star had come about in 1821 when the then governor of the territory, Henry Smith, needed an official seal for documents and used the button from his overcoat which was a 5 point star to create one. Although you may see “The Lone Star State” referenced on license plates and in other areas the nickname has never been officially incorporated into Texas legislation. There are some other nursery rhymes that have a very disturbing background, especially for songs that are to be learned and sung by children, which would definitely include “Three Blind Mice.” The prevailing backstory for this rhyme is that it refers to Queen Mary I of

England, (the farmer’s wife) who reigned from 1553 to 1558 and was an ardent proponent of Catholicism such that during her reign was responsible for the execution of hundreds of Protestants. She attempted to restore Catholicism to England but was unsuccessful due to the efforts of two Bishops and one Archbishop (three blind mice) who, for their interference, she had burned alive at the stake. She is also thought to be the Mary in “Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary – How Does Your Garden Grow?” and that the silver bells and cockle shells noted therein, were actually referring to torture devices, rather than garden accouterments. Little wonder she was called “Bloody Mary!” Another English nursery rhyme that is more entertaining, is “Georgie Porgie” which is thought to refer to Prince Regent George of England who was well known for his gluttony (pudding and pie) and his fondness of women (kissed the girls and made them cry). When he got involved in a boxing contest and saw a contestant die, he bolted (when the boy came out to play, Georgie Porgie ran away).

When considering why some state nicknames came about it is often not what one thinks is the logical reason, so it is interesting to learn the real origins. For example, many believe New York is called the “Empire State” because it houses the great manmade Empire State building but it seems that George Washington was most likely the responsible party when he called it the “Seat of the Empire.” Though many are aware that Las Vegas is known as “Sin City” they may not know that Nevada, because it became a state during the Civil War (with only one-fifth of the population required for statehood) is known as the “Battle Born State.” While on the other hand Wyoming is known as the “Equality State” because it was the first state to allow women to vote, not because it loved the ladies but because it needed them as registered voters to meet the population requirement for statehood. And in line with interesting state nicknames is Indiana’s “Hoosier State”

which came about in the 1830s leading to the theories that it was either that at that time the response locally to an unexpected knock on the door was “who’s yere?” or because the Indiana rivermen were called “hushers,” both expressions that could easily be transformed to “hoosier.”

And for a final note on stories behind songs, what could be better than to look at some that were written by the composer with one intent in mind but the meaning was misinterpreted by the public who still believe it has an opposite message. Probably the best example would be Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the U.S.A.” which is a testament to the fact that people tend to hear what they expect to hear. The song has become a stand up and be counted patriotic anthem for the public who sing with great pride about their country of birth. However, its intent was rather to shame Americans for the way Vietnam veterans were treated upon their return “home” from the war they were sent by their country to fight. The “Boss,” as he is known, explained that the song is about a person now “isolated from the government, isolated from his family, to the point where nothing makes sense.” Another example of misunderstanding comes from Anselm Douglas who wrote the unanswered question “Who Let the Dogs Out?” Where his intent was to show that women, while they are out having a great time. are frequently treated like objects when men come along with catcalls to harass them. And it seems like such a nice little calypso ditty when in fact it was intended as a feminist plea.

And finally , as a fond farewell to Jimmy Buffet, I mention “Margaritaville” which has become a rousing drinking song, but is actually about a wastingaway, persistent drunk. He is not sure who to blame for his problem, women or himself but continues to get tattoos he can’t remember getting and now can’t even find the salt! As we can see there often seems to be an unusual story behind why rhymes, songs and nicknames were created.

2 Real Estate Newsline October 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
Pat Farrell / Senior Contributing Writer

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Experience the difference in education at the prestigious REALTOR® Academy. We offer a full spectrum of pre- and postlicensing classes for every stage of your career – from novice to experienced professionals. With the most experienced instructors, competi -

tive prices and the highest quality educational resources in the state, REALTOR® Academy provides you the training and confidence you need to pave the way for a career in real estate, contracting or loan origination. For more information, visit

October 2023 Real Estate Newsline 3 A PUBLICATION OF JDC3 ENTERPRISE HOLDINGS LLC Real Estate Newsline 14546 Brook Hollow Blvd. #129 San Antonio, Texas 78232 Publisher JDC3 Lead Writer: Pat Farrell Contributing Writers: Cathey Meyer Karen Evans Aly Crawford Brenda Davila Business Development Joyce Orts Area Sales Director Karen Evans .............................................210.529.2931 Real Estate Newsline is not responsible for the opinions or facts expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any byproducts in advertising or editorial copy. Real Estate Newsline takes the pandemic situation very seriously, we do not endorse or condone any behavior contrary to current CDC guidelines. To that end, please be aware, some pictures in this issue may have been taken pre-covid and should not be considered to represent anyone being irresponsible or careless in any shape or form. REALTOR® is a registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this publication without the registered trademark symbol (®), for the purpose of saving space. Wherever the word REALTOR appears in this space, the registered trademark should be assumed. We welcome submissions of photos, press releases or articles. Email to: (210) 508-0888 You can receive this publication delivered to you You can receive this publication delivered to you COMPLETELY COMPLETELY FREE! FREE! To get on the mailing list go to To get on the mailing list go to
4 Real Estate Newsline October 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
Jessica Luna, Champions School of Real Estate Anna Hernandez and David Perales both with Keller Williams City View Ted York, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors Robin Hathaway and Aidyl Costas both with JB Goodwin

GSABA PWB Empowerment With Tools


6 Real Estate Newsline October 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
Emily Watkins, Jason’s Water System, Gina Torres and Terry Garza both with Servpro and Jenny Hansen, Home Elevator of Texas Myrna Gonzalez, G&G Marble and Granite, Martha Aldaco, HeartFull Event Planner, Daisy Cantu-Morin, Cantu-Morin Insurance and Susan Stall, The Tile Shop Michelle Kelso and Amy Scott both with Legend Homes Taryn Schnee, Adrienne Scheer, Melissa Dyer, India Johnson, Margo Villareal all With Sitterle Homes. Kristen Love and McKenzie Cook both with Greater San Antonio Builder’s Association Martha Aldaco, HeartFull Event Planner with Stephanie Salas and Sarah Baraz both with CMG Home Loans Abby Johanson, Haynes and Boone, LLP, PWB Events Chair, Jeanne Conger, ON3, PWB Programs Chair, Tammy Zink, Legend Homes, PWB Chair, Christian Finke, Builders FirstSource, GSABA Member and Empowerment in Power Tools sponsor & presenter, Margo Villarreal, Sitterle Homes, PWB Community Service Chair, Kristi Sutterfield, GSABA and Kendall Schrader, Envision Title San Antonio, PWB Membership Chair
to see and download more pictures from this event and others.
Katie Callaway, Certainty Home Lending, Myrna Gonzalez, The Neal & Neal Team/City View



For the first time in decades, I did not pay a bill—or two. I was not in a coma; I did not forget; I just did not receive a bill. No bill, no pay. Of course, the cable company and mobile phone folks did not care why the bill was not paid, their late charge was very clear. How could this happen? Easy enough: at some point the cyber-tech universe, big corporate brother decided texting is the new billing. How and when this started is unclear to me. Apparently, as I was ignoring SPAM email, deleting unrecognizable numbers on my TEXT list and checking snail mail daily (as all pre-tech folks do), I did not receive the ‘in writing notice’ of a change in billing procedures.

As was required by the changing times, I do all my banking business, bill paying and customer complaints via the Internets. I do not enjoy this. In the olden days, all paper related communications were printed by the originating entity and the paper and mailing costs were on them to get money from me. I would then return the bottom portion of their paper along with a paper check

(You yougin’s look up what a check is.) and Viola, all bills paid and a paper trail confirmed the actions. This made my end of year taxes quite simple as every company had a paper file folder with a year’s worth of communication and no doubt to who got paid what when.

Nothing was more fun than that end-of-year mini-bond-fire to clear the paper files.

Technically, in these modern times, I can still print (using my printer ink and own paper) each bill that shows up on the emails and continue my filing system, and I am well aware my computer programs have files to store information indefinitely. I have also spent way too much time attempting to remember where I saved what, which password operates which account, charging my computer so I can lose information in random files, then charge my phone so I can receive the text message to verify I am who my computer says I am, and reject app requests to make my life easier. None of this is easy. Don’t even get me started on get the bill, pay the bill, file the bill

then enter it on the Excel spreadsheet. Like I can operate an Excel spreadsheet.

When the big brother companies finally allowed me to speak with a human after pushing tens of digits to get to an operator to connect me to a person after waiting on hold for 20 minutes, I inquired to “Brandon” with a very heavy accent as to why I was no longer receiving bills. I also mentioned their convenient button options did not allow for that particular question.

“Meez Meeyur, thank you for being a lo-al coostmer for over twenty ears.”

You get the drift. Brandon kindly informed me that in order to be environmental friendlier, his company was now only communicating via text message on the primary number on file. Always a file somewhere.

All I had to do was click on the message that took me to a website that gave me a passcode that allowed me to enter my account number into the system and they would confirm my identity with a quick text message and then I could return to the website and just pay my bill through my approved banking code. Conveniently, this can all be done on my mobile device while I sit in traffic. “But I want to see my bill and what I am being charged for each month,” I told him. “No problem. You just return to the website and repeat the above and hit print and 20 pages of information will be provided to you at no charge.” WHAT? They are not charging me to use my own equipment

and paper to give them money for mediocre service?

I have never been a texting fan. I was born with fat thumbs and uncoordinated fingers. Piano lessons as a young child confirmed I should find whole-hand hobbies. Many of you have received illiterate texts from me. I just do not have the time to squint at those tiny letters and confirm on that tiny screen that I actually said what I said. What happened to voice mail?! So easy just to say what you need. Besides the point here, what has happened to my mobile device is an endless chain of texts from all walks of life: Family, Friends, Big Brother Companies, Who’s This questions, Doctor’s offices, Insurance Companies, Repair Companies, Reunion Requests, Reservations, Airlines, and on and on and on.

Heaven forbid I go somewhere without my phone! It happens more than you would guess and it is so wonderful to not be obligated to that little twing notification. More often than not, I have my phone, but it is on mute (just like my ZOOM presence) and I miss many messages. If you have texted me and received no response, do not take it personally. I am scrolling through them at traffic lights and attempting to respond as rapidly as possible, but you can just charge me a late fee for lack of response. Still trying to find that passcode.

October 2023 Real Estate Newsline 7


The Hemisfair Experience

Back in the days of 19661968, when the Hemisfair Tower was being built, I was a lucky little girl who got to witness the construction of the base and the raising of the tower's "top house." As cool as that was, the highlight of my young memory was something even more exciting. One late afternoon, while the top house was making its journey towards the Tower of the Americas, three lifting cables snapped! The top house was left tilted by this unexpected slide, and its progress was halted until the wires could be replaced. It was an unbelievable occurrence. But I wasn't scared at all. In fact, I couldn't wait to ride in the elevator to the restaurant and piano bar when it opened. Who wouldn't want to explore a tower that has survived such an adventure?" I am grateful to my parents for introducing me to the whole Hemisfair experience. My love affair with the tower and the park has continued and remains constant today!

The San Antonio River has been a source of life for centuries, and the area's indigenous people called it Yanaguana. The Yanaguana Garden, a serene oasis in Downtown San Antonio, was named in honor of this lifegiving river. It was created as phase I of the Hemisfair Park development in 2015 and has since become one of the most popular parks in Texas. It offers a perfect blend of play and relaxation. The urban park is

free of charge and offers fanciful outdoor playground equipment, a sprawling lawn area, slides, climbing walls, and a massive sandbox for children and adults to enjoy. There is a splash pad that is perfect for cooling off on the hot summer days of the city. For those seeking a peaceful retreat, Yanaguana Garden offers something for everyone. You can stroll along the shaded walking paths, admire the charming gardens, or relax in one of the cozy seating areas—a jewel to behold.

Civic Park, the most glorious of Hemisfair's new threepark series, is an exceptionally beautiful public greenspace located in the heart of San Antonio. The park will have a total area of 5 acres, including a shaded promenade, a water feature, and a grand lawn for significant events that can accommodate up to 15,000 people.

Civic Park's Grand Opening was on September 29-30 and is now one of the world's great public places.

The most prominent Arts Festival in South Texas is moving back to Hemisfair! It will be situated between Civic Park and the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center at a newly planted promenade of Mexican sycamore trees. On October 21st, from 6 pm to Midnight, Luminaria celebrates fine art, theatre, live music, film, poetry, installations, and digital art. Luminaria is a contemporary festival featuring experimental and

experiential installations and performances from over 50 local, national, and international artists. It includes exhibitions, installations, performances, and displays that transform downtown buildings into illuminated buildings! Luminaria is a creative incubator for cutting-edge new work whose featured artists reimagine the city's urban streets, parks, vacant lots, theatres, and galleries. The festival is a cultural connector between artists, audiences, and the world.

This is exciting stuff! Sponsor a tree. Become a Hemisfair Tree Hero!

Sponsoring a tree at Hemisfair is an excellent way to invest in the future of San Antonio. Not only will you be helping to shape the city, but you'll also be contributing to the community's health by providing clean air, cooling shade, and a much-needed dose of calm and respite to all who visit. But wait! There's more! With Hemisfair's tree donor recognition app, you can tell your story or tribute and have it live virtually at the park through the app. Your donation includes an interactive experience. A unique QR code lets the community learn more about your tribute and story. This firstof-its-kind opportunity allows you to leave your mark on the park for generations to come. So what are you waiting for? Join the ranks of Hemisfair Tree Heros today and help create beauty and shade!

Hemisfair Park is a foodie's paradise, with various dining options catering to all tastebuds and personalities.

Experience The Chart House & Bar 601 from 750 feet! It has the most spectacular view of San Antonio and the most romantic atmosphere, serving savory steak and seafood. (I went on my first date there when I was 16!) And look no further than Dough Pizzeria for authentic Neapolitan pizza and house-made burrata. Il bacio!! Another famous San Antonio shop is Lick Honest Ice Cream, serving pure, wholesome ingredients in its unique flavored ice cream. My favorites are Fig & Cheese and Honey and Vanilla Bean. Commonwealth Coffeehouse & Bakery for your morning coffee, Box Street Social for breakfast and cocktails, Rerooted for wine pairings and light bites, and Kuntsler Tap Haus for Craft German & Texas Beers are other wonderful places to enjoy in the parks community. Hemisfair is excited to welcome Bombay Bicycle Club to Yanaguana Gardens. Bombay will open its second location in the historic Espinosa House in late 2023. "For over 15 years, I've been searching for just the right spot to launch a second location, and the Espinoza House is where the park meets the city,"

Leighton said. "Hemisfair is the most exciting project in town-in the state, for that matter. Why wouldn't you want to join a group that measures their success by the volume of laughter in Yanaguana Garden?"

The Hemisfair Tower is visible from every corner of Hemisfair Park, providing a spectacular view no matter where you go!

Thanks to Allison Kustoff and the entire Hemisfair Conservancy team for inviting me on a private park tour and making me an ambassador for my beloved Hemisfair Tower and Park. I'm excited to spread the word about this amazing place.

8 Real Estate Newsline October 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
Jessica Wurz and Jimmy Willingham, Rubiola Realty & Mortgage. Destiny Wilson and Tina Stickles both with REAL Broker
Replacing Your Garage Door is the #1 Rated Home Improvement Project both Nationally and in San Antonio According to Remodeling Magazine’s 2021 Cost Versus Value Report!
10 Real Estate Newsline October 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
Frances Ross and Karen Garrett both with Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors Robert Salas, NETCO, Brian Gutierrez, Benchmark Mortgage and Rick Chism, Texas Lending Partners Orlando Garza, The Salvation Army, and Robert Guerra, Barton Company Carpets Michael Blackshear, Prime Lending, Alonso Jones, Jones Corp, D’Angelo Williams, Prime Lending, Olga Paries, NFM Lending and Sherry Sinclair, Prime Lending

In and Around San Antonio

Living in San Antonio Means

Chances are that if you live here in San Antonio you spend a lot of time driving. Our city is humongous, it covers over 500 square miles. I know very few people with a commute of less than 30 minutes. I know even fewer who own a single-family car. Rather, I know far more families where the opposite is truefamilies with more cars than drivers. I don’t know about you but I drive nearly every day. Whether to work, the grocery store, school, or the shops – I’m always driving. Have you ever added up the amount of time you spend behind the wheel each day? Each month? Each year?

But, it’s not like we really have another option. You may be able to walk or bike to one of your daily visits. Maybe you live close enough that your kids can scooter or bike to school. Perhaps you’re one of the lucky few who don’t have to sit in rush hour traffic and instead, you have a short commute to work. But chances are, you could not easily

continue your lifestyle without a car here in San Antonio.

Sprawling, and covering surprisingly few changes in elevation, San Antonio’s roadways are one of the largest highway systems in the nation. Bexar County boasts a staggering 3,300 miles of state-maintained roadways. San Antonio, along with its Texas neighbors Houston, and the DFW Metroplex, are among the top 10 American cities with the highest number of estimated highway lane miles per capita. We have a lot of roads and a lot of cars.

Looking at our city from above you see a city built around cars. Highways connect key parts of the city and parking lots cover huge areas. Gas stations designed to keep the gas flowing and people moving are at most intersections, and both new and used car dealerships keep the steady stream of new machines coming in. But, it somehow blends into the background. Though cars are everywhere, they are such a regu -

lar part of life here that we rarely think of all the systems connected to our vehicles.

We spend numerous hours each week commuting, running errands, waiting in traffic, and on the way to somewhere else. We have regular work to maintain our cars and keep them running. We still fix them after they break in the most inconvenient of moments and are committed to the money we pay towards payments and upkeep each month. Our vehicles have become like another member of our family.

With all of the driving and time spent with our cars, what does your car say about you? What kind of car do you drive? Do you keep your vehicle spick and span, clean and tidy or is it “lived in” and full of the evidence of daily life. Do you feel that you match the stereotype of physically and metaphorically matching your vehicle? I sure do! An outdoorsy, organized mess stuck in the wrong decade - an old Jeep TJ without doors and windows in all weather, bright teal, and covered in stickers.

With all of the driving and time spent with our cars, how do you elect to spend your time driving? As a driver are you aware and courteous or always in a rush and stuck behind someone? Are you constantly looking up the directions to get somewhere or

do you have a mental map? Are you engaged in conversation with the other folks in your car or are you singing along to your favorite music? Want to stir up a spicy topic - ask someone you’re getting to know their opinion on the speed limit. Is five over the speed limit the expectation? Is the fast lane for passing only? How many speeding tickets have you gotten?

The time and investment of resources that we devote to transporting us to our destination is not a burden or chore, it’s simply a regular event we can take advantage of and plan for our benefit. Try listening to audiobooks when you’re stuck in traffic or building anticipated routines for your drive home. Take time to utilize the space in your vehicle and keep the items you need at arm's length. Closely inspect how your car is being used now and see what small changes you can make to increase its efficiency, reliability, and usefulness in your life.

Living in San Antonio means driving, so instead of letting your daily drive become an annoying background task, instead of focusing so much on the destination, find ways to do something productive with your drivetime and make your drive home something you’ll actually look forward to,

October 2023 Real Estate Newsline 11
Aly Crawford / Contributing Writer
10415 Perrin Beitel Rd, Ste 106 - San Antonio, TX 78217 Call Us Let us know what you need disposed or recycled. We take just about everything! Text Us Send us an image of the junk you got and we got the rest covered. 1-888-888-JUNK 1-737-888-8565 AMERICA’S GREENEST JUNK REMOVAL SERVICE

Alamo Title and SWBC Mortgage Texas VA Boot Camp CE


12 Real Estate Newsline October 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
Joel Lee, IH-10 Realty and Annette Slater, Landlord Property Management Lori Salinas, RE/MAX Realty Advantage Carol Sudy and Margaret Allen both with SB Realty Christina Herrera and April Orr both with eXp Realty, with Arlene Chalkley, ERA Colonial Real Estate Marty Reep, Home Team of America, Narcisa Ruiz, Keller Williams Heritage, Kyra Smith, Alamo Title and Kathy Morse, Keller Williams Boerne Victor Yong, Home Team of America, Rose Martinez, Vortex Realty, and Carmen Gonzalez, Premier Realty Group
to see and download more pictures from this event and others.
Jay Gilmore, SWBC Mortgage, Kyra Smith , Alamo Title, and Tamara Tapman, SWBC Mortgage

Nights in September to Remember

Have you ever attended a WCR event? San Antonio Women’s Council of Realtors had a spectacular month in September starting with the Membership Appreciation Night and then the P.O.W.E.R Conference with Marki Lemons. Let’s take a look!

Membership Appreciation Night (Members Only Event)

nize its long time loyal members. We enjoyed some delicious hors d’oeuvres, live classic piano music, drinks, networking, and recognition, all at a beautiful unique venue. Every member received a token of our appreciation: A WCR T-shirt and a swag bag. If you were not able to attend this event and you are a current member, you may contact Angelica Erosa at 720-838-0269 to claim your gift.

Women’s Council P.O.W.E.R IV Conference & Casino Night

September 6, 2023 at Hilton Palacio del Rio

Entrepreneurs in Real Estate and Women’s Council proudly offered a night with Keynote Speaker Marki Lemons who brought to you “Six Figures in Twelve Months: Real Estate Planning on Steroids with AI”. We not only heard from a successful Entrepreneur but we enjoyed networking with statewide WCR members, hors d’oeuvres, drinks, a casino night, music, a silent auction and the opportunity to win a cruise for 4,


5-years award

*Michelle Alford

*Kim Miller Perry

*Debbie Snelling

National Affiliate Independence Title:

*Valerie Wilshire

*Dana Taylor

6-years award

*Sheryl Gibson

*Ojas Tasker

National Affiliate Pilgrim Mortgage

*Christina Oconner

8-years award

*Rebecca Byers Walker

September 5, 2023 at “The Jewel”

In this fast-paced world in which we live, it’s easy to overlook the importance of building strong relationships and showing appreciation for those who support us. WCR hosted a Membership Appreciation Night to welcome all new (under 5 years) members and to recog-

*Gail Lamb

*Marty Hutchinson



Nov. 9, 2023 - Strategic Partner

Appreciation Breakfast - 11:00 AM-12:30 PM

Dec. 1, 2023 - 2024 Governing Board Installation - Location & Time TBD

***(If you would like to be a 2024 WCR Strategic Partner contact: Carri Amescua @ 210-487-0157***

National Affiliate

Aperto Tax Service

*Michael Guertin

9-years award

*Cathy Heshmat

National Affiliate

Old RepublicTitle

* Gwen Derry

12-years award

*Scott Jauregui

*Terri Saari

*Carmen Soto

13-years award

*Rebecca L O’Shea

15-years award

*Katy Stephens



22-years award

*Sheila Morran

National Affiliate


* Paula Grigsby

27-years award

*Mary Ann Jeffers

28-years award

*Melissa Stagers

33-years award

*Florence Terrell

*Pamela Burdick

40-years award

*Pat Farrell

42-years award

October 2023 Real Estate Newsline 13
P.O.W.E.R stands for “Promoting Opportunities for Women Adriana Rodriguez / President San Antonio Women’s Council Network
45 Servicing San Antonio and all surrounding areas. Call us for all your irrigation needs. Your Lawn’s Best Friend! Your Lawn’s Best Friend! 210.501.6488 210.501.6488 LIC #0025377
our 2023 Diamond Strategic Partners for
D’Ann Harper BIG THANK YOU WCR Members for your long time Membership! Are You Looking For A Caring Broker Who Is Responsive, Knowledgeable & Local ! 90/10 Split for Experienced Agents No Fees Ever Training (Live, Zoom & Video Library) CE Provider Online Transaction System Provided SABOR, Four Rivers, Austin & Kerrville John Craig Broker/Owner (210) 602-7616
14 Real Estate Newsline October 2023 Follow Us @renewsline Signs Of The Times Sumbit your sign or any news event to be featured in an upcomng issue!
Sharmaine Villarello, San Antonio Finest Realty Dawn Ham with eXp Realty and her daughter, Clara Ham Valerie Rivera, New Home Realty Linda Mora, Realty SA


Catching up with legislation and SAMAC

As soon as the 1st of September rolled around, we woke up to some informative reading material coming from the Texas Legislation. If you have not heard of or had a chance to review, here are 2 bills that passed that could affect your property management business. House Bill 4164 relates to people misrepresenting their dogs as service animals and emotional support animals, when the animal is not specially trained or equipped to help a person with a disability. This offense is a misdemeanor, punishable by fine up to $1000 and 30 hours of community service. Then we have House Bill 1193, which outlines that HOA’s are enjoined from prohibiting a property owner from renting to a person based on their payment method. This includes full or partial payments made by a housing choice voucher under any federal, state, or local house assistance, including rental assistance or rental subsidies from a nongovernmental organization. For

more information, you may visit:

Also, on September 8 SAMAC worked as a Hunger Fighter at the San Antonio Food Bank to sort, pack, and box a total of 10,757 lbs. of food which equates to about 8,599 meals. Although it is physical work, we get sweaty and leave hungry, working with SA Food Bank is always a pleasure knowing we are helping the community, and that our team spends time together, learning more about each other.

Speaking of learning more about each other, the SAMAC Board decided on a fun day trip at Get Out of My Escape Room for Team Building at the end of August. This day was such a riot to see how everyone dealt with the tasks at hand trying to get out of this room. The timer went off and mostly everyone got to work. I say mostly as it was my first time, and it was not what I was

patience, listening, and that having options is great and that being a leader isn’t about being the loudest. I am so proud of these leaders and thank you for allowing me to be a part of the team. Until the next time.

Lastly, SAMAC has been preparing and working on elections and will be presenting the slate of officer candidates at our upcoming meeting for approval. We will keep you posted on our forthcoming election results.

If you’re interested in being a part of our team, please reach out with your interest to or visit our new website:

expecting. I had to take a minute to look around and get my bearings before I could get started. Others were already yelling “I got a clue” and others were already 2 steps ahead. There was a lot going on at one time and knowing there was a clock ticking in the room was pressure. It was great to see everyone's personalities and skills unfold before our eyes. We made it out and with time left on the clock. I know had I been there alone, I would not have made it out. There are many lessons to learn from an activity such as this one. There is trust, communication, collaboration,

Our October calendar of events: Oct 11- Executive Board Meeting – Virtual Oct 16-19- NARPM National Conference, Atlanta Georgia Oct 17- SABOR Leasing & Property Management Committee Meeting

*2023 will be filled with new educational classes, speakers, and more opportunities for charitable events. Do not miss your opportunity to serve, gain industry knowledge, and make new friendships. If you are interested in joining or would like to discuss; do not hesitate to reach out to us. For membership information or our calendar of events please visit:

October 2023 Real Estate Newsline 15


Why San Antonio REALTORS® should consider using artificial intelligence

San Antonio, a city steeped in rich history and vibrant culture, is no stranger to change. From the legendary Alamo to the scenic River Walk, the city is a testament to the enduring spirit of progress. This progress now beckons the real estate industry, urging professionals to look toward Artificial Intelligence (AI) as the next transformative tool.

Artificial Intelligence, at its core, is the ability of machines to think, learn, and make decisions in ways that mimic human intelligence. In real estate, this powerful technology is not just about robots showing properties or chatbots answering queries. It’s about providing an enhanced and efficient experience for both agents and their clients.

Here’s why AI should be on every San Antonio REALTOR’S® radar:

1. Predictive Analysis for

Sales: AI can sift through vast amounts of data to predict which properties are likely to be sold soon, or which neighborhoods will be the next hotspot. This empowers agents to make informed decisions and position themselves ahead of the curve.

2. Streamlining

Administrative Tasks: Routine tasks, like scheduling viewings or sorting through paperwork, can consume a significant portion of an agent’s day. AI-driven tools can automate these chores, freeing agents to focus on their core competency: building relationships and closing deals.

3. Enhanced Customer Interaction: Chatbots and virtual assistants, powered by AI, can handle client inquiries roundthe-clock, ensuring prospects receive timely responses. This not only boosts client satisfaction but also provides agents with valuable insights about

their potential clients.

Embracing AI isn’t about replacing the human touch essential in property transactions, but about enhancing it. Just as the city melds history with modernity, agents too can blend traditional techniques with AI’s transformative power.

The challenge for agents is not about whether to adopt AI, but how quickly they can integrate it to remain competitive. Just as San Antonio’s skyline has evolved, so too must the tools agents employ. For those willing to adapt, the possibilities are as expansive as the Texas sky.

If you’ve made it this far in the article, please allow the next few sentences on the power of AI to solidify everything for you. I was asked to submit an article for the publication you are currently reading. With the deadline rapidly approaching, I decided to turn to AI to see what it might produce. Knowing how to write a strong prompt and giving AI context is key for obtaining desired outcomes. So, after spending a few minutes perfecting a prompt, I pressed ENTER and let the AI magic begin. In a matter of seconds, the AI technology of my choice generated an almost flawless article. I spent just ten additional minutes reviewing and editing this arti -

cle. Believe me when I say, the words in front of you are better than anything I would have spent hours writing. Thanks to AI, I was able to accomplish more in the same amount of time.

Those currently using AI will likely agree that it’s important to strike a balance between human effort and the efficiency of AI. Others will question its authenticity and will raise concerns about the trustworthiness of AI-generated content. Ultimately, the choice to use AI should align with the goals and values of the individual or the organization. AI does not have to replace human creativity. Instead, it can be a tool to aid and augment human capabilities. San Antonio REALTOR’S®, it is time to look to the future. Consider AI as the innovative tool that can amplify your success. As you champion the rich legacy of San Antonio’s properties, let AI empower you to carve out an equally impactful future. Let the fusion of technology and tradition redefine excellence in your realty business.

Want to know more about AI, digital marketing and content creation? Find Sarah Blomstrom on all social media platforms: @texastitlegirl or

16 Real Estate Newsline October 2023 Follow Us @renewsline R E A L T O R S ! Don’t Let This Lose A Sale Curb Appeal Is EVERYTHING! We Specialize In: •Driveways •Sidewalks / Walkways •Pavers •Driveway Stain Removal •Decks / Patios and more Dynamite Service With Explosive Results!
Sarah Blomstrom / Chicago Title | Business Development

1-Nov Patricia Sanchez Keller Williams Legacy

Eddy Hall Keller Williams Legacy

Tracey Lammert Exquisite Properties

2-Nov Lynn Boyd Phyllis Browning Company

Kathleen McKan Tirado Vortex Realty

Aurora Crawford M. Stagers Realty Partners

Donna Phelan eXp Realty

3-Nov Kathy Alberthal Garrett Wright Propertie

Randall Odom Randall Odom, Realtors

Andy Mushinski Keller Williams Heritage

Donna Frye Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

4-Nov Alejandra Martinez Premier Realty Group

Jason Payne Coldwell Banker D’Ann

Lonna Atkinson Home Team of America

5-Nov Peggy A. Orf RE/MAX Elite - SA

Estela Haese Keller Williams Heritage

Brenda Brock Kimberly Howell Properties

Aneeta Bhalla Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Grant Shaffer Century 21 Scott Myers

Jocelyn Dela Rosa Real

6-Nov Lorena Rodriguez Full Spectrum Realty

Paul Tamez Phyllis Browning Company

Rosalyn Mitchell Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Lenora Cromer Simmonds Real Estate

Sharon Herbert Independence Title

Paul Germano Old Republic Title

Karishma Rupani Levi Rodgers Real Estate Group

7-Nov J. R. Troy ERA Troy Realtors

Joseph Garrett IH 10 Realty

Jeanine Schuchardt Key Relo Real Estate

Jaime Sepulveda Strategic Property Management

Viki Melton Stone Oak Realty Services

Carol Schultz Hill Country Home and Land

Praveen Mammen BHHS PenFed Realty

8-Nov Diane Craig RE/MAX Associates

Tammy Leeper Premier Hill Country Prop.

Bob Mueller All Safe Property Management

Lupe Kennedy Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

9-Nov Clark Tilley Clark Tilley INC

Jose Lopez Premier Realty Group

Susan Petereit Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

10-Nov Barbara Faulkner Keller Williams Heritage

Jim Bailey JMAT Company

Edward Alanis San Antonio Portfolio KW RE

Lisa Stanley Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Jennifer Romance-Deal Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Dorothy Williams Central Metro Realty

Sherrell Russell Keller Williams Heritage

22-Nov Sara Woolford Hill Country Retreat Realty

Nena King Nix Realty Company

Susan Brand Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Jamie Farley LPT Realty

23-Nov Joe Buzzank Vortex Realty


Olga Gallego A & N Realty

Martha Gutierrez Keller Williams Heritage

J. D. Boggus Texas Land 4 You

Stacy Jonas Mission Real Estate Group

Holly Holleway Realty Executives of S. A.

12-Nov Jay Villarreal Old Republic Title

Kathy Seale Phyllis Browning Company

13-Nov Brenda Worsham Keller Williams City View

Gilbert Munguia Real

Bryan Lantzy Bryan Lantzy

Grace Joseph Independence Title

15-Nov John Ximenez Mission Real Estate Group

16-Nov Jane Gordon Home Expression Realty

17-Nov Bruce Wedell AE Realty

Sue Rodarte Phyllis Browning Company

Roger Brissette JB Goodwin Realtors

18-Nov Rose Jamison The Horn Company Residential

David Saenz Keller Williams Legacy

Danny Ashinhurst ERA Colonial Real Estate

Richard Mays RE Mays Realty

Robert Pike BHHS PenFed Realty

Luci Cockrell Cockrell, REALTORS

Mary Corcoran Key Realty

19-Nov Michael Trautman Redfin Corp.

Michele Gammel Levi Rodgers Real Estate Group

Jon Hess Phyllis Browning Company

Cheryl Aycock Phyllis Browning Company

Alli Wilson-Shelton Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

20-Nov Jan Hicinbothom RE/MAX Associates

Jeanette Draves Rubiola Realty

Manny Arredondo Realty Executives of S.A.

Rita Parker Keller Williams City View

21-Nov Kyle Cornell Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Ron Diggs Home Team of America

Charo King RE/MAX North - San Antonio

John Michael Little Keller Williams Legacy

Katy Stephens Phyllis Browning Company

Liz Chiego Phyllis Browning Company

24-Nov Sally Romo BHGRE Homecity

Karen Franz Keller Williams Heritage

David Kline Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

25-Nov Denise Carswell eXp Realty

Sandy Miller JB Goodwin Realtors

Connie McCord RE/MAX Associates

John Brown Alamo Realty Experts

Joel Garza Texas Edge Realty

26-Nov Lynane Eifler Key Realty

Bob Leonard RE/MAX Associates

Frances Ross Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Chris Schenk Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Debbie Turner Nix Realty Company

Claudine Coleman JB Goodwin

27-Nov Nancy Skovly BHHS Prudential Don Johnson

Lowie Van Diest Red Diamond Realty

Steve Bennett BHGRE Homecity

Michelle Campbell Keller Williams City View

Howard Rhoder Shining Star Real Estate

28-Nov Kurt Varela incoln Realty Group

Nancy Oberman Phyllis Browning Company

Tere Arenivar-Garcia JB Goodwin

Jennifer Beck Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

29-Nov Delia Sutton Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper

Jennie Hampton Phyllis Browning Company

Charla Sealy Realty Executives of S.A.

30-Nov Kristi Maxwell Kuper Sotheby’s Int’l Realty

October 2023 Real Estate Newsline 17
Your Ad Could Be Here Call or email our sales team today to find out more! 210.529.2931 Join the RE Newsline program to reach OVER 40,000* monthly combined readers across multiple media platforms! *This is a live updated list and actual numbers may vary from month to month


Century 21 Scott Myers, Realtors dines with staff and Pacesetter

Century 21 Scott Myers, Realtors host their staff and “Pacesetter” agents to dinner at Paesanos.

“Pacesetter” agents are those that halfway through the year have achieved production goals that are halfway to Centurion or Masters status.

Those are the highest production achievements awarded by the Century 21 Corporation.

Our Pacesetters were Gayle Dame, Audrey Ethridge, Eddie Quintero, Mark Harris, Norm Muller, and Jacques Benatar.

Sonic Homes is a family owned construction company known for its trusted reprutation in the industry. They specialize in building modern and contemporary homes, offering accessibility to a wide range of price points. With a focus on quality and

innovation, Sonic Homes has become a reliable choice for those seeking well-crafted, stylish residences. You can reach out to Director, Muks Jaswani at

Meet Myrna Gonzalez, your go-to gal for all things real estate in San Antonio, New Braunfels, South Austin, and the surrounding areas.

notch custom natural stone countertops through her business, G & G Marble & Granite, Inc. She's seen it all when it comes to the ever-changing trends in homes, and her referral network is extensive where she's vetted the best to work with.


Myrna has an impressive background with over 20 years in construction, specializing in crafting top-


Ready to find your next dream home or start planning your big move? Give Myrna a shout at 512-801-3448 and let's get your real estate journey rolling!

Did you win an award?

- Get Employee of the month? - Pictures of

Roasted Poblano Soup with

1 Tablespoon olive oil

1 medium white onion chopped

3 garlic cloves chopped

1 teaspoon ground cumin

2 cups chicken broth

1/2 cup heavy cream

2 roasted, peeled & chopped large poblano peppers

1 cup white cheddar cheese

4 ounces cream cheese

2 teaspoons cornstarch

1. In a large saucepan heat the olive oil over mediumhigh heat.

2. Saute onions for about 5 minutes. Add garlic and cumin and let toast for 1 minute.

3. Pour in chicken broth. Add chopped poblanos and simmer for 10 minutes.

4. Pour in heavy cream, cheese and cornstarch. Simmer until cheese is melted and the soup has thickened.

5. Garnish choices: Cilantro, A shrimp wrapped in bacon, crispy tortilla strips, dollop of Mexican Crema.

Buen provecho!!

18 Real Estate Newsline October 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
It Is Simple and Easy To It Is Simple and Easy To Submit Info To Us For Submit Info To Us For FREE FREE 1. Go to the website 1. Go to the website 2. Click on forms 2. Click on forms 3. Select the form you want 3. Select the form you want 4. Fill out and submit! 4. Fill out and submit!
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We Want To Know! We Want To Know! - Event coming up? -
Do something exceptional? - Hire new agents? - Earn a designation?
N N e e tt w w o o rr kkii n n g g H H a a p p p p yy H H o o u u rr!! Thursday, October 5th 4 - 7PM Hosted By: The Hoppy Monk 1010 N Loop 1604 E, San Antonio, TX 78232 Join Us For Happy Hour and Meet Some Staff, Advertisers, Readers & Friends! Photo Opportunities, Door Prizes, Lots of Fun Mingling. The October issue will be available for pick up. RSVP to Karen Evans 210.526.1420 -
Gonzalez Joins The Neal & Neal Team at Keller Williams Realty in New Braunfels
San Antonio welcomes Sonic Homes!


We have been compadres for nine years. I trust your food to be consistent, well thought out, and delicious. Your impressive champagne and wine list, the freshest fish flown in from Japan, and the relaxed art vibe never disappoint. The restaurant takes on the warmth of your personality.

HAPPY CRITIC: Tell us about yourself, Chef.

CHEF: I am the Executive Chef at Sukeban, located in the legendary Blue Star Arts Complex. I have invested many years of my life in mastering the art of sushi and finding happiness. Continuing my path of study and experimentation every day inspires me to work 18-hour days. Pairing food with the right wine has been my focus here at Sukeban. Searching for the right people to work with has been a key to my success. Twenty-eight years ago, I fell in love with food, and our relationship continues to blossom. I was deported to the United States from Nicaragua without family or being able to communicate in English. I started working as a dishwasher. By 20, I was apprenticing under sushi Chef Hilario Resendez at Tokyo Steak House on the northside. I worked my way up to Chef de Cuisine at the Argyle and traveled to Tokyo to train with celebrity Chef Takashi Tamura before joining the team as Executive Chef at

the Plaza Club. I am presently a Chef at Sukeban and aspire to open Omakase Macy in the future; Omakase in Japanese means "let the Chef do it." It's a great tradition that allows the Chef to create the customer's menu.

Every day is a new day. For the future, I leave everything in God's hands.

HAPPY CRITIC: What does it take to be a Chef?

CHEF: The love of people, dedication, passion, sacrificing family, holy days. Everything personal: day after day effort, doing what you were born to do, and you must have control of your kitchen.

HAPPY CRITIC: I know you create with love! Tell us about some happy dishes.

CHEF: My Signature Dish Chef Macy's Salmon Tartare! It's a gorgeous stacked sushi-grade salmon flown in from Scotland served over a salt-n-pepper-crusted sushi rice topped with a quail egg and a shallot caper sauce. An impressive seafood lovers dish is the Chilean Sea Bass floating in Sake butter and miso with a hint of white soy sauce. I remember serving this dish to Maestro Sebastian Land Lessing of our world-class symphony at the "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" event, and he told me: "This is the best Sea Bass I have eaten in America! " I was

grateful and amazed.

HAPPY CRITIC: Do you have a favorite cookbook and plans to write a cookbook?

CHEF: I like the Nobu Cookbook. I also like the Chef's Companion; It saved lives at the Argyle, a timeless, tiny private club nestled under the beautiful oaks in Alamo Heights. I am writing a cookbook, For the Love of Cooking. Introducing my life and journey, 70 recipes, and my CCQConsistency, Customer, Quality.

HAPPY CRITIC: What is the one ingredient you must have?

CHEF: Rice, of course. I tell my kitchen, "Without rice, we are nobody." Calrose Japanese Rice. It is essential. I have cooked with this special rice for a long time. The rice was brought to California by Asian immigrants during the gold rush.

HAPPY CRITIC: Tell me about your love of art.

CHEF: I am a sensitive guy. Being separated from my family was difficult. I especially missed my mother. At 18, painting and writing poetry helped me with my sadness. I have to have art in my life. It is in my soul. Because I chose cooking instead of painting 28 years ago, I turned to collecting art and sharing the wall space at Sukeban with the late great Artist Gilbert Duran. The portrait he painted of me is magnificent. It's hanging at the restaurant. I see the artist's depiction of me every day. Besides Duran, I have beautiful work from Cody Vance, Rodulfo Gaudi, and Teri Diaz de Leon.

HAPPY CRITIC: What food do you want me to taste before I go, and can I have the recipe?

CHEF: Spicy Tuna on a Wonton Crisp. " says Chef Macy with a big happy grin. Yes, you can have the recipe!

8 ounces of sushi-grade tuna, cubed

1 tablespoon masago

1 teaspoon sesame oil

2 ounces siracha

1/2 lemon

4 wonton wrappers

1.Combine tuna, siracha, sesame oils, masago, and lemon juice.

2.Fry four wonton wrapper

3.Dived mix into 4-2 ounce servings

4.Place each serving of tuna on the wrappers

5.Garnish with an avocado fan and cilantro

Happy Critic: Thank you, Chef, for such a great afternoon of camaraderie; the Spicy Tuna was divine! Finally, I have a few more tidbits to share with our readers. I learned that Sukeban means "Girl Boss." Hence, the Japanese Murals and Mon. I love that you suggest a glass of champagne with every meal. It's fantastic that you are again working with one of the men who trained you, Sushi Chef Hilario Resendez. And what an excellent Sushi Chef he is! This Happy Critic recommends Sukeban Sushi & Champagne Bar! Ask the Chef to create a dish. Whatever his mood, I promise you it will be unique and delicious. You can find Sukeban and Chef Macy at 1420 South Alamo at the Blue Star.

October 2023 Real Estate Newsline 19
Macy with Sukeban Sushi & Champagne Bar - Born To Cook: FHA Grade Carpet in stock for very prompt installation Call 210-655-8269 for FREE Estimates • Carpet • Hardwood • Ceramic Tile • Vinyl 12202 Bulverde Rd., San Antonio, TX 78217 Barton Co. Carpets – est. 1995 6 Month Deferred Interest Financing With Approved Credit *Always First Quality! * The Latest Styles! Do you have a listing that needs new flooring? FHA GRADE CARPET SOLIDS OR FRIEZES IN STOCK COLORS over 7/16” Pad, Installation Special Pricing For Realtors and Property Managers VINYL PLANK STARTING AT $.92 CENTS A SQ. FT.
Karen Evans / Contributing Writer
1 SABOR Keeping Posted October 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
October 2023 SABOR Keeping Posted 2
3 SABOR Keeping Posted October 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
October 2023 SABOR Keeping Posted 4

Beazer Homes Open House

24 Real Estate Newsline October 2023 Follow Us @renewsline
Ariel Valdez, Real Broker, Whitney Robinson, First Choice Realty with first time home buyers. Beazer Homes model at Veranda Debjit Kundu, Pinnacle Infotech, George Romero, Shawn Penn, Sam Martinez and Connie Hentosh all with Beazer James Allen, Real Estate Agent and Shawn Penn, Beazer Homes
to see and download more pictures from this event and others.
Art Torres, Xsellence Realty and Saloni Merchant, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Michael Lee-Kapsalis, Beazer Homes
Roman Velasquez, VIP Mortgage, Sola Okunoren, Beazer Homes, Megan Cloud and Dustinn Merritt both with VIP Mortgage
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